Flight Day 6

Nasa's Phoenix Mars Lander fails to scoop up sample of Martian soil - Telegraph
"Nasa's Phoenix lander failed to scoop up its first sample of Martian soil for analysis on Wednesday when the second communications glitch to hit the mission stopped instructions from reaching the craft"

Nearby galaxies are chock-full of dark matter

  • 04 June 2008 - New Scientist Space

Ursa Major II, Willman I and Coma Berenices Dwarf
"Three dwarf galaxies near the Milky Way appear to contain a higher proportion of invisible dark matter than any stellar system so far studied. If so, they are the ideal place to look to figure out what the stuff consists of.

Flight Day 6
• EVA 2 by Fossum and Garan (Japanese Module TV Equipment Setup; Japanese Robotic Arm Thermal Cover Removal; Harmony Zenith Berthing Port Preparations; Nitrogen Tank Assembly replacement preparations)
• Japanese Module Rack Transfer from Logistics Module to Pressurized Module • Japanese Module Robotic Arm Console Setup
• JPM Channel A Activation
• JPM Egress
• Harmony Zenith Berthing Port Control Panel Assembly Installation

コマーシャル簡単作成サイト コマーシャライザー

YouTube吹き出しをビデオに追加可能に--作成ツールをTestTubeで公開: CNET Japan
YouTubeに「吹き出し」追加機能 - ITmedia News
" ユーザーは、自分のアカウントからビデオクリップをアップロードし、そのビデオの再生中に右側に表示される「Edit Annotations」ボタンをクリックすることで「吹き出し」やメモの編集ができる。画面上の好きな場所に、好きなタイミングで表示させることができる"

副大統領ポスト求めず−クリントン氏(時事通信) - Yahoo!ニュース
クリントン氏、7日撤退表明 副大統領候補、勝敗左右も

世界265の国や地域を調査:世界で最も危険なドメインはここ――McAfeeがランキング発表 - ITmedia
順位 ドメイン
1 香港(.hk)19.2%
2 中国(.cn)11%
3 フィリピン(.ph)
4 ルーマニア(.ro)
5 ロシア(.ru)
順位 ドメイン
1 フィンランド(.fin)0.05%
2 日本(.jp)0.13%
3 ノルウェー(.no)
4 スロヴェニア(.si)
5 コロンビア(.co)

Data from "Chang'e 1" to be released - People's Daily Online
"In August this year, Chang'e 1 will once again move into the shadows to experience another lunar eclipse. However, "we are confident she will make it through the event safely!" Ye said."

盗まれたカメラが「自宅に連絡」、犯人も発見 - ITmedia News

ディズニーワールド、3DでGoogle Earthに登場 - ITmedia News
"3DのDisney Landを楽しむには、Google Earth上で「Disney World」で検索し、ミッキーマウスのアイコンをクリックすると開くウィンドウで「Show Disney World in 3D」をクリックする。"

震区在雄起 - 北京文网

Communist Party of China >> Reform & Democracy
Press center of the 17th CPC National Congress
"Hu Jintao vows to expand people's democracy October 15, 2007
Hu Jintao on Monday pledged to expand the people's democracy and ensure that they are masters of the country."
Commentary: Democracy is an attitude October 20, 2007
Press center of the 17th CPC National Congress
"Modern Chinese are aspiring to achieve the biggest economic and social goals at the lowest cost. The Chinese-style democracy we are now promoting will have high chances to give an answer.
Source: Xinhua

Simplified Chinese character - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"There are several methods in which characters were simplified:

1. Replacing complicated components of common characters with simpler shapes:
對 → 对; 觀 → 观; 風 → 风; etc.
2. Changing the phonetic:
潔 → 洁; 鄰 → 邻; 極 → 〓; etc.
3. Omitting entire components:
廣 → 广; 寧 → 〓; 滅 → 灭; etc.
4. Using grass script shapes:
書 → 书; 長 → 长; 馬 → 马; etc.
5. Adopting ancient forms that are simpler in form:
涙 → 泪; 網 → 网; 傑 → 杰; etc.
6. Creating new radical-radical compounds:
體 → 体; 塵 → 尘; 竃 → 〓; etc.
7. Creating new radical-phonetic compounds:
護 → 护; 驚 → 〓; 膚 → 肤; etc.
8. Merging a character into another one that sounds the same or
餘 → 余; 穀 → 谷; 後 → 后; etc.
9. Merging several characters into a newly created and simpler character:
髮 & 發 → 发; 儘 & 盡 → 尽; etc.
10. Systematically simplifying a shape, so that every character that uses it is simplified:
門 → 门; 閉 → 闭; 問 → 问; etc (an exception to this type of simplifying is the word for "open": 開 → 开, where the door radical (門) is entirely omitted.)"

Nasa's Phoenix Mars Lander fails to scoop up sample of Martian soil - Telegraph
"Nasa's Phoenix lander failed to scoop up its first sample of Martian soil for analysis on Wednesday when the second communications glitch to hit the mission stopped instructions from reaching the craft"

Nearby galaxies are chock-full of dark matter

  • 04 June 2008 - New Scientist Space

Ursa Major II, Willman I and Coma Berenices Dwarf
"Three dwarf galaxies near the Milky Way appear to contain a higher proportion of invisible dark matter than any stellar system so far studied. If so, they are the ideal place to look to figure out what the stuff consists of.

