
“If traitors are people who want to harm China, then I’m not part of it,” she said. “Those people who attack me so severely were the ones who hurt China’s image even more.”
She added: “They don’t know what do they mean by ‘loving China.’ It’s not depriving others of their right to speak; it’s not asking me or other people to shut up.”

Chinese Student in U.S. Is Caught in Confrontation - New York Times
"The next day, a photo appeared on an Internet forum for Chinese students with a photo of Ms. Wang and the words “traitor to your country” emblazoned in Chinese across her forehead. Ms. Wang’s Chinese name, identification number and contact information were posted, along with directions to her parents’ apartment in Qingdao, a Chinese port city."

Smith & Carlos Address Beijing Olympics-BlackBox
"Human rights are a BAD joke in China.
If you are Chinese and stood up at a meeting or your work place or on a street corner and said we Chinese should have freedom of religion and freedom of speech to express ourselves as we wish. YOU WOULD BE ARRESTED. You would NOT get any kind of fair trial before you were sent off to a Chinese prison possibly to never be heard from again."

Brighter than Any Gold - INQUIRER.net, Philippine News for Filipinos
"New York―For the Chinese government, April is turning out to be the cruelest month. I"

Making Olympics Majestic Again
"Never mind that Coca-Cola, General Electric, Johnson & Johnson or other corporate sponsors won't protest, or that the United States, in the person of President Bush, has no intention of skipping the Opening Ceremonies. The First Fan will turn two blind eyes, sit in the stadium and eat a corn dog, or maybe a dog dog.
We only know it's wrong.
Protests Are In Order"

1968 Black Power athletes warn Beijing competitors over protests: AFP
"LONDON (AFP) ― The athletes whose Black Power salute shocked the 1968 Olympics advised competitors to consider the consequences of making political protests at the Beijing Games, in interviews published Saturday.
"If you make a stand at a world event, you will sacrifice a great deal. I do believe the IOC would punish the athlete, possibly even more than we were in 1968."
He added: "This is probably the most political Games in the history of the Olympics. We need to know why the IOC brought the Olympics to a country with a one-party system. Don't pretend that money had nothing to do with it. But the IOC has responsibilities. This was a decision that needed more thought.""
"トミー・スミス(Tommie Smith)氏とジョン・カルロス(John Carlos)氏は、メキシコ五輪の200メートル走でそれぞれ優勝および3位となったが、表彰式で黒い手袋をはめた拳を掲げ、黒人差別に抗議するパフォーマンスを行ったため、国際五輪委員会IOCの処分を受け、米ナショナルチームから除名・追放された。
「五輪での抗議、代償は大きい」 メキシコ五輪の米黒人代表が警告 写真4枚 国際ニュース : AFPBB News

北京五輪:米、600人からなる代表団が参加 2008/04/17(木) 15:41:29 [中国情報局]

China Spurns Apology, Keeps Pressure on CNN - washingtonpost.com
"In the latest controversy, commentator Jack Cafferty, appearing April 9 on CNN's "The Situation Room," called Chinese exports "junk with the lead paint on them" and lamented the large U.S. trade deficit with China. "I think they're basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they've been for the last 50 years," Cafferty said."
CNN失言で中国激怒 中国人は小悪党thugs - MSN産経
外交部、中国人悪罵で米CNN北京支局に厳正な申し入れ -- pekinshuho

27 Tibetan protesters arrested in New Delhi
"Tibetan exiles carry the Tibetan Independence Torch Relay on the route of the Olympic torch run in New Delhi." The Hindu : National

Indian police flood capital ahead of Olympic torch relay: AFP

聖火リレー 4月17日 ニューデリー(インド)


中国との関係悪化を懸念 インド、「聖火リレー妨害させぬ」 - 産経

"More security on route of torch in Delhi
New Delhi, March 31: Heavy security will be deployed in the national capital on April 17 along the passage from Vijay Chowk to India Gate, the expected route of the Olympic torch when it comes to New Delhi."

