
Read all 528 comments
Video: Georgian army flees in disarray as Russians advance - Times Online

ISS Daily Reports
08/13/08 -- ATV Reboost (~3:58am EDT, 3.3 m/s delta-V)
09/02/08 -- Progress M-64/29P undocking, from FGB nadir
09/07/08 -- ATV1 undocking, from SM aft port (loiter until 9/29 for nighttime reentry/observation)
09/10/08 -- Progress M-65/30P launch
09/12/08 -- Progress M-65/30P docking (SM aft)
10/01/08 -- NASA 50 Years (official)"

Planetary Nebula MyCn18: An Hourglass Pattern Around a Dying Star

HubbleSite - Image: Planetary Nebula MyCn18: An Hourglass Pattern Around a Dying Star
HubbleSite - Entire Collection:

Tuesday Map: Georgia's Google vanishing act | FP Passport
"Tuesday Map: Georgia's Google vanishing act "
Google embroiled in Georgian conflict | Information Age
紛争続くグルジア政府サイトがロシアのDDoS攻撃で沈黙 - 一部海外報道 | マイコミジャーナル
"その経路をたどるとモスクワとサンクトペテルブルグが発信源だったという。米Wall Street Journalでは、攻撃の発信源はこうしたサイバー犯罪の支援組織であるRussian Business Networkにあると報じている。

Iraq contracts have cost at least $85B - Yahoo!
Military contracts in the Iraq theater have cost taxpayers at least $85 billion, and when it comes to providing security, they might not be any cheaper than using military personnel, according to a report released Tuesday.

緊張感漂うカシュガル、報道陣を強制排除 - 北京オリンピック:
"政府当局者が海外メディアの記者全員のパスポートをチェックした上で「上部機関の許可がない取材は認められない」と述べ、同検問所から強制的に排除した" nikkansports.com

ポル・ポト特別法廷 初の起訴
"起訴されたのは、ポル・ポト政権時代に1万4000人が拷問などの末に殺害されたとされる、政治犯収容所の元所長、カン・ケ・イウ被告、通称ドゥイ被告(65)です。特別法廷によりますと、ドゥイ被告は、1970年代後半のポル・ポト政権時代、政治収容所の所長として収容所内での大量虐殺にかかわったとして、人道に対する罪と戦争犯罪の罪で13日までに起訴されました。ドゥイ被告は、収容所で虐殺が行われたことは認めているものの、上層部の指示には逆らえなかった" NHKニュース 
ポル・ポト特別法廷、初の起訴 元収容所長 朝日新聞
カンボジアで起きた70年代の国民大虐殺に関与したポル・ポト政権の元幹部らを裁く特別法廷は12日、捜査判事が8日にツールスレン収容所のカン・ケク・イウ元所長を人道に対する罪などで起訴したと発表した。同法廷発足後、初めての起訴。 ...
カンボジアポル・ポト大虐殺 来月にも特別法廷開廷 裁かれねば正義ない 毎日新聞
カンボジアポル・ポト政権時代(75〜79年)の大虐殺を裁く特別法廷が9月にも開廷する。知識人らの処刑や過酷な強制労働で当時の国民の4分の1に当たる170万人の命が奪われたとされる悪夢の時代から30年。虐殺を逃れて生き延びた人たちは、恐怖の記憶を胸の奥 ...

Phelps wins 10th and 11th golds - Olympics - Yahoo! Sports
“I couldn’t see anything for the last 100,” Phelps said. “My goggles filled up with water. It just kept getting worse and worse through the race and I was having trouble seeing the walls, to be honest.”
男子200メートルバタフライ松田丈志 銅メダル : nikkansports

五輪・人もよう 北京五輪2008 - 47NEWS

Enceladus Flyby Blog
"Well, folks, the images are down ... at last!! ... and I can't print here what I first said upon seeing them. What a dazzling success! "
Cassini Begins Transmitting Data From Enceladus Flyby - NASA
"Cassini's signal was picked up by the Deep Space Network station in Canberra, Australia, and relayed to the Cassini mission control at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.
During closest approach, Cassini successfully passed only 50 kilometers (30 miles) from the surface of the tiny moon. "
Cassini spacecraft searches for signs of life on Saturn's moon Enceladus: Scientific American Blog

YouTubeからH.264動画を再エンコードなしでゲットする方法 - ZDNet Japan

中国 7月の感染症(伝染病)死者は1009人エイズが最多
2008 年8月11日、中国衛生部は2008年7月全国法定伝染病の感染状況に関する統計を公開した。全国(台湾・香港・マカオは除く)で、政府が定める甲種・乙種伝染病の発症数は39万4201件におよび、死者は985人となった。丙種24人を合わせると計1009人となる。中国新聞網の報道。

[生]阿波おどり2008 〜15(金) テレビトクシマ
19:00〜22:00 (15 日は22:30 まで) 再放送あり
(中継場所:12・13 日市役所前演舞場、14・15 日南内町演舞場)
再放送・〜15 日23:00-26:00(15 日26:30)、
16〜19 日19:00-22:00(19 日22:30)


三菱電機、宇宙通信の次期通信衛星「スーパーバード7号機(C2号機)」の打ち上げ準備を開始 7月17日
衛星質量 約5トン(打ち上げ時)
設計寿命 15年
中継器数 Kuバンド28本
静止軌道位置 東経144度 "

知ってると便利な「隠し機能」教えます--MODIPHI Appsで半日で作るマッシュアップサイト(番外編) ZDNet Japan
MODIPHI - RSSフィード & ウィジェット ソリューション プラットフォーム

MOONGIFT: » これは実用的。Google App Engineを使ったブログエンジン「Potlatch Blog」:


August 7, 2008 (23:15)
Georgian rocket systems started fire.

August 8, 2008 (00:20)

Heavy artillery joined the battle. Under cover of cannonade Georgian troops launched their attack towards eastern districts of Tskhinvali Gen. M.Kurashvili, the Chief-of-Stuff of Peacemaking Operations of the Ministry of Defense of Georgia , announced to “Rustavi-2” TV that the Georgian side had decided to restore the constitutional order in the conflict zone.

