GRB 090423: probably the birth of a black hole

April 29,10 a.m. -
House Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies Hearing on NASA’s FY 2010 Budget

GRB 090423: probably the birth of a black hole

New Gamma-Ray Burst Smashes Cosmic Distance Record
"The burst occurred at 3:55 a.m. EDT on April 23rd. Swift quickly pinpointed the explosion, allowing telescopes on Earth to target the burst before its afterglow faded away. Astronomers working in Chile and the Canary Islands independently measured the explosion's redshift. It was 8.2, smashing the previous record of 6.7 set by an explosion in September 2008. A redshift of 8.2 corresponds to a distance of 13.035 billion light years.
"We're seeing the demise of a star -- and probably the birth of a black hole -- in one of the universe's earliest stellar generations," says Derek Fox at Pennsylvania State University."

New Gamma-Ray Burst Smashes Cosmic Distance Record
NASA - New Gamma-Ray Burst Smashes Cosmic Distance Record

A faint gamma-ray burst (GRB) captured last Thursday by NASA’s Swift satellite has smashed the record for the earliest, most-distant known object in the universe.
"The GRB's measured redshift of about 8.2 beats the previous GRB record holder, a burst seen last year with a redshift of 6.7. T
he most distant galaxy with a well-measured redshift is at 6.96.
NASA says it will issue a statement about the discovery on Tuesday (April 28th). April 25, 2009" -

GRBlog: GCN 9283
"We observed the field of GRB 090429B (Swift trigger 350854; Ukwatta et al., GCN 9281) simultaneously in g'r'i'z'JHK with GROND (Greiner et al. 2008, PASP 120, 405) mounted at the 2.2 m ESO/MPI telescope at La Silla Observatory (Chile).
Observations started at 05:43 UT, ~13 minutes after the GRB trigger and continued until the source reached the 20 deg horizon limit. "

ESO - ESO 17/09 - The Most Distant Object Yet Discovered in the Universe
"The Most Distant Object Yet Discovered in the Universe
ESO's Very Large Telescope has shown that a faint gamma-ray burst detected last Thursday is the signature of the explosion of the earliest, most distant known object in the Universe (a redshift of 8.2). The explosion apparently took place more than 13 billion years ago, only about 600 million years after the Big Bang."

Gemini Observatory Releases Image of Most Distant Known Object in Universe | Gemini Observatory
"The burst as measured by Gemini and subsequent observations is at a redshift of z = 8.2, such a great distance that its light has been traveling for over 13 of the estimated 13.7 billion year age of the universe. "

Portal to the Universe
International Astronomical Union | IAU
Portal to the Universe Now Open | Universe Today
"Portal to the Universe, it is the latest Cornerstone project of the International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009). "

全天X線監視装置(MAXI):X線で宇宙を「透視」すると (読売新聞)
ASTRO-H 次期X線国際天文衛星

Steve Squyres: Mars Exploration Rover Mission (2005)

検索YouTube - Steve Squyres

Mars Rovers Are “Good Old Girls” | Universe Today

April 29, Wednesday 日本時間18:00
7 - 7:20 a.m. - ISS Expedition 19 JAXA Educational Event with Okinawa, Japan (will be in native language and replayed with interpretation in the ISS Commentary hour at 11 a.m. ET) - JSC

Herschel and Planck Set to Launch on May 14 | Universe Today
100 Hours of Astronomy is now over but all observatory video clips from "80 Telescopes Around the World" are available here.
See our web site for more information about all of the 100 Hours of Astronomy events:
"100 Hours of Astronomy" was a global four-day astronomical event that gave people around the world the chance to discover the universe for themselves.
It ran from 2 April to 5 April and was part of the "International Year of Astronomy 2009".
There were free public activities happening all around the world (see our website), as well as right here on Ustream!On April 2 we streamed the ope more...

Firefox 3.5 β4」公開 |マイコミジャーナル
レンダリングエンジンGecko 1.9.1b4
JavaScriptの処理をバックグラウンドで行う「Web Worker Threads」
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) のネイティブサポート


Swine Flu Update
Swine Flu Spreads Around the Globe
Swine Flu Virus Spreads But WHO Cautions Against Border Closures

Swine Flu Yet Another Threat To Wobbly Global Economy - Radio Free Europe
"Swine flu appears to be spreading, with new cases reported in a growing number of countries.
It's causing a different type of contagion, too -- in the financial markets. The outbreak comes at a perilous time for a global economy already battered by the financial crisis."

Swine flu spreads to Middle East, Asia-Pacific:The Associated Press

The Science and Politics of Fear:Dan Gardner, the author of a book called "Risk" .
"Swine flu: has the world over-reacted?- BBC World Service
The dangers of a worldwide pandemic of swine flu has been recognised formally by the World Health Organisation, which has raised its formal pandemic threat level from 3 to 4."

