Mars Mission Rescheduled for 2011

CGの火星集 あーぁ有人は待てど暮らせど(笑)

NASA Orbiter Finds Martian Rock Record With 10 Beats to the Bar

Next NASA Mars Mission Rescheduled for 2011

"NASA's Mars Science Laboratory will launch two years later than previously planned, in the fall of 2011.
A launch date of October 2009 no longer is feasible because of testing and hardware challenges that must be addressed to ensure mission success. The relative positions of Earth and Mars are favorable for flights to Mars only a few weeks every two years. The next launch opportunity after 2009 is in 2011. "

MSL Delay: 2 Years and $400 Million | NASA Watch
"The delay will cost $400 million - the money will come form other Mars missions and if that is not enough, from other space science missions. Total cost could be as much as $2.3 billion - up from an initial cost of $650 million (or $1.6 billion depending on what starting point you favor). "

ますます遅遅とした21世紀 金融危機でより縮小のコトワリ
December 4, Thursday
12 p.m. - NASA Mars Science Laboratory Update
お利口の科学者、お利口の記者、もちろん誰もそんなことは口にしない お利口な "暗黙の了承" そこらへんは 日本なんかより ずっと"和"なのだ
Griffinも・・・ソユーズに乗せてもらうのは私もイヤだ(爆) 言い訳ばかり 予算取ってくるのがキミの仕事ッ(^^ゞ オバマには都合がいいが^^ゞ
"Cheaper Than a Month in Iraq!"
The Rising Cost of Scientific Exploration Editor -
"you will find that the cost of these projects costs less than a month in Iraq!""

In November, the scientists and engineers united in a "caucus" to choose their favorite four sites (labeled in white). In Spring 2009, they can jointly make a recommendation to NASA for the final vote.
Mars Science Laboratory: Features
Mars Science Laboratory:
Mars Science Laboratory: The Mission
"The entry, descent and landing sequence will break down into four parts:
Guided Entry - The spacecraft will be controlled by small rockets during descent through the martian atmosphere, toward the surface.
Parachute Descent - Like Viking, Pathfinder and the Mars Exploration Rovers, the Mars Science Laboratory will be slowed by a large parachute.
Powered Descent - Again, rockets will control the spacecraft's descent until the rover separates from its final delivery system, the sky crane.
Sky Crane - Like a large crane on Earth, the sky crane system will lower the rover to a "soft landing"-wheels down - on the surface of Mars."

This Week@NASA: Nov 28

This Week@NASA: Nov 28
Phoenix Mars Mission -December 1, 2008
NASA Finishes Listening For Phoenix Mars Lander

Mars Science Laboratory

The Mars Science Laboratory is scheduled to launch in fall 2009
The finalists for the landing site of NASA’s next mission to Mars have been selected. Four locations for the Mars Science Laboratory that’ll set down on the Red Planet have been chosen by project leaders following input from international Mars experts and engineers. The sites are Eberswalde, where an ancient river deposited a delta in a possible lake; Holden, a crater containing alluvial fans, flood deposits, possible lake beds and clay-rich deposits; Mawrth, with exposed layers containing at least two types of clay; and Gale, with a mountain of stacked layers including clays and sulfates.
Mike Meyer: "This is the first time where we have wonderful spectroscopy at high enough resolution that we can match it with the terrain, so we can point to layers and say this is where we want the rover to go and make its measurements."
The rover’s landing site will be chosen next summer. The Mars Science Laboratory is scheduled to launch in fall 2009 on its mission to help determine whether Mars could ever have supported life.

Fifteen years ago, the first servicing mission to the Hubble Space Telescope launched from the Kennedy Space Center. Among other accomplishments, space shuttle Endeavour’s seven-member STS-61 crew commanded by Dick Covey delivered and installed what amounted to a new pair of glasses for Hubble. The Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement unit, COSTAR, overcame a manufacturing flaw in the telescope’s primary mirror, enabling HST to clearly capture hundreds of thousand of never-before seen images of the cosmos.

Hubble’s Hotties | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine

超新星残骸ティコの起源を解明 〜 ティコ・ブラーエが16世紀に観ていた超新星の謎を、今すばるが解読 〜
436年前の超新星現象:「光のこだま」分析で当時の爆発を観察 | WIRED
"Light echoes from Tycho Brahe's 1572 supernova" YouTube
Ancient Supernova Explosion Glimpsed Anew |


Beatnik SF Writer
"One particular excerpt of William Burroughs’s Naked Lunch utterly blew my mind, it was about junkies and hangings and weird sex, written in a hilariously in-your-face dead-pan tone, utterly contemptuous of any notion of bourgeois propriety. Burroughs was a banner to salute, an anthem to march to, a master to emulate.
Embry’s Evergreen Review stash was a treasure trove―I found poems by Allen Ginsberg, writings by Kerouac and, somehow the most heartening, story after story by beat unknowns. Men and women writing about their daily routines as if life itself were strange and ecstatic."
Rudy Rucker's Blog
Bruce Sterling's Beyond the Beyond
Beyond the Beyond - Wired Blogs
The Viridian Design Movement

【レビュー】『WALL・E/ウォーリー』 | マイコミジャーナル
WALL・Eは"Waste Allocation Load Lifter-Earth Class"、EVEは"Extra-terrestrial Vegetation Evaluator"の略
WALL-E - Wikipedia
WALL・E/ウォーリー』:アニメ映画史上に残る傑作 | WIRED VISION
ロードショー 12/5(金)から
WALL・E ウォーリー(字幕版)
12.5(金)〜 11:05/13:35/16:05/18:35/21:05〜23:00(終)
WALL・E ウォーリー(日本語吹替版)
12.5(金) 10:15/12:45/15:15/17:45〜19:40(終)
12.6(土)〜 10:15/12:45/15:15/17:45/20:15〜22:10(終)"

Long-Lived Mars Rovers !!

