Flight Day 9 :

SF作家アーサー・C・クラーク死去 90歳

成長を止めない精神:40年来の友人によるアーサー・C・クラークへの弔辞 | WIRED VISION
Sundown With Arthur: Remembering Arthur C. Clarke

で 英語圏ではといえば"サイファイ"
Sci-fi guruの呼称が溢れてる・・・

Sci-fi guru Arthur C. Clarke dies in Sri Lanka aged 90
AFP - 32 minutes ago
Clarke, born to farming parents, was only 12 when he developed an interest in science fiction after reading the March 1930 issue of the US sci-fi magazine ...
Sci-fi guru Clarke to have secular funeral CNN International
Sci-fi guru Arthur C. Clarke dies at 90 Reuters UK

Jules Verne reaches 'parking' orbit  19 March 2008
Jules Verne ATV has today reached a parking position 2000 km ahead of the International Space Station.

Gravity Waves make Tornados -NASA
"GrITs stands for Gravity wave Interactions with Tornadoes."

Bush speech hails Iraq 'victory'
President George W Bush marks the fifth anniversary of the Iraq invasion with a speech hailing its success.

Key places and events in Tibet unrest
China is deploying extra security forces inside Tibet
Streets deserted in Gansu
Chinese troops move into Tibet
"China has sent a large number of soldiers and paratroopers to Tibet after the violent protests in Lhasa. This army convoy was on G318, the main road into Tibet from Sichuan province"
On Wednesday alone, BBC reporters saw more than 400 troop carriers and other vehicles on the main road. The mobilisation is the biggest since the unrest began in Lhasa on 10 March.


Is he a Secretary-General? Just Chinese Pupett
ビルマについで またしても
いつだって何もしない Ban Ki-moon
中国にかかわる問題には一切何もしない用の傀儡"Ban Ki-moon"
Tibet: Ban Ki-moon urges restraint by authorities amid reported violence, deaths
"Asked if he sees a role for the UN to play, he responded:
“We will continuously monitor the situation.”17 March 2008
たちの悪い 最低の国連"傀儡"事務員

Worst Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
潘基文は 要らない

国連が"人権HUMAN RIGHTS"を口にしても

UN unlikely to take action on Tibetan issue
Hindu, India
United Nations (PTI): Despite calls by the Dalai Lama and rights activists for an independent inquiry into the Chinese crackdown on protesting monks in ...
Restraint Urged, but No UN Role in Tibet -(AP)
Some UN leaders said Monday they saw little reason so far for the United Nations to wade into the dispute over China's crackdown on ...
UN council keeps silent on Tibet protests - (Reuters)
- The UN Security Council will likely keep silent about China's crackdown on demonstrations in Tibet ...
UN's Ban urges retraint from authorities in Tibet
Reuters India, India - Mar 17, 2008
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said on Monday he was "increasingly concerned" about reports of violence and loss of life in ...


Flight Day 9 .
Crew Off Duty Periods .
Canadarm2 Grapple of Dextre and Transfer to Power and Data Grapple Fixture on Destiny Laboratory; Dextre’s L.C. Arms are Stowed .
T‐RAD EVA Hardware Preparation

ALMA |最新ニュース 3月18日 国立天文台

SPACE.com -- Io Creates Spots on Jupiter
"The glowing spots on Jupiter are typically located downstream of the flow of charged particles from the plasma torus. Now a team of planetologists unexpectedly found auroras occurring upstream of this flow.
The researchers think interactions between Io and Jupiter cause electrons to curve from one hemisphere of the planet around the moon to the other hemisphere, creating these unexpected spots, Bonfond told SPACE.com."

New, Unexpected Spots Found on Jupiter
"A team from the University of Li醇Qge in Belgium discovered the spots in ultraviolet Hubble images taken of Jupiter. They found that when there were faint leading spots in one of the hemispheres, there were multiple spots in the other"

ヤモリがヒント:縫合がわりの生分解可能な絆創膏 | WIRED VISION
"they gave the rubber the texture of a gecko's foot, which is covered by some half a million hairs.
Each of those hairs is covered by thousands of protrusions measuring just a few million millionths of an inch across; the resulting capillary and atomic forces produce a seemingly magical power of attraction."

ナノスケールの顕微鏡画像、国際コンテストのギャラリー | WIRED VISION

Blog: China Rises
"None of us can enter Tibet, which is off limits to foreign reporters without a permit. I know of only one foreign journalist, James Miles of The Economist, who had the good fortune to be in Lhasa as events unfolded over the past few days.
We foreign reporters all take precautions. We have to switch vehicles often. Some of us swap out SIM cards in our mobile phones, or just turn them off. That way, authorities cannot triangulate mobile phone signals and figure out our locations.
None of us are doing anything illegal. It’s just that it’s very easy for officials in the hinterlands to stop us and ask endless questions, creating delays, or simply bar us from entering areas for unspecified security reasons."

