
A Flash of Insight: LCROSS Mission Update- NASA
Hubble Telescope Still Going Strong After 19 Years Of Activity
"Since its launch it has taken more than 750,000 photos of distant never before seen places and has offered answers to many questions related to our surroundings. "

FACTBOX: Timeline of China's space industry _English_Xinhua

50th Anniversary of NASA
Take an interactive tour of NASA's first five decades of exploration, featuring virtual pavilions, clickable models and exhibits, video galleries, astronauts, presidents, and a robot guide named Automa.
特集:話題を集めた「宇宙」の記事 | WIRED VISION

やはり気になったまま、この説のとてもいいところは「出現」そのものを考えなくていいことだ(爆) 2007年10月12日
宇宙そのものが巨大なブラックホール? 暗黒エネルギーを説明する新説 | WIRED
"韓国高等科学院(Korea Institute for Advanced Study)の物理学者Jae-Weon Lee氏のチームは、この宇宙の地平線によって、粒子対が分割されるときの放出エネルギーが暗黒エネルギーであると説明している(粒子対が分割されるときの放出エネルギーの量を計算し、その計算結果が、宇宙の膨張の加速を説明するために必要なエネルギーの量に一致すると考えている)
しかし、New Scientist誌によると、この記事によって他の物理学者たちの間で関心が高まっているため、ビッグバンで残った「宇宙背景放射」を調べる目的で、ヨーロッパの衛星『Planck』が打ち上げられる際に、テストが行なわれる可能性もあるという。"
Dark Energy Explained? Maybe If Universe Is Like a Black Hole... | Wired Science from Wired.com
ESA - Space Science - Planck overview
"Planck will be launched on an Ariane-5 from the Guiana Space Centre, Kourou, French Guiana, in early 2009. "

Top 10 Exoplanets: Weird Worlds in a Galaxy Not So Far Away [Slide Show]: Scientific American

とんでも(笑)Traveling Faster Than the Speed of Light:
"Dr. Gerald Cleaver, associate professor of physics at Baylor, and Richard Obousy, a Baylor graduate student, theorize that by manipulating the extra spatial dimensions of string theory around a spaceship with an extremely large amount of energy, it would create a "bubble" that could cause the ship to travel faster than the speed of light. "

Will the LHC’s Future Cancel Out Its Past? | Discoblog | Discover Magazine
"The authors reason that any accelerator which surpasses a certain threshold of super-high-energy collisions (thus producing many of these new particles) will never go into operation because it violates some yet-unknown universal law. As evidence, they provide the failed Superconducting Super Collider, which Congress canned in 1993 after spending $2 billion on the project. "
The Superconducting Super Collider Project Congress canned in 1993

Clumps and streams in the local dark matter distribution : Abstract : Nature
J. Diemand, M. Kuhlen, P. Madau, M. Zemp, B. Moore, D. Potter & J. Stadel"
Watching cold dark matter coalesce
"Using over 1 million processor hours on the 'Jaguar' Cray XT3 at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, a group of researchers from the US and Switzerland modeled a collection of 1.1 billion particles, each with a mass of 4100 suns, as they formed structures due only to gravitational forces."

Szapudi’s team
Most Direct Evidence of Dark Energy Detected

The most direct signal of dark energy? - physicsworld.com
"Is Szapudi’s team now even more confident?
Well, it’s not so much the statistical confidence that’s a big deal ― they claim to detect the ISW effect at just above four sigma (or 99.9995% certainty), which is in the same league as other confidence values reported this year.

Unmasking Dark Energy -- Berardelli 2008 (801): 3 -- ScienceNOW
"A team from the University of Hawaii, Honolulu, has observed how dark energy directly affects the largest structures in the universe.
If confirmed, the findings could bring astronomers closer to understanding a phenomenon that has bedeviled them for more than a decade"

Gigantic Voids in Space Hint at Hidden Dark Energy - FOXNews.com
"Astronomers led by Istv〓n Szapudi of the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy observed dark energy stretching out these areas by detecting changes in rays of microwave light before and after they passed through the regions."

07/31 初出の再録

Hawaii scientists find direct evidence of 'Dark Energy' | KHNL NBC 8 Honolulu Hawaii
"July 30, 2008
MANOA (KHNL) - A team of astronomers at the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy has found direct evidence for the existence of "dark energy," an unknown form that works against gravity to pull galaxies together which causes the universe's expansion to speed up.
The team, led by Dr. Istan Szapudi, says this latest detection is the clearest to date. There is only one in 200,000 chance that the detection would occur by chance.
The team made the discovery by measuring the subtle imprints that superclusters and supervoids leave in microwaves that pass through them.""

Study shows clumps and streams of dark matter in inner regions of the Milky Way

Invisible Clumps In The Galaxy / Science News

Madau said gamma rays from such collisions might be detectable by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope.
"That's what makes this exciting," he said. "Some of those clumps are so dense they will emit a lot of gamma rays if there is dark matter annihilation and it might easily be detected by GLAST."
Study finds dark matter may be near Earth - UPI.com
"SANTA CRUZ, Calif., Aug. 8 (UPI) -- U.S. and Swiss researchers say computer simulations suggest dark matter exists within the Milky Way galaxy and near Earth's solar system.
University of California-Santa Cruz Professor Piero Madau said previous simulations showed the Milky Way clear of dark matter but the new study utilizing the Jaguar supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory provided enough detail to see clumps of dark matter."
Supervoids and clusters reveal dark energy | COSMOS magazine