Flight Day 6
• EVA 2 by Fossum and Garan (Japanese Module TV Equipment Setup; Japanese Robotic Arm Thermal Cover Removal; Harmony Zenith Berthing Port Preparations; Nitrogen Tank Assembly replacement preparations)
• Japanese Module Rack Transfer from Logistics Module to Pressurized Module • Japanese Module Robotic Arm Console Setup
• JPM Channel A Activation
• JPM Egress
• Harmony Zenith Berthing Port Control Panel Assembly Installation

コマーシャル簡単作成サイト コマーシャライザー

YouTube吹き出しをビデオに追加可能に--作成ツールをTestTubeで公開: CNET Japan
YouTubeに「吹き出し」追加機能 - ITmedia News
" ユーザーは、自分のアカウントからビデオクリップをアップロードし、そのビデオの再生中に右側に表示される「Edit Annotations」ボタンをクリックすることで「吹き出し」やメモの編集ができる。画面上の好きな場所に、好きなタイミングで表示させることができる"

副大統領ポスト求めず−クリントン氏(時事通信) - Yahoo!ニュース
クリントン氏、7日撤退表明 副大統領候補、勝敗左右も

世界265の国や地域を調査:世界で最も危険なドメインはここ――McAfeeがランキング発表 - ITmedia
順位 ドメイン
1 香港(.hk)19.2%
2 中国(.cn)11%
3 フィリピン(.ph)
4 ルーマニア(.ro)
5 ロシア(.ru)
順位 ドメイン
1 フィンランド(.fin)0.05%
2 日本(.jp)0.13%
3 ノルウェー(.no)
4 スロヴェニア(.si)
5 コロンビア(.co)

Data from "Chang'e 1" to be released - People's Daily Online
"In August this year, Chang'e 1 will once again move into the shadows to experience another lunar eclipse. However, "we are confident she will make it through the event safely!" Ye said."

盗まれたカメラが「自宅に連絡」、犯人も発見 - ITmedia News

ディズニーワールド、3DでGoogle Earthに登場 - ITmedia News
"3DのDisney Landを楽しむには、Google Earth上で「Disney World」で検索し、ミッキーマウスのアイコンをクリックすると開くウィンドウで「Show Disney World in 3D」をクリックする。"

震区在雄起 - 北京文网

Communist Party of China >> Reform & Democracy
Press center of the 17th CPC National Congress
"Hu Jintao vows to expand people's democracy October 15, 2007
Hu Jintao on Monday pledged to expand the people's democracy and ensure that they are masters of the country."
Commentary: Democracy is an attitude October 20, 2007
Press center of the 17th CPC National Congress
"Modern Chinese are aspiring to achieve the biggest economic and social goals at the lowest cost. The Chinese-style democracy we are now promoting will have high chances to give an answer.
Source: Xinhua

Simplified Chinese character - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"There are several methods in which characters were simplified:

1. Replacing complicated components of common characters with simpler shapes:
對 → 对; 觀 → 观; 風 → 风; etc.
2. Changing the phonetic:
潔 → 洁; 鄰 → 邻; 極 → 〓; etc.
3. Omitting entire components:
廣 → 广; 寧 → 〓; 滅 → 灭; etc.
4. Using grass script shapes:
書 → 书; 長 → 长; 馬 → 马; etc.
5. Adopting ancient forms that are simpler in form:
涙 → 泪; 網 → 网; 傑 → 杰; etc.
6. Creating new radical-radical compounds:
體 → 体; 塵 → 尘; 竃 → 〓; etc.
7. Creating new radical-phonetic compounds:
護 → 护; 驚 → 〓; 膚 → 肤; etc.
8. Merging a character into another one that sounds the same or
餘 → 余; 穀 → 谷; 後 → 后; etc.
9. Merging several characters into a newly created and simpler character:
髮 & 發 → 发; 儘 & 盡 → 尽; etc.
10. Systematically simplifying a shape, so that every character that uses it is simplified:
門 → 门; 閉 → 闭; 問 → 问; etc (an exception to this type of simplifying is the word for "open": 開 → 开, where the door radical (門) is entirely omitted.)"

Nasa's Phoenix Mars Lander fails to scoop up sample of Martian soil - Telegraph
"Nasa's Phoenix lander failed to scoop up its first sample of Martian soil for analysis on Wednesday when the second communications glitch to hit the mission stopped instructions from reaching the craft"

Nearby galaxies are chock-full of dark matter

  • 04 June 2008 - New Scientist Space

Ursa Major II, Willman I and Coma Berenices Dwarf
"Three dwarf galaxies near the Milky Way appear to contain a higher proportion of invisible dark matter than any stellar system so far studied. If so, they are the ideal place to look to figure out what the stuff consists of.

Flight Day 6
• EVA 2 by Fossum and Garan (Japanese Module TV Equipment Setup; Japanese Robotic Arm Thermal Cover Removal; Harmony Zenith Berthing Port Preparations; Nitrogen Tank Assembly replacement preparations)
• Japanese Module Rack Transfer from Logistics Module to Pressurized Module • Japanese Module Robotic Arm Console Setup
• JPM Channel A Activation
• JPM Egress
• Harmony Zenith Berthing Port Control Panel Assembly Installation

コマーシャル簡単作成サイト コマーシャライザー

YouTube吹き出しをビデオに追加可能に--作成ツールをTestTubeで公開: CNET Japan
YouTubeに「吹き出し」追加機能 - ITmedia News
" ユーザーは、自分のアカウントからビデオクリップをアップロードし、そのビデオの再生中に右側に表示される「Edit Annotations」ボタンをクリックすることで「吹き出し」やメモの編集ができる。画面上の好きな場所に、好きなタイミングで表示させることができる"

副大統領ポスト求めず−クリントン氏(時事通信) - Yahoo!ニュース
クリントン氏、7日撤退表明 副大統領候補、勝敗左右も

世界265の国や地域を調査:世界で最も危険なドメインはここ――McAfeeがランキング発表 - ITmedia
順位 ドメイン
1 香港(.hk)19.2%
2 中国(.cn)11%
3 フィリピン(.ph)
4 ルーマニア(.ro)
5 ロシア(.ru)
順位 ドメイン
1 フィンランド(.fin)0.05%
2 日本(.jp)0.13%
3 ノルウェー(.no)
4 スロヴェニア(.si)
5 コロンビア(.co)

Data from "Chang'e 1" to be released - People's Daily Online
"In August this year, Chang'e 1 will once again move into the shadows to experience another lunar eclipse. However, "we are confident she will make it through the event safely!" Ye said."

