
ロシア側のNews - United against aggression
"Members of different political parties and movements in Russia joined efforts this week to express their strong disapproval of the military actions of the Georgian government against South Ossetia. "

Washington, we have a problem...: New Scientist Space Blog
"The latest international news, of course, is that the Russians are throwing their weight around in Georgia and most everyone else, including the US, doesn't approve. This might all quiet down and blow over; that's happened before. Or it might not, in which case relations between the US and Russia might be less friendly for a while. This could make life interesting for NASA in 2011. "

Stars in other universes: stellar structure with different fundamental constants
Science News / Stars Ablaze In Other Skies
"Calculations find that many universes could sustain stars
Fred Adams sees stars in the most unlikely places.
His calculations suggest that, contrary to some previous claims, stars are not only common in our cosmos but are also ablaze in myriad other universes, where the laws of physics may be drastically different"

New Milky Way Map Reveals A Complicated Outer Galaxy
"The halo of stars that envelops the Milky Way galaxy is like a river delta criss-crossed by stellar streams large and small, according to new data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-II)."


Biggest 3D galaxy map to probe dark energy's history - space - 15 August 2008 - New Scientist Space

NASA Solicitation: Destiny Mission Concept for the Joint Dark Energy Mission - JDEM | SpaceRef

Senators: Space station jeopardized by Georgia conflict
| BetaNews
"the Iran, North Korea, Syria Non-Proliferation Act, which became law in 2000, bans the the US from purchasing services from countries that trade nuclear or ballistic supplies with Iran. Were it not for a 2005 exemption in the bill expressly related to the United States' use of the Soyuz capsule, Russia's dealings with Iran would render the Russian Space Agency off-limits to US organizations.
From the bill:

"...Prohibits, with specified exceptions, any U.S. agency from making extraordinary payments to the Russian Space Agency in connection with the International Space Station, or any other organization or entity of the Government of the Russian Federation, unless the President has determined, and reported to specified congressional committees, that:
(1) it is the policy of the Government of the Russian Federation to oppose the proliferation to Iran of weapons of mass destruction and missile systems capable of delivering such weapons;
(2) such government has demonstrated through the implementation of concrete steps a commitment to seek out and prevent the transfer to Iran of goods, services, and technology that could make a material contribution to the development of nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons, or of ballistic or cruise missile systems, including through the imposition of penalties on persons who make such transfers; and
(3) neither the Russian Space Agency, nor any organization under its control, has, during the one-year period prior to the determination, made transfers to Iran of controlled goods, services, or technology or non-controlled goods, services, or technology with potential to make a material contribution to Iran's development of nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons, or of ballistic or cruise missile systems."

The exemption will expire in 2011, but NASA's Constellation Program is not expected to be completed until 2015. Until that time, the sole means of transport for US astronauts was the Soyuz capsule."

Discord With Russia a Worry for NASA - washingtonpost.com
"NASA's ability to send its astronauts to the $100 billion international space station is in danger of becoming a costly casualty of the Russia-Georgia war.
Congress has to pass a waiver to a 2000 law forbidding government contracts with nations that help Iran and North Korea with their nuclear programs, as Russia has done. Even before the Georgia incursion, the bill faced strong opposition, and key members said this week that the chances of granting a waiver now are slim."
同一記事 Rocky Russia relations could cause problems in space - Houston Chronicle
A U.S. and Russia Collision Could Spell Bad News for NASA (And Florida) | Discover Magazine
"the money funneled into the state for space and research operations totaled $1.68 billion in 2006."
Could the Russia-Georgia conflict jeopardize U.S. space plans?: Scientific American Blog
War in Georgia may put space station at risk | Los Angeles Times

China's lunar satellite faces eclipse challenge: AFP
"Chang'e 1 is part of China's three-stage moon mission, which is expected to include a landing on the moon and the launch of a rover vehicle which will return to Earth with soil and stone samples around 2017, according to the report. "

14日まで 金5、銀3、銅3
前回アテネ大会 金16、銀9、銅12の計37個
Magnificent 7th
Phelps swims into history, winning 7th gold medal
"With a final lunge, Michael Phelps captured gold in the 100m butterfly to tie Mark Spitz's record of seven gold medals. " Yahoo! Sports
Phelps Finish Photos: Sorry, Not Available – The New York Times
"Apparently Omega has underwater video that slows the action even more than the one-hundredth of a second that Phelps won by. "
女子100メートル1次予選 日本勢出場は56年ぶり
福島千里 2次予選には進めず「別世界だな、と思った」
女子400メートル予選 日本勢で44年ぶり
丹野麻美 予選敗退

Swedish wrestler stripped of bronze medal
"BEIJING (AP)―A Swedish wrestler was disqualified and stripped of his bronze medal Saturday for dropping the prize in protest after a disputed loss at the Beijing Olympics.
Ara Abrahamian was punished by the International Olympic Committee for violating the spirit of fair play during the medal ceremony, becoming the fourth athlete kicked out of the games and bringing the number of medals removed to three."
IOCが銅メダル投げつけで失格、はく奪 - nikkansports.com

