Pam this has made it all worthwhile

Sept. 1, 1979 - Pioneer 11: 1st flyby of Saturn - HQ
Thirty years ago on September 1, 1979, Pioneer 11 became the first spacecraft to fly by Saturn. Using Jupiter’s mass as a gravitational slingshot, mission controllers altered the spacecraft’s trajectory toward Saturn and instructed it to explore the planet’s rings.

Philo Farnsworth - Wikipedia
Philo Taylor Farnsworth (August 19, 1906 – March 11, 1971) was an American inventor. He is best known for inventing the first fully electronic television system, including the first working electronic image pickup device (video camera tube),"
In a 1996 interview, his widow recalled watching the first moonwalk with her husband.
Elma Farnsworth: "We were watching it.
Phil turned to me and he says ‘Pam this has made it all worthwhile’. Before then, he wasn’t too sure."
Neil Armstrong: "That’s one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind."
NASA TV's This Week @NASA, August 28

"Philo T. Farnsworth is recognized as the inventor of the television tube.
At age fourteen, the Utah-born, Idaho farm-boy first dreamed of capturing and transmitting light one line at a time via a beam of electrons. By the time he was 21, Farnsworth had developed the first all-electronic system of television."
NASA TV's This Week @NASA, August 28

STS-123:Endeavour SRB Cameras, March 11,2008

STS-123:Endeavour SRB Cameras, March 11,2008

Booster Separation
STS-123:Endeavour SRB Cameras, March 11,2008

Flight Day 2

NASA Sets Briefing, TV Coverage of Japan's First Cargo Spacecraft
NASA will hold a news briefing at 12:30 p.m. CDT on Wednesday, Sept. 2, to preview the maiden launch and flight of Japan's unpiloted H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) cargo spacecraft to the International Space Station.

September 2
ISS HTV Preflight Briefing – JSC
September 10
ISS HTV Launch Coverage – JSC via Tanegashima, Japan
September 16
ISS HTV Grapple and Berthing Coverage – JSC

Flight Day 4
Unberthing of the Leonardo Multi-Purpose
Logistics Module (MPLM) from Discovery’s
cargo bay and installation on the Earth-
facing port of the Harmony node
Leonardo systems activation and hatch
Spacewalk 1 Procedure Review Spacewalk 1 Campout in Quest airlock by
Olivas and Stott

Galaxies Demand a Stellar Recount - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
"For every star 20 or more times as massive as the sun, for example, there should be 500 stars with the sun's mass or less.
The ultraviolet telescope has found proof that small stars come in even bigger bundles than previously believed; for example, in some places in the cosmos, about 2,000 low-mass stars may form for each massive star."
Star-birth Myth 'Busted'
The different numbers of stars of different masses at birth is called the‘initial mass function’(IMF).
The astronomers measured two tracers of star formation, ultraviolet and H-alpha emissions, in 103 galaxies using NASA’s GALEX satellite and the 1.5-m CTIO optical telescope in Chile.
The Australian SKA Pathfinder, the next-generation radio telescope now being developed by CSIRO, will find neutral hydrogen gas in half a million galaxies, allowing a comprehensive examination of star-formation in the nearby universe."
"NASAの銀河進化探査衛星GALEX(Galaxy Evolution Explorer)とチリにあるセロ・トロロ汎米天文台(CTIO)からのデータを結合した結果"

dark matterの振る舞いが正確に判らなくても ま、そこは適当なパラメータで
simulations 衝突してる銀河見本は沢山あるし 類推
In two papers that have appeared in the Astrophysical Journal, they report that their simulations offer a new way to test -- and validate -- the current cosmological model of the universe.
Is The Milky Way Doomed To Be Destroyed By Galactic Bombardment? Probably Not, Study Says
Is The Milky Way Doomed To Be Destroyed By Galactic Bombardment? Probably Not, Study Says
Is the Milky Way doomed to be destroyed by galactic bombardment? Probably not
Is The Milky Way Doomed By Galactic Bombardment? | Universe Today

Update on the fire around Mt. Wilson observatory |Discover Magazine

Bareket Observatory Celebrates International Year Of Astronomy | Universe Today
"The Bareket Observatory in Israel just did something really remarkable – they celebrated the International Year of Astronomy with a live webcast for the entire world."

Mouse hotel opens on space station -
"A team of six intrepid mice are going where no rodents have gone before: The international space station."
「きぼう」の有償実験 予想通り民間からはこんなんだけ むなしい
宇宙麦茶どんな味? サッポロビール、19日試飲会−北海道新聞
サッポロビール、ホップが宇宙に打ち上げ | マイコミジャーナル

今週のはやぶさ君 / 小惑星探査機「はやぶさMUSES-C

Flash Playerの更新をかたる、実行すると偽アドオンをインストール"

Opera 10正式版が登場、Opera Turboなど新機能を搭載 |マイコミジャーナル
Opera 10、9月1日に正式版リリースへ - ITmedia

Goodbye Google, Hello Social :ITpro
"昨年来の急激な景気後退により、リストラを含むコスト削減が進められる中、今年のGoogle Danceは開催が見送られた"

中国独自3G- インタビュー:ITpro


沖縄 普天間移設問題
今月中旬、キャンベル国務次官補 日本を訪問して民主党の幹部と会談する予定 
ゲーツ米国防長官 で調整 普天間移設、再交渉しない NHK
横須賀はアメちゃん万歳 小泉ガキ

Sept. 1, 1979 - Pioneer 11: 1st flyby of Saturn - HQ
Thirty years ago on September 1, 1979, Pioneer 11 became the first spacecraft to fly by Saturn. Using Jupiter’s mass as a gravitational slingshot, mission controllers altered the spacecraft’s trajectory toward Saturn and instructed it to explore the planet’s rings.