豚インフル感染確認の死者は7人 -朝日新聞社
またコルドバ保健相は27日の記者会見で、南部ベラクルス州ペローテ市で今月2日に発症が確認された男児から豚インフルエンザウイルスが検出されたことを明らかにした。メキシコ政府はこれまで、4月13日に南部オアハカ州で出た死者を「最初の犠牲者」としていたが、実際にはそれより10日以上早く、感染が始まっていた。 "
メキシコの死者159人に 疑い例は2500人 - 47NEWS

やじうまAV Watch:浜崎あゆみのUSBアルバム「NEXT LEVEL」の中身って? −発売から1カ月経ったけど、購入してみた 定価6,800円。
USBメモリをパソコンに装着してみると、ボリュームラベルが「NEXT LEVEL」と、「REMOVABLE」の2つのドライブがマウントされる。もちろん、「NEXT LEVEL」の方にアルバムが入っており、473MB。
「NEXT LEVEL」のルートには、「BOOKLET」、「VIDEO」、「MUSIC」の3つのフォルダがある。「BOOKLET」には、ブックレットをPDF化した「NEXT LEVEL.pdf」(5.98MB/11ページ)画像の解像度はXGA程度。

JW Image Rotator | LongTail Video | Home of the JW Player

Embedding Flash | LongTail Video |

April 29,10 a.m. -
House Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies Hearing on NASA’s FY 2010 Budget

GRB 090423: probably the birth of a black hole

New Gamma-Ray Burst Smashes Cosmic Distance Record
"The burst occurred at 3:55 a.m. EDT on April 23rd. Swift quickly pinpointed the explosion, allowing telescopes on Earth to target the burst before its afterglow faded away. Astronomers working in Chile and the Canary Islands independently measured the explosion's redshift. It was 8.2, smashing the previous record of 6.7 set by an explosion in September 2008. A redshift of 8.2 corresponds to a distance of 13.035 billion light years.
"We're seeing the demise of a star -- and probably the birth of a black hole -- in one of the universe's earliest stellar generations," says Derek Fox at Pennsylvania State University."

New Gamma-Ray Burst Smashes Cosmic Distance Record
NASA - New Gamma-Ray Burst Smashes Cosmic Distance Record

A faint gamma-ray burst (GRB) captured last Thursday by NASA’s Swift satellite has smashed the record for the earliest, most-distant known object in the universe.
"The GRB's measured redshift of about 8.2 beats the previous GRB record holder, a burst seen last year with a redshift of 6.7. T
he most distant galaxy with a well-measured redshift is at 6.96.
NASA says it will issue a statement about the discovery on Tuesday (April 28th). April 25, 2009" -

GRBlog: GCN 9283
"We observed the field of GRB 090429B (Swift trigger 350854; Ukwatta et al., GCN 9281) simultaneously in g'r'i'z'JHK with GROND (Greiner et al. 2008, PASP 120, 405) mounted at the 2.2 m ESO/MPI telescope at La Silla Observatory (Chile).
Observations started at 05:43 UT, ~13 minutes after the GRB trigger and continued until the source reached the 20 deg horizon limit. "

ESO - ESO 17/09 - The Most Distant Object Yet Discovered in the Universe
"The Most Distant Object Yet Discovered in the Universe
ESO's Very Large Telescope has shown that a faint gamma-ray burst detected last Thursday is the signature of the explosion of the earliest, most distant known object in the Universe (a redshift of 8.2). The explosion apparently took place more than 13 billion years ago, only about 600 million years after the Big Bang."

Gemini Observatory Releases Image of Most Distant Known Object in Universe | Gemini Observatory
"The burst as measured by Gemini and subsequent observations is at a redshift of z = 8.2, such a great distance that its light has been traveling for over 13 of the estimated 13.7 billion year age of the universe. "

Portal to the Universe
International Astronomical Union | IAU
Portal to the Universe Now Open | Universe Today
"Portal to the Universe, it is the latest Cornerstone project of the International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009). "

全天X線監視装置(MAXI):X線で宇宙を「透視」すると (読売新聞)
ASTRO-H 次期X線国際天文衛星

Steve Squyres: Mars Exploration Rover Mission (2005)

検索YouTube - Steve Squyres

Mars Rovers Are “Good Old Girls” | Universe Today

April 29, Wednesday 日本時間18:00
7 - 7:20 a.m. - ISS Expedition 19 JAXA Educational Event with Okinawa, Japan (will be in native language and replayed with interpretation in the ISS Commentary hour at 11 a.m. ET) - JSC

Herschel and Planck Set to Launch on May 14 | Universe Today
100 Hours of Astronomy is now over but all observatory video clips from "80 Telescopes Around the World" are available here.
See our web site for more information about all of the 100 Hours of Astronomy events:
"100 Hours of Astronomy" was a global four-day astronomical event that gave people around the world the chance to discover the universe for themselves.
It ran from 2 April to 5 April and was part of the "International Year of Astronomy 2009".
There were free public activities happening all around the world (see our website), as well as right here on Ustream!On April 2 we streamed the ope more...

Firefox 3.5 β4」公開 |マイコミジャーナル
レンダリングエンジンGecko 1.9.1b4
JavaScriptの処理をバックグラウンドで行う「Web Worker Threads」
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) のネイティブサポート


Swine Flu Update
Swine Flu Spreads Around the Globe
Swine Flu Virus Spreads But WHO Cautions Against Border Closures

Swine Flu Yet Another Threat To Wobbly Global Economy - Radio Free Europe
"Swine flu appears to be spreading, with new cases reported in a growing number of countries.
It's causing a different type of contagion, too -- in the financial markets. The outbreak comes at a perilous time for a global economy already battered by the financial crisis."

