Phoenix Mission Briefings
Liftoff! Phoenix Heads for Mars!
Phoenix / Delta II (9min56sec) August 04, 2007
Phoenix Mars Mission - Where is Phoenix

Mars Phoenix Lander
"Phoenix Mission Briefings
May 22, 2:30 p.m. (11:30 a.m. Pacific)
May 24, 3:00 p.m. (12:00 p.m. Pacific)
May 25, 3:00 p.m. (12:00 p.m. Pacific)
May 25, NASA TV coverage begins 6:30 p.m. (3:30 p.m. Pacific)
May 25, Landing on Mars at approximately 7:53 p.m. (4:53 p.m. Pacific) "

May 22
2:30 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Briefing - Entry Descent and Landing Overview - JPL
May 23
6 - 10 a.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Live Satellite Interviews with Dr. Michael Meyer - JPL
May 24
3 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Briefing - Landing Preview - JPL
May 25, Sunday
3 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Briefing - JPL
6 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Landing Coverage - JPL (Media Channel)
6:30 - 8:45 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Landing Coverage - JPL
9:30 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Briefing - First Downlink of Data - JPL
May 26, Monday
6 - 10 a.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Live Satellite Interviews - JPL (Media Channel)
12 a.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Post Landing Briefing - JPL
2 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - JPL

"The Phoenix Mars Lander was tested in a thermal vacuum chamber at Lockheed Martin's Denver facility to ensure that it could survive nearly 10 months in space on its way to Mars."
Tucson Weekly : Currents : Mars or Bust!

NASA's Swift Catches a Star Going 'Kaboom!'
Chandra Uncovers Youngest Supernova in Our Galaxy
Pipsqueak Star Unleashes Monster Flare
Exploring the Universe

Professor makes black hole breakthroughs, ballads -
"Although astronomers have detected black holes only in deep space, there is speculation that a black hole could be generated at the Large Hadron Collider, the multibillion-dollar particle accelerator under development at the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneva, Switzerland.
If you made a little tiny black hole in a laboratory, it wouldn't have that much gravity. It wouldn't suck in everything that's on the Earth; it would just suck in stuff that's within, say, a few millimeters of it," he said. "It wouldn't be the devastating danger that science-fiction writers would say, because it'd be a real tiny mass."

The World Wide Web turns 15 (again)
"30 April 1993. That's the day that Cern put the web in the public domain"
The original NeXT cube which hosted the first web server and browser

April 30, 2008
15th anniversary of the day the web's code was put into the public domain by Cern, the lab where the web was developed.
Web in infancy, says Berners-Lee
"We had toyed with the idea of asking for some sort of royalty. But Tim wasn't very much in favour of that."BBC NEWS |
Tim Berners-Lee :BBC Audio & Video- Search results

WWW inventor says web only in infancy | France 24
"The comments came on the anniversary of the announcement by CERN on April 30, 1993 that the World Wide Web could be used by everyone, after Berners-Lee and a colleague persuaded their bosses to provide the programme code for free.
Robert Cailliau, who worked with Berners-Lee to open up the web, stressed that not all the bosses at CERN were in favour of making the web universally accessible.
Competing technologies -- such as Gopher developed at the University of Minnesota in the United States -- were also offering a way of connecting documents on the Internet, he said.
If we had put a price on it like the University of Minnesota had done with Gopher then it would not have expanded into what it is now.
We would have had some sort of market share alongside services like AOL and Compuserve, but we would not have flattened the world.""

www一般開放15周年、発明者が語るウェブの理想: AFPBB News
ティム・バーナーズ・リーTim Berners-Lee
"CERNがWWWを一般開放するにあたっては、一部の上司が難色を示したと、リー氏の同僚Robert Cailliau氏は振り返る。
当時、米ミネソタ大学(University of Minnesota)では「Gopher」と呼ばれる類似の文献検索システムが開発されていた。「WWWをGopherのように有料にしていたら、WWWは今のようには全世界に普及せず、AOLやCompuserveのような1つのサービスにとどまっていただろう」とCailliau氏は語った"

Russian villagers living the horror of a nuclear explosion 50 years ago :
"On Sept. 29, 1957, a cooling system for a tank that stored liquid radioactive waste exploded at the Mayak nuclear plant. The facility had manufactured the Soviet Union's first plutonium for atomic bombs.
The blast scattered radioactive matter over 20,000 square kilometers. In total, 270,000 residents of 217 villages were affected, according to a report compiled by environmental protection group Greenpeace Russia, based on the government's data and other materials.
The worst affected were some 10,000 residents of 23 villages. Their areas were so badly contaminated that they were secretly forced to be relocated to other areas."


四川大地震:テントの優先的援助を国際社会に期待 [中国情報局]

"メドベージェフ大統領には、ロシアの企業代表団が随行し、両国間の貿易構造改善と互いの投資拡大も検討" [中国情報局]
なぜか一部大富裕の共産中国と、鉱山王とかxx王とがいるプーチン帝政ロシアかぁ お金の世界に成り果てて

5月12日地震発生当日の、地元のテレビ局四川衛視 [中国情報局]

そういうことだっ? MS-IME かな漢字変換モデルを変更したことが
MS-IME の開発は中国主体ですが、日本の人も関わっているし、
シアトルの MSR の(日本人の)研究者も関わっていますよ。

古川 享 ブログ: MS IMEさらに...お馬鹿になっていく
"某MS社員に、「MS IME最近どうなっているのよ?」と先週聞いた答えが...「IME開発の主体が、中国にシフトしまっていて我々も手を出せない......個人的にはATOKに切り替えようと思っている」と言う現役開発系社員の発言に絶句!!! "!156823E649BD3714!9079.entry

