
Cirque du Soleil Founder Guy Lalibert〓 Arrives At ISS

This Week @NASA, October 2 http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/podcasting/twan_10_02_09.html カナダのサーカス団「シルク・ドゥ・ソレイユ(Cirque du Soleil)」創設者で富豪のギー・ラリベルテGuy Laliberte(50)ら3人を乗せたSoyuzが、ISSとドッキング…

横濱JAZZ / 2008アーカイブ

横濱JAZZ / 2008/2009アーカイブ http://d.hatena.ne.jp/yellowz/20091010" http://d.hatena.ne.jp/yellowz/20101010 横浜市内ジャズクラブ:横濱JAZZ PROMENADE http://www.jazzpro.jp/home/jazz_info/jazz_club.html 横浜JAZZ主体ライブハウス情報 :旭ジ…


olympic - Google News http://news.google.com/news/search?aq=f&cf=all&ned=us&hl=en&q=olympic Who'll host 2016 Olympics? It's hard to predict - USATODAY.com "President Obama is going to spend 18 hours on Air Force One over the next two days …

Soyuz TMA-16/20S launch / ISS Expedition21

Soyuz TMA-16/20S launch / ISS Expedition21 日本時間16時14分 09/30/09 -- Soyuz TMA-16/20S launch (3:14:42am, Baikonur: 1:14:42pm, Moscow DMT: 10:14:42am) -- J. Williams/M. Suraev/G. Lalibert〓 Google Wave http://wave.google.com/help/wave/cl…

Mercury Flyby3 / Progress 34P undock

"When the collider re-starts in November, engineers will hope to get the LHC up to five trillion electron volts before the machine goes into its planned downtime again in November 2010. " LHC gets warning system upgrade| BBC NEWS http://ne…

"Hubble 3D," Imax theaters http://www.imax.com/hubble/ Lights, camera ... Hubble! - msnbc.com http://cosmiclog.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2009/09/28/2082228.aspx Soyuz TMA-16/20S Rollout 例えばソユーズによるISS滞在は、当初2000万ドル(ドル92円換…

横濱開港150周年 閉幕

LOFAR Radio Telescope Observes Across Borders | SpaceRef Europe "An international group of astronomers have succeeded in the first joint observations between the LOFAR stations in Exloo (The Netherlands) and Effelsberg (Germany). This cons…

Martian Ice Exposed by Meteorite Impacts

Martian Ice Exposed by Meteorite Impacts NASA - Martian Ice Exposed by Meteorite Impacts http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2009/24sep_martianice.htm?list1073247 Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter: Home http://marsprogram.jpl.nasa.gov/mro/ NASA S…

Water Molecules on Lunar Surface

NASA Instruments Reveal Water Molecules on Lunar Surface Jet Propulsion Laboratory http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.cfm?release=2009-147 Moon Mineralogy Mapper, or M3 ("M-cubed"), Water Molecules Found on the Moon "The data from Cassini's…


UN Security Council Historic Summit of Security Council Pledges Support for Progress on Stalled Efforts to End Nuclear Weapons Proliferation http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs//2009/sc9746.doc.htm Maintain momentum towards nuclear disarmame…

カダフィ国連初登場 予想通りの独演96分

国連 192ヶ国 UN Webcast http://www.un.org/webcast/ General Debate of the 64th Session of the UN General Assembly 23-26 & 28-30 September 2009 http://www.un.org/ga/64/generaldebate/index.shtml United Nations News Service http://www.un.org/n…

”地球”Pale Blue Dot

JCCCA Web::全国地球温暖化防止活動推進センターWebサイト - 3-1 世界の二酸化炭素排出量−国別排出割合−(2006年) 国名 排出量 1 アメリカ 5766.0 2 中国 5627.0 3 ロシア 1564.0 以上 軍事惑星"地球"4 インド 1264.0 5 日本 1242.0 6 ドイツ 816.0 7 イギ…

HTV : the pressurized section of the HTV 画面奥、国威発揚(笑)の日の丸のある側 HTV-きぼう-JAXA "飛行12日目(9月21日)以降に、補給キャリア与圧部内の搭載品をISS内へ移送する作業が行われる予定です。 また、補給キャリア非与圧部からの曝露パレット…

Progress 34P undock

09/21/09 -- A Russian cargo ship, the ISS Progress 34, left the space station early Monday morning. The cargo ship will orbit the Earth for engineering experiments until deorbiting on Sept. 27. Progress 34P undock (~3:24am) for several day…

LRO Early Results Press Conference Visuals

LRO Early Results Press Conference Visuals http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/LRO/news/south_pole.html a visualization of LOLA altitude data. a LOLA profile of Shackleton crater. LRO's LOLA instrument LRO Instruments CRaTER: Cosmic Ray Tele…

