
はてなマップ」「はてなリング」終了 - ITmedia
" 「はてなマップ」を3月いっぱいで、「はてなリング」を4月いっぱいで終了すると発表した。正式サービスの終了は同社初。"

"Possibility isn't limited by technology. And it's certainly not limited by human imagination. What makes something impossible is the lack of cold, hard, cash."
10 Sci-Fi Techs We Could Build If They Weren't So Damn Expensive

1998 年,ベイリー(J.Bailey)らは,宇宙空間に円偏光が存在することを見いだした。また,アミノ酸(もしくはアミノ酸前駆体)に円偏光を照射すると,一方の光学異性体が他方よりも早く分解あるいは生成することも報告されている。
星間で生成したアミノ酸(前駆体)に中性子星からの円偏光が当たり,L 体のアミノ酸(前駆体)の過剰が生じる。これが原始太陽系星雲中で彗星や微惑星に取り込まれ,それらにより原始地球に運び込まれる。

"228 Exoplanets are known around nearby stars"
Links to Related Sites
"Searches for Extrasolar Planets:"

2009 Launches

stars with planets:237
Earthlike planets: 0
JPL: PlanetQuest: Exoplanet Exploration

Kepler Mission
http://kepler.nasa.gov/2009 Launches: Feb. 16
Launch Vehicle: United Launch Alliance Delta IILaunch Site: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station - Launch Complex 17 -Pad 17-B
Description: The Kepler Mission, a NASA Discovery mission, is specifically designed to survey our region of the Milky Way galaxy to detect and characterize hundreds of Earth-size and smaller planets in or near the habitable zone.

Total exoplanets 276
Stars with planets 237
Hot Jupiters 59
Pulsar planets 4
Earthlike planets 0
"Color shifts, bent light and wobbly stars
With the aid of powerful space and land telescopes, supercomputers and Einstein's theories, astronomers use clues to seek out hidden planets
The Columbus Dispatch : Color shifts, bent light and wobbly stars

ESA - COROT - COROT surprises a year after launch
COROT was launched by a Soyuz rocket from the Baikonour cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on 27 December 2006.
"Research into solar-type oscillations is one of the mission’s key objectives. Such oscillations have already been found in two stars that are very similar to our sun - first in HD49933 and then in HD181420. The variations are very weak in amplitude and given their short coherence time (the duration for which a particular wave persists on the stellar surface), they are very hard to detect and measure.
COROT’s discovers its second exoplanet"

ESA - COROT - Water, water everywhere - on an extrasolar planet
"11 July 2007
Scientists report the first conclusive discovery of the presence of water vapour in the atmosphere of a planet beyond our Solar System.
The discovery was made by analysing the transit of the gas giant HD 189733b across its star in the infrared.
Giovanna Tinetti, ESA fellow at the Institute d’Astrophysique de Paris, and colleagues from around the world, used data from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope. They targeted planet HD 189733b, 63 light-years away, in the constellation Vulpecula."

NASA - NASA's Spitzer Finds Water Vapor on Hot, Alien Planet
"NASA's Spitzer Finds Water Vapor on Hot, Alien Planet

A scorching-hot gas planet beyond our solar system is steaming up with water vapor, according to new observations from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope.
The planet, called HD 189733b, swelters as it zips closely around its star every two days or so. Astronomers had predicted that planets of this class, termed "hot Jupiters," would contain water vapor in their atmospheres. Yet finding solid evidence for this has been slippery. These latest data are the most convincing yet that hot Jupiters are "wet." "

Nearest star's wobbles could reveal Earth's twin - 29 February - New Scientist Space
"Another Earth may be orbiting the star next door, and we could detect its presence within a few years, a new study argues. A telescope trained permanently on Alpha Centauri should be able to pick up the slight stellar wobbles induced by a small, rocky, Earth-like planet.
Alpha Centauri lies just over 4 light years away and is the closest star system to the Sun. It appears to be a triple system, with two Sun-like stars orbiting each other relatively closely (about 23 times the Earth-Sun distance). The two stars have high concentrations of heavy elements, which is characteristic of stars that are born surrounded by dusty, planet-forming discs."

