’Dark Flow’


'Dark Flow' between the constellations of Centaurus and Vela.
Scientists Detect Cosmic 'Dark Flow' Across Billions of Light Years - NASA
"Galaxy clusters like 1E 0657-56 (inset) seem to be drifting toward a 20-degree-wide patch of sky (ellipse) between the constellations of Centaurus and Vela. "

"The white dots are the 700 clusters worth of hot gas,
while the pink ellipse is where they are all headed
Image Credit: NASA/WMAP/A. Kashlinsky et al."
Another force lurks in the dark
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2008. DOI: To be published 10/20
'Dark Flow'

Scientists glimpse 'dark flow' lurking beyond the edge of the universe - Telegraph
the phenomenon "dark flow."
The stuff that's pulling this matter must be outside the observable universe, researchers conclude.
The researchers detail their findings in the Oct. 20 issue of the journal Astrophysical Journal Letters.
Mysterious New 'Dark Flow' Discovered in Space - FOXNews.com
Galaxy Clusters Trace Huge Cosmic Flow | SpaceRef - Your Space Reference
Galaxy flow hints at huge masses over cosmic horizon - 25 September 2008 - New Scientist
Galaxy flow hints at huge masses over cosmic horizon -New Scientist
Universe Tugged by Mysterious 'Dark Flow': Discovery News
The Great Beyond: Ink flows on "dark flow"
"watching ho"
Mysterious “Dark Flow” Is Tugging Galaxies Beyond the Universe’s Horizon | 80beats | Discover Magazine

Baffling Big Bang: Now, it’s the turn of dark flow to baffle SCI & TECH NEWS MyNews.in:
"Dark flow
A mysterious motion of the galactic clusters unaffected by the expanding universe
With the LHC shut down for one year, it will take time unravel the mysteries of the origin and evolution the universe. Watch and wait!"

Ten years ago, cosmologists discovered they were living a lie. The expansion of the universe was not slowing down as a result of gravity, as they had long believed: It was speeding up.
"Your whole life as an astronomer, you learn that the universe is expanding, but it should be slowing down," said Tod R. Lauer, an associate astronomer at the National Optical Astronomy Observatory who is investigating dark energy.
"But we find out it's speeding up. That's the most incredible shock we've had in cosmology in the last 40 years."
And Now, the Biggest Question in the Universe - washingtonpost.com
And Now, the Biggest Question in the Universe - washingtonpost.com
"Then in 1998, -- they found that the expansion had accelerated in the last few billion years. Empty space itself seemed to be acting as a force driving things apart, and to be growing stronger as the universe got bigger."

"The Expanding Universe: From Slowdown to Speed Up: Scientific American
Distant supernovae are revealing the crucial time when the expansion of the universe changed from decelerating to accelerating.
"Until recently, astronomers fully expected to see gravity slowing down the expansion of the cosmos.
In 1998, however, researchers discovered the repulsive side of gravity."

ネット上で進化する「デジタル生命」と、「超個体」に向かう人間社会 | WIRED VISION

Grounded space tourist wants $21 million refund |Reuters
"Daisuke Enomoto, 37, had completed training in Russia and planned to fly to the station aboard a Russian Soyuz capsule in September 2006. But he was pulled from the three-member crew a month before liftoff, opening a seat for Dallas businesswoman Anousheh Ansari to fly instead."
ライブドアの榎本氏、宇宙旅行費用21億円の返還を求めて提訴 | WIRED VISION
Space Adventures社は、「医学上の問題で不適格と見なされた場合には代金の払い戻しは行なわれない、という契約なのだから、榎本氏には払い戻しを受ける権利がない」"

SubSonicを使ってASP.NETで簡単にDBアクセスする (1) SubSonicとは | マイコミジャーナル

Dynamic Language Runtime(DLR)
Lightweight Languageを支えるDLR――PythonRubySilverlight 2 (2/2) - ITmedia エンタープライズ
"現状でDynamic Silverlight対応しているのは、IronPythonIronRuby、そしてManaged JScriptだ)。
この意義は大きい。それは、UIとしてXAMLベースのグラフィカルなUIを使えるようになるからだ。言い換えればXAMLVisual BasicXAMLC#に代わって、XAMLPythonXAMLRubyが使えるということだ。"

Apache Continuum
"Continuous Integration and Build Server"
Apache継続的インテグレーションサーバ「Continuum 1.2」をリリース |マイコミジャーナル

Google10周年プロジェクト、世界を変えるアイディアに1000万ドル| マイコミジャーナル
"米Googleは9月24日(現地時間)、同社の設立10周年をきっかけとした新プロジェクト「Project 10^100 (10 to the 100th)」を発表"

"池袋駅のナンパ男"にイライラして殺害予告した36歳の女逮捕 - 警視庁


'Dark Flow' between the constellations of Centaurus and Vela.
Scientists Detect Cosmic 'Dark Flow' Across Billions of Light Years - NASA
"Galaxy clusters like 1E 0657-56 (inset) seem to be drifting toward a 20-degree-wide patch of sky (ellipse) between the constellations of Centaurus and Vela. "

"The white dots are the 700 clusters worth of hot gas,
while the pink ellipse is where they are all headed
Image Credit: NASA/WMAP/A. Kashlinsky et al."
Another force lurks in the dark
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2008. DOI: To be published 10/20
'Dark Flow'

