Third STS-125 Spacewalk Complete

Third STS-125 Spacewalk Complete
from 【Hubble Mission Update】
The third of five STS-125 spacewalks concluded Saturday at 4:11 p.m. EDT. It lasted 6 hours, 36 minutes. During the endeavor outside the shuttle, Feustel and Grunsfeld removed the Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement and installed in its place the new Cosmic Origins Spectrograph. They also completed the Advanced Camera for Surveys electronic card replacement work. The spacewalkers were ahead of schedule and were able to complete part 2 of the ACS repair, installing a new electronics box and cable.

連日の頑張りに 見てるこっちがもう泣きそう(^^ゞ
訓練のたまものとはいえ 凄すぎ

Hubble Huggers
Preflight Interview: John Grunsfeld, Mission Specialist

When I first went to Hubble, at the end of our three spacewalks, we deployed Hubble on Christmas Day, and I had very mixed feelings.
It was a wonderful sight to watch it slowly drifting off on the Earth’s horizon. I was privileged to go back again and I felt like I was visiting an old friend. I was convinced at the end of the last mission, as it floated away, that I would never get a chance to see the Hubble again but I knew somebody would. And of course that got thrown into disarray with the cancellation of the servicing mission on the shuttle, and so here I am, going back to visit an old friend to give it a new life along with a, a team of some Hubble repeats, other Hubble Huggers, and a new team."

"Hubble is worth risking my life," Grunsfeld said."
Repairing Hubble 'worth risking my life' : Local News : The Rocky Mountain News
"a Ph.D. astronomer who has fixed it twice before. He's aware of the dangers he and his crewmates face.
"Hubble is worth risking my life," Grunsfeld said."
John Grunsfeld: Astronaut Bio
"Dr. Grunsfeld is assigned to STS-125 as the EVA lead for the Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission-4, targeted to fly in 2009 on the Space Shuttle. "
NASA - STS-125: Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission 4
"Crew Profiles"

Second STS-125 Spacewalk Complete

Second STS-125 Spacewalk Complete
The second of five STS-125 spacewalks concluded at 4:45 p.m. EDT. It was 7 hours, 56-minutes, making it the 8th longest spacewalk in history. During the walk outside the shuttle, Massimino and Good removed and replaced three rate sensor units. One of the new upgraded units could not be seated into place. As a result, the spacewalkers installed a refurbished spare unit. The spacewalkers also replaced a new battery module from the telescope's Bay 2.

時折時間を作り 見てるだけでも どっと疲れた(^^ゞ
昨日に続き、連日 食事もなしの7時間超 ハードワーク
Marathon EVA for Hubble Astronauts | Universe Today
"a “if at first you don’t succeed, try again” attitude they were able to accomplish all the objectives for the second EVA of the repair mission. "

Inside Hubble's Control Room During a Spacewalk 05.15.09
Keith Walyus, Operations Manager, HST SM4: The STOCC is the Space Operations Control Center.
In the STOCC is where we control Hubble.

Wake up and smell the coffee -- on the Moon! - NASA
"Fission Surface Power System embedded in lunar regolith."

Is Everything Made of Mini Black Holes? | Universe Today

鋼鉄の百億倍の強度、中性子星の外殻- ナショナルジオグラフィック

地球磁場の雑音、発生源は“コーラス”- ナショナルジオグラフィック

Close up たんぱく質分子の「深呼吸」を観る!(JSTニュース5月号)

HTML5の主な新機能を紹介: いま起きているWeb標準の進化、HTML5、CSS3、JavaScript 2.0 − Blog on Publickey

無断配信コンテンツのダウンロード違法化法案が衆院可決 | マイコミジャーナル

Old Japanese maps on Google Earth unveil secrets
Google Earth と差別問題:シロクマ日報
Google Earth の日本古地図が秘密を暴く」と題された記事で、実はこの古地図に被差別部落が示されてしまっており、Google Earth のオーバーレイ機能(古地図上に現代の道路等を上書きする)を使えばある地域の過去がはっきりと分かってしまう問題が起きている、という内容。"


Third STS-125 Spacewalk Complete
from 【Hubble Mission Update】
The third of five STS-125 spacewalks concluded Saturday at 4:11 p.m. EDT. It lasted 6 hours, 36 minutes. During the endeavor outside the shuttle, Feustel and Grunsfeld removed the Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement and installed in its place the new Cosmic Origins Spectrograph. They also completed the Advanced Camera for Surveys electronic card replacement work. The spacewalkers were ahead of schedule and were able to complete part 2 of the ACS repair, installing a new electronics box and cable.

