16 new pulsars and 8 millisecond pulsars

This all-sky map shows the positions of 16 new pulsars (yellow) and eight millisecond pulsars (magenta) studied using Fermi's LAT.
Credit: NASA/DOE/Fermi LAT Collaboration.
Fermi Telescope reveals a population of radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars
NASA's Fermi Telescope Probes Dozens of Pulsars
New Class Of Pulsars Solve Mystery Of Previously Unidentified Gamma-ray Sources
Fermi Telescope reveals a population of radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars
By Gamma-Rays Alone: Fermi Raises the Curtain on 16 New Pulsars

July 2
06/30/09 -- Progress 33P undocking

5 p.m. - ISS Soyuz TMA-14 Relocation Coverage
Undocking from Zvezda Service Module scheduled at 5:26 p.m.

いつも通り "声"は意気軒昂 Rob Naviasの実況で(^^ゞ

Redocking to Pirs Docking Compartment scheduled at 5:54 p.m.

Saturn V

"The J-2 may be produced again for the Crew Launch Vehicle's upper stage.
Though the Saturn was a rocket, it was also a system.
Millions of individual pieces, each serving their own function, had to operate in unison."

Apollo - NASA

July 3, Friday
9 a.m. - Apollo 4 Mission - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
9:15 a.m. - Apollo 5 Mission - A narrated documentary detailing the story of the Apollo 5 mission - HQ (Public and Media Channels)

300 Feet to the moon
LM, which was originally called the lunar excursion module (LEM).

10 a.m. - Apollo 8 Debrief -- Documentary narrated by Burgess Meredith - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
10:30 a.m. - Apollo 8 Crew Remembers Historic Mission - 2008 Panel Discussion with Apollo 8 astronauts Frank Borman, Jim Lovell and Bill Anders moderated by Nick Clooney. Recorded at the Newseum in Washington DC on November 13, 2008 - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
11:32 a.m. - Apollo 9 - Space Duet of Spider and Gumdrop - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
1 p.m. - Apollo 10 - “To Sort Out the Unknowns” - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
1:30 p.m. - Apollo 10 40th Anniversary Event at the Newseum – An interview with Apollo 10 Astronaut Gene Cernan. Recorded 5/18/09 - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
2:30 p.m. - Apollo 13 – “Houston, We have a Problem” - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
3 p.m. - Apollo 14 Highlights - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
3:30 p.m. - Apollo 15 -- In the Mountains of the Moon - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
4 p.m. - Apollo 16 "Nothing So Hidden" - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
4:30 p.m. - Apollo 17 30th Anniversary - An anniversary retrospective of the last human mission to the moon in December of 1972 - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
4:45 p.m. - Apollo 17 - “On the Shoulders of Giants” - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
7 p.m. - Apollo 11 - For All Mankind - A documentary of the Apollo 11 launch, lunar landing and exploration and return to earth which included a stay in quarantine - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
8 p.m. - Moonwalk One - NASA archival footage and reactions to the mission around the world – HQ (Public and Media Channels)

VLBA Locates Origin of Superenergetic Bursts Near Giant Black Hole
VLBA Locates Origin of Superenergetic Bursts Near Giant Black Hole
VLBA locates superenergetic bursts near giant black hole

The Helix Nebula, NGC 7293, is not only one of the most interesting and beautiful planetary nebulae; it is also one of the closest nebulae to Earth, at a distance of only 710 light years away.
Astronomers working with the Subaru Telescope have released these new images of a "fireworks display" in a near-infrared image of the Helix Nebula, showing comet-shaped knots within.
Happy Fourth of July! | Universe Today
すばる望遠鏡―観測成果 - らせん状星雲に見られる、水素分子の塊の詳細構造をとらえる ―赤外線の眼で楽しむ、宇宙の花火 -

Fireworks Display In The Helix Nebula
"A new image, taken with an infrared camera on the Subaru Telescope in Hawaii, shows tens of thousands of previously unseen comet-shaped knots inside the nebula.
Astronomers from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), from London, Manchester and Kent universities in the UK and from a university in Missouri in the USA studied the emissions from hydrogen molecules in the infrared and found that knots are found throughout the entire nebula. "

Jackson's Last Rehearsals
Web only
On stage days before his death
I want custody of Jackson kids: ex-wife - Yahoo!7 News
"The ex-wife of Michael Jackson has said in an interview she plans to fight for custody of the two children she had with the tragic pop icon.
"I want my children," Debbie Rowe said in a 90-minute interview with NBC television's local network in Los Angeles on Thursday."

Japan's Amano elected to head UN nuclear watchdog | France 24
"Japanese diplomat Yukiya Amano was elected to succeed Mohamed ElBaradei as director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency in a closed-door vote Thursday. "

"ommunity of web"
Killersites Web Design Magazine | Web Design News, Articles and Tutorials

Amazon EC2で「スケールアップ」のジレンマ:ITpro

GNOMEの開発者 − @IT "メキシコ人のミゲル・ドゥ・イカザは、Linuxの新しいデスクトップ環境であるGNOMEの開発者として知られている"

PostgreSQL 8.4リリース,1年5カ月ぶりの新版:ITpro
" PostgreSQL Global Developmentは2009年7月1日,オープンソース・データベースの新版PostgreSQL 8.4をリリースした。2008年2月に8.3がリリースされて以来,1年5カ月ぶりのメジャー・バージョンアップ"
PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL 8.4プレスキット

PHP 開発者のための XML: 第 1 回 PHP での XML を 15 分で学ぶ
Firefox 3.5のリリース:ITpro
"Firefox 3.5のダウンロード数はリリース直後から急増し,公開後24時間のダウンロード数は110万回を超えた。
Appleが6月8日にリリースした最新版WebブラウザSafari 4」のダウンロード数3日間で1100万件突破,過半数Windows
6月11日,セキュリティ・アップデート版「Firefox 3.0.11」を公開し,ダウンロード数は,24時間で1億5000万件を超えた。この事実から,Firefoxは人気があり,Safariはそうでないことが分かる "

CSS の float プロパティー

This all-sky map shows the positions of 16 new pulsars (yellow) and eight millisecond pulsars (magenta) studied using Fermi's LAT.
Credit: NASA/DOE/Fermi LAT Collaboration.
Fermi Telescope reveals a population of radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars
NASA's Fermi Telescope Probes Dozens of Pulsars
New Class Of Pulsars Solve Mystery Of Previously Unidentified Gamma-ray Sources
Fermi Telescope reveals a population of radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars
By Gamma-Rays Alone: Fermi Raises the Curtain on 16 New Pulsars

July 2
06/30/09 -- Progress 33P undocking

5 p.m. - ISS Soyuz TMA-14 Relocation Coverage
Undocking from Zvezda Service Module scheduled at 5:26 p.m.

