
The bent hose was discovered

STS-122 Post-Flight Readiness Review Briefing The bent hose was discovered analysis of a flexible hose in the shuttle's radiator cooling system. The flexible hose carries Freon through Atlantis' cooling system. http://video.google.com/vide…

Expedition 16 EVA

Expedition 16 spacewalkers Peggy Whitson and Dan Tani replaced a solar array motor that rotates one of the station's two starboard solar wings. NASA - Spacewalkers Replace Solar Wing Motor "a 7-hour, 10-minute spacewalk that ended at 12:06…

29 Jan: Florida primary

NASA Hubble Space Telescope Daily Report # 4535 | SpaceRef http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewsr.html?pid=26849 カルテなき感染者と明細書無料化 -医療・介護情報CBニュース- "薬害C型肝炎訴訟をめぐっては、薬害肝炎救済法で一律救済の道が開かれたが…

global warming : Vista一周年(~_~;)

Mars Odyssey Mission THEMIS: THEMIS Image of the Day http://themis.asu.edu/latest.html NASA Mars Odyssey THEMIS Images: January 21-25, 2008 | SpaceRef - Space News as it Happens http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewsr.html?pid=26800 Data @ NAS…

20 times more powerful than CERN’s LHC

Kennedy backs Obama 'for change' "Barack Obama and Edward Kennedy at American University, 28 Jan 2008 Mr Kennedy described Mr Obama as having 'extraordinary gifts' Barack Obama's campaign to become the Democratic candidate for US president…

ほんもののartificial lifeか?

Scientists construct building blocks for artificial life. Genome stitched together by hand : Nature News "Scientists have succeeded in stitching together an entire bacterial genome, creating in the lab the full set of instructions needed t…


NASA TV's This Week @NASA, Week Ending Jan. 25 http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/podcasting/twan_080125.html http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3946033780035609566&hl=en "The case is Okinawa Dugong v. Gates, 03-4350." New York Times - J…

LIFTOFF of Atlantis 2006年09月29日 wakeup music "moon river" British Interplanetary Society proposes ISS habitation module "The London based-British Interplanetary Society has proposed a UK built International Space Station habitation modu…

Mars Exploration Rovers: 4 years ago this week

Hubble Space Telescope Daily Report # 4531 | SpaceRef http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewsr.html?pid=26769 Mercury Flyby Sets Stage for New Discoveries "January 21, 2008: "Discoveries are at hand!" That's what members of the MESSENGER scienc…

NASA Solders Fuel Sensor Connectors, Clears Major Hurdle for Feb. 7 Launch | Wired Science from Wired.com "They're still looking for the problem's ultimate cause," http://blog.wired.com/wiredscience/2008/01/nasa-solders-fu.html いまだCutof…

New Horizons準惑星探査機

ISS On-Orbit Status 21 January 2008 | SpaceRef - Space News as it Happens http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewsr.html?pid=26743 New Horizons Web Site http://pluto.jhuapl.edu/index.php New Horizons Closes in on Jupiter: Part One "Where Is New …

"(S.P. Korolev Energia) - January 20, 2008, was the 30th anniversary of the launch of the world’s first cargo spacecraft Progress-1 developed and built at S.P.Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia (back in 1978 known as NPO Energia)…


"19 Jan: Nevada caucuses; South Carolina primary (Rep)" US elections 2008 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_depth/629/629/7155746.stmKEK:プレス(ブラックホールの内部構造解明へ) 本研究成果は、米国の科学誌『フィジカル・レビュー・レターズ』オン…

leading theoretical models for the production of jets, plus gene

NASA ISS On-Orbit Status 18 January 2008 | SpaceRef - Space News as it Happens http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewsr.html?pid=26721 This Week @NASA, Jan.18 http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/podcasting/twan_080118.html NASA - NASA Scientists Pre…

Boltzmann’s Brain

Boltzmann’s Brain: The New York Times > Science > Image > http://www.nytimes.com/imagepages/2008/01/14/science/20080115_brain.html "But nobody knows whether dark energy ― if it dies ― will die soon enough to save the universe from a surplu…


01/12 ISS orbit raised to host spacecraft "MOSCOW, January 12 (RIA Novosti) - Russian Mission Control said on Saturday it had successfully adjusted the International Space Station's orbit in preparation for the docking of a Russian cargo s…