連日の頑張りに 見てるこっちがもう泣きそう(^^ゞ
訓練のたまものとはいえ 凄すぎ

Hubble Huggers
Preflight Interview: John Grunsfeld, Mission Specialist

When I first went to Hubble, at the end of our three spacewalks, we deployed Hubble on Christmas Day, and I had very mixed feelings.
It was a wonderful sight to watch it slowly drifting off on the Earth’s horizon. I was privileged to go back again and I felt like I was visiting an old friend. I was convinced at the end of the last mission, as it floated away, that I would never get a chance to see the Hubble again but I knew somebody would. And of course that got thrown into disarray with the cancellation of the servicing mission on the shuttle, and so here I am, going back to visit an old friend to give it a new life along with a, a team of some Hubble repeats, other Hubble Huggers, and a new team."

"Hubble is worth risking my life," Grunsfeld said."
Repairing Hubble 'worth risking my life' : Local News : The Rocky Mountain News
"a Ph.D. astronomer who has fixed it twice before. He's aware of the dangers he and his crewmates face.
"Hubble is worth risking my life," Grunsfeld said."
John Grunsfeld: Astronaut Bio
"Dr. Grunsfeld is assigned to STS-125 as the EVA lead for the Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission-4, targeted to fly in 2009 on the Space Shuttle. "
NASA - STS-125: Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission 4
"Crew Profiles"

Second STS-125 Spacewalk Complete

Second STS-125 Spacewalk Complete
The second of five STS-125 spacewalks concluded at 4:45 p.m. EDT. It was 7 hours, 56-minutes, making it the 8th longest spacewalk in history. During the walk outside the shuttle, Massimino and Good removed and replaced three rate sensor units. One of the new upgraded units could not be seated into place. As a result, the spacewalkers installed a refurbished spare unit. The spacewalkers also replaced a new battery module from the telescope's Bay 2.

時折時間を作り 見てるだけでも どっと疲れた(^^ゞ
昨日に続き、連日 食事もなしの7時間超 ハードワーク
Marathon EVA for Hubble Astronauts | Universe Today
"a “if at first you don’t succeed, try again” attitude they were able to accomplish all the objectives for the second EVA of the repair mission. "

Inside Hubble's Control Room During a Spacewalk 05.15.09
Keith Walyus, Operations Manager, HST SM4: The STOCC is the Space Operations Control Center.
In the STOCC is where we control Hubble.

Wake up and smell the coffee -- on the Moon! - NASA
"Fission Surface Power System embedded in lunar regolith."

Is Everything Made of Mini Black Holes? | Universe Today

鋼鉄の百億倍の強度、中性子星の外殻- ナショナルジオグラフィック

地球磁場の雑音、発生源は“コーラス”- ナショナルジオグラフィック

Close up たんぱく質分子の「深呼吸」を観る!(JSTニュース5月号)

HTML5の主な新機能を紹介: いま起きているWeb標準の進化、HTML5、CSS3、JavaScript 2.0 − Blog on Publickey

無断配信コンテンツのダウンロード違法化法案が衆院可決 | マイコミジャーナル

Old Japanese maps on Google Earth unveil secrets
Google Earth と差別問題:シロクマ日報
Google Earth の日本古地図が秘密を暴く」と題された記事で、実はこの古地図に被差別部落が示されてしまっており、Google Earth のオーバーレイ機能(古地図上に現代の道路等を上書きする)を使えばある地域の過去がはっきりと分かってしまう問題が起きている、という内容。"


Third STS-125 Spacewalk Complete
from 【Hubble Mission Update】
The third of five STS-125 spacewalks concluded Saturday at 4:11 p.m. EDT. It lasted 6 hours, 36 minutes. During the endeavor outside the shuttle, Feustel and Grunsfeld removed the Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement and installed in its place the new Cosmic Origins Spectrograph. They also completed the Advanced Camera for Surveys electronic card replacement work. The spacewalkers were ahead of schedule and were able to complete part 2 of the ACS repair, installing a new electronics box and cable.

連日の頑張りに 見てるこっちがもう泣きそう(^^ゞ
訓練のたまものとはいえ 凄すぎ

Hubble Huggers
Preflight Interview: John Grunsfeld, Mission Specialist

When I first went to Hubble, at the end of our three spacewalks, we deployed Hubble on Christmas Day, and I had very mixed feelings.
It was a wonderful sight to watch it slowly drifting off on the Earth’s horizon. I was privileged to go back again and I felt like I was visiting an old friend. I was convinced at the end of the last mission, as it floated away, that I would never get a chance to see the Hubble again but I knew somebody would. And of course that got thrown into disarray with the cancellation of the servicing mission on the shuttle, and so here I am, going back to visit an old friend to give it a new life along with a, a team of some Hubble repeats, other Hubble Huggers, and a new team."