According to one theory, however, dark matter consists of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), which can annihilate each other and emit gamma rays when they collide. Gamma rays from dark matter annihilation could be detected by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST), which UCSC physicists helped build.
Clumps And Streams Of Dark Matter Discovered In Inner Regions Of The Milky Way
The new simulation, described in the Aug. 7 issue of the journal Nature, implies that dark matter could be detected by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST).
"That's what makes this exciting," Madau said. "Some of those clumps are so dense they will emit a lot of gamma rays if there is dark matter annihilation, and it might easily be detected by GLAST."
Milky Way's Dark Matter Clumpier Than Thought --SPACE.com
“This is the best resolved calculation of the Milky Way’s halo ever carried out, with a mass resolution five to sixty times better than the previous largest computations,” explains Piero Madau at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Dark-matter simulation reveals lumpy haloes - physicsworld.com
Science News / Invisible Clumps In The Galaxy
"WHERE THE CLUMPS AREThis composite image, roughly 2 billion light-years on each side, shows the distribution of dark matter in a simulated, 13.7-billion-year-old galaxy. The smaller-scale insets compare dark matter density in the outer (top) and inner (bottom) regions of the galaxy. Red indicates high density. Click on the image for full story. Watch a video of the dark matter simulation."
Dark matter 'halo' simulated: Press Association
"No-one knows what dark matter is made of, but according to one theory it consists of weakly interacting massive particles (Wimps). These are expected to annihilate each other and release gamma rays when they collide."

Hardware used to spot gamma ray bursts could soon be helping direct troops on a battlefield.
Sky-high system to aid soldiers
"Nasa used such an approach, called coded aperture imaging, for the Swift satellite that was sent aloft to spot gamma ray sources." BBC NEWS
New Monitoring System Could Aid Troops On Battlefield
"NASA used a similar technique, known as coded aperture imaging, for the Swift satellite that was sent to spot sources of gamma rays."- redOrbit

[生]阿波おどり2008 8/12(火)〜15(金) テレビトクシマ
19:00〜22:00 (15 日は22:30 まで) 再放送あり
(中継場所:12・13 日市役所前演舞場、14・15 日南内町演舞場)
再放送・12〜15 日23:00-26:00(15 日26:30)、
16〜19 日19:00-22:00(19 日22:30)

ロシア軍、グルジア越境作戦を展開 西部の基地制圧 47NEWS【共同】
インタファクス通信などによると、グルジア南オセチア自治州情勢でグルジア外務省幹部は11日、南オセチアと同様に同国からの独立を主張するアブハジア自治共和国から侵攻したロシア軍が、グルジア西部セナキでグルジア軍の基地を制圧したと語った ...
グルジアのサーカシビリ大統領は11日、ロシア軍が同国領内に侵攻したのを受けて、「ロシアはグルジア全土を征服しようとしている。グルジア軍は政府とともに最後まで抵抗する」と危機を訴え、独立を守るため団結するよう国民に呼び掛けた。 ...
ロシア軍、グルジアへの攻撃を継続 停戦提案応じず 日本経済新聞

投げて仕分けて映像を高速編集 - 「LoiLoScope」ベータ版提供開始 | | マイコミジャーナル

A Flash of Insight: LCROSS Mission Update- NASA
Hubble Telescope Still Going Strong After 19 Years Of Activity
"Since its launch it has taken more than 750,000 photos of distant never before seen places and has offered answers to many questions related to our surroundings. "

FACTBOX: Timeline of China's space industry _English_Xinhua

50th Anniversary of NASA
Take an interactive tour of NASA's first five decades of exploration, featuring virtual pavilions, clickable models and exhibits, video galleries, astronauts, presidents, and a robot guide named Automa.
特集:話題を集めた「宇宙」の記事 | WIRED VISION

やはり気になったまま、この説のとてもいいところは「出現」そのものを考えなくていいことだ(爆) 2007年10月12日
宇宙そのものが巨大なブラックホール? 暗黒エネルギーを説明する新説 | WIRED
"韓国高等科学院(Korea Institute for Advanced Study)の物理学者Jae-Weon Lee氏のチームは、この宇宙の地平線によって、粒子対が分割されるときの放出エネルギーが暗黒エネルギーであると説明している(粒子対が分割されるときの放出エネルギーの量を計算し、その計算結果が、宇宙の膨張の加速を説明するために必要なエネルギーの量に一致すると考えている)
しかし、New Scientist誌によると、この記事によって他の物理学者たちの間で関心が高まっているため、ビッグバンで残った「宇宙背景放射」を調べる目的で、ヨーロッパの衛星『Planck』が打ち上げられる際に、テストが行なわれる可能性もあるという。"
Dark Energy Explained? Maybe If Universe Is Like a Black Hole... | Wired Science from Wired.com
ESA - Space Science - Planck overview
"Planck will be launched on an Ariane-5 from the Guiana Space Centre, Kourou, French Guiana, in early 2009. "

Top 10 Exoplanets: Weird Worlds in a Galaxy Not So Far Away [Slide Show]: Scientific American

とんでも(笑)Traveling Faster Than the Speed of Light:
"Dr. Gerald Cleaver, associate professor of physics at Baylor, and Richard Obousy, a Baylor graduate student, theorize that by manipulating the extra spatial dimensions of string theory around a spaceship with an extremely large amount of energy, it would create a "bubble" that could cause the ship to travel faster than the speed of light. "

Will the LHC’s Future Cancel Out Its Past? | Discoblog | Discover Magazine
"The authors reason that any accelerator which surpasses a certain threshold of super-high-energy collisions (thus producing many of these new particles) will never go into operation because it violates some yet-unknown universal law. As evidence, they provide the failed Superconducting Super Collider, which Congress canned in 1993 after spending $2 billion on the project. "
The Superconducting Super Collider Project Congress canned in 1993

Clumps and streams in the local dark matter distribution : Abstract : Nature
J. Diemand, M. Kuhlen, P. Madau, M. Zemp, B. Moore, D. Potter & J. Stadel"
Watching cold dark matter coalesce
"Using over 1 million processor hours on the 'Jaguar' Cray XT3 at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, a group of researchers from the US and Switzerland modeled a collection of 1.1 billion particles, each with a mass of 4100 suns, as they formed structures due only to gravitational forces."

Szapudi’s team
Most Direct Evidence of Dark Energy Detected

The most direct signal of dark energy? - physicsworld.com
"Is Szapudi’s team now even more confident?
Well, it’s not so much the statistical confidence that’s a big deal ― they claim to detect the ISW effect at just above four sigma (or 99.9995% certainty), which is in the same league as other confidence values reported this year.