いつも通り "声"は意気軒昂 Rob Naviasの実況で(^^ゞ

Redocking to Pirs Docking Compartment scheduled at 5:54 p.m.

Saturn V

"The J-2 may be produced again for the Crew Launch Vehicle's upper stage.
Though the Saturn was a rocket, it was also a system.
Millions of individual pieces, each serving their own function, had to operate in unison."

Apollo - NASA

July 3, Friday
9 a.m. - Apollo 4 Mission - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
9:15 a.m. - Apollo 5 Mission - A narrated documentary detailing the story of the Apollo 5 mission - HQ (Public and Media Channels)

300 Feet to the moon
LM, which was originally called the lunar excursion module (LEM).

10 a.m. - Apollo 8 Debrief -- Documentary narrated by Burgess Meredith - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
10:30 a.m. - Apollo 8 Crew Remembers Historic Mission - 2008 Panel Discussion with Apollo 8 astronauts Frank Borman, Jim Lovell and Bill Anders moderated by Nick Clooney. Recorded at the Newseum in Washington DC on November 13, 2008 - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
11:32 a.m. - Apollo 9 - Space Duet of Spider and Gumdrop - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
1 p.m. - Apollo 10 - “To Sort Out the Unknowns” - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
1:30 p.m. - Apollo 10 40th Anniversary Event at the Newseum – An interview with Apollo 10 Astronaut Gene Cernan. Recorded 5/18/09 - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
2:30 p.m. - Apollo 13 – “Houston, We have a Problem” - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
3 p.m. - Apollo 14 Highlights - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
3:30 p.m. - Apollo 15 -- In the Mountains of the Moon - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
4 p.m. - Apollo 16 "Nothing So Hidden" - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
4:30 p.m. - Apollo 17 30th Anniversary - An anniversary retrospective of the last human mission to the moon in December of 1972 - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
4:45 p.m. - Apollo 17 - “On the Shoulders of Giants” - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
7 p.m. - Apollo 11 - For All Mankind - A documentary of the Apollo 11 launch, lunar landing and exploration and return to earth which included a stay in quarantine - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
8 p.m. - Moonwalk One - NASA archival footage and reactions to the mission around the world – HQ (Public and Media Channels)

VLBA Locates Origin of Superenergetic Bursts Near Giant Black Hole
VLBA Locates Origin of Superenergetic Bursts Near Giant Black Hole
VLBA locates superenergetic bursts near giant black hole

The Helix Nebula, NGC 7293, is not only one of the most interesting and beautiful planetary nebulae; it is also one of the closest nebulae to Earth, at a distance of only 710 light years away.
Astronomers working with the Subaru Telescope have released these new images of a "fireworks display" in a near-infrared image of the Helix Nebula, showing comet-shaped knots within.
Happy Fourth of July! | Universe Today
すばる望遠鏡―観測成果 - らせん状星雲に見られる、水素分子の塊の詳細構造をとらえる ―赤外線の眼で楽しむ、宇宙の花火 -

Fireworks Display In The Helix Nebula
"A new image, taken with an infrared camera on the Subaru Telescope in Hawaii, shows tens of thousands of previously unseen comet-shaped knots inside the nebula.
Astronomers from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), from London, Manchester and Kent universities in the UK and from a university in Missouri in the USA studied the emissions from hydrogen molecules in the infrared and found that knots are found throughout the entire nebula. "

Jackson's Last Rehearsals
Web only
On stage days before his death
I want custody of Jackson kids: ex-wife - Yahoo!7 News
"The ex-wife of Michael Jackson has said in an interview she plans to fight for custody of the two children she had with the tragic pop icon.
"I want my children," Debbie Rowe said in a 90-minute interview with NBC television's local network in Los Angeles on Thursday."

Japan's Amano elected to head UN nuclear watchdog | France 24
"Japanese diplomat Yukiya Amano was elected to succeed Mohamed ElBaradei as director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency in a closed-door vote Thursday. "

"ommunity of web"
Killersites Web Design Magazine | Web Design News, Articles and Tutorials

Amazon EC2で「スケールアップ」のジレンマ:ITpro

GNOMEの開発者 − @IT "メキシコ人のミゲル・ドゥ・イカザは、Linuxの新しいデスクトップ環境であるGNOMEの開発者として知られている"

PostgreSQL 8.4リリース,1年5カ月ぶりの新版:ITpro
" PostgreSQL Global Developmentは2009年7月1日,オープンソース・データベースの新版PostgreSQL 8.4をリリースした。2008年2月に8.3がリリースされて以来,1年5カ月ぶりのメジャー・バージョンアップ"
PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL 8.4プレスキット

PHP 開発者のための XML: 第 1 回 PHP での XML を 15 分で学ぶ
Firefox 3.5のリリース:ITpro
"Firefox 3.5のダウンロード数はリリース直後から急増し,公開後24時間のダウンロード数は110万回を超えた。
Appleが6月8日にリリースした最新版WebブラウザSafari 4」のダウンロード数3日間で1100万件突破,過半数Windows
6月11日,セキュリティ・アップデート版「Firefox 3.0.11」を公開し,ダウンロード数は,24時間で1億5000万件を超えた。この事実から,Firefoxは人気があり,Safariはそうでないことが分かる "

CSS の float プロパティー

This all-sky map shows the positions of 16 new pulsars (yellow) and eight millisecond pulsars (magenta) studied using Fermi's LAT.
Credit: NASA/DOE/Fermi LAT Collaboration.
Fermi Telescope reveals a population of radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars
NASA's Fermi Telescope Probes Dozens of Pulsars
New Class Of Pulsars Solve Mystery Of Previously Unidentified Gamma-ray Sources
Fermi Telescope reveals a population of radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars
By Gamma-Rays Alone: Fermi Raises the Curtain on 16 New Pulsars

July 2
06/30/09 -- Progress 33P undocking

5 p.m. - ISS Soyuz TMA-14 Relocation Coverage
Undocking from Zvezda Service Module scheduled at 5:26 p.m.

