NASA Solders Fuel Sensor Connectors, Clears Major Hurdle for Feb. 7 Launch | Wired Science from
"They're still looking for the problem's ultimate cause,"
いまだCutoff sensor問題の明確な原因究明ならず・・・

NASA tests shed light on fuel-sensor problems -
Technicians took the wires, prongs and external sockets off Atlantis and exposed them in the laboratory to the pressures and temperatures they feel as fuel fills the tank. The electrical signal from the sensor did not get through the equipment ― the same problem that occurred when Atlantis was gassed up for launch.
Engineers believe that they've prevented glitches by soldering the pins to the external sockets, ensuring a good path for the electrical signal. They're still looking for the problem's ultimate cause.
"We need another piece of the puzzle in order to say we're absolutely confident that we've got it,"

Feb. 07 Launch

LIFTOFF of Atlantis 2006年09月29日 wakeup music "moon river"

Cosmic strings observed in background radiation
"Now a team of scientists says that traces of cosmic strings can be detected in the afterglow of the big bang. Led by Neil Bevis of Imperial College London, UK, the team used the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) satellite to observe radiation called the cosmic microwave background.
Future observations should clarify things. The Planck satellite, due to launch in 2008, will make even more sensitive measurements of the microwave background than WMAP, and could turn up better evidence for cosmic strings, Hindmarsh says."
21 January 2008 - New Scientist Space

"“Big Brain” theorizes that perhaps all we experience is illusion and that we may be just naked brains floating in space. But that notion was anticipated over 100 years ago in Mark Twain’s deeply philosophical unfinished novel, “The Mysterious Stranger.” In it, Satan says: “It is all a dream ― a grotesque and foolish dream. Nothing exists but you. And you are but a thought ― a vagrant thought, a useless thought, a homeless thought, wandering forlorn among the empty eternities!”"
An Illusory Existence (2 Letters) - New York Times

The world this week | BBC NEWS | Special Reports

すざく」、白色矮星パルサーを発見 1月17日Press Release
NASA - White Dwarf Pulses Like a Pulsar"01.02.08 "


土を食べる人々:起源のひとつは「マラリア耐性」? | WIRED VISION

[エボラウイルスを無毒化 東大チームが世界初] /西日本新聞

Vista Hacks!:Vistaの裏技まとめ - builder by ZDNet Japan,3800079086,20365219,00.htm?tag=zdnw

IBMの無償オフィススイートが多言語化、日本語にも対応 - ITmedia
"Lotus SymphonyIBMのWebサイトからダウンロードできる"

IBM Lotus Symphony

Windows Live メッセンジャー」で050のIP電話発信が可能に
"NTTコミュニケーションズ(NTT Com)とマイクロソフトは、IMソフト「Windows Live メッセンジャー 2008」を利用して、050番号によるIP電話発信が可能な「Windows Live Call by ドットフォン」を1月22日に開始する。基本サービスの月額料金は210円。

[動画で見る] .NET 3.5 技術セミナー 「Visual Studio 2008 による開発や次世代戦略の全容を紹介」
.NET 3.5_Technical Briefing - セッション

Flash悪用のルータ攻撃、影響は「極めて甚大」の可能性 - ITmedia

NASA Solders Fuel Sensor Connectors, Clears Major Hurdle for Feb. 7 Launch | Wired Science from
"They're still looking for the problem's ultimate cause,"
いまだCutoff sensor問題の明確な原因究明ならず・・・

NASA tests shed light on fuel-sensor problems -
Technicians took the wires, prongs and external sockets off Atlantis and exposed them in the laboratory to the pressures and temperatures they feel as fuel fills the tank. The electrical signal from the sensor did not get through the equipment ― the same problem that occurred when Atlantis was gassed up for launch.
Engineers believe that they've prevented glitches by soldering the pins to the external sockets, ensuring a good path for the electrical signal. They're still looking for the problem's ultimate cause.
"We need another piece of the puzzle in order to say we're absolutely confident that we've got it,"

Feb. 07 Launch

LIFTOFF of Atlantis 2006年09月29日 wakeup music "moon river"

Cosmic strings observed in background radiation
"Now a team of scientists says that traces of cosmic strings can be detected in the afterglow of the big bang. Led by Neil Bevis of Imperial College London, UK, the team used the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) satellite to observe radiation called the cosmic microwave background.
Future observations should clarify things. The Planck satellite, due to launch in 2008, will make even more sensitive measurements of the microwave background than WMAP, and could turn up better evidence for cosmic strings, Hindmarsh says."
21 January 2008 - New Scientist Space

"“Big Brain” theorizes that perhaps all we experience is illusion and that we may be just naked brains floating in space. But that notion was anticipated over 100 years ago in Mark Twain’s deeply philosophical unfinished novel, “The Mysterious Stranger.” In it, Satan says: “It is all a dream ― a grotesque and foolish dream. Nothing exists but you. And you are but a thought ― a vagrant thought, a useless thought, a homeless thought, wandering forlorn among the empty eternities!”"
An Illusory Existence (2 Letters) - New York Times

The world this week | BBC NEWS | Special Reports

すざく」、白色矮星パルサーを発見 1月17日Press Release
NASA - White Dwarf Pulses Like a Pulsar"01.02.08 "


土を食べる人々:起源のひとつは「マラリア耐性」? | WIRED VISION

[エボラウイルスを無毒化 東大チームが世界初] /西日本新聞

Vista Hacks!:Vistaの裏技まとめ - builder by ZDNet Japan,3800079086,20365219,00.htm?tag=zdnw

IBMの無償オフィススイートが多言語化、日本語にも対応 - ITmedia
"Lotus SymphonyIBMのWebサイトからダウンロードできる"

