Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing

Wall Street Meltdown

Markets tumble historic 700 pts. as bill is defeated -Washington Times
"Panic seized Wall Street this afternoon, with stocks, oil and other investments plummeting as the U.S. House of Representatives failed to pass a $700 billion bailout for the financial industry.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average nosedived as much as 705 points as House leaders held the vote open for several minutes in hopes of reversing the 228 to 205 vote against the compromise plan drafted by congressional leaders and the White House over the weekend. "

Cantor blames Pelosi for failure of bailout bill - News -
"Rep. Eric I. Cantor, R-7th, is blaming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for the failure of the $700 billion bailout bill.
Pelosi had struck "the tone of partisanship that frankly, was inappropriate in this discussion," Cantor said.
"This is not a partisan crisis," Cantor said. "This is an economic crisis facing everyone."
He noted that 94 Democrats voted against the measure, as well as 133 Republicans.
Cantor said it reflected "Speaker Pelosi's failure to listen [and] failure to lead.""

Stocks plummet as House votes 'No'
Dow falls as much as 705 points as the House rejects the $700 billion bank bailout plan. By Alexandra Twin, senior writer Does the bipartisan ...
A chronology of the US financial crisis
Economic Times, India
Struggling Wall Street investment bank Bear Stearns is sold at the fire-sale price of 236 million dollars to JP Morgan Chase, in a deal engineered by the
BREAKING: Wall Street Meltdown, Dow Tanks
(WXYZ) The Dow is plummeting on Wall Street as investors react to the US House rejecting a bailout package. Once it was clear the bill wasn't going to pass, ...
Dow Drops Hundreds Of Points
The Dow Jones dropped by as much as 700 points during a highly volatile day, as the House of Representatives failed the pass the Wall Street bailout plan ...

米国金融安定化法案否決:政財界でのさまざまな騒動 | WIRED
"なお、この法案に関しては、ホワイトハウスと議員リーダーが合意した案が、28日午後にインターネットに公開された。ホワイトハウスのサーバーは殺到するトラフィックをこなしきれなかったが、The Huffington PostやThe Open House Projectサイトが法案を掲載した。一般国民に議会の前の数時間しか検討の時間が与えられなかったことが「透明性」なのか、と批判する声もある。"
September 29, Monday
2 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ/JPL - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
4 p.m. - Replay of Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
8 p.m. - Replay of Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
10 p.m. - Replay of Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ (Public and Media Channels)

Phoenix Briefing on Monday, Sept. 29
NASA will hold a media briefing Monday, Sept. 29, at 2 p.m. EDT, to discuss the latest developments, findings and upcoming science opportunities of the Phoenix Mars Lander. The briefing will be carried live on NASA Television and on the Web. "

NASA - Phoenix
"NASA Mars Lander Sees Falling Snow, Soil Data Suggest Liquid Past
09.29.08. -- NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has detected snow falling from Martian clouds. Spacecraft soil experiments also have provided evidence of past interaction between minerals and liquid water, processes that occur on Earth.
Read more

Hubble 修理に行くのが 遅きに・・・
NASA delays repair mission to Hubble telescope
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) ― NASA said Monday it is delaying its mission to the Hubble Space Telescope until next year because of a serious breakdown of the observatory in orbit.
Space shuttle Atlantis had been scheduled to blast off in just two weeks, but a new and unexpected problem with the Hubble appeared on Saturday night when the telescope stopped sending science data.
Hubble glitch delays shuttle trip| BBC NEWS
"A shuttle mission to service the Hubble telescope will be delayed because a new malfunction has arisen on the orbiting observatory.

The glitch means Hubble cannot store and then route image data collected from its instruments to Earth. "

Hubble failure delays repair mission until 2009

"Further complicating the problem was the need to have the space shuttle Endeavour available as a backup in case Atlantis suffered irreparable damage during flight and the crew needs to rescued.
But Endeavour is scheduled to conduct its own mission on Nov. 16 to the International Space Station, and NASA is expected to keep that schedule in place. A subsequent mission to the space station is also likely to take precedence over the Hubble mission, pushing it back to February at the earliest."

「ちきゅう」の運用委託体制 <独立行政法人海洋研究開発機構

現在、Silverlight 2をサポートしているExpression Blendは、Blend 2.0 SP1として提供されています。そのため、Silverlight 2のサポートを含むSP1を適用するには、Blend 2.0をインストールする必要があります
Silverlight 2 RC(リリース候補版)が公開 − @IT

MapReduceJava実装Apache Hadoopを使ってみた @IT

YouTubeが新アップローダ公開、複数動画の一括処理に対応 | マイコミジャーナル

SRWare Iron - Der Browser der Zukunft
Google Chromeベースの新ブラウザIron登場 || マイコミジャーナル
"ドイツの企業であるSRWareがGoogle ChromeのベースとなっているオープンソースソフトウェアChromiumChromeよりも若干新しいWebKitを採用した新しいWebブラウザIronを発表した"

Adobeソフトに欠陥、映画の無料ダウンロードが可能に - ITmedia

アップル、SIMロック解除の「iPhone 3G」を香港で発売 : CNET Japan
"AppleSIMロックが解除された「iPhone 3G」を香港で発売した。消費者は好きな携帯電話会社を選んで契約できる。",3800078151,20381072,00.htm
Apple株が大幅安 金融危機と格下げで - ITmedia

Wall Street Meltdown

Markets tumble historic 700 pts. as bill is defeated -Washington Times
"Panic seized Wall Street this afternoon, with stocks, oil and other investments plummeting as the U.S. House of Representatives failed to pass a $700 billion bailout for the financial industry.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average nosedived as much as 705 points as House leaders held the vote open for several minutes in hopes of reversing the 228 to 205 vote against the compromise plan drafted by congressional leaders and the White House over the weekend. "

Cantor blames Pelosi for failure of bailout bill - News -
"Rep. Eric I. Cantor, R-7th, is blaming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for the failure of the $700 billion bailout bill.
Pelosi had struck "the tone of partisanship that frankly, was inappropriate in this discussion," Cantor said.
"This is not a partisan crisis," Cantor said. "This is an economic crisis facing everyone."
He noted that 94 Democrats voted against the measure, as well as 133 Republicans.
Cantor said it reflected "Speaker Pelosi's failure to listen [and] failure to lead.""