18:30 多摩川花火大会生中継2008
花火打上 :午後7時〜午後8時
場 所 川崎市高津区諏訪 多摩川河川敷

YOSAKOI Project 2008 
第55回よさこい祭り インターネットライブ中継
16日(土):再放送 13:00〜17:00
17日(日):再放送 13:00〜17:00

"毛沢東率いる共産党陝西省の延安で阿片栽培をしている。 1937年(昭和12)に蒋介石から延安に定住することを認めてもらった毛沢東は、 1941年(昭和16)6月にドイツがソ連に侵攻したのを見て、毛沢東はモスクワからの 資金援助が途絶えた場合のことを考えて、阿片栽培を始めた。 毛沢東はこれを「革命的鴉片(阿片)戦争」と呼んでいた。 3万エーカーの土地にケシを栽培して畑の周囲にコーリャンを植えて隠した。 結果は大儲けだった。たった一年で今の価格で言うと、6億4000万ドルもの大金を得た"
"里見の阿片商売は飛躍的に利益を出した。 上海派遣軍高級参謀・長勇(ちょういさむ)大佐の進言によりペルシャ産の阿片を扱うことにしたからである。 宏済善堂がペルシャ産阿片で儲けた利益は約2千万ドルになったが、興亜院に支払った。
翌年には蒙古阿片も扱った。これはほとんど中華航空の飛行機で運ばれた。 阿片売買による利益は興亜院が管理し、3分の1が南京政府(汪兆銘政府)の財務省に、 3分の1が阿片改善局に、残り3分の1が宏済善堂に分配されていた。 汪兆銘政府の仕掛け人は参謀本部第八課の課長で謀略担当の影佐禎昭である。 里見のもとには多くの軍人たちが金をねだりに訪れた。"
アヘン王、巨利の足跡 新資料、旧日本軍の販売原案も -(朝日新聞社):
興亜院 - Wikipedia

ロシア側のNews - United against aggression
"Members of different political parties and movements in Russia joined efforts this week to express their strong disapproval of the military actions of the Georgian government against South Ossetia. "

Washington, we have a problem...: New Scientist Space Blog
"The latest international news, of course, is that the Russians are throwing their weight around in Georgia and most everyone else, including the US, doesn't approve. This might all quiet down and blow over; that's happened before. Or it might not, in which case relations between the US and Russia might be less friendly for a while. This could make life interesting for NASA in 2011. "

Stars in other universes: stellar structure with different fundamental constants
Science News / Stars Ablaze In Other Skies
"Calculations find that many universes could sustain stars
Fred Adams sees stars in the most unlikely places.
His calculations suggest that, contrary to some previous claims, stars are not only common in our cosmos but are also ablaze in myriad other universes, where the laws of physics may be drastically different"

New Milky Way Map Reveals A Complicated Outer Galaxy
"The halo of stars that envelops the Milky Way galaxy is like a river delta criss-crossed by stellar streams large and small, according to new data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-II)."


Biggest 3D galaxy map to probe dark energy's history - space - 15 August 2008 - New Scientist Space

NASA Solicitation: Destiny Mission Concept for the Joint Dark Energy Mission - JDEM | SpaceRef

Senators: Space station jeopardized by Georgia conflict
| BetaNews
"the Iran, North Korea, Syria Non-Proliferation Act, which became law in 2000, bans the the US from purchasing services from countries that trade nuclear or ballistic supplies with Iran. Were it not for a 2005 exemption in the bill expressly related to the United States' use of the Soyuz capsule, Russia's dealings with Iran would render the Russian Space Agency off-limits to US organizations.
From the bill:

"...Prohibits, with specified exceptions, any U.S. agency from making extraordinary payments to the Russian Space Agency in connection with the International Space Station, or any other organization or entity of the Government of the Russian Federation, unless the President has determined, and reported to specified congressional committees, that:
(1) it is the policy of the Government of the Russian Federation to oppose the proliferation to Iran of weapons of mass destruction and missile systems capable of delivering such weapons;
(2) such government has demonstrated through the implementation of concrete steps a commitment to seek out and prevent the transfer to Iran of goods, services, and technology that could make a material contribution to the development of nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons, or of ballistic or cruise missile systems, including through the imposition of penalties on persons who make such transfers; and
(3) neither the Russian Space Agency, nor any organization under its control, has, during the one-year period prior to the determination, made transfers to Iran of controlled goods, services, or technology or non-controlled goods, services, or technology with potential to make a material contribution to Iran's development of nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons, or of ballistic or cruise missile systems."

The exemption will expire in 2011, but NASA's Constellation Program is not expected to be completed until 2015. Until that time, the sole means of transport for US astronauts was the Soyuz capsule."