IBM Lotus Symphony

Windows Live メッセンジャー」で050のIP電話発信が可能に
"NTTコミュニケーションズ(NTT Com)とマイクロソフトは、IMソフト「Windows Live メッセンジャー 2008」を利用して、050番号によるIP電話発信が可能な「Windows Live Call by ドットフォン」を1月22日に開始する。基本サービスの月額料金は210円。

[動画で見る] .NET 3.5 技術セミナー 「Visual Studio 2008 による開発や次世代戦略の全容を紹介」
.NET 3.5_Technical Briefing - セッション

Flash悪用のルータ攻撃、影響は「極めて甚大」の可能性 - ITmedia

NASA Solders Fuel Sensor Connectors, Clears Major Hurdle for Feb. 7 Launch | Wired Science from
"They're still looking for the problem's ultimate cause,"
いまだCutoff sensor問題の明確な原因究明ならず・・・

NASA tests shed light on fuel-sensor problems -
Technicians took the wires, prongs and external sockets off Atlantis and exposed them in the laboratory to the pressures and temperatures they feel as fuel fills the tank. The electrical signal from the sensor did not get through the equipment ― the same problem that occurred when Atlantis was gassed up for launch.
Engineers believe that they've prevented glitches by soldering the pins to the external sockets, ensuring a good path for the electrical signal. They're still looking for the problem's ultimate cause.
"We need another piece of the puzzle in order to say we're absolutely confident that we've got it,"

Feb. 07 Launch

LIFTOFF of Atlantis 2006年09月29日 wakeup music "moon river"

Cosmic strings observed in background radiation
"Now a team of scientists says that traces of cosmic strings can be detected in the afterglow of the big bang. Led by Neil Bevis of Imperial College London, UK, the team used the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) satellite to observe radiation called the cosmic microwave background.
Future observations should clarify things. The Planck satellite, due to launch in 2008, will make even more sensitive measurements of the microwave background than WMAP, and could turn up better evidence for cosmic strings, Hindmarsh says."
21 January 2008 - New Scientist Space

"“Big Brain” theorizes that perhaps all we experience is illusion and that we may be just naked brains floating in space. But that notion was anticipated over 100 years ago in Mark Twain’s deeply philosophical unfinished novel, “The Mysterious Stranger.” In it, Satan says: “It is all a dream ― a grotesque and foolish dream. Nothing exists but you. And you are but a thought ― a vagrant thought, a useless thought, a homeless thought, wandering forlorn among the empty eternities!”"
An Illusory Existence (2 Letters) - New York Times

The world this week | BBC NEWS | Special Reports

すざく」、白色矮星パルサーを発見 1月17日Press Release
NASA - White Dwarf Pulses Like a Pulsar"01.02.08 "


土を食べる人々:起源のひとつは「マラリア耐性」? | WIRED VISION

[エボラウイルスを無毒化 東大チームが世界初] /西日本新聞

Vista Hacks!:Vistaの裏技まとめ - builder by ZDNet Japan,3800079086,20365219,00.htm?tag=zdnw

IBMの無償オフィススイートが多言語化、日本語にも対応 - ITmedia
"Lotus SymphonyIBMのWebサイトからダウンロードできる"

IBM Lotus Symphony

Windows Live メッセンジャー」で050のIP電話発信が可能に
"NTTコミュニケーションズ(NTT Com)とマイクロソフトは、IMソフト「Windows Live メッセンジャー 2008」を利用して、050番号によるIP電話発信が可能な「Windows Live Call by ドットフォン」を1月22日に開始する。基本サービスの月額料金は210円。

[動画で見る] .NET 3.5 技術セミナー 「Visual Studio 2008 による開発や次世代戦略の全容を紹介」
.NET 3.5_Technical Briefing - セッション

Flash悪用のルータ攻撃、影響は「極めて甚大」の可能性 - ITmedia

NASA Solders Fuel Sensor Connectors, Clears Major Hurdle for Feb. 7 Launch | Wired Science from
"They're still looking for the problem's ultimate cause,"
いまだCutoff sensor問題の明確な原因究明ならず・・・

NASA tests shed light on fuel-sensor problems -
Technicians took the wires, prongs and external sockets off Atlantis and exposed them in the laboratory to the pressures and temperatures they feel as fuel fills the tank. The electrical signal from the sensor did not get through the equipment ― the same problem that occurred when Atlantis was gassed up for launch.
Engineers believe that they've prevented glitches by soldering the pins to the external sockets, ensuring a good path for the electrical signal. They're still looking for the problem's ultimate cause.
"We need another piece of the puzzle in order to say we're absolutely confident that we've got it,"

Feb. 07 Launch

LIFTOFF of Atlantis 2006年09月29日 wakeup music "moon river"

Cosmic strings observed in background radiation
"Now a team of scientists says that traces of cosmic strings can be detected in the afterglow of the big bang. Led by Neil Bevis of Imperial College London, UK, the team used the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) satellite to observe radiation called the cosmic microwave background.
Future observations should clarify things. The Planck satellite, due to launch in 2008, will make even more sensitive measurements of the microwave background than WMAP, and could turn up better evidence for cosmic strings, Hindmarsh says."
21 January 2008 - New Scientist Space

"“Big Brain” theorizes that perhaps all we experience is illusion and that we may be just naked brains floating in space. But that notion was anticipated over 100 years ago in Mark Twain’s deeply philosophical unfinished novel, “The Mysterious Stranger.” In it, Satan says: “It is all a dream ― a grotesque and foolish dream. Nothing exists but you. And you are but a thought ― a vagrant thought, a useless thought, a homeless thought, wandering forlorn among the empty eternities!”"
An Illusory Existence (2 Letters) - New York Times