CGの火星集 あーぁ有人は待てど暮らせど(笑)

NASA Orbiter Finds Martian Rock Record With 10 Beats to the Bar

Next NASA Mars Mission Rescheduled for 2011

"NASA's Mars Science Laboratory will launch two years later than previously planned, in the fall of 2011.
A launch date of October 2009 no longer is feasible because of testing and hardware challenges that must be addressed to ensure mission success. The relative positions of Earth and Mars are favorable for flights to Mars only a few weeks every two years. The next launch opportunity after 2009 is in 2011. "

MSL Delay: 2 Years and $400 Million | NASA Watch
"The delay will cost $400 million - the money will come form other Mars missions and if that is not enough, from other space science missions. Total cost could be as much as $2.3 billion - up from an initial cost of $650 million (or $1.6 billion depending on what starting point you favor). "

ますます遅遅とした21世紀 金融危機でより縮小のコトワリ
December 4, Thursday
12 p.m. - NASA Mars Science Laboratory Update
お利口の科学者、お利口の記者、もちろん誰もそんなことは口にしない お利口な "暗黙の了承" そこらへんは 日本なんかより ずっと"和"なのだ
Griffinも・・・ソユーズに乗せてもらうのは私もイヤだ(爆) 言い訳ばかり 予算取ってくるのがキミの仕事ッ(^^ゞ オバマには都合がいいが^^ゞ
"Cheaper Than a Month in Iraq!"
The Rising Cost of Scientific Exploration Editor -
"you will find that the cost of these projects costs less than a month in Iraq!""

In November, the scientists and engineers united in a "caucus" to choose their favorite four sites (labeled in white). In Spring 2009, they can jointly make a recommendation to NASA for the final vote.
Mars Science Laboratory: Features
Mars Science Laboratory:
Mars Science Laboratory: The Mission
"The entry, descent and landing sequence will break down into four parts:
Guided Entry - The spacecraft will be controlled by small rockets during descent through the martian atmosphere, toward the surface.
Parachute Descent - Like Viking, Pathfinder and the Mars Exploration Rovers, the Mars Science Laboratory will be slowed by a large parachute.
Powered Descent - Again, rockets will control the spacecraft's descent until the rover separates from its final delivery system, the sky crane.
Sky Crane - Like a large crane on Earth, the sky crane system will lower the rover to a "soft landing"-wheels down - on the surface of Mars."

This Week@NASA: Nov 28

This Week@NASA: Nov 28
Phoenix Mars Mission -December 1, 2008
NASA Finishes Listening For Phoenix Mars Lander

Mars Science Laboratory

The Mars Science Laboratory is scheduled to launch in fall 2009
The finalists for the landing site of NASA’s next mission to Mars have been selected. Four locations for the Mars Science Laboratory that’ll set down on the Red Planet have been chosen by project leaders following input from international Mars experts and engineers. The sites are Eberswalde, where an ancient river deposited a delta in a possible lake; Holden, a crater containing alluvial fans, flood deposits, possible lake beds and clay-rich deposits; Mawrth, with exposed layers containing at least two types of clay; and Gale, with a mountain of stacked layers including clays and sulfates.
Mike Meyer: "This is the first time where we have wonderful spectroscopy at high enough resolution that we can match it with the terrain, so we can point to layers and say this is where we want the rover to go and make its measurements."
The rover’s landing site will be chosen next summer. The Mars Science Laboratory is scheduled to launch in fall 2009 on its mission to help determine whether Mars could ever have supported life.

Fifteen years ago, the first servicing mission to the Hubble Space Telescope launched from the Kennedy Space Center. Among other accomplishments, space shuttle Endeavour’s seven-member STS-61 crew commanded by Dick Covey delivered and installed what amounted to a new pair of glasses for Hubble. The Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement unit, COSTAR, overcame a manufacturing flaw in the telescope’s primary mirror, enabling HST to clearly capture hundreds of thousand of never-before seen images of the cosmos.

Hubble’s Hotties | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine

超新星残骸ティコの起源を解明 〜 ティコ・ブラーエが16世紀に観ていた超新星の謎を、今すばるが解読 〜
436年前の超新星現象:「光のこだま」分析で当時の爆発を観察 | WIRED
"Light echoes from Tycho Brahe's 1572 supernova" YouTube
Ancient Supernova Explosion Glimpsed Anew |


Beatnik SF Writer
"One particular excerpt of William Burroughs’s Naked Lunch utterly blew my mind, it was about junkies and hangings and weird sex, written in a hilariously in-your-face dead-pan tone, utterly contemptuous of any notion of bourgeois propriety. Burroughs was a banner to salute, an anthem to march to, a master to emulate.
Embry’s Evergreen Review stash was a treasure trove―I found poems by Allen Ginsberg, writings by Kerouac and, somehow the most heartening, story after story by beat unknowns. Men and women writing about their daily routines as if life itself were strange and ecstatic."
Rudy Rucker's Blog
Bruce Sterling's Beyond the Beyond
Beyond the Beyond - Wired Blogs
The Viridian Design Movement

【レビュー】『WALL・E/ウォーリー』 | マイコミジャーナル
WALL・Eは"Waste Allocation Load Lifter-Earth Class"、EVEは"Extra-terrestrial Vegetation Evaluator"の略
WALL-E - Wikipedia
WALL・E/ウォーリー』:アニメ映画史上に残る傑作 | WIRED VISION
ロードショー 12/5(金)から
WALL・E ウォーリー(字幕版)
12.5(金)〜 11:05/13:35/16:05/18:35/21:05〜23:00(終)
WALL・E ウォーリー(日本語吹替版)
12.5(金) 10:15/12:45/15:15/17:45〜19:40(終)
12.6(土)〜 10:15/12:45/15:15/17:45/20:15〜22:10(終)"

Long-Lived Mars Rovers !!