Stocks plummet as House votes 'No'
Dow falls as much as 705 points as the House rejects the $700 billion bank bailout plan. By Alexandra Twin, senior writer Does the bipartisan ...
A chronology of the US financial crisis
Economic Times, India
Struggling Wall Street investment bank Bear Stearns is sold at the fire-sale price of 236 million dollars to JP Morgan Chase, in a deal engineered by the
BREAKING: Wall Street Meltdown, Dow Tanks
(WXYZ) The Dow is plummeting on Wall Street as investors react to the US House rejecting a bailout package. Once it was clear the bill wasn't going to pass, ...
Dow Drops Hundreds Of Points
The Dow Jones dropped by as much as 700 points during a highly volatile day, as the House of Representatives failed the pass the Wall Street bailout plan ...

米国金融安定化法案否決:政財界でのさまざまな騒動 | WIRED
"なお、この法案に関しては、ホワイトハウスと議員リーダーが合意した案が、28日午後にインターネットに公開された。ホワイトハウスのサーバーは殺到するトラフィックをこなしきれなかったが、The Huffington PostやThe Open House Projectサイトが法案を掲載した。一般国民に議会の前の数時間しか検討の時間が与えられなかったことが「透明性」なのか、と批判する声もある。"
September 29, Monday
2 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ/JPL - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
4 p.m. - Replay of Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
8 p.m. - Replay of Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
10 p.m. - Replay of Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ (Public and Media Channels)

Phoenix Briefing on Monday, Sept. 29
NASA will hold a media briefing Monday, Sept. 29, at 2 p.m. EDT, to discuss the latest developments, findings and upcoming science opportunities of the Phoenix Mars Lander. The briefing will be carried live on NASA Television and on the Web. "

NASA - Phoenix
"NASA Mars Lander Sees Falling Snow, Soil Data Suggest Liquid Past
09.29.08. -- NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has detected snow falling from Martian clouds. Spacecraft soil experiments also have provided evidence of past interaction between minerals and liquid water, processes that occur on Earth.
Read more

Hubble 修理に行くのが 遅きに・・・
NASA delays repair mission to Hubble telescope
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) ― NASA said Monday it is delaying its mission to the Hubble Space Telescope until next year because of a serious breakdown of the observatory in orbit.
Space shuttle Atlantis had been scheduled to blast off in just two weeks, but a new and unexpected problem with the Hubble appeared on Saturday night when the telescope stopped sending science data.
Hubble glitch delays shuttle trip| BBC NEWS
"A shuttle mission to service the Hubble telescope will be delayed because a new malfunction has arisen on the orbiting observatory.

The glitch means Hubble cannot store and then route image data collected from its instruments to Earth. "

Hubble failure delays repair mission until 2009

"Further complicating the problem was the need to have the space shuttle Endeavour available as a backup in case Atlantis suffered irreparable damage during flight and the crew needs to rescued.
But Endeavour is scheduled to conduct its own mission on Nov. 16 to the International Space Station, and NASA is expected to keep that schedule in place. A subsequent mission to the space station is also likely to take precedence over the Hubble mission, pushing it back to February at the earliest."

「ちきゅう」の運用委託体制 <独立行政法人海洋研究開発機構

現在、Silverlight 2をサポートしているExpression Blendは、Blend 2.0 SP1として提供されています。そのため、Silverlight 2のサポートを含むSP1を適用するには、Blend 2.0をインストールする必要があります
Silverlight 2 RC(リリース候補版)が公開 − @IT

MapReduceJava実装Apache Hadoopを使ってみた @IT

YouTubeが新アップローダ公開、複数動画の一括処理に対応 | マイコミジャーナル

SRWare Iron - Der Browser der Zukunft
Google Chromeベースの新ブラウザIron登場 || マイコミジャーナル
"ドイツの企業であるSRWareがGoogle ChromeのベースとなっているオープンソースソフトウェアChromiumChromeよりも若干新しいWebKitを採用した新しいWebブラウザIronを発表した"

Adobeソフトに欠陥、映画の無料ダウンロードが可能に - ITmedia

アップル、SIMロック解除の「iPhone 3G」を香港で発売 : CNET Japan
"AppleSIMロックが解除された「iPhone 3G」を香港で発売した。消費者は好きな携帯電話会社を選んで契約できる。",3800078151,20381072,00.htm
Apple株が大幅安 金融危機と格下げで - ITmedia

Wall Street Meltdown

Markets tumble historic 700 pts. as bill is defeated -Washington Times
"Panic seized Wall Street this afternoon, with stocks, oil and other investments plummeting as the U.S. House of Representatives failed to pass a $700 billion bailout for the financial industry.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average nosedived as much as 705 points as House leaders held the vote open for several minutes in hopes of reversing the 228 to 205 vote against the compromise plan drafted by congressional leaders and the White House over the weekend. "

Cantor blames Pelosi for failure of bailout bill - News -
"Rep. Eric I. Cantor, R-7th, is blaming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for the failure of the $700 billion bailout bill.
Pelosi had struck "the tone of partisanship that frankly, was inappropriate in this discussion," Cantor said.
"This is not a partisan crisis," Cantor said. "This is an economic crisis facing everyone."
He noted that 94 Democrats voted against the measure, as well as 133 Republicans.
Cantor said it reflected "Speaker Pelosi's failure to listen [and] failure to lead.""

Stocks plummet as House votes 'No'
Dow falls as much as 705 points as the House rejects the $700 billion bank bailout plan. By Alexandra Twin, senior writer Does the bipartisan ...
A chronology of the US financial crisis
Economic Times, India
Struggling Wall Street investment bank Bear Stearns is sold at the fire-sale price of 236 million dollars to JP Morgan Chase, in a deal engineered by the
BREAKING: Wall Street Meltdown, Dow Tanks
(WXYZ) The Dow is plummeting on Wall Street as investors react to the US House rejecting a bailout package. Once it was clear the bill wasn't going to pass, ...
Dow Drops Hundreds Of Points
The Dow Jones dropped by as much as 700 points during a highly volatile day, as the House of Representatives failed the pass the Wall Street bailout plan ...