The world this week | BBC NEWS | Special Reports

すざく」、白色矮星パルサーを発見 1月17日Press Release
NASA - White Dwarf Pulses Like a Pulsar"01.02.08 "


土を食べる人々:起源のひとつは「マラリア耐性」? | WIRED VISION

[エボラウイルスを無毒化 東大チームが世界初] /西日本新聞

Vista Hacks!:Vistaの裏技まとめ - builder by ZDNet Japan,3800079086,20365219,00.htm?tag=zdnw

IBMの無償オフィススイートが多言語化、日本語にも対応 - ITmedia
"Lotus SymphonyIBMのWebサイトからダウンロードできる"

IBM Lotus Symphony

Windows Live メッセンジャー」で050のIP電話発信が可能に
"NTTコミュニケーションズ(NTT Com)とマイクロソフトは、IMソフト「Windows Live メッセンジャー 2008」を利用して、050番号によるIP電話発信が可能な「Windows Live Call by ドットフォン」を1月22日に開始する。基本サービスの月額料金は210円。

[動画で見る] .NET 3.5 技術セミナー 「Visual Studio 2008 による開発や次世代戦略の全容を紹介」
.NET 3.5_Technical Briefing - セッション

Flash悪用のルータ攻撃、影響は「極めて甚大」の可能性 - ITmedia

NASA Solders Fuel Sensor Connectors, Clears Major Hurdle for Feb. 7 Launch | Wired Science from
"They're still looking for the problem's ultimate cause,"
いまだCutoff sensor問題の明確な原因究明ならず・・・

NASA tests shed light on fuel-sensor problems -
Technicians took the wires, prongs and external sockets off Atlantis and exposed them in the laboratory to the pressures and temperatures they feel as fuel fills the tank. The electrical signal from the sensor did not get through the equipment ― the same problem that occurred when Atlantis was gassed up for launch.
Engineers believe that they've prevented glitches by soldering the pins to the external sockets, ensuring a good path for the electrical signal. They're still looking for the problem's ultimate cause.
"We need another piece of the puzzle in order to say we're absolutely confident that we've got it,"

Feb. 07 Launch

LIFTOFF of Atlantis 2006年09月29日 wakeup music "moon river"

Cosmic strings observed in background radiation
"Now a team of scientists says that traces of cosmic strings can be detected in the afterglow of the big bang. Led by Neil Bevis of Imperial College London, UK, the team used the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) satellite to observe radiation called the cosmic microwave background.
Future observations should clarify things. The Planck satellite, due to launch in 2008, will make even more sensitive measurements of the microwave background than WMAP, and could turn up better evidence for cosmic strings, Hindmarsh says."
21 January 2008 - New Scientist Space

"“Big Brain” theorizes that perhaps all we experience is illusion and that we may be just naked brains floating in space. But that notion was anticipated over 100 years ago in Mark Twain’s deeply philosophical unfinished novel, “The Mysterious Stranger.” In it, Satan says: “It is all a dream ― a grotesque and foolish dream. Nothing exists but you. And you are but a thought ― a vagrant thought, a useless thought, a homeless thought, wandering forlorn among the empty eternities!”"
An Illusory Existence (2 Letters) - New York Times

The world this week | BBC NEWS | Special Reports

すざく」、白色矮星パルサーを発見 1月17日Press Release
NASA - White Dwarf Pulses Like a Pulsar"01.02.08 "


土を食べる人々:起源のひとつは「マラリア耐性」? | WIRED VISION

[エボラウイルスを無毒化 東大チームが世界初] /西日本新聞

Vista Hacks!:Vistaの裏技まとめ - builder by ZDNet Japan,3800079086,20365219,00.htm?tag=zdnw

IBMの無償オフィススイートが多言語化、日本語にも対応 - ITmedia
"Lotus SymphonyIBMのWebサイトからダウンロードできる"

IBM Lotus Symphony

Windows Live メッセンジャー」で050のIP電話発信が可能に
"NTTコミュニケーションズ(NTT Com)とマイクロソフトは、IMソフト「Windows Live メッセンジャー 2008」を利用して、050番号によるIP電話発信が可能な「Windows Live Call by ドットフォン」を1月22日に開始する。基本サービスの月額料金は210円。

[動画で見る] .NET 3.5 技術セミナー 「Visual Studio 2008 による開発や次世代戦略の全容を紹介」
.NET 3.5_Technical Briefing - セッション

Flash悪用のルータ攻撃、影響は「極めて甚大」の可能性 - ITmedia

NASA Solders Fuel Sensor Connectors, Clears Major Hurdle for Feb. 7 Launch | Wired Science from
"They're still looking for the problem's ultimate cause,"
いまだCutoff sensor問題の明確な原因究明ならず・・・

NASA tests shed light on fuel-sensor problems -
Technicians took the wires, prongs and external sockets off Atlantis and exposed them in the laboratory to the pressures and temperatures they feel as fuel fills the tank. The electrical signal from the sensor did not get through the equipment ― the same problem that occurred when Atlantis was gassed up for launch.
Engineers believe that they've prevented glitches by soldering the pins to the external sockets, ensuring a good path for the electrical signal. They're still looking for the problem's ultimate cause.
"We need another piece of the puzzle in order to say we're absolutely confident that we've got it,"

Feb. 07 Launch

LIFTOFF of Atlantis 2006年09月29日 wakeup music "moon river"