Images and News of Tibet Riots Seep Onto Web, Despite Chinese Authorities' Clampdown | Threat Level from Wired.com
"The Chinese authorities have, predictably, blocked access to YouTube within China. And they've also been able to selectively block television news reports of the events in the Tibetan Capital of Lhasa. "

Accounts from Lhasa and beyond | BBC NEWS
"A Chinese businessman who wishes to remain anonymous described the scene in Lhasa on Monday.
We walked down the Beijing East Road and saw for the first time the destruction of the riot.
Most of the Chinese and Hui Muslim places were targeted, many Hui Muslim beef shops were burnt, also stationery shops, banks, a wholesale market at Tsomtsikhang (one of the most important Tibetan markets, where many shops are owned by Chinese and Hui Muslims). "

State TV switches to non-stop footage of Chinese under attack
Employees at the state television service CCTV's English service were instructed to keep broadcasting footage of burned-out shops and Chinese wounded in attacks. No peaceful demonstrators were shown.
Qiangba Puncog, the region's governor, gave a lengthy press conference attacking some Western coverage as "ridiculous" and offering graphic details of attacks on Han Chinese and Hui Muslims.

World news The Guardian


SF作家アーサー・C・クラーク死去 90歳

成長を止めない精神:40年来の友人によるアーサー・C・クラークへの弔辞 | WIRED VISION
Sundown With Arthur: Remembering Arthur C. Clarke

で 英語圏ではといえば"サイファイ"
Sci-fi guruの呼称が溢れてる・・・

Sci-fi guru Arthur C. Clarke dies in Sri Lanka aged 90
AFP - 32 minutes ago
Clarke, born to farming parents, was only 12 when he developed an interest in science fiction after reading the March 1930 issue of the US sci-fi magazine ...
Sci-fi guru Clarke to have secular funeral CNN International
Sci-fi guru Arthur C. Clarke dies at 90 Reuters UK

Jules Verne reaches 'parking' orbit  19 March 2008
Jules Verne ATV has today reached a parking position 2000 km ahead of the International Space Station.

Gravity Waves make Tornados -NASA
"GrITs stands for Gravity wave Interactions with Tornadoes."

Bush speech hails Iraq 'victory'
President George W Bush marks the fifth anniversary of the Iraq invasion with a speech hailing its success.

Key places and events in Tibet unrest
China is deploying extra security forces inside Tibet
Streets deserted in Gansu
Chinese troops move into Tibet
"China has sent a large number of soldiers and paratroopers to Tibet after the violent protests in Lhasa. This army convoy was on G318, the main road into Tibet from Sichuan province"
On Wednesday alone, BBC reporters saw more than 400 troop carriers and other vehicles on the main road. The mobilisation is the biggest since the unrest began in Lhasa on 10 March.


Is he a Secretary-General? Just Chinese Pupett
ビルマについで またしても
いつだって何もしない Ban Ki-moon
中国にかかわる問題には一切何もしない用の傀儡"Ban Ki-moon"
Tibet: Ban Ki-moon urges restraint by authorities amid reported violence, deaths
"Asked if he sees a role for the UN to play, he responded:
“We will continuously monitor the situation.”17 March 2008
たちの悪い 最低の国連"傀儡"事務員

Worst Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
潘基文は 要らない

国連が"人権HUMAN RIGHTS"を口にしても

UN unlikely to take action on Tibetan issue
Hindu, India
United Nations (PTI): Despite calls by the Dalai Lama and rights activists for an independent inquiry into the Chinese crackdown on protesting monks in ...
Restraint Urged, but No UN Role in Tibet -(AP)
Some UN leaders said Monday they saw little reason so far for the United Nations to wade into the dispute over China's crackdown on ...
UN council keeps silent on Tibet protests - (Reuters)
- The UN Security Council will likely keep silent about China's crackdown on demonstrations in Tibet ...
UN's Ban urges retraint from authorities in Tibet
Reuters India, India - Mar 17, 2008
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said on Monday he was "increasingly concerned" about reports of violence and loss of life in ...


Flight Day 9 .
Crew Off Duty Periods .
Canadarm2 Grapple of Dextre and Transfer to Power and Data Grapple Fixture on Destiny Laboratory; Dextre’s L.C. Arms are Stowed .
T‐RAD EVA Hardware Preparation

ALMA |最新ニュース 3月18日 国立天文台

SPACE.com -- Io Creates Spots on Jupiter
"The glowing spots on Jupiter are typically located downstream of the flow of charged particles from the plasma torus. Now a team of planetologists unexpectedly found auroras occurring upstream of this flow.
The researchers think interactions between Io and Jupiter cause electrons to curve from one hemisphere of the planet around the moon to the other hemisphere, creating these unexpected spots, Bonfond told SPACE.com."

New, Unexpected Spots Found on Jupiter
"A team from the University of Li醇Qge in Belgium discovered the spots in ultraviolet Hubble images taken of Jupiter. They found that when there were faint leading spots in one of the hemispheres, there were multiple spots in the other"

ヤモリがヒント:縫合がわりの生分解可能な絆創膏 | WIRED VISION
"they gave the rubber the texture of a gecko's foot, which is covered by some half a million hairs.
Each of those hairs is covered by thousands of protrusions measuring just a few million millionths of an inch across; the resulting capillary and atomic forces produce a seemingly magical power of attraction."