Discord With Russia a Worry for NASA - washingtonpost.com
"NASA's ability to send its astronauts to the $100 billion international space station is in danger of becoming a costly casualty of the Russia-Georgia war.
Congress has to pass a waiver to a 2000 law forbidding government contracts with nations that help Iran and North Korea with their nuclear programs, as Russia has done. Even before the Georgia incursion, the bill faced strong opposition, and key members said this week that the chances of granting a waiver now are slim."
同一記事 Rocky Russia relations could cause problems in space - Houston Chronicle
A U.S. and Russia Collision Could Spell Bad News for NASA (And Florida) | Discover Magazine
"the money funneled into the state for space and research operations totaled $1.68 billion in 2006."
Could the Russia-Georgia conflict jeopardize U.S. space plans?: Scientific American Blog
War in Georgia may put space station at risk | Los Angeles Times

China's lunar satellite faces eclipse challenge: AFP
"Chang'e 1 is part of China's three-stage moon mission, which is expected to include a landing on the moon and the launch of a rover vehicle which will return to Earth with soil and stone samples around 2017, according to the report. "

14日まで 金5、銀3、銅3
前回アテネ大会 金16、銀9、銅12の計37個
Magnificent 7th
Phelps swims into history, winning 7th gold medal
"With a final lunge, Michael Phelps captured gold in the 100m butterfly to tie Mark Spitz's record of seven gold medals. " Yahoo! Sports
Phelps Finish Photos: Sorry, Not Available – The New York Times
"Apparently Omega has underwater video that slows the action even more than the one-hundredth of a second that Phelps won by. "
女子100メートル1次予選 日本勢出場は56年ぶり
福島千里 2次予選には進めず「別世界だな、と思った」
女子400メートル予選 日本勢で44年ぶり
丹野麻美 予選敗退

Swedish wrestler stripped of bronze medal
"BEIJING (AP)―A Swedish wrestler was disqualified and stripped of his bronze medal Saturday for dropping the prize in protest after a disputed loss at the Beijing Olympics.
Ara Abrahamian was punished by the International Olympic Committee for violating the spirit of fair play during the medal ceremony, becoming the fourth athlete kicked out of the games and bringing the number of medals removed to three."
IOCが銅メダル投げつけで失格、はく奪 - nikkansports.com

18:30 多摩川花火大会生中継2008
花火打上 :午後7時〜午後8時
場 所 川崎市高津区諏訪 多摩川河川敷

YOSAKOI Project 2008 
第55回よさこい祭り インターネットライブ中継
16日(土):再放送 13:00〜17:00
17日(日):再放送 13:00〜17:00

"毛沢東率いる共産党陝西省の延安で阿片栽培をしている。 1937年(昭和12)に蒋介石から延安に定住することを認めてもらった毛沢東は、 1941年(昭和16)6月にドイツがソ連に侵攻したのを見て、毛沢東はモスクワからの 資金援助が途絶えた場合のことを考えて、阿片栽培を始めた。 毛沢東はこれを「革命的鴉片(阿片)戦争」と呼んでいた。 3万エーカーの土地にケシを栽培して畑の周囲にコーリャンを植えて隠した。 結果は大儲けだった。たった一年で今の価格で言うと、6億4000万ドルもの大金を得た"
"里見の阿片商売は飛躍的に利益を出した。 上海派遣軍高級参謀・長勇(ちょういさむ)大佐の進言によりペルシャ産の阿片を扱うことにしたからである。 宏済善堂がペルシャ産阿片で儲けた利益は約2千万ドルになったが、興亜院に支払った。
翌年には蒙古阿片も扱った。これはほとんど中華航空の飛行機で運ばれた。 阿片売買による利益は興亜院が管理し、3分の1が南京政府(汪兆銘政府)の財務省に、 3分の1が阿片改善局に、残り3分の1が宏済善堂に分配されていた。 汪兆銘政府の仕掛け人は参謀本部第八課の課長で謀略担当の影佐禎昭である。 里見のもとには多くの軍人たちが金をねだりに訪れた。"
アヘン王、巨利の足跡 新資料、旧日本軍の販売原案も -(朝日新聞社):
興亜院 - Wikipedia

ロシア側のNews - United against aggression
"Members of different political parties and movements in Russia joined efforts this week to express their strong disapproval of the military actions of the Georgian government against South Ossetia. "

Washington, we have a problem...: New Scientist Space Blog
"The latest international news, of course, is that the Russians are throwing their weight around in Georgia and most everyone else, including the US, doesn't approve. This might all quiet down and blow over; that's happened before. Or it might not, in which case relations between the US and Russia might be less friendly for a while. This could make life interesting for NASA in 2011. "

Stars in other universes: stellar structure with different fundamental constants
Science News / Stars Ablaze In Other Skies
"Calculations find that many universes could sustain stars
Fred Adams sees stars in the most unlikely places.
His calculations suggest that, contrary to some previous claims, stars are not only common in our cosmos but are also ablaze in myriad other universes, where the laws of physics may be drastically different"

New Milky Way Map Reveals A Complicated Outer Galaxy
"The halo of stars that envelops the Milky Way galaxy is like a river delta criss-crossed by stellar streams large and small, according to new data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-II)."