Cosmic strings observed in background radiation
"Now a team of scientists says that traces of cosmic strings can be detected in the afterglow of the big bang. Led by Neil Bevis of Imperial College London, UK, the team used the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) satellite to observe radiation called the cosmic microwave background.
Future observations should clarify things. The Planck satellite, due to launch in 2008, will make even more sensitive measurements of the microwave background than WMAP, and could turn up better evidence for cosmic strings, Hindmarsh says."
21 January 2008 - New Scientist Space

"“Big Brain” theorizes that perhaps all we experience is illusion and that we may be just naked brains floating in space. But that notion was anticipated over 100 years ago in Mark Twain’s deeply philosophical unfinished novel, “The Mysterious Stranger.” In it, Satan says: “It is all a dream ― a grotesque and foolish dream. Nothing exists but you. And you are but a thought ― a vagrant thought, a useless thought, a homeless thought, wandering forlorn among the empty eternities!”"
An Illusory Existence (2 Letters) - New York Times

The world this week | BBC NEWS | Special Reports

すざく」、白色矮星パルサーを発見 1月17日Press Release
NASA - White Dwarf Pulses Like a Pulsar"01.02.08 "


土を食べる人々:起源のひとつは「マラリア耐性」? | WIRED VISION

[エボラウイルスを無毒化 東大チームが世界初] /西日本新聞

Vista Hacks!:Vistaの裏技まとめ - builder by ZDNet Japan,3800079086,20365219,00.htm?tag=zdnw

IBMの無償オフィススイートが多言語化、日本語にも対応 - ITmedia
"Lotus SymphonyIBMのWebサイトからダウンロードできる"

IBM Lotus Symphony

Windows Live メッセンジャー」で050のIP電話発信が可能に
"NTTコミュニケーションズ(NTT Com)とマイクロソフトは、IMソフト「Windows Live メッセンジャー 2008」を利用して、050番号によるIP電話発信が可能な「Windows Live Call by ドットフォン」を1月22日に開始する。基本サービスの月額料金は210円。

[動画で見る] .NET 3.5 技術セミナー 「Visual Studio 2008 による開発や次世代戦略の全容を紹介」
.NET 3.5_Technical Briefing - セッション

Flash悪用のルータ攻撃、影響は「極めて甚大」の可能性 - ITmedia

NASA Solders Fuel Sensor Connectors, Clears Major Hurdle for Feb. 7 Launch | Wired Science from
"They're still looking for the problem's ultimate cause,"
いまだCutoff sensor問題の明確な原因究明ならず・・・

NASA tests shed light on fuel-sensor problems -
Technicians took the wires, prongs and external sockets off Atlantis and exposed them in the laboratory to the pressures and temperatures they feel as fuel fills the tank. The electrical signal from the sensor did not get through the equipment ― the same problem that occurred when Atlantis was gassed up for launch.
Engineers believe that they've prevented glitches by soldering the pins to the external sockets, ensuring a good path for the electrical signal. They're still looking for the problem's ultimate cause.
"We need another piece of the puzzle in order to say we're absolutely confident that we've got it,"

Feb. 07 Launch

LIFTOFF of Atlantis 2006年09月29日 wakeup music "moon river"

Cosmic strings observed in background radiation
"Now a team of scientists says that traces of cosmic strings can be detected in the afterglow of the big bang. Led by Neil Bevis of Imperial College London, UK, the team used the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) satellite to observe radiation called the cosmic microwave background.
Future observations should clarify things. The Planck satellite, due to launch in 2008, will make even more sensitive measurements of the microwave background than WMAP, and could turn up better evidence for cosmic strings, Hindmarsh says."
21 January 2008 - New Scientist Space

"“Big Brain” theorizes that perhaps all we experience is illusion and that we may be just naked brains floating in space. But that notion was anticipated over 100 years ago in Mark Twain’s deeply philosophical unfinished novel, “The Mysterious Stranger.” In it, Satan says: “It is all a dream ― a grotesque and foolish dream. Nothing exists but you. And you are but a thought ― a vagrant thought, a useless thought, a homeless thought, wandering forlorn among the empty eternities!”"
An Illusory Existence (2 Letters) - New York Times

The world this week | BBC NEWS | Special Reports

すざく」、白色矮星パルサーを発見 1月17日Press Release
NASA - White Dwarf Pulses Like a Pulsar"01.02.08 "


土を食べる人々:起源のひとつは「マラリア耐性」? | WIRED VISION

[エボラウイルスを無毒化 東大チームが世界初] /西日本新聞

Vista Hacks!:Vistaの裏技まとめ - builder by ZDNet Japan,3800079086,20365219,00.htm?tag=zdnw

IBMの無償オフィススイートが多言語化、日本語にも対応 - ITmedia
"Lotus SymphonyIBMのWebサイトからダウンロードできる"

IBM Lotus Symphony

Windows Live メッセンジャー」で050のIP電話発信が可能に
"NTTコミュニケーションズ(NTT Com)とマイクロソフトは、IMソフト「Windows Live メッセンジャー 2008」を利用して、050番号によるIP電話発信が可能な「Windows Live Call by ドットフォン」を1月22日に開始する。基本サービスの月額料金は210円。

[動画で見る] .NET 3.5 技術セミナー 「Visual Studio 2008 による開発や次世代戦略の全容を紹介」
.NET 3.5_Technical Briefing - セッション

Flash悪用のルータ攻撃、影響は「極めて甚大」の可能性 - ITmedia

NASA Solders Fuel Sensor Connectors, Clears Major Hurdle for Feb. 7 Launch | Wired Science from
"They're still looking for the problem's ultimate cause,"
いまだCutoff sensor問題の明確な原因究明ならず・・・