ナノスケールの顕微鏡画像、国際コンテストのギャラリー | WIRED VISION

Blog: China Rises
"None of us can enter Tibet, which is off limits to foreign reporters without a permit. I know of only one foreign journalist, James Miles of The Economist, who had the good fortune to be in Lhasa as events unfolded over the past few days.
We foreign reporters all take precautions. We have to switch vehicles often. Some of us swap out SIM cards in our mobile phones, or just turn them off. That way, authorities cannot triangulate mobile phone signals and figure out our locations.
None of us are doing anything illegal. It’s just that it’s very easy for officials in the hinterlands to stop us and ask endless questions, creating delays, or simply bar us from entering areas for unspecified security reasons."

Images and News of Tibet Riots Seep Onto Web, Despite Chinese Authorities' Clampdown | Threat Level from Wired.com
"The Chinese authorities have, predictably, blocked access to YouTube within China. And they've also been able to selectively block television news reports of the events in the Tibetan Capital of Lhasa. "

Accounts from Lhasa and beyond | BBC NEWS
"A Chinese businessman who wishes to remain anonymous described the scene in Lhasa on Monday.
We walked down the Beijing East Road and saw for the first time the destruction of the riot.
Most of the Chinese and Hui Muslim places were targeted, many Hui Muslim beef shops were burnt, also stationery shops, banks, a wholesale market at Tsomtsikhang (one of the most important Tibetan markets, where many shops are owned by Chinese and Hui Muslims). "

State TV switches to non-stop footage of Chinese under attack
Employees at the state television service CCTV's English service were instructed to keep broadcasting footage of burned-out shops and Chinese wounded in attacks. No peaceful demonstrators were shown.
Qiangba Puncog, the region's governor, gave a lengthy press conference attacking some Western coverage as "ridiculous" and offering graphic details of attacks on Han Chinese and Hui Muslims.

World news The Guardian


SF作家アーサー・C・クラーク死去 90歳

成長を止めない精神:40年来の友人によるアーサー・C・クラークへの弔辞 | WIRED VISION
Sundown With Arthur: Remembering Arthur C. Clarke

で 英語圏ではといえば"サイファイ"
Sci-fi guruの呼称が溢れてる・・・

Sci-fi guru Arthur C. Clarke dies in Sri Lanka aged 90
AFP - 32 minutes ago
Clarke, born to farming parents, was only 12 when he developed an interest in science fiction after reading the March 1930 issue of the US sci-fi magazine ...
Sci-fi guru Clarke to have secular funeral CNN International
Sci-fi guru Arthur C. Clarke dies at 90 Reuters UK

Jules Verne reaches 'parking' orbit  19 March 2008
Jules Verne ATV has today reached a parking position 2000 km ahead of the International Space Station.

Gravity Waves make Tornados -NASA
"GrITs stands for Gravity wave Interactions with Tornadoes."

Bush speech hails Iraq 'victory'
President George W Bush marks the fifth anniversary of the Iraq invasion with a speech hailing its success.

Key places and events in Tibet unrest
China is deploying extra security forces inside Tibet
Streets deserted in Gansu
Chinese troops move into Tibet
"China has sent a large number of soldiers and paratroopers to Tibet after the violent protests in Lhasa. This army convoy was on G318, the main road into Tibet from Sichuan province"
On Wednesday alone, BBC reporters saw more than 400 troop carriers and other vehicles on the main road. The mobilisation is the biggest since the unrest began in Lhasa on 10 March.


Is he a Secretary-General? Just Chinese Pupett
ビルマについで またしても
いつだって何もしない Ban Ki-moon
中国にかかわる問題には一切何もしない用の傀儡"Ban Ki-moon"
Tibet: Ban Ki-moon urges restraint by authorities amid reported violence, deaths
"Asked if he sees a role for the UN to play, he responded:
“We will continuously monitor the situation.”17 March 2008
たちの悪い 最低の国連"傀儡"事務員

Worst Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
潘基文は 要らない

国連が"人権HUMAN RIGHTS"を口にしても

UN unlikely to take action on Tibetan issue
Hindu, India
United Nations (PTI): Despite calls by the Dalai Lama and rights activists for an independent inquiry into the Chinese crackdown on protesting monks in ...
Restraint Urged, but No UN Role in Tibet -(AP)
Some UN leaders said Monday they saw little reason so far for the United Nations to wade into the dispute over China's crackdown on ...
UN council keeps silent on Tibet protests - (Reuters)
- The UN Security Council will likely keep silent about China's crackdown on demonstrations in Tibet ...
UN's Ban urges retraint from authorities in Tibet
Reuters India, India - Mar 17, 2008
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said on Monday he was "increasingly concerned" about reports of violence and loss of life in ...