ISS HTV Grapple and Berthing

The unpiloted Japanese H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) arrived at the ISS Thursday and was grappled using the station’s robotic arm at 3:47 p.m. EDT. ISS HTV Grapple Japanese Cargo Craft Docked with Station The unpiloted Japanese H-II Transfer…

ISS HTV Grapple and Berthing Coverage

September 17, Thursday 3 p.m. - ISS HTV Grapple and Berthing Coverage (Grapple scheduled for 3:50 p.m.) September 17, Thursday Crew Prepares for Arrival of Japanese Cargo Craft International Space Station http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/…

政党変れど お世継ぎ首相はあい変わらす(笑)

September 15, Tuesday 2 p.m. - Hearing before the House Committee on Science and Technology regarding findings of the Review of Human Space Flight Plans - HQ September 16, Wednesday 2:30 p.m. - Hearing before the Senate Subcommittee on Sci…

Crew Gears Up for HTV Arrival

September 15, Tuesday 2 p.m. - Hearing before the House Committee on Science and Technology regarding findings of the Review of Human Space Flight Plans - HQ September 16, Wednesday 2:30 p.m. - Hearing before the Senate Subcommittee on Sci…

SN 2009dc 史上最も明るいIa型超新星爆発

LCROSS Mission Update News Conference SN 2009dc 史上最も明るいIa型超新星爆発 "超新星は3億光年の彼方で起こっているので、 その大きさは1度の10億分の1程度の大きさにしかなく、形を見ることはできません。 そこで、すばる望遠鏡を用いて 光の「偏り」…

Hubble: A New Beginning 人気のないConferenceもので、800アクセスも(笑)あったので、?と思ったら、ロシアからでした。ロシア、宇宙科学もの結構好きです(^^ゞ EVZ.ro -- Show-ul din Cosmos| FOTO http://www.evz.ro/articole/detalii-articol/867162/Sho…

nuclear disarmament

CTBT Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty 包括的核実験禁止条約 Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty 核実験全面禁止条約 NPT Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty 核不拡散条約 RPT-US drafts UN resolution urging nuclear disarmament US floats nuclear dis…


HTV Launch HTV Launch 次期宇宙飛行士候補選出が、以前どおりの"お決まり"で民間からだったら、 H2B"新時代"の幕開けが目出度かったのだが "記者会見第一部。出席者は、大宮英明三菱重工社長、立川敬二JAXA理事長、塩谷立文部科学大臣、池上徹彦宇宙開発委…

Hubble ERO Science News Conference

83兆円 イラクとアフガニスタンの戦費より少額 オバマ大統領、 "米医療保険改革のために今後10年間で必要な約9千億ドル(約83兆円)の費用について、イラクとアフガニスタンの戦費より少額だ" 47NEWS http://www.47news.jp/CN/200909/CN2009091001000…

STS-128 Flight Day 12

9/10 Thu 12:45 p.m.ISS HTV Launch Coverage (Launch scheduled at 1:01 p.m.) - JSC via Tanegashima, Japan 11日(金)午前2時01分(日本時) Landing is scheduled for Thursday at 7:05 p.m. EDT at Kennedy Space Center. 06:05 PM Deorbit ignition (…

どんどんがっかり 軍人枠だらけになるISS

STS-128 ISS UNDOCKING TIMELINE 9/8 03:26:37 PM UNDOCKING 03:27:37 PM Initial separation 03:28:17 PM ISS holds attitude 03:31:37 PM Range: 50 feet; reselect -X jets 03:33:37 PM Range 75 feet; low Z 03:43:24 PM Sunrise 03:55:37 PM Range: 400…

STS-128 Flight Day 10

STS-128 Flight Day 10 Cargo transfer from Leonardo to the station Crew off-duty time Remaining Shuttle Missions STS-129:Atlantis Nov.12 STS-130:Endeavour Feb.4, 2010 STS-131:Discovery March 18, 2010 STS-132:Atlantis May 14, 2010 STS-133:En…

STS-128 Flight Day 9

STS-128 Flight Day 9 Spacewalk 3 by Olivas and Fuglesang Spacewalk 3 by Olivas and Fuglesang (Routing avionics cables for Tranquility Node 3 installation, replacement of Rate Gyro Assembly on the S0 truss, installation of two GPS antennas …

STS-128 Flight Day 8

STS-128 Flight Day 8 Crew off-duty time Joint Crew News Conference Cargo transfer from Leonardo to the station Spacewalk 3 Procedure Review Spacewalk 3 Campout in Quest airlock by Olivas and Fuglesang 再録 A black hole host galaxy at z=6.4…

STS-128 Flight Day 7

STS-128: EVA2 / Flight Day 7 Ride the station's robotic arm Astronaut Christer Fuglesang rides the station's robotic arm carrying an empty ammonia tank for stowage inside the shuttle's payload bay. STS-128 Flight Day 7 Spacewalk 2 by Oliva…