中国との関係悪化を懸念 インド、「聖火リレー妨害させぬ」 - 産経

Indian soccer captain refuses torch leg | Herald Sun
"INDIA's football captain has refused to carry the Olympic torch when it arrives in New Delhi this month to protest China's crackdown on unrest in Tibet."
インド代表主将 聖火リレー拒否(サッカー) ― スポニチ

インド協会、聖火リレーのルートを短縮 - VOICE OF INDIA
"〈ニューデリー〉 インド・オリンピック協会(IOA)は2日、4月17日にインド国内で行われる北京五輪聖火リレーのルートを短縮することを決めた。当初はデリーのレッドフォートからインド門までの約9キロをリレーで走る予定だったが、2〜3キロまでに短縮される模様。

China rejects human-to-human bird flu report: AFP
"BEIJING (AFP) ― China has rejected a study which found a probable case of human-to-human bird flu transmission in the country, state media reported.
The study, published in British medical magazine The Lancet this week, said a 24-year-old man was likely to have infected his father with H5N1 before dying, raising the spectre of a feared flu pandemic.
But health ministry spokesman Mao Qun'an said there was no clear evidence to support the findings.
"So far no evidence has been found in China to support the idea that the H5N1 virus can easily pass from one person to another," he said, according to Xinhua news agency on Friday."

科学者の2割が向精神薬を使用:『Nature』の調査 | WIRED VISION

“If traitors are people who want to harm China, then I’m not part of it,” she said. “Those people who attack me so severely were the ones who hurt China’s image even more.”
She added: “They don’t know what do they mean by ‘loving China.’ It’s not depriving others of their right to speak; it’s not asking me or other people to shut up.”

Chinese Student in U.S. Is Caught in Confrontation - New York Times
"The next day, a photo appeared on an Internet forum for Chinese students with a photo of Ms. Wang and the words “traitor to your country” emblazoned in Chinese across her forehead. Ms. Wang’s Chinese name, identification number and contact information were posted, along with directions to her parents’ apartment in Qingdao, a Chinese port city."

Smith & Carlos Address Beijing Olympics-BlackBox
"Human rights are a BAD joke in China.
If you are Chinese and stood up at a meeting or your work place or on a street corner and said we Chinese should have freedom of religion and freedom of speech to express ourselves as we wish. YOU WOULD BE ARRESTED. You would NOT get any kind of fair trial before you were sent off to a Chinese prison possibly to never be heard from again."

Brighter than Any Gold - INQUIRER.net, Philippine News for Filipinos
"New York―For the Chinese government, April is turning out to be the cruelest month. I"

Making Olympics Majestic Again
"Never mind that Coca-Cola, General Electric, Johnson & Johnson or other corporate sponsors won't protest, or that the United States, in the person of President Bush, has no intention of skipping the Opening Ceremonies. The First Fan will turn two blind eyes, sit in the stadium and eat a corn dog, or maybe a dog dog.
We only know it's wrong.
Protests Are In Order"

1968 Black Power athletes warn Beijing competitors over protests: AFP
"LONDON (AFP) ― The athletes whose Black Power salute shocked the 1968 Olympics advised competitors to consider the consequences of making political protests at the Beijing Games, in interviews published Saturday.
"If you make a stand at a world event, you will sacrifice a great deal. I do believe the IOC would punish the athlete, possibly even more than we were in 1968."
He added: "This is probably the most political Games in the history of the Olympics. We need to know why the IOC brought the Olympics to a country with a one-party system. Don't pretend that money had nothing to do with it. But the IOC has responsibilities. This was a decision that needed more thought.""
"トミー・スミス(Tommie Smith)氏とジョン・カルロス(John Carlos)氏は、メキシコ五輪の200メートル走でそれぞれ優勝および3位となったが、表彰式で黒い手袋をはめた拳を掲げ、黒人差別に抗議するパフォーマンスを行ったため、国際五輪委員会IOCの処分を受け、米ナショナルチームから除名・追放された。
「五輪での抗議、代償は大きい」 メキシコ五輪の米黒人代表が警告 写真4枚 国際ニュース : AFPBB News

北京五輪:米、600人からなる代表団が参加 2008/04/17(木) 15:41:29 [中国情報局]

China Spurns Apology, Keeps Pressure on CNN - washingtonpost.com
"In the latest controversy, commentator Jack Cafferty, appearing April 9 on CNN's "The Situation Room," called Chinese exports "junk with the lead paint on them" and lamented the large U.S. trade deficit with China. "I think they're basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they've been for the last 50 years," Cafferty said."
CNN失言で中国激怒 中国人は小悪党thugs - MSN産経
外交部、中国人悪罵で米CNN北京支局に厳正な申し入れ -- pekinshuho

27 Tibetan protesters arrested in New Delhi
"Tibetan exiles carry the Tibetan Independence Torch Relay on the route of the Olympic torch run in New Delhi." The Hindu : National

Indian police flood capital ahead of Olympic torch relay: AFP

聖火リレー 4月17日 ニューデリー(インド)


中国との関係悪化を懸念 インド、「聖火リレー妨害させぬ」 - 産経

"More security on route of torch in Delhi
New Delhi, March 31: Heavy security will be deployed in the national capital on April 17 along the passage from Vijay Chowk to India Gate, the expected route of the Olympic torch when it comes to New Delhi."