August 8, 2008 ( 09:00 )

Georgian aviation stroke goals in South Ossetia . Five SU-25 Frogfoot attack planes bombed the vicinity of Tkverneti. Moreover, the column with humanitarian aid from North Ossetia was bombed as well.

タイム・ライン再考 プーチンもブッシュも知ってて
南オセチア自治州武力紛争 ロシア軍、グルジアの首都近郊の軍の基地などを空爆 FNN - 2008年8月11日
北京オリンピックの開会式で、アメリカのブッシュ大統領とロシアのプーチン首相が同席していたが、この席上で激論を交わしていたと、オーストラリアのラッド首相が証言した。 この席でブッシュ大統領は、「今回の暴力は受け入れられない」とし、当事者の即時停戦を求めた ...
南オセチア衝突:グルジア空爆米大統領非難 毎日新聞 - 2008年8月10日
両首脳が開会式で「激論」を交わしていたことは、近くにいたラッド豪首相が明らかにしていた。 米国家安全保障会議(NSC)のジェフリー大統領副補佐官によると、ブッシュ大統領


PRESS RELEASE #1 On the situation in South Ossetia
“Timeline of the Conflict”
(July 23 -- August 12, 2008 )

July 23, 2008
Republic of South Ossetia said citing Russian peacekeepers, that it had detected an illegal flight over the de facto independent region. Vladimir Ivanov, an aide to the commander of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces in the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict zone, was quoted as saying that an aircraft was observed at 22:20 local time on Tuesday evening.

August 1, 2008
Tskhinvali and a number of other locations were assailed for several hours by concentrated shelling from the Georgian side using firearms, grenade launchers and mortars that led to the causalities among population of the South Ossetia as well as a serious devastations appeared. South Ossetia started the evacuation of its population to North Ossetia , 2,5 thousand people left their dwellings within the first two days of shelling.

August 2, 2008 ( 08:00 )
At least six people have been killed and 13 wounded in a series of gunfights along the border between Georgia and South Ossetia . Russian peacekeepers in the conflict zone said the incidents had been provoked by Georgia .

"We have not yet issued orders for general mobilization but if similar incidents continue we will not only mobilize the population but will also immediately take other appropriate measures," Mikhail Mindzayev the interior Minister of S.Ossetia told RIA Novosti from Tskhinvali. The South Ossetian government held an emergency meeting on Saturday to analyze the current situation in the Georgia-S. Ossetia conflict zone. "The meeting discussed a possible mobilization and the measures to ensure the safety of local residents," Mindzayev said. "If Georgia continues its provocations our republic will respond with all available forces and means."

August 2, 2008 ( 14:00 )
Russia's Foreign Ministry called on Saturday upon Georgia and South Ossetia to show restraint and search for ways to settle the conflict without violence. Tskhinvali has already started the evacuation of the residents from regions bordering on Georgia to North Ossetia, which is part of Russia .

August 2, 2008 ( 18:00 )
South Ossetia's leader Eduard Kokoity, who had to interrupt his visit to Russia and return to the republic on Saturday after the border clashes with Georgia , said that Tskhinvali was prepared to mobilize the population to repel possible Georgian attacks.

"If tensions in the region continue to escalate, we are ready to carry out a general mobilization of the population in South Ossetia and to announce a recruitment of volunteers in the whole North Caucasus region," Kokoity said.

He reiterated that Georgia had long been seeking the opportunity to start a war with South Ossetia . "We have tried hard to avoid the war and continue peace negotiations, but Georgia is not willing to give us this chance," the South Ossetian leader said. "We must defend our people and our land."

Mr. T.Yakobashvili, Georgia’s Minister of State for Reintegration Affairs, while visiting South Ossetia, announced after his meetings with representatives of the OSCE Mission, Gen. M.Kurashvili, the Chief-of-Stuff of Peacemaking Operations of the Ministry of Defense of Georgia, and Gen. M.Kulakhmetov, the Commander of Combined Peacekeeping Forces, that in the view of Georgian authorities there is no alternative to directs negotiations between Tbilisi and Tskhinvali and they are prepared to conduct negotiations without precedent conditions. According to Mr. T.Yakobashvili, the Georgian authorities will exert every effort for the sake of political settlement.

"We will temporarily and unilaterally cease fire in the conflict zone. This is our last attempt to avoid large-scale military operations," the minister said, without disclosing a timeframe for the ceasefire.

August 3, 2008
The Georgian side proceeded with concentrating troops at South Ossetian border. The column of artillery amounting to one battalion of field artillery 122-mm howitzer 2A18 (D-30) and two mortar batteries, which belongs to the Georgian Ministry of Defense’s IVth Motorized Infantry Brigade, stepped forth from a military base in Gori towards the republic's capital Tskhinvali.

August 6, 2008
Yury Popov, the Russian Foreign Ministry's envoy and a co-chairman of the Joint Control Commission (JCC), who visited Tskhinvali on Thursday, announced that Russia would mediate a meeting on Friday afternoon between Georgia 's Yakobashvili and South Ossetia 's Deputy Prime Minister Boris Chochiyev. Arrangements have been made to hold the meeting at peacekeepers' headquarters in Tskhinvali. This meeting, however, never occurred because of shelling of Tskhinvali and other localities, resumed August 7.

August 7, 2008 ( 09:00 )
Georgia located 27 “GRAD” emplacements in the vicinity of Gori. An entire motorized column passed in the direction of South Ossetia . From Kutaisi , twenty trucks with military personnel, twenty 4x4 “Toyotas” armed with heavy machine-guns, three “Grad” rocket systems, three IFVs and three rocket launchers were moved to Gori.

"Peacekeepers have detected illegal passes of at least eight aircraft [over S. Ossetia], including five Su-25 Frogfoot attack planes and three reconnaissance drones," said Vladimir Ivanov, an aide to the commander of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces in the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict zone. He said the aircraft flew from Georgia heading north toward the Dzhava district in South Ossetia .

South Ossetia said on Wednesday that Georgia is planning a full-scale invasion of the region before the start of September.

