
Up in the VIP slots, President Bush took off his jacket and utilised a weighty pair of binoculars to get a better look at the action. Vladimir Putin almost smiled. Princess Anne fanned herself and looked calmly impressed.
Only IOC president Jacques Rogge, strangely, didn't seem to be enjoying himself. For most of the night he wore the expression of man chewing stinging nettles. BBC SPORT | Olympics 2008 blog
Sensory overload at the opening ceremony

「五輪皇帝」に浮上する胡主席、今月末訪韓へ | 中央日報

U.S.-China rivalry just beginning/ Host nation seeks to dethrone America
The U.S. team collected 101 medals overall in Atlanta in 1996, 91 in Sydney in 2000, 102 in Athens in 2004.
It's clear, meanwhile, which way the trend is going for the Chinese – 50 medals overall in 1996, 59 in 2000, 63 in 2004.
Moreover, while the United States won the gold-medal count in Athens as well, with 36, the Chinese were second – with 32.

Beijing conjures Olympic opening epic with high technology_English_Xinhua
Space technology helps China's Olympics ceremony soar_English_Xinhua
""The engineering design at the opening ceremony borrowed many of the latest space technologies. They ensured the stable operation of thousands of devices," said Zhou Fengguang, head of the Engineering Design and Research Institute of the People's Liberation Army General Armament Department."

Szapudi’s team
The most direct signal of dark energy? - physicsworld.com
"Is Szapudi’s team now even more confident?
Well, it’s not so much the statistical confidence that’s a big deal ― they claim to detect the ISW effect at just above four sigma (or 99.9995% certainty), which is in the same league as other confidence values reported this year.

Unmasking Dark Energy -- Berardelli 2008 (801): 3 -- ScienceNOW
"A team from the University of Hawaii, Honolulu, has observed how dark energy directly affects the largest structures in the universe.
If confirmed, the findings could bring astronomers closer to understanding a phenomenon that has bedeviled them for more than a decade"

Gigantic Voids in Space Hint at Hidden Dark Energy - FOXNews.com
"Astronomers led by Istv〓n Szapudi of the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy observed dark energy stretching out these areas by detecting changes in rays of microwave light before and after they passed through the regions."

07/31 初出の再録

Hawaii scientists find direct evidence of 'Dark Energy' | KHNL NBC 8 Honolulu Hawaii
"July 30, 2008
MANOA (KHNL) - A team of astronomers at the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy has found direct evidence for the existence of "dark energy," an unknown form that works against gravity to pull galaxies together which causes the universe's expansion to speed up.
The team, led by Dr. Istan Szapudi, says this latest detection is the clearest to date. There is only one in 200,000 chance that the detection would occur by chance.
The team made the discovery by measuring the subtle imprints that superclusters and supervoids leave in microwaves that pass through them.""

Study shows clumps and streams of dark matter in inner regions of the Milky Way

Invisible Clumps In The Galaxy / Science News

Madau said gamma rays from such collisions might be detectable by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope.
"That's what makes this exciting," he said. "Some of those clumps are so dense they will emit a lot of gamma rays if there is dark matter annihilation and it might easily be detected by GLAST."
Study finds dark matter may be near Earth - UPI.com
"SANTA CRUZ, Calif., Aug. 8 (UPI) -- U.S. and Swiss researchers say computer simulations suggest dark matter exists within the Milky Way galaxy and near Earth's solar system.
University of California-Santa Cruz Professor Piero Madau said previous simulations showed the Milky Way clear of dark matter but the new study utilizing the Jaguar supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory provided enough detail to see clumps of dark matter."
Supervoids and clusters reveal dark energy | COSMOS magazine

According to one theory, however, dark matter consists of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), which can annihilate each other and emit gamma rays when they collide. Gamma rays from dark matter annihilation could be detected by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST), which UCSC physicists helped build.
Clumps And Streams Of Dark Matter Discovered In Inner Regions Of The Milky Way
The new simulation, described in the Aug. 7 issue of the journal Nature, implies that dark matter could be detected by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST).
"That's what makes this exciting," Madau said. "Some of those clumps are so dense they will emit a lot of gamma rays if there is dark matter annihilation, and it might easily be detected by GLAST."
Milky Way's Dark Matter Clumpier Than Thought --SPACE.com
“This is the best resolved calculation of the Milky Way’s halo ever carried out, with a mass resolution five to sixty times better than the previous largest computations,” explains Piero Madau at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Dark-matter simulation reveals lumpy haloes - physicsworld.com
Science News / Invisible Clumps In The Galaxy
"WHERE THE CLUMPS AREThis composite image, roughly 2 billion light-years on each side, shows the distribution of dark matter in a simulated, 13.7-billion-year-old galaxy. The smaller-scale insets compare dark matter density in the outer (top) and inner (bottom) regions of the galaxy. Red indicates high density. Click on the image for full story. Watch a video of the dark matter simulation."
Dark matter 'halo' simulated: Press Association
"No-one knows what dark matter is made of, but according to one theory it consists of weakly interacting massive particles (Wimps). These are expected to annihilate each other and release gamma rays when they collide."