Unmasking Dark Energy -- Berardelli 2008 (801): 3 -- ScienceNOW
"A team from the University of Hawaii, Honolulu, has observed how dark energy directly affects the largest structures in the universe.
If confirmed, the findings could bring astronomers closer to understanding a phenomenon that has bedeviled them for more than a decade"

Gigantic Voids in Space Hint at Hidden Dark Energy - FOXNews.com
"Astronomers led by Istv〓n Szapudi of the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy observed dark energy stretching out these areas by detecting changes in rays of microwave light before and after they passed through the regions."

07/31 初出の再録

Hawaii scientists find direct evidence of 'Dark Energy' | KHNL NBC 8 Honolulu Hawaii
"July 30, 2008
MANOA (KHNL) - A team of astronomers at the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy has found direct evidence for the existence of "dark energy," an unknown form that works against gravity to pull galaxies together which causes the universe's expansion to speed up.
The team, led by Dr. Istan Szapudi, says this latest detection is the clearest to date. There is only one in 200,000 chance that the detection would occur by chance.
The team made the discovery by measuring the subtle imprints that superclusters and supervoids leave in microwaves that pass through them.""

Study shows clumps and streams of dark matter in inner regions of the Milky Way

Invisible Clumps In The Galaxy / Science News

Madau said gamma rays from such collisions might be detectable by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope.
"That's what makes this exciting," he said. "Some of those clumps are so dense they will emit a lot of gamma rays if there is dark matter annihilation and it might easily be detected by GLAST."
Study finds dark matter may be near Earth - UPI.com
"SANTA CRUZ, Calif., Aug. 8 (UPI) -- U.S. and Swiss researchers say computer simulations suggest dark matter exists within the Milky Way galaxy and near Earth's solar system.
University of California-Santa Cruz Professor Piero Madau said previous simulations showed the Milky Way clear of dark matter but the new study utilizing the Jaguar supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory provided enough detail to see clumps of dark matter."
Supervoids and clusters reveal dark energy | COSMOS magazine

According to one theory, however, dark matter consists of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), which can annihilate each other and emit gamma rays when they collide. Gamma rays from dark matter annihilation could be detected by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST), which UCSC physicists helped build.
Clumps And Streams Of Dark Matter Discovered In Inner Regions Of The Milky Way
The new simulation, described in the Aug. 7 issue of the journal Nature, implies that dark matter could be detected by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST).
"That's what makes this exciting," Madau said. "Some of those clumps are so dense they will emit a lot of gamma rays if there is dark matter annihilation, and it might easily be detected by GLAST."
Milky Way's Dark Matter Clumpier Than Thought --SPACE.com
“This is the best resolved calculation of the Milky Way’s halo ever carried out, with a mass resolution five to sixty times better than the previous largest computations,” explains Piero Madau at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Dark-matter simulation reveals lumpy haloes - physicsworld.com
Science News / Invisible Clumps In The Galaxy
"WHERE THE CLUMPS AREThis composite image, roughly 2 billion light-years on each side, shows the distribution of dark matter in a simulated, 13.7-billion-year-old galaxy. The smaller-scale insets compare dark matter density in the outer (top) and inner (bottom) regions of the galaxy. Red indicates high density. Click on the image for full story. Watch a video of the dark matter simulation."
Dark matter 'halo' simulated: Press Association
"No-one knows what dark matter is made of, but according to one theory it consists of weakly interacting massive particles (Wimps). These are expected to annihilate each other and release gamma rays when they collide."

Hardware used to spot gamma ray bursts could soon be helping direct troops on a battlefield.
Sky-high system to aid soldiers
"Nasa used such an approach, called coded aperture imaging, for the Swift satellite that was sent aloft to spot gamma ray sources." BBC NEWS
New Monitoring System Could Aid Troops On Battlefield
"NASA used a similar technique, known as coded aperture imaging, for the Swift satellite that was sent to spot sources of gamma rays."- redOrbit

[生]阿波おどり2008 8/12(火)〜15(金) テレビトクシマ
19:00〜22:00 (15 日は22:30 まで) 再放送あり
(中継場所:12・13 日市役所前演舞場、14・15 日南内町演舞場)
再放送・12〜15 日23:00-26:00(15 日26:30)、
16〜19 日19:00-22:00(19 日22:30)

ロシア軍、グルジア越境作戦を展開 西部の基地制圧 47NEWS【共同】
インタファクス通信などによると、グルジア南オセチア自治州情勢でグルジア外務省幹部は11日、南オセチアと同様に同国からの独立を主張するアブハジア自治共和国から侵攻したロシア軍が、グルジア西部セナキでグルジア軍の基地を制圧したと語った ...
グルジアのサーカシビリ大統領は11日、ロシア軍が同国領内に侵攻したのを受けて、「ロシアはグルジア全土を征服しようとしている。グルジア軍は政府とともに最後まで抵抗する」と危機を訴え、独立を守るため団結するよう国民に呼び掛けた。 ...
ロシア軍、グルジアへの攻撃を継続 停戦提案応じず 日本経済新聞

投げて仕分けて映像を高速編集 - 「LoiLoScope」ベータ版提供開始 | | マイコミジャーナル

A Flash of Insight: LCROSS Mission Update- NASA
Hubble Telescope Still Going Strong After 19 Years Of Activity
"Since its launch it has taken more than 750,000 photos of distant never before seen places and has offered answers to many questions related to our surroundings. "

FACTBOX: Timeline of China's space industry _English_Xinhua

50th Anniversary of NASA
Take an interactive tour of NASA's first five decades of exploration, featuring virtual pavilions, clickable models and exhibits, video galleries, astronauts, presidents, and a robot guide named Automa.
特集:話題を集めた「宇宙」の記事 | WIRED VISION