Scientists glimpse 'dark flow' lurking beyond the edge of the universe - Telegraph
the phenomenon "dark flow."
The stuff that's pulling this matter must be outside the observable universe, researchers conclude.
The researchers detail their findings in the Oct. 20 issue of the journal Astrophysical Journal Letters.
Mysterious New 'Dark Flow' Discovered in Space - FOXNews.com
Galaxy Clusters Trace Huge Cosmic Flow | SpaceRef - Your Space Reference
Galaxy flow hints at huge masses over cosmic horizon - 25 September 2008 - New Scientist
Galaxy flow hints at huge masses over cosmic horizon -New Scientist
Universe Tugged by Mysterious 'Dark Flow': Discovery News
The Great Beyond: Ink flows on "dark flow"
"watching ho"
Mysterious “Dark Flow” Is Tugging Galaxies Beyond the Universe’s Horizon | 80beats | Discover Magazine

Baffling Big Bang: Now, it’s the turn of dark flow to baffle SCI & TECH NEWS MyNews.in:
"Dark flow
A mysterious motion of the galactic clusters unaffected by the expanding universe
With the LHC shut down for one year, it will take time unravel the mysteries of the origin and evolution the universe. Watch and wait!"

Ten years ago, cosmologists discovered they were living a lie. The expansion of the universe was not slowing down as a result of gravity, as they had long believed: It was speeding up.
"Your whole life as an astronomer, you learn that the universe is expanding, but it should be slowing down," said Tod R. Lauer, an associate astronomer at the National Optical Astronomy Observatory who is investigating dark energy.
"But we find out it's speeding up. That's the most incredible shock we've had in cosmology in the last 40 years."
And Now, the Biggest Question in the Universe - washingtonpost.com
And Now, the Biggest Question in the Universe - washingtonpost.com
"Then in 1998, -- they found that the expansion had accelerated in the last few billion years. Empty space itself seemed to be acting as a force driving things apart, and to be growing stronger as the universe got bigger."

"The Expanding Universe: From Slowdown to Speed Up: Scientific American
Distant supernovae are revealing the crucial time when the expansion of the universe changed from decelerating to accelerating.
"Until recently, astronomers fully expected to see gravity slowing down the expansion of the cosmos.
In 1998, however, researchers discovered the repulsive side of gravity."

ネット上で進化する「デジタル生命」と、「超個体」に向かう人間社会 | WIRED VISION

Grounded space tourist wants $21 million refund |Reuters
"Daisuke Enomoto, 37, had completed training in Russia and planned to fly to the station aboard a Russian Soyuz capsule in September 2006. But he was pulled from the three-member crew a month before liftoff, opening a seat for Dallas businesswoman Anousheh Ansari to fly instead."
ライブドアの榎本氏、宇宙旅行費用21億円の返還を求めて提訴 | WIRED VISION
Space Adventures社は、「医学上の問題で不適格と見なされた場合には代金の払い戻しは行なわれない、という契約なのだから、榎本氏には払い戻しを受ける権利がない」"

SubSonicを使ってASP.NETで簡単にDBアクセスする (1) SubSonicとは | マイコミジャーナル

Dynamic Language Runtime(DLR)
Lightweight Languageを支えるDLR――PythonRubySilverlight 2 (2/2) - ITmedia エンタープライズ
"現状でDynamic Silverlight対応しているのは、IronPythonIronRuby、そしてManaged JScriptだ)。
この意義は大きい。それは、UIとしてXAMLベースのグラフィカルなUIを使えるようになるからだ。言い換えればXAMLVisual BasicXAMLC#に代わって、XAMLPythonXAMLRubyが使えるということだ。"

Apache Continuum
"Continuous Integration and Build Server"
Apache継続的インテグレーションサーバ「Continuum 1.2」をリリース |マイコミジャーナル

Google10周年プロジェクト、世界を変えるアイディアに1000万ドル| マイコミジャーナル
"米Googleは9月24日(現地時間)、同社の設立10周年をきっかけとした新プロジェクト「Project 10^100 (10 to the 100th)」を発表"

"池袋駅のナンパ男"にイライラして殺害予告した36歳の女逮捕 - 警視庁


'Dark Flow' between the constellations of Centaurus and Vela.
Scientists Detect Cosmic 'Dark Flow' Across Billions of Light Years - NASA
"Galaxy clusters like 1E 0657-56 (inset) seem to be drifting toward a 20-degree-wide patch of sky (ellipse) between the constellations of Centaurus and Vela. "

"The white dots are the 700 clusters worth of hot gas,
while the pink ellipse is where they are all headed
Image Credit: NASA/WMAP/A. Kashlinsky et al."
Another force lurks in the dark
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2008. DOI: To be published 10/20
'Dark Flow'

Scientists glimpse 'dark flow' lurking beyond the edge of the universe - Telegraph
the phenomenon "dark flow."
The stuff that's pulling this matter must be outside the observable universe, researchers conclude.
The researchers detail their findings in the Oct. 20 issue of the journal Astrophysical Journal Letters.
Mysterious New 'Dark Flow' Discovered in Space - FOXNews.com
Galaxy Clusters Trace Huge Cosmic Flow | SpaceRef - Your Space Reference
Galaxy flow hints at huge masses over cosmic horizon - 25 September 2008 - New Scientist
Galaxy flow hints at huge masses over cosmic horizon -New Scientist
Universe Tugged by Mysterious 'Dark Flow': Discovery News
The Great Beyond: Ink flows on "dark flow"
"watching ho"
Mysterious “Dark Flow” Is Tugging Galaxies Beyond the Universe’s Horizon | 80beats | Discover Magazine

Baffling Big Bang: Now, it’s the turn of dark flow to baffle SCI & TECH NEWS MyNews.in:
"Dark flow
A mysterious motion of the galactic clusters unaffected by the expanding universe
With the LHC shut down for one year, it will take time unravel the mysteries of the origin and evolution the universe. Watch and wait!"