米国金融安定化法案否決:政財界でのさまざまな騒動 | WIRED
"なお、この法案に関しては、ホワイトハウスと議員リーダーが合意した案が、28日午後にインターネットに公開された。ホワイトハウスのサーバーは殺到するトラフィックをこなしきれなかったが、The Huffington PostやThe Open House Projectサイトが法案を掲載した。一般国民に議会の前の数時間しか検討の時間が与えられなかったことが「透明性」なのか、と批判する声もある。"
September 29, Monday
2 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ/JPL - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
4 p.m. - Replay of Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
8 p.m. - Replay of Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
10 p.m. - Replay of Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ (Public and Media Channels)

Phoenix Briefing on Monday, Sept. 29
NASA will hold a media briefing Monday, Sept. 29, at 2 p.m. EDT, to discuss the latest developments, findings and upcoming science opportunities of the Phoenix Mars Lander. The briefing will be carried live on NASA Television and on the Web. "

NASA - Phoenix
"NASA Mars Lander Sees Falling Snow, Soil Data Suggest Liquid Past
09.29.08. -- NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has detected snow falling from Martian clouds. Spacecraft soil experiments also have provided evidence of past interaction between minerals and liquid water, processes that occur on Earth.
Read more

Hubble 修理に行くのが 遅きに・・・
NASA delays repair mission to Hubble telescope
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) ― NASA said Monday it is delaying its mission to the Hubble Space Telescope until next year because of a serious breakdown of the observatory in orbit.
Space shuttle Atlantis had been scheduled to blast off in just two weeks, but a new and unexpected problem with the Hubble appeared on Saturday night when the telescope stopped sending science data.
Hubble glitch delays shuttle trip| BBC NEWS
"A shuttle mission to service the Hubble telescope will be delayed because a new malfunction has arisen on the orbiting observatory.

The glitch means Hubble cannot store and then route image data collected from its instruments to Earth. "

Hubble failure delays repair mission until 2009

"Further complicating the problem was the need to have the space shuttle Endeavour available as a backup in case Atlantis suffered irreparable damage during flight and the crew needs to rescued.
But Endeavour is scheduled to conduct its own mission on Nov. 16 to the International Space Station, and NASA is expected to keep that schedule in place. A subsequent mission to the space station is also likely to take precedence over the Hubble mission, pushing it back to February at the earliest."

「ちきゅう」の運用委託体制 <独立行政法人海洋研究開発機構

現在、Silverlight 2をサポートしているExpression Blendは、Blend 2.0 SP1として提供されています。そのため、Silverlight 2のサポートを含むSP1を適用するには、Blend 2.0をインストールする必要があります
Silverlight 2 RC(リリース候補版)が公開 − @IT

MapReduceJava実装Apache Hadoopを使ってみた @IT

YouTubeが新アップローダ公開、複数動画の一括処理に対応 | マイコミジャーナル

SRWare Iron - Der Browser der Zukunft
Google Chromeベースの新ブラウザIron登場 || マイコミジャーナル
"ドイツの企業であるSRWareがGoogle ChromeのベースとなっているオープンソースソフトウェアChromiumChromeよりも若干新しいWebKitを採用した新しいWebブラウザIronを発表した"

Adobeソフトに欠陥、映画の無料ダウンロードが可能に - ITmedia

アップル、SIMロック解除の「iPhone 3G」を香港で発売 : CNET Japan
"AppleSIMロックが解除された「iPhone 3G」を香港で発売した。消費者は好きな携帯電話会社を選んで契約できる。",3800078151,20381072,00.htm
Apple株が大幅安 金融危機と格下げで - ITmedia

Wall Street Meltdown

Markets tumble historic 700 pts. as bill is defeated -Washington Times
"Panic seized Wall Street this afternoon, with stocks, oil and other investments plummeting as the U.S. House of Representatives failed to pass a $700 billion bailout for the financial industry.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average nosedived as much as 705 points as House leaders held the vote open for several minutes in hopes of reversing the 228 to 205 vote against the compromise plan drafted by congressional leaders and the White House over the weekend. "

Cantor blames Pelosi for failure of bailout bill - News -
"Rep. Eric I. Cantor, R-7th, is blaming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for the failure of the $700 billion bailout bill.
Pelosi had struck "the tone of partisanship that frankly, was inappropriate in this discussion," Cantor said.
"This is not a partisan crisis," Cantor said. "This is an economic crisis facing everyone."
He noted that 94 Democrats voted against the measure, as well as 133 Republicans.
Cantor said it reflected "Speaker Pelosi's failure to listen [and] failure to lead.""

Stocks plummet as House votes 'No'
Dow falls as much as 705 points as the House rejects the $700 billion bank bailout plan. By Alexandra Twin, senior writer Does the bipartisan ...
A chronology of the US financial crisis
Economic Times, India
Struggling Wall Street investment bank Bear Stearns is sold at the fire-sale price of 236 million dollars to JP Morgan Chase, in a deal engineered by the
BREAKING: Wall Street Meltdown, Dow Tanks
(WXYZ) The Dow is plummeting on Wall Street as investors react to the US House rejecting a bailout package. Once it was clear the bill wasn't going to pass, ...
Dow Drops Hundreds Of Points
The Dow Jones dropped by as much as 700 points during a highly volatile day, as the House of Representatives failed the pass the Wall Street bailout plan ...