Triple unification of inflation, dark matter, and dark energy using a single field
(Received 8 April 2008; published 19 June 2008)"
dark energy, dark matter, inflation:Unification in progress

VASIMR Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket
Plasma Rocket May Be Tested at Space Station
"Aug. 7, 2008 -- NASA is considering flying a prototype plasma rocket engine designed by a former astronaut to the International Space Station for testing, officials said Wednesday.
The engine is called a Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket, or VASIMR, and if that sounds like something you'd see on Star Trek, you're not too far from the truth.
Rather than heating chemicals and directing the resulting gases through high-temperature metal nozzles, VASIMR uses radio waves to create and speed up free-flying, electrically charged particles known as plasma. The concoction is then herded through nozzle"

NASA might bring plasma rocket to ISS for testing - Engadget
Space: NASA to Test Plasma Rocket at International Space Station

In Space, No-One Can Hear You Sleep
"I knew sci-fi didn't present an accurate view of what space travel was like - the "fi" stands for "fiction," after all- but surely it wasn't really so...mundane, was it?
Richard Garriott himself. Not only does the man own an actual Sputnik (yes, there was more than one), Garriott's father, Owen, was an astronaut on Skylab."

グルジアとの戦闘激化 ロ、米に停戦働き掛け要求

グルジアとの戦闘激化 ロ、米に停戦働き掛け要求 47NEWS
【モスクワ8日共同】インタファクス通信によると、グルジアからの分離独立を主張する南オセチア自治州に軍事介入したロシア軍は8日、同州に進攻していたグルジア軍と激しい戦闘を展開。ロシア外務省は同日、ラブロフ外相がライス米国務長官と3回にわたって電話会談し、 ...
南オセチア自治州進攻 ロシア軍事介入、グルジア軍と交戦 毎日新聞
グルジア軍は8日、分離独立を求める南オセチア自治州の州都ツヒンバリへ戦車で進攻した。独立派を支援するロシアは同日、現地に駐留する平和維持軍の増援部隊を派遣し、事実上の軍事介入を行った。両国軍が交戦状態に入ったとの情報もあり、情勢は ...
南オセチアグルジア軍が大規模砲撃 TBS News
グルジアからの独立を主張し、ロシアの支援を受けている南オセチア自治州で、7日夜からグルジア軍が大規模な砲撃を行い、独立派と交戦状態になっています。 ロシアのインタファクス通信などによりますと、グルジア軍は南オセチア自治州の州都ツヒンバリ近郊に大規模な ...

ロシア、南オセチアに越境し介入 グルジア基地を空爆中日新聞
グルジア軍は8日、分離独立を主張する南オセチア自治州の州都ツヒンバリに進攻、同国のサーカシビリ大統領は自治州の大部分を制圧したと表明した。自治州を支援するロシアは、現地駐留の平和維持軍の増派として戦車部隊が国境を越えて自治州に入り ...

中国:ギョーザ検査の担当局長が自殺−−香港紙報道 - 毎日jp(毎日新聞)
天洋食品」製造の冷凍ギョーザが回収後に中国国内で流通し中毒を起こしたことが表面化したが、この事件への対応にも当たっていたとみられる。同紙は う局長の自殺後の今月5日に同総局の李長江総局長が会議を開き、清廉な職務と規律の徹底を強調したと伝えており、自殺が汚職に関連する可能性を指摘している。"

“五輪!”な北京で使える(はずの)オンラインサービス:(山谷剛史のアジアン・アイティー ITmedia

Up in the VIP slots, President Bush took off his jacket and utilised a weighty pair of binoculars to get a better look at the action. Vladimir Putin almost smiled. Princess Anne fanned herself and looked calmly impressed.
Only IOC president Jacques Rogge, strangely, didn't seem to be enjoying himself. For most of the night he wore the expression of man chewing stinging nettles. BBC SPORT | Olympics 2008 blog
Sensory overload at the opening ceremony

「五輪皇帝」に浮上する胡主席、今月末訪韓へ | 中央日報

U.S.-China rivalry just beginning/ Host nation seeks to dethrone America
The U.S. team collected 101 medals overall in Atlanta in 1996, 91 in Sydney in 2000, 102 in Athens in 2004.
It's clear, meanwhile, which way the trend is going for the Chinese – 50 medals overall in 1996, 59 in 2000, 63 in 2004.
Moreover, while the United States won the gold-medal count in Athens as well, with 36, the Chinese were second – with 32.

Beijing conjures Olympic opening epic with high technology_English_Xinhua
Space technology helps China's Olympics ceremony soar_English_Xinhua
""The engineering design at the opening ceremony borrowed many of the latest space technologies. They ensured the stable operation of thousands of devices," said Zhou Fengguang, head of the Engineering Design and Research Institute of the People's Liberation Army General Armament Department."

Szapudi’s team
The most direct signal of dark energy? - physicsworld.com
"Is Szapudi’s team now even more confident?
Well, it’s not so much the statistical confidence that’s a big deal ― they claim to detect the ISW effect at just above four sigma (or 99.9995% certainty), which is in the same league as other confidence values reported this year.

Unmasking Dark Energy -- Berardelli 2008 (801): 3 -- ScienceNOW
"A team from the University of Hawaii, Honolulu, has observed how dark energy directly affects the largest structures in the universe.
If confirmed, the findings could bring astronomers closer to understanding a phenomenon that has bedeviled them for more than a decade"

Gigantic Voids in Space Hint at Hidden Dark Energy - FOXNews.com
"Astronomers led by Istv〓n Szapudi of the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy observed dark energy stretching out these areas by detecting changes in rays of microwave light before and after they passed through the regions."

07/31 初出の再録

Hawaii scientists find direct evidence of 'Dark Energy' | KHNL NBC 8 Honolulu Hawaii
"July 30, 2008
MANOA (KHNL) - A team of astronomers at the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy has found direct evidence for the existence of "dark energy," an unknown form that works against gravity to pull galaxies together which causes the universe's expansion to speed up.
The team, led by Dr. Istan Szapudi, says this latest detection is the clearest to date. There is only one in 200,000 chance that the detection would occur by chance.
The team made the discovery by measuring the subtle imprints that superclusters and supervoids leave in microwaves that pass through them.""