Swine flu spreads to Middle East, Asia-Pacific:The Associated Press

The Science and Politics of Fear:Dan Gardner, the author of a book called "Risk" .
"Swine flu: has the world over-reacted?- BBC World Service
The dangers of a worldwide pandemic of swine flu has been recognised formally by the World Health Organisation, which has raised its formal pandemic threat level from 3 to 4."

豚インフル感染確認の死者は7人 -朝日新聞社
またコルドバ保健相は27日の記者会見で、南部ベラクルス州ペローテ市で今月2日に発症が確認された男児から豚インフルエンザウイルスが検出されたことを明らかにした。メキシコ政府はこれまで、4月13日に南部オアハカ州で出た死者を「最初の犠牲者」としていたが、実際にはそれより10日以上早く、感染が始まっていた。 "
メキシコの死者159人に 疑い例は2500人 - 47NEWS

やじうまAV Watch:浜崎あゆみのUSBアルバム「NEXT LEVEL」の中身って? −発売から1カ月経ったけど、購入してみた 定価6,800円。
USBメモリをパソコンに装着してみると、ボリュームラベルが「NEXT LEVEL」と、「REMOVABLE」の2つのドライブがマウントされる。もちろん、「NEXT LEVEL」の方にアルバムが入っており、473MB。
「NEXT LEVEL」のルートには、「BOOKLET」、「VIDEO」、「MUSIC」の3つのフォルダがある。「BOOKLET」には、ブックレットをPDF化した「NEXT LEVEL.pdf」(5.98MB/11ページ)画像の解像度はXGA程度。

JW Image Rotator | LongTail Video | Home of the JW Player

Embedding Flash | LongTail Video |

April 29,10 a.m. -
House Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies Hearing on NASA’s FY 2010 Budget

GRB 090423: probably the birth of a black hole

New Gamma-Ray Burst Smashes Cosmic Distance Record
"The burst occurred at 3:55 a.m. EDT on April 23rd. Swift quickly pinpointed the explosion, allowing telescopes on Earth to target the burst before its afterglow faded away. Astronomers working in Chile and the Canary Islands independently measured the explosion's redshift. It was 8.2, smashing the previous record of 6.7 set by an explosion in September 2008. A redshift of 8.2 corresponds to a distance of 13.035 billion light years.
"We're seeing the demise of a star -- and probably the birth of a black hole -- in one of the universe's earliest stellar generations," says Derek Fox at Pennsylvania State University."

New Gamma-Ray Burst Smashes Cosmic Distance Record
NASA - New Gamma-Ray Burst Smashes Cosmic Distance Record

A faint gamma-ray burst (GRB) captured last Thursday by NASA’s Swift satellite has smashed the record for the earliest, most-distant known object in the universe.
"The GRB's measured redshift of about 8.2 beats the previous GRB record holder, a burst seen last year with a redshift of 6.7. T
he most distant galaxy with a well-measured redshift is at 6.96.
NASA says it will issue a statement about the discovery on Tuesday (April 28th). April 25, 2009" -

GRBlog: GCN 9283
"We observed the field of GRB 090429B (Swift trigger 350854; Ukwatta et al., GCN 9281) simultaneously in g'r'i'z'JHK with GROND (Greiner et al. 2008, PASP 120, 405) mounted at the 2.2 m ESO/MPI telescope at La Silla Observatory (Chile).
Observations started at 05:43 UT, ~13 minutes after the GRB trigger and continued until the source reached the 20 deg horizon limit. "

ESO - ESO 17/09 - The Most Distant Object Yet Discovered in the Universe
"The Most Distant Object Yet Discovered in the Universe
ESO's Very Large Telescope has shown that a faint gamma-ray burst detected last Thursday is the signature of the explosion of the earliest, most distant known object in the Universe (a redshift of 8.2). The explosion apparently took place more than 13 billion years ago, only about 600 million years after the Big Bang."

Gemini Observatory Releases Image of Most Distant Known Object in Universe | Gemini Observatory
"The burst as measured by Gemini and subsequent observations is at a redshift of z = 8.2, such a great distance that its light has been traveling for over 13 of the estimated 13.7 billion year age of the universe. "

Portal to the Universe
International Astronomical Union | IAU
Portal to the Universe Now Open | Universe Today
"Portal to the Universe, it is the latest Cornerstone project of the International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009). "

全天X線監視装置(MAXI):X線で宇宙を「透視」すると (読売新聞)
ASTRO-H 次期X線国際天文衛星

Steve Squyres: Mars Exploration Rover Mission (2005)

検索YouTube - Steve Squyres

Mars Rovers Are “Good Old Girls” | Universe Today

April 29, Wednesday 日本時間18:00
7 - 7:20 a.m. - ISS Expedition 19 JAXA Educational Event with Okinawa, Japan (will be in native language and replayed with interpretation in the ISS Commentary hour at 11 a.m. ET) - JSC

Herschel and Planck Set to Launch on May 14 | Universe Today
100 Hours of Astronomy is now over but all observatory video clips from "80 Telescopes Around the World" are available here.
See our web site for more information about all of the 100 Hours of Astronomy events:
"100 Hours of Astronomy" was a global four-day astronomical event that gave people around the world the chance to discover the universe for themselves.
It ran from 2 April to 5 April and was part of the "International Year of Astronomy 2009".
There were free public activities happening all around the world (see our website), as well as right here on Ustream!On April 2 we streamed the ope more...