"Hubble is worth risking my life," Grunsfeld said."
Repairing Hubble 'worth risking my life' : Local News : The Rocky Mountain News
"a Ph.D. astronomer who has fixed it twice before. He's aware of the dangers he and his crewmates face.
"Hubble is worth risking my life," Grunsfeld said."
John Grunsfeld: Astronaut Bio
"Dr. Grunsfeld is assigned to STS-125 as the EVA lead for the Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission-4, targeted to fly in 2009 on the Space Shuttle. "
NASA - STS-125: Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission 4
"Crew Profiles"

Second STS-125 Spacewalk Complete

Second STS-125 Spacewalk Complete
The second of five STS-125 spacewalks concluded at 4:45 p.m. EDT. It was 7 hours, 56-minutes, making it the 8th longest spacewalk in history. During the walk outside the shuttle, Massimino and Good removed and replaced three rate sensor units. One of the new upgraded units could not be seated into place. As a result, the spacewalkers installed a refurbished spare unit. The spacewalkers also replaced a new battery module from the telescope's Bay 2.

時折時間を作り 見てるだけでも どっと疲れた(^^ゞ
昨日に続き、連日 食事もなしの7時間超 ハードワーク
Marathon EVA for Hubble Astronauts | Universe Today
"a “if at first you don’t succeed, try again” attitude they were able to accomplish all the objectives for the second EVA of the repair mission. "

Inside Hubble's Control Room During a Spacewalk 05.15.09
Keith Walyus, Operations Manager, HST SM4: The STOCC is the Space Operations Control Center.
In the STOCC is where we control Hubble.

Wake up and smell the coffee -- on the Moon! - NASA
"Fission Surface Power System embedded in lunar regolith."

Is Everything Made of Mini Black Holes? | Universe Today

鋼鉄の百億倍の強度、中性子星の外殻- ナショナルジオグラフィック

地球磁場の雑音、発生源は“コーラス”- ナショナルジオグラフィック

Close up たんぱく質分子の「深呼吸」を観る!(JSTニュース5月号)

HTML5の主な新機能を紹介: いま起きているWeb標準の進化、HTML5、CSS3、JavaScript 2.0 − Blog on Publickey

無断配信コンテンツのダウンロード違法化法案が衆院可決 | マイコミジャーナル

Old Japanese maps on Google Earth unveil secrets
Google Earth と差別問題:シロクマ日報
Google Earth の日本古地図が秘密を暴く」と題された記事で、実はこの古地図に被差別部落が示されてしまっており、Google Earth のオーバーレイ機能(古地図上に現代の道路等を上書きする)を使えばある地域の過去がはっきりと分かってしまう問題が起きている、という内容。"


Third STS-125 Spacewalk Complete
from 【Hubble Mission Update】
The third of five STS-125 spacewalks concluded Saturday at 4:11 p.m. EDT. It lasted 6 hours, 36 minutes. During the endeavor outside the shuttle, Feustel and Grunsfeld removed the Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement and installed in its place the new Cosmic Origins Spectrograph. They also completed the Advanced Camera for Surveys electronic card replacement work. The spacewalkers were ahead of schedule and were able to complete part 2 of the ACS repair, installing a new electronics box and cable.

連日の頑張りに 見てるこっちがもう泣きそう(^^ゞ
訓練のたまものとはいえ 凄すぎ

Hubble Huggers
Preflight Interview: John Grunsfeld, Mission Specialist

When I first went to Hubble, at the end of our three spacewalks, we deployed Hubble on Christmas Day, and I had very mixed feelings.
It was a wonderful sight to watch it slowly drifting off on the Earth’s horizon. I was privileged to go back again and I felt like I was visiting an old friend. I was convinced at the end of the last mission, as it floated away, that I would never get a chance to see the Hubble again but I knew somebody would. And of course that got thrown into disarray with the cancellation of the servicing mission on the shuttle, and so here I am, going back to visit an old friend to give it a new life along with a, a team of some Hubble repeats, other Hubble Huggers, and a new team."

"Hubble is worth risking my life," Grunsfeld said."
Repairing Hubble 'worth risking my life' : Local News : The Rocky Mountain News
"a Ph.D. astronomer who has fixed it twice before. He's aware of the dangers he and his crewmates face.
"Hubble is worth risking my life," Grunsfeld said."
John Grunsfeld: Astronaut Bio
"Dr. Grunsfeld is assigned to STS-125 as the EVA lead for the Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission-4, targeted to fly in 2009 on the Space Shuttle. "
NASA - STS-125: Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission 4
"Crew Profiles"

Second STS-125 Spacewalk Complete

Second STS-125 Spacewalk Complete
The second of five STS-125 spacewalks concluded at 4:45 p.m. EDT. It was 7 hours, 56-minutes, making it the 8th longest spacewalk in history. During the walk outside the shuttle, Massimino and Good removed and replaced three rate sensor units. One of the new upgraded units could not be seated into place. As a result, the spacewalkers installed a refurbished spare unit. The spacewalkers also replaced a new battery module from the telescope's Bay 2.

時折時間を作り 見てるだけでも どっと疲れた(^^ゞ
昨日に続き、連日 食事もなしの7時間超 ハードワーク
Marathon EVA for Hubble Astronauts | Universe Today
"a “if at first you don’t succeed, try again” attitude they were able to accomplish all the objectives for the second EVA of the repair mission. "

Inside Hubble's Control Room During a Spacewalk 05.15.09
Keith Walyus, Operations Manager, HST SM4: The STOCC is the Space Operations Control Center.
In the STOCC is where we control Hubble.