Biggest 3D galaxy map to probe dark energy's history - space - 15 August 2008 - New Scientist Space

NASA Solicitation: Destiny Mission Concept for the Joint Dark Energy Mission - JDEM | SpaceRef

Senators: Space station jeopardized by Georgia conflict
| BetaNews
"the Iran, North Korea, Syria Non-Proliferation Act, which became law in 2000, bans the the US from purchasing services from countries that trade nuclear or ballistic supplies with Iran. Were it not for a 2005 exemption in the bill expressly related to the United States' use of the Soyuz capsule, Russia's dealings with Iran would render the Russian Space Agency off-limits to US organizations.
From the bill:

"...Prohibits, with specified exceptions, any U.S. agency from making extraordinary payments to the Russian Space Agency in connection with the International Space Station, or any other organization or entity of the Government of the Russian Federation, unless the President has determined, and reported to specified congressional committees, that:
(1) it is the policy of the Government of the Russian Federation to oppose the proliferation to Iran of weapons of mass destruction and missile systems capable of delivering such weapons;
(2) such government has demonstrated through the implementation of concrete steps a commitment to seek out and prevent the transfer to Iran of goods, services, and technology that could make a material contribution to the development of nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons, or of ballistic or cruise missile systems, including through the imposition of penalties on persons who make such transfers; and
(3) neither the Russian Space Agency, nor any organization under its control, has, during the one-year period prior to the determination, made transfers to Iran of controlled goods, services, or technology or non-controlled goods, services, or technology with potential to make a material contribution to Iran's development of nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons, or of ballistic or cruise missile systems."

The exemption will expire in 2011, but NASA's Constellation Program is not expected to be completed until 2015. Until that time, the sole means of transport for US astronauts was the Soyuz capsule."

Discord With Russia a Worry for NASA - washingtonpost.com
"NASA's ability to send its astronauts to the $100 billion international space station is in danger of becoming a costly casualty of the Russia-Georgia war.
Congress has to pass a waiver to a 2000 law forbidding government contracts with nations that help Iran and North Korea with their nuclear programs, as Russia has done. Even before the Georgia incursion, the bill faced strong opposition, and key members said this week that the chances of granting a waiver now are slim."
同一記事 Rocky Russia relations could cause problems in space - Houston Chronicle
A U.S. and Russia Collision Could Spell Bad News for NASA (And Florida) | Discover Magazine
"the money funneled into the state for space and research operations totaled $1.68 billion in 2006."
Could the Russia-Georgia conflict jeopardize U.S. space plans?: Scientific American Blog
War in Georgia may put space station at risk | Los Angeles Times

China's lunar satellite faces eclipse challenge: AFP
"Chang'e 1 is part of China's three-stage moon mission, which is expected to include a landing on the moon and the launch of a rover vehicle which will return to Earth with soil and stone samples around 2017, according to the report. "

14日まで 金5、銀3、銅3
前回アテネ大会 金16、銀9、銅12の計37個
Magnificent 7th
Phelps swims into history, winning 7th gold medal
"With a final lunge, Michael Phelps captured gold in the 100m butterfly to tie Mark Spitz's record of seven gold medals. " Yahoo! Sports
Phelps Finish Photos: Sorry, Not Available – The New York Times
"Apparently Omega has underwater video that slows the action even more than the one-hundredth of a second that Phelps won by. "
女子100メートル1次予選 日本勢出場は56年ぶり
福島千里 2次予選には進めず「別世界だな、と思った」
女子400メートル予選 日本勢で44年ぶり
丹野麻美 予選敗退

Swedish wrestler stripped of bronze medal
"BEIJING (AP)―A Swedish wrestler was disqualified and stripped of his bronze medal Saturday for dropping the prize in protest after a disputed loss at the Beijing Olympics.
Ara Abrahamian was punished by the International Olympic Committee for violating the spirit of fair play during the medal ceremony, becoming the fourth athlete kicked out of the games and bringing the number of medals removed to three."
IOCが銅メダル投げつけで失格、はく奪 - nikkansports.com

18:30 多摩川花火大会生中継2008
花火打上 :午後7時〜午後8時
場 所 川崎市高津区諏訪 多摩川河川敷

YOSAKOI Project 2008 
第55回よさこい祭り インターネットライブ中継
16日(土):再放送 13:00〜17:00
17日(日):再放送 13:00〜17:00

"毛沢東率いる共産党陝西省の延安で阿片栽培をしている。 1937年(昭和12)に蒋介石から延安に定住することを認めてもらった毛沢東は、 1941年(昭和16)6月にドイツがソ連に侵攻したのを見て、毛沢東はモスクワからの 資金援助が途絶えた場合のことを考えて、阿片栽培を始めた。 毛沢東はこれを「革命的鴉片(阿片)戦争」と呼んでいた。 3万エーカーの土地にケシを栽培して畑の周囲にコーリャンを植えて隠した。 結果は大儲けだった。たった一年で今の価格で言うと、6億4000万ドルもの大金を得た"
"里見の阿片商売は飛躍的に利益を出した。 上海派遣軍高級参謀・長勇(ちょういさむ)大佐の進言によりペルシャ産の阿片を扱うことにしたからである。 宏済善堂がペルシャ産阿片で儲けた利益は約2千万ドルになったが、興亜院に支払った。
翌年には蒙古阿片も扱った。これはほとんど中華航空の飛行機で運ばれた。 阿片売買による利益は興亜院が管理し、3分の1が南京政府(汪兆銘政府)の財務省に、 3分の1が阿片改善局に、残り3分の1が宏済善堂に分配されていた。 汪兆銘政府の仕掛け人は参謀本部第八課の課長で謀略担当の影佐禎昭である。 里見のもとには多くの軍人たちが金をねだりに訪れた。"
アヘン王、巨利の足跡 新資料、旧日本軍の販売原案も -(朝日新聞社):
興亜院 - Wikipedia