August 7, 2008 ( 12:00 )
Tskhinvali and its vicinity were assailed by large-caliber shelling from Georgian villages of Nikozi and Ergneti.

August 7, 2008 ( 15:45 )
Military observers from Georgia left the disposition of the joint peacekeepers HQ and check-points. Georgia ’s Minister of State for Reintegration Affairs T.Yakobashvili announced that the Georgian side will unilaterally declare temporal cease-fire. According to him, the Georgian side wishes to demonstrate to Tskhinval authorities “the inanity of armed confrontation”. T.Yakobashvili informed about his intentions to visit the conflict zone together with Mr. Y.Popov, the Ambassador at large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and to try to sit at the bargaining table.

August 7, 2008 ( 19:40 )
Mr. M.Saakashvili addressed the Georgian people. He announced that on Thursday evening he had ordered all Georgian units to stop responding to fire in the conflict zone of Tskhinvali. The President confirmed: “I would like to address everyone who shoots at Georgian policemen. With all responsibility I tell you, that few hours ago I made a very uneasy decision -- not to respond to fire”.

He said he was prepared to enter into "any kind of talks," in order to find a solution to the current Georgian-South Ossetian conflict.

"I beg you [ South Ossetians ] to cease fire immediately. We have no wish to wage war against you. Don't try the patience of our country. Let's stop this escalation and start talks - direct, multilateral, any kind of talks," Saakashvili said in a televised address. "Let's give peace and dialogue a chance," said Saakashvili.

"We need true mediators, and I invite Russia again to play a key role in [the Georgian-South Ossetian] conflict resolution," the Georgian president said, describing his country as Russia 's natural ally.

"Any Georgian president...will always have to maintain good relations with Russia , provided Russia respects the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity," Saakashvili said.

Alexander Lomaya, who heads the Georgian National Security Council, said Saakashvili had also issued instructions for the country's armed forces not to return fire if they came under attack from South Ossetian forces.

Lomaya failed to confirm however whether Tbilisi was deploying troops and military hardware in the conflict zone, saying only that Georgia was seeking a peaceful settlement.

August 7, 2008 (22.35)

Only three hours after Saakashvili’s declarations, Georgia started its offensive into South Ossetia.

August 7, 2008 (23:15)

Clashes and shelling using grenade launchers and mortars began.

August 7, 2008 (23:15)
Georgian rocket systems started fire.

August 8, 2008 (00:20)

Heavy artillery joined the battle. Under cover of cannonade Georgian troops launched their attack towards eastern districts of Tskhinvali Gen. M.Kurashvili, the Chief-of-Stuff of Peacemaking Operations of the Ministry of Defense of Georgia , announced to “Rustavi-2” TV that the Georgian side had decided to restore the constitutional order in the conflict zone.

August 8, 2008 ( 09:00 )

Georgian aviation stroke goals in South Ossetia . Five SU-25 Frogfoot attack planes bombed the vicinity of Tkverneti. Moreover, the column with humanitarian aid from North Ossetia was bombed as well.

The same morning T.Yakobashvili announced that Tskhinvali is “almost encircled by Georgian units but we do not aim at destruction and casualities, so once again we offer the leaders of separatists to start launch direst negotiations about the cease-fire and normalization in the conflict zone”.

As a result of the Georgian night shelling a number of buildings at the Russian peacekeeping HQ in Tskhinvali were damaged. The building of the Parliament of the Republic of South Ossetia burnt, governmental buildings were destroyed, multi-store houses and other objects in the city center were set on fire. The Georgian column of tanks and infantry moved towards Tskhinvali.

At the Security Council session, Russia 's UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin called on the council to intervene to stop violence in the region.

The Kremlin said Russia 's leadership is also holding emergency talks on the conflict, and is considering urgent measures to end the violence.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev "is heading a meeting to discuss a series of urgent measures to stop the violence in South Ossetia , to protect the civilian population and Russian citizens in the conflict zone, considering that Russian peacekeepers have a mandate there, and to safeguard Russian interests in the region," the Kremlin press service said.

After reported Georgian attacks on Russian peacekeepers Deputy Interior Minister of Georgia Ms. Zguladze claimed at a briefing in Tbilisi that their troops “make every effort to protect peacekeepers”. Mr. Marat Kulakhmetov, chief of Combined Peacekeeping Forces regarded this as an outrageous lie and an attempt to mislead the international public opinion. Colonel Igor Konashenkov, an aide to the Russian Ground Forces commander, said around 15 Russian peacekeepers have been killed and 30 wounded in the province since Georgia launched a major offensive overnight using tanks, combat aircraft, heavy artillery and infantry.

In the light of direct threat to lives of Russian citizens in South Ossetia in accordance with the right for self-defense in the framework of establishing a peace-enforcement operation which is allowed by the international law in the afternoon Russia sent reinforcements to South Ossetia in order to support its peacekeepers and protect the civilians.

August 8, 2008 ( 14:00 )

Russian troops are approaching the capital of South Ossetia to help peacekeepers amid a spiraling conflict with Georgia , which tried to regain control of the region Friday, a top military spokesman said.

"Units of the 58th Army have set off to help Russian peacekeepers, they are approaching Tskhinvali," Konashenkov said. He said Georgian tanks are firing at the Russian peacekeeping headquarters.

"Georgian troops are shooting Russian peacekeepers and civilians at observation posts they have seized," he said. "Vicious fighting is going on in the area of Tskhinvali, where Georgian tanks are firing at the peacekeepers' headquarters and base from close by."

Earlier reports confirmed by the Russian Defense Ministry said a convoy of Russian tanks and armored vehicles had entered Tskhinvali. Eyewitnesses said some 100 Russian tanks and armored vehicles crossed the Russian border.

Senior Russian lawmakers and officials earlier urged a military operation to end the violence as the Russian-led peacekeeping contingent was insufficient to ensure peace in the region.

And Russia 's president and premier vowed retaliation for what they called "the Georgian aggression" and punishment for those who kill Russian nationals in South Ossetia .