Philo Farnsworth - Wikipedia
Philo Taylor Farnsworth (August 19, 1906 – March 11, 1971) was an American inventor. He is best known for inventing the first fully electronic television system, including the first working electronic image pickup device (video camera tube),"
In a 1996 interview, his widow recalled watching the first moonwalk with her husband.
Elma Farnsworth: "We were watching it.
Phil turned to me and he says ‘Pam this has made it all worthwhile’. Before then, he wasn’t too sure."
Neil Armstrong: "That’s one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind."
NASA TV's This Week @NASA, August 28

"Philo T. Farnsworth is recognized as the inventor of the television tube.
At age fourteen, the Utah-born, Idaho farm-boy first dreamed of capturing and transmitting light one line at a time via a beam of electrons. By the time he was 21, Farnsworth had developed the first all-electronic system of television."
NASA TV's This Week @NASA, August 28

STS-123:Endeavour SRB Cameras, March 11,2008

STS-123:Endeavour SRB Cameras, March 11,2008

Booster Separation
STS-123:Endeavour SRB Cameras, March 11,2008

Flight Day 2

NASA Sets Briefing, TV Coverage of Japan's First Cargo Spacecraft
NASA will hold a news briefing at 12:30 p.m. CDT on Wednesday, Sept. 2, to preview the maiden launch and flight of Japan's unpiloted H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) cargo spacecraft to the International Space Station.

September 2
ISS HTV Preflight Briefing – JSC
September 10
ISS HTV Launch Coverage – JSC via Tanegashima, Japan
September 16
ISS HTV Grapple and Berthing Coverage – JSC

Flight Day 4
Unberthing of the Leonardo Multi-Purpose
Logistics Module (MPLM) from Discovery’s
cargo bay and installation on the Earth-
facing port of the Harmony node
Leonardo systems activation and hatch
Spacewalk 1 Procedure Review Spacewalk 1 Campout in Quest airlock by
Olivas and Stott

Galaxies Demand a Stellar Recount - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
"For every star 20 or more times as massive as the sun, for example, there should be 500 stars with the sun's mass or less.
The ultraviolet telescope has found proof that small stars come in even bigger bundles than previously believed; for example, in some places in the cosmos, about 2,000 low-mass stars may form for each massive star."
Star-birth Myth 'Busted'
The different numbers of stars of different masses at birth is called the‘initial mass function’(IMF).
The astronomers measured two tracers of star formation, ultraviolet and H-alpha emissions, in 103 galaxies using NASA’s GALEX satellite and the 1.5-m CTIO optical telescope in Chile.
The Australian SKA Pathfinder, the next-generation radio telescope now being developed by CSIRO, will find neutral hydrogen gas in half a million galaxies, allowing a comprehensive examination of star-formation in the nearby universe."
"NASAの銀河進化探査衛星GALEX(Galaxy Evolution Explorer)とチリにあるセロ・トロロ汎米天文台(CTIO)からのデータを結合した結果"

dark matterの振る舞いが正確に判らなくても ま、そこは適当なパラメータで
simulations 衝突してる銀河見本は沢山あるし 類推
In two papers that have appeared in the Astrophysical Journal, they report that their simulations offer a new way to test -- and validate -- the current cosmological model of the universe.
Is The Milky Way Doomed To Be Destroyed By Galactic Bombardment? Probably Not, Study Says
Is The Milky Way Doomed To Be Destroyed By Galactic Bombardment? Probably Not, Study Says
Is the Milky Way doomed to be destroyed by galactic bombardment? Probably not
Is The Milky Way Doomed By Galactic Bombardment? | Universe Today

Update on the fire around Mt. Wilson observatory |Discover Magazine

Bareket Observatory Celebrates International Year Of Astronomy | Universe Today
"The Bareket Observatory in Israel just did something really remarkable – they celebrated the International Year of Astronomy with a live webcast for the entire world."

Mouse hotel opens on space station -
"A team of six intrepid mice are going where no rodents have gone before: The international space station."
「きぼう」の有償実験 予想通り民間からはこんなんだけ むなしい
宇宙麦茶どんな味? サッポロビール、19日試飲会−北海道新聞
サッポロビール、ホップが宇宙に打ち上げ | マイコミジャーナル

今週のはやぶさ君 / 小惑星探査機「はやぶさMUSES-C

Flash Playerの更新をかたる、実行すると偽アドオンをインストール"

Opera 10正式版が登場、Opera Turboなど新機能を搭載 |マイコミジャーナル
Opera 10、9月1日に正式版リリースへ - ITmedia

Goodbye Google, Hello Social :ITpro
"昨年来の急激な景気後退により、リストラを含むコスト削減が進められる中、今年のGoogle Danceは開催が見送られた"

中国独自3G- インタビュー:ITpro


沖縄 普天間移設問題
今月中旬、キャンベル国務次官補 日本を訪問して民主党の幹部と会談する予定 
ゲーツ米国防長官 で調整 普天間移設、再交渉しない NHK
横須賀はアメちゃん万歳 小泉ガキ

Sept. 1, 1979 - Pioneer 11: 1st flyby of Saturn - HQ
Thirty years ago on September 1, 1979, Pioneer 11 became the first spacecraft to fly by Saturn. Using Jupiter’s mass as a gravitational slingshot, mission controllers altered the spacecraft’s trajectory toward Saturn and instructed it to explore the planet’s rings.

Philo Farnsworth - Wikipedia
Philo Taylor Farnsworth (August 19, 1906 – March 11, 1971) was an American inventor. He is best known for inventing the first fully electronic television system, including the first working electronic image pickup device (video camera tube),"
In a 1996 interview, his widow recalled watching the first moonwalk with her husband.
Elma Farnsworth: "We were watching it.
Phil turned to me and he says ‘Pam this has made it all worthwhile’. Before then, he wasn’t too sure."
Neil Armstrong: "That’s one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind."
NASA TV's This Week @NASA, August 28

"Philo T. Farnsworth is recognized as the inventor of the television tube.
At age fourteen, the Utah-born, Idaho farm-boy first dreamed of capturing and transmitting light one line at a time via a beam of electrons. By the time he was 21, Farnsworth had developed the first all-electronic system of television."
NASA TV's This Week @NASA, August 28

STS-123:Endeavour SRB Cameras, March 11,2008

STS-123:Endeavour SRB Cameras, March 11,2008

Booster Separation
STS-123:Endeavour SRB Cameras, March 11,2008

Flight Day 2

NASA Sets Briefing, TV Coverage of Japan's First Cargo Spacecraft
NASA will hold a news briefing at 12:30 p.m. CDT on Wednesday, Sept. 2, to preview the maiden launch and flight of Japan's unpiloted H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) cargo spacecraft to the International Space Station.