Ten years ago, cosmologists discovered they were living a lie. The expansion of the universe was not slowing down as a result of gravity, as they had long believed: It was speeding up.
"Your whole life as an astronomer, you learn that the universe is expanding, but it should be slowing down," said Tod R. Lauer, an associate astronomer at the National Optical Astronomy Observatory who is investigating dark energy.
"But we find out it's speeding up. That's the most incredible shock we've had in cosmology in the last 40 years."
And Now, the Biggest Question in the Universe - washingtonpost.com
And Now, the Biggest Question in the Universe - washingtonpost.com
"Then in 1998, -- they found that the expansion had accelerated in the last few billion years. Empty space itself seemed to be acting as a force driving things apart, and to be growing stronger as the universe got bigger."

"The Expanding Universe: From Slowdown to Speed Up: Scientific American
Distant supernovae are revealing the crucial time when the expansion of the universe changed from decelerating to accelerating.
"Until recently, astronomers fully expected to see gravity slowing down the expansion of the cosmos.
In 1998, however, researchers discovered the repulsive side of gravity."

ネット上で進化する「デジタル生命」と、「超個体」に向かう人間社会 | WIRED VISION

Grounded space tourist wants $21 million refund |Reuters
"Daisuke Enomoto, 37, had completed training in Russia and planned to fly to the station aboard a Russian Soyuz capsule in September 2006. But he was pulled from the three-member crew a month before liftoff, opening a seat for Dallas businesswoman Anousheh Ansari to fly instead."
ライブドアの榎本氏、宇宙旅行費用21億円の返還を求めて提訴 | WIRED VISION
Space Adventures社は、「医学上の問題で不適格と見なされた場合には代金の払い戻しは行なわれない、という契約なのだから、榎本氏には払い戻しを受ける権利がない」"

SubSonicを使ってASP.NETで簡単にDBアクセスする (1) SubSonicとは | マイコミジャーナル

Dynamic Language Runtime(DLR)
Lightweight Languageを支えるDLR――PythonRubySilverlight 2 (2/2) - ITmedia エンタープライズ
"現状でDynamic Silverlight対応しているのは、IronPythonIronRuby、そしてManaged JScriptだ)。
この意義は大きい。それは、UIとしてXAMLベースのグラフィカルなUIを使えるようになるからだ。言い換えればXAMLVisual BasicXAMLC#に代わって、XAMLPythonXAMLRubyが使えるということだ。"

Apache Continuum
"Continuous Integration and Build Server"
Apache継続的インテグレーションサーバ「Continuum 1.2」をリリース |マイコミジャーナル

Google10周年プロジェクト、世界を変えるアイディアに1000万ドル| マイコミジャーナル
"米Googleは9月24日(現地時間)、同社の設立10周年をきっかけとした新プロジェクト「Project 10^100 (10 to the 100th)」を発表"

"池袋駅のナンパ男"にイライラして殺害予告した36歳の女逮捕 - 警視庁


'Dark Flow' between the constellations of Centaurus and Vela.
Scientists Detect Cosmic 'Dark Flow' Across Billions of Light Years - NASA
"Galaxy clusters like 1E 0657-56 (inset) seem to be drifting toward a 20-degree-wide patch of sky (ellipse) between the constellations of Centaurus and Vela. "

"The white dots are the 700 clusters worth of hot gas,
while the pink ellipse is where they are all headed
Image Credit: NASA/WMAP/A. Kashlinsky et al."
Another force lurks in the dark
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2008. DOI: To be published 10/20
'Dark Flow'

Scientists glimpse 'dark flow' lurking beyond the edge of the universe - Telegraph
the phenomenon "dark flow."
The stuff that's pulling this matter must be outside the observable universe, researchers conclude.
The researchers detail their findings in the Oct. 20 issue of the journal Astrophysical Journal Letters.
Mysterious New 'Dark Flow' Discovered in Space - FOXNews.com
Galaxy Clusters Trace Huge Cosmic Flow | SpaceRef - Your Space Reference
Galaxy flow hints at huge masses over cosmic horizon - 25 September 2008 - New Scientist
Galaxy flow hints at huge masses over cosmic horizon -New Scientist
Universe Tugged by Mysterious 'Dark Flow': Discovery News
The Great Beyond: Ink flows on "dark flow"
"watching ho"
Mysterious “Dark Flow” Is Tugging Galaxies Beyond the Universe’s Horizon | 80beats | Discover Magazine

Baffling Big Bang: Now, it’s the turn of dark flow to baffle SCI & TECH NEWS MyNews.in:
"Dark flow
A mysterious motion of the galactic clusters unaffected by the expanding universe
With the LHC shut down for one year, it will take time unravel the mysteries of the origin and evolution the universe. Watch and wait!"

Ten years ago, cosmologists discovered they were living a lie. The expansion of the universe was not slowing down as a result of gravity, as they had long believed: It was speeding up.
"Your whole life as an astronomer, you learn that the universe is expanding, but it should be slowing down," said Tod R. Lauer, an associate astronomer at the National Optical Astronomy Observatory who is investigating dark energy.
"But we find out it's speeding up. That's the most incredible shock we've had in cosmology in the last 40 years."
And Now, the Biggest Question in the Universe - washingtonpost.com
And Now, the Biggest Question in the Universe - washingtonpost.com
"Then in 1998, -- they found that the expansion had accelerated in the last few billion years. Empty space itself seemed to be acting as a force driving things apart, and to be growing stronger as the universe got bigger."