Firefox 3.5 β4」公開 |マイコミジャーナル
レンダリングエンジンGecko 1.9.1b4
JavaScriptの処理をバックグラウンドで行う「Web Worker Threads」
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) のネイティブサポート


Swine Flu Update
Swine Flu Spreads Around the Globe
Swine Flu Virus Spreads But WHO Cautions Against Border Closures

Swine Flu Yet Another Threat To Wobbly Global Economy - Radio Free Europe
"Swine flu appears to be spreading, with new cases reported in a growing number of countries.
It's causing a different type of contagion, too -- in the financial markets. The outbreak comes at a perilous time for a global economy already battered by the financial crisis."

Swine flu spreads to Middle East, Asia-Pacific:The Associated Press

The Science and Politics of Fear:Dan Gardner, the author of a book called "Risk" .
"Swine flu: has the world over-reacted?- BBC World Service
The dangers of a worldwide pandemic of swine flu has been recognised formally by the World Health Organisation, which has raised its formal pandemic threat level from 3 to 4."

豚インフル感染確認の死者は7人 -朝日新聞社
またコルドバ保健相は27日の記者会見で、南部ベラクルス州ペローテ市で今月2日に発症が確認された男児から豚インフルエンザウイルスが検出されたことを明らかにした。メキシコ政府はこれまで、4月13日に南部オアハカ州で出た死者を「最初の犠牲者」としていたが、実際にはそれより10日以上早く、感染が始まっていた。 "
メキシコの死者159人に 疑い例は2500人 - 47NEWS

やじうまAV Watch:浜崎あゆみのUSBアルバム「NEXT LEVEL」の中身って? −発売から1カ月経ったけど、購入してみた 定価6,800円。
USBメモリをパソコンに装着してみると、ボリュームラベルが「NEXT LEVEL」と、「REMOVABLE」の2つのドライブがマウントされる。もちろん、「NEXT LEVEL」の方にアルバムが入っており、473MB。
「NEXT LEVEL」のルートには、「BOOKLET」、「VIDEO」、「MUSIC」の3つのフォルダがある。「BOOKLET」には、ブックレットをPDF化した「NEXT LEVEL.pdf」(5.98MB/11ページ)画像の解像度はXGA程度。

JW Image Rotator | LongTail Video | Home of the JW Player

Embedding Flash | LongTail Video |

April 29,10 a.m. -
House Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies Hearing on NASA’s FY 2010 Budget

GRB 090423: probably the birth of a black hole

New Gamma-Ray Burst Smashes Cosmic Distance Record
"The burst occurred at 3:55 a.m. EDT on April 23rd. Swift quickly pinpointed the explosion, allowing telescopes on Earth to target the burst before its afterglow faded away. Astronomers working in Chile and the Canary Islands independently measured the explosion's redshift. It was 8.2, smashing the previous record of 6.7 set by an explosion in September 2008. A redshift of 8.2 corresponds to a distance of 13.035 billion light years.
"We're seeing the demise of a star -- and probably the birth of a black hole -- in one of the universe's earliest stellar generations," says Derek Fox at Pennsylvania State University."

New Gamma-Ray Burst Smashes Cosmic Distance Record
NASA - New Gamma-Ray Burst Smashes Cosmic Distance Record

A faint gamma-ray burst (GRB) captured last Thursday by NASA’s Swift satellite has smashed the record for the earliest, most-distant known object in the universe.
"The GRB's measured redshift of about 8.2 beats the previous GRB record holder, a burst seen last year with a redshift of 6.7. T
he most distant galaxy with a well-measured redshift is at 6.96.
NASA says it will issue a statement about the discovery on Tuesday (April 28th). April 25, 2009" -

GRBlog: GCN 9283
"We observed the field of GRB 090429B (Swift trigger 350854; Ukwatta et al., GCN 9281) simultaneously in g'r'i'z'JHK with GROND (Greiner et al. 2008, PASP 120, 405) mounted at the 2.2 m ESO/MPI telescope at La Silla Observatory (Chile).
Observations started at 05:43 UT, ~13 minutes after the GRB trigger and continued until the source reached the 20 deg horizon limit. "

ESO - ESO 17/09 - The Most Distant Object Yet Discovered in the Universe
"The Most Distant Object Yet Discovered in the Universe
ESO's Very Large Telescope has shown that a faint gamma-ray burst detected last Thursday is the signature of the explosion of the earliest, most distant known object in the Universe (a redshift of 8.2). The explosion apparently took place more than 13 billion years ago, only about 600 million years after the Big Bang."