September 2
ISS HTV Preflight Briefing – JSC
September 10
ISS HTV Launch Coverage – JSC via Tanegashima, Japan
September 16
ISS HTV Grapple and Berthing Coverage – JSC

Flight Day 4
Unberthing of the Leonardo Multi-Purpose
Logistics Module (MPLM) from Discovery’s
cargo bay and installation on the Earth-
facing port of the Harmony node
Leonardo systems activation and hatch
Spacewalk 1 Procedure Review Spacewalk 1 Campout in Quest airlock by
Olivas and Stott

Galaxies Demand a Stellar Recount - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
"For every star 20 or more times as massive as the sun, for example, there should be 500 stars with the sun's mass or less.
The ultraviolet telescope has found proof that small stars come in even bigger bundles than previously believed; for example, in some places in the cosmos, about 2,000 low-mass stars may form for each massive star."
Star-birth Myth 'Busted'
The different numbers of stars of different masses at birth is called the‘initial mass function’(IMF).
The astronomers measured two tracers of star formation, ultraviolet and H-alpha emissions, in 103 galaxies using NASA’s GALEX satellite and the 1.5-m CTIO optical telescope in Chile.
The Australian SKA Pathfinder, the next-generation radio telescope now being developed by CSIRO, will find neutral hydrogen gas in half a million galaxies, allowing a comprehensive examination of star-formation in the nearby universe."
"NASAの銀河進化探査衛星GALEX(Galaxy Evolution Explorer)とチリにあるセロ・トロロ汎米天文台(CTIO)からのデータを結合した結果"

dark matterの振る舞いが正確に判らなくても ま、そこは適当なパラメータで
simulations 衝突してる銀河見本は沢山あるし 類推
In two papers that have appeared in the Astrophysical Journal, they report that their simulations offer a new way to test -- and validate -- the current cosmological model of the universe.
Is The Milky Way Doomed To Be Destroyed By Galactic Bombardment? Probably Not, Study Says
Is The Milky Way Doomed To Be Destroyed By Galactic Bombardment? Probably Not, Study Says
Is the Milky Way doomed to be destroyed by galactic bombardment? Probably not
Is The Milky Way Doomed By Galactic Bombardment? | Universe Today

Update on the fire around Mt. Wilson observatory |Discover Magazine

Bareket Observatory Celebrates International Year Of Astronomy | Universe Today
"The Bareket Observatory in Israel just did something really remarkable – they celebrated the International Year of Astronomy with a live webcast for the entire world."

Mouse hotel opens on space station -
"A team of six intrepid mice are going where no rodents have gone before: The international space station."
「きぼう」の有償実験 予想通り民間からはこんなんだけ むなしい
宇宙麦茶どんな味? サッポロビール、19日試飲会−北海道新聞
サッポロビール、ホップが宇宙に打ち上げ | マイコミジャーナル

今週のはやぶさ君 / 小惑星探査機「はやぶさMUSES-C

Flash Playerの更新をかたる、実行すると偽アドオンをインストール"

Opera 10正式版が登場、Opera Turboなど新機能を搭載 |マイコミジャーナル
Opera 10、9月1日に正式版リリースへ - ITmedia

Goodbye Google, Hello Social :ITpro
"昨年来の急激な景気後退により、リストラを含むコスト削減が進められる中、今年のGoogle Danceは開催が見送られた"

中国独自3G- インタビュー:ITpro


沖縄 普天間移設問題
今月中旬、キャンベル国務次官補 日本を訪問して民主党の幹部と会談する予定 
ゲーツ米国防長官 で調整 普天間移設、再交渉しない NHK
横須賀はアメちゃん万歳 小泉ガキ

Sept. 1, 1979 - Pioneer 11: 1st flyby of Saturn - HQ
Thirty years ago on September 1, 1979, Pioneer 11 became the first spacecraft to fly by Saturn. Using Jupiter’s mass as a gravitational slingshot, mission controllers altered the spacecraft’s trajectory toward Saturn and instructed it to explore the planet’s rings.

Philo Farnsworth - Wikipedia
Philo Taylor Farnsworth (August 19, 1906 – March 11, 1971) was an American inventor. He is best known for inventing the first fully electronic television system, including the first working electronic image pickup device (video camera tube),"
In a 1996 interview, his widow recalled watching the first moonwalk with her husband.
Elma Farnsworth: "We were watching it.
Phil turned to me and he says ‘Pam this has made it all worthwhile’. Before then, he wasn’t too sure."
Neil Armstrong: "That’s one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind."
NASA TV's This Week @NASA, August 28

"Philo T. Farnsworth is recognized as the inventor of the television tube.
At age fourteen, the Utah-born, Idaho farm-boy first dreamed of capturing and transmitting light one line at a time via a beam of electrons. By the time he was 21, Farnsworth had developed the first all-electronic system of television."
NASA TV's This Week @NASA, August 28

STS-123:Endeavour SRB Cameras, March 11,2008

STS-123:Endeavour SRB Cameras, March 11,2008

Booster Separation
STS-123:Endeavour SRB Cameras, March 11,2008

Flight Day 2

NASA Sets Briefing, TV Coverage of Japan's First Cargo Spacecraft
NASA will hold a news briefing at 12:30 p.m. CDT on Wednesday, Sept. 2, to preview the maiden launch and flight of Japan's unpiloted H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) cargo spacecraft to the International Space Station.