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has ordered humanitarian aid be provided to those affected by the conflict, the Kremlin said Friday

Read all 528 comments
Video: Georgian army flees in disarray as Russians advance - Times Online

ISS Daily Reports
08/13/08 -- ATV Reboost (~3:58am EDT, 3.3 m/s delta-V)
09/02/08 -- Progress M-64/29P undocking, from FGB nadir
09/07/08 -- ATV1 undocking, from SM aft port (loiter until 9/29 for nighttime reentry/observation)
09/10/08 -- Progress M-65/30P launch
09/12/08 -- Progress M-65/30P docking (SM aft)
10/01/08 -- NASA 50 Years (official)"

Planetary Nebula MyCn18: An Hourglass Pattern Around a Dying Star

HubbleSite - Image: Planetary Nebula MyCn18: An Hourglass Pattern Around a Dying Star
HubbleSite - Entire Collection:

Tuesday Map: Georgia's Google vanishing act | FP Passport
"Tuesday Map: Georgia's Google vanishing act "
Google embroiled in Georgian conflict | Information Age
紛争続くグルジア政府サイトがロシアのDDoS攻撃で沈黙 - 一部海外報道 | マイコミジャーナル
"その経路をたどるとモスクワとサンクトペテルブルグが発信源だったという。米Wall Street Journalでは、攻撃の発信源はこうしたサイバー犯罪の支援組織であるRussian Business Networkにあると報じている。

Iraq contracts have cost at least $85B - Yahoo!
Military contracts in the Iraq theater have cost taxpayers at least $85 billion, and when it comes to providing security, they might not be any cheaper than using military personnel, according to a report released Tuesday.

緊張感漂うカシュガル、報道陣を強制排除 - 北京オリンピック:
"政府当局者が海外メディアの記者全員のパスポートをチェックした上で「上部機関の許可がない取材は認められない」と述べ、同検問所から強制的に排除した" nikkansports.com

ポル・ポト特別法廷 初の起訴
"起訴されたのは、ポル・ポト政権時代に1万4000人が拷問などの末に殺害されたとされる、政治犯収容所の元所長、カン・ケ・イウ被告、通称ドゥイ被告(65)です。特別法廷によりますと、ドゥイ被告は、1970年代後半のポル・ポト政権時代、政治収容所の所長として収容所内での大量虐殺にかかわったとして、人道に対する罪と戦争犯罪の罪で13日までに起訴されました。ドゥイ被告は、収容所で虐殺が行われたことは認めているものの、上層部の指示には逆らえなかった" NHKニュース 
ポル・ポト特別法廷、初の起訴 元収容所長 朝日新聞
カンボジアで起きた70年代の国民大虐殺に関与したポル・ポト政権の元幹部らを裁く特別法廷は12日、捜査判事が8日にツールスレン収容所のカン・ケク・イウ元所長を人道に対する罪などで起訴したと発表した。同法廷発足後、初めての起訴。 ...
カンボジアポル・ポト大虐殺 来月にも特別法廷開廷 裁かれねば正義ない 毎日新聞
カンボジアポル・ポト政権時代(75〜79年)の大虐殺を裁く特別法廷が9月にも開廷する。知識人らの処刑や過酷な強制労働で当時の国民の4分の1に当たる170万人の命が奪われたとされる悪夢の時代から30年。虐殺を逃れて生き延びた人たちは、恐怖の記憶を胸の奥 ...

Phelps wins 10th and 11th golds - Olympics - Yahoo! Sports
“I couldn’t see anything for the last 100,” Phelps said. “My goggles filled up with water. It just kept getting worse and worse through the race and I was having trouble seeing the walls, to be honest.”
男子200メートルバタフライ松田丈志 銅メダル : nikkansports

五輪・人もよう 北京五輪2008 - 47NEWS

Enceladus Flyby Blog
"Well, folks, the images are down ... at last!! ... and I can't print here what I first said upon seeing them. What a dazzling success! "
Cassini Begins Transmitting Data From Enceladus Flyby - NASA
"Cassini's signal was picked up by the Deep Space Network station in Canberra, Australia, and relayed to the Cassini mission control at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.
During closest approach, Cassini successfully passed only 50 kilometers (30 miles) from the surface of the tiny moon. "
Cassini spacecraft searches for signs of life on Saturn's moon Enceladus: Scientific American Blog

YouTubeからH.264動画を再エンコードなしでゲットする方法 - ZDNet Japan

中国 7月の感染症(伝染病)死者は1009人エイズが最多
2008 年8月11日、中国衛生部は2008年7月全国法定伝染病の感染状況に関する統計を公開した。全国(台湾・香港・マカオは除く)で、政府が定める甲種・乙種伝染病の発症数は39万4201件におよび、死者は985人となった。丙種24人を合わせると計1009人となる。中国新聞網の報道。

[生]阿波おどり2008 〜15(金) テレビトクシマ
19:00〜22:00 (15 日は22:30 まで) 再放送あり
(中継場所:12・13 日市役所前演舞場、14・15 日南内町演舞場)
再放送・〜15 日23:00-26:00(15 日26:30)、
16〜19 日19:00-22:00(19 日22:30)


三菱電機、宇宙通信の次期通信衛星「スーパーバード7号機(C2号機)」の打ち上げ準備を開始 7月17日
衛星質量 約5トン(打ち上げ時)
設計寿命 15年
中継器数 Kuバンド28本
静止軌道位置 東経144度 "

知ってると便利な「隠し機能」教えます--MODIPHI Appsで半日で作るマッシュアップサイト(番外編) ZDNet Japan
MODIPHI - RSSフィード & ウィジェット ソリューション プラットフォーム

MOONGIFT: » これは実用的。Google App Engineを使ったブログエンジン「Potlatch Blog」:


August 7, 2008 (23:15)
Georgian rocket systems started fire.

August 8, 2008 (00:20)

Heavy artillery joined the battle. Under cover of cannonade Georgian troops launched their attack towards eastern districts of Tskhinvali Gen. M.Kurashvili, the Chief-of-Stuff of Peacemaking Operations of the Ministry of Defense of Georgia , announced to “Rustavi-2” TV that the Georgian side had decided to restore the constitutional order in the conflict zone.