Flight Day 9 .
Crew Off Duty Periods .
Canadarm2 Grapple of Dextre and Transfer to Power and Data Grapple Fixture on Destiny Laboratory; Dextre’s L.C. Arms are Stowed .
T‐RAD EVA Hardware Preparation

ALMA |最新ニュース 3月18日 国立天文台

SPACE.com -- Io Creates Spots on Jupiter
"The glowing spots on Jupiter are typically located downstream of the flow of charged particles from the plasma torus. Now a team of planetologists unexpectedly found auroras occurring upstream of this flow.
The researchers think interactions between Io and Jupiter cause electrons to curve from one hemisphere of the planet around the moon to the other hemisphere, creating these unexpected spots, Bonfond told SPACE.com."

New, Unexpected Spots Found on Jupiter
"A team from the University of Li醇Qge in Belgium discovered the spots in ultraviolet Hubble images taken of Jupiter. They found that when there were faint leading spots in one of the hemispheres, there were multiple spots in the other"

ヤモリがヒント:縫合がわりの生分解可能な絆創膏 | WIRED VISION
"they gave the rubber the texture of a gecko's foot, which is covered by some half a million hairs.
Each of those hairs is covered by thousands of protrusions measuring just a few million millionths of an inch across; the resulting capillary and atomic forces produce a seemingly magical power of attraction."

ナノスケールの顕微鏡画像、国際コンテストのギャラリー | WIRED VISION

Blog: China Rises
"None of us can enter Tibet, which is off limits to foreign reporters without a permit. I know of only one foreign journalist, James Miles of The Economist, who had the good fortune to be in Lhasa as events unfolded over the past few days.
We foreign reporters all take precautions. We have to switch vehicles often. Some of us swap out SIM cards in our mobile phones, or just turn them off. That way, authorities cannot triangulate mobile phone signals and figure out our locations.
None of us are doing anything illegal. It’s just that it’s very easy for officials in the hinterlands to stop us and ask endless questions, creating delays, or simply bar us from entering areas for unspecified security reasons."

Images and News of Tibet Riots Seep Onto Web, Despite Chinese Authorities' Clampdown | Threat Level from Wired.com
"The Chinese authorities have, predictably, blocked access to YouTube within China. And they've also been able to selectively block television news reports of the events in the Tibetan Capital of Lhasa. "

Accounts from Lhasa and beyond | BBC NEWS
"A Chinese businessman who wishes to remain anonymous described the scene in Lhasa on Monday.
We walked down the Beijing East Road and saw for the first time the destruction of the riot.
Most of the Chinese and Hui Muslim places were targeted, many Hui Muslim beef shops were burnt, also stationery shops, banks, a wholesale market at Tsomtsikhang (one of the most important Tibetan markets, where many shops are owned by Chinese and Hui Muslims). "

State TV switches to non-stop footage of Chinese under attack
Employees at the state television service CCTV's English service were instructed to keep broadcasting footage of burned-out shops and Chinese wounded in attacks. No peaceful demonstrators were shown.
Qiangba Puncog, the region's governor, gave a lengthy press conference attacking some Western coverage as "ridiculous" and offering graphic details of attacks on Han Chinese and Hui Muslims.

World news The Guardian


SF作家アーサー・C・クラーク死去 90歳

成長を止めない精神:40年来の友人によるアーサー・C・クラークへの弔辞 | WIRED VISION
Sundown With Arthur: Remembering Arthur C. Clarke

で 英語圏ではといえば"サイファイ"
Sci-fi guruの呼称が溢れてる・・・

Sci-fi guru Arthur C. Clarke dies in Sri Lanka aged 90
AFP - 32 minutes ago
Clarke, born to farming parents, was only 12 when he developed an interest in science fiction after reading the March 1930 issue of the US sci-fi magazine ...
Sci-fi guru Clarke to have secular funeral CNN International
Sci-fi guru Arthur C. Clarke dies at 90 Reuters UK

Jules Verne reaches 'parking' orbit  19 March 2008
Jules Verne ATV has today reached a parking position 2000 km ahead of the International Space Station.

Gravity Waves make Tornados -NASA
"GrITs stands for Gravity wave Interactions with Tornadoes."

Bush speech hails Iraq 'victory'
President George W Bush marks the fifth anniversary of the Iraq invasion with a speech hailing its success.

Key places and events in Tibet unrest
China is deploying extra security forces inside Tibet
Streets deserted in Gansu
Chinese troops move into Tibet
"China has sent a large number of soldiers and paratroopers to Tibet after the violent protests in Lhasa. This army convoy was on G318, the main road into Tibet from Sichuan province"
On Wednesday alone, BBC reporters saw more than 400 troop carriers and other vehicles on the main road. The mobilisation is the biggest since the unrest began in Lhasa on 10 March.