September 2
ISS HTV Preflight Briefing – JSC
September 10
ISS HTV Launch Coverage – JSC via Tanegashima, Japan
September 16
ISS HTV Grapple and Berthing Coverage – JSC

Flight Day 4
Unberthing of the Leonardo Multi-Purpose
Logistics Module (MPLM) from Discovery’s
cargo bay and installation on the Earth-
facing port of the Harmony node
Leonardo systems activation and hatch
Spacewalk 1 Procedure Review Spacewalk 1 Campout in Quest airlock by
Olivas and Stott

Galaxies Demand a Stellar Recount - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
"For every star 20 or more times as massive as the sun, for example, there should be 500 stars with the sun's mass or less.
The ultraviolet telescope has found proof that small stars come in even bigger bundles than previously believed; for example, in some places in the cosmos, about 2,000 low-mass stars may form for each massive star."
Star-birth Myth 'Busted'
The different numbers of stars of different masses at birth is called the‘initial mass function’(IMF).
The astronomers measured two tracers of star formation, ultraviolet and H-alpha emissions, in 103 galaxies using NASA’s GALEX satellite and the 1.5-m CTIO optical telescope in Chile.
The Australian SKA Pathfinder, the next-generation radio telescope now being developed by CSIRO, will find neutral hydrogen gas in half a million galaxies, allowing a comprehensive examination of star-formation in the nearby universe."
"NASAの銀河進化探査衛星GALEX(Galaxy Evolution Explorer)とチリにあるセロ・トロロ汎米天文台(CTIO)からのデータを結合した結果"

dark matterの振る舞いが正確に判らなくても ま、そこは適当なパラメータで
simulations 衝突してる銀河見本は沢山あるし 類推
In two papers that have appeared in the Astrophysical Journal, they report that their simulations offer a new way to test -- and validate -- the current cosmological model of the universe.
Is The Milky Way Doomed To Be Destroyed By Galactic Bombardment? Probably Not, Study Says
Is The Milky Way Doomed To Be Destroyed By Galactic Bombardment? Probably Not, Study Says
Is the Milky Way doomed to be destroyed by galactic bombardment? Probably not
Is The Milky Way Doomed By Galactic Bombardment? | Universe Today

Update on the fire around Mt. Wilson observatory |Discover Magazine

Bareket Observatory Celebrates International Year Of Astronomy | Universe Today
"The Bareket Observatory in Israel just did something really remarkable – they celebrated the International Year of Astronomy with a live webcast for the entire world."

Mouse hotel opens on space station -
"A team of six intrepid mice are going where no rodents have gone before: The international space station."
「きぼう」の有償実験 予想通り民間からはこんなんだけ むなしい
宇宙麦茶どんな味? サッポロビール、19日試飲会−北海道新聞
サッポロビール、ホップが宇宙に打ち上げ | マイコミジャーナル

今週のはやぶさ君 / 小惑星探査機「はやぶさMUSES-C

Flash Playerの更新をかたる、実行すると偽アドオンをインストール"

Opera 10正式版が登場、Opera Turboなど新機能を搭載 |マイコミジャーナル
Opera 10、9月1日に正式版リリースへ - ITmedia

Goodbye Google, Hello Social :ITpro
"昨年来の急激な景気後退により、リストラを含むコスト削減が進められる中、今年のGoogle Danceは開催が見送られた"

中国独自3G- インタビュー:ITpro


沖縄 普天間移設問題
今月中旬、キャンベル国務次官補 日本を訪問して民主党の幹部と会談する予定 
ゲーツ米国防長官 で調整 普天間移設、再交渉しない NHK
横須賀はアメちゃん万歳 小泉ガキ

Sept. 1, 1979 - Pioneer 11: 1st flyby of Saturn - HQ
Thirty years ago on September 1, 1979, Pioneer 11 became the first spacecraft to fly by Saturn. Using Jupiter’s mass as a gravitational slingshot, mission controllers altered the spacecraft’s trajectory toward Saturn and instructed it to explore the planet’s rings.

Philo Farnsworth - Wikipedia
Philo Taylor Farnsworth (August 19, 1906 – March 11, 1971) was an American inventor. He is best known for inventing the first fully electronic television system, including the first working electronic image pickup device (video camera tube),"
In a 1996 interview, his widow recalled watching the first moonwalk with her husband.
Elma Farnsworth: "We were watching it.
Phil turned to me and he says ‘Pam this has made it all worthwhile’. Before then, he wasn’t too sure."
Neil Armstrong: "That’s one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind."
NASA TV's This Week @NASA, August 28

"Philo T. Farnsworth is recognized as the inventor of the television tube.
At age fourteen, the Utah-born, Idaho farm-boy first dreamed of capturing and transmitting light one line at a time via a beam of electrons. By the time he was 21, Farnsworth had developed the first all-electronic system of television."
NASA TV's This Week @NASA, August 28

STS-123:Endeavour SRB Cameras, March 11,2008

STS-123:Endeavour SRB Cameras, March 11,2008

Booster Separation
STS-123:Endeavour SRB Cameras, March 11,2008

Flight Day 2

NASA Sets Briefing, TV Coverage of Japan's First Cargo Spacecraft
NASA will hold a news briefing at 12:30 p.m. CDT on Wednesday, Sept. 2, to preview the maiden launch and flight of Japan's unpiloted H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) cargo spacecraft to the International Space Station.