Study shows clumps and streams of dark matter in inner regions of the Milky Way

Invisible Clumps In The Galaxy / Science News

Madau said gamma rays from such collisions might be detectable by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope.
"That's what makes this exciting," he said. "Some of those clumps are so dense they will emit a lot of gamma rays if there is dark matter annihilation and it might easily be detected by GLAST."
Study finds dark matter may be near Earth - UPI.com
"SANTA CRUZ, Calif., Aug. 8 (UPI) -- U.S. and Swiss researchers say computer simulations suggest dark matter exists within the Milky Way galaxy and near Earth's solar system.
University of California-Santa Cruz Professor Piero Madau said previous simulations showed the Milky Way clear of dark matter but the new study utilizing the Jaguar supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory provided enough detail to see clumps of dark matter."
Supervoids and clusters reveal dark energy | COSMOS magazine

According to one theory, however, dark matter consists of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), which can annihilate each other and emit gamma rays when they collide. Gamma rays from dark matter annihilation could be detected by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST), which UCSC physicists helped build.
Clumps And Streams Of Dark Matter Discovered In Inner Regions Of The Milky Way
The new simulation, described in the Aug. 7 issue of the journal Nature, implies that dark matter could be detected by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST).
"That's what makes this exciting," Madau said. "Some of those clumps are so dense they will emit a lot of gamma rays if there is dark matter annihilation, and it might easily be detected by GLAST."
Milky Way's Dark Matter Clumpier Than Thought --SPACE.com
“This is the best resolved calculation of the Milky Way’s halo ever carried out, with a mass resolution five to sixty times better than the previous largest computations,” explains Piero Madau at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Dark-matter simulation reveals lumpy haloes - physicsworld.com
Science News / Invisible Clumps In The Galaxy
"WHERE THE CLUMPS AREThis composite image, roughly 2 billion light-years on each side, shows the distribution of dark matter in a simulated, 13.7-billion-year-old galaxy. The smaller-scale insets compare dark matter density in the outer (top) and inner (bottom) regions of the galaxy. Red indicates high density. Click on the image for full story. Watch a video of the dark matter simulation."
Dark matter 'halo' simulated: Press Association
"No-one knows what dark matter is made of, but according to one theory it consists of weakly interacting massive particles (Wimps). These are expected to annihilate each other and release gamma rays when they collide."

Triple unification of inflation, dark matter, and dark energy using a single field
(Received 8 April 2008; published 19 June 2008)"
dark energy, dark matter, inflation:Unification in progress

VASIMR Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket
Plasma Rocket May Be Tested at Space Station
"Aug. 7, 2008 -- NASA is considering flying a prototype plasma rocket engine designed by a former astronaut to the International Space Station for testing, officials said Wednesday.
The engine is called a Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket, or VASIMR, and if that sounds like something you'd see on Star Trek, you're not too far from the truth.
Rather than heating chemicals and directing the resulting gases through high-temperature metal nozzles, VASIMR uses radio waves to create and speed up free-flying, electrically charged particles known as plasma. The concoction is then herded through nozzle"

NASA might bring plasma rocket to ISS for testing - Engadget
Space: NASA to Test Plasma Rocket at International Space Station

In Space, No-One Can Hear You Sleep
"I knew sci-fi didn't present an accurate view of what space travel was like - the "fi" stands for "fiction," after all- but surely it wasn't really so...mundane, was it?
Richard Garriott himself. Not only does the man own an actual Sputnik (yes, there was more than one), Garriott's father, Owen, was an astronaut on Skylab."

グルジアとの戦闘激化 ロ、米に停戦働き掛け要求

グルジアとの戦闘激化 ロ、米に停戦働き掛け要求 47NEWS
【モスクワ8日共同】インタファクス通信によると、グルジアからの分離独立を主張する南オセチア自治州に軍事介入したロシア軍は8日、同州に進攻していたグルジア軍と激しい戦闘を展開。ロシア外務省は同日、ラブロフ外相がライス米国務長官と3回にわたって電話会談し、 ...
南オセチア自治州進攻 ロシア軍事介入、グルジア軍と交戦 毎日新聞
グルジア軍は8日、分離独立を求める南オセチア自治州の州都ツヒンバリへ戦車で進攻した。独立派を支援するロシアは同日、現地に駐留する平和維持軍の増援部隊を派遣し、事実上の軍事介入を行った。両国軍が交戦状態に入ったとの情報もあり、情勢は ...
南オセチアグルジア軍が大規模砲撃 TBS News
グルジアからの独立を主張し、ロシアの支援を受けている南オセチア自治州で、7日夜からグルジア軍が大規模な砲撃を行い、独立派と交戦状態になっています。 ロシアのインタファクス通信などによりますと、グルジア軍は南オセチア自治州の州都ツヒンバリ近郊に大規模な ...

ロシア、南オセチアに越境し介入 グルジア基地を空爆中日新聞
グルジア軍は8日、分離独立を主張する南オセチア自治州の州都ツヒンバリに進攻、同国のサーカシビリ大統領は自治州の大部分を制圧したと表明した。自治州を支援するロシアは、現地駐留の平和維持軍の増派として戦車部隊が国境を越えて自治州に入り ...