中国との関係悪化を懸念 インド、「聖火リレー妨害させぬ」 - 産経

Indian soccer captain refuses torch leg | Herald Sun
"INDIA's football captain has refused to carry the Olympic torch when it arrives in New Delhi this month to protest China's crackdown on unrest in Tibet."
インド代表主将 聖火リレー拒否(サッカー) ― スポニチ

インド協会、聖火リレーのルートを短縮 - VOICE OF INDIA
"〈ニューデリー〉 インド・オリンピック協会(IOA)は2日、4月17日にインド国内で行われる北京五輪聖火リレーのルートを短縮することを決めた。当初はデリーのレッドフォートからインド門までの約9キロをリレーで走る予定だったが、2〜3キロまでに短縮される模様。

China rejects human-to-human bird flu report: AFP
"BEIJING (AFP) ― China has rejected a study which found a probable case of human-to-human bird flu transmission in the country, state media reported.
The study, published in British medical magazine The Lancet this week, said a 24-year-old man was likely to have infected his father with H5N1 before dying, raising the spectre of a feared flu pandemic.
But health ministry spokesman Mao Qun'an said there was no clear evidence to support the findings.
"So far no evidence has been found in China to support the idea that the H5N1 virus can easily pass from one person to another," he said, according to Xinhua news agency on Friday."

科学者の2割が向精神薬を使用:『Nature』の調査 | WIRED VISION

“If traitors are people who want to harm China, then I’m not part of it,” she said. “Those people who attack me so severely were the ones who hurt China’s image even more.”
She added: “They don’t know what do they mean by ‘loving China.’ It’s not depriving others of their right to speak; it’s not asking me or other people to shut up.”

Chinese Student in U.S. Is Caught in Confrontation - New York Times
"The next day, a photo appeared on an Internet forum for Chinese students with a photo of Ms. Wang and the words “traitor to your country” emblazoned in Chinese across her forehead. Ms. Wang’s Chinese name, identification number and contact information were posted, along with directions to her parents’ apartment in Qingdao, a Chinese port city."

Smith & Carlos Address Beijing Olympics-BlackBox
"Human rights are a BAD joke in China.
If you are Chinese and stood up at a meeting or your work place or on a street corner and said we Chinese should have freedom of religion and freedom of speech to express ourselves as we wish. YOU WOULD BE ARRESTED. You would NOT get any kind of fair trial before you were sent off to a Chinese prison possibly to never be heard from again."

Brighter than Any Gold - INQUIRER.net, Philippine News for Filipinos
"New York―For the Chinese government, April is turning out to be the cruelest month. I"

Making Olympics Majestic Again
"Never mind that Coca-Cola, General Electric, Johnson & Johnson or other corporate sponsors won't protest, or that the United States, in the person of President Bush, has no intention of skipping the Opening Ceremonies. The First Fan will turn two blind eyes, sit in the stadium and eat a corn dog, or maybe a dog dog.
We only know it's wrong.
Protests Are In Order"

1968 Black Power athletes warn Beijing competitors over protests: AFP
"LONDON (AFP) ― The athletes whose Black Power salute shocked the 1968 Olympics advised competitors to consider the consequences of making political protests at the Beijing Games, in interviews published Saturday.
"If you make a stand at a world event, you will sacrifice a great deal. I do believe the IOC would punish the athlete, possibly even more than we were in 1968."
He added: "This is probably the most political Games in the history of the Olympics. We need to know why the IOC brought the Olympics to a country with a one-party system. Don't pretend that money had nothing to do with it. But the IOC has responsibilities. This was a decision that needed more thought.""
"トミー・スミス(Tommie Smith)氏とジョン・カルロス(John Carlos)氏は、メキシコ五輪の200メートル走でそれぞれ優勝および3位となったが、表彰式で黒い手袋をはめた拳を掲げ、黒人差別に抗議するパフォーマンスを行ったため、国際五輪委員会IOCの処分を受け、米ナショナルチームから除名・追放された。
「五輪での抗議、代償は大きい」 メキシコ五輪の米黒人代表が警告 写真4枚 国際ニュース : AFPBB News