September 2
ISS HTV Preflight Briefing – JSC
September 10
ISS HTV Launch Coverage – JSC via Tanegashima, Japan
September 16
ISS HTV Grapple and Berthing Coverage – JSC

Flight Day 4
Unberthing of the Leonardo Multi-Purpose
Logistics Module (MPLM) from Discovery’s
cargo bay and installation on the Earth-
facing port of the Harmony node
Leonardo systems activation and hatch
Spacewalk 1 Procedure Review Spacewalk 1 Campout in Quest airlock by
Olivas and Stott

Galaxies Demand a Stellar Recount - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
"For every star 20 or more times as massive as the sun, for example, there should be 500 stars with the sun's mass or less.
The ultraviolet telescope has found proof that small stars come in even bigger bundles than previously believed; for example, in some places in the cosmos, about 2,000 low-mass stars may form for each massive star."
Star-birth Myth 'Busted'
The different numbers of stars of different masses at birth is called the‘initial mass function’(IMF).
The astronomers measured two tracers of star formation, ultraviolet and H-alpha emissions, in 103 galaxies using NASA’s GALEX satellite and the 1.5-m CTIO optical telescope in Chile.
The Australian SKA Pathfinder, the next-generation radio telescope now being developed by CSIRO, will find neutral hydrogen gas in half a million galaxies, allowing a comprehensive examination of star-formation in the nearby universe."
"NASAの銀河進化探査衛星GALEX(Galaxy Evolution Explorer)とチリにあるセロ・トロロ汎米天文台(CTIO)からのデータを結合した結果"

dark matterの振る舞いが正確に判らなくても ま、そこは適当なパラメータで
simulations 衝突してる銀河見本は沢山あるし 類推
In two papers that have appeared in the Astrophysical Journal, they report that their simulations offer a new way to test -- and validate -- the current cosmological model of the universe.
Is The Milky Way Doomed To Be Destroyed By Galactic Bombardment? Probably Not, Study Says
Is The Milky Way Doomed To Be Destroyed By Galactic Bombardment? Probably Not, Study Says
Is the Milky Way doomed to be destroyed by galactic bombardment? Probably not
Is The Milky Way Doomed By Galactic Bombardment? | Universe Today

Update on the fire around Mt. Wilson observatory |Discover Magazine

Bareket Observatory Celebrates International Year Of Astronomy | Universe Today
"The Bareket Observatory in Israel just did something really remarkable – they celebrated the International Year of Astronomy with a live webcast for the entire world."

Mouse hotel opens on space station -
"A team of six intrepid mice are going where no rodents have gone before: The international space station."
「きぼう」の有償実験 予想通り民間からはこんなんだけ むなしい
宇宙麦茶どんな味? サッポロビール、19日試飲会−北海道新聞
サッポロビール、ホップが宇宙に打ち上げ | マイコミジャーナル

今週のはやぶさ君 / 小惑星探査機「はやぶさMUSES-C

Flash Playerの更新をかたる、実行すると偽アドオンをインストール"

Opera 10正式版が登場、Opera Turboなど新機能を搭載 |マイコミジャーナル
Opera 10、9月1日に正式版リリースへ - ITmedia

Goodbye Google, Hello Social :ITpro
"昨年来の急激な景気後退により、リストラを含むコスト削減が進められる中、今年のGoogle Danceは開催が見送られた"

中国独自3G- インタビュー:ITpro


沖縄 普天間移設問題
今月中旬、キャンベル国務次官補 日本を訪問して民主党の幹部と会談する予定 
ゲーツ米国防長官 で調整 普天間移設、再交渉しない NHK
横須賀はアメちゃん万歳 小泉ガキ

Sept. 1, 1979 - Pioneer 11: 1st flyby of Saturn - HQ
Thirty years ago on September 1, 1979, Pioneer 11 became the first spacecraft to fly by Saturn. Using Jupiter’s mass as a gravitational slingshot, mission controllers altered the spacecraft’s trajectory toward Saturn and instructed it to explore the planet’s rings.

Philo Farnsworth - Wikipedia
Philo Taylor Farnsworth (August 19, 1906 – March 11, 1971) was an American inventor. He is best known for inventing the first fully electronic television system, including the first working electronic image pickup device (video camera tube),"
In a 1996 interview, his widow recalled watching the first moonwalk with her husband.
Elma Farnsworth: "We were watching it.
Phil turned to me and he says ‘Pam this has made it all worthwhile’. Before then, he wasn’t too sure."
Neil Armstrong: "That’s one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind."
NASA TV's This Week @NASA, August 28

"Philo T. Farnsworth is recognized as the inventor of the television tube.
At age fourteen, the Utah-born, Idaho farm-boy first dreamed of capturing and transmitting light one line at a time via a beam of electrons. By the time he was 21, Farnsworth had developed the first all-electronic system of television."
NASA TV's This Week @NASA, August 28

STS-123:Endeavour SRB Cameras, March 11,2008

STS-123:Endeavour SRB Cameras, March 11,2008

Booster Separation
STS-123:Endeavour SRB Cameras, March 11,2008

Flight Day 2

NASA Sets Briefing, TV Coverage of Japan's First Cargo Spacecraft
NASA will hold a news briefing at 12:30 p.m. CDT on Wednesday, Sept. 2, to preview the maiden launch and flight of Japan's unpiloted H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) cargo spacecraft to the International Space Station.

September 2
ISS HTV Preflight Briefing – JSC
September 10
ISS HTV Launch Coverage – JSC via Tanegashima, Japan
September 16
ISS HTV Grapple and Berthing Coverage – JSC

Flight Day 4
Unberthing of the Leonardo Multi-Purpose
Logistics Module (MPLM) from Discovery’s
cargo bay and installation on the Earth-
facing port of the Harmony node
Leonardo systems activation and hatch
Spacewalk 1 Procedure Review Spacewalk 1 Campout in Quest airlock by
Olivas and Stott