"The Expanding Universe: From Slowdown to Speed Up: Scientific American
Distant supernovae are revealing the crucial time when the expansion of the universe changed from decelerating to accelerating.
"Until recently, astronomers fully expected to see gravity slowing down the expansion of the cosmos.
In 1998, however, researchers discovered the repulsive side of gravity."

ネット上で進化する「デジタル生命」と、「超個体」に向かう人間社会 | WIRED VISION

Grounded space tourist wants $21 million refund |Reuters
"Daisuke Enomoto, 37, had completed training in Russia and planned to fly to the station aboard a Russian Soyuz capsule in September 2006. But he was pulled from the three-member crew a month before liftoff, opening a seat for Dallas businesswoman Anousheh Ansari to fly instead."
ライブドアの榎本氏、宇宙旅行費用21億円の返還を求めて提訴 | WIRED VISION
Space Adventures社は、「医学上の問題で不適格と見なされた場合には代金の払い戻しは行なわれない、という契約なのだから、榎本氏には払い戻しを受ける権利がない」"

SubSonicを使ってASP.NETで簡単にDBアクセスする (1) SubSonicとは | マイコミジャーナル

Dynamic Language Runtime(DLR)
Lightweight Languageを支えるDLR――PythonRubySilverlight 2 (2/2) - ITmedia エンタープライズ
"現状でDynamic Silverlight対応しているのは、IronPythonIronRuby、そしてManaged JScriptだ)。
この意義は大きい。それは、UIとしてXAMLベースのグラフィカルなUIを使えるようになるからだ。言い換えればXAMLVisual BasicXAMLC#に代わって、XAMLPythonXAMLRubyが使えるということだ。"

Apache Continuum
"Continuous Integration and Build Server"
Apache継続的インテグレーションサーバ「Continuum 1.2」をリリース |マイコミジャーナル

Google10周年プロジェクト、世界を変えるアイディアに1000万ドル| マイコミジャーナル
"米Googleは9月24日(現地時間)、同社の設立10周年をきっかけとした新プロジェクト「Project 10^100 (10 to the 100th)」を発表"

"池袋駅のナンパ男"にイライラして殺害予告した36歳の女逮捕 - 警視庁


'Dark Flow' between the constellations of Centaurus and Vela.
Scientists Detect Cosmic 'Dark Flow' Across Billions of Light Years - NASA
"Galaxy clusters like 1E 0657-56 (inset) seem to be drifting toward a 20-degree-wide patch of sky (ellipse) between the constellations of Centaurus and Vela. "

"The white dots are the 700 clusters worth of hot gas,
while the pink ellipse is where they are all headed
Image Credit: NASA/WMAP/A. Kashlinsky et al."
Another force lurks in the dark
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2008. DOI: To be published 10/20
'Dark Flow'

Scientists glimpse 'dark flow' lurking beyond the edge of the universe - Telegraph
the phenomenon "dark flow."
The stuff that's pulling this matter must be outside the observable universe, researchers conclude.
The researchers detail their findings in the Oct. 20 issue of the journal Astrophysical Journal Letters.
Mysterious New 'Dark Flow' Discovered in Space - FOXNews.com
Galaxy Clusters Trace Huge Cosmic Flow | SpaceRef - Your Space Reference
Galaxy flow hints at huge masses over cosmic horizon - 25 September 2008 - New Scientist
Galaxy flow hints at huge masses over cosmic horizon -New Scientist
Universe Tugged by Mysterious 'Dark Flow': Discovery News
The Great Beyond: Ink flows on "dark flow"
"watching ho"
Mysterious “Dark Flow” Is Tugging Galaxies Beyond the Universe’s Horizon | 80beats | Discover Magazine

Baffling Big Bang: Now, it’s the turn of dark flow to baffle SCI & TECH NEWS MyNews.in:
"Dark flow
A mysterious motion of the galactic clusters unaffected by the expanding universe
With the LHC shut down for one year, it will take time unravel the mysteries of the origin and evolution the universe. Watch and wait!"

Ten years ago, cosmologists discovered they were living a lie. The expansion of the universe was not slowing down as a result of gravity, as they had long believed: It was speeding up.
"Your whole life as an astronomer, you learn that the universe is expanding, but it should be slowing down," said Tod R. Lauer, an associate astronomer at the National Optical Astronomy Observatory who is investigating dark energy.
"But we find out it's speeding up. That's the most incredible shock we've had in cosmology in the last 40 years."
And Now, the Biggest Question in the Universe - washingtonpost.com
And Now, the Biggest Question in the Universe - washingtonpost.com
"Then in 1998, -- they found that the expansion had accelerated in the last few billion years. Empty space itself seemed to be acting as a force driving things apart, and to be growing stronger as the universe got bigger."

"The Expanding Universe: From Slowdown to Speed Up: Scientific American
Distant supernovae are revealing the crucial time when the expansion of the universe changed from decelerating to accelerating.
"Until recently, astronomers fully expected to see gravity slowing down the expansion of the cosmos.
In 1998, however, researchers discovered the repulsive side of gravity."