中国:ギョーザ検査の担当局長が自殺−−香港紙報道 - 毎日jp(毎日新聞)
天洋食品」製造の冷凍ギョーザが回収後に中国国内で流通し中毒を起こしたことが表面化したが、この事件への対応にも当たっていたとみられる。同紙は う局長の自殺後の今月5日に同総局の李長江総局長が会議を開き、清廉な職務と規律の徹底を強調したと伝えており、自殺が汚職に関連する可能性を指摘している。"

“五輪!”な北京で使える(はずの)オンラインサービス:(山谷剛史のアジアン・アイティー ITmedia

Up in the VIP slots, President Bush took off his jacket and utilised a weighty pair of binoculars to get a better look at the action. Vladimir Putin almost smiled. Princess Anne fanned herself and looked calmly impressed.
Only IOC president Jacques Rogge, strangely, didn't seem to be enjoying himself. For most of the night he wore the expression of man chewing stinging nettles. BBC SPORT | Olympics 2008 blog
Sensory overload at the opening ceremony

「五輪皇帝」に浮上する胡主席、今月末訪韓へ | 中央日報

U.S.-China rivalry just beginning/ Host nation seeks to dethrone America
The U.S. team collected 101 medals overall in Atlanta in 1996, 91 in Sydney in 2000, 102 in Athens in 2004.
It's clear, meanwhile, which way the trend is going for the Chinese – 50 medals overall in 1996, 59 in 2000, 63 in 2004.
Moreover, while the United States won the gold-medal count in Athens as well, with 36, the Chinese were second – with 32.

Beijing conjures Olympic opening epic with high technology_English_Xinhua
Space technology helps China's Olympics ceremony soar_English_Xinhua
""The engineering design at the opening ceremony borrowed many of the latest space technologies. They ensured the stable operation of thousands of devices," said Zhou Fengguang, head of the Engineering Design and Research Institute of the People's Liberation Army General Armament Department."

Szapudi’s team
The most direct signal of dark energy? - physicsworld.com
"Is Szapudi’s team now even more confident?
Well, it’s not so much the statistical confidence that’s a big deal ― they claim to detect the ISW effect at just above four sigma (or 99.9995% certainty), which is in the same league as other confidence values reported this year.

Unmasking Dark Energy -- Berardelli 2008 (801): 3 -- ScienceNOW
"A team from the University of Hawaii, Honolulu, has observed how dark energy directly affects the largest structures in the universe.
If confirmed, the findings could bring astronomers closer to understanding a phenomenon that has bedeviled them for more than a decade"

Gigantic Voids in Space Hint at Hidden Dark Energy - FOXNews.com
"Astronomers led by Istv〓n Szapudi of the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy observed dark energy stretching out these areas by detecting changes in rays of microwave light before and after they passed through the regions."

07/31 初出の再録

Hawaii scientists find direct evidence of 'Dark Energy' | KHNL NBC 8 Honolulu Hawaii
"July 30, 2008
MANOA (KHNL) - A team of astronomers at the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy has found direct evidence for the existence of "dark energy," an unknown form that works against gravity to pull galaxies together which causes the universe's expansion to speed up.
The team, led by Dr. Istan Szapudi, says this latest detection is the clearest to date. There is only one in 200,000 chance that the detection would occur by chance.
The team made the discovery by measuring the subtle imprints that superclusters and supervoids leave in microwaves that pass through them.""

Study shows clumps and streams of dark matter in inner regions of the Milky Way

Invisible Clumps In The Galaxy / Science News

Madau said gamma rays from such collisions might be detectable by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope.
"That's what makes this exciting," he said. "Some of those clumps are so dense they will emit a lot of gamma rays if there is dark matter annihilation and it might easily be detected by GLAST."
Study finds dark matter may be near Earth - UPI.com
"SANTA CRUZ, Calif., Aug. 8 (UPI) -- U.S. and Swiss researchers say computer simulations suggest dark matter exists within the Milky Way galaxy and near Earth's solar system.
University of California-Santa Cruz Professor Piero Madau said previous simulations showed the Milky Way clear of dark matter but the new study utilizing the Jaguar supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory provided enough detail to see clumps of dark matter."
Supervoids and clusters reveal dark energy | COSMOS magazine

According to one theory, however, dark matter consists of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), which can annihilate each other and emit gamma rays when they collide. Gamma rays from dark matter annihilation could be detected by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST), which UCSC physicists helped build.
Clumps And Streams Of Dark Matter Discovered In Inner Regions Of The Milky Way
The new simulation, described in the Aug. 7 issue of the journal Nature, implies that dark matter could be detected by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST).
"That's what makes this exciting," Madau said. "Some of those clumps are so dense they will emit a lot of gamma rays if there is dark matter annihilation, and it might easily be detected by GLAST."
Milky Way's Dark Matter Clumpier Than Thought --SPACE.com
“This is the best resolved calculation of the Milky Way’s halo ever carried out, with a mass resolution five to sixty times better than the previous largest computations,” explains Piero Madau at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Dark-matter simulation reveals lumpy haloes - physicsworld.com
Science News / Invisible Clumps In The Galaxy
"WHERE THE CLUMPS AREThis composite image, roughly 2 billion light-years on each side, shows the distribution of dark matter in a simulated, 13.7-billion-year-old galaxy. The smaller-scale insets compare dark matter density in the outer (top) and inner (bottom) regions of the galaxy. Red indicates high density. Click on the image for full story. Watch a video of the dark matter simulation."
Dark matter 'halo' simulated: Press Association
"No-one knows what dark matter is made of, but according to one theory it consists of weakly interacting massive particles (Wimps). These are expected to annihilate each other and release gamma rays when they collide."