なぜか変換できない vs. なぜか変換できる:最近の「MS-IME」は目に余る
Liftoff! Phoenix Heads for Mars!
Phoenix / Delta II (9min56sec) August 04, 2007
Phoenix Mars Mission - Where is Phoenix

Mars Phoenix Lander
"Phoenix Mission Briefings
May 22, 2:30 p.m. (11:30 a.m. Pacific)
May 24, 3:00 p.m. (12:00 p.m. Pacific)
May 25, 3:00 p.m. (12:00 p.m. Pacific)
May 25, NASA TV coverage begins 6:30 p.m. (3:30 p.m. Pacific)
May 25, Landing on Mars at approximately 7:53 p.m. (4:53 p.m. Pacific) "

May 22
2:30 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Briefing - Entry Descent and Landing Overview - JPL
May 23
6 - 10 a.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Live Satellite Interviews with Dr. Michael Meyer - JPL
May 24
3 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Briefing - Landing Preview - JPL
May 25, Sunday
3 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Briefing - JPL
6 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Landing Coverage - JPL (Media Channel)
6:30 - 8:45 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Landing Coverage - JPL
9:30 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Briefing - First Downlink of Data - JPL
May 26, Monday
6 - 10 a.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Live Satellite Interviews - JPL (Media Channel)
12 a.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Post Landing Briefing - JPL
2 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - JPL

"The Phoenix Mars Lander was tested in a thermal vacuum chamber at Lockheed Martin's Denver facility to ensure that it could survive nearly 10 months in space on its way to Mars."
Tucson Weekly : Currents : Mars or Bust!

NASA's Swift Catches a Star Going 'Kaboom!'
Chandra Uncovers Youngest Supernova in Our Galaxy
Pipsqueak Star Unleashes Monster Flare
Exploring the Universe

Professor makes black hole breakthroughs, ballads -
"Although astronomers have detected black holes only in deep space, there is speculation that a black hole could be generated at the Large Hadron Collider, the multibillion-dollar particle accelerator under development at the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneva, Switzerland.
If you made a little tiny black hole in a laboratory, it wouldn't have that much gravity. It wouldn't suck in everything that's on the Earth; it would just suck in stuff that's within, say, a few millimeters of it," he said. "It wouldn't be the devastating danger that science-fiction writers would say, because it'd be a real tiny mass."

The World Wide Web turns 15 (again)
"30 April 1993. That's the day that Cern put the web in the public domain"
The original NeXT cube which hosted the first web server and browser

April 30, 2008
15th anniversary of the day the web's code was put into the public domain by Cern, the lab where the web was developed.
Web in infancy, says Berners-Lee
"We had toyed with the idea of asking for some sort of royalty. But Tim wasn't very much in favour of that."BBC NEWS |
Tim Berners-Lee :BBC Audio & Video- Search results

WWW inventor says web only in infancy | France 24
"The comments came on the anniversary of the announcement by CERN on April 30, 1993 that the World Wide Web could be used by everyone, after Berners-Lee and a colleague persuaded their bosses to provide the programme code for free.
Robert Cailliau, who worked with Berners-Lee to open up the web, stressed that not all the bosses at CERN were in favour of making the web universally accessible.
Competing technologies -- such as Gopher developed at the University of Minnesota in the United States -- were also offering a way of connecting documents on the Internet, he said.
If we had put a price on it like the University of Minnesota had done with Gopher then it would not have expanded into what it is now.
We would have had some sort of market share alongside services like AOL and Compuserve, but we would not have flattened the world.""

www一般開放15周年、発明者が語るウェブの理想: AFPBB News
ティム・バーナーズ・リーTim Berners-Lee
"CERNがWWWを一般開放するにあたっては、一部の上司が難色を示したと、リー氏の同僚Robert Cailliau氏は振り返る。
当時、米ミネソタ大学(University of Minnesota)では「Gopher」と呼ばれる類似の文献検索システムが開発されていた。「WWWをGopherのように有料にしていたら、WWWは今のようには全世界に普及せず、AOLやCompuserveのような1つのサービスにとどまっていただろう」とCailliau氏は語った"

Russian villagers living the horror of a nuclear explosion 50 years ago :
"On Sept. 29, 1957, a cooling system for a tank that stored liquid radioactive waste exploded at the Mayak nuclear plant. The facility had manufactured the Soviet Union's first plutonium for atomic bombs.
The blast scattered radioactive matter over 20,000 square kilometers. In total, 270,000 residents of 217 villages were affected, according to a report compiled by environmental protection group Greenpeace Russia, based on the government's data and other materials.
The worst affected were some 10,000 residents of 23 villages. Their areas were so badly contaminated that they were secretly forced to be relocated to other areas."


四川大地震:テントの優先的援助を国際社会に期待 [中国情報局]

"メドベージェフ大統領には、ロシアの企業代表団が随行し、両国間の貿易構造改善と互いの投資拡大も検討" [中国情報局]
なぜか一部大富裕の共産中国と、鉱山王とかxx王とがいるプーチン帝政ロシアかぁ お金の世界に成り果てて

5月12日地震発生当日の、地元のテレビ局四川衛視 [中国情報局]

そういうことだっ? MS-IME かな漢字変換モデルを変更したことが
MS-IME の開発は中国主体ですが、日本の人も関わっているし、
シアトルの MSR の(日本人の)研究者も関わっていますよ。