ロシア側のNews - United against aggression
"Members of different political parties and movements in Russia joined efforts this week to express their strong disapproval of the military actions of the Georgian government against South Ossetia. "

Washington, we have a problem...: New Scientist Space Blog
"The latest international news, of course, is that the Russians are throwing their weight around in Georgia and most everyone else, including the US, doesn't approve. This might all quiet down and blow over; that's happened before. Or it might not, in which case relations between the US and Russia might be less friendly for a while. This could make life interesting for NASA in 2011. "

Stars in other universes: stellar structure with different fundamental constants
Science News / Stars Ablaze In Other Skies
"Calculations find that many universes could sustain stars
Fred Adams sees stars in the most unlikely places.
His calculations suggest that, contrary to some previous claims, stars are not only common in our cosmos but are also ablaze in myriad other universes, where the laws of physics may be drastically different"

New Milky Way Map Reveals A Complicated Outer Galaxy
"The halo of stars that envelops the Milky Way galaxy is like a river delta criss-crossed by stellar streams large and small, according to new data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-II)."


Biggest 3D galaxy map to probe dark energy's history - space - 15 August 2008 - New Scientist Space

NASA Solicitation: Destiny Mission Concept for the Joint Dark Energy Mission - JDEM | SpaceRef

Senators: Space station jeopardized by Georgia conflict
| BetaNews
"the Iran, North Korea, Syria Non-Proliferation Act, which became law in 2000, bans the the US from purchasing services from countries that trade nuclear or ballistic supplies with Iran. Were it not for a 2005 exemption in the bill expressly related to the United States' use of the Soyuz capsule, Russia's dealings with Iran would render the Russian Space Agency off-limits to US organizations.
From the bill:

"...Prohibits, with specified exceptions, any U.S. agency from making extraordinary payments to the Russian Space Agency in connection with the International Space Station, or any other organization or entity of the Government of the Russian Federation, unless the President has determined, and reported to specified congressional committees, that:
(1) it is the policy of the Government of the Russian Federation to oppose the proliferation to Iran of weapons of mass destruction and missile systems capable of delivering such weapons;
(2) such government has demonstrated through the implementation of concrete steps a commitment to seek out and prevent the transfer to Iran of goods, services, and technology that could make a material contribution to the development of nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons, or of ballistic or cruise missile systems, including through the imposition of penalties on persons who make such transfers; and
(3) neither the Russian Space Agency, nor any organization under its control, has, during the one-year period prior to the determination, made transfers to Iran of controlled goods, services, or technology or non-controlled goods, services, or technology with potential to make a material contribution to Iran's development of nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons, or of ballistic or cruise missile systems."

The exemption will expire in 2011, but NASA's Constellation Program is not expected to be completed until 2015. Until that time, the sole means of transport for US astronauts was the Soyuz capsule."

Discord With Russia a Worry for NASA - washingtonpost.com
"NASA's ability to send its astronauts to the $100 billion international space station is in danger of becoming a costly casualty of the Russia-Georgia war.
Congress has to pass a waiver to a 2000 law forbidding government contracts with nations that help Iran and North Korea with their nuclear programs, as Russia has done. Even before the Georgia incursion, the bill faced strong opposition, and key members said this week that the chances of granting a waiver now are slim."
同一記事 Rocky Russia relations could cause problems in space - Houston Chronicle
A U.S. and Russia Collision Could Spell Bad News for NASA (And Florida) | Discover Magazine
"the money funneled into the state for space and research operations totaled $1.68 billion in 2006."
Could the Russia-Georgia conflict jeopardize U.S. space plans?: Scientific American Blog
War in Georgia may put space station at risk | Los Angeles Times

China's lunar satellite faces eclipse challenge: AFP
"Chang'e 1 is part of China's three-stage moon mission, which is expected to include a landing on the moon and the launch of a rover vehicle which will return to Earth with soil and stone samples around 2017, according to the report. "

14日まで 金5、銀3、銅3
前回アテネ大会 金16、銀9、銅12の計37個
Magnificent 7th
Phelps swims into history, winning 7th gold medal
"With a final lunge, Michael Phelps captured gold in the 100m butterfly to tie Mark Spitz's record of seven gold medals. " Yahoo! Sports
Phelps Finish Photos: Sorry, Not Available – The New York Times
"Apparently Omega has underwater video that slows the action even more than the one-hundredth of a second that Phelps won by. "
女子100メートル1次予選 日本勢出場は56年ぶり
福島千里 2次予選には進めず「別世界だな、と思った」
女子400メートル予選 日本勢で44年ぶり
丹野麻美 予選敗退