Triple unification of inflation, dark matter, and dark energy using a single field
(Received 8 April 2008; published 19 June 2008)"
dark energy, dark matter, inflation:Unification in progress

VASIMR Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket
Plasma Rocket May Be Tested at Space Station
"Aug. 7, 2008 -- NASA is considering flying a prototype plasma rocket engine designed by a former astronaut to the International Space Station for testing, officials said Wednesday.
The engine is called a Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket, or VASIMR, and if that sounds like something you'd see on Star Trek, you're not too far from the truth.
Rather than heating chemicals and directing the resulting gases through high-temperature metal nozzles, VASIMR uses radio waves to create and speed up free-flying, electrically charged particles known as plasma. The concoction is then herded through nozzle"

NASA might bring plasma rocket to ISS for testing - Engadget
Space: NASA to Test Plasma Rocket at International Space Station

In Space, No-One Can Hear You Sleep
"I knew sci-fi didn't present an accurate view of what space travel was like - the "fi" stands for "fiction," after all- but surely it wasn't really so...mundane, was it?
Richard Garriott himself. Not only does the man own an actual Sputnik (yes, there was more than one), Garriott's father, Owen, was an astronaut on Skylab."

グルジアとの戦闘激化 ロ、米に停戦働き掛け要求

グルジアとの戦闘激化 ロ、米に停戦働き掛け要求 47NEWS
【モスクワ8日共同】インタファクス通信によると、グルジアからの分離独立を主張する南オセチア自治州に軍事介入したロシア軍は8日、同州に進攻していたグルジア軍と激しい戦闘を展開。ロシア外務省は同日、ラブロフ外相がライス米国務長官と3回にわたって電話会談し、 ...
南オセチア自治州進攻 ロシア軍事介入、グルジア軍と交戦 毎日新聞
グルジア軍は8日、分離独立を求める南オセチア自治州の州都ツヒンバリへ戦車で進攻した。独立派を支援するロシアは同日、現地に駐留する平和維持軍の増援部隊を派遣し、事実上の軍事介入を行った。両国軍が交戦状態に入ったとの情報もあり、情勢は ...
南オセチアグルジア軍が大規模砲撃 TBS News
グルジアからの独立を主張し、ロシアの支援を受けている南オセチア自治州で、7日夜からグルジア軍が大規模な砲撃を行い、独立派と交戦状態になっています。 ロシアのインタファクス通信などによりますと、グルジア軍は南オセチア自治州の州都ツヒンバリ近郊に大規模な ...

ロシア、南オセチアに越境し介入 グルジア基地を空爆中日新聞
グルジア軍は8日、分離独立を主張する南オセチア自治州の州都ツヒンバリに進攻、同国のサーカシビリ大統領は自治州の大部分を制圧したと表明した。自治州を支援するロシアは、現地駐留の平和維持軍の増派として戦車部隊が国境を越えて自治州に入り ...

中国:ギョーザ検査の担当局長が自殺−−香港紙報道 - 毎日jp(毎日新聞)
天洋食品」製造の冷凍ギョーザが回収後に中国国内で流通し中毒を起こしたことが表面化したが、この事件への対応にも当たっていたとみられる。同紙は う局長の自殺後の今月5日に同総局の李長江総局長が会議を開き、清廉な職務と規律の徹底を強調したと伝えており、自殺が汚職に関連する可能性を指摘している。"

“五輪!”な北京で使える(はずの)オンラインサービス:(山谷剛史のアジアン・アイティー ITmedia

Up in the VIP slots, President Bush took off his jacket and utilised a weighty pair of binoculars to get a better look at the action. Vladimir Putin almost smiled. Princess Anne fanned herself and looked calmly impressed.
Only IOC president Jacques Rogge, strangely, didn't seem to be enjoying himself. For most of the night he wore the expression of man chewing stinging nettles. BBC SPORT | Olympics 2008 blog
Sensory overload at the opening ceremony

「五輪皇帝」に浮上する胡主席、今月末訪韓へ | 中央日報

U.S.-China rivalry just beginning/ Host nation seeks to dethrone America
The U.S. team collected 101 medals overall in Atlanta in 1996, 91 in Sydney in 2000, 102 in Athens in 2004.
It's clear, meanwhile, which way the trend is going for the Chinese – 50 medals overall in 1996, 59 in 2000, 63 in 2004.
Moreover, while the United States won the gold-medal count in Athens as well, with 36, the Chinese were second – with 32.

Beijing conjures Olympic opening epic with high technology_English_Xinhua
Space technology helps China's Olympics ceremony soar_English_Xinhua
""The engineering design at the opening ceremony borrowed many of the latest space technologies. They ensured the stable operation of thousands of devices," said Zhou Fengguang, head of the Engineering Design and Research Institute of the People's Liberation Army General Armament Department."

Szapudi’s team
The most direct signal of dark energy? - physicsworld.com
"Is Szapudi’s team now even more confident?
Well, it’s not so much the statistical confidence that’s a big deal ― they claim to detect the ISW effect at just above four sigma (or 99.9995% certainty), which is in the same league as other confidence values reported this year.

Unmasking Dark Energy -- Berardelli 2008 (801): 3 -- ScienceNOW
"A team from the University of Hawaii, Honolulu, has observed how dark energy directly affects the largest structures in the universe.
If confirmed, the findings could bring astronomers closer to understanding a phenomenon that has bedeviled them for more than a decade"

Gigantic Voids in Space Hint at Hidden Dark Energy - FOXNews.com
"Astronomers led by Istv〓n Szapudi of the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy observed dark energy stretching out these areas by detecting changes in rays of microwave light before and after they passed through the regions."