盗まれたカメラが「自宅に連絡」、犯人も発見 - ITmedia News

ディズニーワールド、3DでGoogle Earthに登場 - ITmedia News
"3DのDisney Landを楽しむには、Google Earth上で「Disney World」で検索し、ミッキーマウスのアイコンをクリックすると開くウィンドウで「Show Disney World in 3D」をクリックする。"

震区在雄起 - 北京文网

Communist Party of China >> Reform & Democracy
Press center of the 17th CPC National Congress
"Hu Jintao vows to expand people's democracy October 15, 2007
Hu Jintao on Monday pledged to expand the people's democracy and ensure that they are masters of the country."
Commentary: Democracy is an attitude October 20, 2007
Press center of the 17th CPC National Congress
"Modern Chinese are aspiring to achieve the biggest economic and social goals at the lowest cost. The Chinese-style democracy we are now promoting will have high chances to give an answer.
Source: Xinhua

Simplified Chinese character - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"There are several methods in which characters were simplified:

1. Replacing complicated components of common characters with simpler shapes:
對 → 对; 觀 → 观; 風 → 风; etc.
2. Changing the phonetic:
潔 → 洁; 鄰 → 邻; 極 → 〓; etc.
3. Omitting entire components:
廣 → 广; 寧 → 〓; 滅 → 灭; etc.
4. Using grass script shapes:
書 → 书; 長 → 长; 馬 → 马; etc.
5. Adopting ancient forms that are simpler in form:
涙 → 泪; 網 → 网; 傑 → 杰; etc.
6. Creating new radical-radical compounds:
體 → 体; 塵 → 尘; 竃 → 〓; etc.
7. Creating new radical-phonetic compounds:
護 → 护; 驚 → 〓; 膚 → 肤; etc.
8. Merging a character into another one that sounds the same or
餘 → 余; 穀 → 谷; 後 → 后; etc.
9. Merging several characters into a newly created and simpler character:
髮 & 發 → 发; 儘 & 盡 → 尽; etc.
10. Systematically simplifying a shape, so that every character that uses it is simplified:
門 → 门; 閉 → 闭; 問 → 问; etc (an exception to this type of simplifying is the word for "open": 開 → 开, where the door radical (門) is entirely omitted.)"

Nasa's Phoenix Mars Lander fails to scoop up sample of Martian soil - Telegraph
"Nasa's Phoenix lander failed to scoop up its first sample of Martian soil for analysis on Wednesday when the second communications glitch to hit the mission stopped instructions from reaching the craft"

Nearby galaxies are chock-full of dark matter

  • 04 June 2008 - New Scientist Space

Ursa Major II, Willman I and Coma Berenices Dwarf
"Three dwarf galaxies near the Milky Way appear to contain a higher proportion of invisible dark matter than any stellar system so far studied. If so, they are the ideal place to look to figure out what the stuff consists of.

Flight Day 6
• EVA 2 by Fossum and Garan (Japanese Module TV Equipment Setup; Japanese Robotic Arm Thermal Cover Removal; Harmony Zenith Berthing Port Preparations; Nitrogen Tank Assembly replacement preparations)
• Japanese Module Rack Transfer from Logistics Module to Pressurized Module • Japanese Module Robotic Arm Console Setup
• JPM Channel A Activation
• JPM Egress
• Harmony Zenith Berthing Port Control Panel Assembly Installation

コマーシャル簡単作成サイト コマーシャライザー

YouTube吹き出しをビデオに追加可能に--作成ツールをTestTubeで公開: CNET Japan
YouTubeに「吹き出し」追加機能 - ITmedia News
" ユーザーは、自分のアカウントからビデオクリップをアップロードし、そのビデオの再生中に右側に表示される「Edit Annotations」ボタンをクリックすることで「吹き出し」やメモの編集ができる。画面上の好きな場所に、好きなタイミングで表示させることができる"

副大統領ポスト求めず−クリントン氏(時事通信) - Yahoo!ニュース
クリントン氏、7日撤退表明 副大統領候補、勝敗左右も

世界265の国や地域を調査:世界で最も危険なドメインはここ――McAfeeがランキング発表 - ITmedia
順位 ドメイン
1 香港(.hk)19.2%
2 中国(.cn)11%
3 フィリピン(.ph)
4 ルーマニア(.ro)
5 ロシア(.ru)
順位 ドメイン
1 フィンランド(.fin)0.05%
2 日本(.jp)0.13%
3 ノルウェー(.no)
4 スロヴェニア(.si)
5 コロンビア(.co)

Data from "Chang'e 1" to be released - People's Daily Online
"In August this year, Chang'e 1 will once again move into the shadows to experience another lunar eclipse. However, "we are confident she will make it through the event safely!" Ye said."

盗まれたカメラが「自宅に連絡」、犯人も発見 - ITmedia News

ディズニーワールド、3DでGoogle Earthに登場 - ITmedia News
"3DのDisney Landを楽しむには、Google Earth上で「Disney World」で検索し、ミッキーマウスのアイコンをクリックすると開くウィンドウで「Show Disney World in 3D」をクリックする。"

震区在雄起 - 北京文网

Communist Party of China >> Reform & Democracy
Press center of the 17th CPC National Congress
"Hu Jintao vows to expand people's democracy October 15, 2007
Hu Jintao on Monday pledged to expand the people's democracy and ensure that they are masters of the country."
Commentary: Democracy is an attitude October 20, 2007
Press center of the 17th CPC National Congress
"Modern Chinese are aspiring to achieve the biggest economic and social goals at the lowest cost. The Chinese-style democracy we are now promoting will have high chances to give an answer.
Source: Xinhua

Simplified Chinese character - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"There are several methods in which characters were simplified:

1. Replacing complicated components of common characters with simpler shapes:
對 → 对; 觀 → 观; 風 → 风; etc.
2. Changing the phonetic:
潔 → 洁; 鄰 → 邻; 極 → 〓; etc.
3. Omitting entire components:
廣 → 广; 寧 → 〓; 滅 → 灭; etc.
4. Using grass script shapes:
書 → 书; 長 → 长; 馬 → 马; etc.
5. Adopting ancient forms that are simpler in form:
涙 → 泪; 網 → 网; 傑 → 杰; etc.
6. Creating new radical-radical compounds:
體 → 体; 塵 → 尘; 竃 → 〓; etc.
7. Creating new radical-phonetic compounds:
護 → 护; 驚 → 〓; 膚 → 肤; etc.
8. Merging a character into another one that sounds the same or
餘 → 余; 穀 → 谷; 後 → 后; etc.
9. Merging several characters into a newly created and simpler character:
髮 & 發 → 发; 儘 & 盡 → 尽; etc.
10. Systematically simplifying a shape, so that every character that uses it is simplified:
門 → 门; 閉 → 闭; 問 → 问; etc (an exception to this type of simplifying is the word for "open": 開 → 开, where the door radical (門) is entirely omitted.)"

Nasa's Phoenix Mars Lander fails to scoop up sample of Martian soil - Telegraph
"Nasa's Phoenix lander failed to scoop up its first sample of Martian soil for analysis on Wednesday when the second communications glitch to hit the mission stopped instructions from reaching the craft"

Nearby galaxies are chock-full of dark matter

  • 04 June 2008 - New Scientist Space

Ursa Major II, Willman I and Coma Berenices Dwarf
"Three dwarf galaxies near the Milky Way appear to contain a higher proportion of invisible dark matter than any stellar system so far studied. If so, they are the ideal place to look to figure out what the stuff consists of.

Flight Day 6
• EVA 2 by Fossum and Garan (Japanese Module TV Equipment Setup; Japanese Robotic Arm Thermal Cover Removal; Harmony Zenith Berthing Port Preparations; Nitrogen Tank Assembly replacement preparations)
• Japanese Module Rack Transfer from Logistics Module to Pressurized Module • Japanese Module Robotic Arm Console Setup
• JPM Channel A Activation
• JPM Egress
• Harmony Zenith Berthing Port Control Panel Assembly Installation

コマーシャル簡単作成サイト コマーシャライザー

YouTube吹き出しをビデオに追加可能に--作成ツールをTestTubeで公開: CNET Japan
YouTubeに「吹き出し」追加機能 - ITmedia News
" ユーザーは、自分のアカウントからビデオクリップをアップロードし、そのビデオの再生中に右側に表示される「Edit Annotations」ボタンをクリックすることで「吹き出し」やメモの編集ができる。画面上の好きな場所に、好きなタイミングで表示させることができる"

副大統領ポスト求めず−クリントン氏(時事通信) - Yahoo!ニュース
クリントン氏、7日撤退表明 副大統領候補、勝敗左右も

世界265の国や地域を調査:世界で最も危険なドメインはここ――McAfeeがランキング発表 - ITmedia
順位 ドメイン
1 香港(.hk)19.2%
2 中国(.cn)11%
3 フィリピン(.ph)
4 ルーマニア(.ro)
5 ロシア(.ru)
順位 ドメイン
1 フィンランド(.fin)0.05%
2 日本(.jp)0.13%
3 ノルウェー(.no)
4 スロヴェニア(.si)
5 コロンビア(.co)

Data from "Chang'e 1" to be released - People's Daily Online
"In August this year, Chang'e 1 will once again move into the shadows to experience another lunar eclipse. However, "we are confident she will make it through the event safely!" Ye said."

盗まれたカメラが「自宅に連絡」、犯人も発見 - ITmedia News

ディズニーワールド、3DでGoogle Earthに登場 - ITmedia News
"3DのDisney Landを楽しむには、Google Earth上で「Disney World」で検索し、ミッキーマウスのアイコンをクリックすると開くウィンドウで「Show Disney World in 3D」をクリックする。"

震区在雄起 - 北京文网

Communist Party of China >> Reform & Democracy
Press center of the 17th CPC National Congress
"Hu Jintao vows to expand people's democracy October 15, 2007
Hu Jintao on Monday pledged to expand the people's democracy and ensure that they are masters of the country."
Commentary: Democracy is an attitude October 20, 2007
Press center of the 17th CPC National Congress
"Modern Chinese are aspiring to achieve the biggest economic and social goals at the lowest cost. The Chinese-style democracy we are now promoting will have high chances to give an answer.
Source: Xinhua

Simplified Chinese character - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"There are several methods in which characters were simplified:

1. Replacing complicated components of common characters with simpler shapes:
對 → 对; 觀 → 观; 風 → 风; etc.
2. Changing the phonetic:
潔 → 洁; 鄰 → 邻; 極 → 〓; etc.
3. Omitting entire components:
廣 → 广; 寧 → 〓; 滅 → 灭; etc.
4. Using grass script shapes:
書 → 书; 長 → 长; 馬 → 马; etc.
5. Adopting ancient forms that are simpler in form:
涙 → 泪; 網 → 网; 傑 → 杰; etc.
6. Creating new radical-radical compounds:
體 → 体; 塵 → 尘; 竃 → 〓; etc.
7. Creating new radical-phonetic compounds:
護 → 护; 驚 → 〓; 膚 → 肤; etc.
8. Merging a character into another one that sounds the same or
餘 → 余; 穀 → 谷; 後 → 后; etc.
9. Merging several characters into a newly created and simpler character:
髮 & 發 → 发; 儘 & 盡 → 尽; etc.
10. Systematically simplifying a shape, so that every character that uses it is simplified:
門 → 门; 閉 → 闭; 問 → 问; etc (an exception to this type of simplifying is the word for "open": 開 → 开, where the door radical (門) is entirely omitted.)"