New Moon Map Is Best Ever --SPACE.com
"Scientists have created a new map of the south lunar pole with Earth-based telescopes that is 50 times more detailed than the last version, created with data from the Clementine spacecraft in 1994."

NASA to Smash Moon With Double Sledgehammer - FOXNews.com
"Scientists are priming two spacecraft to slam into the moon's South Pole to see if the lunar double whammy reveals hidden water ice.
Now the much larger Lunar Crater and Observation Sensing Satellite LCROSS mission, set for a February 2009 moon crash, will take aim and discover whether some of that hydrogen is locked away in the form of frozen water.
LCROSS will piggyback on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter LROmission for an Oct. 28 launch atop an Atlas 5 rocket equipped with a Centaur upper stage."

$79 million LCROSS mission

"Moonbase Cost: $105bn (Half of NASA's anticipated $14bn 2019 Exploration Missions budget every year for a decade)"
10 Sci-Fi Techs We Could Build If They Weren't So Damn Expensive | Gadget Lab from Wired.com
"月面基地 費用:1050億ドル"
「SF的技術」をコスト計算する:宇宙・航空編| WIRED VISION

Galileo (spacecraft)
Galileo Legacy Site: Solar System Exploration

マイクロソフト新社長に樋口泰行氏が就任 -| マイコミジャーナル

中国の音楽業界、Baiduを著作権侵害で提訴 - ITmedia
Music Copyright Society of Chinaとデジタル音楽配信団体R2Gの発表資料によると、Baiduの検索エンジンは中国の音楽業界が比較的未熟なことを利用して広告収入を上げるため、ユーザーが音楽ファイルを無料で検索して再生できるようにしている。"

DS用液晶でカルテルの疑い 公取委、シャープと日立子会社に立ち入り検査 - ITmedia

消滅会社はアスキー メディアワークスと4月に合併 - ITmedia

"1. VW社『Touraeg』
2. Bugatti社『Veyron』
3. 独Mercedes Benz社『GL320 CDI
4. 米Chrysler社『Jeep Grand Cherokee』
5. Mercedes Benz社『R320 CDI
6. Lamborghini社『Murcielago』
7. Mercedes Benz社『ML320 CDI
8. Mercedes Benz社『G55 AMG
9. 米General Motors(GM)社『HUMMER H2』
10. GM社『GMC Yukon 2500』
11. 英Bentley社『Azure』
12. Bentley社『Arnage』" | WIRED VISION

ネット犯罪、児童買春・ポルノ摘発は減少、出会い系は大幅増--警察庁まとめ:- CNET Japan

「出会い系」業者に届け出の義務、法改正案を閣議決定- Yahoo!ニュース

はてなマップ」「はてなリング」終了 - ITmedia
" 「はてなマップ」を3月いっぱいで、「はてなリング」を4月いっぱいで終了すると発表した。正式サービスの終了は同社初。"

"Possibility isn't limited by technology. And it's certainly not limited by human imagination. What makes something impossible is the lack of cold, hard, cash."
10 Sci-Fi Techs We Could Build If They Weren't So Damn Expensive

1998 年,ベイリー(J.Bailey)らは,宇宙空間に円偏光が存在することを見いだした。また,アミノ酸(もしくはアミノ酸前駆体)に円偏光を照射すると,一方の光学異性体が他方よりも早く分解あるいは生成することも報告されている。
星間で生成したアミノ酸(前駆体)に中性子星からの円偏光が当たり,L 体のアミノ酸(前駆体)の過剰が生じる。これが原始太陽系星雲中で彗星や微惑星に取り込まれ,それらにより原始地球に運び込まれる。

"228 Exoplanets are known around nearby stars"
Links to Related Sites
"Searches for Extrasolar Planets:"

2009 Launches

stars with planets:237
Earthlike planets: 0
JPL: PlanetQuest: Exoplanet Exploration

Kepler Mission
http://kepler.nasa.gov/2009 Launches: Feb. 16
Launch Vehicle: United Launch Alliance Delta IILaunch Site: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station - Launch Complex 17 -Pad 17-B
Description: The Kepler Mission, a NASA Discovery mission, is specifically designed to survey our region of the Milky Way galaxy to detect and characterize hundreds of Earth-size and smaller planets in or near the habitable zone.