いつも通り "声"は意気軒昂 Rob Naviasの実況で(^^ゞ

Redocking to Pirs Docking Compartment scheduled at 5:54 p.m.

Saturn V

"The J-2 may be produced again for the Crew Launch Vehicle's upper stage.
Though the Saturn was a rocket, it was also a system.
Millions of individual pieces, each serving their own function, had to operate in unison."

Apollo - NASA

July 3, Friday
9 a.m. - Apollo 4 Mission - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
9:15 a.m. - Apollo 5 Mission - A narrated documentary detailing the story of the Apollo 5 mission - HQ (Public and Media Channels)

300 Feet to the moon
LM, which was originally called the lunar excursion module (LEM).

10 a.m. - Apollo 8 Debrief -- Documentary narrated by Burgess Meredith - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
10:30 a.m. - Apollo 8 Crew Remembers Historic Mission - 2008 Panel Discussion with Apollo 8 astronauts Frank Borman, Jim Lovell and Bill Anders moderated by Nick Clooney. Recorded at the Newseum in Washington DC on November 13, 2008 - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
11:32 a.m. - Apollo 9 - Space Duet of Spider and Gumdrop - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
1 p.m. - Apollo 10 - “To Sort Out the Unknowns” - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
1:30 p.m. - Apollo 10 40th Anniversary Event at the Newseum – An interview with Apollo 10 Astronaut Gene Cernan. Recorded 5/18/09 - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
2:30 p.m. - Apollo 13 – “Houston, We have a Problem” - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
3 p.m. - Apollo 14 Highlights - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
3:30 p.m. - Apollo 15 -- In the Mountains of the Moon - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
4 p.m. - Apollo 16 "Nothing So Hidden" - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
4:30 p.m. - Apollo 17 30th Anniversary - An anniversary retrospective of the last human mission to the moon in December of 1972 - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
4:45 p.m. - Apollo 17 - “On the Shoulders of Giants” - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
7 p.m. - Apollo 11 - For All Mankind - A documentary of the Apollo 11 launch, lunar landing and exploration and return to earth which included a stay in quarantine - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
8 p.m. - Moonwalk One - NASA archival footage and reactions to the mission around the world – HQ (Public and Media Channels)

VLBA Locates Origin of Superenergetic Bursts Near Giant Black Hole
VLBA Locates Origin of Superenergetic Bursts Near Giant Black Hole
VLBA locates superenergetic bursts near giant black hole

The Helix Nebula, NGC 7293, is not only one of the most interesting and beautiful planetary nebulae; it is also one of the closest nebulae to Earth, at a distance of only 710 light years away.
Astronomers working with the Subaru Telescope have released these new images of a "fireworks display" in a near-infrared image of the Helix Nebula, showing comet-shaped knots within.
Happy Fourth of July! | Universe Today
すばる望遠鏡―観測成果 - らせん状星雲に見られる、水素分子の塊の詳細構造をとらえる ―赤外線の眼で楽しむ、宇宙の花火 -

Fireworks Display In The Helix Nebula
"A new image, taken with an infrared camera on the Subaru Telescope in Hawaii, shows tens of thousands of previously unseen comet-shaped knots inside the nebula.
Astronomers from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), from London, Manchester and Kent universities in the UK and from a university in Missouri in the USA studied the emissions from hydrogen molecules in the infrared and found that knots are found throughout the entire nebula. "

Jackson's Last Rehearsals
Web only
On stage days before his death
I want custody of Jackson kids: ex-wife - Yahoo!7 News
"The ex-wife of Michael Jackson has said in an interview she plans to fight for custody of the two children she had with the tragic pop icon.
"I want my children," Debbie Rowe said in a 90-minute interview with NBC television's local network in Los Angeles on Thursday."

Japan's Amano elected to head UN nuclear watchdog | France 24
"Japanese diplomat Yukiya Amano was elected to succeed Mohamed ElBaradei as director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency in a closed-door vote Thursday. "

"ommunity of web"
Killersites Web Design Magazine | Web Design News, Articles and Tutorials

Amazon EC2で「スケールアップ」のジレンマ:ITpro

GNOMEの開発者 − @IT "メキシコ人のミゲル・ドゥ・イカザは、Linuxの新しいデスクトップ環境であるGNOMEの開発者として知られている"

PostgreSQL 8.4リリース,1年5カ月ぶりの新版:ITpro
" PostgreSQL Global Developmentは2009年7月1日,オープンソース・データベースの新版PostgreSQL 8.4をリリースした。2008年2月に8.3がリリースされて以来,1年5カ月ぶりのメジャー・バージョンアップ"
PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL 8.4プレスキット

PHP 開発者のための XML: 第 1 回 PHP での XML を 15 分で学ぶ
Firefox 3.5のリリース:ITpro
"Firefox 3.5のダウンロード数はリリース直後から急増し,公開後24時間のダウンロード数は110万回を超えた。
Appleが6月8日にリリースした最新版WebブラウザSafari 4」のダウンロード数3日間で1100万件突破,過半数Windows
6月11日,セキュリティ・アップデート版「Firefox 3.0.11」を公開し,ダウンロード数は,24時間で1億5000万件を超えた。この事実から,Firefoxは人気があり,Safariはそうでないことが分かる "

CSS の float プロパティー

This all-sky map shows the positions of 16 new pulsars (yellow) and eight millisecond pulsars (magenta) studied using Fermi's LAT.
Credit: NASA/DOE/Fermi LAT Collaboration.
Fermi Telescope reveals a population of radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars
NASA's Fermi Telescope Probes Dozens of Pulsars
New Class Of Pulsars Solve Mystery Of Previously Unidentified Gamma-ray Sources
Fermi Telescope reveals a population of radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars
By Gamma-Rays Alone: Fermi Raises the Curtain on 16 New Pulsars

July 2
06/30/09 -- Progress 33P undocking

5 p.m. - ISS Soyuz TMA-14 Relocation Coverage
Undocking from Zvezda Service Module scheduled at 5:26 p.m.