米国金融安定化法案否決:政財界でのさまざまな騒動 | WIRED
"なお、この法案に関しては、ホワイトハウスと議員リーダーが合意した案が、28日午後にインターネットに公開された。ホワイトハウスのサーバーは殺到するトラフィックをこなしきれなかったが、The Huffington PostやThe Open House Projectサイトが法案を掲載した。一般国民に議会の前の数時間しか検討の時間が与えられなかったことが「透明性」なのか、と批判する声もある。"
September 29, Monday
2 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ/JPL - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
4 p.m. - Replay of Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
8 p.m. - Replay of Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
10 p.m. - Replay of Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ (Public and Media Channels)

Phoenix Briefing on Monday, Sept. 29
NASA will hold a media briefing Monday, Sept. 29, at 2 p.m. EDT, to discuss the latest developments, findings and upcoming science opportunities of the Phoenix Mars Lander. The briefing will be carried live on NASA Television and on the Web. "

NASA - Phoenix
"NASA Mars Lander Sees Falling Snow, Soil Data Suggest Liquid Past
09.29.08. -- NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has detected snow falling from Martian clouds. Spacecraft soil experiments also have provided evidence of past interaction between minerals and liquid water, processes that occur on Earth.
Read more

Hubble 修理に行くのが 遅きに・・・
NASA delays repair mission to Hubble telescope
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) ― NASA said Monday it is delaying its mission to the Hubble Space Telescope until next year because of a serious breakdown of the observatory in orbit.
Space shuttle Atlantis had been scheduled to blast off in just two weeks, but a new and unexpected problem with the Hubble appeared on Saturday night when the telescope stopped sending science data.
Hubble glitch delays shuttle trip| BBC NEWS
"A shuttle mission to service the Hubble telescope will be delayed because a new malfunction has arisen on the orbiting observatory.

The glitch means Hubble cannot store and then route image data collected from its instruments to Earth. "

Hubble failure delays repair mission until 2009

"Further complicating the problem was the need to have the space shuttle Endeavour available as a backup in case Atlantis suffered irreparable damage during flight and the crew needs to rescued.
But Endeavour is scheduled to conduct its own mission on Nov. 16 to the International Space Station, and NASA is expected to keep that schedule in place. A subsequent mission to the space station is also likely to take precedence over the Hubble mission, pushing it back to February at the earliest."

「ちきゅう」の運用委託体制 <独立行政法人海洋研究開発機構

現在、Silverlight 2をサポートしているExpression Blendは、Blend 2.0 SP1として提供されています。そのため、Silverlight 2のサポートを含むSP1を適用するには、Blend 2.0をインストールする必要があります
Silverlight 2 RC(リリース候補版)が公開 − @IT

MapReduceJava実装Apache Hadoopを使ってみた @IT

YouTubeが新アップローダ公開、複数動画の一括処理に対応 | マイコミジャーナル

SRWare Iron - Der Browser der Zukunft
Google Chromeベースの新ブラウザIron登場 || マイコミジャーナル
"ドイツの企業であるSRWareがGoogle ChromeのベースとなっているオープンソースソフトウェアChromiumChromeよりも若干新しいWebKitを採用した新しいWebブラウザIronを発表した"

Adobeソフトに欠陥、映画の無料ダウンロードが可能に - ITmedia

アップル、SIMロック解除の「iPhone 3G」を香港で発売 : CNET Japan
"AppleSIMロックが解除された「iPhone 3G」を香港で発売した。消費者は好きな携帯電話会社を選んで契約できる。",3800078151,20381072,00.htm
Apple株が大幅安 金融危機と格下げで - ITmedia

Wall Street Meltdown

Markets tumble historic 700 pts. as bill is defeated -Washington Times
"Panic seized Wall Street this afternoon, with stocks, oil and other investments plummeting as the U.S. House of Representatives failed to pass a $700 billion bailout for the financial industry.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average nosedived as much as 705 points as House leaders held the vote open for several minutes in hopes of reversing the 228 to 205 vote against the compromise plan drafted by congressional leaders and the White House over the weekend. "

Cantor blames Pelosi for failure of bailout bill - News -
"Rep. Eric I. Cantor, R-7th, is blaming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for the failure of the $700 billion bailout bill.
Pelosi had struck "the tone of partisanship that frankly, was inappropriate in this discussion," Cantor said.
"This is not a partisan crisis," Cantor said. "This is an economic crisis facing everyone."
He noted that 94 Democrats voted against the measure, as well as 133 Republicans.
Cantor said it reflected "Speaker Pelosi's failure to listen [and] failure to lead.""

Stocks plummet as House votes 'No'
Dow falls as much as 705 points as the House rejects the $700 billion bank bailout plan. By Alexandra Twin, senior writer Does the bipartisan ...
A chronology of the US financial crisis
Economic Times, India
Struggling Wall Street investment bank Bear Stearns is sold at the fire-sale price of 236 million dollars to JP Morgan Chase, in a deal engineered by the
BREAKING: Wall Street Meltdown, Dow Tanks
(WXYZ) The Dow is plummeting on Wall Street as investors react to the US House rejecting a bailout package. Once it was clear the bill wasn't going to pass, ...
Dow Drops Hundreds Of Points
The Dow Jones dropped by as much as 700 points during a highly volatile day, as the House of Representatives failed the pass the Wall Street bailout plan ...

米国金融安定化法案否決:政財界でのさまざまな騒動 | WIRED
"なお、この法案に関しては、ホワイトハウスと議員リーダーが合意した案が、28日午後にインターネットに公開された。ホワイトハウスのサーバーは殺到するトラフィックをこなしきれなかったが、The Huffington PostやThe Open House Projectサイトが法案を掲載した。一般国民に議会の前の数時間しか検討の時間が与えられなかったことが「透明性」なのか、と批判する声もある。"
September 29, Monday
2 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ/JPL - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
4 p.m. - Replay of Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
8 p.m. - Replay of Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
10 p.m. - Replay of Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ (Public and Media Channels)

Phoenix Briefing on Monday, Sept. 29
NASA will hold a media briefing Monday, Sept. 29, at 2 p.m. EDT, to discuss the latest developments, findings and upcoming science opportunities of the Phoenix Mars Lander. The briefing will be carried live on NASA Television and on the Web. "

NASA - Phoenix
"NASA Mars Lander Sees Falling Snow, Soil Data Suggest Liquid Past
09.29.08. -- NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has detected snow falling from Martian clouds. Spacecraft soil experiments also have provided evidence of past interaction between minerals and liquid water, processes that occur on Earth.
Read more

Hubble 修理に行くのが 遅きに・・・
NASA delays repair mission to Hubble telescope
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) ― NASA said Monday it is delaying its mission to the Hubble Space Telescope until next year because of a serious breakdown of the observatory in orbit.
Space shuttle Atlantis had been scheduled to blast off in just two weeks, but a new and unexpected problem with the Hubble appeared on Saturday night when the telescope stopped sending science data.
Hubble glitch delays shuttle trip| BBC NEWS
"A shuttle mission to service the Hubble telescope will be delayed because a new malfunction has arisen on the orbiting observatory.