やはり気になったまま、この説のとてもいいところは「出現」そのものを考えなくていいことだ(爆) 2007年10月12日
宇宙そのものが巨大なブラックホール? 暗黒エネルギーを説明する新説 | WIRED
"韓国高等科学院(Korea Institute for Advanced Study)の物理学者Jae-Weon Lee氏のチームは、この宇宙の地平線によって、粒子対が分割されるときの放出エネルギーが暗黒エネルギーであると説明している(粒子対が分割されるときの放出エネルギーの量を計算し、その計算結果が、宇宙の膨張の加速を説明するために必要なエネルギーの量に一致すると考えている)
しかし、New Scientist誌によると、この記事によって他の物理学者たちの間で関心が高まっているため、ビッグバンで残った「宇宙背景放射」を調べる目的で、ヨーロッパの衛星『Planck』が打ち上げられる際に、テストが行なわれる可能性もあるという。"
Dark Energy Explained? Maybe If Universe Is Like a Black Hole... | Wired Science from Wired.com
ESA - Space Science - Planck overview
"Planck will be launched on an Ariane-5 from the Guiana Space Centre, Kourou, French Guiana, in early 2009. "

Top 10 Exoplanets: Weird Worlds in a Galaxy Not So Far Away [Slide Show]: Scientific American

とんでも(笑)Traveling Faster Than the Speed of Light:
"Dr. Gerald Cleaver, associate professor of physics at Baylor, and Richard Obousy, a Baylor graduate student, theorize that by manipulating the extra spatial dimensions of string theory around a spaceship with an extremely large amount of energy, it would create a "bubble" that could cause the ship to travel faster than the speed of light. "

Will the LHC’s Future Cancel Out Its Past? | Discoblog | Discover Magazine
"The authors reason that any accelerator which surpasses a certain threshold of super-high-energy collisions (thus producing many of these new particles) will never go into operation because it violates some yet-unknown universal law. As evidence, they provide the failed Superconducting Super Collider, which Congress canned in 1993 after spending $2 billion on the project. "
The Superconducting Super Collider Project Congress canned in 1993

Clumps and streams in the local dark matter distribution : Abstract : Nature
J. Diemand, M. Kuhlen, P. Madau, M. Zemp, B. Moore, D. Potter & J. Stadel"
Watching cold dark matter coalesce
"Using over 1 million processor hours on the 'Jaguar' Cray XT3 at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, a group of researchers from the US and Switzerland modeled a collection of 1.1 billion particles, each with a mass of 4100 suns, as they formed structures due only to gravitational forces."

Szapudi’s team
Most Direct Evidence of Dark Energy Detected

The most direct signal of dark energy? - physicsworld.com
"Is Szapudi’s team now even more confident?
Well, it’s not so much the statistical confidence that’s a big deal ― they claim to detect the ISW effect at just above four sigma (or 99.9995% certainty), which is in the same league as other confidence values reported this year.

Unmasking Dark Energy -- Berardelli 2008 (801): 3 -- ScienceNOW
"A team from the University of Hawaii, Honolulu, has observed how dark energy directly affects the largest structures in the universe.
If confirmed, the findings could bring astronomers closer to understanding a phenomenon that has bedeviled them for more than a decade"

Gigantic Voids in Space Hint at Hidden Dark Energy - FOXNews.com
"Astronomers led by Istv〓n Szapudi of the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy observed dark energy stretching out these areas by detecting changes in rays of microwave light before and after they passed through the regions."

07/31 初出の再録

Hawaii scientists find direct evidence of 'Dark Energy' | KHNL NBC 8 Honolulu Hawaii
"July 30, 2008
MANOA (KHNL) - A team of astronomers at the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy has found direct evidence for the existence of "dark energy," an unknown form that works against gravity to pull galaxies together which causes the universe's expansion to speed up.
The team, led by Dr. Istan Szapudi, says this latest detection is the clearest to date. There is only one in 200,000 chance that the detection would occur by chance.
The team made the discovery by measuring the subtle imprints that superclusters and supervoids leave in microwaves that pass through them.""

Study shows clumps and streams of dark matter in inner regions of the Milky Way

Invisible Clumps In The Galaxy / Science News

Madau said gamma rays from such collisions might be detectable by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope.
"That's what makes this exciting," he said. "Some of those clumps are so dense they will emit a lot of gamma rays if there is dark matter annihilation and it might easily be detected by GLAST."
Study finds dark matter may be near Earth - UPI.com
"SANTA CRUZ, Calif., Aug. 8 (UPI) -- U.S. and Swiss researchers say computer simulations suggest dark matter exists within the Milky Way galaxy and near Earth's solar system.
University of California-Santa Cruz Professor Piero Madau said previous simulations showed the Milky Way clear of dark matter but the new study utilizing the Jaguar supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory provided enough detail to see clumps of dark matter."
Supervoids and clusters reveal dark energy | COSMOS magazine

According to one theory, however, dark matter consists of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), which can annihilate each other and emit gamma rays when they collide. Gamma rays from dark matter annihilation could be detected by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST), which UCSC physicists helped build.
Clumps And Streams Of Dark Matter Discovered In Inner Regions Of The Milky Way
The new simulation, described in the Aug. 7 issue of the journal Nature, implies that dark matter could be detected by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST).
"That's what makes this exciting," Madau said. "Some of those clumps are so dense they will emit a lot of gamma rays if there is dark matter annihilation, and it might easily be detected by GLAST."
Milky Way's Dark Matter Clumpier Than Thought --SPACE.com
“This is the best resolved calculation of the Milky Way’s halo ever carried out, with a mass resolution five to sixty times better than the previous largest computations,” explains Piero Madau at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Dark-matter simulation reveals lumpy haloes - physicsworld.com
Science News / Invisible Clumps In The Galaxy
"WHERE THE CLUMPS AREThis composite image, roughly 2 billion light-years on each side, shows the distribution of dark matter in a simulated, 13.7-billion-year-old galaxy. The smaller-scale insets compare dark matter density in the outer (top) and inner (bottom) regions of the galaxy. Red indicates high density. Click on the image for full story. Watch a video of the dark matter simulation."
Dark matter 'halo' simulated: Press Association
"No-one knows what dark matter is made of, but according to one theory it consists of weakly interacting massive particles (Wimps). These are expected to annihilate each other and release gamma rays when they collide."