Total exoplanets 276
Stars with planets 237
Hot Jupiters 59
Pulsar planets 4
Earthlike planets 0
"Color shifts, bent light and wobbly stars
With the aid of powerful space and land telescopes, supercomputers and Einstein's theories, astronomers use clues to seek out hidden planets
The Columbus Dispatch : Color shifts, bent light and wobbly stars

ESA - COROT - COROT surprises a year after launch
COROT was launched by a Soyuz rocket from the Baikonour cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on 27 December 2006.
"Research into solar-type oscillations is one of the mission’s key objectives. Such oscillations have already been found in two stars that are very similar to our sun - first in HD49933 and then in HD181420. The variations are very weak in amplitude and given their short coherence time (the duration for which a particular wave persists on the stellar surface), they are very hard to detect and measure.
COROT’s discovers its second exoplanet"

ESA - COROT - Water, water everywhere - on an extrasolar planet
"11 July 2007
Scientists report the first conclusive discovery of the presence of water vapour in the atmosphere of a planet beyond our Solar System.
The discovery was made by analysing the transit of the gas giant HD 189733b across its star in the infrared.
Giovanna Tinetti, ESA fellow at the Institute d’Astrophysique de Paris, and colleagues from around the world, used data from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope. They targeted planet HD 189733b, 63 light-years away, in the constellation Vulpecula."

NASA - NASA's Spitzer Finds Water Vapor on Hot, Alien Planet
"NASA's Spitzer Finds Water Vapor on Hot, Alien Planet

A scorching-hot gas planet beyond our solar system is steaming up with water vapor, according to new observations from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope.
The planet, called HD 189733b, swelters as it zips closely around its star every two days or so. Astronomers had predicted that planets of this class, termed "hot Jupiters," would contain water vapor in their atmospheres. Yet finding solid evidence for this has been slippery. These latest data are the most convincing yet that hot Jupiters are "wet." "

Nearest star's wobbles could reveal Earth's twin - 29 February - New Scientist Space
"Another Earth may be orbiting the star next door, and we could detect its presence within a few years, a new study argues. A telescope trained permanently on Alpha Centauri should be able to pick up the slight stellar wobbles induced by a small, rocky, Earth-like planet.
Alpha Centauri lies just over 4 light years away and is the closest star system to the Sun. It appears to be a triple system, with two Sun-like stars orbiting each other relatively closely (about 23 times the Earth-Sun distance). The two stars have high concentrations of heavy elements, which is characteristic of stars that are born surrounded by dusty, planet-forming discs."

New Moon Map Is Best Ever --SPACE.com
"Scientists have created a new map of the south lunar pole with Earth-based telescopes that is 50 times more detailed than the last version, created with data from the Clementine spacecraft in 1994."

NASA to Smash Moon With Double Sledgehammer - FOXNews.com
"Scientists are priming two spacecraft to slam into the moon's South Pole to see if the lunar double whammy reveals hidden water ice.
Now the much larger Lunar Crater and Observation Sensing Satellite LCROSS mission, set for a February 2009 moon crash, will take aim and discover whether some of that hydrogen is locked away in the form of frozen water.
LCROSS will piggyback on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter LROmission for an Oct. 28 launch atop an Atlas 5 rocket equipped with a Centaur upper stage."

$79 million LCROSS mission

"Moonbase Cost: $105bn (Half of NASA's anticipated $14bn 2019 Exploration Missions budget every year for a decade)"
10 Sci-Fi Techs We Could Build If They Weren't So Damn Expensive | Gadget Lab from Wired.com
"月面基地 費用:1050億ドル"
「SF的技術」をコスト計算する:宇宙・航空編| WIRED VISION

Galileo (spacecraft)
Galileo Legacy Site: Solar System Exploration

マイクロソフト新社長に樋口泰行氏が就任 -| マイコミジャーナル

中国の音楽業界、Baiduを著作権侵害で提訴 - ITmedia
Music Copyright Society of Chinaとデジタル音楽配信団体R2Gの発表資料によると、Baiduの検索エンジンは中国の音楽業界が比較的未熟なことを利用して広告収入を上げるため、ユーザーが音楽ファイルを無料で検索して再生できるようにしている。"