August 8, 2008 ( 09:00 )

Georgian aviation stroke goals in South Ossetia . Five SU-25 Frogfoot attack planes bombed the vicinity of Tkverneti. Moreover, the column with humanitarian aid from North Ossetia was bombed as well.

タイム・ライン再考 プーチンもブッシュも知ってて
南オセチア自治州武力紛争 ロシア軍、グルジアの首都近郊の軍の基地などを空爆 FNN - 2008年8月11日
北京オリンピックの開会式で、アメリカのブッシュ大統領とロシアのプーチン首相が同席していたが、この席上で激論を交わしていたと、オーストラリアのラッド首相が証言した。 この席でブッシュ大統領は、「今回の暴力は受け入れられない」とし、当事者の即時停戦を求めた ...
南オセチア衝突:グルジア空爆米大統領非難 毎日新聞 - 2008年8月10日
両首脳が開会式で「激論」を交わしていたことは、近くにいたラッド豪首相が明らかにしていた。 米国家安全保障会議(NSC)のジェフリー大統領副補佐官によると、ブッシュ大統領


PRESS RELEASE #1 On the situation in South Ossetia
“Timeline of the Conflict”
(July 23 -- August 12, 2008 )

July 23, 2008
Republic of South Ossetia said citing Russian peacekeepers, that it had detected an illegal flight over the de facto independent region. Vladimir Ivanov, an aide to the commander of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces in the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict zone, was quoted as saying that an aircraft was observed at 22:20 local time on Tuesday evening.

August 1, 2008
Tskhinvali and a number of other locations were assailed for several hours by concentrated shelling from the Georgian side using firearms, grenade launchers and mortars that led to the causalities among population of the South Ossetia as well as a serious devastations appeared. South Ossetia started the evacuation of its population to North Ossetia , 2,5 thousand people left their dwellings within the first two days of shelling.

August 2, 2008 ( 08:00 )
At least six people have been killed and 13 wounded in a series of gunfights along the border between Georgia and South Ossetia . Russian peacekeepers in the conflict zone said the incidents had been provoked by Georgia .

"We have not yet issued orders for general mobilization but if similar incidents continue we will not only mobilize the population but will also immediately take other appropriate measures," Mikhail Mindzayev the interior Minister of S.Ossetia told RIA Novosti from Tskhinvali. The South Ossetian government held an emergency meeting on Saturday to analyze the current situation in the Georgia-S. Ossetia conflict zone. "The meeting discussed a possible mobilization and the measures to ensure the safety of local residents," Mindzayev said. "If Georgia continues its provocations our republic will respond with all available forces and means."

August 2, 2008 ( 14:00 )
Russia's Foreign Ministry called on Saturday upon Georgia and South Ossetia to show restraint and search for ways to settle the conflict without violence. Tskhinvali has already started the evacuation of the residents from regions bordering on Georgia to North Ossetia, which is part of Russia .

August 2, 2008 ( 18:00 )
South Ossetia's leader Eduard Kokoity, who had to interrupt his visit to Russia and return to the republic on Saturday after the border clashes with Georgia , said that Tskhinvali was prepared to mobilize the population to repel possible Georgian attacks.

"If tensions in the region continue to escalate, we are ready to carry out a general mobilization of the population in South Ossetia and to announce a recruitment of volunteers in the whole North Caucasus region," Kokoity said.

He reiterated that Georgia had long been seeking the opportunity to start a war with South Ossetia . "We have tried hard to avoid the war and continue peace negotiations, but Georgia is not willing to give us this chance," the South Ossetian leader said. "We must defend our people and our land."

Mr. T.Yakobashvili, Georgia’s Minister of State for Reintegration Affairs, while visiting South Ossetia, announced after his meetings with representatives of the OSCE Mission, Gen. M.Kurashvili, the Chief-of-Stuff of Peacemaking Operations of the Ministry of Defense of Georgia, and Gen. M.Kulakhmetov, the Commander of Combined Peacekeeping Forces, that in the view of Georgian authorities there is no alternative to directs negotiations between Tbilisi and Tskhinvali and they are prepared to conduct negotiations without precedent conditions. According to Mr. T.Yakobashvili, the Georgian authorities will exert every effort for the sake of political settlement.

"We will temporarily and unilaterally cease fire in the conflict zone. This is our last attempt to avoid large-scale military operations," the minister said, without disclosing a timeframe for the ceasefire.

August 3, 2008
The Georgian side proceeded with concentrating troops at South Ossetian border. The column of artillery amounting to one battalion of field artillery 122-mm howitzer 2A18 (D-30) and two mortar batteries, which belongs to the Georgian Ministry of Defense’s IVth Motorized Infantry Brigade, stepped forth from a military base in Gori towards the republic's capital Tskhinvali.

August 6, 2008
Yury Popov, the Russian Foreign Ministry's envoy and a co-chairman of the Joint Control Commission (JCC), who visited Tskhinvali on Thursday, announced that Russia would mediate a meeting on Friday afternoon between Georgia 's Yakobashvili and South Ossetia 's Deputy Prime Minister Boris Chochiyev. Arrangements have been made to hold the meeting at peacekeepers' headquarters in Tskhinvali. This meeting, however, never occurred because of shelling of Tskhinvali and other localities, resumed August 7.

August 7, 2008 ( 09:00 )
Georgia located 27 “GRAD” emplacements in the vicinity of Gori. An entire motorized column passed in the direction of South Ossetia . From Kutaisi , twenty trucks with military personnel, twenty 4x4 “Toyotas” armed with heavy machine-guns, three “Grad” rocket systems, three IFVs and three rocket launchers were moved to Gori.

"Peacekeepers have detected illegal passes of at least eight aircraft [over S. Ossetia], including five Su-25 Frogfoot attack planes and three reconnaissance drones," said Vladimir Ivanov, an aide to the commander of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces in the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict zone. He said the aircraft flew from Georgia heading north toward the Dzhava district in South Ossetia .

South Ossetia said on Wednesday that Georgia is planning a full-scale invasion of the region before the start of September.