いつも通り "声"は意気軒昂 Rob Naviasの実況で(^^ゞ

Redocking to Pirs Docking Compartment scheduled at 5:54 p.m.

Saturn V

"The J-2 may be produced again for the Crew Launch Vehicle's upper stage.
Though the Saturn was a rocket, it was also a system.
Millions of individual pieces, each serving their own function, had to operate in unison."

Apollo - NASA

July 3, Friday
9 a.m. - Apollo 4 Mission - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
9:15 a.m. - Apollo 5 Mission - A narrated documentary detailing the story of the Apollo 5 mission - HQ (Public and Media Channels)

300 Feet to the moon
LM, which was originally called the lunar excursion module (LEM).

10 a.m. - Apollo 8 Debrief -- Documentary narrated by Burgess Meredith - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
10:30 a.m. - Apollo 8 Crew Remembers Historic Mission - 2008 Panel Discussion with Apollo 8 astronauts Frank Borman, Jim Lovell and Bill Anders moderated by Nick Clooney. Recorded at the Newseum in Washington DC on November 13, 2008 - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
11:32 a.m. - Apollo 9 - Space Duet of Spider and Gumdrop - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
1 p.m. - Apollo 10 - “To Sort Out the Unknowns” - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
1:30 p.m. - Apollo 10 40th Anniversary Event at the Newseum – An interview with Apollo 10 Astronaut Gene Cernan. Recorded 5/18/09 - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
2:30 p.m. - Apollo 13 – “Houston, We have a Problem” - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
3 p.m. - Apollo 14 Highlights - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
3:30 p.m. - Apollo 15 -- In the Mountains of the Moon - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
4 p.m. - Apollo 16 "Nothing So Hidden" - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
4:30 p.m. - Apollo 17 30th Anniversary - An anniversary retrospective of the last human mission to the moon in December of 1972 - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
4:45 p.m. - Apollo 17 - “On the Shoulders of Giants” - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
7 p.m. - Apollo 11 - For All Mankind - A documentary of the Apollo 11 launch, lunar landing and exploration and return to earth which included a stay in quarantine - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
8 p.m. - Moonwalk One - NASA archival footage and reactions to the mission around the world – HQ (Public and Media Channels)

VLBA Locates Origin of Superenergetic Bursts Near Giant Black Hole
VLBA Locates Origin of Superenergetic Bursts Near Giant Black Hole
VLBA locates superenergetic bursts near giant black hole

The Helix Nebula, NGC 7293, is not only one of the most interesting and beautiful planetary nebulae; it is also one of the closest nebulae to Earth, at a distance of only 710 light years away.
Astronomers working with the Subaru Telescope have released these new images of a "fireworks display" in a near-infrared image of the Helix Nebula, showing comet-shaped knots within.
Happy Fourth of July! | Universe Today
すばる望遠鏡―観測成果 - らせん状星雲に見られる、水素分子の塊の詳細構造をとらえる ―赤外線の眼で楽しむ、宇宙の花火 -

Fireworks Display In The Helix Nebula
"A new image, taken with an infrared camera on the Subaru Telescope in Hawaii, shows tens of thousands of previously unseen comet-shaped knots inside the nebula.
Astronomers from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), from London, Manchester and Kent universities in the UK and from a university in Missouri in the USA studied the emissions from hydrogen molecules in the infrared and found that knots are found throughout the entire nebula. "

Jackson's Last Rehearsals
Web only
On stage days before his death
I want custody of Jackson kids: ex-wife - Yahoo!7 News
"The ex-wife of Michael Jackson has said in an interview she plans to fight for custody of the two children she had with the tragic pop icon.
"I want my children," Debbie Rowe said in a 90-minute interview with NBC television's local network in Los Angeles on Thursday."

Japan's Amano elected to head UN nuclear watchdog | France 24
"Japanese diplomat Yukiya Amano was elected to succeed Mohamed ElBaradei as director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency in a closed-door vote Thursday. "

"ommunity of web"
Killersites Web Design Magazine | Web Design News, Articles and Tutorials

Amazon EC2で「スケールアップ」のジレンマ:ITpro

GNOMEの開発者 − @IT "メキシコ人のミゲル・ドゥ・イカザは、Linuxの新しいデスクトップ環境であるGNOMEの開発者として知られている"

PostgreSQL 8.4リリース,1年5カ月ぶりの新版:ITpro
" PostgreSQL Global Developmentは2009年7月1日,オープンソース・データベースの新版PostgreSQL 8.4をリリースした。2008年2月に8.3がリリースされて以来,1年5カ月ぶりのメジャー・バージョンアップ"
PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL 8.4プレスキット

PHP 開発者のための XML: 第 1 回 PHP での XML を 15 分で学ぶ
Firefox 3.5のリリース:ITpro
"Firefox 3.5のダウンロード数はリリース直後から急増し,公開後24時間のダウンロード数は110万回を超えた。
Appleが6月8日にリリースした最新版WebブラウザSafari 4」のダウンロード数3日間で1100万件突破,過半数Windows
6月11日,セキュリティ・アップデート版「Firefox 3.0.11」を公開し,ダウンロード数は,24時間で1億5000万件を超えた。この事実から,Firefoxは人気があり,Safariはそうでないことが分かる "

CSS の float プロパティー

This all-sky map shows the positions of 16 new pulsars (yellow) and eight millisecond pulsars (magenta) studied using Fermi's LAT.
Credit: NASA/DOE/Fermi LAT Collaboration.
Fermi Telescope reveals a population of radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars
NASA's Fermi Telescope Probes Dozens of Pulsars
New Class Of Pulsars Solve Mystery Of Previously Unidentified Gamma-ray Sources
Fermi Telescope reveals a population of radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars
By Gamma-Rays Alone: Fermi Raises the Curtain on 16 New Pulsars

July 2
06/30/09 -- Progress 33P undocking

5 p.m. - ISS Soyuz TMA-14 Relocation Coverage
Undocking from Zvezda Service Module scheduled at 5:26 p.m.