Wake up and smell the coffee -- on the Moon! - NASA
"Fission Surface Power System embedded in lunar regolith."

Is Everything Made of Mini Black Holes? | Universe Today

鋼鉄の百億倍の強度、中性子星の外殻- ナショナルジオグラフィック

地球磁場の雑音、発生源は“コーラス”- ナショナルジオグラフィック

Close up たんぱく質分子の「深呼吸」を観る!(JSTニュース5月号)

HTML5の主な新機能を紹介: いま起きているWeb標準の進化、HTML5、CSS3、JavaScript 2.0 − Blog on Publickey

無断配信コンテンツのダウンロード違法化法案が衆院可決 | マイコミジャーナル

Old Japanese maps on Google Earth unveil secrets
Google Earth と差別問題:シロクマ日報
Google Earth の日本古地図が秘密を暴く」と題された記事で、実はこの古地図に被差別部落が示されてしまっており、Google Earth のオーバーレイ機能(古地図上に現代の道路等を上書きする)を使えばある地域の過去がはっきりと分かってしまう問題が起きている、という内容。"


Third STS-125 Spacewalk Complete
from 【Hubble Mission Update】
The third of five STS-125 spacewalks concluded Saturday at 4:11 p.m. EDT. It lasted 6 hours, 36 minutes. During the endeavor outside the shuttle, Feustel and Grunsfeld removed the Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement and installed in its place the new Cosmic Origins Spectrograph. They also completed the Advanced Camera for Surveys electronic card replacement work. The spacewalkers were ahead of schedule and were able to complete part 2 of the ACS repair, installing a new electronics box and cable.

連日の頑張りに 見てるこっちがもう泣きそう(^^ゞ
訓練のたまものとはいえ 凄すぎ

Hubble Huggers
Preflight Interview: John Grunsfeld, Mission Specialist

When I first went to Hubble, at the end of our three spacewalks, we deployed Hubble on Christmas Day, and I had very mixed feelings.
It was a wonderful sight to watch it slowly drifting off on the Earth’s horizon. I was privileged to go back again and I felt like I was visiting an old friend. I was convinced at the end of the last mission, as it floated away, that I would never get a chance to see the Hubble again but I knew somebody would. And of course that got thrown into disarray with the cancellation of the servicing mission on the shuttle, and so here I am, going back to visit an old friend to give it a new life along with a, a team of some Hubble repeats, other Hubble Huggers, and a new team."

"Hubble is worth risking my life," Grunsfeld said."
Repairing Hubble 'worth risking my life' : Local News : The Rocky Mountain News
"a Ph.D. astronomer who has fixed it twice before. He's aware of the dangers he and his crewmates face.
"Hubble is worth risking my life," Grunsfeld said."
John Grunsfeld: Astronaut Bio
"Dr. Grunsfeld is assigned to STS-125 as the EVA lead for the Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission-4, targeted to fly in 2009 on the Space Shuttle. "
NASA - STS-125: Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission 4
"Crew Profiles"

Second STS-125 Spacewalk Complete

Second STS-125 Spacewalk Complete
The second of five STS-125 spacewalks concluded at 4:45 p.m. EDT. It was 7 hours, 56-minutes, making it the 8th longest spacewalk in history. During the walk outside the shuttle, Massimino and Good removed and replaced three rate sensor units. One of the new upgraded units could not be seated into place. As a result, the spacewalkers installed a refurbished spare unit. The spacewalkers also replaced a new battery module from the telescope's Bay 2.

時折時間を作り 見てるだけでも どっと疲れた(^^ゞ
昨日に続き、連日 食事もなしの7時間超 ハードワーク
Marathon EVA for Hubble Astronauts | Universe Today
"a “if at first you don’t succeed, try again” attitude they were able to accomplish all the objectives for the second EVA of the repair mission. "

Inside Hubble's Control Room During a Spacewalk 05.15.09
Keith Walyus, Operations Manager, HST SM4: The STOCC is the Space Operations Control Center.
In the STOCC is where we control Hubble.

Wake up and smell the coffee -- on the Moon! - NASA
"Fission Surface Power System embedded in lunar regolith."