The glitch means Hubble cannot store and then route image data collected from its instruments to Earth. "

Hubble failure delays repair mission until 2009

"Further complicating the problem was the need to have the space shuttle Endeavour available as a backup in case Atlantis suffered irreparable damage during flight and the crew needs to rescued.
But Endeavour is scheduled to conduct its own mission on Nov. 16 to the International Space Station, and NASA is expected to keep that schedule in place. A subsequent mission to the space station is also likely to take precedence over the Hubble mission, pushing it back to February at the earliest."

「ちきゅう」の運用委託体制 <独立行政法人海洋研究開発機構

現在、Silverlight 2をサポートしているExpression Blendは、Blend 2.0 SP1として提供されています。そのため、Silverlight 2のサポートを含むSP1を適用するには、Blend 2.0をインストールする必要があります
Silverlight 2 RC(リリース候補版)が公開 − @IT

MapReduceJava実装Apache Hadoopを使ってみた @IT

YouTubeが新アップローダ公開、複数動画の一括処理に対応 | マイコミジャーナル

SRWare Iron - Der Browser der Zukunft
Google Chromeベースの新ブラウザIron登場 || マイコミジャーナル
"ドイツの企業であるSRWareがGoogle ChromeのベースとなっているオープンソースソフトウェアChromiumChromeよりも若干新しいWebKitを採用した新しいWebブラウザIronを発表した"

Adobeソフトに欠陥、映画の無料ダウンロードが可能に - ITmedia

アップル、SIMロック解除の「iPhone 3G」を香港で発売 : CNET Japan
"AppleSIMロックが解除された「iPhone 3G」を香港で発売した。消費者は好きな携帯電話会社を選んで契約できる。",3800078151,20381072,00.htm
Apple株が大幅安 金融危機と格下げで - ITmedia

Wall Street Meltdown

Markets tumble historic 700 pts. as bill is defeated -Washington Times
"Panic seized Wall Street this afternoon, with stocks, oil and other investments plummeting as the U.S. House of Representatives failed to pass a $700 billion bailout for the financial industry.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average nosedived as much as 705 points as House leaders held the vote open for several minutes in hopes of reversing the 228 to 205 vote against the compromise plan drafted by congressional leaders and the White House over the weekend. "

Cantor blames Pelosi for failure of bailout bill - News -
"Rep. Eric I. Cantor, R-7th, is blaming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for the failure of the $700 billion bailout bill.
Pelosi had struck "the tone of partisanship that frankly, was inappropriate in this discussion," Cantor said.
"This is not a partisan crisis," Cantor said. "This is an economic crisis facing everyone."
He noted that 94 Democrats voted against the measure, as well as 133 Republicans.
Cantor said it reflected "Speaker Pelosi's failure to listen [and] failure to lead.""

Stocks plummet as House votes 'No'
Dow falls as much as 705 points as the House rejects the $700 billion bank bailout plan. By Alexandra Twin, senior writer Does the bipartisan ...
A chronology of the US financial crisis
Economic Times, India
Struggling Wall Street investment bank Bear Stearns is sold at the fire-sale price of 236 million dollars to JP Morgan Chase, in a deal engineered by the
BREAKING: Wall Street Meltdown, Dow Tanks
(WXYZ) The Dow is plummeting on Wall Street as investors react to the US House rejecting a bailout package. Once it was clear the bill wasn't going to pass, ...
Dow Drops Hundreds Of Points
The Dow Jones dropped by as much as 700 points during a highly volatile day, as the House of Representatives failed the pass the Wall Street bailout plan ...

米国金融安定化法案否決:政財界でのさまざまな騒動 | WIRED
"なお、この法案に関しては、ホワイトハウスと議員リーダーが合意した案が、28日午後にインターネットに公開された。ホワイトハウスのサーバーは殺到するトラフィックをこなしきれなかったが、The Huffington PostやThe Open House Projectサイトが法案を掲載した。一般国民に議会の前の数時間しか検討の時間が与えられなかったことが「透明性」なのか、と批判する声もある。"
September 29, Monday
2 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ/JPL - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
4 p.m. - Replay of Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
8 p.m. - Replay of Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
10 p.m. - Replay of Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ (Public and Media Channels)

Phoenix Briefing on Monday, Sept. 29
NASA will hold a media briefing Monday, Sept. 29, at 2 p.m. EDT, to discuss the latest developments, findings and upcoming science opportunities of the Phoenix Mars Lander. The briefing will be carried live on NASA Television and on the Web. "

NASA - Phoenix
"NASA Mars Lander Sees Falling Snow, Soil Data Suggest Liquid Past
09.29.08. -- NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has detected snow falling from Martian clouds. Spacecraft soil experiments also have provided evidence of past interaction between minerals and liquid water, processes that occur on Earth.
Read more

Hubble 修理に行くのが 遅きに・・・
NASA delays repair mission to Hubble telescope
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) ― NASA said Monday it is delaying its mission to the Hubble Space Telescope until next year because of a serious breakdown of the observatory in orbit.
Space shuttle Atlantis had been scheduled to blast off in just two weeks, but a new and unexpected problem with the Hubble appeared on Saturday night when the telescope stopped sending science data.
Hubble glitch delays shuttle trip| BBC NEWS
"A shuttle mission to service the Hubble telescope will be delayed because a new malfunction has arisen on the orbiting observatory.