211th meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Austin

"15 Jan: Michigan primary" US elections 2008 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_depth/629/629/7155746.stm "ミシガン州は今回、大統領選で候補者レースへの同州の影響力を高めようと、民主、共和両党ともに全国本部の規則に反して予備選日程を大幅に前倒し…

MESSENGER to Make Historic Flyby of Mercury

NASA - MESSENGER - Unlocking the Secrets of Mercury The image was taken from a distance of approximately 11,000 miles, about 56 minutes before the spacecraft's closest encounter with Mercury. It shows a region 300 miles across including cr…

iPS細胞: induced pluripotent stem cells、人工多能性幹細胞 山中教授がセンター長に 京大の万能細胞研究拠点 "文部科学省は、臨床試験手前の研究事業を08年度に30億円規模で始める。内訳は、iPS細胞に関連した病気のモデル細胞作りなどの基礎分野に…

ESA aims for 22 February maiden flight?

国際協力の壁security requirements Guiana's 1st launch of Russian Soyuz rocket delayed_English_Xinhua "Most commercial satellites launched here are U.S.-built or have U.S.-made parts. As a result, security requirements insisted on by, among…

Easylistener , Google Sky

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7876240160892659901&hl=en http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/podcasting/twan_080111.html有人予算が限られてるのは米NASAだって同じ Bipartisan effort seeks funds for NASA (w/video) | Chron.com - Houston Chr…

Hubble Finds Double Einstein Ring

Hubble finds double Einstein ring "News Release - heic0803: Hubble finds double Einstein ring 10-Jan-2008: The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has revealed a never-before-seen optical alignment in space: a pair of glowing rings, one nestle…

US elections 2008

Days until election 301 US elections 2008: | BBC NEWS "KEY DATES 3 Jan: Iowa caucuses 8 Jan: New Hampshire primary 15 Jan: Michigan primary 19 Jan: Nevada caucuses; South Carolina primary (Rep) 26 Jan: South Carolina primary (Dem) 29 Jan: …

月にモスク 円はいまやローカル通貨

モルディブ、ナイフ男襲撃:(CHUNICHI Web) "同国のガユーム大統領が8日、北部のホアラフシ島を訪問中 20歳前後の男が「神は偉大なり」と叫びながら国旗に隠したナイフで刺そうとした。 http://www.chunichi.co.jp/s/article/2008010801000883.html ISSに…

日本からは見れる? マイクロソフト、北京オリンピックのオンライン配信でNBCと提携 "CESで、マイクロソフト社は、ネットワーク局NBCとの提携による2008年北京オリンピックのウェブキャスト事業計画を発表した。 これによって、事実上、このオリンピックの全…

Tehran kicks off space expo "The renowned Russian cosmonaut Georgi Grechko has inaugurated Iran's biggest space exhibition at Tehran's Astronomy Center. " http://www.presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=37628&sectionid=3510208 オイルマネー:注目の政…

Cosmic web to be unravelled - Telegraph "Forget about the world wide web. The cosmic web is much bigger, stranger and more interesting, says Roger Highfield" http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/main.jhtml?view=DETAILS&grid=&xml=/earth/2008/01…

2007年最悪のセンサー(~_~;) 「きぼう」3月に延期か 米シャトル、24日以降に: 東京新聞 "燃料センサーに関係する接続器を取り換え、正常に作動するかの確認に2週間かかる。追加の燃料注入試験が必要になると、打ち上げは2月2日か7日になる。 NASA…

国連無力化に見事に貢献しているBan Ki-moon

国連無能力化に見事に貢献しているBan Ki-moon 何もしない為の傀儡なのだから・・・Outstanding gaps in new UN force in Darfur must be filled – Ban Ki-moon "still only has some 9,000 uniformed personnel on the ground and lacks “critical aviation…

大人の対応(爆) 昔の のまねこ騒動つながり

薬害肝炎訴訟 福田衣里子さんのブログ Piquer 〜Ennrico’sroom "いきなり、100%の恒久対策を勝ち取ることは出来ないかもしれませんが、350万人の肝炎患者の為に、私が出来ることを、これからも訴え続けます。 また、薬害であり、役害であるこの問題の真…