Is Everything Made of Mini Black Holes? | Universe Today

鋼鉄の百億倍の強度、中性子星の外殻- ナショナルジオグラフィック

地球磁場の雑音、発生源は“コーラス”- ナショナルジオグラフィック

Close up たんぱく質分子の「深呼吸」を観る!(JSTニュース5月号)

HTML5の主な新機能を紹介: いま起きているWeb標準の進化、HTML5、CSS3、JavaScript 2.0 − Blog on Publickey

無断配信コンテンツのダウンロード違法化法案が衆院可決 | マイコミジャーナル

Old Japanese maps on Google Earth unveil secrets
Google Earth と差別問題:シロクマ日報
Google Earth の日本古地図が秘密を暴く」と題された記事で、実はこの古地図に被差別部落が示されてしまっており、Google Earth のオーバーレイ機能(古地図上に現代の道路等を上書きする)を使えばある地域の過去がはっきりと分かってしまう問題が起きている、という内容。"


Third STS-125 Spacewalk Complete
from 【Hubble Mission Update】
The third of five STS-125 spacewalks concluded Saturday at 4:11 p.m. EDT. It lasted 6 hours, 36 minutes. During the endeavor outside the shuttle, Feustel and Grunsfeld removed the Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement and installed in its place the new Cosmic Origins Spectrograph. They also completed the Advanced Camera for Surveys electronic card replacement work. The spacewalkers were ahead of schedule and were able to complete part 2 of the ACS repair, installing a new electronics box and cable.

連日の頑張りに 見てるこっちがもう泣きそう(^^ゞ
訓練のたまものとはいえ 凄すぎ

Hubble Huggers
Preflight Interview: John Grunsfeld, Mission Specialist

When I first went to Hubble, at the end of our three spacewalks, we deployed Hubble on Christmas Day, and I had very mixed feelings.
It was a wonderful sight to watch it slowly drifting off on the Earth’s horizon. I was privileged to go back again and I felt like I was visiting an old friend. I was convinced at the end of the last mission, as it floated away, that I would never get a chance to see the Hubble again but I knew somebody would. And of course that got thrown into disarray with the cancellation of the servicing mission on the shuttle, and so here I am, going back to visit an old friend to give it a new life along with a, a team of some Hubble repeats, other Hubble Huggers, and a new team."

"Hubble is worth risking my life," Grunsfeld said."
Repairing Hubble 'worth risking my life' : Local News : The Rocky Mountain News
"a Ph.D. astronomer who has fixed it twice before. He's aware of the dangers he and his crewmates face.
"Hubble is worth risking my life," Grunsfeld said."
John Grunsfeld: Astronaut Bio
"Dr. Grunsfeld is assigned to STS-125 as the EVA lead for the Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission-4, targeted to fly in 2009 on the Space Shuttle. "
NASA - STS-125: Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission 4
"Crew Profiles"

Second STS-125 Spacewalk Complete

Second STS-125 Spacewalk Complete
The second of five STS-125 spacewalks concluded at 4:45 p.m. EDT. It was 7 hours, 56-minutes, making it the 8th longest spacewalk in history. During the walk outside the shuttle, Massimino and Good removed and replaced three rate sensor units. One of the new upgraded units could not be seated into place. As a result, the spacewalkers installed a refurbished spare unit. The spacewalkers also replaced a new battery module from the telescope's Bay 2.

時折時間を作り 見てるだけでも どっと疲れた(^^ゞ
昨日に続き、連日 食事もなしの7時間超 ハードワーク
Marathon EVA for Hubble Astronauts | Universe Today
"a “if at first you don’t succeed, try again” attitude they were able to accomplish all the objectives for the second EVA of the repair mission. "

Inside Hubble's Control Room During a Spacewalk 05.15.09
Keith Walyus, Operations Manager, HST SM4: The STOCC is the Space Operations Control Center.
In the STOCC is where we control Hubble.

Wake up and smell the coffee -- on the Moon! - NASA
"Fission Surface Power System embedded in lunar regolith."

Is Everything Made of Mini Black Holes? | Universe Today

鋼鉄の百億倍の強度、中性子星の外殻- ナショナルジオグラフィック

地球磁場の雑音、発生源は“コーラス”- ナショナルジオグラフィック

Close up たんぱく質分子の「深呼吸」を観る!(JSTニュース5月号)

HTML5の主な新機能を紹介: いま起きているWeb標準の進化、HTML5、CSS3、JavaScript 2.0 − Blog on Publickey

無断配信コンテンツのダウンロード違法化法案が衆院可決 | マイコミジャーナル

Old Japanese maps on Google Earth unveil secrets
Google Earth と差別問題:シロクマ日報
Google Earth の日本古地図が秘密を暴く」と題された記事で、実はこの古地図に被差別部落が示されてしまっており、Google Earth のオーバーレイ機能(古地図上に現代の道路等を上書きする)を使えばある地域の過去がはっきりと分かってしまう問題が起きている、という内容。"


Third STS-125 Spacewalk Complete
from 【Hubble Mission Update】
The third of five STS-125 spacewalks concluded Saturday at 4:11 p.m. EDT. It lasted 6 hours, 36 minutes. During the endeavor outside the shuttle, Feustel and Grunsfeld removed the Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement and installed in its place the new Cosmic Origins Spectrograph. They also completed the Advanced Camera for Surveys electronic card replacement work. The spacewalkers were ahead of schedule and were able to complete part 2 of the ACS repair, installing a new electronics box and cable.