古川 享 ブログ: MS IMEさらに...お馬鹿になっていく
"某MS社員に、「MS IME最近どうなっているのよ?」と先週聞いた答えが...「IME開発の主体が、中国にシフトしまっていて我々も手を出せない......個人的にはATOKに切り替えようと思っている」と言う現役開発系社員の発言に絶句!!! "!156823E649BD3714!9079.entry

なぜか変換できない vs. なぜか変換できる:最近の「MS-IME」は目に余る
Liftoff! Phoenix Heads for Mars!
Phoenix / Delta II (9min56sec) August 04, 2007
Phoenix Mars Mission - Where is Phoenix

Mars Phoenix Lander
"Phoenix Mission Briefings
May 22, 2:30 p.m. (11:30 a.m. Pacific)
May 24, 3:00 p.m. (12:00 p.m. Pacific)
May 25, 3:00 p.m. (12:00 p.m. Pacific)
May 25, NASA TV coverage begins 6:30 p.m. (3:30 p.m. Pacific)
May 25, Landing on Mars at approximately 7:53 p.m. (4:53 p.m. Pacific) "

May 22
2:30 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Briefing - Entry Descent and Landing Overview - JPL
May 23
6 - 10 a.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Live Satellite Interviews with Dr. Michael Meyer - JPL
May 24
3 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Briefing - Landing Preview - JPL
May 25, Sunday
3 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Briefing - JPL
6 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Landing Coverage - JPL (Media Channel)
6:30 - 8:45 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Landing Coverage - JPL
9:30 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Briefing - First Downlink of Data - JPL
May 26, Monday
6 - 10 a.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Live Satellite Interviews - JPL (Media Channel)
12 a.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Post Landing Briefing - JPL
2 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - JPL

"The Phoenix Mars Lander was tested in a thermal vacuum chamber at Lockheed Martin's Denver facility to ensure that it could survive nearly 10 months in space on its way to Mars."
Tucson Weekly : Currents : Mars or Bust!

NASA's Swift Catches a Star Going 'Kaboom!'
Chandra Uncovers Youngest Supernova in Our Galaxy
Pipsqueak Star Unleashes Monster Flare
Exploring the Universe

Professor makes black hole breakthroughs, ballads -
"Although astronomers have detected black holes only in deep space, there is speculation that a black hole could be generated at the Large Hadron Collider, the multibillion-dollar particle accelerator under development at the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneva, Switzerland.
If you made a little tiny black hole in a laboratory, it wouldn't have that much gravity. It wouldn't suck in everything that's on the Earth; it would just suck in stuff that's within, say, a few millimeters of it," he said. "It wouldn't be the devastating danger that science-fiction writers would say, because it'd be a real tiny mass."

The World Wide Web turns 15 (again)
"30 April 1993. That's the day that Cern put the web in the public domain"
The original NeXT cube which hosted the first web server and browser

April 30, 2008
15th anniversary of the day the web's code was put into the public domain by Cern, the lab where the web was developed.
Web in infancy, says Berners-Lee
"We had toyed with the idea of asking for some sort of royalty. But Tim wasn't very much in favour of that."BBC NEWS |
Tim Berners-Lee :BBC Audio & Video- Search results

WWW inventor says web only in infancy | France 24
"The comments came on the anniversary of the announcement by CERN on April 30, 1993 that the World Wide Web could be used by everyone, after Berners-Lee and a colleague persuaded their bosses to provide the programme code for free.
Robert Cailliau, who worked with Berners-Lee to open up the web, stressed that not all the bosses at CERN were in favour of making the web universally accessible.
Competing technologies -- such as Gopher developed at the University of Minnesota in the United States -- were also offering a way of connecting documents on the Internet, he said.
If we had put a price on it like the University of Minnesota had done with Gopher then it would not have expanded into what it is now.
We would have had some sort of market share alongside services like AOL and Compuserve, but we would not have flattened the world.""

www一般開放15周年、発明者が語るウェブの理想: AFPBB News
ティム・バーナーズ・リーTim Berners-Lee
"CERNがWWWを一般開放するにあたっては、一部の上司が難色を示したと、リー氏の同僚Robert Cailliau氏は振り返る。
当時、米ミネソタ大学(University of Minnesota)では「Gopher」と呼ばれる類似の文献検索システムが開発されていた。「WWWをGopherのように有料にしていたら、WWWは今のようには全世界に普及せず、AOLやCompuserveのような1つのサービスにとどまっていただろう」とCailliau氏は語った"

Russian villagers living the horror of a nuclear explosion 50 years ago :
"On Sept. 29, 1957, a cooling system for a tank that stored liquid radioactive waste exploded at the Mayak nuclear plant. The facility had manufactured the Soviet Union's first plutonium for atomic bombs.
The blast scattered radioactive matter over 20,000 square kilometers. In total, 270,000 residents of 217 villages were affected, according to a report compiled by environmental protection group Greenpeace Russia, based on the government's data and other materials.
The worst affected were some 10,000 residents of 23 villages. Their areas were so badly contaminated that they were secretly forced to be relocated to other areas."