Gemini Observatory Releases Image of Most Distant Known Object in Universe | Gemini Observatory
"The burst as measured by Gemini and subsequent observations is at a redshift of z = 8.2, such a great distance that its light has been traveling for over 13 of the estimated 13.7 billion year age of the universe. "

Portal to the Universe
International Astronomical Union | IAU
Portal to the Universe Now Open | Universe Today
"Portal to the Universe, it is the latest Cornerstone project of the International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009). "

全天X線監視装置(MAXI):X線で宇宙を「透視」すると (読売新聞)
ASTRO-H 次期X線国際天文衛星

Steve Squyres: Mars Exploration Rover Mission (2005)

検索YouTube - Steve Squyres

Mars Rovers Are “Good Old Girls” | Universe Today

April 29, Wednesday 日本時間18:00
7 - 7:20 a.m. - ISS Expedition 19 JAXA Educational Event with Okinawa, Japan (will be in native language and replayed with interpretation in the ISS Commentary hour at 11 a.m. ET) - JSC

Herschel and Planck Set to Launch on May 14 | Universe Today
100 Hours of Astronomy is now over but all observatory video clips from "80 Telescopes Around the World" are available here.
See our web site for more information about all of the 100 Hours of Astronomy events:
"100 Hours of Astronomy" was a global four-day astronomical event that gave people around the world the chance to discover the universe for themselves.
It ran from 2 April to 5 April and was part of the "International Year of Astronomy 2009".
There were free public activities happening all around the world (see our website), as well as right here on Ustream!On April 2 we streamed the ope more...

Firefox 3.5 β4」公開 |マイコミジャーナル
レンダリングエンジンGecko 1.9.1b4
JavaScriptの処理をバックグラウンドで行う「Web Worker Threads」
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) のネイティブサポート


Swine Flu Update
Swine Flu Spreads Around the Globe
Swine Flu Virus Spreads But WHO Cautions Against Border Closures

Swine Flu Yet Another Threat To Wobbly Global Economy - Radio Free Europe
"Swine flu appears to be spreading, with new cases reported in a growing number of countries.
It's causing a different type of contagion, too -- in the financial markets. The outbreak comes at a perilous time for a global economy already battered by the financial crisis."

Swine flu spreads to Middle East, Asia-Pacific:The Associated Press

The Science and Politics of Fear:Dan Gardner, the author of a book called "Risk" .
"Swine flu: has the world over-reacted?- BBC World Service
The dangers of a worldwide pandemic of swine flu has been recognised formally by the World Health Organisation, which has raised its formal pandemic threat level from 3 to 4."

豚インフル感染確認の死者は7人 -朝日新聞社
またコルドバ保健相は27日の記者会見で、南部ベラクルス州ペローテ市で今月2日に発症が確認された男児から豚インフルエンザウイルスが検出されたことを明らかにした。メキシコ政府はこれまで、4月13日に南部オアハカ州で出た死者を「最初の犠牲者」としていたが、実際にはそれより10日以上早く、感染が始まっていた。 "
メキシコの死者159人に 疑い例は2500人 - 47NEWS

やじうまAV Watch:浜崎あゆみのUSBアルバム「NEXT LEVEL」の中身って? −発売から1カ月経ったけど、購入してみた 定価6,800円。
USBメモリをパソコンに装着してみると、ボリュームラベルが「NEXT LEVEL」と、「REMOVABLE」の2つのドライブがマウントされる。もちろん、「NEXT LEVEL」の方にアルバムが入っており、473MB。
「NEXT LEVEL」のルートには、「BOOKLET」、「VIDEO」、「MUSIC」の3つのフォルダがある。「BOOKLET」には、ブックレットをPDF化した「NEXT LEVEL.pdf」(5.98MB/11ページ)画像の解像度はXGA程度。

JW Image Rotator | LongTail Video | Home of the JW Player

Embedding Flash | LongTail Video |

April 29,10 a.m. -
House Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies Hearing on NASA’s FY 2010 Budget

GRB 090423: probably the birth of a black hole

New Gamma-Ray Burst Smashes Cosmic Distance Record
"The burst occurred at 3:55 a.m. EDT on April 23rd. Swift quickly pinpointed the explosion, allowing telescopes on Earth to target the burst before its afterglow faded away. Astronomers working in Chile and the Canary Islands independently measured the explosion's redshift. It was 8.2, smashing the previous record of 6.7 set by an explosion in September 2008. A redshift of 8.2 corresponds to a distance of 13.035 billion light years.
"We're seeing the demise of a star -- and probably the birth of a black hole -- in one of the universe's earliest stellar generations," says Derek Fox at Pennsylvania State University."

New Gamma-Ray Burst Smashes Cosmic Distance Record
NASA - New Gamma-Ray Burst Smashes Cosmic Distance Record

A faint gamma-ray burst (GRB) captured last Thursday by NASA’s Swift satellite has smashed the record for the earliest, most-distant known object in the universe.
"The GRB's measured redshift of about 8.2 beats the previous GRB record holder, a burst seen last year with a redshift of 6.7. T
he most distant galaxy with a well-measured redshift is at 6.96.
NASA says it will issue a statement about the discovery on Tuesday (April 28th). April 25, 2009" -

GRBlog: GCN 9283
"We observed the field of GRB 090429B (Swift trigger 350854; Ukwatta et al., GCN 9281) simultaneously in g'r'i'z'JHK with GROND (Greiner et al. 2008, PASP 120, 405) mounted at the 2.2 m ESO/MPI telescope at La Silla Observatory (Chile).
Observations started at 05:43 UT, ~13 minutes after the GRB trigger and continued until the source reached the 20 deg horizon limit. "

ESO - ESO 17/09 - The Most Distant Object Yet Discovered in the Universe
"The Most Distant Object Yet Discovered in the Universe
ESO's Very Large Telescope has shown that a faint gamma-ray burst detected last Thursday is the signature of the explosion of the earliest, most distant known object in the Universe (a redshift of 8.2). The explosion apparently took place more than 13 billion years ago, only about 600 million years after the Big Bang."