連日の頑張りに 見てるこっちがもう泣きそう(^^ゞ
訓練のたまものとはいえ 凄すぎ

Hubble Huggers
Preflight Interview: John Grunsfeld, Mission Specialist

When I first went to Hubble, at the end of our three spacewalks, we deployed Hubble on Christmas Day, and I had very mixed feelings.
It was a wonderful sight to watch it slowly drifting off on the Earth’s horizon. I was privileged to go back again and I felt like I was visiting an old friend. I was convinced at the end of the last mission, as it floated away, that I would never get a chance to see the Hubble again but I knew somebody would. And of course that got thrown into disarray with the cancellation of the servicing mission on the shuttle, and so here I am, going back to visit an old friend to give it a new life along with a, a team of some Hubble repeats, other Hubble Huggers, and a new team."

"Hubble is worth risking my life," Grunsfeld said."
Repairing Hubble 'worth risking my life' : Local News : The Rocky Mountain News
"a Ph.D. astronomer who has fixed it twice before. He's aware of the dangers he and his crewmates face.
"Hubble is worth risking my life," Grunsfeld said."
John Grunsfeld: Astronaut Bio
"Dr. Grunsfeld is assigned to STS-125 as the EVA lead for the Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission-4, targeted to fly in 2009 on the Space Shuttle. "
NASA - STS-125: Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission 4
"Crew Profiles"

Second STS-125 Spacewalk Complete

Second STS-125 Spacewalk Complete
The second of five STS-125 spacewalks concluded at 4:45 p.m. EDT. It was 7 hours, 56-minutes, making it the 8th longest spacewalk in history. During the walk outside the shuttle, Massimino and Good removed and replaced three rate sensor units. One of the new upgraded units could not be seated into place. As a result, the spacewalkers installed a refurbished spare unit. The spacewalkers also replaced a new battery module from the telescope's Bay 2.

時折時間を作り 見てるだけでも どっと疲れた(^^ゞ
昨日に続き、連日 食事もなしの7時間超 ハードワーク
Marathon EVA for Hubble Astronauts | Universe Today
"a “if at first you don’t succeed, try again” attitude they were able to accomplish all the objectives for the second EVA of the repair mission. "

Inside Hubble's Control Room During a Spacewalk 05.15.09
Keith Walyus, Operations Manager, HST SM4: The STOCC is the Space Operations Control Center.
In the STOCC is where we control Hubble.

Wake up and smell the coffee -- on the Moon! - NASA
"Fission Surface Power System embedded in lunar regolith."

Is Everything Made of Mini Black Holes? | Universe Today

鋼鉄の百億倍の強度、中性子星の外殻- ナショナルジオグラフィック

地球磁場の雑音、発生源は“コーラス”- ナショナルジオグラフィック

Close up たんぱく質分子の「深呼吸」を観る!(JSTニュース5月号)

HTML5の主な新機能を紹介: いま起きているWeb標準の進化、HTML5、CSS3、JavaScript 2.0 − Blog on Publickey

無断配信コンテンツのダウンロード違法化法案が衆院可決 | マイコミジャーナル

Old Japanese maps on Google Earth unveil secrets
Google Earth と差別問題:シロクマ日報
Google Earth の日本古地図が秘密を暴く」と題された記事で、実はこの古地図に被差別部落が示されてしまっており、Google Earth のオーバーレイ機能(古地図上に現代の道路等を上書きする)を使えばある地域の過去がはっきりと分かってしまう問題が起きている、という内容。"


Third STS-125 Spacewalk Complete
from 【Hubble Mission Update】
The third of five STS-125 spacewalks concluded Saturday at 4:11 p.m. EDT. It lasted 6 hours, 36 minutes. During the endeavor outside the shuttle, Feustel and Grunsfeld removed the Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement and installed in its place the new Cosmic Origins Spectrograph. They also completed the Advanced Camera for Surveys electronic card replacement work. The spacewalkers were ahead of schedule and were able to complete part 2 of the ACS repair, installing a new electronics box and cable.

連日の頑張りに 見てるこっちがもう泣きそう(^^ゞ
訓練のたまものとはいえ 凄すぎ

Hubble Huggers
Preflight Interview: John Grunsfeld, Mission Specialist

When I first went to Hubble, at the end of our three spacewalks, we deployed Hubble on Christmas Day, and I had very mixed feelings.
It was a wonderful sight to watch it slowly drifting off on the Earth’s horizon. I was privileged to go back again and I felt like I was visiting an old friend. I was convinced at the end of the last mission, as it floated away, that I would never get a chance to see the Hubble again but I knew somebody would. And of course that got thrown into disarray with the cancellation of the servicing mission on the shuttle, and so here I am, going back to visit an old friend to give it a new life along with a, a team of some Hubble repeats, other Hubble Huggers, and a new team."