Swedish wrestler stripped of bronze medal
"BEIJING (AP)―A Swedish wrestler was disqualified and stripped of his bronze medal Saturday for dropping the prize in protest after a disputed loss at the Beijing Olympics.
Ara Abrahamian was punished by the International Olympic Committee for violating the spirit of fair play during the medal ceremony, becoming the fourth athlete kicked out of the games and bringing the number of medals removed to three."
IOCが銅メダル投げつけで失格、はく奪 - nikkansports.com

18:30 多摩川花火大会生中継2008
花火打上 :午後7時〜午後8時
場 所 川崎市高津区諏訪 多摩川河川敷

YOSAKOI Project 2008 
第55回よさこい祭り インターネットライブ中継
16日(土):再放送 13:00〜17:00
17日(日):再放送 13:00〜17:00

"毛沢東率いる共産党陝西省の延安で阿片栽培をしている。 1937年(昭和12)に蒋介石から延安に定住することを認めてもらった毛沢東は、 1941年(昭和16)6月にドイツがソ連に侵攻したのを見て、毛沢東はモスクワからの 資金援助が途絶えた場合のことを考えて、阿片栽培を始めた。 毛沢東はこれを「革命的鴉片(阿片)戦争」と呼んでいた。 3万エーカーの土地にケシを栽培して畑の周囲にコーリャンを植えて隠した。 結果は大儲けだった。たった一年で今の価格で言うと、6億4000万ドルもの大金を得た"
"里見の阿片商売は飛躍的に利益を出した。 上海派遣軍高級参謀・長勇(ちょういさむ)大佐の進言によりペルシャ産の阿片を扱うことにしたからである。 宏済善堂がペルシャ産阿片で儲けた利益は約2千万ドルになったが、興亜院に支払った。
翌年には蒙古阿片も扱った。これはほとんど中華航空の飛行機で運ばれた。 阿片売買による利益は興亜院が管理し、3分の1が南京政府(汪兆銘政府)の財務省に、 3分の1が阿片改善局に、残り3分の1が宏済善堂に分配されていた。 汪兆銘政府の仕掛け人は参謀本部第八課の課長で謀略担当の影佐禎昭である。 里見のもとには多くの軍人たちが金をねだりに訪れた。"
アヘン王、巨利の足跡 新資料、旧日本軍の販売原案も -(朝日新聞社):
興亜院 - Wikipedia

ロシア側のNews - United against aggression
"Members of different political parties and movements in Russia joined efforts this week to express their strong disapproval of the military actions of the Georgian government against South Ossetia. "

Washington, we have a problem...: New Scientist Space Blog
"The latest international news, of course, is that the Russians are throwing their weight around in Georgia and most everyone else, including the US, doesn't approve. This might all quiet down and blow over; that's happened before. Or it might not, in which case relations between the US and Russia might be less friendly for a while. This could make life interesting for NASA in 2011. "

Stars in other universes: stellar structure with different fundamental constants
Science News / Stars Ablaze In Other Skies
"Calculations find that many universes could sustain stars
Fred Adams sees stars in the most unlikely places.
His calculations suggest that, contrary to some previous claims, stars are not only common in our cosmos but are also ablaze in myriad other universes, where the laws of physics may be drastically different"

New Milky Way Map Reveals A Complicated Outer Galaxy
"The halo of stars that envelops the Milky Way galaxy is like a river delta criss-crossed by stellar streams large and small, according to new data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-II)."


Biggest 3D galaxy map to probe dark energy's history - space - 15 August 2008 - New Scientist Space

NASA Solicitation: Destiny Mission Concept for the Joint Dark Energy Mission - JDEM | SpaceRef

Senators: Space station jeopardized by Georgia conflict
| BetaNews
"the Iran, North Korea, Syria Non-Proliferation Act, which became law in 2000, bans the the US from purchasing services from countries that trade nuclear or ballistic supplies with Iran. Were it not for a 2005 exemption in the bill expressly related to the United States' use of the Soyuz capsule, Russia's dealings with Iran would render the Russian Space Agency off-limits to US organizations.
From the bill:

"...Prohibits, with specified exceptions, any U.S. agency from making extraordinary payments to the Russian Space Agency in connection with the International Space Station, or any other organization or entity of the Government of the Russian Federation, unless the President has determined, and reported to specified congressional committees, that:
(1) it is the policy of the Government of the Russian Federation to oppose the proliferation to Iran of weapons of mass destruction and missile systems capable of delivering such weapons;
(2) such government has demonstrated through the implementation of concrete steps a commitment to seek out and prevent the transfer to Iran of goods, services, and technology that could make a material contribution to the development of nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons, or of ballistic or cruise missile systems, including through the imposition of penalties on persons who make such transfers; and
(3) neither the Russian Space Agency, nor any organization under its control, has, during the one-year period prior to the determination, made transfers to Iran of controlled goods, services, or technology or non-controlled goods, services, or technology with potential to make a material contribution to Iran's development of nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons, or of ballistic or cruise missile systems."

The exemption will expire in 2011, but NASA's Constellation Program is not expected to be completed until 2015. Until that time, the sole means of transport for US astronauts was the Soyuz capsule."