ネット上で進化する「デジタル生命」と、「超個体」に向かう人間社会 | WIRED VISION

Grounded space tourist wants $21 million refund |Reuters
"Daisuke Enomoto, 37, had completed training in Russia and planned to fly to the station aboard a Russian Soyuz capsule in September 2006. But he was pulled from the three-member crew a month before liftoff, opening a seat for Dallas businesswoman Anousheh Ansari to fly instead."
ライブドアの榎本氏、宇宙旅行費用21億円の返還を求めて提訴 | WIRED VISION
Space Adventures社は、「医学上の問題で不適格と見なされた場合には代金の払い戻しは行なわれない、という契約なのだから、榎本氏には払い戻しを受ける権利がない」"

SubSonicを使ってASP.NETで簡単にDBアクセスする (1) SubSonicとは | マイコミジャーナル

Dynamic Language Runtime(DLR)
Lightweight Languageを支えるDLR――PythonRubySilverlight 2 (2/2) - ITmedia エンタープライズ
"現状でDynamic Silverlight対応しているのは、IronPythonIronRuby、そしてManaged JScriptだ)。
この意義は大きい。それは、UIとしてXAMLベースのグラフィカルなUIを使えるようになるからだ。言い換えればXAMLVisual BasicXAMLC#に代わって、XAMLPythonXAMLRubyが使えるということだ。"

Apache Continuum
"Continuous Integration and Build Server"
Apache継続的インテグレーションサーバ「Continuum 1.2」をリリース |マイコミジャーナル

Google10周年プロジェクト、世界を変えるアイディアに1000万ドル| マイコミジャーナル
"米Googleは9月24日(現地時間)、同社の設立10周年をきっかけとした新プロジェクト「Project 10^100 (10 to the 100th)」を発表"

"池袋駅のナンパ男"にイライラして殺害予告した36歳の女逮捕 - 警視庁


'Dark Flow' between the constellations of Centaurus and Vela.
Scientists Detect Cosmic 'Dark Flow' Across Billions of Light Years - NASA
"Galaxy clusters like 1E 0657-56 (inset) seem to be drifting toward a 20-degree-wide patch of sky (ellipse) between the constellations of Centaurus and Vela. "

"The white dots are the 700 clusters worth of hot gas,
while the pink ellipse is where they are all headed
Image Credit: NASA/WMAP/A. Kashlinsky et al."
Another force lurks in the dark
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2008. DOI: To be published 10/20
'Dark Flow'

Scientists glimpse 'dark flow' lurking beyond the edge of the universe - Telegraph
the phenomenon "dark flow."
The stuff that's pulling this matter must be outside the observable universe, researchers conclude.
The researchers detail their findings in the Oct. 20 issue of the journal Astrophysical Journal Letters.
Mysterious New 'Dark Flow' Discovered in Space - FOXNews.com
Galaxy Clusters Trace Huge Cosmic Flow | SpaceRef - Your Space Reference
Galaxy flow hints at huge masses over cosmic horizon - 25 September 2008 - New Scientist
Galaxy flow hints at huge masses over cosmic horizon -New Scientist
Universe Tugged by Mysterious 'Dark Flow': Discovery News
The Great Beyond: Ink flows on "dark flow"
"watching ho"
Mysterious “Dark Flow” Is Tugging Galaxies Beyond the Universe’s Horizon | 80beats | Discover Magazine

Baffling Big Bang: Now, it’s the turn of dark flow to baffle SCI & TECH NEWS MyNews.in:
"Dark flow
A mysterious motion of the galactic clusters unaffected by the expanding universe
With the LHC shut down for one year, it will take time unravel the mysteries of the origin and evolution the universe. Watch and wait!"

Ten years ago, cosmologists discovered they were living a lie. The expansion of the universe was not slowing down as a result of gravity, as they had long believed: It was speeding up.
"Your whole life as an astronomer, you learn that the universe is expanding, but it should be slowing down," said Tod R. Lauer, an associate astronomer at the National Optical Astronomy Observatory who is investigating dark energy.
"But we find out it's speeding up. That's the most incredible shock we've had in cosmology in the last 40 years."
And Now, the Biggest Question in the Universe - washingtonpost.com
And Now, the Biggest Question in the Universe - washingtonpost.com
"Then in 1998, -- they found that the expansion had accelerated in the last few billion years. Empty space itself seemed to be acting as a force driving things apart, and to be growing stronger as the universe got bigger."

"The Expanding Universe: From Slowdown to Speed Up: Scientific American
Distant supernovae are revealing the crucial time when the expansion of the universe changed from decelerating to accelerating.
"Until recently, astronomers fully expected to see gravity slowing down the expansion of the cosmos.
In 1998, however, researchers discovered the repulsive side of gravity."

ネット上で進化する「デジタル生命」と、「超個体」に向かう人間社会 | WIRED VISION

Grounded space tourist wants $21 million refund |Reuters
"Daisuke Enomoto, 37, had completed training in Russia and planned to fly to the station aboard a Russian Soyuz capsule in September 2006. But he was pulled from the three-member crew a month before liftoff, opening a seat for Dallas businesswoman Anousheh Ansari to fly instead."
ライブドアの榎本氏、宇宙旅行費用21億円の返還を求めて提訴 | WIRED VISION
Space Adventures社は、「医学上の問題で不適格と見なされた場合には代金の払い戻しは行なわれない、という契約なのだから、榎本氏には払い戻しを受ける権利がない」"

SubSonicを使ってASP.NETで簡単にDBアクセスする (1) SubSonicとは | マイコミジャーナル

Dynamic Language Runtime(DLR)
Lightweight Languageを支えるDLR――PythonRubySilverlight 2 (2/2) - ITmedia エンタープライズ
"現状でDynamic Silverlight対応しているのは、IronPythonIronRuby、そしてManaged JScriptだ)。
この意義は大きい。それは、UIとしてXAMLベースのグラフィカルなUIを使えるようになるからだ。言い換えればXAMLVisual BasicXAMLC#に代わって、XAMLPythonXAMLRubyが使えるということだ。"

Apache Continuum
"Continuous Integration and Build Server"
Apache継続的インテグレーションサーバ「Continuum 1.2」をリリース |マイコミジャーナル