Nasa's Phoenix Mars Lander fails to scoop up sample of Martian soil - Telegraph
"Nasa's Phoenix lander failed to scoop up its first sample of Martian soil for analysis on Wednesday when the second communications glitch to hit the mission stopped instructions from reaching the craft"

Nearby galaxies are chock-full of dark matter

  • 04 June 2008 - New Scientist Space

Ursa Major II, Willman I and Coma Berenices Dwarf
"Three dwarf galaxies near the Milky Way appear to contain a higher proportion of invisible dark matter than any stellar system so far studied. If so, they are the ideal place to look to figure out what the stuff consists of.

Flight Day 6
• EVA 2 by Fossum and Garan (Japanese Module TV Equipment Setup; Japanese Robotic Arm Thermal Cover Removal; Harmony Zenith Berthing Port Preparations; Nitrogen Tank Assembly replacement preparations)
• Japanese Module Rack Transfer from Logistics Module to Pressurized Module • Japanese Module Robotic Arm Console Setup
• JPM Channel A Activation
• JPM Egress
• Harmony Zenith Berthing Port Control Panel Assembly Installation

コマーシャル簡単作成サイト コマーシャライザー

YouTube吹き出しをビデオに追加可能に--作成ツールをTestTubeで公開: CNET Japan
YouTubeに「吹き出し」追加機能 - ITmedia News
" ユーザーは、自分のアカウントからビデオクリップをアップロードし、そのビデオの再生中に右側に表示される「Edit Annotations」ボタンをクリックすることで「吹き出し」やメモの編集ができる。画面上の好きな場所に、好きなタイミングで表示させることができる"

副大統領ポスト求めず−クリントン氏(時事通信) - Yahoo!ニュース
クリントン氏、7日撤退表明 副大統領候補、勝敗左右も

世界265の国や地域を調査:世界で最も危険なドメインはここ――McAfeeがランキング発表 - ITmedia
順位 ドメイン
1 香港(.hk)19.2%
2 中国(.cn)11%
3 フィリピン(.ph)
4 ルーマニア(.ro)
5 ロシア(.ru)
順位 ドメイン
1 フィンランド(.fin)0.05%
2 日本(.jp)0.13%
3 ノルウェー(.no)
4 スロヴェニア(.si)
5 コロンビア(.co)

Data from "Chang'e 1" to be released - People's Daily Online
"In August this year, Chang'e 1 will once again move into the shadows to experience another lunar eclipse. However, "we are confident she will make it through the event safely!" Ye said."

盗まれたカメラが「自宅に連絡」、犯人も発見 - ITmedia News

ディズニーワールド、3DでGoogle Earthに登場 - ITmedia News
"3DのDisney Landを楽しむには、Google Earth上で「Disney World」で検索し、ミッキーマウスのアイコンをクリックすると開くウィンドウで「Show Disney World in 3D」をクリックする。"

震区在雄起 - 北京文网

Communist Party of China >> Reform & Democracy
Press center of the 17th CPC National Congress
"Hu Jintao vows to expand people's democracy October 15, 2007
Hu Jintao on Monday pledged to expand the people's democracy and ensure that they are masters of the country."
Commentary: Democracy is an attitude October 20, 2007
Press center of the 17th CPC National Congress
"Modern Chinese are aspiring to achieve the biggest economic and social goals at the lowest cost. The Chinese-style democracy we are now promoting will have high chances to give an answer.
Source: Xinhua

Simplified Chinese character - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"There are several methods in which characters were simplified:

1. Replacing complicated components of common characters with simpler shapes:
對 → 对; 觀 → 观; 風 → 风; etc.
2. Changing the phonetic:
潔 → 洁; 鄰 → 邻; 極 → 〓; etc.
3. Omitting entire components:
廣 → 广; 寧 → 〓; 滅 → 灭; etc.
4. Using grass script shapes:
書 → 书; 長 → 长; 馬 → 马; etc.
5. Adopting ancient forms that are simpler in form:
涙 → 泪; 網 → 网; 傑 → 杰; etc.
6. Creating new radical-radical compounds:
體 → 体; 塵 → 尘; 竃 → 〓; etc.
7. Creating new radical-phonetic compounds:
護 → 护; 驚 → 〓; 膚 → 肤; etc.
8. Merging a character into another one that sounds the same or
餘 → 余; 穀 → 谷; 後 → 后; etc.
9. Merging several characters into a newly created and simpler character:
髮 & 發 → 发; 儘 & 盡 → 尽; etc.
10. Systematically simplifying a shape, so that every character that uses it is simplified:
門 → 门; 閉 → 闭; 問 → 问; etc (an exception to this type of simplifying is the word for "open": 開 → 开, where the door radical (門) is entirely omitted.)"

Nasa's Phoenix Mars Lander fails to scoop up sample of Martian soil - Telegraph
"Nasa's Phoenix lander failed to scoop up its first sample of Martian soil for analysis on Wednesday when the second communications glitch to hit the mission stopped instructions from reaching the craft"

Nearby galaxies are chock-full of dark matter

  • 04 June 2008 - New Scientist Space

Ursa Major II, Willman I and Coma Berenices Dwarf
"Three dwarf galaxies near the Milky Way appear to contain a higher proportion of invisible dark matter than any stellar system so far studied. If so, they are the ideal place to look to figure out what the stuff consists of.