NASA tests shed light on fuel-sensor problems -
Technicians took the wires, prongs and external sockets off Atlantis and exposed them in the laboratory to the pressures and temperatures they feel as fuel fills the tank. The electrical signal from the sensor did not get through the equipment ― the same problem that occurred when Atlantis was gassed up for launch.
Engineers believe that they've prevented glitches by soldering the pins to the external sockets, ensuring a good path for the electrical signal. They're still looking for the problem's ultimate cause.
"We need another piece of the puzzle in order to say we're absolutely confident that we've got it,"

Feb. 07 Launch

LIFTOFF of Atlantis 2006年09月29日 wakeup music "moon river"

Cosmic strings observed in background radiation
"Now a team of scientists says that traces of cosmic strings can be detected in the afterglow of the big bang. Led by Neil Bevis of Imperial College London, UK, the team used the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) satellite to observe radiation called the cosmic microwave background.
Future observations should clarify things. The Planck satellite, due to launch in 2008, will make even more sensitive measurements of the microwave background than WMAP, and could turn up better evidence for cosmic strings, Hindmarsh says."
21 January 2008 - New Scientist Space

"“Big Brain” theorizes that perhaps all we experience is illusion and that we may be just naked brains floating in space. But that notion was anticipated over 100 years ago in Mark Twain’s deeply philosophical unfinished novel, “The Mysterious Stranger.” In it, Satan says: “It is all a dream ― a grotesque and foolish dream. Nothing exists but you. And you are but a thought ― a vagrant thought, a useless thought, a homeless thought, wandering forlorn among the empty eternities!”"
An Illusory Existence (2 Letters) - New York Times

The world this week | BBC NEWS | Special Reports

すざく」、白色矮星パルサーを発見 1月17日Press Release
NASA - White Dwarf Pulses Like a Pulsar"01.02.08 "


土を食べる人々:起源のひとつは「マラリア耐性」? | WIRED VISION

[エボラウイルスを無毒化 東大チームが世界初] /西日本新聞

Vista Hacks!:Vistaの裏技まとめ - builder by ZDNet Japan,3800079086,20365219,00.htm?tag=zdnw

IBMの無償オフィススイートが多言語化、日本語にも対応 - ITmedia
"Lotus SymphonyIBMのWebサイトからダウンロードできる"

IBM Lotus Symphony

Windows Live メッセンジャー」で050のIP電話発信が可能に
"NTTコミュニケーションズ(NTT Com)とマイクロソフトは、IMソフト「Windows Live メッセンジャー 2008」を利用して、050番号によるIP電話発信が可能な「Windows Live Call by ドットフォン」を1月22日に開始する。基本サービスの月額料金は210円。

[動画で見る] .NET 3.5 技術セミナー 「Visual Studio 2008 による開発や次世代戦略の全容を紹介」
.NET 3.5_Technical Briefing - セッション

Flash悪用のルータ攻撃、影響は「極めて甚大」の可能性 - ITmedia

NASA Solders Fuel Sensor Connectors, Clears Major Hurdle for Feb. 7 Launch | Wired Science from
"They're still looking for the problem's ultimate cause,"
いまだCutoff sensor問題の明確な原因究明ならず・・・

NASA tests shed light on fuel-sensor problems -
Technicians took the wires, prongs and external sockets off Atlantis and exposed them in the laboratory to the pressures and temperatures they feel as fuel fills the tank. The electrical signal from the sensor did not get through the equipment ― the same problem that occurred when Atlantis was gassed up for launch.
Engineers believe that they've prevented glitches by soldering the pins to the external sockets, ensuring a good path for the electrical signal. They're still looking for the problem's ultimate cause.
"We need another piece of the puzzle in order to say we're absolutely confident that we've got it,"

Feb. 07 Launch

LIFTOFF of Atlantis 2006年09月29日 wakeup music "moon river"

Cosmic strings observed in background radiation
"Now a team of scientists says that traces of cosmic strings can be detected in the afterglow of the big bang. Led by Neil Bevis of Imperial College London, UK, the team used the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) satellite to observe radiation called the cosmic microwave background.
Future observations should clarify things. The Planck satellite, due to launch in 2008, will make even more sensitive measurements of the microwave background than WMAP, and could turn up better evidence for cosmic strings, Hindmarsh says."
21 January 2008 - New Scientist Space

"“Big Brain” theorizes that perhaps all we experience is illusion and that we may be just naked brains floating in space. But that notion was anticipated over 100 years ago in Mark Twain’s deeply philosophical unfinished novel, “The Mysterious Stranger.” In it, Satan says: “It is all a dream ― a grotesque and foolish dream. Nothing exists but you. And you are but a thought ― a vagrant thought, a useless thought, a homeless thought, wandering forlorn among the empty eternities!”"
An Illusory Existence (2 Letters) - New York Times

The world this week | BBC NEWS | Special Reports

すざく」、白色矮星パルサーを発見 1月17日Press Release
NASA - White Dwarf Pulses Like a Pulsar"01.02.08 "


土を食べる人々:起源のひとつは「マラリア耐性」? | WIRED VISION

[エボラウイルスを無毒化 東大チームが世界初] /西日本新聞

Vista Hacks!:Vistaの裏技まとめ - builder by ZDNet Japan,3800079086,20365219,00.htm?tag=zdnw

IBMの無償オフィススイートが多言語化、日本語にも対応 - ITmedia
"Lotus SymphonyIBMのWebサイトからダウンロードできる"

IBM Lotus Symphony

Windows Live メッセンジャー」で050のIP電話発信が可能に
"NTTコミュニケーションズ(NTT Com)とマイクロソフトは、IMソフト「Windows Live メッセンジャー 2008」を利用して、050番号によるIP電話発信が可能な「Windows Live Call by ドットフォン」を1月22日に開始する。基本サービスの月額料金は210円。