Google10周年プロジェクト、世界を変えるアイディアに1000万ドル| マイコミジャーナル
"米Googleは9月24日(現地時間)、同社の設立10周年をきっかけとした新プロジェクト「Project 10^100 (10 to the 100th)」を発表"

"池袋駅のナンパ男"にイライラして殺害予告した36歳の女逮捕 - 警視庁


'Dark Flow' between the constellations of Centaurus and Vela.
Scientists Detect Cosmic 'Dark Flow' Across Billions of Light Years - NASA
"Galaxy clusters like 1E 0657-56 (inset) seem to be drifting toward a 20-degree-wide patch of sky (ellipse) between the constellations of Centaurus and Vela. "

"The white dots are the 700 clusters worth of hot gas,
while the pink ellipse is where they are all headed
Image Credit: NASA/WMAP/A. Kashlinsky et al."
Another force lurks in the dark
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2008. DOI: To be published 10/20
'Dark Flow'

Scientists glimpse 'dark flow' lurking beyond the edge of the universe - Telegraph
the phenomenon "dark flow."
The stuff that's pulling this matter must be outside the observable universe, researchers conclude.
The researchers detail their findings in the Oct. 20 issue of the journal Astrophysical Journal Letters.
Mysterious New 'Dark Flow' Discovered in Space - FOXNews.com
Galaxy Clusters Trace Huge Cosmic Flow | SpaceRef - Your Space Reference
Galaxy flow hints at huge masses over cosmic horizon - 25 September 2008 - New Scientist
Galaxy flow hints at huge masses over cosmic horizon -New Scientist
Universe Tugged by Mysterious 'Dark Flow': Discovery News
The Great Beyond: Ink flows on "dark flow"
"watching ho"
Mysterious “Dark Flow” Is Tugging Galaxies Beyond the Universe’s Horizon | 80beats | Discover Magazine

Baffling Big Bang: Now, it’s the turn of dark flow to baffle SCI & TECH NEWS MyNews.in:
"Dark flow
A mysterious motion of the galactic clusters unaffected by the expanding universe
With the LHC shut down for one year, it will take time unravel the mysteries of the origin and evolution the universe. Watch and wait!"

Ten years ago, cosmologists discovered they were living a lie. The expansion of the universe was not slowing down as a result of gravity, as they had long believed: It was speeding up.
"Your whole life as an astronomer, you learn that the universe is expanding, but it should be slowing down," said Tod R. Lauer, an associate astronomer at the National Optical Astronomy Observatory who is investigating dark energy.
"But we find out it's speeding up. That's the most incredible shock we've had in cosmology in the last 40 years."
And Now, the Biggest Question in the Universe - washingtonpost.com
And Now, the Biggest Question in the Universe - washingtonpost.com
"Then in 1998, -- they found that the expansion had accelerated in the last few billion years. Empty space itself seemed to be acting as a force driving things apart, and to be growing stronger as the universe got bigger."

"The Expanding Universe: From Slowdown to Speed Up: Scientific American
Distant supernovae are revealing the crucial time when the expansion of the universe changed from decelerating to accelerating.
"Until recently, astronomers fully expected to see gravity slowing down the expansion of the cosmos.
In 1998, however, researchers discovered the repulsive side of gravity."

ネット上で進化する「デジタル生命」と、「超個体」に向かう人間社会 | WIRED VISION

Grounded space tourist wants $21 million refund |Reuters
"Daisuke Enomoto, 37, had completed training in Russia and planned to fly to the station aboard a Russian Soyuz capsule in September 2006. But he was pulled from the three-member crew a month before liftoff, opening a seat for Dallas businesswoman Anousheh Ansari to fly instead."
ライブドアの榎本氏、宇宙旅行費用21億円の返還を求めて提訴 | WIRED VISION
Space Adventures社は、「医学上の問題で不適格と見なされた場合には代金の払い戻しは行なわれない、という契約なのだから、榎本氏には払い戻しを受ける権利がない」"

SubSonicを使ってASP.NETで簡単にDBアクセスする (1) SubSonicとは | マイコミジャーナル

Dynamic Language Runtime(DLR)
Lightweight Languageを支えるDLR――PythonRubySilverlight 2 (2/2) - ITmedia エンタープライズ
"現状でDynamic Silverlight対応しているのは、IronPythonIronRuby、そしてManaged JScriptだ)。
この意義は大きい。それは、UIとしてXAMLベースのグラフィカルなUIを使えるようになるからだ。言い換えればXAMLVisual BasicXAMLC#に代わって、XAMLPythonXAMLRubyが使えるということだ。"

Apache Continuum
"Continuous Integration and Build Server"
Apache継続的インテグレーションサーバ「Continuum 1.2」をリリース |マイコミジャーナル

Google10周年プロジェクト、世界を変えるアイディアに1000万ドル| マイコミジャーナル
"米Googleは9月24日(現地時間)、同社の設立10周年をきっかけとした新プロジェクト「Project 10^100 (10 to the 100th)」を発表"

"池袋駅のナンパ男"にイライラして殺害予告した36歳の女逮捕 - 警視庁


'Dark Flow' between the constellations of Centaurus and Vela.
Scientists Detect Cosmic 'Dark Flow' Across Billions of Light Years - NASA
"Galaxy clusters like 1E 0657-56 (inset) seem to be drifting toward a 20-degree-wide patch of sky (ellipse) between the constellations of Centaurus and Vela. "

"The white dots are the 700 clusters worth of hot gas,
while the pink ellipse is where they are all headed
Image Credit: NASA/WMAP/A. Kashlinsky et al."
Another force lurks in the dark
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2008. DOI: To be published 10/20
'Dark Flow'