August 7, 2008 ( 12:00 )
Tskhinvali and its vicinity were assailed by large-caliber shelling from Georgian villages of Nikozi and Ergneti.

August 7, 2008 ( 15:45 )
Military observers from Georgia left the disposition of the joint peacekeepers HQ and check-points. Georgia ’s Minister of State for Reintegration Affairs T.Yakobashvili announced that the Georgian side will unilaterally declare temporal cease-fire. According to him, the Georgian side wishes to demonstrate to Tskhinval authorities “the inanity of armed confrontation”. T.Yakobashvili informed about his intentions to visit the conflict zone together with Mr. Y.Popov, the Ambassador at large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and to try to sit at the bargaining table.

August 7, 2008 ( 19:40 )
Mr. M.Saakashvili addressed the Georgian people. He announced that on Thursday evening he had ordered all Georgian units to stop responding to fire in the conflict zone of Tskhinvali. The President confirmed: “I would like to address everyone who shoots at Georgian policemen. With all responsibility I tell you, that few hours ago I made a very uneasy decision -- not to respond to fire”.

He said he was prepared to enter into "any kind of talks," in order to find a solution to the current Georgian-South Ossetian conflict.

"I beg you [ South Ossetians ] to cease fire immediately. We have no wish to wage war against you. Don't try the patience of our country. Let's stop this escalation and start talks - direct, multilateral, any kind of talks," Saakashvili said in a televised address. "Let's give peace and dialogue a chance," said Saakashvili.

"We need true mediators, and I invite Russia again to play a key role in [the Georgian-South Ossetian] conflict resolution," the Georgian president said, describing his country as Russia 's natural ally.

"Any Georgian president...will always have to maintain good relations with Russia , provided Russia respects the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity," Saakashvili said.

Alexander Lomaya, who heads the Georgian National Security Council, said Saakashvili had also issued instructions for the country's armed forces not to return fire if they came under attack from South Ossetian forces.

Lomaya failed to confirm however whether Tbilisi was deploying troops and military hardware in the conflict zone, saying only that Georgia was seeking a peaceful settlement.

August 7, 2008 (22.35)

Only three hours after Saakashvili’s declarations, Georgia started its offensive into South Ossetia.

August 7, 2008 (23:15)

Clashes and shelling using grenade launchers and mortars began.

August 7, 2008 (23:15)
Georgian rocket systems started fire.

August 8, 2008 (00:20)

Heavy artillery joined the battle. Under cover of cannonade Georgian troops launched their attack towards eastern districts of Tskhinvali Gen. M.Kurashvili, the Chief-of-Stuff of Peacemaking Operations of the Ministry of Defense of Georgia , announced to “Rustavi-2” TV that the Georgian side had decided to restore the constitutional order in the conflict zone.

August 8, 2008 ( 09:00 )

Georgian aviation stroke goals in South Ossetia . Five SU-25 Frogfoot attack planes bombed the vicinity of Tkverneti. Moreover, the column with humanitarian aid from North Ossetia was bombed as well.

The same morning T.Yakobashvili announced that Tskhinvali is “almost encircled by Georgian units but we do not aim at destruction and casualities, so once again we offer the leaders of separatists to start launch direst negotiations about the cease-fire and normalization in the conflict zone”.

As a result of the Georgian night shelling a number of buildings at the Russian peacekeeping HQ in Tskhinvali were damaged. The building of the Parliament of the Republic of South Ossetia burnt, governmental buildings were destroyed, multi-store houses and other objects in the city center were set on fire. The Georgian column of tanks and infantry moved towards Tskhinvali.

At the Security Council session, Russia 's UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin called on the council to intervene to stop violence in the region.

The Kremlin said Russia 's leadership is also holding emergency talks on the conflict, and is considering urgent measures to end the violence.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev "is heading a meeting to discuss a series of urgent measures to stop the violence in South Ossetia , to protect the civilian population and Russian citizens in the conflict zone, considering that Russian peacekeepers have a mandate there, and to safeguard Russian interests in the region," the Kremlin press service said.

After reported Georgian attacks on Russian peacekeepers Deputy Interior Minister of Georgia Ms. Zguladze claimed at a briefing in Tbilisi that their troops “make every effort to protect peacekeepers”. Mr. Marat Kulakhmetov, chief of Combined Peacekeeping Forces regarded this as an outrageous lie and an attempt to mislead the international public opinion. Colonel Igor Konashenkov, an aide to the Russian Ground Forces commander, said around 15 Russian peacekeepers have been killed and 30 wounded in the province since Georgia launched a major offensive overnight using tanks, combat aircraft, heavy artillery and infantry.

In the light of direct threat to lives of Russian citizens in South Ossetia in accordance with the right for self-defense in the framework of establishing a peace-enforcement operation which is allowed by the international law in the afternoon Russia sent reinforcements to South Ossetia in order to support its peacekeepers and protect the civilians.

August 8, 2008 ( 14:00 )

Russian troops are approaching the capital of South Ossetia to help peacekeepers amid a spiraling conflict with Georgia , which tried to regain control of the region Friday, a top military spokesman said.

"Units of the 58th Army have set off to help Russian peacekeepers, they are approaching Tskhinvali," Konashenkov said. He said Georgian tanks are firing at the Russian peacekeeping headquarters.

"Georgian troops are shooting Russian peacekeepers and civilians at observation posts they have seized," he said. "Vicious fighting is going on in the area of Tskhinvali, where Georgian tanks are firing at the peacekeepers' headquarters and base from close by."

Earlier reports confirmed by the Russian Defense Ministry said a convoy of Russian tanks and armored vehicles had entered Tskhinvali. Eyewitnesses said some 100 Russian tanks and armored vehicles crossed the Russian border.

Senior Russian lawmakers and officials earlier urged a military operation to end the violence as the Russian-led peacekeeping contingent was insufficient to ensure peace in the region.

And Russia 's president and premier vowed retaliation for what they called "the Georgian aggression" and punishment for those who kill Russian nationals in South Ossetia .