07/31 初出の再録

Hawaii scientists find direct evidence of 'Dark Energy' | KHNL NBC 8 Honolulu Hawaii
"July 30, 2008
MANOA (KHNL) - A team of astronomers at the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy has found direct evidence for the existence of "dark energy," an unknown form that works against gravity to pull galaxies together which causes the universe's expansion to speed up.
The team, led by Dr. Istan Szapudi, says this latest detection is the clearest to date. There is only one in 200,000 chance that the detection would occur by chance.
The team made the discovery by measuring the subtle imprints that superclusters and supervoids leave in microwaves that pass through them.""

Study shows clumps and streams of dark matter in inner regions of the Milky Way

Invisible Clumps In The Galaxy / Science News

Madau said gamma rays from such collisions might be detectable by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope.
"That's what makes this exciting," he said. "Some of those clumps are so dense they will emit a lot of gamma rays if there is dark matter annihilation and it might easily be detected by GLAST."
Study finds dark matter may be near Earth - UPI.com
"SANTA CRUZ, Calif., Aug. 8 (UPI) -- U.S. and Swiss researchers say computer simulations suggest dark matter exists within the Milky Way galaxy and near Earth's solar system.
University of California-Santa Cruz Professor Piero Madau said previous simulations showed the Milky Way clear of dark matter but the new study utilizing the Jaguar supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory provided enough detail to see clumps of dark matter."
Supervoids and clusters reveal dark energy | COSMOS magazine

According to one theory, however, dark matter consists of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), which can annihilate each other and emit gamma rays when they collide. Gamma rays from dark matter annihilation could be detected by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST), which UCSC physicists helped build.
Clumps And Streams Of Dark Matter Discovered In Inner Regions Of The Milky Way
The new simulation, described in the Aug. 7 issue of the journal Nature, implies that dark matter could be detected by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST).
"That's what makes this exciting," Madau said. "Some of those clumps are so dense they will emit a lot of gamma rays if there is dark matter annihilation, and it might easily be detected by GLAST."
Milky Way's Dark Matter Clumpier Than Thought --SPACE.com
“This is the best resolved calculation of the Milky Way’s halo ever carried out, with a mass resolution five to sixty times better than the previous largest computations,” explains Piero Madau at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Dark-matter simulation reveals lumpy haloes - physicsworld.com
Science News / Invisible Clumps In The Galaxy
"WHERE THE CLUMPS AREThis composite image, roughly 2 billion light-years on each side, shows the distribution of dark matter in a simulated, 13.7-billion-year-old galaxy. The smaller-scale insets compare dark matter density in the outer (top) and inner (bottom) regions of the galaxy. Red indicates high density. Click on the image for full story. Watch a video of the dark matter simulation."
Dark matter 'halo' simulated: Press Association
"No-one knows what dark matter is made of, but according to one theory it consists of weakly interacting massive particles (Wimps). These are expected to annihilate each other and release gamma rays when they collide."

Triple unification of inflation, dark matter, and dark energy using a single field
(Received 8 April 2008; published 19 June 2008)"
dark energy, dark matter, inflation:Unification in progress

VASIMR Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket
Plasma Rocket May Be Tested at Space Station
"Aug. 7, 2008 -- NASA is considering flying a prototype plasma rocket engine designed by a former astronaut to the International Space Station for testing, officials said Wednesday.
The engine is called a Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket, or VASIMR, and if that sounds like something you'd see on Star Trek, you're not too far from the truth.
Rather than heating chemicals and directing the resulting gases through high-temperature metal nozzles, VASIMR uses radio waves to create and speed up free-flying, electrically charged particles known as plasma. The concoction is then herded through nozzle"

NASA might bring plasma rocket to ISS for testing - Engadget
Space: NASA to Test Plasma Rocket at International Space Station

In Space, No-One Can Hear You Sleep
"I knew sci-fi didn't present an accurate view of what space travel was like - the "fi" stands for "fiction," after all- but surely it wasn't really so...mundane, was it?
Richard Garriott himself. Not only does the man own an actual Sputnik (yes, there was more than one), Garriott's father, Owen, was an astronaut on Skylab."

グルジアとの戦闘激化 ロ、米に停戦働き掛け要求

グルジアとの戦闘激化 ロ、米に停戦働き掛け要求 47NEWS
【モスクワ8日共同】インタファクス通信によると、グルジアからの分離独立を主張する南オセチア自治州に軍事介入したロシア軍は8日、同州に進攻していたグルジア軍と激しい戦闘を展開。ロシア外務省は同日、ラブロフ外相がライス米国務長官と3回にわたって電話会談し、 ...
南オセチア自治州進攻 ロシア軍事介入、グルジア軍と交戦 毎日新聞
グルジア軍は8日、分離独立を求める南オセチア自治州の州都ツヒンバリへ戦車で進攻した。独立派を支援するロシアは同日、現地に駐留する平和維持軍の増援部隊を派遣し、事実上の軍事介入を行った。両国軍が交戦状態に入ったとの情報もあり、情勢は ...
南オセチアグルジア軍が大規模砲撃 TBS News
グルジアからの独立を主張し、ロシアの支援を受けている南オセチア自治州で、7日夜からグルジア軍が大規模な砲撃を行い、独立派と交戦状態になっています。 ロシアのインタファクス通信などによりますと、グルジア軍は南オセチア自治州の州都ツヒンバリ近郊に大規模な ...