いつも通り "声"は意気軒昂 Rob Naviasの実況で(^^ゞ

Redocking to Pirs Docking Compartment scheduled at 5:54 p.m.

Saturn V

"The J-2 may be produced again for the Crew Launch Vehicle's upper stage.
Though the Saturn was a rocket, it was also a system.
Millions of individual pieces, each serving their own function, had to operate in unison."

Apollo - NASA

July 3, Friday
9 a.m. - Apollo 4 Mission - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
9:15 a.m. - Apollo 5 Mission - A narrated documentary detailing the story of the Apollo 5 mission - HQ (Public and Media Channels)

300 Feet to the moon
LM, which was originally called the lunar excursion module (LEM).

10 a.m. - Apollo 8 Debrief -- Documentary narrated by Burgess Meredith - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
10:30 a.m. - Apollo 8 Crew Remembers Historic Mission - 2008 Panel Discussion with Apollo 8 astronauts Frank Borman, Jim Lovell and Bill Anders moderated by Nick Clooney. Recorded at the Newseum in Washington DC on November 13, 2008 - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
11:32 a.m. - Apollo 9 - Space Duet of Spider and Gumdrop - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
1 p.m. - Apollo 10 - “To Sort Out the Unknowns” - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
1:30 p.m. - Apollo 10 40th Anniversary Event at the Newseum – An interview with Apollo 10 Astronaut Gene Cernan. Recorded 5/18/09 - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
2:30 p.m. - Apollo 13 – “Houston, We have a Problem” - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
3 p.m. - Apollo 14 Highlights - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
3:30 p.m. - Apollo 15 -- In the Mountains of the Moon - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
4 p.m. - Apollo 16 "Nothing So Hidden" - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
4:30 p.m. - Apollo 17 30th Anniversary - An anniversary retrospective of the last human mission to the moon in December of 1972 - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
4:45 p.m. - Apollo 17 - “On the Shoulders of Giants” - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
7 p.m. - Apollo 11 - For All Mankind - A documentary of the Apollo 11 launch, lunar landing and exploration and return to earth which included a stay in quarantine - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
8 p.m. - Moonwalk One - NASA archival footage and reactions to the mission around the world – HQ (Public and Media Channels)

VLBA Locates Origin of Superenergetic Bursts Near Giant Black Hole
VLBA Locates Origin of Superenergetic Bursts Near Giant Black Hole
VLBA locates superenergetic bursts near giant black hole

The Helix Nebula, NGC 7293, is not only one of the most interesting and beautiful planetary nebulae; it is also one of the closest nebulae to Earth, at a distance of only 710 light years away.
Astronomers working with the Subaru Telescope have released these new images of a "fireworks display" in a near-infrared image of the Helix Nebula, showing comet-shaped knots within.
Happy Fourth of July! | Universe Today
すばる望遠鏡―観測成果 - らせん状星雲に見られる、水素分子の塊の詳細構造をとらえる ―赤外線の眼で楽しむ、宇宙の花火 -

Fireworks Display In The Helix Nebula
"A new image, taken with an infrared camera on the Subaru Telescope in Hawaii, shows tens of thousands of previously unseen comet-shaped knots inside the nebula.
Astronomers from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), from London, Manchester and Kent universities in the UK and from a university in Missouri in the USA studied the emissions from hydrogen molecules in the infrared and found that knots are found throughout the entire nebula. "

Jackson's Last Rehearsals
Web only
On stage days before his death
I want custody of Jackson kids: ex-wife - Yahoo!7 News
"The ex-wife of Michael Jackson has said in an interview she plans to fight for custody of the two children she had with the tragic pop icon.
"I want my children," Debbie Rowe said in a 90-minute interview with NBC television's local network in Los Angeles on Thursday."

Japan's Amano elected to head UN nuclear watchdog | France 24
"Japanese diplomat Yukiya Amano was elected to succeed Mohamed ElBaradei as director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency in a closed-door vote Thursday. "

"ommunity of web"
Killersites Web Design Magazine | Web Design News, Articles and Tutorials

Amazon EC2で「スケールアップ」のジレンマ:ITpro

GNOMEの開発者 − @IT "メキシコ人のミゲル・ドゥ・イカザは、Linuxの新しいデスクトップ環境であるGNOMEの開発者として知られている"

PostgreSQL 8.4リリース,1年5カ月ぶりの新版:ITpro
" PostgreSQL Global Developmentは2009年7月1日,オープンソース・データベースの新版PostgreSQL 8.4をリリースした。2008年2月に8.3がリリースされて以来,1年5カ月ぶりのメジャー・バージョンアップ"
PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL 8.4プレスキット

PHP 開発者のための XML: 第 1 回 PHP での XML を 15 分で学ぶ
Firefox 3.5のリリース:ITpro
"Firefox 3.5のダウンロード数はリリース直後から急増し,公開後24時間のダウンロード数は110万回を超えた。
Appleが6月8日にリリースした最新版WebブラウザSafari 4」のダウンロード数3日間で1100万件突破,過半数Windows
6月11日,セキュリティ・アップデート版「Firefox 3.0.11」を公開し,ダウンロード数は,24時間で1億5000万件を超えた。この事実から,Firefoxは人気があり,Safariはそうでないことが分かる "

CSS の float プロパティー

This all-sky map shows the positions of 16 new pulsars (yellow) and eight millisecond pulsars (magenta) studied using Fermi's LAT.
Credit: NASA/DOE/Fermi LAT Collaboration.
Fermi Telescope reveals a population of radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars
NASA's Fermi Telescope Probes Dozens of Pulsars
New Class Of Pulsars Solve Mystery Of Previously Unidentified Gamma-ray Sources
Fermi Telescope reveals a population of radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars
By Gamma-Rays Alone: Fermi Raises the Curtain on 16 New Pulsars

July 2
06/30/09 -- Progress 33P undocking

5 p.m. - ISS Soyuz TMA-14 Relocation Coverage
Undocking from Zvezda Service Module scheduled at 5:26 p.m.