Hardware used to spot gamma ray bursts could soon be helping direct troops on a battlefield.
Sky-high system to aid soldiers
"Nasa used such an approach, called coded aperture imaging, for the Swift satellite that was sent aloft to spot gamma ray sources." BBC NEWS
New Monitoring System Could Aid Troops On Battlefield
"NASA used a similar technique, known as coded aperture imaging, for the Swift satellite that was sent to spot sources of gamma rays."- redOrbit

[生]阿波おどり2008 8/12(火)〜15(金) テレビトクシマ
19:00〜22:00 (15 日は22:30 まで) 再放送あり
(中継場所:12・13 日市役所前演舞場、14・15 日南内町演舞場)
再放送・12〜15 日23:00-26:00(15 日26:30)、
16〜19 日19:00-22:00(19 日22:30)

ロシア軍、グルジア越境作戦を展開 西部の基地制圧 47NEWS【共同】
インタファクス通信などによると、グルジア南オセチア自治州情勢でグルジア外務省幹部は11日、南オセチアと同様に同国からの独立を主張するアブハジア自治共和国から侵攻したロシア軍が、グルジア西部セナキでグルジア軍の基地を制圧したと語った ...
グルジアのサーカシビリ大統領は11日、ロシア軍が同国領内に侵攻したのを受けて、「ロシアはグルジア全土を征服しようとしている。グルジア軍は政府とともに最後まで抵抗する」と危機を訴え、独立を守るため団結するよう国民に呼び掛けた。 ...
ロシア軍、グルジアへの攻撃を継続 停戦提案応じず 日本経済新聞

投げて仕分けて映像を高速編集 - 「LoiLoScope」ベータ版提供開始 | | マイコミジャーナル

A Flash of Insight: LCROSS Mission Update- NASA
Hubble Telescope Still Going Strong After 19 Years Of Activity
"Since its launch it has taken more than 750,000 photos of distant never before seen places and has offered answers to many questions related to our surroundings. "

FACTBOX: Timeline of China's space industry _English_Xinhua

50th Anniversary of NASA
Take an interactive tour of NASA's first five decades of exploration, featuring virtual pavilions, clickable models and exhibits, video galleries, astronauts, presidents, and a robot guide named Automa.
特集:話題を集めた「宇宙」の記事 | WIRED VISION

やはり気になったまま、この説のとてもいいところは「出現」そのものを考えなくていいことだ(爆) 2007年10月12日
宇宙そのものが巨大なブラックホール? 暗黒エネルギーを説明する新説 | WIRED
"韓国高等科学院(Korea Institute for Advanced Study)の物理学者Jae-Weon Lee氏のチームは、この宇宙の地平線によって、粒子対が分割されるときの放出エネルギーが暗黒エネルギーであると説明している(粒子対が分割されるときの放出エネルギーの量を計算し、その計算結果が、宇宙の膨張の加速を説明するために必要なエネルギーの量に一致すると考えている)
しかし、New Scientist誌によると、この記事によって他の物理学者たちの間で関心が高まっているため、ビッグバンで残った「宇宙背景放射」を調べる目的で、ヨーロッパの衛星『Planck』が打ち上げられる際に、テストが行なわれる可能性もあるという。"
Dark Energy Explained? Maybe If Universe Is Like a Black Hole... | Wired Science from Wired.com
ESA - Space Science - Planck overview
"Planck will be launched on an Ariane-5 from the Guiana Space Centre, Kourou, French Guiana, in early 2009. "

Top 10 Exoplanets: Weird Worlds in a Galaxy Not So Far Away [Slide Show]: Scientific American

とんでも(笑)Traveling Faster Than the Speed of Light:
"Dr. Gerald Cleaver, associate professor of physics at Baylor, and Richard Obousy, a Baylor graduate student, theorize that by manipulating the extra spatial dimensions of string theory around a spaceship with an extremely large amount of energy, it would create a "bubble" that could cause the ship to travel faster than the speed of light. "

Will the LHC’s Future Cancel Out Its Past? | Discoblog | Discover Magazine
"The authors reason that any accelerator which surpasses a certain threshold of super-high-energy collisions (thus producing many of these new particles) will never go into operation because it violates some yet-unknown universal law. As evidence, they provide the failed Superconducting Super Collider, which Congress canned in 1993 after spending $2 billion on the project. "
The Superconducting Super Collider Project Congress canned in 1993

Clumps and streams in the local dark matter distribution : Abstract : Nature
J. Diemand, M. Kuhlen, P. Madau, M. Zemp, B. Moore, D. Potter & J. Stadel"
Watching cold dark matter coalesce
"Using over 1 million processor hours on the 'Jaguar' Cray XT3 at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, a group of researchers from the US and Switzerland modeled a collection of 1.1 billion particles, each with a mass of 4100 suns, as they formed structures due only to gravitational forces."

Szapudi’s team
Most Direct Evidence of Dark Energy Detected

The most direct signal of dark energy? - physicsworld.com
"Is Szapudi’s team now even more confident?
Well, it’s not so much the statistical confidence that’s a big deal ― they claim to detect the ISW effect at just above four sigma (or 99.9995% certainty), which is in the same league as other confidence values reported this year.

Unmasking Dark Energy -- Berardelli 2008 (801): 3 -- ScienceNOW
"A team from the University of Hawaii, Honolulu, has observed how dark energy directly affects the largest structures in the universe.
If confirmed, the findings could bring astronomers closer to understanding a phenomenon that has bedeviled them for more than a decade"

Gigantic Voids in Space Hint at Hidden Dark Energy - FOXNews.com
"Astronomers led by Istv〓n Szapudi of the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy observed dark energy stretching out these areas by detecting changes in rays of microwave light before and after they passed through the regions."