CGの火星集 あーぁ有人は待てど暮らせど(笑)

NASA Orbiter Finds Martian Rock Record With 10 Beats to the Bar

Next NASA Mars Mission Rescheduled for 2011

"NASA's Mars Science Laboratory will launch two years later than previously planned, in the fall of 2011.
A launch date of October 2009 no longer is feasible because of testing and hardware challenges that must be addressed to ensure mission success. The relative positions of Earth and Mars are favorable for flights to Mars only a few weeks every two years. The next launch opportunity after 2009 is in 2011. "

MSL Delay: 2 Years and $400 Million | NASA Watch
"The delay will cost $400 million - the money will come form other Mars missions and if that is not enough, from other space science missions. Total cost could be as much as $2.3 billion - up from an initial cost of $650 million (or $1.6 billion depending on what starting point you favor). "

ますます遅遅とした21世紀 金融危機でより縮小のコトワリ
December 4, Thursday
12 p.m. - NASA Mars Science Laboratory Update
お利口の科学者、お利口の記者、もちろん誰もそんなことは口にしない お利口な "暗黙の了承" そこらへんは 日本なんかより ずっと"和"なのだ
Griffinも・・・ソユーズに乗せてもらうのは私もイヤだ(爆) 言い訳ばかり 予算取ってくるのがキミの仕事ッ(^^ゞ オバマには都合がいいが^^ゞ
"Cheaper Than a Month in Iraq!"
The Rising Cost of Scientific Exploration Editor -
"you will find that the cost of these projects costs less than a month in Iraq!""

In November, the scientists and engineers united in a "caucus" to choose their favorite four sites (labeled in white). In Spring 2009, they can jointly make a recommendation to NASA for the final vote.
Mars Science Laboratory: Features
Mars Science Laboratory:
Mars Science Laboratory: The Mission
"The entry, descent and landing sequence will break down into four parts:
Guided Entry - The spacecraft will be controlled by small rockets during descent through the martian atmosphere, toward the surface.
Parachute Descent - Like Viking, Pathfinder and the Mars Exploration Rovers, the Mars Science Laboratory will be slowed by a large parachute.
Powered Descent - Again, rockets will control the spacecraft's descent until the rover separates from its final delivery system, the sky crane.
Sky Crane - Like a large crane on Earth, the sky crane system will lower the rover to a "soft landing"-wheels down - on the surface of Mars."

This Week@NASA: Nov 28

This Week@NASA: Nov 28
Phoenix Mars Mission -December 1, 2008
NASA Finishes Listening For Phoenix Mars Lander

Mars Science Laboratory

The Mars Science Laboratory is scheduled to launch in fall 2009
The finalists for the landing site of NASA’s next mission to Mars have been selected. Four locations for the Mars Science Laboratory that’ll set down on the Red Planet have been chosen by project leaders following input from international Mars experts and engineers. The sites are Eberswalde, where an ancient river deposited a delta in a possible lake; Holden, a crater containing alluvial fans, flood deposits, possible lake beds and clay-rich deposits; Mawrth, with exposed layers containing at least two types of clay; and Gale, with a mountain of stacked layers including clays and sulfates.
Mike Meyer: "This is the first time where we have wonderful spectroscopy at high enough resolution that we can match it with the terrain, so we can point to layers and say this is where we want the rover to go and make its measurements."
The rover’s landing site will be chosen next summer. The Mars Science Laboratory is scheduled to launch in fall 2009 on its mission to help determine whether Mars could ever have supported life.

Fifteen years ago, the first servicing mission to the Hubble Space Telescope launched from the Kennedy Space Center. Among other accomplishments, space shuttle Endeavour’s seven-member STS-61 crew commanded by Dick Covey delivered and installed what amounted to a new pair of glasses for Hubble. The Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement unit, COSTAR, overcame a manufacturing flaw in the telescope’s primary mirror, enabling HST to clearly capture hundreds of thousand of never-before seen images of the cosmos.

Hubble’s Hotties | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine

超新星残骸ティコの起源を解明 〜 ティコ・ブラーエが16世紀に観ていた超新星の謎を、今すばるが解読 〜
436年前の超新星現象:「光のこだま」分析で当時の爆発を観察 | WIRED
"Light echoes from Tycho Brahe's 1572 supernova" YouTube
Ancient Supernova Explosion Glimpsed Anew |


Beatnik SF Writer
"One particular excerpt of William Burroughs’s Naked Lunch utterly blew my mind, it was about junkies and hangings and weird sex, written in a hilariously in-your-face dead-pan tone, utterly contemptuous of any notion of bourgeois propriety. Burroughs was a banner to salute, an anthem to march to, a master to emulate.
Embry’s Evergreen Review stash was a treasure trove―I found poems by Allen Ginsberg, writings by Kerouac and, somehow the most heartening, story after story by beat unknowns. Men and women writing about their daily routines as if life itself were strange and ecstatic."
Rudy Rucker's Blog
Bruce Sterling's Beyond the Beyond
Beyond the Beyond - Wired Blogs
The Viridian Design Movement

【レビュー】『WALL・E/ウォーリー』 | マイコミジャーナル
WALL・Eは"Waste Allocation Load Lifter-Earth Class"、EVEは"Extra-terrestrial Vegetation Evaluator"の略
WALL-E - Wikipedia
WALL・E/ウォーリー』:アニメ映画史上に残る傑作 | WIRED VISION
ロードショー 12/5(金)から
WALL・E ウォーリー(字幕版)
12.5(金)〜 11:05/13:35/16:05/18:35/21:05〜23:00(終)
WALL・E ウォーリー(日本語吹替版)
12.5(金) 10:15/12:45/15:15/17:45〜19:40(終)
12.6(土)〜 10:15/12:45/15:15/17:45/20:15〜22:10(終)"

Long-Lived Mars Rovers !!