Flight Day 6
• EVA 2 by Fossum and Garan (Japanese Module TV Equipment Setup; Japanese Robotic Arm Thermal Cover Removal; Harmony Zenith Berthing Port Preparations; Nitrogen Tank Assembly replacement preparations)
• Japanese Module Rack Transfer from Logistics Module to Pressurized Module • Japanese Module Robotic Arm Console Setup
• JPM Channel A Activation
• JPM Egress
• Harmony Zenith Berthing Port Control Panel Assembly Installation

コマーシャル簡単作成サイト コマーシャライザー

YouTube吹き出しをビデオに追加可能に--作成ツールをTestTubeで公開: CNET Japan
YouTubeに「吹き出し」追加機能 - ITmedia News
" ユーザーは、自分のアカウントからビデオクリップをアップロードし、そのビデオの再生中に右側に表示される「Edit Annotations」ボタンをクリックすることで「吹き出し」やメモの編集ができる。画面上の好きな場所に、好きなタイミングで表示させることができる"

副大統領ポスト求めず−クリントン氏(時事通信) - Yahoo!ニュース
クリントン氏、7日撤退表明 副大統領候補、勝敗左右も

世界265の国や地域を調査:世界で最も危険なドメインはここ――McAfeeがランキング発表 - ITmedia
順位 ドメイン
1 香港(.hk)19.2%
2 中国(.cn)11%
3 フィリピン(.ph)
4 ルーマニア(.ro)
5 ロシア(.ru)
順位 ドメイン
1 フィンランド(.fin)0.05%
2 日本(.jp)0.13%
3 ノルウェー(.no)
4 スロヴェニア(.si)
5 コロンビア(.co)

Data from "Chang'e 1" to be released - People's Daily Online
"In August this year, Chang'e 1 will once again move into the shadows to experience another lunar eclipse. However, "we are confident she will make it through the event safely!" Ye said."

盗まれたカメラが「自宅に連絡」、犯人も発見 - ITmedia News

ディズニーワールド、3DでGoogle Earthに登場 - ITmedia News
"3DのDisney Landを楽しむには、Google Earth上で「Disney World」で検索し、ミッキーマウスのアイコンをクリックすると開くウィンドウで「Show Disney World in 3D」をクリックする。"

震区在雄起 - 北京文网

Communist Party of China >> Reform & Democracy
Press center of the 17th CPC National Congress
"Hu Jintao vows to expand people's democracy October 15, 2007
Hu Jintao on Monday pledged to expand the people's democracy and ensure that they are masters of the country."
Commentary: Democracy is an attitude October 20, 2007
Press center of the 17th CPC National Congress
"Modern Chinese are aspiring to achieve the biggest economic and social goals at the lowest cost. The Chinese-style democracy we are now promoting will have high chances to give an answer.
Source: Xinhua

Simplified Chinese character - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"There are several methods in which characters were simplified:

1. Replacing complicated components of common characters with simpler shapes:
對 → 对; 觀 → 观; 風 → 风; etc.
2. Changing the phonetic:
潔 → 洁; 鄰 → 邻; 極 → 〓; etc.
3. Omitting entire components:
廣 → 广; 寧 → 〓; 滅 → 灭; etc.
4. Using grass script shapes:
書 → 书; 長 → 长; 馬 → 马; etc.
5. Adopting ancient forms that are simpler in form:
涙 → 泪; 網 → 网; 傑 → 杰; etc.
6. Creating new radical-radical compounds:
體 → 体; 塵 → 尘; 竃 → 〓; etc.
7. Creating new radical-phonetic compounds:
護 → 护; 驚 → 〓; 膚 → 肤; etc.
8. Merging a character into another one that sounds the same or
餘 → 余; 穀 → 谷; 後 → 后; etc.
9. Merging several characters into a newly created and simpler character:
髮 & 發 → 发; 儘 & 盡 → 尽; etc.
10. Systematically simplifying a shape, so that every character that uses it is simplified:
門 → 门; 閉 → 闭; 問 → 问; etc (an exception to this type of simplifying is the word for "open": 開 → 开, where the door radical (門) is entirely omitted.)"

Nasa's Phoenix Mars Lander fails to scoop up sample of Martian soil - Telegraph
"Nasa's Phoenix lander failed to scoop up its first sample of Martian soil for analysis on Wednesday when the second communications glitch to hit the mission stopped instructions from reaching the craft"

Nearby galaxies are chock-full of dark matter

  • 04 June 2008 - New Scientist Space

Ursa Major II, Willman I and Coma Berenices Dwarf
"Three dwarf galaxies near the Milky Way appear to contain a higher proportion of invisible dark matter than any stellar system so far studied. If so, they are the ideal place to look to figure out what the stuff consists of.

Flight Day 6
• EVA 2 by Fossum and Garan (Japanese Module TV Equipment Setup; Japanese Robotic Arm Thermal Cover Removal; Harmony Zenith Berthing Port Preparations; Nitrogen Tank Assembly replacement preparations)
• Japanese Module Rack Transfer from Logistics Module to Pressurized Module • Japanese Module Robotic Arm Console Setup
• JPM Channel A Activation
• JPM Egress
• Harmony Zenith Berthing Port Control Panel Assembly Installation

コマーシャル簡単作成サイト コマーシャライザー

YouTube吹き出しをビデオに追加可能に--作成ツールをTestTubeで公開: CNET Japan
YouTubeに「吹き出し」追加機能 - ITmedia News
" ユーザーは、自分のアカウントからビデオクリップをアップロードし、そのビデオの再生中に右側に表示される「Edit Annotations」ボタンをクリックすることで「吹き出し」やメモの編集ができる。画面上の好きな場所に、好きなタイミングで表示させることができる"

副大統領ポスト求めず−クリントン氏(時事通信) - Yahoo!ニュース
クリントン氏、7日撤退表明 副大統領候補、勝敗左右も

世界265の国や地域を調査:世界で最も危険なドメインはここ――McAfeeがランキング発表 - ITmedia
順位 ドメイン
1 香港(.hk)19.2%
2 中国(.cn)11%
3 フィリピン(.ph)
4 ルーマニア(.ro)
5 ロシア(.ru)
順位 ドメイン
1 フィンランド(.fin)0.05%
2 日本(.jp)0.13%
3 ノルウェー(.no)
4 スロヴェニア(.si)
5 コロンビア(.co)

Data from "Chang'e 1" to be released - People's Daily Online
"In August this year, Chang'e 1 will once again move into the shadows to experience another lunar eclipse. However, "we are confident she will make it through the event safely!" Ye said."