Is he a Secretary-General? Just Chinese Pupett
ビルマについで またしても
いつだって何もしない Ban Ki-moon
中国にかかわる問題には一切何もしない用の傀儡"Ban Ki-moon"
Tibet: Ban Ki-moon urges restraint by authorities amid reported violence, deaths
"Asked if he sees a role for the UN to play, he responded:
“We will continuously monitor the situation.”17 March 2008
たちの悪い 最低の国連"傀儡"事務員

Worst Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
潘基文は 要らない

国連が"人権HUMAN RIGHTS"を口にしても

UN unlikely to take action on Tibetan issue
Hindu, India
United Nations (PTI): Despite calls by the Dalai Lama and rights activists for an independent inquiry into the Chinese crackdown on protesting monks in ...
Restraint Urged, but No UN Role in Tibet -(AP)
Some UN leaders said Monday they saw little reason so far for the United Nations to wade into the dispute over China's crackdown on ...
UN council keeps silent on Tibet protests - (Reuters)
- The UN Security Council will likely keep silent about China's crackdown on demonstrations in Tibet ...
UN's Ban urges retraint from authorities in Tibet
Reuters India, India - Mar 17, 2008
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said on Monday he was "increasingly concerned" about reports of violence and loss of life in ...


Flight Day 9 .
Crew Off Duty Periods .
Canadarm2 Grapple of Dextre and Transfer to Power and Data Grapple Fixture on Destiny Laboratory; Dextre’s L.C. Arms are Stowed .
T‐RAD EVA Hardware Preparation

ALMA |最新ニュース 3月18日 国立天文台

SPACE.com -- Io Creates Spots on Jupiter
"The glowing spots on Jupiter are typically located downstream of the flow of charged particles from the plasma torus. Now a team of planetologists unexpectedly found auroras occurring upstream of this flow.
The researchers think interactions between Io and Jupiter cause electrons to curve from one hemisphere of the planet around the moon to the other hemisphere, creating these unexpected spots, Bonfond told SPACE.com."

New, Unexpected Spots Found on Jupiter
"A team from the University of Li醇Qge in Belgium discovered the spots in ultraviolet Hubble images taken of Jupiter. They found that when there were faint leading spots in one of the hemispheres, there were multiple spots in the other"

ヤモリがヒント:縫合がわりの生分解可能な絆創膏 | WIRED VISION
"they gave the rubber the texture of a gecko's foot, which is covered by some half a million hairs.
Each of those hairs is covered by thousands of protrusions measuring just a few million millionths of an inch across; the resulting capillary and atomic forces produce a seemingly magical power of attraction."

ナノスケールの顕微鏡画像、国際コンテストのギャラリー | WIRED VISION

Blog: China Rises
"None of us can enter Tibet, which is off limits to foreign reporters without a permit. I know of only one foreign journalist, James Miles of The Economist, who had the good fortune to be in Lhasa as events unfolded over the past few days.
We foreign reporters all take precautions. We have to switch vehicles often. Some of us swap out SIM cards in our mobile phones, or just turn them off. That way, authorities cannot triangulate mobile phone signals and figure out our locations.
None of us are doing anything illegal. It’s just that it’s very easy for officials in the hinterlands to stop us and ask endless questions, creating delays, or simply bar us from entering areas for unspecified security reasons."

Images and News of Tibet Riots Seep Onto Web, Despite Chinese Authorities' Clampdown | Threat Level from Wired.com
"The Chinese authorities have, predictably, blocked access to YouTube within China. And they've also been able to selectively block television news reports of the events in the Tibetan Capital of Lhasa. "

Accounts from Lhasa and beyond | BBC NEWS
"A Chinese businessman who wishes to remain anonymous described the scene in Lhasa on Monday.
We walked down the Beijing East Road and saw for the first time the destruction of the riot.
Most of the Chinese and Hui Muslim places were targeted, many Hui Muslim beef shops were burnt, also stationery shops, banks, a wholesale market at Tsomtsikhang (one of the most important Tibetan markets, where many shops are owned by Chinese and Hui Muslims). "

State TV switches to non-stop footage of Chinese under attack
Employees at the state television service CCTV's English service were instructed to keep broadcasting footage of burned-out shops and Chinese wounded in attacks. No peaceful demonstrators were shown.
Qiangba Puncog, the region's governor, gave a lengthy press conference attacking some Western coverage as "ridiculous" and offering graphic details of attacks on Han Chinese and Hui Muslims.

World news The Guardian


SF作家アーサー・C・クラーク死去 90歳

成長を止めない精神:40年来の友人によるアーサー・C・クラークへの弔辞 | WIRED VISION
Sundown With Arthur: Remembering Arthur C. Clarke

で 英語圏ではといえば"サイファイ"
Sci-fi guruの呼称が溢れてる・・・

Sci-fi guru Arthur C. Clarke dies in Sri Lanka aged 90
AFP - 32 minutes ago
Clarke, born to farming parents, was only 12 when he developed an interest in science fiction after reading the March 1930 issue of the US sci-fi magazine ...
Sci-fi guru Clarke to have secular funeral CNN International
Sci-fi guru Arthur C. Clarke dies at 90 Reuters UK

Jules Verne reaches 'parking' orbit  19 March 2008
Jules Verne ATV has today reached a parking position 2000 km ahead of the International Space Station.