いつも通り "声"は意気軒昂 Rob Naviasの実況で(^^ゞ

Redocking to Pirs Docking Compartment scheduled at 5:54 p.m.

Saturn V

"The J-2 may be produced again for the Crew Launch Vehicle's upper stage.
Though the Saturn was a rocket, it was also a system.
Millions of individual pieces, each serving their own function, had to operate in unison."

Apollo - NASA

July 3, Friday
9 a.m. - Apollo 4 Mission - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
9:15 a.m. - Apollo 5 Mission - A narrated documentary detailing the story of the Apollo 5 mission - HQ (Public and Media Channels)

300 Feet to the moon
LM, which was originally called the lunar excursion module (LEM).

10 a.m. - Apollo 8 Debrief -- Documentary narrated by Burgess Meredith - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
10:30 a.m. - Apollo 8 Crew Remembers Historic Mission - 2008 Panel Discussion with Apollo 8 astronauts Frank Borman, Jim Lovell and Bill Anders moderated by Nick Clooney. Recorded at the Newseum in Washington DC on November 13, 2008 - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
11:32 a.m. - Apollo 9 - Space Duet of Spider and Gumdrop - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
1 p.m. - Apollo 10 - “To Sort Out the Unknowns” - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
1:30 p.m. - Apollo 10 40th Anniversary Event at the Newseum – An interview with Apollo 10 Astronaut Gene Cernan. Recorded 5/18/09 - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
2:30 p.m. - Apollo 13 – “Houston, We have a Problem” - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
3 p.m. - Apollo 14 Highlights - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
3:30 p.m. - Apollo 15 -- In the Mountains of the Moon - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
4 p.m. - Apollo 16 "Nothing So Hidden" - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
4:30 p.m. - Apollo 17 30th Anniversary - An anniversary retrospective of the last human mission to the moon in December of 1972 - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
4:45 p.m. - Apollo 17 - “On the Shoulders of Giants” - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
7 p.m. - Apollo 11 - For All Mankind - A documentary of the Apollo 11 launch, lunar landing and exploration and return to earth which included a stay in quarantine - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
8 p.m. - Moonwalk One - NASA archival footage and reactions to the mission around the world – HQ (Public and Media Channels)

VLBA Locates Origin of Superenergetic Bursts Near Giant Black Hole
VLBA Locates Origin of Superenergetic Bursts Near Giant Black Hole
VLBA locates superenergetic bursts near giant black hole

The Helix Nebula, NGC 7293, is not only one of the most interesting and beautiful planetary nebulae; it is also one of the closest nebulae to Earth, at a distance of only 710 light years away.
Astronomers working with the Subaru Telescope have released these new images of a "fireworks display" in a near-infrared image of the Helix Nebula, showing comet-shaped knots within.
Happy Fourth of July! | Universe Today
すばる望遠鏡―観測成果 - らせん状星雲に見られる、水素分子の塊の詳細構造をとらえる ―赤外線の眼で楽しむ、宇宙の花火 -

Fireworks Display In The Helix Nebula
"A new image, taken with an infrared camera on the Subaru Telescope in Hawaii, shows tens of thousands of previously unseen comet-shaped knots inside the nebula.
Astronomers from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), from London, Manchester and Kent universities in the UK and from a university in Missouri in the USA studied the emissions from hydrogen molecules in the infrared and found that knots are found throughout the entire nebula. "

Jackson's Last Rehearsals
Web only
On stage days before his death
I want custody of Jackson kids: ex-wife - Yahoo!7 News
"The ex-wife of Michael Jackson has said in an interview she plans to fight for custody of the two children she had with the tragic pop icon.
"I want my children," Debbie Rowe said in a 90-minute interview with NBC television's local network in Los Angeles on Thursday."

Japan's Amano elected to head UN nuclear watchdog | France 24
"Japanese diplomat Yukiya Amano was elected to succeed Mohamed ElBaradei as director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency in a closed-door vote Thursday. "

"ommunity of web"
Killersites Web Design Magazine | Web Design News, Articles and Tutorials

Amazon EC2で「スケールアップ」のジレンマ:ITpro

GNOMEの開発者 − @IT "メキシコ人のミゲル・ドゥ・イカザは、Linuxの新しいデスクトップ環境であるGNOMEの開発者として知られている"

PostgreSQL 8.4リリース,1年5カ月ぶりの新版:ITpro
" PostgreSQL Global Developmentは2009年7月1日,オープンソース・データベースの新版PostgreSQL 8.4をリリースした。2008年2月に8.3がリリースされて以来,1年5カ月ぶりのメジャー・バージョンアップ"
PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL 8.4プレスキット

PHP 開発者のための XML: 第 1 回 PHP での XML を 15 分で学ぶ
Firefox 3.5のリリース:ITpro
"Firefox 3.5のダウンロード数はリリース直後から急増し,公開後24時間のダウンロード数は110万回を超えた。
Appleが6月8日にリリースした最新版WebブラウザSafari 4」のダウンロード数3日間で1100万件突破,過半数Windows
6月11日,セキュリティ・アップデート版「Firefox 3.0.11」を公開し,ダウンロード数は,24時間で1億5000万件を超えた。この事実から,Firefoxは人気があり,Safariはそうでないことが分かる "

CSS の float プロパティー

This all-sky map shows the positions of 16 new pulsars (yellow) and eight millisecond pulsars (magenta) studied using Fermi's LAT.
Credit: NASA/DOE/Fermi LAT Collaboration.
Fermi Telescope reveals a population of radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars
NASA's Fermi Telescope Probes Dozens of Pulsars
New Class Of Pulsars Solve Mystery Of Previously Unidentified Gamma-ray Sources
Fermi Telescope reveals a population of radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars
By Gamma-Rays Alone: Fermi Raises the Curtain on 16 New Pulsars

July 2
06/30/09 -- Progress 33P undocking

5 p.m. - ISS Soyuz TMA-14 Relocation Coverage
Undocking from Zvezda Service Module scheduled at 5:26 p.m.