The glitch means Hubble cannot store and then route image data collected from its instruments to Earth. "

Hubble failure delays repair mission until 2009

"Further complicating the problem was the need to have the space shuttle Endeavour available as a backup in case Atlantis suffered irreparable damage during flight and the crew needs to rescued.
But Endeavour is scheduled to conduct its own mission on Nov. 16 to the International Space Station, and NASA is expected to keep that schedule in place. A subsequent mission to the space station is also likely to take precedence over the Hubble mission, pushing it back to February at the earliest."

「ちきゅう」の運用委託体制 <独立行政法人海洋研究開発機構

現在、Silverlight 2をサポートしているExpression Blendは、Blend 2.0 SP1として提供されています。そのため、Silverlight 2のサポートを含むSP1を適用するには、Blend 2.0をインストールする必要があります
Silverlight 2 RC(リリース候補版)が公開 − @IT

MapReduceJava実装Apache Hadoopを使ってみた @IT

YouTubeが新アップローダ公開、複数動画の一括処理に対応 | マイコミジャーナル

SRWare Iron - Der Browser der Zukunft
Google Chromeベースの新ブラウザIron登場 || マイコミジャーナル
"ドイツの企業であるSRWareがGoogle ChromeのベースとなっているオープンソースソフトウェアChromiumChromeよりも若干新しいWebKitを採用した新しいWebブラウザIronを発表した"

Adobeソフトに欠陥、映画の無料ダウンロードが可能に - ITmedia

アップル、SIMロック解除の「iPhone 3G」を香港で発売 : CNET Japan
"AppleSIMロックが解除された「iPhone 3G」を香港で発売した。消費者は好きな携帯電話会社を選んで契約できる。",3800078151,20381072,00.htm
Apple株が大幅安 金融危機と格下げで - ITmedia

Wall Street Meltdown

Markets tumble historic 700 pts. as bill is defeated -Washington Times
"Panic seized Wall Street this afternoon, with stocks, oil and other investments plummeting as the U.S. House of Representatives failed to pass a $700 billion bailout for the financial industry.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average nosedived as much as 705 points as House leaders held the vote open for several minutes in hopes of reversing the 228 to 205 vote against the compromise plan drafted by congressional leaders and the White House over the weekend. "

Cantor blames Pelosi for failure of bailout bill - News -
"Rep. Eric I. Cantor, R-7th, is blaming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for the failure of the $700 billion bailout bill.
Pelosi had struck "the tone of partisanship that frankly, was inappropriate in this discussion," Cantor said.
"This is not a partisan crisis," Cantor said. "This is an economic crisis facing everyone."
He noted that 94 Democrats voted against the measure, as well as 133 Republicans.
Cantor said it reflected "Speaker Pelosi's failure to listen [and] failure to lead.""

Stocks plummet as House votes 'No'
Dow falls as much as 705 points as the House rejects the $700 billion bank bailout plan. By Alexandra Twin, senior writer Does the bipartisan ...
A chronology of the US financial crisis
Economic Times, India
Struggling Wall Street investment bank Bear Stearns is sold at the fire-sale price of 236 million dollars to JP Morgan Chase, in a deal engineered by the
BREAKING: Wall Street Meltdown, Dow Tanks
(WXYZ) The Dow is plummeting on Wall Street as investors react to the US House rejecting a bailout package. Once it was clear the bill wasn't going to pass, ...
Dow Drops Hundreds Of Points
The Dow Jones dropped by as much as 700 points during a highly volatile day, as the House of Representatives failed the pass the Wall Street bailout plan ...

米国金融安定化法案否決:政財界でのさまざまな騒動 | WIRED
"なお、この法案に関しては、ホワイトハウスと議員リーダーが合意した案が、28日午後にインターネットに公開された。ホワイトハウスのサーバーは殺到するトラフィックをこなしきれなかったが、The Huffington PostやThe Open House Projectサイトが法案を掲載した。一般国民に議会の前の数時間しか検討の時間が与えられなかったことが「透明性」なのか、と批判する声もある。"
September 29, Monday
2 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ/JPL - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
4 p.m. - Replay of Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
8 p.m. - Replay of Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
10 p.m. - Replay of Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ (Public and Media Channels)

Phoenix Briefing on Monday, Sept. 29
NASA will hold a media briefing Monday, Sept. 29, at 2 p.m. EDT, to discuss the latest developments, findings and upcoming science opportunities of the Phoenix Mars Lander. The briefing will be carried live on NASA Television and on the Web. "

NASA - Phoenix
"NASA Mars Lander Sees Falling Snow, Soil Data Suggest Liquid Past
09.29.08. -- NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has detected snow falling from Martian clouds. Spacecraft soil experiments also have provided evidence of past interaction between minerals and liquid water, processes that occur on Earth.
Read more

Hubble 修理に行くのが 遅きに・・・
NASA delays repair mission to Hubble telescope
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) ― NASA said Monday it is delaying its mission to the Hubble Space Telescope until next year because of a serious breakdown of the observatory in orbit.
Space shuttle Atlantis had been scheduled to blast off in just two weeks, but a new and unexpected problem with the Hubble appeared on Saturday night when the telescope stopped sending science data.
Hubble glitch delays shuttle trip| BBC NEWS
"A shuttle mission to service the Hubble telescope will be delayed because a new malfunction has arisen on the orbiting observatory.

The glitch means Hubble cannot store and then route image data collected from its instruments to Earth. "

Hubble failure delays repair mission until 2009

"Further complicating the problem was the need to have the space shuttle Endeavour available as a backup in case Atlantis suffered irreparable damage during flight and the crew needs to rescued.
But Endeavour is scheduled to conduct its own mission on Nov. 16 to the International Space Station, and NASA is expected to keep that schedule in place. A subsequent mission to the space station is also likely to take precedence over the Hubble mission, pushing it back to February at the earliest."