DS用液晶でカルテルの疑い 公取委、シャープと日立子会社に立ち入り検査 - ITmedia

消滅会社はアスキー メディアワークスと4月に合併 - ITmedia

"1. VW社『Touraeg』
2. Bugatti社『Veyron』
3. 独Mercedes Benz社『GL320 CDI
4. 米Chrysler社『Jeep Grand Cherokee』
5. Mercedes Benz社『R320 CDI
6. Lamborghini社『Murcielago』
7. Mercedes Benz社『ML320 CDI
8. Mercedes Benz社『G55 AMG
9. 米General Motors(GM)社『HUMMER H2』
10. GM社『GMC Yukon 2500』
11. 英Bentley社『Azure』
12. Bentley社『Arnage』" | WIRED VISION

ネット犯罪、児童買春・ポルノ摘発は減少、出会い系は大幅増--警察庁まとめ:- CNET Japan

「出会い系」業者に届け出の義務、法改正案を閣議決定- Yahoo!ニュース

はてなマップ」「はてなリング」終了 - ITmedia
" 「はてなマップ」を3月いっぱいで、「はてなリング」を4月いっぱいで終了すると発表した。正式サービスの終了は同社初。"

"Possibility isn't limited by technology. And it's certainly not limited by human imagination. What makes something impossible is the lack of cold, hard, cash."
10 Sci-Fi Techs We Could Build If They Weren't So Damn Expensive

1998 年,ベイリー(J.Bailey)らは,宇宙空間に円偏光が存在することを見いだした。また,アミノ酸(もしくはアミノ酸前駆体)に円偏光を照射すると,一方の光学異性体が他方よりも早く分解あるいは生成することも報告されている。
星間で生成したアミノ酸(前駆体)に中性子星からの円偏光が当たり,L 体のアミノ酸(前駆体)の過剰が生じる。これが原始太陽系星雲中で彗星や微惑星に取り込まれ,それらにより原始地球に運び込まれる。

"228 Exoplanets are known around nearby stars"
Links to Related Sites
"Searches for Extrasolar Planets:"

2009 Launches

stars with planets:237
Earthlike planets: 0
JPL: PlanetQuest: Exoplanet Exploration

Kepler Mission
http://kepler.nasa.gov/2009 Launches: Feb. 16
Launch Vehicle: United Launch Alliance Delta IILaunch Site: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station - Launch Complex 17 -Pad 17-B
Description: The Kepler Mission, a NASA Discovery mission, is specifically designed to survey our region of the Milky Way galaxy to detect and characterize hundreds of Earth-size and smaller planets in or near the habitable zone.

Total exoplanets 276
Stars with planets 237
Hot Jupiters 59
Pulsar planets 4
Earthlike planets 0
"Color shifts, bent light and wobbly stars
With the aid of powerful space and land telescopes, supercomputers and Einstein's theories, astronomers use clues to seek out hidden planets
The Columbus Dispatch : Color shifts, bent light and wobbly stars

ESA - COROT - COROT surprises a year after launch
COROT was launched by a Soyuz rocket from the Baikonour cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on 27 December 2006.
"Research into solar-type oscillations is one of the mission’s key objectives. Such oscillations have already been found in two stars that are very similar to our sun - first in HD49933 and then in HD181420. The variations are very weak in amplitude and given their short coherence time (the duration for which a particular wave persists on the stellar surface), they are very hard to detect and measure.
COROT’s discovers its second exoplanet"

ESA - COROT - Water, water everywhere - on an extrasolar planet
"11 July 2007
Scientists report the first conclusive discovery of the presence of water vapour in the atmosphere of a planet beyond our Solar System.
The discovery was made by analysing the transit of the gas giant HD 189733b across its star in the infrared.
Giovanna Tinetti, ESA fellow at the Institute d’Astrophysique de Paris, and colleagues from around the world, used data from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope. They targeted planet HD 189733b, 63 light-years away, in the constellation Vulpecula."