"Hubble is worth risking my life," Grunsfeld said."
Repairing Hubble 'worth risking my life' : Local News : The Rocky Mountain News
"a Ph.D. astronomer who has fixed it twice before. He's aware of the dangers he and his crewmates face.
"Hubble is worth risking my life," Grunsfeld said."
John Grunsfeld: Astronaut Bio
"Dr. Grunsfeld is assigned to STS-125 as the EVA lead for the Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission-4, targeted to fly in 2009 on the Space Shuttle. "
NASA - STS-125: Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission 4
"Crew Profiles"

Second STS-125 Spacewalk Complete

Second STS-125 Spacewalk Complete
The second of five STS-125 spacewalks concluded at 4:45 p.m. EDT. It was 7 hours, 56-minutes, making it the 8th longest spacewalk in history. During the walk outside the shuttle, Massimino and Good removed and replaced three rate sensor units. One of the new upgraded units could not be seated into place. As a result, the spacewalkers installed a refurbished spare unit. The spacewalkers also replaced a new battery module from the telescope's Bay 2.

時折時間を作り 見てるだけでも どっと疲れた(^^ゞ
昨日に続き、連日 食事もなしの7時間超 ハードワーク
Marathon EVA for Hubble Astronauts | Universe Today
"a “if at first you don’t succeed, try again” attitude they were able to accomplish all the objectives for the second EVA of the repair mission. "

Inside Hubble's Control Room During a Spacewalk 05.15.09
Keith Walyus, Operations Manager, HST SM4: The STOCC is the Space Operations Control Center.
In the STOCC is where we control Hubble.

Wake up and smell the coffee -- on the Moon! - NASA
"Fission Surface Power System embedded in lunar regolith."

Is Everything Made of Mini Black Holes? | Universe Today

鋼鉄の百億倍の強度、中性子星の外殻- ナショナルジオグラフィック

地球磁場の雑音、発生源は“コーラス”- ナショナルジオグラフィック

Close up たんぱく質分子の「深呼吸」を観る!(JSTニュース5月号)

HTML5の主な新機能を紹介: いま起きているWeb標準の進化、HTML5、CSS3、JavaScript 2.0 − Blog on Publickey

無断配信コンテンツのダウンロード違法化法案が衆院可決 | マイコミジャーナル

Old Japanese maps on Google Earth unveil secrets
Google Earth と差別問題:シロクマ日報
Google Earth の日本古地図が秘密を暴く」と題された記事で、実はこの古地図に被差別部落が示されてしまっており、Google Earth のオーバーレイ機能(古地図上に現代の道路等を上書きする)を使えばある地域の過去がはっきりと分かってしまう問題が起きている、という内容。"


Third STS-125 Spacewalk Complete
from 【Hubble Mission Update】
The third of five STS-125 spacewalks concluded Saturday at 4:11 p.m. EDT. It lasted 6 hours, 36 minutes. During the endeavor outside the shuttle, Feustel and Grunsfeld removed the Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement and installed in its place the new Cosmic Origins Spectrograph. They also completed the Advanced Camera for Surveys electronic card replacement work. The spacewalkers were ahead of schedule and were able to complete part 2 of the ACS repair, installing a new electronics box and cable.

連日の頑張りに 見てるこっちがもう泣きそう(^^ゞ
訓練のたまものとはいえ 凄すぎ

Hubble Huggers
Preflight Interview: John Grunsfeld, Mission Specialist

When I first went to Hubble, at the end of our three spacewalks, we deployed Hubble on Christmas Day, and I had very mixed feelings.
It was a wonderful sight to watch it slowly drifting off on the Earth’s horizon. I was privileged to go back again and I felt like I was visiting an old friend. I was convinced at the end of the last mission, as it floated away, that I would never get a chance to see the Hubble again but I knew somebody would. And of course that got thrown into disarray with the cancellation of the servicing mission on the shuttle, and so here I am, going back to visit an old friend to give it a new life along with a, a team of some Hubble repeats, other Hubble Huggers, and a new team."

"Hubble is worth risking my life," Grunsfeld said."
Repairing Hubble 'worth risking my life' : Local News : The Rocky Mountain News
"a Ph.D. astronomer who has fixed it twice before. He's aware of the dangers he and his crewmates face.
"Hubble is worth risking my life," Grunsfeld said."
John Grunsfeld: Astronaut Bio
"Dr. Grunsfeld is assigned to STS-125 as the EVA lead for the Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission-4, targeted to fly in 2009 on the Space Shuttle. "
NASA - STS-125: Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission 4
"Crew Profiles"

Second STS-125 Spacewalk Complete

Second STS-125 Spacewalk Complete
The second of five STS-125 spacewalks concluded at 4:45 p.m. EDT. It was 7 hours, 56-minutes, making it the 8th longest spacewalk in history. During the walk outside the shuttle, Massimino and Good removed and replaced three rate sensor units. One of the new upgraded units could not be seated into place. As a result, the spacewalkers installed a refurbished spare unit. The spacewalkers also replaced a new battery module from the telescope's Bay 2.