北京五輪:米、600人からなる代表団が参加 2008/04/17(木) 15:41:29 [中国情報局]

China Spurns Apology, Keeps Pressure on CNN - washingtonpost.com
"In the latest controversy, commentator Jack Cafferty, appearing April 9 on CNN's "The Situation Room," called Chinese exports "junk with the lead paint on them" and lamented the large U.S. trade deficit with China. "I think they're basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they've been for the last 50 years," Cafferty said."
CNN失言で中国激怒 中国人は小悪党thugs - MSN産経
外交部、中国人悪罵で米CNN北京支局に厳正な申し入れ -- pekinshuho

27 Tibetan protesters arrested in New Delhi
"Tibetan exiles carry the Tibetan Independence Torch Relay on the route of the Olympic torch run in New Delhi." The Hindu : National

Indian police flood capital ahead of Olympic torch relay: AFP

聖火リレー 4月17日 ニューデリー(インド)


中国との関係悪化を懸念 インド、「聖火リレー妨害させぬ」 - 産経

"More security on route of torch in Delhi
New Delhi, March 31: Heavy security will be deployed in the national capital on April 17 along the passage from Vijay Chowk to India Gate, the expected route of the Olympic torch when it comes to New Delhi."

中国との関係悪化を懸念 インド、「聖火リレー妨害させぬ」 - 産経

Indian soccer captain refuses torch leg | Herald Sun
"INDIA's football captain has refused to carry the Olympic torch when it arrives in New Delhi this month to protest China's crackdown on unrest in Tibet."
インド代表主将 聖火リレー拒否(サッカー) ― スポニチ

インド協会、聖火リレーのルートを短縮 - VOICE OF INDIA
"〈ニューデリー〉 インド・オリンピック協会(IOA)は2日、4月17日にインド国内で行われる北京五輪聖火リレーのルートを短縮することを決めた。当初はデリーのレッドフォートからインド門までの約9キロをリレーで走る予定だったが、2〜3キロまでに短縮される模様。

China rejects human-to-human bird flu report: AFP
"BEIJING (AFP) ― China has rejected a study which found a probable case of human-to-human bird flu transmission in the country, state media reported.
The study, published in British medical magazine The Lancet this week, said a 24-year-old man was likely to have infected his father with H5N1 before dying, raising the spectre of a feared flu pandemic.
But health ministry spokesman Mao Qun'an said there was no clear evidence to support the findings.
"So far no evidence has been found in China to support the idea that the H5N1 virus can easily pass from one person to another," he said, according to Xinhua news agency on Friday."

科学者の2割が向精神薬を使用:『Nature』の調査 | WIRED VISION

“If traitors are people who want to harm China, then I’m not part of it,” she said. “Those people who attack me so severely were the ones who hurt China’s image even more.”
She added: “They don’t know what do they mean by ‘loving China.’ It’s not depriving others of their right to speak; it’s not asking me or other people to shut up.”

Chinese Student in U.S. Is Caught in Confrontation - New York Times
"The next day, a photo appeared on an Internet forum for Chinese students with a photo of Ms. Wang and the words “traitor to your country” emblazoned in Chinese across her forehead. Ms. Wang’s Chinese name, identification number and contact information were posted, along with directions to her parents’ apartment in Qingdao, a Chinese port city."

Smith & Carlos Address Beijing Olympics-BlackBox
"Human rights are a BAD joke in China.
If you are Chinese and stood up at a meeting or your work place or on a street corner and said we Chinese should have freedom of religion and freedom of speech to express ourselves as we wish. YOU WOULD BE ARRESTED. You would NOT get any kind of fair trial before you were sent off to a Chinese prison possibly to never be heard from again."

Brighter than Any Gold - INQUIRER.net, Philippine News for Filipinos
"New York―For the Chinese government, April is turning out to be the cruelest month. I"

Making Olympics Majestic Again
"Never mind that Coca-Cola, General Electric, Johnson & Johnson or other corporate sponsors won't protest, or that the United States, in the person of President Bush, has no intention of skipping the Opening Ceremonies. The First Fan will turn two blind eyes, sit in the stadium and eat a corn dog, or maybe a dog dog.
We only know it's wrong.
Protests Are In Order"

