

ミッション実況生中継:1Jミッション - 「きぼう」組立ミッション - JAXA http://kibo.jaxa.jp/mission/1j/news/live/ STS-124 米国東部夏時間5月31日17時2分 日本時間6月1日午前6時2分(日本時間) 1日延期ごとに、打上げ時刻は20分早まるSpace Shuttle Disc…

Phoenix Lander NASA - Instruments on Phoenix Mars Lander NASA - NASA's Phoenix Lander Robotic Arm Camera Sees Possible Ice "TUCSON, Ariz.-- Scientists have discovered what may be ice that was exposed when soil was blown away as NASA's Phoe…


Google Earth API - Google Code http://code.google.com/apis/earth/ 「Google Earth」をブラウザで--グーグル、プラグインを発表: CNET Japan http://japan.cnet.com/news/media/story/0,2000056023,20374211,00.htm?tag=nl グーグル、ウェブアプリ開発ツ…


Phoenix Lander NASA - Instruments on Phoenix Mars Lander LHC: colder than space -Metro "Experiments, set to begin in late June, will generate enough data annually to fill 100,000 DVDs." http://www.metro.se/se/article/2008/05/27/14/2331-48/…

フランスさん、いつも御贔屓に 今回は違うおフランスさんだったけど(^^ゞ La sonde Phoenix s'est pos〓e sur Mars pour une mission tr〓s atten sur 20Minutes.fr http://www.20minutes.fr/article/232943/Sciences-La-sonde-Phoenix-s-est-posee-sur-Mars…

Phoenix Landing Events

"For the first time in 32 years, and only the third time in history, a JPL team has carried out a soft landing on Mars," Griffin said. "I couldn't be happier to be here to witness this incredible achievement." Phoenix Lands on Mars! http:/…

Phoenix Mars Lander Landing on the Red Plane

"Event Time (UTC) Time (PST) Cruise Stage Separation 23:39:17 16:39:17 Turn-to-Entry 23:39:47 16:39:47 Entry 23:46:17 16:46:17 Nominal Plasma Black out start 23:47:05 16:47:05 Nominal Plasma Black out end 23:49:05 16:49:05 Nominal Heatshie…

earthquake death toll 55,740

"China earthquake death toll rises to 55,740" Xinhua - English http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2008-05/23/content_8236649.htm 行方不明者は2万4960人 被災地域、放射性物質15個未回収 asahi.com: "被災地域にある50個の放射性物質に保管…

Phoenix Mission Briefings

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjEma3irQ1Q Liftoff! Phoenix Heads for Mars! Phoenix / Delta II (9min56sec) August 04, 2007 Phoenix Mars Mission - Where is Phoenix http://phoenix.lpl.arizona.edu/where_phoenix.php Mars Phoenix Lander http://…

gravity of the spider web

Hubble Survey Finds Missing Matter Credit: NASA, ESA, and E. Hallman (University of Colorado, Boulder) "This graphic represents a slice of the spider-web-like structure of the universe, called the "cosmic web." These great filaments are ma…

Supernova explosion observed in real time

Credit: NASA/Swift Science Team/Stefan Immler. 05.21.2008 - X-ray outburst leads to all-out study of supernova "The galaxy NGC 2770, some 90 million light years from Earth, before and after a massive Wolf-Rayet star exploded as a Type Ib s…

EV Lacertae: Unleashes Monster Flare

EV Lacertae Pipsqueak Star Unleashes Monster Flare "On April 25, NASA’s Swift satellite picked up the brightest flare ever seen from a normal star other than our Sun. The star, known as EV Lacertae, isn’t much to write home about. At a dis…

5月19日 〓波市 Ningbo

被災から160時間経過して 徳陽市と北川県で、2人が救出 "China declares national mourning China has announced three days of mourning for the tens of thousands of victims of Monday's earthquake." BBC NEWS http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pac…

5月18日 杭州市 Hangzhou

Chinese Flee Flood Threat Due to Quake - New York Times "CHENGDU, China ― Thousands of earthquake survivors fled tent camps and villages across the ravaged landscape of southwestern China on Saturday after the government warned that severa…

5月17日 浙江省 温州市 Zhejiang Wenzhou

Russian-European spacecraft to make first manned flight in 2018 - MOSCOW (AP) "Roskosmos said in a statement Wednesday that the space agencies want to conduct the first test flight in 2015 and the first manned launch in 2018." http://www.p…