四川大地震:テントの優先的援助を国際社会に期待 [中国情報局]

"メドベージェフ大統領には、ロシアの企業代表団が随行し、両国間の貿易構造改善と互いの投資拡大も検討" [中国情報局]
なぜか一部大富裕の共産中国と、鉱山王とかxx王とがいるプーチン帝政ロシアかぁ お金の世界に成り果てて

5月12日地震発生当日の、地元のテレビ局四川衛視 [中国情報局]

そういうことだっ? MS-IME かな漢字変換モデルを変更したことが
MS-IME の開発は中国主体ですが、日本の人も関わっているし、
シアトルの MSR の(日本人の)研究者も関わっていますよ。

古川 享 ブログ: MS IMEさらに...お馬鹿になっていく
"某MS社員に、「MS IME最近どうなっているのよ?」と先週聞いた答えが...「IME開発の主体が、中国にシフトしまっていて我々も手を出せない......個人的にはATOKに切り替えようと思っている」と言う現役開発系社員の発言に絶句!!! "!156823E649BD3714!9079.entry

なぜか変換できない vs. なぜか変換できる:最近の「MS-IME」は目に余る

Liftoff! Phoenix Heads for Mars!
Phoenix / Delta II (9min56sec) August 04, 2007
Phoenix Mars Mission - Where is Phoenix

Mars Phoenix Lander
"Phoenix Mission Briefings
May 22, 2:30 p.m. (11:30 a.m. Pacific)
May 24, 3:00 p.m. (12:00 p.m. Pacific)
May 25, 3:00 p.m. (12:00 p.m. Pacific)
May 25, NASA TV coverage begins 6:30 p.m. (3:30 p.m. Pacific)
May 25, Landing on Mars at approximately 7:53 p.m. (4:53 p.m. Pacific) "

May 22
2:30 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Briefing - Entry Descent and Landing Overview - JPL
May 23
6 - 10 a.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Live Satellite Interviews with Dr. Michael Meyer - JPL
May 24
3 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Briefing - Landing Preview - JPL
May 25, Sunday
3 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Briefing - JPL
6 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Landing Coverage - JPL (Media Channel)
6:30 - 8:45 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Landing Coverage - JPL
9:30 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Briefing - First Downlink of Data - JPL
May 26, Monday
6 - 10 a.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Live Satellite Interviews - JPL (Media Channel)
12 a.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Post Landing Briefing - JPL
2 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - JPL

"The Phoenix Mars Lander was tested in a thermal vacuum chamber at Lockheed Martin's Denver facility to ensure that it could survive nearly 10 months in space on its way to Mars."
Tucson Weekly : Currents : Mars or Bust!

NASA's Swift Catches a Star Going 'Kaboom!'
Chandra Uncovers Youngest Supernova in Our Galaxy
Pipsqueak Star Unleashes Monster Flare
Exploring the Universe

Professor makes black hole breakthroughs, ballads -
"Although astronomers have detected black holes only in deep space, there is speculation that a black hole could be generated at the Large Hadron Collider, the multibillion-dollar particle accelerator under development at the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneva, Switzerland.
If you made a little tiny black hole in a laboratory, it wouldn't have that much gravity. It wouldn't suck in everything that's on the Earth; it would just suck in stuff that's within, say, a few millimeters of it," he said. "It wouldn't be the devastating danger that science-fiction writers would say, because it'd be a real tiny mass."

The World Wide Web turns 15 (again)
"30 April 1993. That's the day that Cern put the web in the public domain"
The original NeXT cube which hosted the first web server and browser

April 30, 2008
15th anniversary of the day the web's code was put into the public domain by Cern, the lab where the web was developed.
Web in infancy, says Berners-Lee
"We had toyed with the idea of asking for some sort of royalty. But Tim wasn't very much in favour of that."BBC NEWS |
Tim Berners-Lee :BBC Audio & Video- Search results

WWW inventor says web only in infancy | France 24
"The comments came on the anniversary of the announcement by CERN on April 30, 1993 that the World Wide Web could be used by everyone, after Berners-Lee and a colleague persuaded their bosses to provide the programme code for free.
Robert Cailliau, who worked with Berners-Lee to open up the web, stressed that not all the bosses at CERN were in favour of making the web universally accessible.
Competing technologies -- such as Gopher developed at the University of Minnesota in the United States -- were also offering a way of connecting documents on the Internet, he said.
If we had put a price on it like the University of Minnesota had done with Gopher then it would not have expanded into what it is now.
We would have had some sort of market share alongside services like AOL and Compuserve, but we would not have flattened the world.""

www一般開放15周年、発明者が語るウェブの理想: AFPBB News
ティム・バーナーズ・リーTim Berners-Lee
"CERNがWWWを一般開放するにあたっては、一部の上司が難色を示したと、リー氏の同僚Robert Cailliau氏は振り返る。
当時、米ミネソタ大学(University of Minnesota)では「Gopher」と呼ばれる類似の文献検索システムが開発されていた。「WWWをGopherのように有料にしていたら、WWWは今のようには全世界に普及せず、AOLやCompuserveのような1つのサービスにとどまっていただろう」とCailliau氏は語った"

Russian villagers living the horror of a nuclear explosion 50 years ago :
"On Sept. 29, 1957, a cooling system for a tank that stored liquid radioactive waste exploded at the Mayak nuclear plant. The facility had manufactured the Soviet Union's first plutonium for atomic bombs.
The blast scattered radioactive matter over 20,000 square kilometers. In total, 270,000 residents of 217 villages were affected, according to a report compiled by environmental protection group Greenpeace Russia, based on the government's data and other materials.
The worst affected were some 10,000 residents of 23 villages. Their areas were so badly contaminated that they were secretly forced to be relocated to other areas."