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has ordered humanitarian aid be provided to those affected by the conflict, the Kremlin said Friday

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Video: Georgian army flees in disarray as Russians advance - Times Online

ISS Daily Reports
08/13/08 -- ATV Reboost (~3:58am EDT, 3.3 m/s delta-V)
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"その経路をたどるとモスクワとサンクトペテルブルグが発信源だったという。米Wall Street Journalでは、攻撃の発信源はこうしたサイバー犯罪の支援組織であるRussian Business Networkにあると報じている。

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カンボジアポル・ポト大虐殺 来月にも特別法廷開廷 裁かれねば正義ない 毎日新聞
カンボジアポル・ポト政権時代(75〜79年)の大虐殺を裁く特別法廷が9月にも開廷する。知識人らの処刑や過酷な強制労働で当時の国民の4分の1に当たる170万人の命が奪われたとされる悪夢の時代から30年。虐殺を逃れて生き延びた人たちは、恐怖の記憶を胸の奥 ...

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Enceladus Flyby Blog
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During closest approach, Cassini successfully passed only 50 kilometers (30 miles) from the surface of the tiny moon. "
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2008 年8月11日、中国衛生部は2008年7月全国法定伝染病の感染状況に関する統計を公開した。全国(台湾・香港・マカオは除く)で、政府が定める甲種・乙種伝染病の発症数は39万4201件におよび、死者は985人となった。丙種24人を合わせると計1009人となる。中国新聞網の報道。

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August 7, 2008 (23:15)
Georgian rocket systems started fire.

August 8, 2008 (00:20)

Heavy artillery joined the battle. Under cover of cannonade Georgian troops launched their attack towards eastern districts of Tskhinvali Gen. M.Kurashvili, the Chief-of-Stuff of Peacemaking Operations of the Ministry of Defense of Georgia , announced to “Rustavi-2” TV that the Georgian side had decided to restore the constitutional order in the conflict zone.

August 8, 2008 ( 09:00 )

Georgian aviation stroke goals in South Ossetia . Five SU-25 Frogfoot attack planes bombed the vicinity of Tkverneti. Moreover, the column with humanitarian aid from North Ossetia was bombed as well.

タイム・ライン再考 プーチンもブッシュも知ってて
南オセチア自治州武力紛争 ロシア軍、グルジアの首都近郊の軍の基地などを空爆 FNN - 2008年8月11日
北京オリンピックの開会式で、アメリカのブッシュ大統領とロシアのプーチン首相が同席していたが、この席上で激論を交わしていたと、オーストラリアのラッド首相が証言した。 この席でブッシュ大統領は、「今回の暴力は受け入れられない」とし、当事者の即時停戦を求めた ...
南オセチア衝突:グルジア空爆米大統領非難 毎日新聞 - 2008年8月10日
両首脳が開会式で「激論」を交わしていたことは、近くにいたラッド豪首相が明らかにしていた。 米国家安全保障会議(NSC)のジェフリー大統領副補佐官によると、ブッシュ大統領


PRESS RELEASE #1 On the situation in South Ossetia
“Timeline of the Conflict”
(July 23 -- August 12, 2008 )

July 23, 2008
Republic of South Ossetia said citing Russian peacekeepers, that it had detected an illegal flight over the de facto independent region. Vladimir Ivanov, an aide to the commander of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces in the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict zone, was quoted as saying that an aircraft was observed at 22:20 local time on Tuesday evening.

August 1, 2008
Tskhinvali and a number of other locations were assailed for several hours by concentrated shelling from the Georgian side using firearms, grenade launchers and mortars that led to the causalities among population of the South Ossetia as well as a serious devastations appeared. South Ossetia started the evacuation of its population to North Ossetia , 2,5 thousand people left their dwellings within the first two days of shelling.

August 2, 2008 ( 08:00 )
At least six people have been killed and 13 wounded in a series of gunfights along the border between Georgia and South Ossetia . Russian peacekeepers in the conflict zone said the incidents had been provoked by Georgia .

"We have not yet issued orders for general mobilization but if similar incidents continue we will not only mobilize the population but will also immediately take other appropriate measures," Mikhail Mindzayev the interior Minister of S.Ossetia told RIA Novosti from Tskhinvali. The South Ossetian government held an emergency meeting on Saturday to analyze the current situation in the Georgia-S. Ossetia conflict zone. "The meeting discussed a possible mobilization and the measures to ensure the safety of local residents," Mindzayev said. "If Georgia continues its provocations our republic will respond with all available forces and means."

August 2, 2008 ( 14:00 )
Russia's Foreign Ministry called on Saturday upon Georgia and South Ossetia to show restraint and search for ways to settle the conflict without violence. Tskhinvali has already started the evacuation of the residents from regions bordering on Georgia to North Ossetia, which is part of Russia .

August 2, 2008 ( 18:00 )
South Ossetia's leader Eduard Kokoity, who had to interrupt his visit to Russia and return to the republic on Saturday after the border clashes with Georgia , said that Tskhinvali was prepared to mobilize the population to repel possible Georgian attacks.

"If tensions in the region continue to escalate, we are ready to carry out a general mobilization of the population in South Ossetia and to announce a recruitment of volunteers in the whole North Caucasus region," Kokoity said.

He reiterated that Georgia had long been seeking the opportunity to start a war with South Ossetia . "We have tried hard to avoid the war and continue peace negotiations, but Georgia is not willing to give us this chance," the South Ossetian leader said. "We must defend our people and our land."

Mr. T.Yakobashvili, Georgia’s Minister of State for Reintegration Affairs, while visiting South Ossetia, announced after his meetings with representatives of the OSCE Mission, Gen. M.Kurashvili, the Chief-of-Stuff of Peacemaking Operations of the Ministry of Defense of Georgia, and Gen. M.Kulakhmetov, the Commander of Combined Peacekeeping Forces, that in the view of Georgian authorities there is no alternative to directs negotiations between Tbilisi and Tskhinvali and they are prepared to conduct negotiations without precedent conditions. According to Mr. T.Yakobashvili, the Georgian authorities will exert every effort for the sake of political settlement.

"We will temporarily and unilaterally cease fire in the conflict zone. This is our last attempt to avoid large-scale military operations," the minister said, without disclosing a timeframe for the ceasefire.