時折時間を作り 見てるだけでも どっと疲れた(^^ゞ
昨日に続き、連日 食事もなしの7時間超 ハードワーク
Marathon EVA for Hubble Astronauts | Universe Today
"a “if at first you don’t succeed, try again” attitude they were able to accomplish all the objectives for the second EVA of the repair mission. "

Inside Hubble's Control Room During a Spacewalk 05.15.09
Keith Walyus, Operations Manager, HST SM4: The STOCC is the Space Operations Control Center.
In the STOCC is where we control Hubble.

Wake up and smell the coffee -- on the Moon! - NASA
"Fission Surface Power System embedded in lunar regolith."

Is Everything Made of Mini Black Holes? | Universe Today

鋼鉄の百億倍の強度、中性子星の外殻- ナショナルジオグラフィック

地球磁場の雑音、発生源は“コーラス”- ナショナルジオグラフィック

Close up たんぱく質分子の「深呼吸」を観る!(JSTニュース5月号)

HTML5の主な新機能を紹介: いま起きているWeb標準の進化、HTML5、CSS3、JavaScript 2.0 − Blog on Publickey

無断配信コンテンツのダウンロード違法化法案が衆院可決 | マイコミジャーナル

Old Japanese maps on Google Earth unveil secrets
Google Earth と差別問題:シロクマ日報
Google Earth の日本古地図が秘密を暴く」と題された記事で、実はこの古地図に被差別部落が示されてしまっており、Google Earth のオーバーレイ機能(古地図上に現代の道路等を上書きする)を使えばある地域の過去がはっきりと分かってしまう問題が起きている、という内容。"


Third STS-125 Spacewalk Complete
from 【Hubble Mission Update】
The third of five STS-125 spacewalks concluded Saturday at 4:11 p.m. EDT. It lasted 6 hours, 36 minutes. During the endeavor outside the shuttle, Feustel and Grunsfeld removed the Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement and installed in its place the new Cosmic Origins Spectrograph. They also completed the Advanced Camera for Surveys electronic card replacement work. The spacewalkers were ahead of schedule and were able to complete part 2 of the ACS repair, installing a new electronics box and cable.

連日の頑張りに 見てるこっちがもう泣きそう(^^ゞ
訓練のたまものとはいえ 凄すぎ

Hubble Huggers
Preflight Interview: John Grunsfeld, Mission Specialist

When I first went to Hubble, at the end of our three spacewalks, we deployed Hubble on Christmas Day, and I had very mixed feelings.
It was a wonderful sight to watch it slowly drifting off on the Earth’s horizon. I was privileged to go back again and I felt like I was visiting an old friend. I was convinced at the end of the last mission, as it floated away, that I would never get a chance to see the Hubble again but I knew somebody would. And of course that got thrown into disarray with the cancellation of the servicing mission on the shuttle, and so here I am, going back to visit an old friend to give it a new life along with a, a team of some Hubble repeats, other Hubble Huggers, and a new team."

"Hubble is worth risking my life," Grunsfeld said."
Repairing Hubble 'worth risking my life' : Local News : The Rocky Mountain News
"a Ph.D. astronomer who has fixed it twice before. He's aware of the dangers he and his crewmates face.
"Hubble is worth risking my life," Grunsfeld said."
John Grunsfeld: Astronaut Bio
"Dr. Grunsfeld is assigned to STS-125 as the EVA lead for the Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission-4, targeted to fly in 2009 on the Space Shuttle. "
NASA - STS-125: Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission 4
"Crew Profiles"

Second STS-125 Spacewalk Complete

Second STS-125 Spacewalk Complete
The second of five STS-125 spacewalks concluded at 4:45 p.m. EDT. It was 7 hours, 56-minutes, making it the 8th longest spacewalk in history. During the walk outside the shuttle, Massimino and Good removed and replaced three rate sensor units. One of the new upgraded units could not be seated into place. As a result, the spacewalkers installed a refurbished spare unit. The spacewalkers also replaced a new battery module from the telescope's Bay 2.

時折時間を作り 見てるだけでも どっと疲れた(^^ゞ
昨日に続き、連日 食事もなしの7時間超 ハードワーク
Marathon EVA for Hubble Astronauts | Universe Today
"a “if at first you don’t succeed, try again” attitude they were able to accomplish all the objectives for the second EVA of the repair mission. "

Inside Hubble's Control Room During a Spacewalk 05.15.09
Keith Walyus, Operations Manager, HST SM4: The STOCC is the Space Operations Control Center.
In the STOCC is where we control Hubble.

Wake up and smell the coffee -- on the Moon! - NASA
"Fission Surface Power System embedded in lunar regolith."

Is Everything Made of Mini Black Holes? | Universe Today

鋼鉄の百億倍の強度、中性子星の外殻- ナショナルジオグラフィック

地球磁場の雑音、発生源は“コーラス”- ナショナルジオグラフィック

Close up たんぱく質分子の「深呼吸」を観る!(JSTニュース5月号)