ロシア、南オセチアに越境し介入 グルジア基地を空爆中日新聞
グルジア軍は8日、分離独立を主張する南オセチア自治州の州都ツヒンバリに進攻、同国のサーカシビリ大統領は自治州の大部分を制圧したと表明した。自治州を支援するロシアは、現地駐留の平和維持軍の増派として戦車部隊が国境を越えて自治州に入り ...

中国:ギョーザ検査の担当局長が自殺−−香港紙報道 - 毎日jp(毎日新聞)
天洋食品」製造の冷凍ギョーザが回収後に中国国内で流通し中毒を起こしたことが表面化したが、この事件への対応にも当たっていたとみられる。同紙は う局長の自殺後の今月5日に同総局の李長江総局長が会議を開き、清廉な職務と規律の徹底を強調したと伝えており、自殺が汚職に関連する可能性を指摘している。"

“五輪!”な北京で使える(はずの)オンラインサービス:(山谷剛史のアジアン・アイティー ITmedia

Up in the VIP slots, President Bush took off his jacket and utilised a weighty pair of binoculars to get a better look at the action. Vladimir Putin almost smiled. Princess Anne fanned herself and looked calmly impressed.
Only IOC president Jacques Rogge, strangely, didn't seem to be enjoying himself. For most of the night he wore the expression of man chewing stinging nettles. BBC SPORT | Olympics 2008 blog
Sensory overload at the opening ceremony

「五輪皇帝」に浮上する胡主席、今月末訪韓へ | 中央日報

U.S.-China rivalry just beginning/ Host nation seeks to dethrone America
The U.S. team collected 101 medals overall in Atlanta in 1996, 91 in Sydney in 2000, 102 in Athens in 2004.
It's clear, meanwhile, which way the trend is going for the Chinese – 50 medals overall in 1996, 59 in 2000, 63 in 2004.
Moreover, while the United States won the gold-medal count in Athens as well, with 36, the Chinese were second – with 32.

Beijing conjures Olympic opening epic with high technology_English_Xinhua
Space technology helps China's Olympics ceremony soar_English_Xinhua
""The engineering design at the opening ceremony borrowed many of the latest space technologies. They ensured the stable operation of thousands of devices," said Zhou Fengguang, head of the Engineering Design and Research Institute of the People's Liberation Army General Armament Department."

Szapudi’s team
The most direct signal of dark energy? - physicsworld.com
"Is Szapudi’s team now even more confident?
Well, it’s not so much the statistical confidence that’s a big deal ― they claim to detect the ISW effect at just above four sigma (or 99.9995% certainty), which is in the same league as other confidence values reported this year.

Unmasking Dark Energy -- Berardelli 2008 (801): 3 -- ScienceNOW
"A team from the University of Hawaii, Honolulu, has observed how dark energy directly affects the largest structures in the universe.
If confirmed, the findings could bring astronomers closer to understanding a phenomenon that has bedeviled them for more than a decade"

Gigantic Voids in Space Hint at Hidden Dark Energy - FOXNews.com
"Astronomers led by Istv〓n Szapudi of the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy observed dark energy stretching out these areas by detecting changes in rays of microwave light before and after they passed through the regions."

07/31 初出の再録

Hawaii scientists find direct evidence of 'Dark Energy' | KHNL NBC 8 Honolulu Hawaii
"July 30, 2008
MANOA (KHNL) - A team of astronomers at the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy has found direct evidence for the existence of "dark energy," an unknown form that works against gravity to pull galaxies together which causes the universe's expansion to speed up.
The team, led by Dr. Istan Szapudi, says this latest detection is the clearest to date. There is only one in 200,000 chance that the detection would occur by chance.
The team made the discovery by measuring the subtle imprints that superclusters and supervoids leave in microwaves that pass through them.""

Study shows clumps and streams of dark matter in inner regions of the Milky Way

Invisible Clumps In The Galaxy / Science News

Madau said gamma rays from such collisions might be detectable by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope.
"That's what makes this exciting," he said. "Some of those clumps are so dense they will emit a lot of gamma rays if there is dark matter annihilation and it might easily be detected by GLAST."
Study finds dark matter may be near Earth - UPI.com
"SANTA CRUZ, Calif., Aug. 8 (UPI) -- U.S. and Swiss researchers say computer simulations suggest dark matter exists within the Milky Way galaxy and near Earth's solar system.
University of California-Santa Cruz Professor Piero Madau said previous simulations showed the Milky Way clear of dark matter but the new study utilizing the Jaguar supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory provided enough detail to see clumps of dark matter."
Supervoids and clusters reveal dark energy | COSMOS magazine

According to one theory, however, dark matter consists of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), which can annihilate each other and emit gamma rays when they collide. Gamma rays from dark matter annihilation could be detected by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST), which UCSC physicists helped build.
Clumps And Streams Of Dark Matter Discovered In Inner Regions Of The Milky Way
The new simulation, described in the Aug. 7 issue of the journal Nature, implies that dark matter could be detected by the recently launched Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST).
"That's what makes this exciting," Madau said. "Some of those clumps are so dense they will emit a lot of gamma rays if there is dark matter annihilation, and it might easily be detected by GLAST."
Milky Way's Dark Matter Clumpier Than Thought --SPACE.com
“This is the best resolved calculation of the Milky Way’s halo ever carried out, with a mass resolution five to sixty times better than the previous largest computations,” explains Piero Madau at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Dark-matter simulation reveals lumpy haloes - physicsworld.com
Science News / Invisible Clumps In The Galaxy
"WHERE THE CLUMPS AREThis composite image, roughly 2 billion light-years on each side, shows the distribution of dark matter in a simulated, 13.7-billion-year-old galaxy. The smaller-scale insets compare dark matter density in the outer (top) and inner (bottom) regions of the galaxy. Red indicates high density. Click on the image for full story. Watch a video of the dark matter simulation."
Dark matter 'halo' simulated: Press Association
"No-one knows what dark matter is made of, but according to one theory it consists of weakly interacting massive particles (Wimps). These are expected to annihilate each other and release gamma rays when they collide."