CGの火星集 あーぁ有人は待てど暮らせど(笑)

NASA Orbiter Finds Martian Rock Record With 10 Beats to the Bar

Next NASA Mars Mission Rescheduled for 2011

"NASA's Mars Science Laboratory will launch two years later than previously planned, in the fall of 2011.
A launch date of October 2009 no longer is feasible because of testing and hardware challenges that must be addressed to ensure mission success. The relative positions of Earth and Mars are favorable for flights to Mars only a few weeks every two years. The next launch opportunity after 2009 is in 2011. "

MSL Delay: 2 Years and $400 Million | NASA Watch
"The delay will cost $400 million - the money will come form other Mars missions and if that is not enough, from other space science missions. Total cost could be as much as $2.3 billion - up from an initial cost of $650 million (or $1.6 billion depending on what starting point you favor). "

ますます遅遅とした21世紀 金融危機でより縮小のコトワリ
December 4, Thursday
12 p.m. - NASA Mars Science Laboratory Update
お利口の科学者、お利口の記者、もちろん誰もそんなことは口にしない お利口な "暗黙の了承" そこらへんは 日本なんかより ずっと"和"なのだ
Griffinも・・・ソユーズに乗せてもらうのは私もイヤだ(爆) 言い訳ばかり 予算取ってくるのがキミの仕事ッ(^^ゞ オバマには都合がいいが^^ゞ
"Cheaper Than a Month in Iraq!"
The Rising Cost of Scientific Exploration Editor -
"you will find that the cost of these projects costs less than a month in Iraq!""

In November, the scientists and engineers united in a "caucus" to choose their favorite four sites (labeled in white). In Spring 2009, they can jointly make a recommendation to NASA for the final vote.
Mars Science Laboratory: Features
Mars Science Laboratory:
Mars Science Laboratory: The Mission
"The entry, descent and landing sequence will break down into four parts:
Guided Entry - The spacecraft will be controlled by small rockets during descent through the martian atmosphere, toward the surface.
Parachute Descent - Like Viking, Pathfinder and the Mars Exploration Rovers, the Mars Science Laboratory will be slowed by a large parachute.
Powered Descent - Again, rockets will control the spacecraft's descent until the rover separates from its final delivery system, the sky crane.
Sky Crane - Like a large crane on Earth, the sky crane system will lower the rover to a "soft landing"-wheels down - on the surface of Mars."

This Week@NASA: Nov 28

This Week@NASA: Nov 28
Phoenix Mars Mission -December 1, 2008
NASA Finishes Listening For Phoenix Mars Lander

Mars Science Laboratory

The Mars Science Laboratory is scheduled to launch in fall 2009
The finalists for the landing site of NASA’s next mission to Mars have been selected. Four locations for the Mars Science Laboratory that’ll set down on the Red Planet have been chosen by project leaders following input from international Mars experts and engineers. The sites are Eberswalde, where an ancient river deposited a delta in a possible lake; Holden, a crater containing alluvial fans, flood deposits, possible lake beds and clay-rich deposits; Mawrth, with exposed layers containing at least two types of clay; and Gale, with a mountain of stacked layers including clays and sulfates.
Mike Meyer: "This is the first time where we have wonderful spectroscopy at high enough resolution that we can match it with the terrain, so we can point to layers and say this is where we want the rover to go and make its measurements."
The rover’s landing site will be chosen next summer. The Mars Science Laboratory is scheduled to launch in fall 2009 on its mission to help determine whether Mars could ever have supported life.

Fifteen years ago, the first servicing mission to the Hubble Space Telescope launched from the Kennedy Space Center. Among other accomplishments, space shuttle Endeavour’s seven-member STS-61 crew commanded by Dick Covey delivered and installed what amounted to a new pair of glasses for Hubble. The Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement unit, COSTAR, overcame a manufacturing flaw in the telescope’s primary mirror, enabling HST to clearly capture hundreds of thousand of never-before seen images of the cosmos.

Hubble’s Hotties | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine

超新星残骸ティコの起源を解明 〜 ティコ・ブラーエが16世紀に観ていた超新星の謎を、今すばるが解読 〜
436年前の超新星現象:「光のこだま」分析で当時の爆発を観察 | WIRED
"Light echoes from Tycho Brahe's 1572 supernova" YouTube
Ancient Supernova Explosion Glimpsed Anew |


Beatnik SF Writer
"One particular excerpt of William Burroughs’s Naked Lunch utterly blew my mind, it was about junkies and hangings and weird sex, written in a hilariously in-your-face dead-pan tone, utterly contemptuous of any notion of bourgeois propriety. Burroughs was a banner to salute, an anthem to march to, a master to emulate.
Embry’s Evergreen Review stash was a treasure trove―I found poems by Allen Ginsberg, writings by Kerouac and, somehow the most heartening, story after story by beat unknowns. Men and women writing about their daily routines as if life itself were strange and ecstatic."
Rudy Rucker's Blog
Bruce Sterling's Beyond the Beyond
Beyond the Beyond - Wired Blogs
The Viridian Design Movement

【レビュー】『WALL・E/ウォーリー』 | マイコミジャーナル
WALL・Eは"Waste Allocation Load Lifter-Earth Class"、EVEは"Extra-terrestrial Vegetation Evaluator"の略
WALL-E - Wikipedia
WALL・E/ウォーリー』:アニメ映画史上に残る傑作 | WIRED VISION
ロードショー 12/5(金)から
WALL・E ウォーリー(字幕版)
12.5(金)〜 11:05/13:35/16:05/18:35/21:05〜23:00(終)
WALL・E ウォーリー(日本語吹替版)
12.5(金) 10:15/12:45/15:15/17:45〜19:40(終)
12.6(土)〜 10:15/12:45/15:15/17:45/20:15〜22:10(終)"

Long-Lived Mars Rovers !!

