
Gliese 581: The new planet is one of six orbiting the star Gliese 581

(Imagery shows planetary orbits of the Gliese 581 system compared to those of our own solar system. The Gliese 581 star has about 30% the mass of our sun, and the outermost planet is closer to its star than we are to the sun. The 4th plane…

菅 衝突ビデオを今もって見ていない と敢えて発言ほぉ

検察の釈放後 今に至るも 見てない? 仙谷はもちろん衝突ビデオを見た 菅「(ビデオは)検察のところにあるのでしょうから」 あらら まるで他人事 首相に答弁を求めても、答弁にしゃしゃり出るのは呼ばれてもいない仙谷 「衆議院予算委員会集中審議」衆議院第1…

Gliese 581: The new planet is one of six orbiting the star Gliese 581

(Imagery shows planetary orbits of the Gliese 581 system compared to those of our own solar system. The Gliese 581 star has about 30% the mass of our sun, and the outermost planet is closer to its star than we are to the sun. The 4th plane…

菅 衝突ビデオを今もって見ていない と敢えて発言ほぉ

検察の釈放後 今に至るも 見てない? 仙谷はもちろん衝突ビデオを見た 菅「(ビデオは)検察のところにあるのでしょうから」 あらら まるで他人事 首相に答弁を求めても、答弁にしゃしゃり出るのは呼ばれてもいない仙谷 「衆議院予算委員会集中審議」衆議院第1…

Gliese 581: The new planet is one of six orbiting the star Gliese 581

(Imagery shows planetary orbits of the Gliese 581 system compared to those of our own solar system. The Gliese 581 star has about 30% the mass of our sun, and the outermost planet is closer to its star than we are to the sun. The 4th plane…

菅 衝突ビデオを今もって見ていない と敢えて発言ほぉ

検察の釈放後 今に至るも 見てない? 仙谷はもちろん衝突ビデオを見た 菅「(ビデオは)検察のところにあるのでしょうから」 あらら まるで他人事 首相に答弁を求めても、答弁にしゃしゃり出るのは呼ばれてもいない仙谷 「衆議院予算委員会集中審議」衆議院第1…

Gliese 581: The new planet is one of six orbiting the star Gliese 581

(Imagery shows planetary orbits of the Gliese 581 system compared to those of our own solar system. The Gliese 581 star has about 30% the mass of our sun, and the outermost planet is closer to its star than we are to the sun. The 4th plane…

菅 衝突ビデオを今もって見ていない と敢えて発言ほぉ

検察の釈放後 今に至るも 見てない? 仙谷はもちろん衝突ビデオを見た 菅「(ビデオは)検察のところにあるのでしょうから」 あらら まるで他人事 首相に答弁を求めても、答弁にしゃしゃり出るのは呼ばれてもいない仙谷 「衆議院予算委員会集中審議」衆議院第1…

Gliese 581: The new planet is one of six orbiting the star Gliese 581

(Imagery shows planetary orbits of the Gliese 581 system compared to those of our own solar system. The Gliese 581 star has about 30% the mass of our sun, and the outermost planet is closer to its star than we are to the sun. The 4th plane…

STS-134 Shuttle Says Goodbye

10月1日18時間59分57秒打ち上げとのこと 「嫦娥2号」、建国記念10月1日に打ち上げ サーチナ 「長征3型」はすでに発射台にすえつけられ、秒読みも始まった。打ち上げ予定の3日前には、ロケットへの燃料注入を始めるという。09/27 嫦娥1号は7日間にわたり…

遠すぎる未来(^^ゞ IXO in 2021 Gigantic mirror for X-radiation in outer space It is to become the largest X-ray telescope ever: The International X-Ray Observatory (IXO), which has been planned in a cooperation between NASA, ESA and Japan's…

10月4日より予定されているノーベル賞受賞者の発表 Thomson Reuters、ノーベル賞有力候補者21名を発表 - 日本人は3名が選出 |マイコミジャーナル http://journal.mycom.co.jp/news/2010/09/21/048/ 準天頂衛星初号機「みちびき」の準天頂軌道投入|JAXA http…


Naoto Kan: Handle bilateral ties calmly- CNTV English Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan says his country and China need to handle matters calmly, in order to further develop bilateral ties. He made the remarks after a Chinese trawler capta…


Naoto Kan: Handle bilateral ties calmly- CNTV English Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan says his country and China need to handle matters calmly, in order to further develop bilateral ties. He made the remarks after a Chinese trawler capta…


Naoto Kan: Handle bilateral ties calmly- CNTV English Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan says his country and China need to handle matters calmly, in order to further develop bilateral ties. He made the remarks after a Chinese trawler capta…


Naoto Kan: Handle bilateral ties calmly- CNTV English Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan says his country and China need to handle matters calmly, in order to further develop bilateral ties. He made the remarks after a Chinese trawler capta…


Naoto Kan: Handle bilateral ties calmly- CNTV English Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan says his country and China need to handle matters calmly, in order to further develop bilateral ties. He made the remarks after a Chinese trawler capta…


Naoto Kan: Handle bilateral ties calmly- CNTV English Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan says his country and China need to handle matters calmly, in order to further develop bilateral ties. He made the remarks after a Chinese trawler capta…


Naoto Kan: Handle bilateral ties calmly- CNTV English Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan says his country and China need to handle matters calmly, in order to further develop bilateral ties. He made the remarks after a Chinese trawler capta…


Naoto Kan: Handle bilateral ties calmly- CNTV English Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan says his country and China need to handle matters calmly, in order to further develop bilateral ties. He made the remarks after a Chinese trawler capta…


Naoto Kan: Handle bilateral ties calmly- CNTV English Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan says his country and China need to handle matters calmly, in order to further develop bilateral ties. He made the remarks after a Chinese trawler capta…


Naoto Kan: Handle bilateral ties calmly- CNTV English Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan says his country and China need to handle matters calmly, in order to further develop bilateral ties. He made the remarks after a Chinese trawler capta…


Naoto Kan: Handle bilateral ties calmly- CNTV English Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan says his country and China need to handle matters calmly, in order to further develop bilateral ties. He made the remarks after a Chinese trawler capta…


Naoto Kan: Handle bilateral ties calmly- CNTV English Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan says his country and China need to handle matters calmly, in order to further develop bilateral ties. He made the remarks after a Chinese trawler capta…


Naoto Kan: Handle bilateral ties calmly- CNTV English Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan says his country and China need to handle matters calmly, in order to further develop bilateral ties. He made the remarks after a Chinese trawler capta…


Naoto Kan: Handle bilateral ties calmly- CNTV English Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan says his country and China need to handle matters calmly, in order to further develop bilateral ties. He made the remarks after a Chinese trawler capta…


Naoto Kan: Handle bilateral ties calmly- CNTV English Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan says his country and China need to handle matters calmly, in order to further develop bilateral ties. He made the remarks after a Chinese trawler capta…


Naoto Kan: Handle bilateral ties calmly- CNTV English Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan says his country and China need to handle matters calmly, in order to further develop bilateral ties. He made the remarks after a Chinese trawler capta…


Naoto Kan: Handle bilateral ties calmly- CNTV English Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan says his country and China need to handle matters calmly, in order to further develop bilateral ties. He made the remarks after a Chinese trawler capta…


Naoto Kan: Handle bilateral ties calmly- CNTV English Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan says his country and China need to handle matters calmly, in order to further develop bilateral ties. He made the remarks after a Chinese trawler capta…