四川大地震:テントの優先的援助を国際社会に期待 [中国情報局]

"メドベージェフ大統領には、ロシアの企業代表団が随行し、両国間の貿易構造改善と互いの投資拡大も検討" [中国情報局]
なぜか一部大富裕の共産中国と、鉱山王とかxx王とがいるプーチン帝政ロシアかぁ お金の世界に成り果てて

5月12日地震発生当日の、地元のテレビ局四川衛視 [中国情報局]

そういうことだっ? MS-IME かな漢字変換モデルを変更したことが
MS-IME の開発は中国主体ですが、日本の人も関わっているし、
シアトルの MSR の(日本人の)研究者も関わっていますよ。

古川 享 ブログ: MS IMEさらに...お馬鹿になっていく
"某MS社員に、「MS IME最近どうなっているのよ?」と先週聞いた答えが...「IME開発の主体が、中国にシフトしまっていて我々も手を出せない......個人的にはATOKに切り替えようと思っている」と言う現役開発系社員の発言に絶句!!! "!156823E649BD3714!9079.entry

なぜか変換できない vs. なぜか変換できる:最近の「MS-IME」は目に余る
Liftoff! Phoenix Heads for Mars!
Phoenix / Delta II (9min56sec) August 04, 2007
Phoenix Mars Mission - Where is Phoenix

Mars Phoenix Lander
"Phoenix Mission Briefings
May 22, 2:30 p.m. (11:30 a.m. Pacific)
May 24, 3:00 p.m. (12:00 p.m. Pacific)
May 25, 3:00 p.m. (12:00 p.m. Pacific)
May 25, NASA TV coverage begins 6:30 p.m. (3:30 p.m. Pacific)
May 25, Landing on Mars at approximately 7:53 p.m. (4:53 p.m. Pacific) "

May 22
2:30 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Briefing - Entry Descent and Landing Overview - JPL
May 23
6 - 10 a.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Live Satellite Interviews with Dr. Michael Meyer - JPL
May 24
3 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Briefing - Landing Preview - JPL
May 25, Sunday
3 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Briefing - JPL
6 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Landing Coverage - JPL (Media Channel)
6:30 - 8:45 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Landing Coverage - JPL
9:30 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Briefing - First Downlink of Data - JPL
May 26, Monday
6 - 10 a.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Live Satellite Interviews - JPL (Media Channel)
12 a.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Post Landing Briefing - JPL
2 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - JPL

"The Phoenix Mars Lander was tested in a thermal vacuum chamber at Lockheed Martin's Denver facility to ensure that it could survive nearly 10 months in space on its way to Mars."
Tucson Weekly : Currents : Mars or Bust!

NASA's Swift Catches a Star Going 'Kaboom!'
Chandra Uncovers Youngest Supernova in Our Galaxy
Pipsqueak Star Unleashes Monster Flare
Exploring the Universe

Professor makes black hole breakthroughs, ballads -
"Although astronomers have detected black holes only in deep space, there is speculation that a black hole could be generated at the Large Hadron Collider, the multibillion-dollar particle accelerator under development at the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneva, Switzerland.
If you made a little tiny black hole in a laboratory, it wouldn't have that much gravity. It wouldn't suck in everything that's on the Earth; it would just suck in stuff that's within, say, a few millimeters of it," he said. "It wouldn't be the devastating danger that science-fiction writers would say, because it'd be a real tiny mass."

The World Wide Web turns 15 (again)
"30 April 1993. That's the day that Cern put the web in the public domain"
The original NeXT cube which hosted the first web server and browser

April 30, 2008
15th anniversary of the day the web's code was put into the public domain by Cern, the lab where the web was developed.
Web in infancy, says Berners-Lee
"We had toyed with the idea of asking for some sort of royalty. But Tim wasn't very much in favour of that."BBC NEWS |
Tim Berners-Lee :BBC Audio & Video- Search results

WWW inventor says web only in infancy | France 24
"The comments came on the anniversary of the announcement by CERN on April 30, 1993 that the World Wide Web could be used by everyone, after Berners-Lee and a colleague persuaded their bosses to provide the programme code for free.
Robert Cailliau, who worked with Berners-Lee to open up the web, stressed that not all the bosses at CERN were in favour of making the web universally accessible.
Competing technologies -- such as Gopher developed at the University of Minnesota in the United States -- were also offering a way of connecting documents on the Internet, he said.
If we had put a price on it like the University of Minnesota had done with Gopher then it would not have expanded into what it is now.
We would have had some sort of market share alongside services like AOL and Compuserve, but we would not have flattened the world.""

www一般開放15周年、発明者が語るウェブの理想: AFPBB News
ティム・バーナーズ・リーTim Berners-Lee
"CERNがWWWを一般開放するにあたっては、一部の上司が難色を示したと、リー氏の同僚Robert Cailliau氏は振り返る。
当時、米ミネソタ大学(University of Minnesota)では「Gopher」と呼ばれる類似の文献検索システムが開発されていた。「WWWをGopherのように有料にしていたら、WWWは今のようには全世界に普及せず、AOLやCompuserveのような1つのサービスにとどまっていただろう」とCailliau氏は語った"

Russian villagers living the horror of a nuclear explosion 50 years ago :
"On Sept. 29, 1957, a cooling system for a tank that stored liquid radioactive waste exploded at the Mayak nuclear plant. The facility had manufactured the Soviet Union's first plutonium for atomic bombs.
The blast scattered radioactive matter over 20,000 square kilometers. In total, 270,000 residents of 217 villages were affected, according to a report compiled by environmental protection group Greenpeace Russia, based on the government's data and other materials.
The worst affected were some 10,000 residents of 23 villages. Their areas were so badly contaminated that they were secretly forced to be relocated to other areas."