07/31 初出の再録

Hawaii scientists find direct evidence of 'Dark Energy' | KHNL NBC 8 Honolulu Hawaii
"July 30, 2008
MANOA (KHNL) - A team of astronomers at the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy has found direct evidence for the existence of "dark energy," an unknown form that works against gravity to pull galaxies together which causes the universe's expansion to speed up.
The team, led by Dr. Istan Szapudi, says this latest detection is the clearest to date. There is only one in 200,000 chance that the detection would occur by chance.
The team made the discovery by measuring the subtle imprints that superclusters and supervoids leave in microwaves that pass through them.""

Study shows clumps and streams of dark matter in inner regions of the Milky Way

Invisible Clumps In The Galaxy / Science News

Madau said gamma rays from such collisions might be detectable by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope.
"That's what makes this exciting," he said. "Some of those clumps are so dense they will emit a lot of gamma rays if there is dark matter annihilation and it might easily be detected by GLAST."
Study finds dark matter may be near Earth - UPI.com
"SANTA CRUZ, Calif., Aug. 8 (UPI) -- U.S. and Swiss researchers say computer simulations suggest dark matter exists within the Milky Way galaxy and near Earth's solar system.
University of California-Santa Cruz Professor Piero Madau said previous simulations showed the Milky Way clear of dark matter but the new study utilizing the Jaguar supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory provided enough detail to see clumps of dark matter."
Supervoids and clusters reveal dark energy | COSMOS magazine

According to one theory, however, dark matter consists of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), which can annihilate each other and emit gamma rays when they collide. Gamma rays from dark matter annihilation could be detected by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST), which UCSC physicists helped build.
Clumps And Streams Of Dark Matter Discovered In Inner Regions Of The Milky Way
The new simulation, described in the Aug. 7 issue of the journal Nature, implies that dark matter could be detected by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST).
"That's what makes this exciting," Madau said. "Some of those clumps are so dense they will emit a lot of gamma rays if there is dark matter annihilation, and it might easily be detected by GLAST."
Milky Way's Dark Matter Clumpier Than Thought --SPACE.com
“This is the best resolved calculation of the Milky Way’s halo ever carried out, with a mass resolution five to sixty times better than the previous largest computations,” explains Piero Madau at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Dark-matter simulation reveals lumpy haloes - physicsworld.com
Science News / Invisible Clumps In The Galaxy
"WHERE THE CLUMPS AREThis composite image, roughly 2 billion light-years on each side, shows the distribution of dark matter in a simulated, 13.7-billion-year-old galaxy. The smaller-scale insets compare dark matter density in the outer (top) and inner (bottom) regions of the galaxy. Red indicates high density. Click on the image for full story. Watch a video of the dark matter simulation."
Dark matter 'halo' simulated: Press Association
"No-one knows what dark matter is made of, but according to one theory it consists of weakly interacting massive particles (Wimps). These are expected to annihilate each other and release gamma rays when they collide."

Hardware used to spot gamma ray bursts could soon be helping direct troops on a battlefield.
Sky-high system to aid soldiers
"Nasa used such an approach, called coded aperture imaging, for the Swift satellite that was sent aloft to spot gamma ray sources." BBC NEWS
New Monitoring System Could Aid Troops On Battlefield
"NASA used a similar technique, known as coded aperture imaging, for the Swift satellite that was sent to spot sources of gamma rays."- redOrbit

[生]阿波おどり2008 8/12(火)〜15(金) テレビトクシマ
19:00〜22:00 (15 日は22:30 まで) 再放送あり
(中継場所:12・13 日市役所前演舞場、14・15 日南内町演舞場)
再放送・12〜15 日23:00-26:00(15 日26:30)、
16〜19 日19:00-22:00(19 日22:30)

ロシア軍、グルジア越境作戦を展開 西部の基地制圧 47NEWS【共同】
インタファクス通信などによると、グルジア南オセチア自治州情勢でグルジア外務省幹部は11日、南オセチアと同様に同国からの独立を主張するアブハジア自治共和国から侵攻したロシア軍が、グルジア西部セナキでグルジア軍の基地を制圧したと語った ...
グルジアのサーカシビリ大統領は11日、ロシア軍が同国領内に侵攻したのを受けて、「ロシアはグルジア全土を征服しようとしている。グルジア軍は政府とともに最後まで抵抗する」と危機を訴え、独立を守るため団結するよう国民に呼び掛けた。 ...
ロシア軍、グルジアへの攻撃を継続 停戦提案応じず 日本経済新聞

投げて仕分けて映像を高速編集 - 「LoiLoScope」ベータ版提供開始 | | マイコミジャーナル

A Flash of Insight: LCROSS Mission Update- NASA
Hubble Telescope Still Going Strong After 19 Years Of Activity
"Since its launch it has taken more than 750,000 photos of distant never before seen places and has offered answers to many questions related to our surroundings. "

FACTBOX: Timeline of China's space industry _English_Xinhua

50th Anniversary of NASA
Take an interactive tour of NASA's first five decades of exploration, featuring virtual pavilions, clickable models and exhibits, video galleries, astronauts, presidents, and a robot guide named Automa.
特集:話題を集めた「宇宙」の記事 | WIRED VISION

やはり気になったまま、この説のとてもいいところは「出現」そのものを考えなくていいことだ(爆) 2007年10月12日
宇宙そのものが巨大なブラックホール? 暗黒エネルギーを説明する新説 | WIRED
"韓国高等科学院(Korea Institute for Advanced Study)の物理学者Jae-Weon Lee氏のチームは、この宇宙の地平線によって、粒子対が分割されるときの放出エネルギーが暗黒エネルギーであると説明している(粒子対が分割されるときの放出エネルギーの量を計算し、その計算結果が、宇宙の膨張の加速を説明するために必要なエネルギーの量に一致すると考えている)
しかし、New Scientist誌によると、この記事によって他の物理学者たちの間で関心が高まっているため、ビッグバンで残った「宇宙背景放射」を調べる目的で、ヨーロッパの衛星『Planck』が打ち上げられる際に、テストが行なわれる可能性もあるという。"
Dark Energy Explained? Maybe If Universe Is Like a Black Hole... | Wired Science from Wired.com
ESA - Space Science - Planck overview
"Planck will be launched on an Ariane-5 from the Guiana Space Centre, Kourou, French Guiana, in early 2009. "