Triple unification of inflation, dark matter, and dark energy using a single field
(Received 8 April 2008; published 19 June 2008)"
dark energy, dark matter, inflation:Unification in progress

VASIMR Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket
Plasma Rocket May Be Tested at Space Station
"Aug. 7, 2008 -- NASA is considering flying a prototype plasma rocket engine designed by a former astronaut to the International Space Station for testing, officials said Wednesday.
The engine is called a Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket, or VASIMR, and if that sounds like something you'd see on Star Trek, you're not too far from the truth.
Rather than heating chemicals and directing the resulting gases through high-temperature metal nozzles, VASIMR uses radio waves to create and speed up free-flying, electrically charged particles known as plasma. The concoction is then herded through nozzle"

NASA might bring plasma rocket to ISS for testing - Engadget
Space: NASA to Test Plasma Rocket at International Space Station

In Space, No-One Can Hear You Sleep
"I knew sci-fi didn't present an accurate view of what space travel was like - the "fi" stands for "fiction," after all- but surely it wasn't really so...mundane, was it?
Richard Garriott himself. Not only does the man own an actual Sputnik (yes, there was more than one), Garriott's father, Owen, was an astronaut on Skylab."

グルジアとの戦闘激化 ロ、米に停戦働き掛け要求

グルジアとの戦闘激化 ロ、米に停戦働き掛け要求 47NEWS
【モスクワ8日共同】インタファクス通信によると、グルジアからの分離独立を主張する南オセチア自治州に軍事介入したロシア軍は8日、同州に進攻していたグルジア軍と激しい戦闘を展開。ロシア外務省は同日、ラブロフ外相がライス米国務長官と3回にわたって電話会談し、 ...
南オセチア自治州進攻 ロシア軍事介入、グルジア軍と交戦 毎日新聞
グルジア軍は8日、分離独立を求める南オセチア自治州の州都ツヒンバリへ戦車で進攻した。独立派を支援するロシアは同日、現地に駐留する平和維持軍の増援部隊を派遣し、事実上の軍事介入を行った。両国軍が交戦状態に入ったとの情報もあり、情勢は ...
南オセチアグルジア軍が大規模砲撃 TBS News
グルジアからの独立を主張し、ロシアの支援を受けている南オセチア自治州で、7日夜からグルジア軍が大規模な砲撃を行い、独立派と交戦状態になっています。 ロシアのインタファクス通信などによりますと、グルジア軍は南オセチア自治州の州都ツヒンバリ近郊に大規模な ...

ロシア、南オセチアに越境し介入 グルジア基地を空爆中日新聞
グルジア軍は8日、分離独立を主張する南オセチア自治州の州都ツヒンバリに進攻、同国のサーカシビリ大統領は自治州の大部分を制圧したと表明した。自治州を支援するロシアは、現地駐留の平和維持軍の増派として戦車部隊が国境を越えて自治州に入り ...

中国:ギョーザ検査の担当局長が自殺−−香港紙報道 - 毎日jp(毎日新聞)
天洋食品」製造の冷凍ギョーザが回収後に中国国内で流通し中毒を起こしたことが表面化したが、この事件への対応にも当たっていたとみられる。同紙は う局長の自殺後の今月5日に同総局の李長江総局長が会議を開き、清廉な職務と規律の徹底を強調したと伝えており、自殺が汚職に関連する可能性を指摘している。"

“五輪!”な北京で使える(はずの)オンラインサービス:(山谷剛史のアジアン・アイティー ITmedia

Up in the VIP slots, President Bush took off his jacket and utilised a weighty pair of binoculars to get a better look at the action. Vladimir Putin almost smiled. Princess Anne fanned herself and looked calmly impressed.
Only IOC president Jacques Rogge, strangely, didn't seem to be enjoying himself. For most of the night he wore the expression of man chewing stinging nettles. BBC SPORT | Olympics 2008 blog
Sensory overload at the opening ceremony

「五輪皇帝」に浮上する胡主席、今月末訪韓へ | 中央日報

U.S.-China rivalry just beginning/ Host nation seeks to dethrone America
The U.S. team collected 101 medals overall in Atlanta in 1996, 91 in Sydney in 2000, 102 in Athens in 2004.
It's clear, meanwhile, which way the trend is going for the Chinese – 50 medals overall in 1996, 59 in 2000, 63 in 2004.
Moreover, while the United States won the gold-medal count in Athens as well, with 36, the Chinese were second – with 32.

Beijing conjures Olympic opening epic with high technology_English_Xinhua
Space technology helps China's Olympics ceremony soar_English_Xinhua
""The engineering design at the opening ceremony borrowed many of the latest space technologies. They ensured the stable operation of thousands of devices," said Zhou Fengguang, head of the Engineering Design and Research Institute of the People's Liberation Army General Armament Department."

Szapudi’s team
The most direct signal of dark energy? - physicsworld.com
"Is Szapudi’s team now even more confident?
Well, it’s not so much the statistical confidence that’s a big deal ― they claim to detect the ISW effect at just above four sigma (or 99.9995% certainty), which is in the same league as other confidence values reported this year.

Unmasking Dark Energy -- Berardelli 2008 (801): 3 -- ScienceNOW