
"nasa hq photo's photostream"

Flickr: nasa hq photo's Photostream


Amazing Images of Shuttle and Hubble Transiting Sun | Universe Today
"NASA photographer Thierry Legault was in Florida at the time he took this image, about 100 km south of the Kennedy Space Center on May 13th 2009 12:17 local time, several minutes before grapple of Hubble by Atlantis.
The transit only lasted .8 seconds, and Legault was able to snap 4 images a second, getting a total of 16 different shots of the entire event (he started shooting 2 seconds before the predicted transit.)"

"Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
APOD: 2009 May 16 - Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
Credit & Copyright: Thierry Legault
Explanation: On Wednesday, May 13, two, tiny, fast moving spots crossed an otherwise featureless solar disk. Not sunspots though, the dark blemishes were silhouettes of the shuttle orbiter Atlantis and the Hubble Space Telescope side by side. To record this sharp picture of the orbiting pair against the face of the Sun, astronomer Thierry Legault carefully set up his camera and telescope near the center of a 5 kilometer wide path of visibility about 100 kilometers south of Kennedy Space Center in Florida. He opened the shutter for 1/8,000 second at 12:17 EDT, catching Atlantis and Hubble at a range of 600 kilometers while they were moving at 7 kilometers/second. The total duration of the transit (Sun crossing) was 0.8 seconds. Enlarged in the inset view, Atlantis (top) is approaching Hubble prior to capturing the space telescope. Thursday, astronauts began a series of spacewalks to perform the maintenance as part of the final mission to Hubble. "
太陽と一瞬のランデブー、アトランティスハッブル望遠鏡: AFPBB News
"米フロリダFlorida州ベロビーチVero Beachで、米東部時間13日午後0時17分(日本時間14日午前1時17分)、太陽を背景に高度600キロ付近をランデブーするスペースシャトルAtlantis(中央上)と、Hubble Space Telescope、HST(中央下)の姿が、一瞬だけ捉えられた。

新型インフル神戸直撃 駅員もマスク、ホテルはキャンセル続出
新型インフル初の国内感染 渡航歴もなく見えぬ経路 
感染確定42人に いずれも渡航歴なし(産経)
厚生労働省、神戸市、兵庫県大阪府では、感染者の治療や感染ルートの調査に乗り出した。いずれの感染者にも渡航歴は確認されていない - http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20090517-00000590-san-soci


"nasa hq photo's photostream"

Flickr: nasa hq photo's Photostream


Amazing Images of Shuttle and Hubble Transiting Sun | Universe Today
"NASA photographer Thierry Legault was in Florida at the time he took this image, about 100 km south of the Kennedy Space Center on May 13th 2009 12:17 local time, several minutes before grapple of Hubble by Atlantis.
The transit only lasted .8 seconds, and Legault was able to snap 4 images a second, getting a total of 16 different shots of the entire event (he started shooting 2 seconds before the predicted transit.)"

"Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
APOD: 2009 May 16 - Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
Credit & Copyright: Thierry Legault
Explanation: On Wednesday, May 13, two, tiny, fast moving spots crossed an otherwise featureless solar disk. Not sunspots though, the dark blemishes were silhouettes of the shuttle orbiter Atlantis and the Hubble Space Telescope side by side. To record this sharp picture of the orbiting pair against the face of the Sun, astronomer Thierry Legault carefully set up his camera and telescope near the center of a 5 kilometer wide path of visibility about 100 kilometers south of Kennedy Space Center in Florida. He opened the shutter for 1/8,000 second at 12:17 EDT, catching Atlantis and Hubble at a range of 600 kilometers while they were moving at 7 kilometers/second. The total duration of the transit (Sun crossing) was 0.8 seconds. Enlarged in the inset view, Atlantis (top) is approaching Hubble prior to capturing the space telescope. Thursday, astronauts began a series of spacewalks to perform the maintenance as part of the final mission to Hubble. "
太陽と一瞬のランデブー、アトランティスハッブル望遠鏡: AFPBB News
"米フロリダFlorida州ベロビーチVero Beachで、米東部時間13日午後0時17分(日本時間14日午前1時17分)、太陽を背景に高度600キロ付近をランデブーするスペースシャトルAtlantis(中央上)と、Hubble Space Telescope、HST(中央下)の姿が、一瞬だけ捉えられた。

新型インフル神戸直撃 駅員もマスク、ホテルはキャンセル続出
新型インフル初の国内感染 渡航歴もなく見えぬ経路 
感染確定42人に いずれも渡航歴なし(産経)
厚生労働省、神戸市、兵庫県大阪府では、感染者の治療や感染ルートの調査に乗り出した。いずれの感染者にも渡航歴は確認されていない - http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20090517-00000590-san-soci


"nasa hq photo's photostream"

Flickr: nasa hq photo's Photostream


Amazing Images of Shuttle and Hubble Transiting Sun | Universe Today
"NASA photographer Thierry Legault was in Florida at the time he took this image, about 100 km south of the Kennedy Space Center on May 13th 2009 12:17 local time, several minutes before grapple of Hubble by Atlantis.
The transit only lasted .8 seconds, and Legault was able to snap 4 images a second, getting a total of 16 different shots of the entire event (he started shooting 2 seconds before the predicted transit.)"

"Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
APOD: 2009 May 16 - Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
Credit & Copyright: Thierry Legault
Explanation: On Wednesday, May 13, two, tiny, fast moving spots crossed an otherwise featureless solar disk. Not sunspots though, the dark blemishes were silhouettes of the shuttle orbiter Atlantis and the Hubble Space Telescope side by side. To record this sharp picture of the orbiting pair against the face of the Sun, astronomer Thierry Legault carefully set up his camera and telescope near the center of a 5 kilometer wide path of visibility about 100 kilometers south of Kennedy Space Center in Florida. He opened the shutter for 1/8,000 second at 12:17 EDT, catching Atlantis and Hubble at a range of 600 kilometers while they were moving at 7 kilometers/second. The total duration of the transit (Sun crossing) was 0.8 seconds. Enlarged in the inset view, Atlantis (top) is approaching Hubble prior to capturing the space telescope. Thursday, astronauts began a series of spacewalks to perform the maintenance as part of the final mission to Hubble. "
太陽と一瞬のランデブー、アトランティスハッブル望遠鏡: AFPBB News
"米フロリダFlorida州ベロビーチVero Beachで、米東部時間13日午後0時17分(日本時間14日午前1時17分)、太陽を背景に高度600キロ付近をランデブーするスペースシャトルAtlantis(中央上)と、Hubble Space Telescope、HST(中央下)の姿が、一瞬だけ捉えられた。

