
NASA Confirms Liquid Lake On Saturn Moon http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/cassini/media/cassini-20080730.html 土星の衛星タイタンに「エタンの湖」を確認、生命の可能性も? | WIRED "エタンの沸点は摂氏マイナス89度で、地球上では気体。融点はマイ…

July 30, Wednesday 2 - 3 p.m. - Expedition 18/Spaceflight Participant Crew News Conference - JSC (Public and Media Channels) 7 - 8 p.m. - JAXA News Conference with Expedition 18 Flight Engineer Koichi Wakata - JSC (Public and Media Channel…

NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander Working With Sticky Soil July 28, 2008 http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.cfm?release=2008-149 3-D Views Posted From NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/07/080721152858.htm Mars Ph…

NASA Images http://www.nasaimages.org/ 読者が選んだ「NASAのベスト画像」 | WIRED VISION http://wiredvision.jp/news/200807/2008072823.html 『NASA Image Exchange』――NASAマルチメディア用検索エンジン 『NASA Images.org』――『Internet Archive』に…


STS-125 Shuttle Report | NASA changes plans for advancing shuttle dates "launch of STS-125, a long-awaited mission to service the Hubble Space Telescope, from Oct. 8 to Oct. 2. The flight after that, STS-126, would have moved from Nov. 10 …


Space junk to fall, likely hit water 07/29/2008 "on Thursday, the ammonia tank will rise at 8:39 p.m. in the west-northwest, and reach about 58 degrees above the horizon, before it sets at 8:41" http://www.nhregister.com/site/news.cfm?news…


Space junk to fall, likely hit water 07/29/2008 "on Thursday, the ammonia tank will rise at 8:39 p.m. in the west-northwest, and reach about 58 degrees above the horizon, before it sets at 8:41" http://www.nhregister.com/site/news.cfm?news…

LHC is fired up on August 7

世界最高性能の中性子回折 〜記録を塗りかえた6年間の技術開発〜7月24日 "これまでの最高記録、英国ラザフォード・アップルトン研究所が持つ同種装置の分解能0.05%を上回る、0.037%の値を達成" KEK:News@KEK(世界最高性能の中性子回折) http://www.kek.j…

Phoenix Lander Completes Longest Work Shift - NASA "The lander stayed awake for 33 hours, completing tasks that included rasping and scraping by the robotic arm, in addition to atmosphere observations in coordination with simultaneous obse…


統合国際深海掘削計画(IODP:Integrated Ocean Drilling Program) Integrated Ocean Drilling Program - A Microcosm in the Seafloor "A Microcosm in the Seafloor Print E-mail Scientists Present New Evidence About the Deep Biosphere in Nature" htt…

Timeline of the Universe http://wmap.gsfc.nasa.gov/media/060915/index.html Multiverse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiverse Casimir effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki…

横浜 花火大会

2009年版 7月の第3月曜日。祝日。昔は7月20日固定 会期:2009.4.28 〜 9.27 「開国博Y150」横浜開港150周年記念公式サイト http://event.yokohama150.org/ http://d.hatena.ne.jp/yellowz/20090428 5月3日 国際仮装行列ザよこはまパレード (荒天順延:4日…

7/20 みなと祭 国際花火大会

2010年版 横浜イベントはこちらに http://d.hatena.ne.jp/yellowz/20100307 月別イベント一覧 |横浜市観光情報公式サイト 横浜みなとみらい21公式ウェブサイト http://www.mi…

A New Way To Weigh Giant Black Holes

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSbiTMg08pE First Hubble Flight Hardware Arrives At Kennedy For NASA Space Shuttle Mission STS-125 | SpaceRef http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=25977 The Partners noted that a continuation of opera…

Eta Carinae and the Peony nebula sta

Awaiting a messenger from the multiverse - quantum-world - New Scientist "If this particle does appear at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) near Geneva, Switzerland, it could change the nature of physics. Physicists might have to abandon the…