Galaxies Demand a Stellar Recount - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
"For every star 20 or more times as massive as the sun, for example, there should be 500 stars with the sun's mass or less.
The ultraviolet telescope has found proof that small stars come in even bigger bundles than previously believed; for example, in some places in the cosmos, about 2,000 low-mass stars may form for each massive star."
Star-birth Myth 'Busted'
The different numbers of stars of different masses at birth is called the‘initial mass function’(IMF).
The astronomers measured two tracers of star formation, ultraviolet and H-alpha emissions, in 103 galaxies using NASA’s GALEX satellite and the 1.5-m CTIO optical telescope in Chile.
The Australian SKA Pathfinder, the next-generation radio telescope now being developed by CSIRO, will find neutral hydrogen gas in half a million galaxies, allowing a comprehensive examination of star-formation in the nearby universe."
"NASAの銀河進化探査衛星GALEX(Galaxy Evolution Explorer)とチリにあるセロ・トロロ汎米天文台(CTIO)からのデータを結合した結果"

dark matterの振る舞いが正確に判らなくても ま、そこは適当なパラメータで
simulations 衝突してる銀河見本は沢山あるし 類推
In two papers that have appeared in the Astrophysical Journal, they report that their simulations offer a new way to test -- and validate -- the current cosmological model of the universe.
Is The Milky Way Doomed To Be Destroyed By Galactic Bombardment? Probably Not, Study Says
Is The Milky Way Doomed To Be Destroyed By Galactic Bombardment? Probably Not, Study Says
Is the Milky Way doomed to be destroyed by galactic bombardment? Probably not
Is The Milky Way Doomed By Galactic Bombardment? | Universe Today

Update on the fire around Mt. Wilson observatory |Discover Magazine

Bareket Observatory Celebrates International Year Of Astronomy | Universe Today
"The Bareket Observatory in Israel just did something really remarkable – they celebrated the International Year of Astronomy with a live webcast for the entire world."

Mouse hotel opens on space station -
"A team of six intrepid mice are going where no rodents have gone before: The international space station."
「きぼう」の有償実験 予想通り民間からはこんなんだけ むなしい
宇宙麦茶どんな味? サッポロビール、19日試飲会−北海道新聞
サッポロビール、ホップが宇宙に打ち上げ | マイコミジャーナル

今週のはやぶさ君 / 小惑星探査機「はやぶさMUSES-C

Flash Playerの更新をかたる、実行すると偽アドオンをインストール"

Opera 10正式版が登場、Opera Turboなど新機能を搭載 |マイコミジャーナル
Opera 10、9月1日に正式版リリースへ - ITmedia

Goodbye Google, Hello Social :ITpro
"昨年来の急激な景気後退により、リストラを含むコスト削減が進められる中、今年のGoogle Danceは開催が見送られた"

中国独自3G- インタビュー:ITpro


沖縄 普天間移設問題
今月中旬、キャンベル国務次官補 日本を訪問して民主党の幹部と会談する予定 
ゲーツ米国防長官 で調整 普天間移設、再交渉しない NHK
横須賀はアメちゃん万歳 小泉ガキ

Sept. 1, 1979 - Pioneer 11: 1st flyby of Saturn - HQ
Thirty years ago on September 1, 1979, Pioneer 11 became the first spacecraft to fly by Saturn. Using Jupiter’s mass as a gravitational slingshot, mission controllers altered the spacecraft’s trajectory toward Saturn and instructed it to explore the planet’s rings.

Philo Farnsworth - Wikipedia
Philo Taylor Farnsworth (August 19, 1906 – March 11, 1971) was an American inventor. He is best known for inventing the first fully electronic television system, including the first working electronic image pickup device (video camera tube),"
In a 1996 interview, his widow recalled watching the first moonwalk with her husband.
Elma Farnsworth: "We were watching it.
Phil turned to me and he says ‘Pam this has made it all worthwhile’. Before then, he wasn’t too sure."
Neil Armstrong: "That’s one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind."
NASA TV's This Week @NASA, August 28

"Philo T. Farnsworth is recognized as the inventor of the television tube.
At age fourteen, the Utah-born, Idaho farm-boy first dreamed of capturing and transmitting light one line at a time via a beam of electrons. By the time he was 21, Farnsworth had developed the first all-electronic system of television."
NASA TV's This Week @NASA, August 28

STS-123:Endeavour SRB Cameras, March 11,2008

STS-123:Endeavour SRB Cameras, March 11,2008

Booster Separation
STS-123:Endeavour SRB Cameras, March 11,2008

Flight Day 2

NASA Sets Briefing, TV Coverage of Japan's First Cargo Spacecraft
NASA will hold a news briefing at 12:30 p.m. CDT on Wednesday, Sept. 2, to preview the maiden launch and flight of Japan's unpiloted H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) cargo spacecraft to the International Space Station.

September 2
ISS HTV Preflight Briefing – JSC
September 10
ISS HTV Launch Coverage – JSC via Tanegashima, Japan
September 16
ISS HTV Grapple and Berthing Coverage – JSC

Flight Day 4
Unberthing of the Leonardo Multi-Purpose
Logistics Module (MPLM) from Discovery’s
cargo bay and installation on the Earth-
facing port of the Harmony node
Leonardo systems activation and hatch
Spacewalk 1 Procedure Review Spacewalk 1 Campout in Quest airlock by
Olivas and Stott

Galaxies Demand a Stellar Recount - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
"For every star 20 or more times as massive as the sun, for example, there should be 500 stars with the sun's mass or less.
The ultraviolet telescope has found proof that small stars come in even bigger bundles than previously believed; for example, in some places in the cosmos, about 2,000 low-mass stars may form for each massive star."
Star-birth Myth 'Busted'
The different numbers of stars of different masses at birth is called the‘initial mass function’(IMF).
The astronomers measured two tracers of star formation, ultraviolet and H-alpha emissions, in 103 galaxies using NASA’s GALEX satellite and the 1.5-m CTIO optical telescope in Chile.
The Australian SKA Pathfinder, the next-generation radio telescope now being developed by CSIRO, will find neutral hydrogen gas in half a million galaxies, allowing a comprehensive examination of star-formation in the nearby universe."
"NASAの銀河進化探査衛星GALEX(Galaxy Evolution Explorer)とチリにあるセロ・トロロ汎米天文台(CTIO)からのデータを結合した結果"

dark matterの振る舞いが正確に判らなくても ま、そこは適当なパラメータで
simulations 衝突してる銀河見本は沢山あるし 類推
In two papers that have appeared in the Astrophysical Journal, they report that their simulations offer a new way to test -- and validate -- the current cosmological model of the universe.
Is The Milky Way Doomed To Be Destroyed By Galactic Bombardment? Probably Not, Study Says
Is The Milky Way Doomed To Be Destroyed By Galactic Bombardment? Probably Not, Study Says
Is the Milky Way doomed to be destroyed by galactic bombardment? Probably not
Is The Milky Way Doomed By Galactic Bombardment? | Universe Today

Update on the fire around Mt. Wilson observatory |Discover Magazine

Bareket Observatory Celebrates International Year Of Astronomy | Universe Today
"The Bareket Observatory in Israel just did something really remarkable – they celebrated the International Year of Astronomy with a live webcast for the entire world."