Gemini Observatory Releases Image of Most Distant Known Object in Universe | Gemini Observatory
"The burst as measured by Gemini and subsequent observations is at a redshift of z = 8.2, such a great distance that its light has been traveling for over 13 of the estimated 13.7 billion year age of the universe. "

Portal to the Universe
International Astronomical Union | IAU
Portal to the Universe Now Open | Universe Today
"Portal to the Universe, it is the latest Cornerstone project of the International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009). "

全天X線監視装置(MAXI):X線で宇宙を「透視」すると (読売新聞)
ASTRO-H 次期X線国際天文衛星

Steve Squyres: Mars Exploration Rover Mission (2005)

検索YouTube - Steve Squyres

Mars Rovers Are “Good Old Girls” | Universe Today

April 29, Wednesday 日本時間18:00
7 - 7:20 a.m. - ISS Expedition 19 JAXA Educational Event with Okinawa, Japan (will be in native language and replayed with interpretation in the ISS Commentary hour at 11 a.m. ET) - JSC

Herschel and Planck Set to Launch on May 14 | Universe Today
100 Hours of Astronomy is now over but all observatory video clips from "80 Telescopes Around the World" are available here.
See our web site for more information about all of the 100 Hours of Astronomy events:
"100 Hours of Astronomy" was a global four-day astronomical event that gave people around the world the chance to discover the universe for themselves.
It ran from 2 April to 5 April and was part of the "International Year of Astronomy 2009".
There were free public activities happening all around the world (see our website), as well as right here on Ustream!On April 2 we streamed the ope more...

Firefox 3.5 β4」公開 |マイコミジャーナル
レンダリングエンジンGecko 1.9.1b4
JavaScriptの処理をバックグラウンドで行う「Web Worker Threads」
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) のネイティブサポート


Swine Flu Update
Swine Flu Spreads Around the Globe
Swine Flu Virus Spreads But WHO Cautions Against Border Closures

Swine Flu Yet Another Threat To Wobbly Global Economy - Radio Free Europe
"Swine flu appears to be spreading, with new cases reported in a growing number of countries.
It's causing a different type of contagion, too -- in the financial markets. The outbreak comes at a perilous time for a global economy already battered by the financial crisis."

Swine flu spreads to Middle East, Asia-Pacific:The Associated Press

The Science and Politics of Fear:Dan Gardner, the author of a book called "Risk" .
"Swine flu: has the world over-reacted?- BBC World Service
The dangers of a worldwide pandemic of swine flu has been recognised formally by the World Health Organisation, which has raised its formal pandemic threat level from 3 to 4."

豚インフル感染確認の死者は7人 -朝日新聞社
またコルドバ保健相は27日の記者会見で、南部ベラクルス州ペローテ市で今月2日に発症が確認された男児から豚インフルエンザウイルスが検出されたことを明らかにした。メキシコ政府はこれまで、4月13日に南部オアハカ州で出た死者を「最初の犠牲者」としていたが、実際にはそれより10日以上早く、感染が始まっていた。 "
メキシコの死者159人に 疑い例は2500人 - 47NEWS

やじうまAV Watch:浜崎あゆみのUSBアルバム「NEXT LEVEL」の中身って? −発売から1カ月経ったけど、購入してみた 定価6,800円。
USBメモリをパソコンに装着してみると、ボリュームラベルが「NEXT LEVEL」と、「REMOVABLE」の2つのドライブがマウントされる。もちろん、「NEXT LEVEL」の方にアルバムが入っており、473MB。
「NEXT LEVEL」のルートには、「BOOKLET」、「VIDEO」、「MUSIC」の3つのフォルダがある。「BOOKLET」には、ブックレットをPDF化した「NEXT LEVEL.pdf」(5.98MB/11ページ)画像の解像度はXGA程度。

JW Image Rotator | LongTail Video | Home of the JW Player

Embedding Flash | LongTail Video |

April 29,10 a.m. -
House Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies Hearing on NASA’s FY 2010 Budget

GRB 090423: probably the birth of a black hole

New Gamma-Ray Burst Smashes Cosmic Distance Record
"The burst occurred at 3:55 a.m. EDT on April 23rd. Swift quickly pinpointed the explosion, allowing telescopes on Earth to target the burst before its afterglow faded away. Astronomers working in Chile and the Canary Islands independently measured the explosion's redshift. It was 8.2, smashing the previous record of 6.7 set by an explosion in September 2008. A redshift of 8.2 corresponds to a distance of 13.035 billion light years.
"We're seeing the demise of a star -- and probably the birth of a black hole -- in one of the universe's earliest stellar generations," says Derek Fox at Pennsylvania State University."