「ちきゅう」の運用委託体制 <独立行政法人海洋研究開発機構

現在、Silverlight 2をサポートしているExpression Blendは、Blend 2.0 SP1として提供されています。そのため、Silverlight 2のサポートを含むSP1を適用するには、Blend 2.0をインストールする必要があります
Silverlight 2 RC(リリース候補版)が公開 − @IT

MapReduceJava実装Apache Hadoopを使ってみた @IT

YouTubeが新アップローダ公開、複数動画の一括処理に対応 | マイコミジャーナル

SRWare Iron - Der Browser der Zukunft
Google Chromeベースの新ブラウザIron登場 || マイコミジャーナル
"ドイツの企業であるSRWareがGoogle ChromeのベースとなっているオープンソースソフトウェアChromiumChromeよりも若干新しいWebKitを採用した新しいWebブラウザIronを発表した"

Adobeソフトに欠陥、映画の無料ダウンロードが可能に - ITmedia

アップル、SIMロック解除の「iPhone 3G」を香港で発売 : CNET Japan
"AppleSIMロックが解除された「iPhone 3G」を香港で発売した。消費者は好きな携帯電話会社を選んで契約できる。",3800078151,20381072,00.htm
Apple株が大幅安 金融危機と格下げで - ITmedia

Wall Street Meltdown

Markets tumble historic 700 pts. as bill is defeated -Washington Times
"Panic seized Wall Street this afternoon, with stocks, oil and other investments plummeting as the U.S. House of Representatives failed to pass a $700 billion bailout for the financial industry.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average nosedived as much as 705 points as House leaders held the vote open for several minutes in hopes of reversing the 228 to 205 vote against the compromise plan drafted by congressional leaders and the White House over the weekend. "

Cantor blames Pelosi for failure of bailout bill - News -
"Rep. Eric I. Cantor, R-7th, is blaming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for the failure of the $700 billion bailout bill.
Pelosi had struck "the tone of partisanship that frankly, was inappropriate in this discussion," Cantor said.
"This is not a partisan crisis," Cantor said. "This is an economic crisis facing everyone."
He noted that 94 Democrats voted against the measure, as well as 133 Republicans.
Cantor said it reflected "Speaker Pelosi's failure to listen [and] failure to lead.""

Stocks plummet as House votes 'No'
Dow falls as much as 705 points as the House rejects the $700 billion bank bailout plan. By Alexandra Twin, senior writer Does the bipartisan ...
A chronology of the US financial crisis
Economic Times, India
Struggling Wall Street investment bank Bear Stearns is sold at the fire-sale price of 236 million dollars to JP Morgan Chase, in a deal engineered by the
BREAKING: Wall Street Meltdown, Dow Tanks
(WXYZ) The Dow is plummeting on Wall Street as investors react to the US House rejecting a bailout package. Once it was clear the bill wasn't going to pass, ...
Dow Drops Hundreds Of Points
The Dow Jones dropped by as much as 700 points during a highly volatile day, as the House of Representatives failed the pass the Wall Street bailout plan ...

米国金融安定化法案否決:政財界でのさまざまな騒動 | WIRED
"なお、この法案に関しては、ホワイトハウスと議員リーダーが合意した案が、28日午後にインターネットに公開された。ホワイトハウスのサーバーは殺到するトラフィックをこなしきれなかったが、The Huffington PostやThe Open House Projectサイトが法案を掲載した。一般国民に議会の前の数時間しか検討の時間が与えられなかったことが「透明性」なのか、と批判する声もある。"
September 29, Monday
2 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ/JPL - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
4 p.m. - Replay of Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
8 p.m. - Replay of Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
10 p.m. - Replay of Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ (Public and Media Channels)

Phoenix Briefing on Monday, Sept. 29
NASA will hold a media briefing Monday, Sept. 29, at 2 p.m. EDT, to discuss the latest developments, findings and upcoming science opportunities of the Phoenix Mars Lander. The briefing will be carried live on NASA Television and on the Web. "

NASA - Phoenix
"NASA Mars Lander Sees Falling Snow, Soil Data Suggest Liquid Past
09.29.08. -- NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has detected snow falling from Martian clouds. Spacecraft soil experiments also have provided evidence of past interaction between minerals and liquid water, processes that occur on Earth.
Read more

Hubble 修理に行くのが 遅きに・・・
NASA delays repair mission to Hubble telescope
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) ― NASA said Monday it is delaying its mission to the Hubble Space Telescope until next year because of a serious breakdown of the observatory in orbit.
Space shuttle Atlantis had been scheduled to blast off in just two weeks, but a new and unexpected problem with the Hubble appeared on Saturday night when the telescope stopped sending science data.
Hubble glitch delays shuttle trip| BBC NEWS
"A shuttle mission to service the Hubble telescope will be delayed because a new malfunction has arisen on the orbiting observatory.

The glitch means Hubble cannot store and then route image data collected from its instruments to Earth. "

Hubble failure delays repair mission until 2009

"Further complicating the problem was the need to have the space shuttle Endeavour available as a backup in case Atlantis suffered irreparable damage during flight and the crew needs to rescued.
But Endeavour is scheduled to conduct its own mission on Nov. 16 to the International Space Station, and NASA is expected to keep that schedule in place. A subsequent mission to the space station is also likely to take precedence over the Hubble mission, pushing it back to February at the earliest."

「ちきゅう」の運用委託体制 <独立行政法人海洋研究開発機構

現在、Silverlight 2をサポートしているExpression Blendは、Blend 2.0 SP1として提供されています。そのため、Silverlight 2のサポートを含むSP1を適用するには、Blend 2.0をインストールする必要があります
Silverlight 2 RC(リリース候補版)が公開 − @IT

MapReduceJava実装Apache Hadoopを使ってみた @IT

YouTubeが新アップローダ公開、複数動画の一括処理に対応 | マイコミジャーナル

SRWare Iron - Der Browser der Zukunft
Google Chromeベースの新ブラウザIron登場 || マイコミジャーナル
"ドイツの企業であるSRWareがGoogle ChromeのベースとなっているオープンソースソフトウェアChromiumChromeよりも若干新しいWebKitを採用した新しいWebブラウザIronを発表した"

Adobeソフトに欠陥、映画の無料ダウンロードが可能に - ITmedia

アップル、SIMロック解除の「iPhone 3G」を香港で発売 : CNET Japan
"AppleSIMロックが解除された「iPhone 3G」を香港で発売した。消費者は好きな携帯電話会社を選んで契約できる。",3800078151,20381072,00.htm
Apple株が大幅安 金融危機と格下げで - ITmedia