Mouse hotel opens on space station -
"A team of six intrepid mice are going where no rodents have gone before: The international space station."
「きぼう」の有償実験 予想通り民間からはこんなんだけ むなしい
宇宙麦茶どんな味? サッポロビール、19日試飲会−北海道新聞
サッポロビール、ホップが宇宙に打ち上げ | マイコミジャーナル

今週のはやぶさ君 / 小惑星探査機「はやぶさMUSES-C

Flash Playerの更新をかたる、実行すると偽アドオンをインストール"

Opera 10正式版が登場、Opera Turboなど新機能を搭載 |マイコミジャーナル
Opera 10、9月1日に正式版リリースへ - ITmedia

Goodbye Google, Hello Social :ITpro
"昨年来の急激な景気後退により、リストラを含むコスト削減が進められる中、今年のGoogle Danceは開催が見送られた"

中国独自3G- インタビュー:ITpro


沖縄 普天間移設問題
今月中旬、キャンベル国務次官補 日本を訪問して民主党の幹部と会談する予定 
ゲーツ米国防長官 で調整 普天間移設、再交渉しない NHK
横須賀はアメちゃん万歳 小泉ガキ

Sept. 1, 1979 - Pioneer 11: 1st flyby of Saturn - HQ
Thirty years ago on September 1, 1979, Pioneer 11 became the first spacecraft to fly by Saturn. Using Jupiter’s mass as a gravitational slingshot, mission controllers altered the spacecraft’s trajectory toward Saturn and instructed it to explore the planet’s rings.

Philo Farnsworth - Wikipedia
Philo Taylor Farnsworth (August 19, 1906 – March 11, 1971) was an American inventor. He is best known for inventing the first fully electronic television system, including the first working electronic image pickup device (video camera tube),"
In a 1996 interview, his widow recalled watching the first moonwalk with her husband.
Elma Farnsworth: "We were watching it.
Phil turned to me and he says ‘Pam this has made it all worthwhile’. Before then, he wasn’t too sure."
Neil Armstrong: "That’s one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind."
NASA TV's This Week @NASA, August 28

"Philo T. Farnsworth is recognized as the inventor of the television tube.
At age fourteen, the Utah-born, Idaho farm-boy first dreamed of capturing and transmitting light one line at a time via a beam of electrons. By the time he was 21, Farnsworth had developed the first all-electronic system of television."
NASA TV's This Week @NASA, August 28

STS-123:Endeavour SRB Cameras, March 11,2008

STS-123:Endeavour SRB Cameras, March 11,2008

Booster Separation
STS-123:Endeavour SRB Cameras, March 11,2008

Flight Day 2

NASA Sets Briefing, TV Coverage of Japan's First Cargo Spacecraft
NASA will hold a news briefing at 12:30 p.m. CDT on Wednesday, Sept. 2, to preview the maiden launch and flight of Japan's unpiloted H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) cargo spacecraft to the International Space Station.

September 2
ISS HTV Preflight Briefing – JSC
September 10
ISS HTV Launch Coverage – JSC via Tanegashima, Japan
September 16
ISS HTV Grapple and Berthing Coverage – JSC

Flight Day 4
Unberthing of the Leonardo Multi-Purpose
Logistics Module (MPLM) from Discovery’s
cargo bay and installation on the Earth-
facing port of the Harmony node
Leonardo systems activation and hatch
Spacewalk 1 Procedure Review Spacewalk 1 Campout in Quest airlock by
Olivas and Stott

Galaxies Demand a Stellar Recount - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
"For every star 20 or more times as massive as the sun, for example, there should be 500 stars with the sun's mass or less.
The ultraviolet telescope has found proof that small stars come in even bigger bundles than previously believed; for example, in some places in the cosmos, about 2,000 low-mass stars may form for each massive star."
Star-birth Myth 'Busted'
The different numbers of stars of different masses at birth is called the‘initial mass function’(IMF).
The astronomers measured two tracers of star formation, ultraviolet and H-alpha emissions, in 103 galaxies using NASA’s GALEX satellite and the 1.5-m CTIO optical telescope in Chile.
The Australian SKA Pathfinder, the next-generation radio telescope now being developed by CSIRO, will find neutral hydrogen gas in half a million galaxies, allowing a comprehensive examination of star-formation in the nearby universe."
"NASAの銀河進化探査衛星GALEX(Galaxy Evolution Explorer)とチリにあるセロ・トロロ汎米天文台(CTIO)からのデータを結合した結果"

dark matterの振る舞いが正確に判らなくても ま、そこは適当なパラメータで
simulations 衝突してる銀河見本は沢山あるし 類推
In two papers that have appeared in the Astrophysical Journal, they report that their simulations offer a new way to test -- and validate -- the current cosmological model of the universe.
Is The Milky Way Doomed To Be Destroyed By Galactic Bombardment? Probably Not, Study Says
Is The Milky Way Doomed To Be Destroyed By Galactic Bombardment? Probably Not, Study Says
Is the Milky Way doomed to be destroyed by galactic bombardment? Probably not
Is The Milky Way Doomed By Galactic Bombardment? | Universe Today

Update on the fire around Mt. Wilson observatory |Discover Magazine

Bareket Observatory Celebrates International Year Of Astronomy | Universe Today
"The Bareket Observatory in Israel just did something really remarkable – they celebrated the International Year of Astronomy with a live webcast for the entire world."