CGの火星集 あーぁ有人は待てど暮らせど(笑)

NASA Orbiter Finds Martian Rock Record With 10 Beats to the Bar

Next NASA Mars Mission Rescheduled for 2011

"NASA's Mars Science Laboratory will launch two years later than previously planned, in the fall of 2011.
A launch date of October 2009 no longer is feasible because of testing and hardware challenges that must be addressed to ensure mission success. The relative positions of Earth and Mars are favorable for flights to Mars only a few weeks every two years. The next launch opportunity after 2009 is in 2011. "

MSL Delay: 2 Years and $400 Million | NASA Watch
"The delay will cost $400 million - the money will come form other Mars missions and if that is not enough, from other space science missions. Total cost could be as much as $2.3 billion - up from an initial cost of $650 million (or $1.6 billion depending on what starting point you favor). "

ますます遅遅とした21世紀 金融危機でより縮小のコトワリ
December 4, Thursday
12 p.m. - NASA Mars Science Laboratory Update
お利口の科学者、お利口の記者、もちろん誰もそんなことは口にしない お利口な "暗黙の了承" そこらへんは 日本なんかより ずっと"和"なのだ
Griffinも・・・ソユーズに乗せてもらうのは私もイヤだ(爆) 言い訳ばかり 予算取ってくるのがキミの仕事ッ(^^ゞ オバマには都合がいいが^^ゞ
"Cheaper Than a Month in Iraq!"
The Rising Cost of Scientific Exploration Editor -
"you will find that the cost of these projects costs less than a month in Iraq!""

In November, the scientists and engineers united in a "caucus" to choose their favorite four sites (labeled in white). In Spring 2009, they can jointly make a recommendation to NASA for the final vote.
Mars Science Laboratory: Features
Mars Science Laboratory:
Mars Science Laboratory: The Mission
"The entry, descent and landing sequence will break down into four parts:
Guided Entry - The spacecraft will be controlled by small rockets during descent through the martian atmosphere, toward the surface.
Parachute Descent - Like Viking, Pathfinder and the Mars Exploration Rovers, the Mars Science Laboratory will be slowed by a large parachute.
Powered Descent - Again, rockets will control the spacecraft's descent until the rover separates from its final delivery system, the sky crane.
Sky Crane - Like a large crane on Earth, the sky crane system will lower the rover to a "soft landing"-wheels down - on the surface of Mars."

This Week@NASA: Nov 28

This Week@NASA: Nov 28
Phoenix Mars Mission -December 1, 2008
NASA Finishes Listening For Phoenix Mars Lander

Mars Science Laboratory

The Mars Science Laboratory is scheduled to launch in fall 2009
The finalists for the landing site of NASA’s next mission to Mars have been selected. Four locations for the Mars Science Laboratory that’ll set down on the Red Planet have been chosen by project leaders following input from international Mars experts and engineers. The sites are Eberswalde, where an ancient river deposited a delta in a possible lake; Holden, a crater containing alluvial fans, flood deposits, possible lake beds and clay-rich deposits; Mawrth, with exposed layers containing at least two types of clay; and Gale, with a mountain of stacked layers including clays and sulfates.
Mike Meyer: "This is the first time where we have wonderful spectroscopy at high enough resolution that we can match it with the terrain, so we can point to layers and say this is where we want the rover to go and make its measurements."
The rover’s landing site will be chosen next summer. The Mars Science Laboratory is scheduled to launch in fall 2009 on its mission to help determine whether Mars could ever have supported life.

Fifteen years ago, the first servicing mission to the Hubble Space Telescope launched from the Kennedy Space Center. Among other accomplishments, space shuttle Endeavour’s seven-member STS-61 crew commanded by Dick Covey delivered and installed what amounted to a new pair of glasses for Hubble. The Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement unit, COSTAR, overcame a manufacturing flaw in the telescope’s primary mirror, enabling HST to clearly capture hundreds of thousand of never-before seen images of the cosmos.

Hubble’s Hotties | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine

超新星残骸ティコの起源を解明 〜 ティコ・ブラーエが16世紀に観ていた超新星の謎を、今すばるが解読 〜
436年前の超新星現象:「光のこだま」分析で当時の爆発を観察 | WIRED
"Light echoes from Tycho Brahe's 1572 supernova" YouTube
Ancient Supernova Explosion Glimpsed Anew |


Beatnik SF Writer
"One particular excerpt of William Burroughs’s Naked Lunch utterly blew my mind, it was about junkies and hangings and weird sex, written in a hilariously in-your-face dead-pan tone, utterly contemptuous of any notion of bourgeois propriety. Burroughs was a banner to salute, an anthem to march to, a master to emulate.
Embry’s Evergreen Review stash was a treasure trove―I found poems by Allen Ginsberg, writings by Kerouac and, somehow the most heartening, story after story by beat unknowns. Men and women writing about their daily routines as if life itself were strange and ecstatic."
Rudy Rucker's Blog
Bruce Sterling's Beyond the Beyond
Beyond the Beyond - Wired Blogs
The Viridian Design Movement

【レビュー】『WALL・E/ウォーリー』 | マイコミジャーナル
WALL・Eは"Waste Allocation Load Lifter-Earth Class"、EVEは"Extra-terrestrial Vegetation Evaluator"の略
WALL-E - Wikipedia
WALL・E/ウォーリー』:アニメ映画史上に残る傑作 | WIRED VISION
ロードショー 12/5(金)から
WALL・E ウォーリー(字幕版)
12.5(金)〜 11:05/13:35/16:05/18:35/21:05〜23:00(終)
WALL・E ウォーリー(日本語吹替版)
12.5(金) 10:15/12:45/15:15/17:45〜19:40(終)
12.6(土)〜 10:15/12:45/15:15/17:45/20:15〜22:10(終)"

Long-Lived Mars Rovers !!