Expedition 17 Spacewalk Coverage

July 15, Tuesday 12:30 p.m. - ISS Expedition 17 Spacewalk Coverage (Spacewalk begins at 1:08 p.m.) - JSC (Public and Media Channels) "Russian Spacewalk to Outfit Station's Exterior Under Way " http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/main…

Expedition 17 Spacewalk Coverage

July 15, Tuesday 12:30 p.m. - ISS Expedition 17 Spacewalk Coverage (Spacewalk begins at 1:08 p.m.) - JSC (Public and Media Channels) NASA - NASA-International Space Station "During the spacewalk, Commander Sergei Volkov and Flight Engineer…

【MySQLウォッチ】第40回 パーティショニングで高速化し大量データに備える:ITpro http://itpro.nikkeibp.co.jp/article/COLUMN/20080710/310540/?ST=oss&P=1 【MySQLウォッチ】第40回 パーティショニングで高速化し大量データに備える:ITpro http://itpro…

Radio observations probe Orion Nebula for exoplanets |Spaceflight Now "A detailed survey of stars in the Orion Nebula has found that fewer than 10 percent have enough surrounding dust to make Jupiter-sized planets, according to a report by…

NASA - What's Wrong with the Sun? "What's Wrong with the Sun? (Nothing) 07.11.2008 July 11, 2008: Stop the presses! The sun is behaving normally." http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2008/11jul_solarcycleupdate.htm?list1073247 Rare 'Star-Ma…

July 10, Thursday 1:30 p.m. - ISS Expedition 17 Spacewalk Coverage - JSC (Spacewalk begins at 2:18 p.m.) - NGC 6791 "Image: NGC 6791: Three Stellar Ages Illustration" http://hubblesite.org/newscenter/archive/releases/2008/25/image/e/format…

ISS Expedition 17 Spacewalk Coverage

July 10, Thursday 1:30 p.m. - ISS Expedition 17 Spacewalk Coverage - JSC (Spacewalk begins at 2:18 p.m.) - NASA-International Space Station "The spacewalk will begin at about 2:20 p.m. EDT. " http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/main/…


The shuttle's long goodbye - Cosmic Log - msnbc.com "NASA has set the dates for the space shuttle fleet's final missions, ending with a shipment of spare parts for the space station on May 31, 2010. That schedule isn’t set in stone, howeve…


http://www.nasa.gov/pdf/208615main_iss2008.pdf International Space Station Calendar http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/main/index.html Latest Servicing Mission 4 News "Space Shuttle Atlantis Undergoing Preparations in the Orbiter Pr…


"With the launch of STS-93, Col. Eileen Collins became the first woman to command a Space Shuttle mission. STS-93 started with an eventful Columbia night launch on July 22, 1999. Five seconds into the launch, multiple Main Engines failures…

Phoenix To Bake Ice-rich Sample Next Week

Phoenix To Bake Ice-rich Sample Next Week July 2, 2008 -- The next sample delivered to NASA’s Phoenix Mars Lander’s Thermal and Evolved-Gas Analyzer (TEGA) will be ice-rich. Phoenix Mars Mission - http://phoenix.lpl.arizona.edu/07_02_pr.ph…

Antares module

Antares module First Underwater Neutrino Telescope Has Been Constructed "July 5, 2008― Construction of the first underwater neutrino telescope has just been completed. Since early June, the last two detection lines of Antares have been pro…

NASA - MESSENGER Settles Old Debates and Makes New Discoveries at Mercury http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/messenger/multimedia/mercury_telecon.html Mercury's magnetic field is "alive." Volcanic vents ring the planet's giant Caloris basin…

電子書籍端末売れず──ソニーと松下が事実上撤退 - ITmedia News "端末が高すぎたりコンテンツが少なすぎるといった問題が改善されないうちに、携帯電話向け電子書籍市場が成長。専用端末の“居場所”がなくなっていた。" http://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articl…

Firefox 3のアドオン10選 - ZDNet Japan http://builder.japan.zdnet.com/news/story/0,3800079086,20376318,00.htm?tag=zdnw Extended Copy Menu :: Firefox Add-ons https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/4554 Can the US get Beyond Einstein?…