New Gamma-Ray Burst Smashes Cosmic Distance Record
NASA - New Gamma-Ray Burst Smashes Cosmic Distance Record

A faint gamma-ray burst (GRB) captured last Thursday by NASA’s Swift satellite has smashed the record for the earliest, most-distant known object in the universe.
"The GRB's measured redshift of about 8.2 beats the previous GRB record holder, a burst seen last year with a redshift of 6.7. T
he most distant galaxy with a well-measured redshift is at 6.96.
NASA says it will issue a statement about the discovery on Tuesday (April 28th). April 25, 2009" -

GRBlog: GCN 9283
"We observed the field of GRB 090429B (Swift trigger 350854; Ukwatta et al., GCN 9281) simultaneously in g'r'i'z'JHK with GROND (Greiner et al. 2008, PASP 120, 405) mounted at the 2.2 m ESO/MPI telescope at La Silla Observatory (Chile).
Observations started at 05:43 UT, ~13 minutes after the GRB trigger and continued until the source reached the 20 deg horizon limit. "

ESO - ESO 17/09 - The Most Distant Object Yet Discovered in the Universe
"The Most Distant Object Yet Discovered in the Universe
ESO's Very Large Telescope has shown that a faint gamma-ray burst detected last Thursday is the signature of the explosion of the earliest, most distant known object in the Universe (a redshift of 8.2). The explosion apparently took place more than 13 billion years ago, only about 600 million years after the Big Bang."

Gemini Observatory Releases Image of Most Distant Known Object in Universe | Gemini Observatory
"The burst as measured by Gemini and subsequent observations is at a redshift of z = 8.2, such a great distance that its light has been traveling for over 13 of the estimated 13.7 billion year age of the universe. "

Portal to the Universe
International Astronomical Union | IAU
Portal to the Universe Now Open | Universe Today
"Portal to the Universe, it is the latest Cornerstone project of the International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009). "

全天X線監視装置(MAXI):X線で宇宙を「透視」すると (読売新聞)
ASTRO-H 次期X線国際天文衛星

Steve Squyres: Mars Exploration Rover Mission (2005)

検索YouTube - Steve Squyres

Mars Rovers Are “Good Old Girls” | Universe Today

April 29, Wednesday 日本時間18:00
7 - 7:20 a.m. - ISS Expedition 19 JAXA Educational Event with Okinawa, Japan (will be in native language and replayed with interpretation in the ISS Commentary hour at 11 a.m. ET) - JSC

Herschel and Planck Set to Launch on May 14 | Universe Today
100 Hours of Astronomy is now over but all observatory video clips from "80 Telescopes Around the World" are available here.
See our web site for more information about all of the 100 Hours of Astronomy events:
"100 Hours of Astronomy" was a global four-day astronomical event that gave people around the world the chance to discover the universe for themselves.
It ran from 2 April to 5 April and was part of the "International Year of Astronomy 2009".
There were free public activities happening all around the world (see our website), as well as right here on Ustream!On April 2 we streamed the ope more...

Firefox 3.5 β4」公開 |マイコミジャーナル
レンダリングエンジンGecko 1.9.1b4
JavaScriptの処理をバックグラウンドで行う「Web Worker Threads」
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) のネイティブサポート


Swine Flu Update
Swine Flu Spreads Around the Globe
Swine Flu Virus Spreads But WHO Cautions Against Border Closures

Swine Flu Yet Another Threat To Wobbly Global Economy - Radio Free Europe
"Swine flu appears to be spreading, with new cases reported in a growing number of countries.
It's causing a different type of contagion, too -- in the financial markets. The outbreak comes at a perilous time for a global economy already battered by the financial crisis."

Swine flu spreads to Middle East, Asia-Pacific:The Associated Press

The Science and Politics of Fear:Dan Gardner, the author of a book called "Risk" .
"Swine flu: has the world over-reacted?- BBC World Service
The dangers of a worldwide pandemic of swine flu has been recognised formally by the World Health Organisation, which has raised its formal pandemic threat level from 3 to 4."

豚インフル感染確認の死者は7人 -朝日新聞社
またコルドバ保健相は27日の記者会見で、南部ベラクルス州ペローテ市で今月2日に発症が確認された男児から豚インフルエンザウイルスが検出されたことを明らかにした。メキシコ政府はこれまで、4月13日に南部オアハカ州で出た死者を「最初の犠牲者」としていたが、実際にはそれより10日以上早く、感染が始まっていた。 "
メキシコの死者159人に 疑い例は2500人 - 47NEWS

やじうまAV Watch:浜崎あゆみのUSBアルバム「NEXT LEVEL」の中身って? −発売から1カ月経ったけど、購入してみた 定価6,800円。
USBメモリをパソコンに装着してみると、ボリュームラベルが「NEXT LEVEL」と、「REMOVABLE」の2つのドライブがマウントされる。もちろん、「NEXT LEVEL」の方にアルバムが入っており、473MB。
「NEXT LEVEL」のルートには、「BOOKLET」、「VIDEO」、「MUSIC」の3つのフォルダがある。「BOOKLET」には、ブックレットをPDF化した「NEXT LEVEL.pdf」(5.98MB/11ページ)画像の解像度はXGA程度。