CGの火星集 あーぁ有人は待てど暮らせど(笑)

NASA Orbiter Finds Martian Rock Record With 10 Beats to the Bar

Next NASA Mars Mission Rescheduled for 2011

"NASA's Mars Science Laboratory will launch two years later than previously planned, in the fall of 2011.
A launch date of October 2009 no longer is feasible because of testing and hardware challenges that must be addressed to ensure mission success. The relative positions of Earth and Mars are favorable for flights to Mars only a few weeks every two years. The next launch opportunity after 2009 is in 2011. "

MSL Delay: 2 Years and $400 Million | NASA Watch
"The delay will cost $400 million - the money will come form other Mars missions and if that is not enough, from other space science missions. Total cost could be as much as $2.3 billion - up from an initial cost of $650 million (or $1.6 billion depending on what starting point you favor). "

ますます遅遅とした21世紀 金融危機でより縮小のコトワリ
December 4, Thursday
12 p.m. - NASA Mars Science Laboratory Update
お利口の科学者、お利口の記者、もちろん誰もそんなことは口にしない お利口な "暗黙の了承" そこらへんは 日本なんかより ずっと"和"なのだ
Griffinも・・・ソユーズに乗せてもらうのは私もイヤだ(爆) 言い訳ばかり 予算取ってくるのがキミの仕事ッ(^^ゞ オバマには都合がいいが^^ゞ
"Cheaper Than a Month in Iraq!"
The Rising Cost of Scientific Exploration Editor -
"you will find that the cost of these projects costs less than a month in Iraq!""

In November, the scientists and engineers united in a "caucus" to choose their favorite four sites (labeled in white). In Spring 2009, they can jointly make a recommendation to NASA for the final vote.
Mars Science Laboratory: Features
Mars Science Laboratory:
Mars Science Laboratory: The Mission
"The entry, descent and landing sequence will break down into four parts:
Guided Entry - The spacecraft will be controlled by small rockets during descent through the martian atmosphere, toward the surface.
Parachute Descent - Like Viking, Pathfinder and the Mars Exploration Rovers, the Mars Science Laboratory will be slowed by a large parachute.
Powered Descent - Again, rockets will control the spacecraft's descent until the rover separates from its final delivery system, the sky crane.
Sky Crane - Like a large crane on Earth, the sky crane system will lower the rover to a "soft landing"-wheels down - on the surface of Mars."

This Week@NASA: Nov 28

This Week@NASA: Nov 28
Phoenix Mars Mission -December 1, 2008
NASA Finishes Listening For Phoenix Mars Lander

Mars Science Laboratory

The Mars Science Laboratory is scheduled to launch in fall 2009
The finalists for the landing site of NASA’s next mission to Mars have been selected. Four locations for the Mars Science Laboratory that’ll set down on the Red Planet have been chosen by project leaders following input from international Mars experts and engineers. The sites are Eberswalde, where an ancient river deposited a delta in a possible lake; Holden, a crater containing alluvial fans, flood deposits, possible lake beds and clay-rich deposits; Mawrth, with exposed layers containing at least two types of clay; and Gale, with a mountain of stacked layers including clays and sulfates.
Mike Meyer: "This is the first time where we have wonderful spectroscopy at high enough resolution that we can match it with the terrain, so we can point to layers and say this is where we want the rover to go and make its measurements."
The rover’s landing site will be chosen next summer. The Mars Science Laboratory is scheduled to launch in fall 2009 on its mission to help determine whether Mars could ever have supported life.

Fifteen years ago, the first servicing mission to the Hubble Space Telescope launched from the Kennedy Space Center. Among other accomplishments, space shuttle Endeavour’s seven-member STS-61 crew commanded by Dick Covey delivered and installed what amounted to a new pair of glasses for Hubble. The Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement unit, COSTAR, overcame a manufacturing flaw in the telescope’s primary mirror, enabling HST to clearly capture hundreds of thousand of never-before seen images of the cosmos.

Hubble’s Hotties | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine

超新星残骸ティコの起源を解明 〜 ティコ・ブラーエが16世紀に観ていた超新星の謎を、今すばるが解読 〜
436年前の超新星現象:「光のこだま」分析で当時の爆発を観察 | WIRED
"Light echoes from Tycho Brahe's 1572 supernova" YouTube
Ancient Supernova Explosion Glimpsed Anew |


Beatnik SF Writer
"One particular excerpt of William Burroughs’s Naked Lunch utterly blew my mind, it was about junkies and hangings and weird sex, written in a hilariously in-your-face dead-pan tone, utterly contemptuous of any notion of bourgeois propriety. Burroughs was a banner to salute, an anthem to march to, a master to emulate.
Embry’s Evergreen Review stash was a treasure trove―I found poems by Allen Ginsberg, writings by Kerouac and, somehow the most heartening, story after story by beat unknowns. Men and women writing about their daily routines as if life itself were strange and ecstatic."
Rudy Rucker's Blog
Bruce Sterling's Beyond the Beyond
Beyond the Beyond - Wired Blogs
The Viridian Design Movement

【レビュー】『WALL・E/ウォーリー』 | マイコミジャーナル
WALL・Eは"Waste Allocation Load Lifter-Earth Class"、EVEは"Extra-terrestrial Vegetation Evaluator"の略
WALL-E - Wikipedia
WALL・E/ウォーリー』:アニメ映画史上に残る傑作 | WIRED VISION
ロードショー 12/5(金)から
WALL・E ウォーリー(字幕版)
12.5(金)〜 11:05/13:35/16:05/18:35/21:05〜23:00(終)
WALL・E ウォーリー(日本語吹替版)
12.5(金) 10:15/12:45/15:15/17:45〜19:40(終)
12.6(土)〜 10:15/12:45/15:15/17:45/20:15〜22:10(終)"

Long-Lived Mars Rovers !!