Top 10 Exoplanets: Weird Worlds in a Galaxy Not So Far Away [Slide Show]: Scientific American

とんでも(笑)Traveling Faster Than the Speed of Light:
"Dr. Gerald Cleaver, associate professor of physics at Baylor, and Richard Obousy, a Baylor graduate student, theorize that by manipulating the extra spatial dimensions of string theory around a spaceship with an extremely large amount of energy, it would create a "bubble" that could cause the ship to travel faster than the speed of light. "

Will the LHC’s Future Cancel Out Its Past? | Discoblog | Discover Magazine
"The authors reason that any accelerator which surpasses a certain threshold of super-high-energy collisions (thus producing many of these new particles) will never go into operation because it violates some yet-unknown universal law. As evidence, they provide the failed Superconducting Super Collider, which Congress canned in 1993 after spending $2 billion on the project. "
The Superconducting Super Collider Project Congress canned in 1993

Clumps and streams in the local dark matter distribution : Abstract : Nature
J. Diemand, M. Kuhlen, P. Madau, M. Zemp, B. Moore, D. Potter & J. Stadel"
Watching cold dark matter coalesce
"Using over 1 million processor hours on the 'Jaguar' Cray XT3 at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, a group of researchers from the US and Switzerland modeled a collection of 1.1 billion particles, each with a mass of 4100 suns, as they formed structures due only to gravitational forces."

Szapudi’s team
Most Direct Evidence of Dark Energy Detected

The most direct signal of dark energy? - physicsworld.com
"Is Szapudi’s team now even more confident?
Well, it’s not so much the statistical confidence that’s a big deal ― they claim to detect the ISW effect at just above four sigma (or 99.9995% certainty), which is in the same league as other confidence values reported this year.

Unmasking Dark Energy -- Berardelli 2008 (801): 3 -- ScienceNOW
"A team from the University of Hawaii, Honolulu, has observed how dark energy directly affects the largest structures in the universe.
If confirmed, the findings could bring astronomers closer to understanding a phenomenon that has bedeviled them for more than a decade"

Gigantic Voids in Space Hint at Hidden Dark Energy - FOXNews.com
"Astronomers led by Istv〓n Szapudi of the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy observed dark energy stretching out these areas by detecting changes in rays of microwave light before and after they passed through the regions."

07/31 初出の再録

Hawaii scientists find direct evidence of 'Dark Energy' | KHNL NBC 8 Honolulu Hawaii
"July 30, 2008
MANOA (KHNL) - A team of astronomers at the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy has found direct evidence for the existence of "dark energy," an unknown form that works against gravity to pull galaxies together which causes the universe's expansion to speed up.
The team, led by Dr. Istan Szapudi, says this latest detection is the clearest to date. There is only one in 200,000 chance that the detection would occur by chance.
The team made the discovery by measuring the subtle imprints that superclusters and supervoids leave in microwaves that pass through them.""

Study shows clumps and streams of dark matter in inner regions of the Milky Way

Invisible Clumps In The Galaxy / Science News

Madau said gamma rays from such collisions might be detectable by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope.
"That's what makes this exciting," he said. "Some of those clumps are so dense they will emit a lot of gamma rays if there is dark matter annihilation and it might easily be detected by GLAST."
Study finds dark matter may be near Earth - UPI.com
"SANTA CRUZ, Calif., Aug. 8 (UPI) -- U.S. and Swiss researchers say computer simulations suggest dark matter exists within the Milky Way galaxy and near Earth's solar system.
University of California-Santa Cruz Professor Piero Madau said previous simulations showed the Milky Way clear of dark matter but the new study utilizing the Jaguar supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory provided enough detail to see clumps of dark matter."
Supervoids and clusters reveal dark energy | COSMOS magazine

According to one theory, however, dark matter consists of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), which can annihilate each other and emit gamma rays when they collide. Gamma rays from dark matter annihilation could be detected by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST), which UCSC physicists helped build.
Clumps And Streams Of Dark Matter Discovered In Inner Regions Of The Milky Way
The new simulation, described in the Aug. 7 issue of the journal Nature, implies that dark matter could be detected by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST).
"That's what makes this exciting," Madau said. "Some of those clumps are so dense they will emit a lot of gamma rays if there is dark matter annihilation, and it might easily be detected by GLAST."
Milky Way's Dark Matter Clumpier Than Thought --SPACE.com
“This is the best resolved calculation of the Milky Way’s halo ever carried out, with a mass resolution five to sixty times better than the previous largest computations,” explains Piero Madau at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Dark-matter simulation reveals lumpy haloes - physicsworld.com
Science News / Invisible Clumps In The Galaxy
"WHERE THE CLUMPS AREThis composite image, roughly 2 billion light-years on each side, shows the distribution of dark matter in a simulated, 13.7-billion-year-old galaxy. The smaller-scale insets compare dark matter density in the outer (top) and inner (bottom) regions of the galaxy. Red indicates high density. Click on the image for full story. Watch a video of the dark matter simulation."
Dark matter 'halo' simulated: Press Association
"No-one knows what dark matter is made of, but according to one theory it consists of weakly interacting massive particles (Wimps). These are expected to annihilate each other and release gamma rays when they collide."