[動画で見る] .NET 3.5 技術セミナー 「Visual Studio 2008 による開発や次世代戦略の全容を紹介」
.NET 3.5_Technical Briefing - セッション

Flash悪用のルータ攻撃、影響は「極めて甚大」の可能性 - ITmedia

NASA Solders Fuel Sensor Connectors, Clears Major Hurdle for Feb. 7 Launch | Wired Science from
"They're still looking for the problem's ultimate cause,"
いまだCutoff sensor問題の明確な原因究明ならず・・・

NASA tests shed light on fuel-sensor problems -
Technicians took the wires, prongs and external sockets off Atlantis and exposed them in the laboratory to the pressures and temperatures they feel as fuel fills the tank. The electrical signal from the sensor did not get through the equipment ― the same problem that occurred when Atlantis was gassed up for launch.
Engineers believe that they've prevented glitches by soldering the pins to the external sockets, ensuring a good path for the electrical signal. They're still looking for the problem's ultimate cause.
"We need another piece of the puzzle in order to say we're absolutely confident that we've got it,"

Feb. 07 Launch

LIFTOFF of Atlantis 2006年09月29日 wakeup music "moon river"

Cosmic strings observed in background radiation
"Now a team of scientists says that traces of cosmic strings can be detected in the afterglow of the big bang. Led by Neil Bevis of Imperial College London, UK, the team used the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) satellite to observe radiation called the cosmic microwave background.
Future observations should clarify things. The Planck satellite, due to launch in 2008, will make even more sensitive measurements of the microwave background than WMAP, and could turn up better evidence for cosmic strings, Hindmarsh says."
21 January 2008 - New Scientist Space

"“Big Brain” theorizes that perhaps all we experience is illusion and that we may be just naked brains floating in space. But that notion was anticipated over 100 years ago in Mark Twain’s deeply philosophical unfinished novel, “The Mysterious Stranger.” In it, Satan says: “It is all a dream ― a grotesque and foolish dream. Nothing exists but you. And you are but a thought ― a vagrant thought, a useless thought, a homeless thought, wandering forlorn among the empty eternities!”"
An Illusory Existence (2 Letters) - New York Times

The world this week | BBC NEWS | Special Reports

すざく」、白色矮星パルサーを発見 1月17日Press Release
NASA - White Dwarf Pulses Like a Pulsar"01.02.08 "


土を食べる人々:起源のひとつは「マラリア耐性」? | WIRED VISION

[エボラウイルスを無毒化 東大チームが世界初] /西日本新聞

Vista Hacks!:Vistaの裏技まとめ - builder by ZDNet Japan,3800079086,20365219,00.htm?tag=zdnw

IBMの無償オフィススイートが多言語化、日本語にも対応 - ITmedia
"Lotus SymphonyIBMのWebサイトからダウンロードできる"

IBM Lotus Symphony

Windows Live メッセンジャー」で050のIP電話発信が可能に
"NTTコミュニケーションズ(NTT Com)とマイクロソフトは、IMソフト「Windows Live メッセンジャー 2008」を利用して、050番号によるIP電話発信が可能な「Windows Live Call by ドットフォン」を1月22日に開始する。基本サービスの月額料金は210円。

[動画で見る] .NET 3.5 技術セミナー 「Visual Studio 2008 による開発や次世代戦略の全容を紹介」
.NET 3.5_Technical Briefing - セッション

Flash悪用のルータ攻撃、影響は「極めて甚大」の可能性 - ITmedia

NASA Solders Fuel Sensor Connectors, Clears Major Hurdle for Feb. 7 Launch | Wired Science from
"They're still looking for the problem's ultimate cause,"
いまだCutoff sensor問題の明確な原因究明ならず・・・

NASA tests shed light on fuel-sensor problems -
Technicians took the wires, prongs and external sockets off Atlantis and exposed them in the laboratory to the pressures and temperatures they feel as fuel fills the tank. The electrical signal from the sensor did not get through the equipment ― the same problem that occurred when Atlantis was gassed up for launch.
Engineers believe that they've prevented glitches by soldering the pins to the external sockets, ensuring a good path for the electrical signal. They're still looking for the problem's ultimate cause.
"We need another piece of the puzzle in order to say we're absolutely confident that we've got it,"

Feb. 07 Launch

LIFTOFF of Atlantis 2006年09月29日 wakeup music "moon river"

Cosmic strings observed in background radiation
"Now a team of scientists says that traces of cosmic strings can be detected in the afterglow of the big bang. Led by Neil Bevis of Imperial College London, UK, the team used the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) satellite to observe radiation called the cosmic microwave background.
Future observations should clarify things. The Planck satellite, due to launch in 2008, will make even more sensitive measurements of the microwave background than WMAP, and could turn up better evidence for cosmic strings, Hindmarsh says."
21 January 2008 - New Scientist Space

"“Big Brain” theorizes that perhaps all we experience is illusion and that we may be just naked brains floating in space. But that notion was anticipated over 100 years ago in Mark Twain’s deeply philosophical unfinished novel, “The Mysterious Stranger.” In it, Satan says: “It is all a dream ― a grotesque and foolish dream. Nothing exists but you. And you are but a thought ― a vagrant thought, a useless thought, a homeless thought, wandering forlorn among the empty eternities!”"
An Illusory Existence (2 Letters) - New York Times

The world this week | BBC NEWS | Special Reports

すざく」、白色矮星パルサーを発見 1月17日Press Release
NASA - White Dwarf Pulses Like a Pulsar"01.02.08 "


土を食べる人々:起源のひとつは「マラリア耐性」? | WIRED VISION

[エボラウイルスを無毒化 東大チームが世界初] /西日本新聞

Vista Hacks!:Vistaの裏技まとめ - builder by ZDNet Japan,3800079086,20365219,00.htm?tag=zdnw