1968 Black Power athletes warn Beijing competitors over protests: AFP
"LONDON (AFP) ― The athletes whose Black Power salute shocked the 1968 Olympics advised competitors to consider the consequences of making political protests at the Beijing Games, in interviews published Saturday.
"If you make a stand at a world event, you will sacrifice a great deal. I do believe the IOC would punish the athlete, possibly even more than we were in 1968."
He added: "This is probably the most political Games in the history of the Olympics. We need to know why the IOC brought the Olympics to a country with a one-party system. Don't pretend that money had nothing to do with it. But the IOC has responsibilities. This was a decision that needed more thought.""
"トミー・スミス(Tommie Smith)氏とジョン・カルロス(John Carlos)氏は、メキシコ五輪の200メートル走でそれぞれ優勝および3位となったが、表彰式で黒い手袋をはめた拳を掲げ、黒人差別に抗議するパフォーマンスを行ったため、国際五輪委員会IOCの処分を受け、米ナショナルチームから除名・追放された。
「五輪での抗議、代償は大きい」 メキシコ五輪の米黒人代表が警告 写真4枚 国際ニュース : AFPBB News

北京五輪:米、600人からなる代表団が参加 2008/04/17(木) 15:41:29 [中国情報局]

China Spurns Apology, Keeps Pressure on CNN - washingtonpost.com
"In the latest controversy, commentator Jack Cafferty, appearing April 9 on CNN's "The Situation Room," called Chinese exports "junk with the lead paint on them" and lamented the large U.S. trade deficit with China. "I think they're basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they've been for the last 50 years," Cafferty said."
CNN失言で中国激怒 中国人は小悪党thugs - MSN産経
外交部、中国人悪罵で米CNN北京支局に厳正な申し入れ -- pekinshuho

27 Tibetan protesters arrested in New Delhi
"Tibetan exiles carry the Tibetan Independence Torch Relay on the route of the Olympic torch run in New Delhi." The Hindu : National

Indian police flood capital ahead of Olympic torch relay: AFP

聖火リレー 4月17日 ニューデリー(インド)


中国との関係悪化を懸念 インド、「聖火リレー妨害させぬ」 - 産経

"More security on route of torch in Delhi
New Delhi, March 31: Heavy security will be deployed in the national capital on April 17 along the passage from Vijay Chowk to India Gate, the expected route of the Olympic torch when it comes to New Delhi."

中国との関係悪化を懸念 インド、「聖火リレー妨害させぬ」 - 産経

Indian soccer captain refuses torch leg | Herald Sun
"INDIA's football captain has refused to carry the Olympic torch when it arrives in New Delhi this month to protest China's crackdown on unrest in Tibet."
インド代表主将 聖火リレー拒否(サッカー) ― スポニチ

インド協会、聖火リレーのルートを短縮 - VOICE OF INDIA
"〈ニューデリー〉 インド・オリンピック協会(IOA)は2日、4月17日にインド国内で行われる北京五輪聖火リレーのルートを短縮することを決めた。当初はデリーのレッドフォートからインド門までの約9キロをリレーで走る予定だったが、2〜3キロまでに短縮される模様。

China rejects human-to-human bird flu report: AFP
"BEIJING (AFP) ― China has rejected a study which found a probable case of human-to-human bird flu transmission in the country, state media reported.
The study, published in British medical magazine The Lancet this week, said a 24-year-old man was likely to have infected his father with H5N1 before dying, raising the spectre of a feared flu pandemic.
But health ministry spokesman Mao Qun'an said there was no clear evidence to support the findings.
"So far no evidence has been found in China to support the idea that the H5N1 virus can easily pass from one person to another," he said, according to Xinhua news agency on Friday."

科学者の2割が向精神薬を使用:『Nature』の調査 | WIRED VISION

“If traitors are people who want to harm China, then I’m not part of it,” she said. “Those people who attack me so severely were the ones who hurt China’s image even more.”
She added: “They don’t know what do they mean by ‘loving China.’ It’s not depriving others of their right to speak; it’s not asking me or other people to shut up.”

Chinese Student in U.S. Is Caught in Confrontation - New York Times
"The next day, a photo appeared on an Internet forum for Chinese students with a photo of Ms. Wang and the words “traitor to your country” emblazoned in Chinese across her forehead. Ms. Wang’s Chinese name, identification number and contact information were posted, along with directions to her parents’ apartment in Qingdao, a Chinese port city."

Smith & Carlos Address Beijing Olympics-BlackBox
"Human rights are a BAD joke in China.
If you are Chinese and stood up at a meeting or your work place or on a street corner and said we Chinese should have freedom of religion and freedom of speech to express ourselves as we wish. YOU WOULD BE ARRESTED. You would NOT get any kind of fair trial before you were sent off to a Chinese prison possibly to never be heard from again."