NASA - NASA's Spitzer Finds Water Vapor on Hot, Alien Planet
"NASA's Spitzer Finds Water Vapor on Hot, Alien Planet

A scorching-hot gas planet beyond our solar system is steaming up with water vapor, according to new observations from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope.
The planet, called HD 189733b, swelters as it zips closely around its star every two days or so. Astronomers had predicted that planets of this class, termed "hot Jupiters," would contain water vapor in their atmospheres. Yet finding solid evidence for this has been slippery. These latest data are the most convincing yet that hot Jupiters are "wet." "

Nearest star's wobbles could reveal Earth's twin - 29 February - New Scientist Space
"Another Earth may be orbiting the star next door, and we could detect its presence within a few years, a new study argues. A telescope trained permanently on Alpha Centauri should be able to pick up the slight stellar wobbles induced by a small, rocky, Earth-like planet.
Alpha Centauri lies just over 4 light years away and is the closest star system to the Sun. It appears to be a triple system, with two Sun-like stars orbiting each other relatively closely (about 23 times the Earth-Sun distance). The two stars have high concentrations of heavy elements, which is characteristic of stars that are born surrounded by dusty, planet-forming discs."

New Moon Map Is Best Ever --SPACE.com
"Scientists have created a new map of the south lunar pole with Earth-based telescopes that is 50 times more detailed than the last version, created with data from the Clementine spacecraft in 1994."

NASA to Smash Moon With Double Sledgehammer - FOXNews.com
"Scientists are priming two spacecraft to slam into the moon's South Pole to see if the lunar double whammy reveals hidden water ice.
Now the much larger Lunar Crater and Observation Sensing Satellite LCROSS mission, set for a February 2009 moon crash, will take aim and discover whether some of that hydrogen is locked away in the form of frozen water.
LCROSS will piggyback on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter LROmission for an Oct. 28 launch atop an Atlas 5 rocket equipped with a Centaur upper stage."

$79 million LCROSS mission

"Moonbase Cost: $105bn (Half of NASA's anticipated $14bn 2019 Exploration Missions budget every year for a decade)"
10 Sci-Fi Techs We Could Build If They Weren't So Damn Expensive | Gadget Lab from Wired.com
"月面基地 費用:1050億ドル"
「SF的技術」をコスト計算する:宇宙・航空編| WIRED VISION

Galileo (spacecraft)
Galileo Legacy Site: Solar System Exploration

マイクロソフト新社長に樋口泰行氏が就任 -| マイコミジャーナル

中国の音楽業界、Baiduを著作権侵害で提訴 - ITmedia
Music Copyright Society of Chinaとデジタル音楽配信団体R2Gの発表資料によると、Baiduの検索エンジンは中国の音楽業界が比較的未熟なことを利用して広告収入を上げるため、ユーザーが音楽ファイルを無料で検索して再生できるようにしている。"

DS用液晶でカルテルの疑い 公取委、シャープと日立子会社に立ち入り検査 - ITmedia

消滅会社はアスキー メディアワークスと4月に合併 - ITmedia

"1. VW社『Touraeg』
2. Bugatti社『Veyron』
3. 独Mercedes Benz社『GL320 CDI
4. 米Chrysler社『Jeep Grand Cherokee』
5. Mercedes Benz社『R320 CDI
6. Lamborghini社『Murcielago』
7. Mercedes Benz社『ML320 CDI
8. Mercedes Benz社『G55 AMG
9. 米General Motors(GM)社『HUMMER H2』
10. GM社『GMC Yukon 2500』
11. 英Bentley社『Azure』
12. Bentley社『Arnage』" | WIRED VISION

ネット犯罪、児童買春・ポルノ摘発は減少、出会い系は大幅増--警察庁まとめ:- CNET Japan

「出会い系」業者に届け出の義務、法改正案を閣議決定- Yahoo!ニュース

はてなマップ」「はてなリング」終了 - ITmedia
" 「はてなマップ」を3月いっぱいで、「はてなリング」を4月いっぱいで終了すると発表した。正式サービスの終了は同社初。"