IBMの無償オフィススイートが多言語化、日本語にも対応 - ITmedia
"Lotus SymphonyIBMのWebサイトからダウンロードできる"

IBM Lotus Symphony

Windows Live メッセンジャー」で050のIP電話発信が可能に
"NTTコミュニケーションズ(NTT Com)とマイクロソフトは、IMソフト「Windows Live メッセンジャー 2008」を利用して、050番号によるIP電話発信が可能な「Windows Live Call by ドットフォン」を1月22日に開始する。基本サービスの月額料金は210円。

[動画で見る] .NET 3.5 技術セミナー 「Visual Studio 2008 による開発や次世代戦略の全容を紹介」
.NET 3.5_Technical Briefing - セッション

Flash悪用のルータ攻撃、影響は「極めて甚大」の可能性 - ITmedia

NASA Solders Fuel Sensor Connectors, Clears Major Hurdle for Feb. 7 Launch | Wired Science from
"They're still looking for the problem's ultimate cause,"
いまだCutoff sensor問題の明確な原因究明ならず・・・

NASA tests shed light on fuel-sensor problems -
Technicians took the wires, prongs and external sockets off Atlantis and exposed them in the laboratory to the pressures and temperatures they feel as fuel fills the tank. The electrical signal from the sensor did not get through the equipment ― the same problem that occurred when Atlantis was gassed up for launch.
Engineers believe that they've prevented glitches by soldering the pins to the external sockets, ensuring a good path for the electrical signal. They're still looking for the problem's ultimate cause.
"We need another piece of the puzzle in order to say we're absolutely confident that we've got it,"

Feb. 07 Launch

LIFTOFF of Atlantis 2006年09月29日 wakeup music "moon river"

Cosmic strings observed in background radiation
"Now a team of scientists says that traces of cosmic strings can be detected in the afterglow of the big bang. Led by Neil Bevis of Imperial College London, UK, the team used the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) satellite to observe radiation called the cosmic microwave background.
Future observations should clarify things. The Planck satellite, due to launch in 2008, will make even more sensitive measurements of the microwave background than WMAP, and could turn up better evidence for cosmic strings, Hindmarsh says."
21 January 2008 - New Scientist Space

"“Big Brain” theorizes that perhaps all we experience is illusion and that we may be just naked brains floating in space. But that notion was anticipated over 100 years ago in Mark Twain’s deeply philosophical unfinished novel, “The Mysterious Stranger.” In it, Satan says: “It is all a dream ― a grotesque and foolish dream. Nothing exists but you. And you are but a thought ― a vagrant thought, a useless thought, a homeless thought, wandering forlorn among the empty eternities!”"
An Illusory Existence (2 Letters) - New York Times

The world this week | BBC NEWS | Special Reports

すざく」、白色矮星パルサーを発見 1月17日Press Release
NASA - White Dwarf Pulses Like a Pulsar"01.02.08 "


土を食べる人々:起源のひとつは「マラリア耐性」? | WIRED VISION

[エボラウイルスを無毒化 東大チームが世界初] /西日本新聞

Vista Hacks!:Vistaの裏技まとめ - builder by ZDNet Japan,3800079086,20365219,00.htm?tag=zdnw

IBMの無償オフィススイートが多言語化、日本語にも対応 - ITmedia
"Lotus SymphonyIBMのWebサイトからダウンロードできる"

IBM Lotus Symphony

Windows Live メッセンジャー」で050のIP電話発信が可能に
"NTTコミュニケーションズ(NTT Com)とマイクロソフトは、IMソフト「Windows Live メッセンジャー 2008」を利用して、050番号によるIP電話発信が可能な「Windows Live Call by ドットフォン」を1月22日に開始する。基本サービスの月額料金は210円。

[動画で見る] .NET 3.5 技術セミナー 「Visual Studio 2008 による開発や次世代戦略の全容を紹介」
.NET 3.5_Technical Briefing - セッション

Flash悪用のルータ攻撃、影響は「極めて甚大」の可能性 - ITmedia

NASA Solders Fuel Sensor Connectors, Clears Major Hurdle for Feb. 7 Launch | Wired Science from
"They're still looking for the problem's ultimate cause,"
いまだCutoff sensor問題の明確な原因究明ならず・・・

NASA tests shed light on fuel-sensor problems -
Technicians took the wires, prongs and external sockets off Atlantis and exposed them in the laboratory to the pressures and temperatures they feel as fuel fills the tank. The electrical signal from the sensor did not get through the equipment ― the same problem that occurred when Atlantis was gassed up for launch.
Engineers believe that they've prevented glitches by soldering the pins to the external sockets, ensuring a good path for the electrical signal. They're still looking for the problem's ultimate cause.
"We need another piece of the puzzle in order to say we're absolutely confident that we've got it,"

Feb. 07 Launch

LIFTOFF of Atlantis 2006年09月29日 wakeup music "moon river"

Cosmic strings observed in background radiation
"Now a team of scientists says that traces of cosmic strings can be detected in the afterglow of the big bang. Led by Neil Bevis of Imperial College London, UK, the team used the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) satellite to observe radiation called the cosmic microwave background.
Future observations should clarify things. The Planck satellite, due to launch in 2008, will make even more sensitive measurements of the microwave background than WMAP, and could turn up better evidence for cosmic strings, Hindmarsh says."
21 January 2008 - New Scientist Space