四川大地震:テントの優先的援助を国際社会に期待 [中国情報局]

"メドベージェフ大統領には、ロシアの企業代表団が随行し、両国間の貿易構造改善と互いの投資拡大も検討" [中国情報局]
なぜか一部大富裕の共産中国と、鉱山王とかxx王とがいるプーチン帝政ロシアかぁ お金の世界に成り果てて

5月12日地震発生当日の、地元のテレビ局四川衛視 [中国情報局]

そういうことだっ? MS-IME かな漢字変換モデルを変更したことが
MS-IME の開発は中国主体ですが、日本の人も関わっているし、
シアトルの MSR の(日本人の)研究者も関わっていますよ。

古川 享 ブログ: MS IMEさらに...お馬鹿になっていく
"某MS社員に、「MS IME最近どうなっているのよ?」と先週聞いた答えが...「IME開発の主体が、中国にシフトしまっていて我々も手を出せない......個人的にはATOKに切り替えようと思っている」と言う現役開発系社員の発言に絶句!!! "!156823E649BD3714!9079.entry

なぜか変換できない vs. なぜか変換できる:最近の「MS-IME」は目に余る
Liftoff! Phoenix Heads for Mars!
Phoenix / Delta II (9min56sec) August 04, 2007
Phoenix Mars Mission - Where is Phoenix

Mars Phoenix Lander
"Phoenix Mission Briefings
May 22, 2:30 p.m. (11:30 a.m. Pacific)
May 24, 3:00 p.m. (12:00 p.m. Pacific)
May 25, 3:00 p.m. (12:00 p.m. Pacific)
May 25, NASA TV coverage begins 6:30 p.m. (3:30 p.m. Pacific)
May 25, Landing on Mars at approximately 7:53 p.m. (4:53 p.m. Pacific) "

May 22
2:30 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Briefing - Entry Descent and Landing Overview - JPL
May 23
6 - 10 a.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Live Satellite Interviews with Dr. Michael Meyer - JPL
May 24
3 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Briefing - Landing Preview - JPL
May 25, Sunday
3 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Briefing - JPL
6 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Landing Coverage - JPL (Media Channel)
6:30 - 8:45 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Landing Coverage - JPL
9:30 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Briefing - First Downlink of Data - JPL
May 26, Monday
6 - 10 a.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Live Satellite Interviews - JPL (Media Channel)
12 a.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Post Landing Briefing - JPL
2 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - JPL

"The Phoenix Mars Lander was tested in a thermal vacuum chamber at Lockheed Martin's Denver facility to ensure that it could survive nearly 10 months in space on its way to Mars."
Tucson Weekly : Currents : Mars or Bust!

NASA's Swift Catches a Star Going 'Kaboom!'
Chandra Uncovers Youngest Supernova in Our Galaxy
Pipsqueak Star Unleashes Monster Flare
Exploring the Universe

Professor makes black hole breakthroughs, ballads -
"Although astronomers have detected black holes only in deep space, there is speculation that a black hole could be generated at the Large Hadron Collider, the multibillion-dollar particle accelerator under development at the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneva, Switzerland.
If you made a little tiny black hole in a laboratory, it wouldn't have that much gravity. It wouldn't suck in everything that's on the Earth; it would just suck in stuff that's within, say, a few millimeters of it," he said. "It wouldn't be the devastating danger that science-fiction writers would say, because it'd be a real tiny mass."

The World Wide Web turns 15 (again)
"30 April 1993. That's the day that Cern put the web in the public domain"
The original NeXT cube which hosted the first web server and browser

April 30, 2008
15th anniversary of the day the web's code was put into the public domain by Cern, the lab where the web was developed.
Web in infancy, says Berners-Lee
"We had toyed with the idea of asking for some sort of royalty. But Tim wasn't very much in favour of that."BBC NEWS |
Tim Berners-Lee :BBC Audio & Video- Search results

WWW inventor says web only in infancy | France 24
"The comments came on the anniversary of the announcement by CERN on April 30, 1993 that the World Wide Web could be used by everyone, after Berners-Lee and a colleague persuaded their bosses to provide the programme code for free.
Robert Cailliau, who worked with Berners-Lee to open up the web, stressed that not all the bosses at CERN were in favour of making the web universally accessible.
Competing technologies -- such as Gopher developed at the University of Minnesota in the United States -- were also offering a way of connecting documents on the Internet, he said.
If we had put a price on it like the University of Minnesota had done with Gopher then it would not have expanded into what it is now.
We would have had some sort of market share alongside services like AOL and Compuserve, but we would not have flattened the world.""

www一般開放15周年、発明者が語るウェブの理想: AFPBB News
ティム・バーナーズ・リーTim Berners-Lee
"CERNがWWWを一般開放するにあたっては、一部の上司が難色を示したと、リー氏の同僚Robert Cailliau氏は振り返る。
当時、米ミネソタ大学(University of Minnesota)では「Gopher」と呼ばれる類似の文献検索システムが開発されていた。「WWWをGopherのように有料にしていたら、WWWは今のようには全世界に普及せず、AOLやCompuserveのような1つのサービスにとどまっていただろう」とCailliau氏は語った"

Russian villagers living the horror of a nuclear explosion 50 years ago :
"On Sept. 29, 1957, a cooling system for a tank that stored liquid radioactive waste exploded at the Mayak nuclear plant. The facility had manufactured the Soviet Union's first plutonium for atomic bombs.
The blast scattered radioactive matter over 20,000 square kilometers. In total, 270,000 residents of 217 villages were affected, according to a report compiled by environmental protection group Greenpeace Russia, based on the government's data and other materials.
The worst affected were some 10,000 residents of 23 villages. Their areas were so badly contaminated that they were secretly forced to be relocated to other areas."