Brighter than Any Gold - INQUIRER.net, Philippine News for Filipinos
"New York―For the Chinese government, April is turning out to be the cruelest month. I"

Making Olympics Majestic Again
"Never mind that Coca-Cola, General Electric, Johnson & Johnson or other corporate sponsors won't protest, or that the United States, in the person of President Bush, has no intention of skipping the Opening Ceremonies. The First Fan will turn two blind eyes, sit in the stadium and eat a corn dog, or maybe a dog dog.
We only know it's wrong.
Protests Are In Order"

1968 Black Power athletes warn Beijing competitors over protests: AFP
"LONDON (AFP) ― The athletes whose Black Power salute shocked the 1968 Olympics advised competitors to consider the consequences of making political protests at the Beijing Games, in interviews published Saturday.
"If you make a stand at a world event, you will sacrifice a great deal. I do believe the IOC would punish the athlete, possibly even more than we were in 1968."
He added: "This is probably the most political Games in the history of the Olympics. We need to know why the IOC brought the Olympics to a country with a one-party system. Don't pretend that money had nothing to do with it. But the IOC has responsibilities. This was a decision that needed more thought.""
"トミー・スミス(Tommie Smith)氏とジョン・カルロス(John Carlos)氏は、メキシコ五輪の200メートル走でそれぞれ優勝および3位となったが、表彰式で黒い手袋をはめた拳を掲げ、黒人差別に抗議するパフォーマンスを行ったため、国際五輪委員会IOCの処分を受け、米ナショナルチームから除名・追放された。
「五輪での抗議、代償は大きい」 メキシコ五輪の米黒人代表が警告 写真4枚 国際ニュース : AFPBB News

北京五輪:米、600人からなる代表団が参加 2008/04/17(木) 15:41:29 [中国情報局]

China Spurns Apology, Keeps Pressure on CNN - washingtonpost.com
"In the latest controversy, commentator Jack Cafferty, appearing April 9 on CNN's "The Situation Room," called Chinese exports "junk with the lead paint on them" and lamented the large U.S. trade deficit with China. "I think they're basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they've been for the last 50 years," Cafferty said."
CNN失言で中国激怒 中国人は小悪党thugs - MSN産経
外交部、中国人悪罵で米CNN北京支局に厳正な申し入れ -- pekinshuho

27 Tibetan protesters arrested in New Delhi
"Tibetan exiles carry the Tibetan Independence Torch Relay on the route of the Olympic torch run in New Delhi." The Hindu : National

Indian police flood capital ahead of Olympic torch relay: AFP

聖火リレー 4月17日 ニューデリー(インド)


中国との関係悪化を懸念 インド、「聖火リレー妨害させぬ」 - 産経

"More security on route of torch in Delhi
New Delhi, March 31: Heavy security will be deployed in the national capital on April 17 along the passage from Vijay Chowk to India Gate, the expected route of the Olympic torch when it comes to New Delhi."

中国との関係悪化を懸念 インド、「聖火リレー妨害させぬ」 - 産経

Indian soccer captain refuses torch leg | Herald Sun
"INDIA's football captain has refused to carry the Olympic torch when it arrives in New Delhi this month to protest China's crackdown on unrest in Tibet."
インド代表主将 聖火リレー拒否(サッカー) ― スポニチ

インド協会、聖火リレーのルートを短縮 - VOICE OF INDIA
"〈ニューデリー〉 インド・オリンピック協会(IOA)は2日、4月17日にインド国内で行われる北京五輪聖火リレーのルートを短縮することを決めた。当初はデリーのレッドフォートからインド門までの約9キロをリレーで走る予定だったが、2〜3キロまでに短縮される模様。

China rejects human-to-human bird flu report: AFP
"BEIJING (AFP) ― China has rejected a study which found a probable case of human-to-human bird flu transmission in the country, state media reported.
The study, published in British medical magazine The Lancet this week, said a 24-year-old man was likely to have infected his father with H5N1 before dying, raising the spectre of a feared flu pandemic.
But health ministry spokesman Mao Qun'an said there was no clear evidence to support the findings.
"So far no evidence has been found in China to support the idea that the H5N1 virus can easily pass from one person to another," he said, according to Xinhua news agency on Friday."

科学者の2割が向精神薬を使用:『Nature』の調査 | WIRED VISION

“If traitors are people who want to harm China, then I’m not part of it,” she said. “Those people who attack me so severely were the ones who hurt China’s image even more.”
She added: “They don’t know what do they mean by ‘loving China.’ It’s not depriving others of their right to speak; it’s not asking me or other people to shut up.”