盗まれたカメラが「自宅に連絡」、犯人も発見 - ITmedia News

ディズニーワールド、3DでGoogle Earthに登場 - ITmedia News
"3DのDisney Landを楽しむには、Google Earth上で「Disney World」で検索し、ミッキーマウスのアイコンをクリックすると開くウィンドウで「Show Disney World in 3D」をクリックする。"

震区在雄起 - 北京文网

Communist Party of China >> Reform & Democracy
Press center of the 17th CPC National Congress
"Hu Jintao vows to expand people's democracy October 15, 2007
Hu Jintao on Monday pledged to expand the people's democracy and ensure that they are masters of the country."
Commentary: Democracy is an attitude October 20, 2007
Press center of the 17th CPC National Congress
"Modern Chinese are aspiring to achieve the biggest economic and social goals at the lowest cost. The Chinese-style democracy we are now promoting will have high chances to give an answer.
Source: Xinhua

Simplified Chinese character - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"There are several methods in which characters were simplified:

1. Replacing complicated components of common characters with simpler shapes:
對 → 对; 觀 → 观; 風 → 风; etc.
2. Changing the phonetic:
潔 → 洁; 鄰 → 邻; 極 → 〓; etc.
3. Omitting entire components:
廣 → 广; 寧 → 〓; 滅 → 灭; etc.
4. Using grass script shapes:
書 → 书; 長 → 长; 馬 → 马; etc.
5. Adopting ancient forms that are simpler in form:
涙 → 泪; 網 → 网; 傑 → 杰; etc.
6. Creating new radical-radical compounds:
體 → 体; 塵 → 尘; 竃 → 〓; etc.
7. Creating new radical-phonetic compounds:
護 → 护; 驚 → 〓; 膚 → 肤; etc.
8. Merging a character into another one that sounds the same or
餘 → 余; 穀 → 谷; 後 → 后; etc.
9. Merging several characters into a newly created and simpler character:
髮 & 發 → 发; 儘 & 盡 → 尽; etc.
10. Systematically simplifying a shape, so that every character that uses it is simplified:
門 → 门; 閉 → 闭; 問 → 问; etc (an exception to this type of simplifying is the word for "open": 開 → 开, where the door radical (門) is entirely omitted.)"

Nasa's Phoenix Mars Lander fails to scoop up sample of Martian soil - Telegraph
"Nasa's Phoenix lander failed to scoop up its first sample of Martian soil for analysis on Wednesday when the second communications glitch to hit the mission stopped instructions from reaching the craft"

Nearby galaxies are chock-full of dark matter

  • 04 June 2008 - New Scientist Space

Ursa Major II, Willman I and Coma Berenices Dwarf
"Three dwarf galaxies near the Milky Way appear to contain a higher proportion of invisible dark matter than any stellar system so far studied. If so, they are the ideal place to look to figure out what the stuff consists of.

Flight Day 6
• EVA 2 by Fossum and Garan (Japanese Module TV Equipment Setup; Japanese Robotic Arm Thermal Cover Removal; Harmony Zenith Berthing Port Preparations; Nitrogen Tank Assembly replacement preparations)
• Japanese Module Rack Transfer from Logistics Module to Pressurized Module • Japanese Module Robotic Arm Console Setup
• JPM Channel A Activation
• JPM Egress
• Harmony Zenith Berthing Port Control Panel Assembly Installation

コマーシャル簡単作成サイト コマーシャライザー

YouTube吹き出しをビデオに追加可能に--作成ツールをTestTubeで公開: CNET Japan
YouTubeに「吹き出し」追加機能 - ITmedia News
" ユーザーは、自分のアカウントからビデオクリップをアップロードし、そのビデオの再生中に右側に表示される「Edit Annotations」ボタンをクリックすることで「吹き出し」やメモの編集ができる。画面上の好きな場所に、好きなタイミングで表示させることができる"

副大統領ポスト求めず−クリントン氏(時事通信) - Yahoo!ニュース
クリントン氏、7日撤退表明 副大統領候補、勝敗左右も

世界265の国や地域を調査:世界で最も危険なドメインはここ――McAfeeがランキング発表 - ITmedia
順位 ドメイン
1 香港(.hk)19.2%
2 中国(.cn)11%
3 フィリピン(.ph)
4 ルーマニア(.ro)
5 ロシア(.ru)
順位 ドメイン
1 フィンランド(.fin)0.05%
2 日本(.jp)0.13%
3 ノルウェー(.no)
4 スロヴェニア(.si)
5 コロンビア(.co)

Data from "Chang'e 1" to be released - People's Daily Online
"In August this year, Chang'e 1 will once again move into the shadows to experience another lunar eclipse. However, "we are confident she will make it through the event safely!" Ye said."

盗まれたカメラが「自宅に連絡」、犯人も発見 - ITmedia News

ディズニーワールド、3DでGoogle Earthに登場 - ITmedia News
"3DのDisney Landを楽しむには、Google Earth上で「Disney World」で検索し、ミッキーマウスのアイコンをクリックすると開くウィンドウで「Show Disney World in 3D」をクリックする。"

震区在雄起 - 北京文网

Communist Party of China >> Reform & Democracy
Press center of the 17th CPC National Congress
"Hu Jintao vows to expand people's democracy October 15, 2007
Hu Jintao on Monday pledged to expand the people's democracy and ensure that they are masters of the country."
Commentary: Democracy is an attitude October 20, 2007
Press center of the 17th CPC National Congress
"Modern Chinese are aspiring to achieve the biggest economic and social goals at the lowest cost. The Chinese-style democracy we are now promoting will have high chances to give an answer.
Source: Xinhua