GLAST 6/3に延期

"15日17時現在、解放軍は廃墟から5323人を救い出し、うち、178 1人は生きており、負傷者5200人は治療を受け、空輸物資は290トン、 空中投下物資は99トンだった。" 新華社 quake victims saved…

5月15日 井冈山市 Jinggangshan

"the map to find out more about some of the worst-affected places." BBC NEWS | Mapping the earthquake zone http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7400614.stm 救援活動に携わる人民解放軍と武装警察部隊は10万人規模 三日も生き埋めのまま救出…

5月14日 江西省 瑞金市 Jiangxi Ruijin

海保、抗議ボート阻む/辺野古調査 "十四日、基地建設に反対し作業船に抗議する市民団体のボートに、キャンプ・シュワブのビーチから出港した海上保安庁のボートが船に近づかないよう取り囲み警告をするなど、緊迫した状況が続いている" 沖縄タイムス http:/…

5月13日 龙岩市 Longyan

Expect 50,000 or more deaths in China earthquake :Boulder Daily Camera "who has researched earthquake activity in the Himalayas for decades and who has visited Chengdu, predicts the death toll could rise to 50,000 by the end of today and a…

5月12日 泉州市 Quanzhou

中国四川大地震、12日午後2時半 四川省 死者約1万 中国民政省、中国国営通信新華社によると、 四川大地震の死者は四川省など7省と重慶市で計9219人に上り、倒壊家屋は50万戸余1976年の唐山地震、死者24万 (30-60万諸説あり) 20世紀最大の地震被害…

5月11日 福建省 福州市Fujian Fuzhou

ESA Portal - XMM-Newton discovers part of missing matter in the universe "Astronomers using XMM-Newton were observing a pair of galaxy clusters, Abell 222 and Abell 223, situated at a distance of 2300 million light-years from Earth, when t…

5月10日 汕头市Shantou

胡錦濤、5月10日土曜日 5月10日土曜日 ・09:00 リーガロイヤルホテルから奈良に向けて出発。 ・09:50 法隆寺を視察 ・10:15 唐招提寺を視察 ・11:40 平城京跡、朱雀門を視察 ・12:10 奈良県知事会見(新公会堂) ・12:30 荒井正吾奈良県知事主催の昼食会=…

宇宙基本法 質疑わずか2時間・・・

宇宙基本法 質疑わずか2時間・・・ 関連研究者連中は もちろんダンマリを決め込むだけ 議員本当にお粗末だなぁ 共産新聞は嫌いだけど 以下、時系列で、 “宇宙軍拡”法案きょう採決/自公民が決定 質疑わずか2時間/衆院委 "衆院内閣委員会は八日の理事会にお…

5月8日 深〓市Shenzhen

UN 'disappointed' at Burma access "The UN says it is extremely disappointed at the slow progress made in securing access to victims of last weekend's cyclone in Burma." BBC NEWS http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7391008.stm "BURMESE …

5月7日 广东省 广州市Guangdong Guangzhou

結局はキャンセル?Re-Docking of Soyuz Spaceship "Re-Docking of Russian Spacecraft With Iss Cancelled - Source 4 May 2008, 21:00 CDT MOSCOW. May 4 (Interfax) - Russian Flight Control in Korolyov outside Moscow has cancelled the transfer of …

胡錦濤 来日

NASA Satellite Captures Image of Cyclone Nargis Flooding in Myanmar "According to reports from Accuweather.com, Cyclone Nargis made landfall with sustained winds of 130 mph and gusts of 150-160 mph, which is the equivalent of a strong Cate…

Transparency Crucial to Chinese International Space Role : Aviation Week "Advanced Shenzhou plans: Large graphics displayed at the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. (CASC) headquarters building at the campus of the Beijing Aeros…

海南省 三亚市 Hainan Sanya

http://chandra.harvard.edu/ 2004年から、宇宙論はどうなった・・・どうにもならなかったような・・・MAST.Galex.Home(MAST)MultiMission Archive at Space Telescope Science Institute "The Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) is a NASA mission led by …


Dalai Lama envoys heading to China talks AFP - NEW DELHI (AFP) ― Two Dalai Lama envoys will hold talks with Chinese officials Sunday in southern China, a spokesman for the exiled Tibetan leader said, Talks between Chinese, Dalai Lama offic…


"LHCビーム衝突点用超伝導電磁石の運転試験に成功 KEK:トピックス 欧州合同原子核研究機関CERNで建設中のLHC加速器において、ビーム衝突点の超伝導四極電磁石システムの運転試験に成功しました。 日本と米国の研究機関が開発・製造を担当" http://www.kek.jp…