Gravity Waves make Tornados -NASA
"GrITs stands for Gravity wave Interactions with Tornadoes."

Bush speech hails Iraq 'victory'
President George W Bush marks the fifth anniversary of the Iraq invasion with a speech hailing its success.

Key places and events in Tibet unrest
China is deploying extra security forces inside Tibet
Streets deserted in Gansu
Chinese troops move into Tibet
"China has sent a large number of soldiers and paratroopers to Tibet after the violent protests in Lhasa. This army convoy was on G318, the main road into Tibet from Sichuan province"
On Wednesday alone, BBC reporters saw more than 400 troop carriers and other vehicles on the main road. The mobilisation is the biggest since the unrest began in Lhasa on 10 March.


Is he a Secretary-General? Just Chinese Pupett
ビルマについで またしても
いつだって何もしない Ban Ki-moon
中国にかかわる問題には一切何もしない用の傀儡"Ban Ki-moon"
Tibet: Ban Ki-moon urges restraint by authorities amid reported violence, deaths
"Asked if he sees a role for the UN to play, he responded:
“We will continuously monitor the situation.”17 March 2008
たちの悪い 最低の国連"傀儡"事務員

Worst Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
潘基文は 要らない

国連が"人権HUMAN RIGHTS"を口にしても

UN unlikely to take action on Tibetan issue
Hindu, India
United Nations (PTI): Despite calls by the Dalai Lama and rights activists for an independent inquiry into the Chinese crackdown on protesting monks in ...
Restraint Urged, but No UN Role in Tibet -(AP)
Some UN leaders said Monday they saw little reason so far for the United Nations to wade into the dispute over China's crackdown on ...
UN council keeps silent on Tibet protests - (Reuters)
- The UN Security Council will likely keep silent about China's crackdown on demonstrations in Tibet ...
UN's Ban urges retraint from authorities in Tibet
Reuters India, India - Mar 17, 2008
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said on Monday he was "increasingly concerned" about reports of violence and loss of life in ...


Flight Day 9 .
Crew Off Duty Periods .
Canadarm2 Grapple of Dextre and Transfer to Power and Data Grapple Fixture on Destiny Laboratory; Dextre’s L.C. Arms are Stowed .
T‐RAD EVA Hardware Preparation

ALMA |最新ニュース 3月18日 国立天文台

SPACE.com -- Io Creates Spots on Jupiter
"The glowing spots on Jupiter are typically located downstream of the flow of charged particles from the plasma torus. Now a team of planetologists unexpectedly found auroras occurring upstream of this flow.
The researchers think interactions between Io and Jupiter cause electrons to curve from one hemisphere of the planet around the moon to the other hemisphere, creating these unexpected spots, Bonfond told SPACE.com."

New, Unexpected Spots Found on Jupiter
"A team from the University of Li醇Qge in Belgium discovered the spots in ultraviolet Hubble images taken of Jupiter. They found that when there were faint leading spots in one of the hemispheres, there were multiple spots in the other"

ヤモリがヒント:縫合がわりの生分解可能な絆創膏 | WIRED VISION
"they gave the rubber the texture of a gecko's foot, which is covered by some half a million hairs.
Each of those hairs is covered by thousands of protrusions measuring just a few million millionths of an inch across; the resulting capillary and atomic forces produce a seemingly magical power of attraction."

ナノスケールの顕微鏡画像、国際コンテストのギャラリー | WIRED VISION

Blog: China Rises
"None of us can enter Tibet, which is off limits to foreign reporters without a permit. I know of only one foreign journalist, James Miles of The Economist, who had the good fortune to be in Lhasa as events unfolded over the past few days.
We foreign reporters all take precautions. We have to switch vehicles often. Some of us swap out SIM cards in our mobile phones, or just turn them off. That way, authorities cannot triangulate mobile phone signals and figure out our locations.
None of us are doing anything illegal. It’s just that it’s very easy for officials in the hinterlands to stop us and ask endless questions, creating delays, or simply bar us from entering areas for unspecified security reasons."

Images and News of Tibet Riots Seep Onto Web, Despite Chinese Authorities' Clampdown | Threat Level from Wired.com
"The Chinese authorities have, predictably, blocked access to YouTube within China. And they've also been able to selectively block television news reports of the events in the Tibetan Capital of Lhasa. "

Accounts from Lhasa and beyond | BBC NEWS
"A Chinese businessman who wishes to remain anonymous described the scene in Lhasa on Monday.
We walked down the Beijing East Road and saw for the first time the destruction of the riot.
Most of the Chinese and Hui Muslim places were targeted, many Hui Muslim beef shops were burnt, also stationery shops, banks, a wholesale market at Tsomtsikhang (one of the most important Tibetan markets, where many shops are owned by Chinese and Hui Muslims). "

State TV switches to non-stop footage of Chinese under attack
Employees at the state television service CCTV's English service were instructed to keep broadcasting footage of burned-out shops and Chinese wounded in attacks. No peaceful demonstrators were shown.
Qiangba Puncog, the region's governor, gave a lengthy press conference attacking some Western coverage as "ridiculous" and offering graphic details of attacks on Han Chinese and Hui Muslims.