Discord With Russia a Worry for NASA - washingtonpost.com
"NASA's ability to send its astronauts to the $100 billion international space station is in danger of becoming a costly casualty of the Russia-Georgia war.
Congress has to pass a waiver to a 2000 law forbidding government contracts with nations that help Iran and North Korea with their nuclear programs, as Russia has done. Even before the Georgia incursion, the bill faced strong opposition, and key members said this week that the chances of granting a waiver now are slim."
同一記事 Rocky Russia relations could cause problems in space - Houston Chronicle
A U.S. and Russia Collision Could Spell Bad News for NASA (And Florida) | Discover Magazine
"the money funneled into the state for space and research operations totaled $1.68 billion in 2006."
Could the Russia-Georgia conflict jeopardize U.S. space plans?: Scientific American Blog
War in Georgia may put space station at risk | Los Angeles Times

China's lunar satellite faces eclipse challenge: AFP
"Chang'e 1 is part of China's three-stage moon mission, which is expected to include a landing on the moon and the launch of a rover vehicle which will return to Earth with soil and stone samples around 2017, according to the report. "

14日まで 金5、銀3、銅3
前回アテネ大会 金16、銀9、銅12の計37個
Magnificent 7th
Phelps swims into history, winning 7th gold medal
"With a final lunge, Michael Phelps captured gold in the 100m butterfly to tie Mark Spitz's record of seven gold medals. " Yahoo! Sports
Phelps Finish Photos: Sorry, Not Available – The New York Times
"Apparently Omega has underwater video that slows the action even more than the one-hundredth of a second that Phelps won by. "
女子100メートル1次予選 日本勢出場は56年ぶり
福島千里 2次予選には進めず「別世界だな、と思った」
女子400メートル予選 日本勢で44年ぶり
丹野麻美 予選敗退

Swedish wrestler stripped of bronze medal
"BEIJING (AP)―A Swedish wrestler was disqualified and stripped of his bronze medal Saturday for dropping the prize in protest after a disputed loss at the Beijing Olympics.
Ara Abrahamian was punished by the International Olympic Committee for violating the spirit of fair play during the medal ceremony, becoming the fourth athlete kicked out of the games and bringing the number of medals removed to three."
IOCが銅メダル投げつけで失格、はく奪 - nikkansports.com

18:30 多摩川花火大会生中継2008
花火打上 :午後7時〜午後8時
場 所 川崎市高津区諏訪 多摩川河川敷

YOSAKOI Project 2008 
第55回よさこい祭り インターネットライブ中継
16日(土):再放送 13:00〜17:00
17日(日):再放送 13:00〜17:00

"毛沢東率いる共産党陝西省の延安で阿片栽培をしている。 1937年(昭和12)に蒋介石から延安に定住することを認めてもらった毛沢東は、 1941年(昭和16)6月にドイツがソ連に侵攻したのを見て、毛沢東はモスクワからの 資金援助が途絶えた場合のことを考えて、阿片栽培を始めた。 毛沢東はこれを「革命的鴉片(阿片)戦争」と呼んでいた。 3万エーカーの土地にケシを栽培して畑の周囲にコーリャンを植えて隠した。 結果は大儲けだった。たった一年で今の価格で言うと、6億4000万ドルもの大金を得た"
"里見の阿片商売は飛躍的に利益を出した。 上海派遣軍高級参謀・長勇(ちょういさむ)大佐の進言によりペルシャ産の阿片を扱うことにしたからである。 宏済善堂がペルシャ産阿片で儲けた利益は約2千万ドルになったが、興亜院に支払った。
翌年には蒙古阿片も扱った。これはほとんど中華航空の飛行機で運ばれた。 阿片売買による利益は興亜院が管理し、3分の1が南京政府(汪兆銘政府)の財務省に、 3分の1が阿片改善局に、残り3分の1が宏済善堂に分配されていた。 汪兆銘政府の仕掛け人は参謀本部第八課の課長で謀略担当の影佐禎昭である。 里見のもとには多くの軍人たちが金をねだりに訪れた。"
アヘン王、巨利の足跡 新資料、旧日本軍の販売原案も -(朝日新聞社):
興亜院 - Wikipedia

ロシア側のNews - United against aggression
"Members of different political parties and movements in Russia joined efforts this week to express their strong disapproval of the military actions of the Georgian government against South Ossetia. "

Washington, we have a problem...: New Scientist Space Blog
"The latest international news, of course, is that the Russians are throwing their weight around in Georgia and most everyone else, including the US, doesn't approve. This might all quiet down and blow over; that's happened before. Or it might not, in which case relations between the US and Russia might be less friendly for a while. This could make life interesting for NASA in 2011. "

Stars in other universes: stellar structure with different fundamental constants
Science News / Stars Ablaze In Other Skies
"Calculations find that many universes could sustain stars
Fred Adams sees stars in the most unlikely places.
His calculations suggest that, contrary to some previous claims, stars are not only common in our cosmos but are also ablaze in myriad other universes, where the laws of physics may be drastically different"

New Milky Way Map Reveals A Complicated Outer Galaxy
"The halo of stars that envelops the Milky Way galaxy is like a river delta criss-crossed by stellar streams large and small, according to new data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-II)."