Hardware used to spot gamma ray bursts could soon be helping direct troops on a battlefield.
Sky-high system to aid soldiers
"Nasa used such an approach, called coded aperture imaging, for the Swift satellite that was sent aloft to spot gamma ray sources." BBC NEWS
New Monitoring System Could Aid Troops On Battlefield
"NASA used a similar technique, known as coded aperture imaging, for the Swift satellite that was sent to spot sources of gamma rays."- redOrbit

[生]阿波おどり2008 8/12(火)〜15(金) テレビトクシマ
19:00〜22:00 (15 日は22:30 まで) 再放送あり
(中継場所:12・13 日市役所前演舞場、14・15 日南内町演舞場)
再放送・12〜15 日23:00-26:00(15 日26:30)、
16〜19 日19:00-22:00(19 日22:30)

ロシア軍、グルジア越境作戦を展開 西部の基地制圧 47NEWS【共同】
インタファクス通信などによると、グルジア南オセチア自治州情勢でグルジア外務省幹部は11日、南オセチアと同様に同国からの独立を主張するアブハジア自治共和国から侵攻したロシア軍が、グルジア西部セナキでグルジア軍の基地を制圧したと語った ...
グルジアのサーカシビリ大統領は11日、ロシア軍が同国領内に侵攻したのを受けて、「ロシアはグルジア全土を征服しようとしている。グルジア軍は政府とともに最後まで抵抗する」と危機を訴え、独立を守るため団結するよう国民に呼び掛けた。 ...
ロシア軍、グルジアへの攻撃を継続 停戦提案応じず 日本経済新聞

投げて仕分けて映像を高速編集 - 「LoiLoScope」ベータ版提供開始 | | マイコミジャーナル

A Flash of Insight: LCROSS Mission Update- NASA
Hubble Telescope Still Going Strong After 19 Years Of Activity
"Since its launch it has taken more than 750,000 photos of distant never before seen places and has offered answers to many questions related to our surroundings. "

FACTBOX: Timeline of China's space industry _English_Xinhua

50th Anniversary of NASA
Take an interactive tour of NASA's first five decades of exploration, featuring virtual pavilions, clickable models and exhibits, video galleries, astronauts, presidents, and a robot guide named Automa.
特集:話題を集めた「宇宙」の記事 | WIRED VISION

やはり気になったまま、この説のとてもいいところは「出現」そのものを考えなくていいことだ(爆) 2007年10月12日
宇宙そのものが巨大なブラックホール? 暗黒エネルギーを説明する新説 | WIRED
"韓国高等科学院(Korea Institute for Advanced Study)の物理学者Jae-Weon Lee氏のチームは、この宇宙の地平線によって、粒子対が分割されるときの放出エネルギーが暗黒エネルギーであると説明している(粒子対が分割されるときの放出エネルギーの量を計算し、その計算結果が、宇宙の膨張の加速を説明するために必要なエネルギーの量に一致すると考えている)
しかし、New Scientist誌によると、この記事によって他の物理学者たちの間で関心が高まっているため、ビッグバンで残った「宇宙背景放射」を調べる目的で、ヨーロッパの衛星『Planck』が打ち上げられる際に、テストが行なわれる可能性もあるという。"
Dark Energy Explained? Maybe If Universe Is Like a Black Hole... | Wired Science from Wired.com
ESA - Space Science - Planck overview
"Planck will be launched on an Ariane-5 from the Guiana Space Centre, Kourou, French Guiana, in early 2009. "

Top 10 Exoplanets: Weird Worlds in a Galaxy Not So Far Away [Slide Show]: Scientific American

とんでも(笑)Traveling Faster Than the Speed of Light:
"Dr. Gerald Cleaver, associate professor of physics at Baylor, and Richard Obousy, a Baylor graduate student, theorize that by manipulating the extra spatial dimensions of string theory around a spaceship with an extremely large amount of energy, it would create a "bubble" that could cause the ship to travel faster than the speed of light. "

Will the LHC’s Future Cancel Out Its Past? | Discoblog | Discover Magazine
"The authors reason that any accelerator which surpasses a certain threshold of super-high-energy collisions (thus producing many of these new particles) will never go into operation because it violates some yet-unknown universal law. As evidence, they provide the failed Superconducting Super Collider, which Congress canned in 1993 after spending $2 billion on the project. "
The Superconducting Super Collider Project Congress canned in 1993

Clumps and streams in the local dark matter distribution : Abstract : Nature
J. Diemand, M. Kuhlen, P. Madau, M. Zemp, B. Moore, D. Potter & J. Stadel"
Watching cold dark matter coalesce
"Using over 1 million processor hours on the 'Jaguar' Cray XT3 at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, a group of researchers from the US and Switzerland modeled a collection of 1.1 billion particles, each with a mass of 4100 suns, as they formed structures due only to gravitational forces."

Szapudi’s team
Most Direct Evidence of Dark Energy Detected

The most direct signal of dark energy? - physicsworld.com
"Is Szapudi’s team now even more confident?
Well, it’s not so much the statistical confidence that’s a big deal ― they claim to detect the ISW effect at just above four sigma (or 99.9995% certainty), which is in the same league as other confidence values reported this year.

Unmasking Dark Energy -- Berardelli 2008 (801): 3 -- ScienceNOW
"A team from the University of Hawaii, Honolulu, has observed how dark energy directly affects the largest structures in the universe.
If confirmed, the findings could bring astronomers closer to understanding a phenomenon that has bedeviled them for more than a decade"

Gigantic Voids in Space Hint at Hidden Dark Energy - FOXNews.com
"Astronomers led by Istv〓n Szapudi of the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy observed dark energy stretching out these areas by detecting changes in rays of microwave light before and after they passed through the regions."

07/31 初出の再録

Hawaii scientists find direct evidence of 'Dark Energy' | KHNL NBC 8 Honolulu Hawaii
"July 30, 2008
MANOA (KHNL) - A team of astronomers at the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy has found direct evidence for the existence of "dark energy," an unknown form that works against gravity to pull galaxies together which causes the universe's expansion to speed up.
The team, led by Dr. Istan Szapudi, says this latest detection is the clearest to date. There is only one in 200,000 chance that the detection would occur by chance.
The team made the discovery by measuring the subtle imprints that superclusters and supervoids leave in microwaves that pass through them.""