JW Image Rotator | LongTail Video | Home of the JW Player

Embedding Flash | LongTail Video |

April 29,10 a.m. -
House Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies Hearing on NASA’s FY 2010 Budget

GRB 090423: probably the birth of a black hole

New Gamma-Ray Burst Smashes Cosmic Distance Record
"The burst occurred at 3:55 a.m. EDT on April 23rd. Swift quickly pinpointed the explosion, allowing telescopes on Earth to target the burst before its afterglow faded away. Astronomers working in Chile and the Canary Islands independently measured the explosion's redshift. It was 8.2, smashing the previous record of 6.7 set by an explosion in September 2008. A redshift of 8.2 corresponds to a distance of 13.035 billion light years.
"We're seeing the demise of a star -- and probably the birth of a black hole -- in one of the universe's earliest stellar generations," says Derek Fox at Pennsylvania State University."

New Gamma-Ray Burst Smashes Cosmic Distance Record
NASA - New Gamma-Ray Burst Smashes Cosmic Distance Record

A faint gamma-ray burst (GRB) captured last Thursday by NASA’s Swift satellite has smashed the record for the earliest, most-distant known object in the universe.
"The GRB's measured redshift of about 8.2 beats the previous GRB record holder, a burst seen last year with a redshift of 6.7. T
he most distant galaxy with a well-measured redshift is at 6.96.
NASA says it will issue a statement about the discovery on Tuesday (April 28th). April 25, 2009" -

GRBlog: GCN 9283
"We observed the field of GRB 090429B (Swift trigger 350854; Ukwatta et al., GCN 9281) simultaneously in g'r'i'z'JHK with GROND (Greiner et al. 2008, PASP 120, 405) mounted at the 2.2 m ESO/MPI telescope at La Silla Observatory (Chile).
Observations started at 05:43 UT, ~13 minutes after the GRB trigger and continued until the source reached the 20 deg horizon limit. "

ESO - ESO 17/09 - The Most Distant Object Yet Discovered in the Universe
"The Most Distant Object Yet Discovered in the Universe
ESO's Very Large Telescope has shown that a faint gamma-ray burst detected last Thursday is the signature of the explosion of the earliest, most distant known object in the Universe (a redshift of 8.2). The explosion apparently took place more than 13 billion years ago, only about 600 million years after the Big Bang."

Gemini Observatory Releases Image of Most Distant Known Object in Universe | Gemini Observatory
"The burst as measured by Gemini and subsequent observations is at a redshift of z = 8.2, such a great distance that its light has been traveling for over 13 of the estimated 13.7 billion year age of the universe. "

Portal to the Universe
International Astronomical Union | IAU
Portal to the Universe Now Open | Universe Today
"Portal to the Universe, it is the latest Cornerstone project of the International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009). "

全天X線監視装置(MAXI):X線で宇宙を「透視」すると (読売新聞)
ASTRO-H 次期X線国際天文衛星

Steve Squyres: Mars Exploration Rover Mission (2005)

検索YouTube - Steve Squyres

Mars Rovers Are “Good Old Girls” | Universe Today

April 29, Wednesday 日本時間18:00
7 - 7:20 a.m. - ISS Expedition 19 JAXA Educational Event with Okinawa, Japan (will be in native language and replayed with interpretation in the ISS Commentary hour at 11 a.m. ET) - JSC

Herschel and Planck Set to Launch on May 14 | Universe Today
100 Hours of Astronomy is now over but all observatory video clips from "80 Telescopes Around the World" are available here.
See our web site for more information about all of the 100 Hours of Astronomy events:
"100 Hours of Astronomy" was a global four-day astronomical event that gave people around the world the chance to discover the universe for themselves.
It ran from 2 April to 5 April and was part of the "International Year of Astronomy 2009".
There were free public activities happening all around the world (see our website), as well as right here on Ustream!On April 2 we streamed the ope more...

Firefox 3.5 β4」公開 |マイコミジャーナル
レンダリングエンジンGecko 1.9.1b4
JavaScriptの処理をバックグラウンドで行う「Web Worker Threads」
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) のネイティブサポート


Swine Flu Update
Swine Flu Spreads Around the Globe
Swine Flu Virus Spreads But WHO Cautions Against Border Closures

Swine Flu Yet Another Threat To Wobbly Global Economy - Radio Free Europe
"Swine flu appears to be spreading, with new cases reported in a growing number of countries.
It's causing a different type of contagion, too -- in the financial markets. The outbreak comes at a perilous time for a global economy already battered by the financial crisis."

Swine flu spreads to Middle East, Asia-Pacific:The Associated Press

The Science and Politics of Fear:Dan Gardner, the author of a book called "Risk" .
"Swine flu: has the world over-reacted?- BBC World Service
The dangers of a worldwide pandemic of swine flu has been recognised formally by the World Health Organisation, which has raised its formal pandemic threat level from 3 to 4."

豚インフル感染確認の死者は7人 -朝日新聞社