August 3, 2008
The Georgian side proceeded with concentrating troops at South Ossetian border. The column of artillery amounting to one battalion of field artillery 122-mm howitzer 2A18 (D-30) and two mortar batteries, which belongs to the Georgian Ministry of Defense’s IVth Motorized Infantry Brigade, stepped forth from a military base in Gori towards the republic's capital Tskhinvali.

August 6, 2008
Yury Popov, the Russian Foreign Ministry's envoy and a co-chairman of the Joint Control Commission (JCC), who visited Tskhinvali on Thursday, announced that Russia would mediate a meeting on Friday afternoon between Georgia 's Yakobashvili and South Ossetia 's Deputy Prime Minister Boris Chochiyev. Arrangements have been made to hold the meeting at peacekeepers' headquarters in Tskhinvali. This meeting, however, never occurred because of shelling of Tskhinvali and other localities, resumed August 7.

August 7, 2008 ( 09:00 )
Georgia located 27 “GRAD” emplacements in the vicinity of Gori. An entire motorized column passed in the direction of South Ossetia . From Kutaisi , twenty trucks with military personnel, twenty 4x4 “Toyotas” armed with heavy machine-guns, three “Grad” rocket systems, three IFVs and three rocket launchers were moved to Gori.

"Peacekeepers have detected illegal passes of at least eight aircraft [over S. Ossetia], including five Su-25 Frogfoot attack planes and three reconnaissance drones," said Vladimir Ivanov, an aide to the commander of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces in the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict zone. He said the aircraft flew from Georgia heading north toward the Dzhava district in South Ossetia .

South Ossetia said on Wednesday that Georgia is planning a full-scale invasion of the region before the start of September.

August 7, 2008 ( 12:00 )
Tskhinvali and its vicinity were assailed by large-caliber shelling from Georgian villages of Nikozi and Ergneti.

August 7, 2008 ( 15:45 )
Military observers from Georgia left the disposition of the joint peacekeepers HQ and check-points. Georgia ’s Minister of State for Reintegration Affairs T.Yakobashvili announced that the Georgian side will unilaterally declare temporal cease-fire. According to him, the Georgian side wishes to demonstrate to Tskhinval authorities “the inanity of armed confrontation”. T.Yakobashvili informed about his intentions to visit the conflict zone together with Mr. Y.Popov, the Ambassador at large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and to try to sit at the bargaining table.

August 7, 2008 ( 19:40 )
Mr. M.Saakashvili addressed the Georgian people. He announced that on Thursday evening he had ordered all Georgian units to stop responding to fire in the conflict zone of Tskhinvali. The President confirmed: “I would like to address everyone who shoots at Georgian policemen. With all responsibility I tell you, that few hours ago I made a very uneasy decision -- not to respond to fire”.

He said he was prepared to enter into "any kind of talks," in order to find a solution to the current Georgian-South Ossetian conflict.

"I beg you [ South Ossetians ] to cease fire immediately. We have no wish to wage war against you. Don't try the patience of our country. Let's stop this escalation and start talks - direct, multilateral, any kind of talks," Saakashvili said in a televised address. "Let's give peace and dialogue a chance," said Saakashvili.

"We need true mediators, and I invite Russia again to play a key role in [the Georgian-South Ossetian] conflict resolution," the Georgian president said, describing his country as Russia 's natural ally.

"Any Georgian president...will always have to maintain good relations with Russia , provided Russia respects the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity," Saakashvili said.

Alexander Lomaya, who heads the Georgian National Security Council, said Saakashvili had also issued instructions for the country's armed forces not to return fire if they came under attack from South Ossetian forces.

Lomaya failed to confirm however whether Tbilisi was deploying troops and military hardware in the conflict zone, saying only that Georgia was seeking a peaceful settlement.

August 7, 2008 (22.35)

Only three hours after Saakashvili’s declarations, Georgia started its offensive into South Ossetia.

August 7, 2008 (23:15)

Clashes and shelling using grenade launchers and mortars began.

August 7, 2008 (23:15)
Georgian rocket systems started fire.

August 8, 2008 (00:20)

Heavy artillery joined the battle. Under cover of cannonade Georgian troops launched their attack towards eastern districts of Tskhinvali Gen. M.Kurashvili, the Chief-of-Stuff of Peacemaking Operations of the Ministry of Defense of Georgia , announced to “Rustavi-2” TV that the Georgian side had decided to restore the constitutional order in the conflict zone.

August 8, 2008 ( 09:00 )

Georgian aviation stroke goals in South Ossetia . Five SU-25 Frogfoot attack planes bombed the vicinity of Tkverneti. Moreover, the column with humanitarian aid from North Ossetia was bombed as well.

The same morning T.Yakobashvili announced that Tskhinvali is “almost encircled by Georgian units but we do not aim at destruction and casualities, so once again we offer the leaders of separatists to start launch direst negotiations about the cease-fire and normalization in the conflict zone”.

As a result of the Georgian night shelling a number of buildings at the Russian peacekeeping HQ in Tskhinvali were damaged. The building of the Parliament of the Republic of South Ossetia burnt, governmental buildings were destroyed, multi-store houses and other objects in the city center were set on fire. The Georgian column of tanks and infantry moved towards Tskhinvali.

At the Security Council session, Russia 's UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin called on the council to intervene to stop violence in the region.

The Kremlin said Russia 's leadership is also holding emergency talks on the conflict, and is considering urgent measures to end the violence.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev "is heading a meeting to discuss a series of urgent measures to stop the violence in South Ossetia , to protect the civilian population and Russian citizens in the conflict zone, considering that Russian peacekeepers have a mandate there, and to safeguard Russian interests in the region," the Kremlin press service said.

After reported Georgian attacks on Russian peacekeepers Deputy Interior Minister of Georgia Ms. Zguladze claimed at a briefing in Tbilisi that their troops “make every effort to protect peacekeepers”. Mr. Marat Kulakhmetov, chief of Combined Peacekeeping Forces regarded this as an outrageous lie and an attempt to mislead the inter