"Possibility isn't limited by technology. And it's certainly not limited by human imagination. What makes something impossible is the lack of cold, hard, cash."
10 Sci-Fi Techs We Could Build If They Weren't So Damn Expensive

1998 年,ベイリー(J.Bailey)らは,宇宙空間に円偏光が存在することを見いだした。また,アミノ酸(もしくはアミノ酸前駆体)に円偏光を照射すると,一方の光学異性体が他方よりも早く分解あるいは生成することも報告されている。
星間で生成したアミノ酸(前駆体)に中性子星からの円偏光が当たり,L 体のアミノ酸(前駆体)の過剰が生じる。これが原始太陽系星雲中で彗星や微惑星に取り込まれ,それらにより原始地球に運び込まれる。

"228 Exoplanets are known around nearby stars"
Links to Related Sites
"Searches for Extrasolar Planets:"

2009 Launches

stars with planets:237
Earthlike planets: 0
JPL: PlanetQuest: Exoplanet Exploration

Kepler Mission
http://kepler.nasa.gov/2009 Launches: Feb. 16
Launch Vehicle: United Launch Alliance Delta IILaunch Site: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station - Launch Complex 17 -Pad 17-B
Description: The Kepler Mission, a NASA Discovery mission, is specifically designed to survey our region of the Milky Way galaxy to detect and characterize hundreds of Earth-size and smaller planets in or near the habitable zone.

Total exoplanets 276
Stars with planets 237
Hot Jupiters 59
Pulsar planets 4
Earthlike planets 0
"Color shifts, bent light and wobbly stars
With the aid of powerful space and land telescopes, supercomputers and Einstein's theories, astronomers use clues to seek out hidden planets
The Columbus Dispatch : Color shifts, bent light and wobbly stars

ESA - COROT - COROT surprises a year after launch
COROT was launched by a Soyuz rocket from the Baikonour cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on 27 December 2006.
"Research into solar-type oscillations is one of the mission’s key objectives. Such oscillations have already been found in two stars that are very similar to our sun - first in HD49933 and then in HD181420. The variations are very weak in amplitude and given their short coherence time (the duration for which a particular wave persists on the stellar surface), they are very hard to detect and measure.
COROT’s discovers its second exoplanet"

ESA - COROT - Water, water everywhere - on an extrasolar planet
"11 July 2007
Scientists report the first conclusive discovery of the presence of water vapour in the atmosphere of a planet beyond our Solar System.
The discovery was made by analysing the transit of the gas giant HD 189733b across its star in the infrared.
Giovanna Tinetti, ESA fellow at the Institute d’Astrophysique de Paris, and colleagues from around the world, used data from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope. They targeted planet HD 189733b, 63 light-years away, in the constellation Vulpecula."

NASA - NASA's Spitzer Finds Water Vapor on Hot, Alien Planet
"NASA's Spitzer Finds Water Vapor on Hot, Alien Planet

A scorching-hot gas planet beyond our solar system is steaming up with water vapor, according to new observations from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope.
The planet, called HD 189733b, swelters as it zips closely around its star every two days or so. Astronomers had predicted that planets of this class, termed "hot Jupiters," would contain water vapor in their atmospheres. Yet finding solid evidence for this has been slippery. These latest data are the most convincing yet that hot Jupiters are "wet." "

Nearest star's wobbles could reveal Earth's twin - 29 February - New Scientist Space
"Another Earth may be orbiting the star next door, and we could detect its presence within a few years, a new study argues. A telescope trained permanently on Alpha Centauri should be able to pick up the slight stellar wobbles induced by a small, rocky, Earth-like planet.
Alpha Centauri lies just over 4 light years away and is the closest star system to the Sun. It appears to be a triple system, with two Sun-like stars orbiting each other relatively closely (about 23 times the Earth-Sun distance). The two stars have high concentrations of heavy elements, which is characteristic of stars that are born surrounded by dusty, planet-forming discs."

New Moon Map Is Best Ever --SPACE.com
"Scientists have created a new map of the south lunar pole with Earth-based telescopes that is 50 times more detailed than the last version, created with data from the Clementine spacecraft in 1994."