新型インフル神戸直撃 駅員もマスク、ホテルはキャンセル続出
新型インフル初の国内感染 渡航歴もなく見えぬ経路 
感染確定42人に いずれも渡航歴なし(産経)
厚生労働省、神戸市、兵庫県大阪府では、感染者の治療や感染ルートの調査に乗り出した。いずれの感染者にも渡航歴は確認されていない - http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20090517-00000590-san-soci


"nasa hq photo's photostream"

Flickr: nasa hq photo's Photostream


Amazing Images of Shuttle and Hubble Transiting Sun | Universe Today
"NASA photographer Thierry Legault was in Florida at the time he took this image, about 100 km south of the Kennedy Space Center on May 13th 2009 12:17 local time, several minutes before grapple of Hubble by Atlantis.
The transit only lasted .8 seconds, and Legault was able to snap 4 images a second, getting a total of 16 different shots of the entire event (he started shooting 2 seconds before the predicted transit.)"

"Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
APOD: 2009 May 16 - Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
Credit & Copyright: Thierry Legault
Explanation: On Wednesday, May 13, two, tiny, fast moving spots crossed an otherwise featureless solar disk. Not sunspots though, the dark blemishes were silhouettes of the shuttle orbiter Atlantis and the Hubble Space Telescope side by side. To record this sharp picture of the orbiting pair against the face of the Sun, astronomer Thierry Legault carefully set up his camera and telescope near the center of a 5 kilometer wide path of visibility about 100 kilometers south of Kennedy Space Center in Florida. He opened the shutter for 1/8,000 second at 12:17 EDT, catching Atlantis and Hubble at a range of 600 kilometers while they were moving at 7 kilometers/second. The total duration of the transit (Sun crossing) was 0.8 seconds. Enlarged in the inset view, Atlantis (top) is approaching Hubble prior to capturing the space telescope. Thursday, astronauts began a series of spacewalks to perform the maintenance as part of the final mission to Hubble. "
太陽と一瞬のランデブー、アトランティスハッブル望遠鏡: AFPBB News
"米フロリダFlorida州ベロビーチVero Beachで、米東部時間13日午後0時17分(日本時間14日午前1時17分)、太陽を背景に高度600キロ付近をランデブーするスペースシャトルAtlantis(中央上)と、Hubble Space Telescope、HST(中央下)の姿が、一瞬だけ捉えられた。

新型インフル神戸直撃 駅員もマスク、ホテルはキャンセル続出
新型インフル初の国内感染 渡航歴もなく見えぬ経路 
感染確定42人に いずれも渡航歴なし(産経)
厚生労働省、神戸市、兵庫県大阪府では、感染者の治療や感染ルートの調査に乗り出した。いずれの感染者にも渡航歴は確認されていない - http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20090517-00000590-san-soci


"nasa hq photo's photostream"

Flickr: nasa hq photo's Photostream


Amazing Images of Shuttle and Hubble Transiting Sun | Universe Today
"NASA photographer Thierry Legault was in Florida at the time he took this image, about 100 km south of the Kennedy Space Center on May 13th 2009 12:17 local time, several minutes before grapple of Hubble by Atlantis.
The transit only lasted .8 seconds, and Legault was able to snap 4 images a second, getting a total of 16 different shots of the entire event (he started shooting 2 seconds before the predicted transit.)"

"Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
APOD: 2009 May 16 - Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
Credit & Copyright: Thierry Legault
Explanation: On Wednesday, May 13, two, tiny, fast moving spots crossed an otherwise featureless solar disk. Not sunspots though, the dark blemishes were silhouettes of the shuttle orbiter Atlantis and the Hubble Space Telescope side by side. To record this sharp picture of the orbiting pair against the face of the Sun, astronomer Thierry Legault carefully set up his camera and telescope near the center of a 5 kilometer wide path of visibility about 100 kilometers south of Kennedy Space Center in Florida. He opened the shutter for 1/8,000 second at 12:17 EDT, catching Atlantis and Hubble at a range of 600 kilometers while they were moving at 7 kilometers/second. The total duration of the transit (Sun crossing) was 0.8 seconds. Enlarged in the inset view, Atlantis (top) is approaching Hubble prior to capturing the space telescope. Thursday, astronauts began a series of spacewalks to perform the maintenance as part of the final mission to Hubble. "
太陽と一瞬のランデブー、アトランティスハッブル望遠鏡: AFPBB News
"米フロリダFlorida州ベロビーチVero Beachで、米東部時間13日午後0時17分(日本時間14日午前1時17分)、太陽を背景に高度600キロ付近をランデブーするスペースシャトルAtlantis(中央上)と、Hubble Space Telescope、HST(中央下)の姿が、一瞬だけ捉えられた。

新型インフル神戸直撃 駅員もマスク、ホテルはキャンセル続出
新型インフル初の国内感染 渡航歴もなく見えぬ経路 
感染確定42人に いずれも渡航歴なし(産経)
厚生労働省、神戸市、兵庫県大阪府では、感染者の治療や感染ルートの調査に乗り出した。いずれの感染者にも渡航歴は確認されていない - http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20090517-00000590-san-soci


"nasa hq photo's photostream"

Flickr: nasa hq photo's Photostream


Amazing Images of Shuttle and Hubble Transiting Sun | Universe Today
"NASA photographer Thierry Legault was in Florida at the time he took this image, about 100 km south of the Kennedy Space Center on May 13th 2009 12:17 local time, several minutes before grapple of Hubble by Atlantis.
The transit only lasted .8 seconds, and Legault was able to snap 4 images a second, getting a total of 16 different shots of the entire event (he started shooting 2 seconds before the predicted transit.)"

"Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
APOD: 2009 May 16 - Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
Credit & Copyright: Thierry Legault
Explanation: On Wednesday, May 13, two, tiny, fast moving spots crossed an otherwise featureless solar disk. Not sunspots though, the dark blemishes were silhouettes of the shuttle orbiter Atlantis and the Hubble Space Telescope side by side. To record this sharp picture of the orbiting pair against the face of the Sun, astronomer Thierry Legault carefully set up his camera and telescope near the center of a 5 kilometer wide path of visibility about 100 kilometers south of Kennedy Space Center in Florida. He opened the shutter for 1/8,000 second at 12:17 EDT, catching Atlantis and Hubble at a range of 600 kilometers while they were moving at 7 kilometers/second. The total duration of the transit (Sun crossing) was 0.8 seconds. Enlarged in the inset view, Atlantis (top) is approaching Hubble prior to capturing the space telescope. Thursday, astronauts began a series of spacewalks to perform the maintenance as part of the final mission to Hubble. "
太陽と一瞬のランデブー、アトランティスハッブル望遠鏡: AFPBB News
"米フロリダFlorida州ベロビーチVero Beachで、米東部時間13日午後0時17分(日本時間14日午前1時17分)、太陽を背景に高度600キロ付近をランデブーするスペースシャトルAtlantis(中央上)と、Hubble Space Telescope、HST(中央下)の姿が、一瞬だけ捉えられた。

新型インフル神戸直撃 駅員もマスク、ホテルはキャンセル続出
新型インフル初の国内感染 渡航歴もなく見えぬ経路 
感染確定42人に いずれも渡航歴なし(産経)
厚生労働省、神戸市、兵庫県大阪府では、感染者の治療や感染ルートの調査に乗り出した。いずれの感染者にも渡航歴は確認されていない - http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20090517-00000590-san-soci


"nasa hq photo's photostream"

Flickr: nasa hq photo's Photostream


Amazing Images of Shuttle and Hubble Transiting Sun | Universe Today
"NASA photographer Thierry Legault was in Florida at the time he took this image, about 100 km south of the Kennedy Space Center on May 13th 2009 12:17 local time, several minutes before grapple of Hubble by Atlantis.
The transit only lasted .8 seconds, and Legault was able to snap 4 images a second, getting a total of 16 different shots of the entire event (he started shooting 2 seconds before the predicted transit.)"

"Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
APOD: 2009 May 16 - Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
Credit & Copyright: Thierry Legault
Explanation: On Wednesday, May 13, two, tiny, fast moving spots crossed an otherwise featureless solar disk. Not sunspots though, the dark blemishes were silhouettes of the shuttle orbiter Atlantis and the Hubble Space Telescope side by side. To record this sharp picture of the orbiting pair against the face of the Sun, astronomer Thierry Legault carefully set up his camera and telescope near the center of a 5 kilometer wide path of visibility about 100 kilometers south of Kennedy Space Center in Florida. He opened the shutter for 1/8,000 second at 12:17 EDT, catching Atlantis and Hubble at a range of 600 kilometers while they were moving at 7 kilometers/second. The total duration of the transit (Sun crossing) was 0.8 seconds. Enlarged in the inset view, Atlantis (top) is approaching Hubble prior to capturing the space telescope. Thursday, astronauts began a series of spacewalks to perform the maintenance as part of the final mission to Hubble. "
太陽と一瞬のランデブー、アトランティスハッブル望遠鏡: AFPBB News
"米フロリダFlorida州ベロビーチVero Beachで、米東部時間13日午後0時17分(日本時間14日午前1時17分)、太陽を背景に高度600キロ付近をランデブーするスペースシャトルAtlantis(中央上)と、Hubble Space Telescope、HST(中央下)の姿が、一瞬だけ捉えられた。

新型インフル神戸直撃 駅員もマスク、ホテルはキャンセル続出
新型インフル初の国内感染 渡航歴もなく見えぬ経路 
感染確定42人に いずれも渡航歴なし(産経)
厚生労働省、神戸市、兵庫県大阪府では、感染者の治療や感染ルートの調査に乗り出した。いずれの感染者にも渡航歴は確認されていない - http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20090517-00000590-san-soci


"nasa hq photo's photostream"

Flickr: nasa hq photo's Photostream


Amazing Images of Shuttle and Hubble Transiting Sun | Universe Today
"NASA photographer Thierry Legault was in Florida at the time he took this image, about 100 km south of the Kennedy Space Center on May 13th 2009 12:17 local time, several minutes before grapple of Hubble by Atlantis.
The transit only lasted .8 seconds, and Legault was able to snap 4 images a second, getting a total of 16 different shots of the entire event (he started shooting 2 seconds before the predicted transit.)"

"Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
APOD: 2009 May 16 - Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
Credit & Copyright: Thierry Legault
Explanation: On Wednesday, May 13, two, tiny, fast moving spots crossed an otherwise featureless solar disk. Not sunspots though, the dark blemishes were silhouettes of the shuttle orbiter Atlantis and the Hubble Space Telescope side by side. To record this sharp picture of the orbiting pair against the face of the Sun, astronomer Thierry Legault carefully set up his camera and telescope near the center of a 5 kilometer wide path of visibility about 100 kilometers south of Kennedy Space Center in Florida. He opened the shutter for 1/8,000 second at 12:17 EDT, catching Atlantis and Hubble at a range of 600 kilometers while they were moving at 7 kilometers/second. The total duration of the transit (Sun crossing) was 0.8 seconds. Enlarged in the inset view, Atlantis (top) is approaching Hubble prior to capturing the space telescope. Thursday, astronauts began a series of spacewalks to perform the maintenance as part of the final mission to Hubble. "
太陽と一瞬のランデブー、アトランティスハッブル望遠鏡: AFPBB News
"米フロリダFlorida州ベロビーチVero Beachで、米東部時間13日午後0時17分(日本時間14日午前1時17分)、太陽を背景に高度600キロ付近をランデブーするスペースシャトルAtlantis(中央上)と、Hubble Space Telescope、HST(中央下)の姿が、一瞬だけ捉えられた。

新型インフル神戸直撃 駅員もマスク、ホテルはキャンセル続出
新型インフル初の国内感染 渡航歴もなく見えぬ経路 
感染確定42人に いずれも渡航歴なし(産経)
厚生労働省、神戸市、兵庫県大阪府では、感染者の治療や感染ルートの調査に乗り出した。いずれの感染者にも渡航歴は確認されていない - http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20090517-00000590-san-soci


"nasa hq photo's photostream"

Flickr: nasa hq photo's Photostream


Amazing Images of Shuttle and Hubble Transiting Sun | Universe Today
"NASA photographer Thierry Legault was in Florida at the time he took this image, about 100 km south of the Kennedy Space Center on May 13th 2009 12:17 local time, several minutes before grapple of Hubble by Atlantis.
The transit only lasted .8 seconds, and Legault was able to snap 4 images a second, getting a total of 16 different shots of the entire event (he started shooting 2 seconds before the predicted transit.)"

"Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
APOD: 2009 May 16 - Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
Credit & Copyright: Thierry Legault
Explanation: On Wednesday, May 13, two, tiny, fast moving spots crossed an otherwise featureless solar disk. Not sunspots though, the dark blemishes were silhouettes of the shuttle orbiter Atlantis and the Hubble Space Telescope side by side. To record this sharp picture of the orbiting pair against the face of the Sun, astronomer Thierry Legault carefully set up his camera and telescope near the center of a 5 kilometer wide path of visibility about 100 kilometers south of Kennedy Space Center in Florida. He opened the shutter for 1/8,000 second at 12:17 EDT, catching Atlantis and Hubble at a range of 600 kilometers while they were moving at 7 kilometers/second. The total duration of the transit (Sun crossing) was 0.8 seconds. Enlarged in the inset view, Atlantis (top) is approaching Hubble prior to capturing the space telescope. Thursday, astronauts began a series of spacewalks to perform the maintenance as part of the final mission to Hubble. "
太陽と一瞬のランデブー、アトランティスハッブル望遠鏡: AFPBB News
"米フロリダFlorida州ベロビーチVero Beachで、米東部時間13日午後0時17分(日本時間14日午前1時17分)、太陽を背景に高度600キロ付近をランデブーするスペースシャトルAtlantis(中央上)と、Hubble Space Telescope、HST(中央下)の姿が、一瞬だけ捉えられた。

新型インフル神戸直撃 駅員もマスク、ホテルはキャンセル続出
新型インフル初の国内感染 渡航歴もなく見えぬ経路 
感染確定42人に いずれも渡航歴なし(産経)
厚生労働省、神戸市、兵庫県大阪府では、感染者の治療や感染ルートの調査に乗り出した。いずれの感染者にも渡航歴は確認されていない - http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20090517-00000590-san-soci


"nasa hq photo's photostream"

Flickr: nasa hq photo's Photostream


Amazing Images of Shuttle and Hubble Transiting Sun | Universe Today
"NASA photographer Thierry Legault was in Florida at the time he took this image, about 100 km south of the Kennedy Space Center on May 13th 2009 12:17 local time, several minutes before grapple of Hubble by Atlantis.
The transit only lasted .8 seconds, and Legault was able to snap 4 images a second, getting a total of 16 different shots of the entire event (he started shooting 2 seconds before the predicted transit.)"

"Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
APOD: 2009 May 16 - Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
Credit & Copyright: Thierry Legault
Explanation: On Wednesday, May 13, two, tiny, fast moving spots crossed an otherwise featureless solar disk. Not sunspots though, the dark blemishes were silhouettes of the shuttle orbiter Atlantis and the Hubble Space Telescope side by side. To record this sharp picture of the orbiting pair against the face of the Sun, astronomer Thierry Legault carefully set up his camera and telescope near the center of a 5 kilometer wide path of visibility about 100 kilometers south of Kennedy Space Center in Florida. He opened the shutter for 1/8,000 second at 12:17 EDT, catching Atlantis and Hubble at a range of 600 kilometers while they were moving at 7 kilometers/second. The total duration of the transit (Sun crossing) was 0.8 seconds. Enlarged in the inset view, Atlantis (top) is approaching Hubble prior to capturing the space telescope. Thursday, astronauts began a series of spacewalks to perform the maintenance as part of the final mission to Hubble. "
太陽と一瞬のランデブー、アトランティスハッブル望遠鏡: AFPBB News
"米フロリダFlorida州ベロビーチVero Beachで、米東部時間13日午後0時17分(日本時間14日午前1時17分)、太陽を背景に高度600キロ付近をランデブーするスペースシャトルAtlantis(中央上)と、Hubble Space Telescope、HST(中央下)の姿が、一瞬だけ捉えられた。

新型インフル神戸直撃 駅員もマスク、ホテルはキャンセル続出
新型インフル初の国内感染 渡航歴もなく見えぬ経路 
感染確定42人に いずれも渡航歴なし(産経)
厚生労働省、神戸市、兵庫県大阪府では、感染者の治療や感染ルートの調査に乗り出した。いずれの感染者にも渡航歴は確認されていない - http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20090517-00000590-san-soci


"nasa hq photo's photostream"

Flickr: nasa hq photo's Photostream


Amazing Images of Shuttle and Hubble Transiting Sun | Universe Today
"NASA photographer Thierry Legault was in Florida at the time he took this image, about 100 km south of the Kennedy Space Center on May 13th 2009 12:17 local time, several minutes before grapple of Hubble by Atlantis.
The transit only lasted .8 seconds, and Legault was able to snap 4 images a second, getting a total of 16 different shots of the entire event (he started shooting 2 seconds before the predicted transit.)"

"Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
APOD: 2009 May 16 - Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
Credit & Copyright: Thierry Legault
Explanation: On Wednesday, May 13, two, tiny, fast moving spots crossed an otherwise featureless solar disk. Not sunspots though, the dark blemishes were silhouettes of the shuttle orbiter Atlantis and the Hubble Space Telescope side by side. To record this sharp picture of the orbiting pair against the face of the Sun, astronomer Thierry Legault carefully set up his camera and telescope near the center of a 5 kilometer wide path of visibility about 100 kilometers south of Kennedy Space Center in Florida. He opened the shutter for 1/8,000 second at 12:17 EDT, catching Atlantis and Hubble at a range of 600 kilometers while they were moving at 7 kilometers/second. The total duration of the transit (Sun crossing) was 0.8 seconds. Enlarged in the inset view, Atlantis (top) is approaching Hubble prior to capturing the space telescope. Thursday, astronauts began a series of spacewalks to perform the maintenance as part of the final mission to Hubble. "
太陽と一瞬のランデブー、アトランティスハッブル望遠鏡: AFPBB News
"米フロリダFlorida州ベロビーチVero Beachで、米東部時間13日午後0時17分(日本時間14日午前1時17分)、太陽を背景に高度600キロ付近をランデブーするスペースシャトルAtlantis(中央上)と、Hubble Space Telescope、HST(中央下)の姿が、一瞬だけ捉えられた。

新型インフル神戸直撃 駅員もマスク、ホテルはキャンセル続出
新型インフル初の国内感染 渡航歴もなく見えぬ経路 
感染確定42人に いずれも渡航歴なし(産経)
厚生労働省、神戸市、兵庫県大阪府では、感染者の治療や感染ルートの調査に乗り出した。いずれの感染者にも渡航歴は確認されていない - http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20090517-00000590-san-soci


"nasa hq photo's photostream"

Flickr: nasa hq photo's Photostream


Amazing Images of Shuttle and Hubble Transiting Sun | Universe Today
"NASA photographer Thierry Legault was in Florida at the time he took this image, about 100 km south of the Kennedy Space Center on May 13th 2009 12:17 local time, several minutes before grapple of Hubble by Atlantis.
The transit only lasted .8 seconds, and Legault was able to snap 4 images a second, getting a total of 16 different shots of the entire event (he started shooting 2 seconds before the predicted transit.)"

"Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
APOD: 2009 May 16 - Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
Credit & Copyright: Thierry Legault
Explanation: On Wednesday, May 13, two, tiny, fast moving spots crossed an otherwise featureless solar disk. Not sunspots though, the dark blemishes were silhouettes of the shuttle orbiter Atlantis and the Hubble Space Telescope side by side. To record this sharp picture of the orbiting pair against the face of the Sun, astronomer Thierry Legault carefully set up his camera and telescope near the center of a 5 kilometer wide path of visibility about 100 kilometers south of Kennedy Space Center in Florida. He opened the shutter for 1/8,000 second at 12:17 EDT, catching Atlantis and Hubble at a range of 600 kilometers while they were moving at 7 kilometers/second. The total duration of the transit (Sun crossing) was 0.8 seconds. Enlarged in the inset view, Atlantis (top) is approaching Hubble prior to capturing the space telescope. Thursday, astronauts began a series of spacewalks to perform the maintenance as part of the final mission to Hubble. "
太陽と一瞬のランデブー、アトランティスハッブル望遠鏡: AFPBB News
"米フロリダFlorida州ベロビーチVero Beachで、米東部時間13日午後0時17分(日本時間14日午前1時17分)、太陽を背景に高度600キロ付近をランデブーするスペースシャトルAtlantis(中央上)と、Hubble Space Telescope、HST(中央下)の姿が、一瞬だけ捉えられた。

新型インフル神戸直撃 駅員もマスク、ホテルはキャンセル続出
新型インフル初の国内感染 渡航歴もなく見えぬ経路 
感染確定42人に いずれも渡航歴なし(産経)
厚生労働省、神戸市、兵庫県大阪府では、感染者の治療や感染ルートの調査に乗り出した。いずれの感染者にも渡航歴は確認されていない - http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20090517-00000590-san-soci


"nasa hq photo's photostream"

Flickr: nasa hq photo's Photostream


Amazing Images of Shuttle and Hubble Transiting Sun | Universe Today
"NASA photographer Thierry Legault was in Florida at the time he took this image, about 100 km south of the Kennedy Space Center on May 13th 2009 12:17 local time, several minutes before grapple of Hubble by Atlantis.
The transit only lasted .8 seconds, and Legault was able to snap 4 images a second, getting a total of 16 different shots of the entire event (he started shooting 2 seconds before the predicted transit.)"

"Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
APOD: 2009 May 16 - Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
Credit & Copyright: Thierry Legault
Explanation: On Wednesday, May 13, two, tiny, fast moving spots crossed an otherwise featureless solar disk. Not sunspots though, the dark blemishes were silhouettes of the shuttle orbiter Atlantis and the Hubble Space Telescope side by side. To record this sharp picture of the orbiting pair against the face of the Sun, astronomer Thierry Legault carefully set up his camera and telescope near the center of a 5 kilometer wide path of visibility about 100 kilometers south of Kennedy Space Center in Florida. He opened the shutter for 1/8,000 second at 12:17 EDT, catching Atlantis and Hubble at a range of 600 kilometers while they were moving at 7 kilometers/second. The total duration of the transit (Sun crossing) was 0.8 seconds. Enlarged in the inset view, Atlantis (top) is approaching Hubble prior to capturing the space telescope. Thursday, astronauts began a series of spacewalks to perform the maintenance as part of the final mission to Hubble. "
太陽と一瞬のランデブー、アトランティスハッブル望遠鏡: AFPBB News
"米フロリダFlorida州ベロビーチVero Beachで、米東部時間13日午後0時17分(日本時間14日午前1時17分)、太陽を背景に高度600キロ付近をランデブーするスペースシャトルAtlantis(中央上)と、Hubble Space Telescope、HST(中央下)の姿が、一瞬だけ捉えられた。

新型インフル神戸直撃 駅員もマスク、ホテルはキャンセル続出
新型インフル初の国内感染 渡航歴もなく見えぬ経路 
感染確定42人に いずれも渡航歴なし(産経)
厚生労働省、神戸市、兵庫県大阪府では、感染者の治療や感染ルートの調査に乗り出した。いずれの感染者にも渡航歴は確認されていない - http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20090517-00000590-san-soci


"nasa hq photo's photostream"

Flickr: nasa hq photo's Photostream


Amazing Images of Shuttle and Hubble Transiting Sun | Universe Today
"NASA photographer Thierry Legault was in Florida at the time he took this image, about 100 km south of the Kennedy Space Center on May 13th 2009 12:17 local time, several minutes before grapple of Hubble by Atlantis.
The transit only lasted .8 seconds, and Legault was able to snap 4 images a second, getting a total of 16 different shots of the entire event (he started shooting 2 seconds before the predicted transit.)"

"Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
APOD: 2009 May 16 - Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
Credit & Copyright: Thierry Legault
Explanation: On Wednesday, May 13, two, tiny, fast moving spots crossed an otherwise featureless solar disk. Not sunspots though, the dark blemishes were silhouettes of the shuttle orbiter Atlantis and the Hubble Space Telescope side by side. To record this sharp picture of the orbiting pair against the face of the Sun, astronomer Thierry Legault carefully set up his camera and telescope near the center of a 5 kilometer wide path of visibility about 100 kilometers south of Kennedy Space Center in Florida. He opened the shutter for 1/8,000 second at 12:17 EDT, catching Atlantis and Hubble at a range of 600 kilometers while they were moving at 7 kilometers/second. The total duration of the transit (Sun crossing) was 0.8 seconds. Enlarged in the inset view, Atlantis (top) is approaching Hubble prior to capturing the space telescope. Thursday, astronauts began a series of spacewalks to perform the maintenance as part of the final mission to Hubble. "
太陽と一瞬のランデブー、アトランティスハッブル望遠鏡: AFPBB News
"米フロリダFlorida州ベロビーチVero Beachで、米東部時間13日午後0時17分(日本時間14日午前1時17分)、太陽を背景に高度600キロ付近をランデブーするスペースシャトルAtlantis(中央上)と、Hubble Space Telescope、HST(中央下)の姿が、一瞬だけ捉えられた。