CGの火星集 あーぁ有人は待てど暮らせど(笑)

NASA Orbiter Finds Martian Rock Record With 10 Beats to the Bar

Next NASA Mars Mission Rescheduled for 2011

"NASA's Mars Science Laboratory will launch two years later than previously planned, in the fall of 2011.
A launch date of October 2009 no longer is feasible because of testing and hardware challenges that must be addressed to ensure mission success. The relative positions of Earth and Mars are favorable for flights to Mars only a few weeks every two years. The next launch opportunity after 2009 is in 2011. "

MSL Delay: 2 Years and $400 Million | NASA Watch
"The delay will cost $400 million - the money will come form other Mars missions and if that is not enough, from other space science missions. Total cost could be as much as $2.3 billion - up from an initial cost of $650 million (or $1.6 billion depending on what starting point you favor). "

ますます遅遅とした21世紀 金融危機でより縮小のコトワリ
December 4, Thursday
12 p.m. - NASA Mars Science Laboratory Update
お利口の科学者、お利口の記者、もちろん誰もそんなことは口にしない お利口な "暗黙の了承" そこらへんは 日本なんかより ずっと"和"なのだ
Griffinも・・・ソユーズに乗せてもらうのは私もイヤだ(爆) 言い訳ばかり 予算取ってくるのがキミの仕事ッ(^^ゞ オバマには都合がいいが^^ゞ
"Cheaper Than a Month in Iraq!"
The Rising Cost of Scientific Exploration Editor -
"you will find that the cost of these projects costs less than a month in Iraq!""

In November, the scientists and engineers united in a "caucus" to choose their favorite four sites (labeled in white). In Spring 2009, they can jointly make a recommendation to NASA for the final vote.
Mars Science Laboratory: Features
Mars Science Laboratory:
Mars Science Laboratory: The Mission
"The entry, descent and landing sequence will break down into four parts:
Guided Entry - The spacecraft will be controlled by small rockets during descent through the martian atmosphere, toward the surface.
Parachute Descent - Like Viking, Pathfinder and the Mars Exploration Rovers, the Mars Science Laboratory will be slowed by a large parachute.
Powered Descent - Again, rockets will control the spacecraft's descent until the rover separates from its final delivery system, the sky crane.
Sky Crane - Like a large crane on Earth, the sky crane system will lower the rover to a "soft landing"-wheels down - on the surface of Mars."

This Week@NASA: Nov 28

This Week@NASA: Nov 28
Phoenix Mars Mission -December 1, 2008
NASA Finishes Listening For Phoenix Mars Lander

Mars Science Laboratory

The Mars Science Laboratory is scheduled to launch in fall 2009
The finalists for the landing site of NASA’s next mission to Mars have been selected. Four locations for the Mars Science Laboratory that’ll set down on the Red Planet have been chosen by project leaders following input from international Mars experts and engineers. The sites are Eberswalde, where an ancient river deposited a delta in a possible lake; Holden, a crater containing alluvial fans, flood deposits, possible lake beds and clay-rich deposits; Mawrth, with exposed layers containing at least two types of clay; and Gale, with a mountain of stacked layers including clays and sulfates.
Mike Meyer: "This is the first time where we have wonderful spectroscopy at high enough resolution that we can match it with the terrain, so we can point to layers and say this is where we want the rover to go and make its measurements."
The rover’s landing site will be chosen next summer. The Mars Science Laboratory is scheduled to launch in fall 2009 on its mission to help determine whether Mars could ever have supported life.

Fifteen years ago, the first servicing mission to the Hubble Space Telescope launched from the Kennedy Space Center. Among other accomplishments, space shuttle Endeavour’s seven-member STS-61 crew commanded by Dick Covey delivered and installed what amounted to a new pair of glasses for Hubble. The Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement unit, COSTAR, overcame a manufacturing flaw in the telescope’s primary mirror, enabling HST to clearly capture hundreds of thousand of never-before seen images of the cosmos.

Hubble’s Hotties | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine

超新星残骸ティコの起源を解明 〜 ティコ・ブラーエが16世紀に観ていた超新星の謎を、今すばるが解読 〜
436年前の超新星現象:「光のこだま」分析で当時の爆発を観察 | WIRED
"Light echoes from Tycho Brahe's 1572 supernova" YouTube
Ancient Supernova Explosion Glimpsed Anew |


Beatnik SF Writer
"One particular excerpt of William Burroughs’s Naked Lunch utterly blew my mind, it was about junkies and hangings and weird sex, written in a hilariously in-your-face dead-pan tone, utterly contemptuous of any notion of bourgeois propriety. Burroughs was a banner to salute, an anthem to march to, a master to emulate.
Embry’s Evergreen Review stash was a treasure trove―I found poems by Allen Ginsberg, writings by Kerouac and, somehow the most heartening, story after story by beat unknowns. Men and women writing about their daily routines as if life itself were strange and ecstatic."
Rudy Rucker's Blog
Bruce Sterling's Beyond the Beyond
Beyond the Beyond - Wired Blogs
The Viridian Design Movement

【レビュー】『WALL・E/ウォーリー』 | マイコミジャーナル
WALL・Eは"Waste Allocation Load Lifter-Earth Class"、EVEは"Extra-terrestrial Vegetation Evaluator"の略
WALL-E - Wikipedia
WALL・E/ウォーリー』:アニメ映画史上に残る傑作 | WIRED VISION
ロードショー 12/5(金)から
WALL・E ウォーリー(字幕版)
12.5(金)〜 11:05/13:35/16:05/18:35/21:05〜23:00(終)
WALL・E ウォーリー(日本語吹替版)
12.5(金) 10:15/12:45/15:15/17:45〜19:40(終)
12.6(土)〜 10:15/12:45/15:15/17:45/20:15〜22:10(終)"

Long-Lived Mars Rovers !!