いつも通り "声"は意気軒昂 Rob Naviasの実況で(^^ゞ

Redocking to Pirs Docking Compartment scheduled at 5:54 p.m.

Saturn V

"The J-2 may be produced again for the Crew Launch Vehicle's upper stage.
Though the Saturn was a rocket, it was also a system.
Millions of individual pieces, each serving their own function, had to operate in unison."

Apollo - NASA

July 3, Friday
9 a.m. - Apollo 4 Mission - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
9:15 a.m. - Apollo 5 Mission - A narrated documentary detailing the story of the Apollo 5 mission - HQ (Public and Media Channels)

300 Feet to the moon
LM, which was originally called the lunar excursion module (LEM).

10 a.m. - Apollo 8 Debrief -- Documentary narrated by Burgess Meredith - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
10:30 a.m. - Apollo 8 Crew Remembers Historic Mission - 2008 Panel Discussion with Apollo 8 astronauts Frank Borman, Jim Lovell and Bill Anders moderated by Nick Clooney. Recorded at the Newseum in Washington DC on November 13, 2008 - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
11:32 a.m. - Apollo 9 - Space Duet of Spider and Gumdrop - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
1 p.m. - Apollo 10 - “To Sort Out the Unknowns” - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
1:30 p.m. - Apollo 10 40th Anniversary Event at the Newseum – An interview with Apollo 10 Astronaut Gene Cernan. Recorded 5/18/09 - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
2:30 p.m. - Apollo 13 – “Houston, We have a Problem” - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
3 p.m. - Apollo 14 Highlights - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
3:30 p.m. - Apollo 15 -- In the Mountains of the Moon - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
4 p.m. - Apollo 16 "Nothing So Hidden" - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
4:30 p.m. - Apollo 17 30th Anniversary - An anniversary retrospective of the last human mission to the moon in December of 1972 - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
4:45 p.m. - Apollo 17 - “On the Shoulders of Giants” - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
7 p.m. - Apollo 11 - For All Mankind - A documentary of the Apollo 11 launch, lunar landing and exploration and return to earth which included a stay in quarantine - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
8 p.m. - Moonwalk One - NASA archival footage and reactions to the mission around the world – HQ (Public and Media Channels)

VLBA Locates Origin of Superenergetic Bursts Near Giant Black Hole
VLBA Locates Origin of Superenergetic Bursts Near Giant Black Hole
VLBA locates superenergetic bursts near giant black hole

The Helix Nebula, NGC 7293, is not only one of the most interesting and beautiful planetary nebulae; it is also one of the closest nebulae to Earth, at a distance of only 710 light years away.
Astronomers working with the Subaru Telescope have released these new images of a "fireworks display" in a near-infrared image of the Helix Nebula, showing comet-shaped knots within.
Happy Fourth of July! | Universe Today
すばる望遠鏡―観測成果 - らせん状星雲に見られる、水素分子の塊の詳細構造をとらえる ―赤外線の眼で楽しむ、宇宙の花火 -

Fireworks Display In The Helix Nebula
"A new image, taken with an infrared camera on the Subaru Telescope in Hawaii, shows tens of thousands of previously unseen comet-shaped knots inside the nebula.
Astronomers from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), from London, Manchester and Kent universities in the UK and from a university in Missouri in the USA studied the emissions from hydrogen molecules in the infrared and found that knots are found throughout the entire nebula. "

Jackson's Last Rehearsals
Web only
On stage days before his death
I want custody of Jackson kids: ex-wife - Yahoo!7 News
"The ex-wife of Michael Jackson has said in an interview she plans to fight for custody of the two children she had with the tragic pop icon.
"I want my children," Debbie Rowe said in a 90-minute interview with NBC television's local network in Los Angeles on Thursday."

Japan's Amano elected to head UN nuclear watchdog | France 24
"Japanese diplomat Yukiya Amano was elected to succeed Mohamed ElBaradei as director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency in a closed-door vote Thursday. "

"ommunity of web"
Killersites Web Design Magazine | Web Design News, Articles and Tutorials

Amazon EC2で「スケールアップ」のジレンマ:ITpro

GNOMEの開発者 − @IT "メキシコ人のミゲル・ドゥ・イカザは、Linuxの新しいデスクトップ環境であるGNOMEの開発者として知られている"

PostgreSQL 8.4リリース,1年5カ月ぶりの新版:ITpro
" PostgreSQL Global Developmentは2009年7月1日,オープンソース・データベースの新版PostgreSQL 8.4をリリースした。2008年2月に8.3がリリースされて以来,1年5カ月ぶりのメジャー・バージョンアップ"
PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL 8.4プレスキット

PHP 開発者のための XML: 第 1 回 PHP での XML を 15 分で学ぶ
Firefox 3.5のリリース:ITpro
"Firefox 3.5のダウンロード数はリリース直後から急増し,公開後24時間のダウンロード数は110万回を超えた。
Appleが6月8日にリリースした最新版WebブラウザSafari 4」のダウンロード数3日間で1100万件突破,過半数Windows
6月11日,セキュリティ・アップデート版「Firefox 3.0.11」を公開し,ダウンロード数は,24時間で1億5000万件を超えた。この事実から,Firefoxは人気があり,Safariはそうでないことが分かる "

CSS の float プロパティー

This all-sky map shows the positions of 16 new pulsars (yellow) and eight millisecond pulsars (magenta) studied using Fermi's LAT.
Credit: NASA/DOE/Fermi LAT Collaboration.
Fermi Telescope reveals a population of radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars
NASA's Fermi Telescope Probes Dozens of Pulsars
New Class Of Pulsars Solve Mystery Of Previously Unidentified Gamma-ray Sources
Fermi Telescope reveals a population of radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars
By Gamma-Rays Alone: Fermi Raises the Curtain on 16 New Pulsars

July 2
06/30/09 -- Progress 33P undocking

5 p.m. - ISS Soyuz TMA-14 Relocation Coverage
Undocking from Zvezda Service Module scheduled at 5:26 p.m.