四川大地震:テントの優先的援助を国際社会に期待 [中国情報局]

"メドベージェフ大統領には、ロシアの企業代表団が随行し、両国間の貿易構造改善と互いの投資拡大も検討" [中国情報局]
なぜか一部大富裕の共産中国と、鉱山王とかxx王とがいるプーチン帝政ロシアかぁ お金の世界に成り果てて

5月12日地震発生当日の、地元のテレビ局四川衛視 [中国情報局]

そういうことだっ? MS-IME かな漢字変換モデルを変更したことが
MS-IME の開発は中国主体ですが、日本の人も関わっているし、
シアトルの MSR の(日本人の)研究者も関わっていますよ。

古川 享 ブログ: MS IMEさらに...お馬鹿になっていく
"某MS社員に、「MS IME最近どうなっているのよ?」と先週聞いた答えが...「IME開発の主体が、中国にシフトしまっていて我々も手を出せない......個人的にはATOKに切り替えようと思っている」と言う現役開発系社員の発言に絶句!!! "!156823E649BD3714!9079.entry

なぜか変換できない vs. なぜか変換できる:最近の「MS-IME」は目に余る
Liftoff! Phoenix Heads for Mars!
Phoenix / Delta II (9min56sec) August 04, 2007
Phoenix Mars Mission - Where is Phoenix

Mars Phoenix Lander
"Phoenix Mission Briefings
May 22, 2:30 p.m. (11:30 a.m. Pacific)
May 24, 3:00 p.m. (12:00 p.m. Pacific)
May 25, 3:00 p.m. (12:00 p.m. Pacific)
May 25, NASA TV coverage begins 6:30 p.m. (3:30 p.m. Pacific)
May 25, Landing on Mars at approximately 7:53 p.m. (4:53 p.m. Pacific) "

May 22
2:30 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Briefing - Entry Descent and Landing Overview - JPL
May 23
6 - 10 a.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Live Satellite Interviews with Dr. Michael Meyer - JPL
May 24
3 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Briefing - Landing Preview - JPL
May 25, Sunday
3 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Briefing - JPL
6 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Landing Coverage - JPL (Media Channel)
6:30 - 8:45 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Landing Coverage - JPL
9:30 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Briefing - First Downlink of Data - JPL
May 26, Monday
6 - 10 a.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Live Satellite Interviews - JPL (Media Channel)
12 a.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Post Landing Briefing - JPL
2 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - JPL

"The Phoenix Mars Lander was tested in a thermal vacuum chamber at Lockheed Martin's Denver facility to ensure that it could survive nearly 10 months in space on its way to Mars."
Tucson Weekly : Currents : Mars or Bust!

NASA's Swift Catches a Star Going 'Kaboom!'
Chandra Uncovers Youngest Supernova in Our Galaxy
Pipsqueak Star Unleashes Monster Flare
Exploring the Universe

Professor makes black hole breakthroughs, ballads -
"Although astronomers have detected black holes only in deep space, there is speculation that a black hole could be generated at the Large Hadron Collider, the multibillion-dollar particle accelerator under development at the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneva, Switzerland.
If you made a little tiny black hole in a laboratory, it wouldn't have that much gravity. It wouldn't suck in everything that's on the Earth; it would just suck in stuff that's within, say, a few millimeters of it," he said. "It wouldn't be the devastating danger that science-fiction writers would say, because it'd be a real tiny mass."

The World Wide Web turns 15 (again)
"30 April 1993. That's the day that Cern put the web in the public domain"
The original NeXT cube which hosted the first web server and browser

April 30, 2008
15th anniversary of the day the web's code was put into the public domain by Cern, the lab where the web was developed.
Web in infancy, says Berners-Lee
"We had toyed with the idea of asking for some sort of royalty. But Tim wasn't very much in favour of that."BBC NEWS |
Tim Berners-Lee :BBC Audio & Video- Search results

WWW inventor says web only in infancy | France 24
"The comments came on the anniversary of the announcement by CERN on April 30, 1993 that the World Wide Web could be used by everyone, after Berners-Lee and a colleague persuaded their bosses to provide the programme code for free.
Robert Cailliau, who worked with Berners-Lee to open up the web, stressed that not all the bosses at CERN were in favour of making the web universally accessible.
Competing technologies -- such as Gopher developed at the University of Minnesota in the United States -- were also offering a way of connecting documents on the Internet, he said.
If we had put a price on it like the University of Minnesota had done with Gopher then it would not have expanded into what it is now.
We would have had some sort of market share alongside services like AOL and Compuserve, but we would not have flattened the world.""

www一般開放15周年、発明者が語るウェブの理想: AFPBB News
ティム・バーナーズ・リーTim Berners-Lee
"CERNがWWWを一般開放するにあたっては、一部の上司が難色を示したと、リー氏の同僚Robert Cailliau氏は振り返る。
当時、米ミネソタ大学(University of Minnesota)では「Gopher」と呼ばれる類似の文献検索システムが開発されていた。「WWWをGopherのように有料にしていたら、WWWは今のようには全世界に普及せず、AOLやCompuserveのような1つのサービスにとどまっていただろう」とCailliau氏は語った"

Russian villagers living the horror of a nuclear explosion 50 years ago :
"On Sept. 29, 1957, a cooling system for a tank that stored liquid radioactive waste exploded at the Mayak nuclear plant. The facility had manufactured the Soviet Union's first plutonium for atomic bombs.
The blast scattered radioactive matter over 20,000 square kilometers. In total, 270,000 residents of 217 villages were affected, according to a report compiled by environmental protection group Greenpeace Russia, based on the government's data and other materials.
The worst affected were some 10,000 residents of 23 villages. Their areas were so badly contaminated that they were secretly forced to be relocated to other areas."