Biggest 3D galaxy map to probe dark energy's history - space - 15 August 2008 - New Scientist Space

NASA Solicitation: Destiny Mission Concept for the Joint Dark Energy Mission - JDEM | SpaceRef

Senators: Space station jeopardized by Georgia conflict
| BetaNews
"the Iran, North Korea, Syria Non-Proliferation Act, which became law in 2000, bans the the US from purchasing services from countries that trade nuclear or ballistic supplies with Iran. Were it not for a 2005 exemption in the bill expressly related to the United States' use of the Soyuz capsule, Russia's dealings with Iran would render the Russian Space Agency off-limits to US organizations.
From the bill:

"...Prohibits, with specified exceptions, any U.S. agency from making extraordinary payments to the Russian Space Agency in connection with the International Space Station, or any other organization or entity of the Government of the Russian Federation, unless the President has determined, and reported to specified congressional committees, that:
(1) it is the policy of the Government of the Russian Federation to oppose the proliferation to Iran of weapons of mass destruction and missile systems capable of delivering such weapons;
(2) such government has demonstrated through the implementation of concrete steps a commitment to seek out and prevent the transfer to Iran of goods, services, and technology that could make a material contribution to the development of nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons, or of ballistic or cruise missile systems, including through the imposition of penalties on persons who make such transfers; and
(3) neither the Russian Space Agency, nor any organization under its control, has, during the one-year period prior to the determination, made transfers to Iran of controlled goods, services, or technology or non-controlled goods, services, or technology with potential to make a material contribution to Iran's development of nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons, or of ballistic or cruise missile systems."

The exemption will expire in 2011, but NASA's Constellation Program is not expected to be completed until 2015. Until that time, the sole means of transport for US astronauts was the Soyuz capsule."

Discord With Russia a Worry for NASA - washingtonpost.com
"NASA's ability to send its astronauts to the $100 billion international space station is in danger of becoming a costly casualty of the Russia-Georgia war.
Congress has to pass a waiver to a 2000 law forbidding government contracts with nations that help Iran and North Korea with their nuclear programs, as Russia has done. Even before the Georgia incursion, the bill faced strong opposition, and key members said this week that the chances of granting a waiver now are slim."
同一記事 Rocky Russia relations could cause problems in space - Houston Chronicle
A U.S. and Russia Collision Could Spell Bad News for NASA (And Florida) | Discover Magazine
"the money funneled into the state for space and research operations totaled $1.68 billion in 2006."
Could the Russia-Georgia conflict jeopardize U.S. space plans?: Scientific American Blog
War in Georgia may put space station at risk | Los Angeles Times

China's lunar satellite faces eclipse challenge: AFP
"Chang'e 1 is part of China's three-stage moon mission, which is expected to include a landing on the moon and the launch of a rover vehicle which will return to Earth with soil and stone samples around 2017, according to the report. "

14日まで 金5、銀3、銅3
前回アテネ大会 金16、銀9、銅12の計37個
Magnificent 7th
Phelps swims into history, winning 7th gold medal
"With a final lunge, Michael Phelps captured gold in the 100m butterfly to tie Mark Spitz's record of seven gold medals. " Yahoo! Sports
Phelps Finish Photos: Sorry, Not Available – The New York Times
"Apparently Omega has underwater video that slows the action even more than the one-hundredth of a second that Phelps won by. "
女子100メートル1次予選 日本勢出場は56年ぶり
福島千里 2次予選には進めず「別世界だな、と思った」
女子400メートル予選 日本勢で44年ぶり
丹野麻美 予選敗退

Swedish wrestler stripped of bronze medal
"BEIJING (AP)―A Swedish wrestler was disqualified and stripped of his bronze medal Saturday for dropping the prize in protest after a disputed loss at the Beijing Olympics.
Ara Abrahamian was punished by the International Olympic Committee for violating the spirit of fair play during the medal ceremony, becoming the fourth athlete kicked out of the games and bringing the number of medals removed to three."
IOCが銅メダル投げつけで失格、はく奪 - nikkansports.com

18:30 多摩川花火大会生中継2008
花火打上 :午後7時〜午後8時
場 所 川崎市高津区諏訪 多摩川河川敷

YOSAKOI Project 2008 
第55回よさこい祭り インターネットライブ中継
16日(土):再放送 13:00〜17:00
17日(日):再放送 13:00〜17:00

"毛沢東率いる共産党陝西省の延安で阿片栽培をしている。 1937年(昭和12)に蒋介石から延安に定住することを認めてもらった毛沢東は、 1941年(昭和16)6月にドイツがソ連に侵攻したのを見て、毛沢東はモスクワからの 資金援助が途絶えた場合のことを考えて、阿片栽培を始めた。 毛沢東はこれを「革命的鴉片(阿片)戦争」と呼んでいた。 3万エーカーの土地にケシを栽培して畑の周囲にコーリャンを植えて隠した。 結果は大儲