World news The Guardian


SF作家アーサー・C・クラーク死去 90歳

成長を止めない精神:40年来の友人によるアーサー・C・クラークへの弔辞 | WIRED VISION
Sundown With Arthur: Remembering Arthur C. Clarke

で 英語圏ではといえば"サイファイ"
Sci-fi guruの呼称が溢れてる・・・

Sci-fi guru Arthur C. Clarke dies in Sri Lanka aged 90
AFP - 32 minutes ago
Clarke, born to farming parents, was only 12 when he developed an interest in science fiction after reading the March 1930 issue of the US sci-fi magazine ...
Sci-fi guru Clarke to have secular funeral CNN International
Sci-fi guru Arthur C. Clarke dies at 90 Reuters UK

Jules Verne reaches 'parking' orbit  19 March 2008
Jules Verne ATV has today reached a parking position 2000 km ahead of the International Space Station.

Gravity Waves make Tornados -NASA
"GrITs stands for Gravity wave Interactions with Tornadoes."

Bush speech hails Iraq 'victory'
President George W Bush marks the fifth anniversary of the Iraq invasion with a speech hailing its success.

Key places and events in Tibet unrest
China is deploying extra security forces inside Tibet
Streets deserted in Gansu
Chinese troops move into Tibet
"China has sent a large number of soldiers and paratroopers to Tibet after the violent protests in Lhasa. This army convoy was on G318, the main road into Tibet from Sichuan province"
On Wednesday alone, BBC reporters saw more than 400 troop carriers and other vehicles on the main road. The mobilisation is the biggest since the unrest began in Lhasa on 10 March.


Is he a Secretary-General? Just Chinese Pupett
ビルマについで またしても
いつだって何もしない Ban Ki-moon
中国にかかわる問題には一切何もしない用の傀儡"Ban Ki-moon"
Tibet: Ban Ki-moon urges restraint by authorities amid reported violence, deaths
"Asked if he sees a role for the UN to play, he responded:
“We will continuously monitor the situation.”17 March 2008
たちの悪い 最低の国連"傀儡"事務員

Worst Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
潘基文は 要らない

国連が"人権HUMAN RIGHTS"を口にしても

UN unlikely to take action on Tibetan issue
Hindu, India
United Nations (PTI): Despite calls by the Dalai Lama and rights activists for an independent inquiry into the Chinese crackdown on protesting monks in ...
Restraint Urged, but No UN Role in Tibet -(AP)
Some UN leaders said Monday they saw little reason so far for the United Nations to wade into the dispute over China's crackdown on ...
UN council keeps silent on Tibet protests - (Reuters)
- The UN Security Council will likely keep silent about China's crackdown on demonstrations in Tibet ...
UN's Ban urges retraint from authorities in Tibet
Reuters India, India - Mar 17, 2008
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said on Monday he was "increasingly concerned" about reports of violence and loss of life in ...


Flight Day 9 .
Crew Off Duty Periods .
Canadarm2 Grapple of Dextre and Transfer to Power and Data Grapple Fixture on Destiny Laboratory; Dextre’s L.C. Arms are Stowed .
T‐RAD EVA Hardware Preparation

ALMA |最新ニュース 3月18日 国立天文台

SPACE.com -- Io Creates Spots on Jupiter
"The glowing spots on Jupiter are typically located downstream of the flow of charged particles from the plasma torus. Now a team of planetologists unexpectedly found auroras occurring upstream of this flow.
The researchers think interactions between Io and Jupiter cause electrons to curve from one hemisphere of the planet around the moon to the other hemisphere, creating these unexpected spots, Bonfond told SPACE.com."

New, Unexpected Spots Found on Jupiter
"A team from the University of Li醇Qge in Belgium discovered the spots in ultraviolet Hubble images taken of Jupiter. They found that when there were faint leading spots in one of the hemispheres, there were multiple spots in the other"

ヤモリがヒント:縫合がわりの生分解可能な絆創膏 | WIRED VISION
"they gave the rubber the texture of a gecko's foot, which is covered by some half a million hairs.
Each of those hairs is covered by thousands of protrusions measuring just a few million millionths of an inch across; the resulting capillary and atomic forces produce a seemingly magical power of attraction."

ナノスケールの顕微鏡画像、国際コンテストのギャラリー | WIRED VISION

Blog: China Rises
"None of us can enter Tibet, which is off limits to foreign reporters without a permit. I know of only one foreign journalist, James Miles of The Economist, who had the good fortune to be in Lhasa as events unfolded over the past few days.
We foreign reporters all take precautions. We have to switch vehicles often. Some of us swap out SIM cards in our mobile phones, or just turn them off. That way, authorities cannot triangulate mobile phone signals and figure out our locations.
None of us are doing anything illegal. It’s just that it’s very easy for officials in the hinterlands to stop us and ask endless questions, creating delays, or simply bar us from entering areas for unspecified security reasons."