四川大地震:テントの優先的援助を国際社会に期待 [中国情報局]

"メドベージェフ大統領には、ロシアの企業代表団が随行し、両国間の貿易構造改善と互いの投資拡大も検討" [中国情報局]
なぜか一部大富裕の共産中国と、鉱山王とかxx王とがいるプーチン帝政ロシアかぁ お金の世界に成り果てて

5月12日地震発生当日の、地元のテレビ局四川衛視 [中国情報局]

そういうことだっ? MS-IME かな漢字変換モデルを変更したことが
MS-IME の開発は中国主体ですが、日本の人も関わっているし、
シアトルの MSR の(日本人の)研究者も関わっていますよ。

古川 享 ブログ: MS IMEさらに...お馬鹿になっていく
"某MS社員に、「MS IME最近どうなっているのよ?」と先週聞いた答えが...「IME開発の主体が、中国にシフトしまっていて我々も手を出せない......個人的にはATOKに切り替えようと思っている」と言う現役開発系社員の発言に絶句!!! "!156823E649BD3714!9079.entry

なぜか変換できない vs. なぜか変換できる:最近の「MS-IME」は目に余る
Liftoff! Phoenix Heads for Mars!
Phoenix / Delta II (9min56sec) August 04, 2007
Phoenix Mars Mission - Where is Phoenix

Mars Phoenix Lander
"Phoenix Mission Briefings
May 22, 2:30 p.m. (11:30 a.m. Pacific)
May 24, 3:00 p.m. (12:00 p.m. Pacific)
May 25, 3:00 p.m. (12:00 p.m. Pacific)
May 25, NASA TV coverage begins 6:30 p.m. (3:30 p.m. Pacific)
May 25, Landing on Mars at approximately 7:53 p.m. (4:53 p.m. Pacific) "

May 22
2:30 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Briefing - Entry Descent and Landing Overview - JPL
May 23
6 - 10 a.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Live Satellite Interviews with Dr. Michael Meyer - JPL
May 24
3 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Briefing - Landing Preview - JPL
May 25, Sunday
3 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Briefing - JPL
6 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Landing Coverage - JPL (Media Channel)
6:30 - 8:45 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Landing Coverage - JPL
9:30 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Briefing - First Downlink of Data - JPL
May 26, Monday
6 - 10 a.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Live Satellite Interviews - JPL (Media Channel)
12 a.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Post Landing Briefing - JPL
2 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - JPL

"The Phoenix Mars Lander was tested in a thermal vacuum chamber at Lockheed Martin's Denver facility to ensure that it could survive nearly 10 months in space on its way to Mars."
Tucson Weekly : Currents : Mars or Bust!

NASA's Swift Catches a Star Going 'Kaboom!'
Chandra Uncovers Youngest Supernova in Our Galaxy
Pipsqueak Star Unleashes Monster Flare
Exploring the Universe

Professor makes black hole breakthroughs, ballads -
"Although astronomers have detected black holes only in deep space, there is speculation that a black hole could be generated at the Large Hadron Collider, the multibillion-dollar particle accelerator under development at the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneva, Switzerland.
If you made a little tiny black hole in a laboratory, it wouldn't have that much gravity. It wouldn't suck in everything that's on the Earth; it would just suck in stuff that's within, say, a few millimeters of it," he said. "It wouldn't be the devastating danger that science-fiction writers would say, because it'd be a real tiny mass."

The World Wide Web turns 15 (again)
"30 April 1993. That's the day that Cern put the web in the public domain"
The original NeXT cube which hosted the first web server and browser

April 30, 2008
15th anniversary of the day the web's code was put into the public domain by Cern, the lab where the web was developed.
Web in infancy, says Berners-Lee
"We had toyed with the idea of asking for some sort of royalty. But Tim wasn't very much in favour of that."BBC NEWS |
Tim Berners-Lee :BBC Audio & Video- Search results

WWW inventor says web only in infancy | France 24
"The comments came on the anniversary of the announcement by CERN on April 30, 1993 that the World Wide Web could be used by everyone, after Berners-Lee and a colleague persuaded their bosses to provide the programme code for free.
Robert Cailliau, who worked with Berners-Lee to open up the web, stressed that not all the bosses at CERN were in favour of making the web universally accessible.
Competing technologies -- such as Gopher developed at the University of Minnesota in the United States -- were also offering a way of connecting documents on the Internet, he said.
If we had put a price on it like the University of Minnesota had done with Gopher then it would not have expanded into what it is now.
We would have had some sort of market share alongside services like AOL and Compuserve, but we would not have flattened the world.""

www一般開放15周年、発明者が語るウェブの理想: AFPBB News
ティム・バーナーズ・リーTim Berners-Lee
"CERNがWWWを一般開放するにあたっては、一部の上司が難色を示したと、リー氏の同僚Robert Cailliau氏は振り返る。
当時、米ミネソタ大学(University of Minnesota)では「Gopher」と呼ばれる類似の文献検索システムが開発されていた。「WWWをGopherのように有料にしていたら、WWWは今のようには全世界に普及せず、AOLやCompuserveのような1つのサービスにとどまっていただろう」とCailliau氏は語った"

Russian villagers living the horror of a nuclear explosion 50 years ago :
"On Sept. 29, 1957, a cooling system for a tank that stored liquid radioactive waste exploded at the Mayak nuclear plant. The facility had manufactured the Soviet Union's first plutonium for atomic bombs.
The blast scattered radioactive matter over 20,000 square kilometers. In total, 270,000 residents of 217 villages were affected, according to a report compiled by environmental protection group Greenpeace Russia, based on the government's data and other materials.
The worst affected were some 10,000 residents of 23 villages. Their areas were so badly contaminated that they were secretly forced to be relocated to other areas."


四川大地震:テントの優先的援助を国際社会に期待 [中国情報局]