Scientists glimpse 'dark flow' lurking beyond the edge of the universe - Telegraph
the phenomenon "dark flow."
The stuff that's pulling this matter must be outside the observable universe, researchers conclude.
The researchers detail their findings in the Oct. 20 issue of the journal Astrophysical Journal Letters.
Mysterious New 'Dark Flow' Discovered in Space - FOXNews.com
Galaxy Clusters Trace Huge Cosmic Flow | SpaceRef - Your Space Reference
Galaxy flow hints at huge masses over cosmic horizon - 25 September 2008 - New Scientist
Galaxy flow hints at huge masses over cosmic horizon -New Scientist
Universe Tugged by Mysterious 'Dark Flow': Discovery News
The Great Beyond: Ink flows on "dark flow"
"watching ho"
Mysterious “Dark Flow” Is Tugging Galaxies Beyond the Universe’s Horizon | 80beats | Discover Magazine

Baffling Big Bang: Now, it’s the turn of dark flow to baffle SCI & TECH NEWS MyNews.in:
"Dark flow
A mysterious motion of the galactic clusters unaffected by the expanding universe
With the LHC shut down for one year, it will take time unravel the mysteries of the origin and evolution the universe. Watch and wait!"

Ten years ago, cosmologists discovered they were living a lie. The expansion of the universe was not slowing down as a result of gravity, as they had long believed: It was speeding up.
"Your whole life as an astronomer, you learn that the universe is expanding, but it should be slowing down," said Tod R. Lauer, an associate astronomer at the National Optical Astronomy Observatory who is investigating dark energy.
"But we find out it's speeding up. That's the most incredible shock we've had in cosmology in the last 40 years."
And Now, the Biggest Question in the Universe - washingtonpost.com
And Now, the Biggest Question in the Universe - washingtonpost.com
"Then in 1998, -- they found that the expansion had accelerated in the last few billion years. Empty space itself seemed to be acting as a force driving things apart, and to be growing stronger as the universe got bigger."

"The Expanding Universe: From Slowdown to Speed Up: Scientific American
Distant supernovae are revealing the crucial time when the expansion of the universe changed from decelerating to accelerating.
"Until recently, astronomers fully expected to see gravity slowing down the expansion of the cosmos.
In 1998, however, researchers discovered the repulsive side of gravity."

ネット上で進化する「デジタル生命」と、「超個体」に向かう人間社会 | WIRED VISION

Grounded space tourist wants $21 million refund |Reuters
"Daisuke Enomoto, 37, had completed training in Russia and planned to fly to the station aboard a Russian Soyuz capsule in September 2006. But he was pulled from the three-member crew a month before liftoff, opening a seat for Dallas businesswoman Anousheh Ansari to fly instead."
ライブドアの榎本氏、宇宙旅行費用21億円の返還を求めて提訴 | WIRED VISION
Space Adventures社は、「医学上の問題で不適格と見なされた場合には代金の払い戻しは行なわれない、という契約なのだから、榎本氏には払い戻しを受ける権利がない」"

SubSonicを使ってASP.NETで簡単にDBアクセスする (1) SubSonicとは | マイコミジャーナル

Dynamic Language Runtime(DLR)
Lightweight Languageを支えるDLR――PythonRubySilverlight 2 (2/2) - ITmedia エンタープライズ
"現状でDynamic Silverlight対応しているのは、IronPythonIronRuby、そしてManaged JScriptだ)。
この意義は大きい。それは、UIとしてXAMLベースのグラフィカルなUIを使えるようになるからだ。言い換えればXAMLVisual BasicXAMLC#に代わって、XAMLPythonXAMLRubyが使えるということだ。"

Apache Continuum
"Continuous Integration and Build Server"
Apache継続的インテグレーションサーバ「Continuum 1.2」をリリース |マイコミジャーナル

Google10周年プロジェクト、世界を変えるアイディアに1000万ドル| マイコミジャーナル
"米Googleは9月24日(現地時間)、同社の設立10周年をきっかけとした新プロジェクト「Project 10^100 (10 to the 100th)」を発表"

"池袋駅のナンパ男"にイライラして殺害予告した36歳の女逮捕 - 警視庁


'Dark Flow' between the constellations of Centaurus and Vela.
Scientists Detect Cosmic 'Dark Flow' Across Billions of Light Years - NASA
"Galaxy clusters like 1E 0657-56 (inset) seem to be drifting toward a 20-degree-wide patch of sky (ellipse) between the constellations of Centaurus and Vela. "

"The white dots are the 700 clusters worth of hot gas,
while the pink ellipse is where they are all headed
Image Credit: NASA/WMAP/A. Kashlinsky et al."
Another force lurks in the dark
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2008. DOI: To be published 10/20
'Dark Flow'

Scientists glimpse 'dark flow' lurking beyond the edge of the universe - Telegraph
the phenomenon "dark flow."
The stuff that's pulling this matter must be outside the observable universe, researchers conclude.
The researchers detail their findings in the Oct. 20 issue of the journal Astrophysical Journal Letters.
Mysterious New 'Dark Flow' Discovered in Space - FOXNews.com
Galaxy Clusters Trace Huge Cosmic Flow | SpaceRef - Your Space Reference
Galaxy flow hints at huge masses over cosmic horizon - 25 September 2008 - New Scientist
Galaxy flow hints at huge masses over cosmic horizon -New Scientist
Universe Tugged by Mysterious 'Dark Flow': Discovery News
The Great Beyond: Ink flows on "dark flow"
"watching ho"
Mysterious “Dark Flow” Is Tugging Galaxies Beyond the Universe’s Horizon | 80beats | Discover Magazine

Baffling Big Bang: Now, it’s the turn of dark flow to baffle SCI & TECH NEWS MyNews.in:
"Dark flow
A mysterious motion of the galactic clusters unaffected by the expanding universe
With the LHC shut down for one year, it will take time unravel the mysteries of the origin and evolution the universe. Watch and wait!"