Images and News of Tibet Riots Seep Onto Web, Despite Chinese Authorities' Clampdown | Threat Level from Wired.com
"The Chinese authorities have, predictably, blocked access to YouTube within China. And they've also been able to selectively block television news reports of the events in the Tibetan Capital of Lhasa. "

Accounts from Lhasa and beyond | BBC NEWS
"A Chinese businessman who wishes to remain anonymous described the scene in Lhasa on Monday.
We walked down the Beijing East Road and saw for the first time the destruction of the riot.
Most of the Chinese and Hui Muslim places were targeted, many Hui Muslim beef shops were burnt, also stationery shops, banks, a wholesale market at Tsomtsikhang (one of the most important Tibetan markets, where many shops are owned by Chinese and Hui Muslims). "

State TV switches to non-stop footage of Chinese under attack
Employees at the state television service CCTV's English service were instructed to keep broadcasting footage of burned-out shops and Chinese wounded in attacks. No peaceful demonstrators were shown.
Qiangba Puncog, the region's governor, gave a lengthy press conference attacking some Western coverage as "ridiculous" and offering graphic details of attacks on Han Chinese and Hui Muslims.

World news The Guardian


SF作家アーサー・C・クラーク死去 90歳

成長を止めない精神:40年来の友人によるアーサー・C・クラークへの弔辞 | WIRED VISION
Sundown With Arthur: Remembering Arthur C. Clarke

で 英語圏ではといえば"サイファイ"
Sci-fi guruの呼称が溢れてる・・・

Sci-fi guru Arthur C. Clarke dies in Sri Lanka aged 90
AFP - 32 minutes ago
Clarke, born to farming parents, was only 12 when he developed an interest in science fiction after reading the March 1930 issue of the US sci-fi magazine ...
Sci-fi guru Clarke to have secular funeral CNN International
Sci-fi guru Arthur C. Clarke dies at 90 Reuters UK

Jules Verne reaches 'parking' orbit  19 March 2008
Jules Verne ATV has today reached a parking position 2000 km ahead of the International Space Station.

Gravity Waves make Tornados -NASA
"GrITs stands for Gravity wave Interactions with Tornadoes."

Bush speech hails Iraq 'victory'
President George W Bush marks the fifth anniversary of the Iraq invasion with a speech hailing its success.

Key places and events in Tibet unrest
China is deploying extra security forces inside Tibet
Streets deserted in Gansu
Chinese troops move into Tibet
"China has sent a large number of soldiers and paratroopers to Tibet after the violent protests in Lhasa. This army convoy was on G318, the main road into Tibet from Sichuan province"
On Wednesday alone, BBC reporters saw more than 400 troop carriers and other vehicles on the main road. The mobilisation is the biggest since the unrest began in Lhasa on 10 March.


Is he a Secretary-General? Just Chinese Pupett
ビルマについで またしても
いつだって何もしない Ban Ki-moon
中国にかかわる問題には一切何もしない用の傀儡"Ban Ki-moon"
Tibet: Ban Ki-moon urges restraint by authorities amid reported violence, deaths
"Asked if he sees a role for the UN to play, he responded:
“We will continuously monitor the situation.”17 March 2008
たちの悪い 最低の国連"傀儡"事務員

Worst Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
潘基文は 要らない

国連が"人権HUMAN RIGHTS"を口にしても

UN unlikely to take action on Tibetan issue
Hindu, India
United Nations (PTI): Despite calls by the Dalai Lama and rights activists for an independent inquiry into the Chinese crackdown on protesting monks in ...
Restraint Urged, but No UN Role in Tibet -(AP)
Some UN leaders said Monday they saw little reason so far for the United Nations to wade into the dispute over China's crackdown on ...
UN council keeps silent on Tibet protests - (Reuters)
- The UN Security Council will likely keep silent about China's crackdown on demonstrations in Tibet ...
UN's Ban urges retraint from authorities in Tibet
Reuters India, India - Mar 17, 2008
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said on Monday he was "increasingly concerned" about reports of violence and loss of life in ...


Flight Day 9 .
Crew Off Duty Periods .
Canadarm2 Grapple of Dextre and Transfer to Power and Data Grapple Fixture on Destiny Laboratory; Dextre’s L.C. Arms are Stowed .
T‐RAD EVA Hardware Preparation

ALMA |最新ニュース 3月18日 国立天文台

SPACE.com -- Io Creates Spots on Jupiter
"The glowing spots on Jupiter are typically located downstream of the flow of charged particles from the plasma torus. Now a team of planetologists unexpectedly found auroras occurring upstream of this flow.
The researchers think interactions between Io and Jupiter cause electrons to curve from one hemisphere of the planet arou