CGの火星集 あーぁ有人は待てど暮らせど(笑)

NASA Orbiter Finds Martian Rock Record With 10 Beats to the Bar

Next NASA Mars Mission Rescheduled for 2011

"NASA's Mars Science Laboratory will launch two years later than previously planned, in the fall of 2011.
A launch date of October 2009 no longer is feasible because of testing and hardware challenges that must be addressed to ensure mission success. The relative positions of Earth and Mars are favorable for flights to Mars only a few weeks every two years. The next launch opportunity after 2009 is in 2011. "

MSL Delay: 2 Years and $400 Million | NASA Watch
"The delay will cost $400 million - the money will come form other Mars missions and if that is not enough, from other space science missions. Total cost could be as much as $2.3 billion - up from an initial cost of $650 million (or $1.6 billion depending on what starting point you favor). "

ますます遅遅とした21世紀 金融危機でより縮小のコトワリ
December 4, Thursday
12 p.m. - NASA Mars Science Laboratory Update
お利口の科学者、お利口の記者、もちろん誰もそんなことは口にしない お利口な "暗黙の了承" そこらへんは 日本なんかより ずっと"和"なのだ
Griffinも・・・ソユーズに乗せてもらうのは私もイヤだ(爆) 言い訳ばかり 予算取ってくるのがキミの仕事ッ(^^ゞ オバマには都合がいいが^^ゞ
"Cheaper Than a Month in Iraq!"
The Rising Cost of Scientific Exploration Editor -
"you will find that the cost of these projects costs less than a month in Iraq!""

In November, the scientists and engineers united in a "caucus" to choose their favorite four sites (labeled in white). In Spring 2009, they can jointly make a recommendation to NASA for the final vote.
Mars Science Laboratory: Features
Mars Science Laboratory:
Mars Science Laboratory: The Mission
"The entry, descent and landing sequence will break down into four parts:
Guided Entry - The spacecraft will be controlled by small rockets during descent through the martian atmosphere, toward the surface.
Parachute Descent - Like Viking, Pathfinder and the Mars Exploration Rovers, the Mars Science Laboratory will be slowed by a large parachute.
Powered Descent - Again, rockets will control the spacecraft's descent until the rover separates from its final delivery system, the sky crane.
Sky Crane - Like a large crane on Earth, the sky crane system will lower the rover to a "soft landing"-wheels down - on the surface of Mars."

This Week@NASA: Nov 28

This Week@NASA: Nov 28
Phoenix Mars Mission -December 1, 2008
NASA Finishes Listening For Phoenix Mars Lander

Mars Science Laboratory

The Mars Science Laboratory is scheduled to launch in fall 2009
The finalists for the landing site of NASA’s next mission to Mars have been selected. Four locations for the Mars Science Laboratory that’ll set down on the Red Planet have been chosen by project leaders following input from international Mars experts and engineers. The sites are Eberswalde, where an ancient river deposited a delta in a possible lake; Holden, a crater containing alluvial fans, flood deposits, possible lake beds and clay-rich deposits; Mawrth, with exposed layers containing at least two types of clay; and Gale, with a mountain of stacked layers including clays and sulfates.
Mike Meyer: "This is the first time where we have wonderful spectroscopy at high enough resolution that we can match it with the terrain, so we can point to layers and say this is where we want the rover to go and make its measurements."
The rover’s landing site will be chosen next summer. The Mars Science Laboratory is scheduled to launch in fall 2009 on its mission to help determine whether Mars could ever have supported life.

Fifteen years ago, the first servicing mission to the Hubble Space Telescope launched from the Kennedy Space Center. Among other accomplishments, space shuttle Endeavour’s seven-member STS-61 crew commanded by Dick Covey delivered and installed what amounted to a new pair of glasses for Hubble. The Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement unit, COSTAR, overcame a manufacturing flaw in the telescope’s primary mirror, enabling HST to clearly capture hundreds of thousand of never-before seen images of the cosmos.

Hubble’s Hotties | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine

超新星残骸ティコの起源を解明 〜 ティコ・ブラーエが16世紀に観ていた超新星の謎を、今すばるが解読 〜
436年前の超新星現象:「光のこだま」分析で当時の爆発を観察 | WIRED
"Light echoes from Tycho Brahe's 1572 supernova" YouTube
Ancient Supernova Explosion Glimpsed Anew |


Beatnik SF Writer
"One particular excerpt of William Burroughs’s Naked Lunch utterly blew my mind, it was about junkies and hangings and weird sex, written in a hilariously in-your-face dead-pan tone, utterly contemptuous of any notion of bourgeois propriety. Burroughs was a banner to salute, an anthem to march to, a master to emulate.
Embry’s Evergreen Review stash was a treasure trove―I found poems by Allen Ginsberg, writings by Kerouac and, somehow the most heartening, story after story by beat unknowns. Men and women writing about their daily routines as if life itself were strange and ecstatic."
Rudy Rucker's Blog
Bruce Sterling's Beyond the Beyond
Beyond the Beyond - Wired Blogs
The Viridian Design Movement

【レビュー】『WALL・E/ウォーリー』 | マイコミジャーナル
WALL・Eは"Waste Allocation Load Lifter-Earth Class"、EVEは"Extra-terrestrial Vegetation Evaluator"の略
WALL-E - Wikipedia
WALL・E/ウォーリー』:アニメ映画史上に残る傑作 | WIRED VISION
ロードショー 12/5(金)から
WALL・E ウォーリー(字幕版)
12.5(金)〜 11:05/13:35/16:05/18:35/21:05〜23:00(終)
WALL・E ウォーリー(日本語吹替版)
12.5(金) 10:15/12:45/15:15/17:45〜19:40(終)
12.6(土)〜 10:15/12:45/15:15/17:45/20:15〜22:10(終)"

Long-Lived Mars Rovers !!

CGの火星集 あーぁ有人は待てど暮