Ten years ago, cosmologists discovered they were living a lie. The expansion of the universe was not slowing down as a result of gravity, as they had long believed: It was speeding up.
"Your whole life as an astronomer, you learn that the universe is expanding, but it should be slowing down," said Tod R. Lauer, an associate astronomer at the National Optical Astronomy Observatory who is investigating dark energy.
"But we find out it's speeding up. That's the most incredible shock we've had in cosmology in the last 40 years."
And Now, the Biggest Question in the Universe - washingtonpost.com
And Now, the Biggest Question in the Universe - washingtonpost.com
"Then in 1998, -- they found that the expansion had accelerated in the last few billion years. Empty space itself seemed to be acting as a force driving things apart, and to be growing stronger as the universe got bigger."

"The Expanding Universe: From Slowdown to Speed Up: Scientific American
Distant supernovae are revealing the crucial time when the expansion of the universe changed from decelerating to accelerating.
"Until recently, astronomers fully expected to see gravity slowing down the expansion of the cosmos.
In 1998, however, researchers discovered the repulsive side of gravity."

ネット上で進化する「デジタル生命」と、「超個体」に向かう人間社会 | WIRED VISION

Grounded space tourist wants $21 million refund |Reuters
"Daisuke Enomoto, 37, had completed training in Russia and planned to fly to the station aboard a Russian Soyuz capsule in September 2006. But he was pulled from the three-member crew a month before liftoff, opening a seat for Dallas businesswoman Anousheh Ansari to fly instead."
ライブドアの榎本氏、宇宙旅行費用21億円の返還を求めて提訴 | WIRED VISION
Space Adventures社は、「医学上の問題で不適格と見なされた場合には代金の払い戻しは行なわれない、という契約なのだから、榎本氏には払い戻しを受ける権利がない」"

SubSonicを使ってASP.NETで簡単にDBアクセスする (1) SubSonicとは | マイコミジャーナル

Dynamic Language Runtime(DLR)
Lightweight Languageを支えるDLR――PythonRubySilverlight 2 (2/2) - ITmedia エンタープライズ
"現状でDynamic Silverlight対応しているのは、IronPythonIronRuby、そしてManaged JScriptだ)。
この意義は大きい。それは、UIとしてXAMLベースのグラフィカルなUIを使えるようになるからだ。言い換えればXAMLVisual BasicXAMLC#に代わって、XAMLPythonXAMLRubyが使えるということだ。"

Apache Continuum
"Continuous Integration and Build Server"
Apache継続的インテグレーションサーバ「Continuum 1.2」をリリース |マイコミジャーナル

Google10周年プロジェクト、世界を変えるアイディアに1000万ドル| マイコミジャーナル
"米Googleは9月24日(現地時間)、同社の設立10周年をきっかけとした新プロジェクト「Project 10^100 (10 to the 100th)」を発表"

"池袋駅のナンパ男"にイライラして殺害予告した36歳の女逮捕 - 警視庁


'Dark Flow' between the constellations of Centaurus and Vela.
Scientists Detect Cosmic 'Dark Flow' Across Billions of Light Years - NASA
"Galaxy clusters like 1E 0657-56 (inset) seem to be drifting toward a 20-degree-wide patch of sky (ellipse) between the constellations of Centaurus and Vela. "

"The white dots are the 700 clusters worth of hot gas,
while the pink ellipse is where they are all headed
Image Credit: NASA/WMAP/A. Kashlinsky et al."
Another force lurks in the dark
Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2008. DOI: To be published 10/20
'Dark Flow'

Scientists glimpse 'dark flow' lurking beyond the edge of the universe - Telegraph
the phenomenon "dark flow."
The stuff that's pulling this matter must be outside the observable universe, researchers conclude.
The researchers detail their findings in the Oct. 20 issue of the journal Astrophysical Journal Letters.
Mysterious New 'Dark Flow' Discovered in Space - FOXNews.com
Galaxy Clusters Trace Huge Cosmic Flow | SpaceRef - Your Space Reference
Galaxy flow hints at huge masses over cosmic horizon - 25 September 2008 - New Scientist
Galaxy flow hints at huge masses over cosmic horizon -New Scientist
Universe Tugged by Mysterious 'Dark Flow': Discovery News
The Great Beyond: Ink flows on "dark flow"
"watching ho"
Mysterious “Dark Flow” Is Tugging Galaxies Beyond the Universe’s Horizon | 80beats | Discover Magazine

Baffling Big Bang: Now, it’s the turn of dark flow to baffle SCI & TECH NEWS MyNews.in:
"Dark flow
A mysterious motion of the galactic clusters unaffected by the expanding universe
With the LHC shut down for one year, it will take time unravel the mysteries of the origin and evolution the universe. Watch and wait!"

Ten years ago, cosmologists discovered they were living a lie. The expansion of the universe was not slowing down as a result of gravity, as they had long believed: It was speeding up.
"Your whole life as an astronomer, you learn that the universe is expanding, but it should be slowing down," said Tod R. Lauer, an associate astronomer at the National Optical Astronomy Observatory who is investigating dark energy.
"But we find out it's speeding up. That's the most incredible shock we've had in cosmology in the last 40 years."
And Now, the Biggest Question in the Universe - washingtonpost.com
And N