Simplified Chinese character - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"There are several methods in which characters were simplified:

1. Replacing complicated components of common characters with simpler shapes:
對 → 对; 觀 → 观; 風 → 风; etc.
2. Changing the phonetic:
潔 → 洁; 鄰 → 邻; 極 → 〓; etc.
3. Omitting entire components:
廣 → 广; 寧 → 〓; 滅 → 灭; etc.
4. Using grass script shapes:
書 → 书; 長 → 长; 馬 → 马; etc.
5. Adopting ancient forms that are simpler in form:
涙 → 泪; 網 → 网; 傑 → 杰; etc.
6. Creating new radical-radical compounds:
體 → 体; 塵 → 尘; 竃 → 〓; etc.
7. Creating new radical-phonetic compounds:
護 → 护; 驚 → 〓; 膚 → 肤; etc.
8. Merging a character into another one that sounds the same or
餘 → 余; 穀 → 谷; 後 → 后; etc.
9. Merging several characters into a newly created and simpler character:
髮 & 發 → 发; 儘 & 盡 → 尽; etc.
10. Systematically simplifying a shape, so that every character that uses it is simplified:
門 → 门; 閉 → 闭; 問 → 问; etc (an exception to this type of simplifying is the word for "open": 開 → 开, where the door radical (門) is entirely omitted.)"

Nasa's Phoenix Mars Lander fails to scoop up sample of Martian soil - Telegraph
"Nasa's Phoenix lander failed to scoop up its first sample of Martian soil for analysis on Wednesday when the second communications glitch to hit the mission stopped instructions from reaching the craft"

Nearby galaxies are chock-full of dark matter

  • 04 June 2008 - New Scientist Space

Ursa Major II, Willman I and Coma Berenices Dwarf
"Three dwarf galaxies near the Milky Way appear to contain a higher proportion of invisible dark matter than any stellar system so far studied. If so, they are the ideal place to look to figure out what the stuff consists of.

Flight Day 6
• EVA 2 by Fossum and Garan (Japanese Module TV Equipment Setup; Japanese Robotic Arm Thermal Cover Removal; Harmony Zenith Berthing Port Preparations; Nitrogen Tank Assembly replacement preparations)
• Japanese Module Rack Transfer from Logistics Module to Pressurized Module • Japanese Module Robotic Arm Console Setup
• JPM Channel A Activation
• JPM Egress
• Harmony Zenith Berthing Port Control Panel Assembly Installation

コマーシャル簡単作成サイト コマーシャライザー

YouTube吹き出しをビデオに追加可能に--作成ツールをTestTubeで公開: CNET Japan
YouTubeに「吹き出し」追加機能 - ITmedia News
" ユーザーは、自分のアカウントからビデオクリップをアップロードし、そのビデオの再生中に右側に表示される「Edit Annotations」ボタンをクリックすることで「吹き出し」やメモの編集ができる。画面上の好きな場所に、好きなタイミングで表示させることができる"

副大統領ポスト求めず−クリントン氏(時事通信) - Yahoo!ニュース
クリントン氏、7日撤退表明 副大統領候補、勝敗左右も

世界265の国や地域を調査:世界で最も危険なドメインはここ――McAfeeがランキング発表 - ITmedia
順位 ドメイン
1 香港(.hk)19.2%
2 中国(.cn)11%
3 フィリピン(.ph)
4 ルーマニア(.ro)
5 ロシア(.ru)
順位 ドメイン
1 フィンランド(.fin)0.05%
2 日本(.jp)0.13%
3 ノルウェー(.no)
4 スロヴェニア(.si)
5 コロンビア(.co)

Data from "Chang'e 1" to be released - People's Daily Online
"In August this year, Chang'e 1 will once again move into the shadows to experience another lunar eclipse. However, "we are confident she will make it through the event safely!" Ye said."

盗まれたカメラが「自宅に連絡」、犯人も発見 - ITmedia News

ディズニーワールド、3DでGoogle Earthに登場 - ITmedia News
"3DのDisney Landを楽しむには、Google Earth上で「Disney World」で検索し、ミッキーマウスのアイコンをクリックすると開くウィンドウで「Show Disney World in 3D」をクリックする。"

震区在雄起 - 北京文网

Communist Party of China >> Reform & Democracy
Press center of the 17th CPC National Congress
"Hu Jintao vows to expand people's democracy October 15, 2007
Hu Jintao on Monday pledged to expand the people's democracy and ensure that they are masters of the country."
Commentary: Democracy is an attitude October 20, 2007
Press center of the 17th CPC National Congress
"Modern Chinese are aspiring to achieve the biggest economic and social goals at the lowest cost. The Chinese-style democracy we are now promoting will have high chances to give an answer.
Source: Xinhua

Simplified Chinese character - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"There are several methods in which characters were simplified:

1. Replacing complicated components of common characters with simpler shapes:
對 → 对; 觀 → 观; 風 → 风; etc.
2. Changing the phonetic:
潔 → 洁; 鄰 → 邻; 極 → 〓; etc.
3. Omitting entire components:
廣 → 广; 寧 → 〓; 滅 → 灭; etc.
4. Using grass script shapes:
書 → 书; 長 → 长; 馬 → 马; etc.
5. Adopting ancient forms that are simpler in form:
涙 → 泪; 網 → 网; 傑 → 杰; etc.
6. Creating new radical-radical compounds:
體 → 体; 塵 → 尘; 竃 → 〓; etc.
7. Creating new radical-phonetic compounds:
護 → 护; 驚 → 〓; 膚 → 肤; etc.
8. Merging a character into another one that sounds the same or
餘 → 余; 穀 → 谷; 後 → 后; etc.
9. Merging several characters into a newly created and simpler character:
髮 & 發 → 发; 儘 & 盡 → 尽; etc.
10. Systematically simplifying a shape, so that every character that uses it is simplified:
門 → 门; 閉 → 闭; 問