Mouse hotel opens on space station -
"A team of six intrepid mice are going where no rodents have gone before: The international space station."
「きぼう」の有償実験 予想通り民間からはこんなんだけ むなしい
宇宙麦茶どんな味? サッポロビール、19日試飲会−北海道新聞
サッポロビール、ホップが宇宙に打ち上げ | マイコミジャーナル

今週のはやぶさ君 / 小惑星探査機「はやぶさMUSES-C

Flash Playerの更新をかたる、実行すると偽アドオンをインストール"

Opera 10正式版が登場、Opera Turboなど新機能を搭載 |マイコミジャーナル
Opera 10、9月1日に正式版リリースへ - ITmedia

Goodbye Google, Hello Social :ITpro
"昨年来の急激な景気後退により、リストラを含むコスト削減が進められる中、今年のGoogle Danceは開催が見送られた"

中国独自3G- インタビュー:ITpro


沖縄 普天間移設問題
今月中旬、キャンベル国務次官補 日本を訪問して民主党の幹部と会談する予定 
ゲーツ米国防長官 で調整 普天間移設、再交渉しない NHK
横須賀はアメちゃん万歳 小泉ガキ

Sept. 1, 1979 - Pioneer 11: 1st flyby of Saturn - HQ
Thirty years ago on September 1, 1979, Pioneer 11 became the first spacecraft to fly by Saturn. Using Jupiter’s mass as a gravitational slingshot, mission controllers altered the spacecraft’s trajectory toward Saturn and instructed it to explore the planet’s rings.

Philo Farnsworth - Wikipedia
Philo Taylor Farnsworth (August 19, 1906 – March 11, 1971) was an American inventor. He is best known for inventing the first fully electronic television system, including the first working electronic image pickup device (video camera tube),"
In a 1996 interview, his widow recalled watching the first moonwalk with her husband.
Elma Farnsworth: "We were watching it.
Phil turned to me and he says ‘Pam this has made it all worthwhile’. Before then, he wasn’t too sure."
Neil Armstrong: "That’s one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind."
NASA TV's This Week @NASA, August 28

"Philo T. Farnsworth is recognized as the inventor of the television tube.
At age fourteen, the Utah-born, Idaho farm-boy first dreamed of capturing and transmitting light one line at a time via a beam of electrons. By the time he was 21, Farnsworth had developed the first all-electronic system of television."
NASA TV's This Week @NASA, August 28

STS-123:Endeavour SRB Cameras, March 11,2008

STS-123:Endeavour SRB Cameras, March 11,2008

Booster Separation
STS-123:Endeavour SRB Cameras, March 11,2008

Flight Day 2

NASA Sets Briefing, TV Coverage of Japan's First Cargo Spacecraft
NASA will hold a news briefing at 12:30 p.m. CDT on Wednesday, Sept. 2, to preview the maiden launch and flight of Japan's unpiloted H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV) cargo spacecraft to the International Space Station.

September 2
ISS HTV Preflight Briefing – JSC
September 10
ISS HTV Launch Coverage – JSC via Tanegashima, Japan
September 16
ISS HTV Grapple and Berthing Coverage – JSC

Flight Day 4
Unberthing of the Leonardo Multi-Purpose
Logistics Module (MPLM) from Discovery’s
cargo bay and installation on the Earth-
facing port of the Harmony node
Leonardo systems activation and hatch
Spacewalk 1 Procedure Review Spacewalk 1 Campout in Quest airlock by
Olivas and Stott

Galaxies Demand a Stellar Recount - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
"For every star 20 or more times as massive as the sun, for example, there should be 500 stars with the sun's mass or less.
The ultraviolet telescope has found proof that small stars come in even bigger bundles than previously believed; for example, in some places in the cosmos, about 2,000 low-mass stars may form for each massive star."
Star-birth Myth 'Busted'
The different numbers of stars of different masses at birth is called the‘initial mass function’(IMF).
The astronomers measured two tracers of star formation, ultraviolet and H-alpha emissions, in 103 galaxies using NASA’s GALEX satellite and the 1.5-m CTIO optical telescope in Chile.
The Australian SKA Pathfinder, the next-generation radio telescope now being developed by CSIRO, will find neutral hydrogen gas in half a million galaxies, allowing a comprehensive examination of star-formation in the nearby universe."
"NASAの銀河進化探査衛星GALEX(Galaxy Evolution Explorer)とチリにあるセロ・トロロ汎米天文台(CTIO)からのデータを結合した結果"

dark matterの振る舞いが正確に判らなくても ま、そこは適当なパラメータで
simulations 衝突してる銀河見本は沢山あるし 類推
In two papers that have appeared in the Astrophysical Journal, they report that their simulations offer a new way to test -- and validate -- the current cosmological model of the universe.
Is The Milky Way Doomed To Be Destroyed By Galactic Bombardment? Probably Not, Study Says
Is The Milky Way Doomed To Be Destroyed By Galactic Bombardment? Probably Not, Study Says
Is the Milky Way doomed to be destroyed by galactic bombardment? Probably not
Is The Milky Way Doomed By Galactic Bombardment? | Universe Today

Update on the fire around Mt. Wilson observatory |Discover Magazine

Bareket Observatory Celebrates International Year Of Astronomy | Universe Today
"The Bareket Observatory in Israel just did something really remarkable – they celebrated the International Year of Astronomy with a live webcast for the entire world."

Mouse hotel opens on space station -
"A team of six intrepid mice are going where no rodents have gone before: The international space station."
「きぼう」の有償実験 予想通り民間からはこんなんだけ むなしい
宇宙麦茶どんな味? サッポロビール、19日試飲会−北海道新聞
サッポロビール、ホップが宇宙に打ち上げ | マイコミジャーナル

今週のはやぶさ君 / 小惑星探査機「はやぶさMUSES-C

Flash Playerの更新をかたる、実行す