Chinese Student in U.S. Is Caught in Confrontation - New York Times
"The next day, a photo appeared on an Internet forum for Chinese students with a photo of Ms. Wang and the words “traitor to your country” emblazoned in Chinese across her forehead. Ms. Wang’s Chinese name, identification number and contact information were posted, along with directions to her parents’ apartment in Qingdao, a Chinese port city."

Smith & Carlos Address Beijing Olympics-BlackBox
"Human rights are a BAD joke in China.
If you are Chinese and stood up at a meeting or your work place or on a street corner and said we Chinese should have freedom of religion and freedom of speech to express ourselves as we wish. YOU WOULD BE ARRESTED. You would NOT get any kind of fair trial before you were sent off to a Chinese prison possibly to never be heard from again."

Brighter than Any Gold - INQUIRER.net, Philippine News for Filipinos
"New York―For the Chinese government, April is turning out to be the cruelest month. I"

Making Olympics Majestic Again
"Never mind that Coca-Cola, General Electric, Johnson & Johnson or other corporate sponsors won't protest, or that the United States, in the person of President Bush, has no intention of skipping the Opening Ceremonies. The First Fan will turn two blind eyes, sit in the stadium and eat a corn dog, or maybe a dog dog.
We only know it's wrong.
Protests Are In Order"

1968 Black Power athletes warn Beijing competitors over protests: AFP
"LONDON (AFP) ― The athletes whose Black Power salute shocked the 1968 Olympics advised competitors to consider the consequences of making political protests at the Beijing Games, in interviews published Saturday.
"If you make a stand at a world event, you will sacrifice a great deal. I do believe the IOC would punish the athlete, possibly even more than we were in 1968."
He added: "This is probably the most political Games in the history of the Olympics. We need to know why the IOC brought the Olympics to a country with a one-party system. Don't pretend that money had nothing to do with it. But the IOC has responsibilities. This was a decision that needed more thought.""
"トミー・スミス(Tommie Smith)氏とジョン・カルロス(John Carlos)氏は、メキシコ五輪の200メートル走でそれぞれ優勝および3位となったが、表彰式で黒い手袋をはめた拳を掲げ、黒人差別に抗議するパフォーマンスを行ったため、国際五輪委員会IOCの処分を受け、米ナショナルチームから除名・追放された。
「五輪での抗議、代償は大きい」 メキシコ五輪の米黒人代表が警告 写真4枚 国際ニュース : AFPBB News

北京五輪:米、600人からなる代表団が参加 2008/04/17(木) 15:41:29 [中国情報局]

China Spurns Apology, Keeps Pressure on CNN - washingtonpost.com
"In the latest controversy, commentator Jack Cafferty, appearing April 9 on CNN's "The Situation Room," called Chinese exports "junk with the lead paint on them" and lamented the large U.S. trade deficit with China. "I think they're basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they've been for the last 50 years," Cafferty said."
CNN失言で中国激怒 中国人は小悪党thugs - MSN産経
外交部、中国人悪罵で米CNN北京支局に厳正な申し入れ -- pekinshuho

27 Tibetan protesters arrested in New Delhi
"Tibetan exiles carry the Tibetan Independence Torch Relay on the route of the Olympic torch run in New Delhi." The Hindu : National

Indian police flood capital ahead of Olympic torch relay: AFP

聖火リレー 4月17日 ニューデリー(インド)


中国との関係悪化を懸念 インド、「聖火リレー妨害させぬ」 - 産経

"More security on route of torch in Delhi
New Delhi, March 31: Heavy security will be deployed in the national capital on April 17 along the passage from Vijay Chowk to India Gate, the expected route of the Olympic torch when it comes to New Delhi."