Wall Street Meltdown

Markets tumble historic 700 pts. as bill is defeated -Washington Times
"Panic seized Wall Street this afternoon, with stocks, oil and other investments plummeting as the U.S. House of Representatives failed to pass a $700 billion bailout for the financial industry.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average nosedived as much as 705 points as House leaders held the vote open for several minutes in hopes of reversing the 228 to 205 vote against the compromise plan drafted by congressional leaders and the White House over the weekend. "

Cantor blames Pelosi for failure of bailout bill - News -
"Rep. Eric I. Cantor, R-7th, is blaming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for the failure of the $700 billion bailout bill.
Pelosi had struck "the tone of partisanship that frankly, was inappropriate in this discussion," Cantor said.
"This is not a partisan crisis," Cantor said. "This is an economic crisis facing everyone."
He noted that 94 Democrats voted against the measure, as well as 133 Republicans.
Cantor said it reflected "Speaker Pelosi's failure to listen [and] failure to lead.""

Stocks plummet as House votes 'No'
Dow falls as much as 705 points as the House rejects the $700 billion bank bailout plan. By Alexandra Twin, senior writer Does the bipartisan ...
A chronology of the US financial crisis
Economic Times, India
Struggling Wall Street investment bank Bear Stearns is sold at the fire-sale price of 236 million dollars to JP Morgan Chase, in a deal engineered by the
BREAKING: Wall Street Meltdown, Dow Tanks
(WXYZ) The Dow is plummeting on Wall Street as investors react to the US House rejecting a bailout package. Once it was clear the bill wasn't going to pass, ...
Dow Drops Hundreds Of Points
The Dow Jones dropped by as much as 700 points during a highly volatile day, as the House of Representatives failed the pass the Wall Street bailout plan ...

米国金融安定化法案否決:政財界でのさまざまな騒動 | WIRED
"なお、この法案に関しては、ホワイトハウスと議員リーダーが合意した案が、28日午後にインターネットに公開された。ホワイトハウスのサーバーは殺到するトラフィックをこなしきれなかったが、The Huffington PostやThe Open House Projectサイトが法案を掲載した。一般国民に議会の前の数時間しか検討の時間が与えられなかったことが「透明性」なのか、と批判する声もある。"
September 29, Monday
2 p.m. - Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ/JPL - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
4 p.m. - Replay of Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
8 p.m. - Replay of Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ (Public and Media Channels)
10 p.m. - Replay of Mars Phoenix Lander Update Briefing - HQ (Public and Media Channels)

Phoenix Briefing on Monday, Sept. 29
NASA will hold a media briefing Monday, Sept. 29, at 2 p.m. EDT, to discuss the latest developments, findings and upcoming science opportunities of the Phoenix Mars Lander. The briefing will be carried live on NASA Television and on the Web. "

NASA - Phoenix
"NASA Mars Lander Sees Falling Snow, Soil Data Suggest Liquid Past
09.29.08. -- NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has detected snow falling from Martian clouds. Spacecraft soil experiments also have provided evidence of past interaction between minerals and liquid water, processes that occur on Earth.
Read more

Hubble 修理に行くのが 遅きに・・・
NASA delays repair mission to Hubble telescope
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) ― NASA said Monday it is delaying its mission to the Hubble Space Telescope until next year because of a serious breakdown of the observatory in orbit.
Space shuttle Atlantis had been scheduled to blast off in just two weeks, but a new and unexpected problem with the Hubble appeared on Saturday night when the telescope stopped sending science data.
Hubble glitch delays shuttle trip| BBC NEWS
"A shuttle mission to service the Hubble telescope will be delayed because a new malfunction has arisen on the orbiting observatory.

The glitch means Hubble cannot store and then route image data collected from its instruments to Earth. "

Hubble failure delays repair mission until 2009

"Further complicating the problem was the need to have the space shuttle Endeavour available as a backup in case Atlantis suffered irreparable damage during flight and the crew needs to rescued.
But Endeavour is scheduled to conduct its own mission on Nov. 16 to the International Space Station, and NASA is expected to keep that schedule in place. A subsequent mission to the space station is also likely to take precedence over the Hubble mission, pushing it back to February at the earliest."

「ちきゅう」の運用委託体制 <独立行政法人海洋研究開発機構

現在、Silverlight 2をサポートしているExpression Blendは、Blend 2.0 SP1として提供されています。そのため、Silverlight 2のサポートを含むSP1を適用するには、Blend 2.0をインストールする必要があります
Silverlight 2 RC(リリース候補版)が公開 − @IT

MapReduceJava実装Apache Hadoopを使ってみた @IT

YouTubeが新アップローダ公開、複数動画の一括処理に対応 | マイコミジャーナル

SRWare Iron - Der Browser der Zukunft
Google Chromeベースの新ブラウザIron登場 || マイコミジャーナル
"ドイツの企業であるSRWareがGoogle ChromeのベースとなっているオープンソースソフトウェアChromiumChromeよりも若干新しいWebKitを採用した新しいWebブラウザIronを発表した"

Adobeソフトに欠陥、映画の無料ダウンロードが可能に - ITmedia

アップル、SIMロック解除の「iPhone 3G」を香港で発売 : CNET Japan
"AppleSIMロックが解除された「iPhone 3G」を香港で発売した。消費者は好きな携帯電話会社を選んで契約できる。",3800078151,20381072,00.htm
Apple株が大幅安 金融危機と格下げで - ITmedia

Wall Street Meltdown

Markets tumble historic 700 pts. as bill is defeated -Washington Times
"Panic seized Wall Street this afternoon, with stocks, oil and other investments plummeting as the U.S. House of Representatives failed to pass a $700 billion bailout for the financial industry.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average nosedived as much as 705 points as House leaders held the vote open for several minutes in hopes of reversing the 228 to 205 vote against the compromise plan drafted by congressional leaders and the White House over the weekend. "

Cantor blames Pelosi for failure of bailout bill - News -