新型インフル神戸直撃 駅員もマスク、ホテルはキャンセル続出
新型インフル初の国内感染 渡航歴もなく見えぬ経路 
感染確定42人に いずれも渡航歴なし(産経)
厚生労働省、神戸市、兵庫県大阪府では、感染者の治療や感染ルートの調査に乗り出した。いずれの感染者にも渡航歴は確認されていない - http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20090517-00000590-san-soci


"nasa hq photo's photostream"

Flickr: nasa hq photo's Photostream


Amazing Images of Shuttle and Hubble Transiting Sun | Universe Today
"NASA photographer Thierry Legault was in Florida at the time he took this image, about 100 km south of the Kennedy Space Center on May 13th 2009 12:17 local time, several minutes before grapple of Hubble by Atlantis.
The transit only lasted .8 seconds, and Legault was able to snap 4 images a second, getting a total of 16 different shots of the entire event (he started shooting 2 seconds before the predicted transit.)"

"Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
APOD: 2009 May 16 - Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
Credit & Copyright: Thierry Legault
Explanation: On Wednesday, May 13, two, tiny, fast moving spots crossed an otherwise featureless solar disk. Not sunspots though, the dark blemishes were silhouettes of the shuttle orbiter Atlantis and the Hubble Space Telescope side by side. To record this sharp picture of the orbiting pair against the face of the Sun, astronomer Thierry Legault carefully set up his camera and telescope near the center of a 5 kilometer wide path of visibility about 100 kilometers south of Kennedy Space Center in Florida. He opened the shutter for 1/8,000 second at 12:17 EDT, catching Atlantis and Hubble at a range of 600 kilometers while they were moving at 7 kilometers/second. The total duration of the transit (Sun crossing) was 0.8 seconds. Enlarged in the inset view, Atlantis (top) is approaching Hubble prior to capturing the space telescope. Thursday, astronauts began a series of spacewalks to perform the maintenance as part of the final mission to Hubble. "
太陽と一瞬のランデブー、アトランティスハッブル望遠鏡: AFPBB News
"米フロリダFlorida州ベロビーチVero Beachで、米東部時間13日午後0時17分(日本時間14日午前1時17分)、太陽を背景に高度600キロ付近をランデブーするスペースシャトルAtlantis(中央上)と、Hubble Space Telescope、HST(中央下)の姿が、一瞬だけ捉えられた。

新型インフル神戸直撃 駅員もマスク、ホテルはキャンセル続出
新型インフル初の国内感染 渡航歴もなく見えぬ経路 
感染確定42人に いずれも渡航歴なし(産経)
厚生労働省、神戸市、兵庫県大阪府では、感染者の治療や感染ルートの調査に乗り出した。いずれの感染者にも渡航歴は確認されていない - http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20090517-00000590-san-soci


"nasa hq photo's photostream"

Flickr: nasa hq photo's Photostream


Amazing Images of Shuttle and Hubble Transiting Sun | Universe Today
"NASA photographer Thierry Legault was in Florida at the time he took this image, about 100 km south of the Kennedy Space Center on May 13th 2009 12:17 local time, several minutes before grapple of Hubble by Atlantis.
The transit only lasted .8 seconds, and Legault was able to snap 4 images a second, getting a total of 16 different shots of the entire event (he started shooting 2 seconds before the predicted transit.)"

"Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
APOD: 2009 May 16 - Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
Credit & Copyright: Thierry Legault
Explanation: On Wednesday, May 13, two, tiny, fast moving spots crossed an otherwise featureless solar disk. Not sunspots though, the dark blemishes were silhouettes of the shuttle orbiter Atlantis and the Hubble Space Telescope side by side. To record this sharp picture of the orbiting pair against the face of the Sun, astronomer Thierry Legault carefully set up his camera and telescope near the center of a 5 kilometer wide path of visibility about 100 kilometers south of Kennedy Space Center in Florida. He opened the shutter for 1/8,000 second at 12:17 EDT, catching Atlantis and Hubble at a range of 600 kilometers while they were moving at 7 kilometers/second. The total duration of the transit (Sun crossing) was 0.8 seconds. Enlarged in the inset view, Atlantis (top) is approaching Hubble prior to capturing the space telescope. Thursday, astronauts began a series of spacewalks to perform the maintenance as part of the final mission to Hubble. "
太陽と一瞬のランデブー、アトランティスハッブル望遠鏡: AFPBB News
"米フロリダFlorida州ベロビーチVero Beachで、米東部時間13日午後0時17分(日本時間14日午前1時17分)、太陽を背景に高度600キロ付近をランデブーするスペースシャトルAtlantis(中央上)と、Hubble Space Telescope、HST(中央下)の姿が、一瞬だけ捉えられた。

新型インフル神戸直撃 駅員もマスク、ホテルはキャンセル続出
新型インフル初の国内感染 渡航歴もなく見えぬ経路 
感染確定42人に いずれも渡航歴なし(産経)
厚生労働省、神戸市、兵庫県大阪府では、感染者の治療や感染ルートの調査に乗り出した。いずれの感染者にも渡航歴は確認されていない - http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20090517-00000590-san-soci


"nasa hq photo's photostream"

Flickr: nasa hq photo's Photostream


Amazing Images of Shuttle and Hubble Transiting Sun | Universe Today
"NASA photographer Thierry Legault was in Florida at the time he took this image, about 100 km south of the Kennedy Space Center on May 13th 2009 12:17 local time, several minutes before grapple of Hubble by Atlantis.
The transit only lasted .8 seconds, and Legault was able to snap 4 images a second, getting a total of 16 different shots of the entire event (he started shooting 2 seconds before the predicted transit.)"

"Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
APOD: 2009 May 16 - Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
Credit & Copyright: Thierry Legault
Explanation: On Wednesday, May 13, two, tiny, fast moving spots crossed an otherwise featureless solar disk. Not sunspots though, the dark blemishes were silhouettes of the shuttle orbiter Atlantis and the Hubble Space Telescope side by side. To record this sharp picture of the orbiting pair against the face of the Sun, astronomer Thierry Legault carefully set up his camera and telescope near the center of a 5 kilometer wide path of visibility about 100 kilometers south of Kennedy Space Center in Florida. He opened the shutter for 1/8,000 second at 12:17 EDT, catching Atlantis and Hubble at a range of 600 kilometers while they were moving at 7 kilometers/second. The total duration of the transit (Sun crossing) was 0.8 seconds. Enlarged in the inset view, Atlantis (top) is approaching Hubble prior to capturing the space telescope. Thursday, astronauts began a series of spacewalks to perform the maintenance as part of the final mission to Hubble. "
太陽と一瞬のランデブー、アトランティスハッブル望遠鏡: AFPBB News
"米フロリダFlorida州ベロビーチVero Beachで、米東部時間13日午後0時17分(日本時間14日午前1時17分)、太陽を背景に高度600キロ付近をランデブーするスペースシャトルAtlantis(中央上)と、Hubble Space Telescope、HST(中央下)の姿が、一瞬だけ捉えられた。

新型インフル神戸直撃 駅員もマスク、ホテルはキャンセル続出
新型インフル初の国内感染 渡航歴もなく見えぬ経路 
感染確定42人に いずれも渡航歴なし(産経)
厚生労働省、神戸市、兵庫県大阪府では、感染者の治療や感染ルートの調査に乗り出した。いずれの感染者にも渡航歴は確認されていない - http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20090517-00000590-san-soci


"nasa hq photo's photostream"

Flickr: nasa hq photo's Photostream


Amazing Images of Shuttle and Hubble Transiting Sun | Universe Today
"NASA photographer Thierry Legault was in Florida at the time he took this image, about 100 km south of the Kennedy Space Center on May 13th 2009 12:17 local time, several minutes before grapple of Hubble by Atlantis.
The transit only lasted .8 seconds, and Legault was able to snap 4 images a second, getting a total of 16 different shots of the entire event (he started shooting 2 seconds before the predicted transit.)"

"Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
APOD: 2009 May 16 - Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
Credit & Copyright: Thierry Legault
Explanation: On Wednesday, May 13, two, tiny, fast moving spots crossed an otherwise featureless solar disk. Not sunspots though, the dark blemishes were silhouettes of the shuttle orbiter Atlantis and the Hubble Space Telescope side by side. To record this sharp picture of the orbiting pair against the face of the Sun, astronomer Thierry Legault carefully set up his camera and telescope near the center of a 5 kilometer wide path of visibility about 100 kilometers south of Kennedy Space Center in Florida. He opened the shutter for 1/8,000 second at 12:17 EDT, catching Atlantis and Hubble at a range of 600 kilometers while they were moving at 7 kilometers/second. The total duration of the transit (Sun crossing) was 0.8 seconds. Enlarged in the inset view, Atlantis (top) is approaching Hubble prior to capturing the space telescope. Thursday, astronauts began a series of spacewalks to perform the maintenance as part of the final mission to Hubble. "
太陽と一瞬のランデブー、アトランティスハッブル望遠鏡: AFPBB News
"米フロリダFlorida州ベロビーチVero Beachで、米東部時間13日午後0時17分(日本時間14日午前1時17分)、太陽を背景に高度600キロ付近をランデブーするスペースシャトルAtlantis(中央上)と、Hubble Space Telescope、HST(中央下)の姿が、一瞬だけ捉えられた。

新型インフル神戸直撃 駅員もマスク、ホテルはキャンセル続出
新型インフル初の国内感染 渡航歴もなく見えぬ経路 
感染確定42人に いずれも渡航歴なし(産経)
厚生労働省、神戸市、兵庫県大阪府では、感染者の治療や感染ルートの調査に乗り出した。いずれの感染者にも渡航歴は確認されていない - http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20090517-00000590-san-soci


"nasa hq photo's photostream"

Flickr: nasa hq photo's Photostream


Amazing Images of Shuttle and Hubble Transiting Sun | Universe Today
"NASA photographer Thierry Legault was in Florida at the time he took this image, about 100 km south of the Kennedy Space Center on May 13th 2009 12:17 local time, several minutes before grapple of Hubble by Atlantis.
The transit only lasted .8 seconds, and Legault was able to snap 4 images a second, getting a total of 16 different shots of the entire event (he started shooting 2 seconds before the predicted transit.)"

"Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
APOD: 2009 May 16 - Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
Credit & Copyright: Thierry Legault
Explanation: On Wednesday, May 13, two, tiny, fast moving spots crossed an otherwise featureless solar disk. Not sunspots though, the dark blemishes were silhouettes of the shuttle orbiter Atlantis and the Hubble Space Telescope side by side. To record this sharp picture of the orbiting pair against the face of the Sun, astronomer Thierry Legault carefully set up his camera and telescope near the center of a 5 kilometer wide path of visibility about 100 kilometers south of Kennedy Space Center in Florida. He opened the shutter for 1/8,000 second at 12:17 EDT, catching Atlantis and Hubble at a range of 600 kilometers while they were moving at 7 kilometers/second. The total duration of the transit (Sun crossing) was 0.8 seconds. Enlarged in the inset view, Atlantis (top) is approaching Hubble prior to capturing the space telescope. Thursday, astronauts began a series of spacewalks to perform the maintenance as part of the final mission to Hubble. "
太陽と一瞬のランデブー、アトランティスハッブル望遠鏡: AFPBB News
"米フロリダFlorida州ベロビーチVero Beachで、米東部時間13日午後0時17分(日本時間14日午前1時17分)、太陽を背景に高度600キロ付近をランデブーするスペースシャトルAtlantis(中央上)と、Hubble Space Telescope、HST(中央下)の姿が、一瞬だけ捉えられた。

新型インフル神戸直撃 駅員もマスク、ホテルはキャンセル続出
新型インフル初の国内感染 渡航歴もなく見えぬ経路 
感染確定42人に いずれも渡航歴なし(産経)
厚生労働省、神戸市、兵庫県大阪府では、感染者の治療や感染ルートの調査に乗り出した。いずれの感染者にも渡航歴は確認されていない - http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20090517-00000590-san-soci


"nasa hq photo's photostream"

Flickr: nasa hq photo's Photostream


Amazing Images of Shuttle and Hubble Transiting Sun | Universe Today
"NASA photographer Thierry Legault was in Florida at the time he took this image, about 100 km south of the Kennedy Space Center on May 13th 2009 12:17 local time, several minutes before grapple of Hubble by Atlantis.
The transit only lasted .8 seconds, and Legault was able to snap 4 images a second, getting a total of 16 different shots of the entire event (he started shooting 2 seconds before the predicted transit.)"

"Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
APOD: 2009 May 16 - Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
Credit & Copyright: Thierry Legault
Explanation: On Wednesday, May 13, two, tiny, fast moving spots crossed an otherwise featureless solar disk. Not sunspots though, the dark blemishes were silhouettes of the shuttle orbiter Atlantis and the Hubble Space Telescope side by side. To record this sharp picture of the orbiting pair against the face of the Sun, astronomer Thierry Legault carefully set up his camera and telescope near the center of a 5 kilometer wide path of visibility about 100 kilometers south of Kennedy Space Center in Florida. He opened the shutter for 1/8,000 second at 12:17 EDT, catching Atlantis and Hubble at a range of 600 kilometers while they were moving at 7 kilometers/second. The total duration of the transit (Sun crossing) was 0.8 seconds. Enlarged in the inset view, Atlantis (top) is approaching Hubble prior to capturing the space telescope. Thursday, astronauts began a series of spacewalks to perform the maintenance as part of the final mission to Hubble. "
太陽と一瞬のランデブー、アトランティスハッブル望遠鏡: AFPBB News
"米フロリダFlorida州ベロビーチVero Beachで、米東部時間13日午後0時17分(日本時間14日午前1時17分)、太陽を背景に高度600キロ付近をランデブーするスペースシャトルAtlantis(中央上)と、Hubble Space Telescope、HST(中央下)の姿が、一瞬だけ捉えられた。

新型インフル神戸直撃 駅員もマスク、ホテルはキャンセル続出
新型インフル初の国内感染 渡航歴もなく見えぬ経路 
感染確定42人に いずれも渡航歴なし(産経)
厚生労働省、神戸市、兵庫県大阪府では、感染者の治療や感染ルートの調査に乗り出した。いずれの感染者にも渡航歴は確認されていない - http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20090517-00000590-san-soci


"nasa hq photo's photostream"

Flickr: nasa hq photo's Photostream


Amazing Images of Shuttle and Hubble Transiting Sun | Universe Today
"NASA photographer Thierry Legault was in Florida at the time he took this image, about 100 km south of the Kennedy Space Center on May 13th 2009 12:17 local time, several minutes before grapple of Hubble by Atlantis.
The transit only lasted .8 seconds, and Legault was able to snap 4 images a second, getting a total of 16 different shots of the entire event (he started shooting 2 seconds before the predicted transit.)"

"Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
APOD: 2009 May 16 - Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
Credit & Copyright: Thierry Legault
Explanation: On Wednesday, May 13, two, tiny, fast moving spots crossed an otherwise featureless solar disk. Not sunspots though, the dark blemishes were silhouettes of the shuttle orbiter Atlantis and the Hubble Space Telescope side by side. To record this sharp picture of the orbiting pair against the face of the Sun, astronomer Thierry Legault carefully set up his camera and telescope near the center of a 5 kilometer wide path of visibility about 100 kilometers south of Kennedy Space Center in Florida. He opened the shutter for 1/8,000 second at 12:17 EDT, catching Atlantis and Hubble at a range of 600 kilometers while they were moving at 7 kilometers/second. The total duration of the transit (Sun crossing) was 0.8 seconds. Enlarged in the inset view, Atlantis (top) is approaching Hubble prior to capturing the space telescope. Thursday, astronauts began a series of spacewalks to perform the maintenance as part of the final mission to Hubble. "
太陽と一瞬のランデブー、アトランティスハッブル望遠鏡: AFPBB News
"米フロリダFlorida州ベロビーチVero Beachで、米東部時間13日午後0時17分(日本時間14日午前1時17分)、太陽を背景に高度600キロ付近をランデブーするスペースシャトルAtlantis(中央上)と、Hubble Space Telescope、HST(中央下)の姿が、一瞬だけ捉えられた。

新型インフル神戸直撃 駅員もマスク、ホテルはキャンセル続出
新型インフル初の国内感染 渡航歴もなく見えぬ経路 
感染確定42人に いずれも渡航歴なし(産経)
厚生労働省、神戸市、兵庫県大阪府では、感染者の治療や感染ルートの調査に乗り出した。いずれの感染者にも渡航歴は確認されていない - http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20090517-00000590-san-soci


"nasa hq photo's photostream"

Flickr: nasa hq photo's Photostream


Amazing Images of Shuttle and Hubble Transiting Sun | Universe Today
"NASA photographer Thierry Legault was in Florida at the time he took this image, about 100 km south of the Kennedy Space Center on May 13th 2009 12:17 local time, several minutes before grapple of Hubble by Atlantis.
The transit only lasted .8 seconds, and Legault was able to snap 4 images a second, getting a total of 16 different shots of the entire event (he started shooting 2 seconds before the predicted transit.)"

"Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
APOD: 2009 May 16 - Atlantis and Hubble Side by Side
Credit & Copyright: Thierry Legault
Explanation: On Wednesday, May 13, two, tiny, fast moving spots crossed an otherwise featureless solar disk. Not sunspots though, the dark blemishes were silhouettes of the shuttle orbiter Atlantis and the Hubble Space Telescope side by side. To record this sharp picture of the orbiting pair against the face of the Sun, astronomer Thierry Legault carefully set up his camera and telescope near the center of a 5 kilometer wide path of visibility about 100 kilometers south of Kennedy Space Center in Florida. He opened the shutter for 1/8,000 second at 12:17 EDT, catching Atlantis and Hubble at a range of 600 kilometers while they were moving at 7 kilometers/second. The total duration of the transit (Sun crossing) was 0.8 seconds. Enlarged in the inset view, Atlantis (top) is approaching Hubble prior to capturing the space telescope. Thursday, astronauts began a series of spacewalks to perform the maintenance as part of the final mission to Hubble. "
太陽と一瞬のランデブー、アトランティスハッブル望遠鏡: AFPBB News
"米フロリダFlorida州ベロビーチVero Beachで、米東部時間13日午後0時17分(日本時間14日午前1時17分)、太陽を背景に高度600キロ付近をランデブーするスペースシャトルAtlantis(中央上)と、Hubble Space Telescope、HST(中央下)の姿が、一瞬だけ捉えられた。

新型インフル神戸直撃 駅員もマスク、ホテルはキャンセル続出
新型インフル初の国内感染 渡航歴もなく見えぬ経路 
感染確定42人に いずれも渡航歴なし(産経)