中国との関係悪化を懸念 インド、「聖火リレー妨害させぬ」 - 産経

Indian soccer captain refuses torch leg | Herald Sun
"INDIA's football captain has refused to carry the Olympic torch when it arrives in New Delhi this month to protest China's crackdown on unrest in Tibet."
インド代表主将 聖火リレー拒否(サッカー) ― スポニチ

インド協会、聖火リレーのルートを短縮 - VOICE OF INDIA
"〈ニューデリー〉 インド・オリンピック協会(IOA)は2日、4月17日にインド国内で行われる北京五輪聖火リレーのルートを短縮することを決めた。当初はデリーのレッドフォートからインド門までの約9キロをリレーで走る予定だったが、2〜3キロまでに短縮される模様。

China rejects human-to-human bird flu report: AFP
"BEIJING (AFP) ― China has rejected a study which found a probable case of human-to-human bird flu transmission in the country, state media reported.
The study, published in British medical magazine The Lancet this week, said a 24-year-old man was likely to have infected his father with H5N1 before dying, raising the spectre of a feared flu pandemic.
But health ministry spokesman Mao Qun'an said there was no clear evidence to support the findings.
"So far no evidence has been found in China to support the idea that the H5N1 virus can easily pass from one person to another," he said, according to Xinhua news agency on Friday."

科学者の2割が向精神薬を使用:『Nature』の調査 | WIRED VISION

“If traitors are people who want to harm China, then I’m not part of it,” she said. “Those people who attack me so severely were the ones who hurt China’s image even more.”
She added: “They don’t know what do they mean by ‘loving China.’ It’s not depriving others of their right to speak; it’s not asking me or other people to shut up.”

Chinese Student in U.S. Is Caught in Confrontation - New York Times
"The next day, a photo appeared on an Internet forum for Chinese students with a photo of Ms. Wang and the words “traitor to your country” emblazoned in Chinese across her forehead. Ms. Wang’s Chinese name, identification number and contact information were posted, along with directions to her parents’ apartment in Qingdao, a Chinese port city."

Smith & Carlos Address Beijing Olympics-BlackBox
"Human rights are a BAD joke in China.
If you are Chinese and stood up at a meeting or your work place or on a street corner and said we Chinese should have freedom of religion and freedom of speech to express ourselves as we wish. YOU WOULD BE ARRESTED. You would NOT get any kind of fair trial before you were sent off to a Chinese prison possibly to never be heard from again."

Brighter than Any Gold - INQUIRER.net, Philippine News for Filipinos
"New York―For the Chinese government, April is turning out to be the cruelest month. I"

Making Olympics Majestic Again
"Never mind that Coca-Cola, General Electric, Johnson & Johnson or other corporate sponsors won't protest, or that the United States, in the person of President Bush, has no intention of skipping the Opening Ceremonies. The First Fan will turn two blind eyes, sit in the stadium and eat a corn dog, or maybe a dog dog.
We only know it's wrong.
Protests Are In Order"

1968 Black Power athletes warn Beijing competitors over protests: AFP
"LONDON (AFP) ― The athletes whose Black Power salute shocked the 1968 Olympics advised competitors to consider the consequences of making political protests at the Beijing Games, in interviews published Saturday.
"If you make a stand at a world event, you will sacrifice a great deal. I do believe the IOC would punish the athlete, possibly even more than we were in 1968."
He added: "This is probably the most political Games in the history of the Olympics. We need to know why the IOC brought the Olympics to a country with a one-party system. Don't pretend that money had nothing to do with it. But the IOC has responsibilities. This was a decision that needed more thought.""
"トミー・スミス(Tommie Smith)氏とジョン・カルロス(John Carlos)氏は、メキシコ五輪の200メートル走でそれぞれ優勝および3位となったが、表彰式で黒い手袋をはめた拳を掲げ、黒人差別に抗議するパフォーマンスを行ったため、国際五輪委員会IOCの処分を受け、米ナショナルチームから除名・追放された。
「五輪での抗議、代償は大きい」 メキシコ五輪の米黒人代表が警告 写真4枚 国際ニュース : AFPBB News

北京五輪:米、600人からなる代表団が参加 2008/04/17(木) 15:41:29 [中国情報局]

China Spurns Apology, Keeps Pressure on CNN - washingtonpost.com
"In the latest controversy, commentator Jack Cafferty, appearing April 9 on CNN's "The Situation Room," called Chinese exports "junk with the lead paint on them" and lamented the large U.S. trade deficit with China. "I think they're basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they've been for the last 50 years," Cafferty said."
CNN失言で中国激怒 中国人は小悪党thugs - MSN産経
外交部、中国人悪罵で米CNN北京支局に厳正な申し入れ -- pekinshuho

27 Tibetan protesters arrested in New Delhi
"Tibetan exiles carry the Tibetan Independence Torch Relay on the route of the Olympic torch run in New Delhi." The Hindu : National

Indian police flood capital ahead of Olympic torch relay: AFP

聖火リレー 4月17日 ニューデリー(インド)


中国との関係悪化を懸念 インド、「聖火リレー妨害させぬ」 - 産経