"“Big Brain” theorizes that perhaps all we experience is illusion and that we may be just naked brains floating in space. But that notion was anticipated over 100 years ago in Mark Twain’s deeply philosophical unfinished novel, “The Mysterious Stranger.” In it, Satan says: “It is all a dream ― a grotesque and foolish dream. Nothing exists but you. And you are but a thought ― a vagrant thought, a useless thought, a homeless thought, wandering forlorn among the empty eternities!”"
An Illusory Existence (2 Letters) - New York Times

The world this week | BBC NEWS | Special Reports

すざく」、白色矮星パルサーを発見 1月17日Press Release
NASA - White Dwarf Pulses Like a Pulsar"01.02.08 "


土を食べる人々:起源のひとつは「マラリア耐性」? | WIRED VISION

[エボラウイルスを無毒化 東大チームが世界初] /西日本新聞

Vista Hacks!:Vistaの裏技まとめ - builder by ZDNet Japan,3800079086,20365219,00.htm?tag=zdnw

IBMの無償オフィススイートが多言語化、日本語にも対応 - ITmedia
"Lotus SymphonyIBMのWebサイトからダウンロードできる"

IBM Lotus Symphony

Windows Live メッセンジャー」で050のIP電話発信が可能に
"NTTコミュニケーションズ(NTT Com)とマイクロソフトは、IMソフト「Windows Live メッセンジャー 2008」を利用して、050番号によるIP電話発信が可能な「Windows Live Call by ドットフォン」を1月22日に開始する。基本サービスの月額料金は210円。

[動画で見る] .NET 3.5 技術セミナー 「Visual Studio 2008 による開発や次世代戦略の全容を紹介」
.NET 3.5_Technical Briefing - セッション

Flash悪用のルータ攻撃、影響は「極めて甚大」の可能性 - ITmedia

NASA Solders Fuel Sensor Connectors, Clears Major Hurdle for Feb. 7 Launch | Wired Science from
"They're still looking for the problem's ultimate cause,"
いまだCutoff sensor問題の明確な原因究明ならず・・・

NASA tests shed light on fuel-sensor problems -
Technicians took the wires, prongs and external sockets off Atlantis and exposed them in the laboratory to the pressures and temperatures they feel as fuel fills the tank. The electrical signal from the sensor did not get through the equipment ― the same problem that occurred when Atlantis was gassed up for launch.
Engineers believe that they've prevented glitches by soldering the pins to the external sockets, ensuring a good path for the electrical signal. They're still looking for the problem's ultimate cause.
"We need another piece of the puzzle in order to say we're absolutely confident that we've got it,"

Feb. 07 Launch

LIFTOFF of Atlantis 2006年09月29日 wakeup music "moon river"

Cosmic strings observed in background radiation
"Now a team of scientists says that traces of cosmic strings can be detected in the afterglow of the big bang. Led by Neil Bevis of Imperial College London, UK, the team used the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) satellite to observe radiation called the cosmic microwave background.
Future observations should clarify things. The Planck satellite, due to launch in 2008, will make even more sensitive measurements of the microwave background than WMAP, and could turn up better evidence for cosmic strings, Hindmarsh says."
21 January 2008 - New Scientist Space

"“Big Brain” theorizes that perhaps all we experience is illusion and that we may be just naked brains floating in space. But that notion was anticipated over 100 years ago in Mark Twain’s deeply philosophical unfinished novel, “The Mysterious Stranger.” In it, Satan says: “It is all a dream ― a grotesque and foolish dream. Nothing exists but you. And you are but a thought ― a vagrant thought, a useless thought, a homeless thought, wandering forlorn among the empty eternities!”"
An Illusory Existence (2 Letters) - New York Times

The world this week | BBC NEWS | Special Reports

すざく」、白色矮星パルサーを発見 1月17日Press Release
NASA - White Dwarf Pulses Like a Pulsar"01.02.08 "


土を食べる人々:起源のひとつは「マラリア耐性」? | WIRED VISION

[エボラウイルスを無毒化 東大チームが世界初] /西日本新聞

Vista Hacks!:Vistaの裏技まとめ - builder by ZDNet Japan,3800079086,20365219,00.htm?tag=zdnw

IBMの無償オフィススイートが多言語化、日本語にも対応 - ITmedia
"Lotus SymphonyIBMのWebサイトからダウンロードできる"

IBM Lotus Symphony

Windows Live メッセンジャー」で050のIP電話発信が可能に
"NTTコミュニケーションズ(NTT Com)とマイクロソフトは、IMソフト「Windows Live メッセンジャー 2008」を利用して、050番号によるIP電話発信が可能な「Windows Live Call by ドットフォン」を1月22日に開始する。基本サービスの月額料金は210円。

[動画で見る] .NET 3.5 技術セミナー 「Visual Studio 2008 による開発や次世代戦略の全容を紹介」
.NET 3.5_Technical Briefing - セッション

Flash悪用のルータ攻撃、影響は「極めて甚大」の可能性 - ITmedia

NASA Solders Fuel Sensor Connectors, Clears Major Hurdle for Feb. 7 Launch | Wired Science from
"They're still looking for the problem's ultimate cause,"
いまだCutoff sensor問題の明確な原因究明ならず・・・

NASA tests shed light on fuel-sensor problems -
Technicians took the wires, prongs and external sockets off Atlantis and exposed them in the laboratory to the pressures and temperatures they feel as fuel fills the tank. The electrical signal from the sensor did not get through the equipment ― the same problem that occurred when Atlantis was gassed up for launch.
Engineers believe that they've prevented glitches by soldering the pins to the external sockets, ensuring a good path for the electrical signal. They're still looking for the problem's ultimate cause.
"We need another piece of the puzzle in order to say we're absolutely confident that we've got it,"

Feb. 07 Launch

LIFTOFF of Atlantis 2006年09月29日 wakeup music "moon river"