いつも通り "声"は意気軒昂 Rob Naviasの実況で(^^ゞ

Redocking to Pirs Docking Compartment scheduled at 5:54 p.m.

Saturn V

"The J-2 may be produced again for the Crew Launch Vehicle's upper stage.
Though the Saturn was a rocket, it was also a system.
Millions of individual pieces, each serving their own function, had to operate in unison."

Apollo - NASA

July 3, Friday
9 a.m. - Apollo 4 Mission - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
9:15 a.m. - Apollo 5 Mission - A narrated documentary detailing the story of the Apollo 5 mission - HQ (Public and Media Channels)

300 Feet to the moon
LM, which was originally called the lunar excursion module (LEM).

10 a.m. - Apollo 8 Debrief -- Documentary narrated by Burgess Meredith - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
10:30 a.m. - Apollo 8 Crew Remembers Historic Mission - 2008 Panel Discussion with Apollo 8 astronauts Frank Borman, Jim Lovell and Bill Anders moderated by Nick Clooney. Recorded at the Newseum in Washington DC on November 13, 2008 - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
11:32 a.m. - Apollo 9 - Space Duet of Spider and Gumdrop - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
1 p.m. - Apollo 10 - “To Sort Out the Unknowns” - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
1:30 p.m. - Apollo 10 40th Anniversary Event at the Newseum – An interview with Apollo 10 Astronaut Gene Cernan. Recorded 5/18/09 - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
2:30 p.m. - Apollo 13 – “Houston, We have a Problem” - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
3 p.m. - Apollo 14 Highlights - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
3:30 p.m. - Apollo 15 -- In the Mountains of the Moon - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
4 p.m. - Apollo 16 "Nothing So Hidden" - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
4:30 p.m. - Apollo 17 30th Anniversary - An anniversary retrospective of the last human mission to the moon in December of 1972 - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
4:45 p.m. - Apollo 17 - “On the Shoulders of Giants” - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
7 p.m. - Apollo 11 - For All Mankind - A documentary of the Apollo 11 launch, lunar landing and exploration and return to earth which included a stay in quarantine - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
8 p.m. - Moonwalk One - NASA archival footage and reactions to the mission around the world – HQ (Public and Media Channels)

VLBA Locates Origin of Superenergetic Bursts Near Giant Black Hole
VLBA Locates Origin of Superenergetic Bursts Near Giant Black Hole
VLBA locates superenergetic bursts near giant black hole

The Helix Nebula, NGC 7293, is not only one of the most interesting and beautiful planetary nebulae; it is also one of the closest nebulae to Earth, at a distance of only 710 light years away.
Astronomers working with the Subaru Telescope have released these new images of a "fireworks display" in a near-infrared image of the Helix Nebula, showing comet-shaped knots within.
Happy Fourth of July! | Universe Today
すばる望遠鏡―観測成果 - らせん状星雲に見られる、水素分子の塊の詳細構造をとらえる ―赤外線の眼で楽しむ、宇宙の花火 -

Fireworks Display In The Helix Nebula
"A new image, taken with an infrared camera on the Subaru Telescope in Hawaii, shows tens of thousands of previously unseen comet-shaped knots inside the nebula.
Astronomers from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), from London, Manchester and Kent universities in the UK and from a university in Missouri in the USA studied the emissions from hydrogen molecules in the infrared and found that knots are found throughout the entire nebula. "

Jackson's Last Rehearsals
Web only
On stage days before his death
I want custody of Jackson kids: ex-wife - Yahoo!7 News
"The ex-wife of Michael Jackson has said in an interview she plans to fight for custody of the two children she had with the tragic pop icon.
"I want my children," Debbie Rowe said in a 90-minute interview with NBC television's local network in Los Angeles on Thursday."

Japan's Amano elected to head UN nuclear watchdog | France 24
"Japanese diplomat Yukiya Amano was elected to succeed Mohamed ElBaradei as director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency in a closed-door vote Thursday. "

"ommunity of web"
Killersites Web Design Magazine | Web Design News, Articles and Tutorials

Amazon EC2で「スケールアップ」のジレンマ:ITpro

GNOMEの開発者 − @IT "メキシコ人のミゲル・ドゥ・イカザは、Linuxの新しいデスクトップ環境であるGNOMEの開発者として知られている"

PostgreSQL 8.4リリース,1年5カ月ぶりの新版:ITpro
" PostgreSQL Global Developmentは2009年7月1日,オープンソース・データベースの新版PostgreSQL 8.4をリリースした。2008年2月に8.3がリリースされて以来,1年5カ月ぶりのメジャー・バージョンアップ"
PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL 8.4プレスキット

PHP 開発者のための XML: 第 1 回 PHP での XML を 15 分で学ぶ
Firefox 3.5のリリース:ITpro
"Firefox 3.5のダウンロード数はリリース直後から急増し,公開後24時間のダウンロード数は110万回を超えた。
Appleが6月8日にリリースした最新版WebブラウザSafari 4」のダウンロード数3日間で1100万件突破,過半数Windows
6月11日,セキュリティ・アップデート版「Firefox 3.0.11」を公開し,ダウンロード数は,24時間で1億5000万件を超えた。この事実から,Firefoxは人気があり,Safariはそうでないことが分かる "

CSS の float プロパティー

This all-sky map shows the positions of 16 new pulsars (yellow) and eight millisecond pulsars (magenta) studied using Fermi's LAT.
Credit: NASA/DOE/Fermi LAT Collaboration.
Fermi Telescope reveals a population of radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars
NASA's Fermi Telescope Probes Dozens of Pulsars