NASA to Smash Moon With Double Sledgehammer - FOXNews.com
"Scientists are priming two spacecraft to slam into the moon's South Pole to see if the lunar double whammy reveals hidden water ice.
Now the much larger Lunar Crater and Observation Sensing Satellite LCROSS mission, set for a February 2009 moon crash, will take aim and discover whether some of that hydrogen is locked away in the form of frozen water.
LCROSS will piggyback on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter LROmission for an Oct. 28 launch atop an Atlas 5 rocket equipped with a Centaur upper stage."

$79 million LCROSS mission

"Moonbase Cost: $105bn (Half of NASA's anticipated $14bn 2019 Exploration Missions budget every year for a decade)"
10 Sci-Fi Techs We Could Build If They Weren't So Damn Expensive | Gadget Lab from Wired.com
"月面基地 費用:1050億ドル"
「SF的技術」をコスト計算する:宇宙・航空編| WIRED VISION

Galileo (spacecraft)
Galileo Legacy Site: Solar System Exploration

マイクロソフト新社長に樋口泰行氏が就任 -| マイコミジャーナル

中国の音楽業界、Baiduを著作権侵害で提訴 - ITmedia
Music Copyright Society of Chinaとデジタル音楽配信団体R2Gの発表資料によると、Baiduの検索エンジンは中国の音楽業界が比較的未熟なことを利用して広告収入を上げるため、ユーザーが音楽ファイルを無料で検索して再生できるようにしている。"

DS用液晶でカルテルの疑い 公取委、シャープと日立子会社に立ち入り検査 - ITmedia

消滅会社はアスキー メディアワークスと4月に合併 - ITmedia

"1. VW社『Touraeg』
2. Bugatti社『Veyron』
3. 独Mercedes Benz社『GL320 CDI
4. 米Chrysler社『Jeep Grand Cherokee』
5. Mercedes Benz社『R320 CDI
6. Lamborghini社『Murcielago』
7. Mercedes Benz社『ML320 CDI
8. Mercedes Benz社『G55 AMG
9. 米General Motors(GM)社『HUMMER H2』
10. GM社『GMC Yukon 2500』
11. 英Bentley社『Azure』
12. Bentley社『Arnage』" | WIRED VISION

ネット犯罪、児童買春・ポルノ摘発は減少、出会い系は大幅増--警察庁まとめ:- CNET Japan

「出会い系」業者に届け出の義務、法改正案を閣議決定- Yahoo!ニュース

はてなマップ」「はてなリング」終了 - ITmedia
" 「はてなマップ」を3月いっぱいで、「はてなリング」を4月いっぱいで終了すると発表した。正式サービスの終了は同社初。"

"Possibility isn't limited by technology. And it's certainly not limited by human imagination. What makes something impossible is the lack of cold, hard, cash."
10 Sci-Fi Techs We Could Build If They Weren't So Damn Expensive

1998 年,ベイリー(J.Bailey)らは,宇宙空間に円偏光が存在することを見いだした。また,アミノ酸(もしくはアミノ酸前駆体)に円偏光を照射すると,一方の光学異性体が他方よりも早く分解あるいは生成することも報告されている。
星間で生成したアミノ酸(前駆体)に中性子星からの円偏光が当たり,L 体のアミノ酸(前駆体)の過剰が生じる。これが原始太陽系星雲中で彗星や微惑星に取り込まれ,それらにより原始地球に運び込まれる。

"228 Exoplanets are known around nearby stars"
Links to Related Sites
"Searches for Extrasolar Planets:"

2009 Launches

stars with planets:237
Earthlike planets: 0
JPL: PlanetQuest: Exoplanet Exploration

Kepler Mission
http://kepler.nasa.gov/2009 Launches: Feb. 16
Launch Vehicle: United Launch Alliance Delta IILaunch Site: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station - Launch Complex 17 -Pad 17-B
Description: The Kepler Mission, a NASA Discovery mission, is specifically designed to survey our region of the Milky Way galaxy to detect and characterize hundreds of Earth-size and smaller planets in or near the habitable zone.

Total exoplanets 276
Stars with planets 237
Hot Jupiters 59
Pulsar planets 4
Earthlike planets 0
"Color shifts, bent light and wobbly stars
With the aid of powerful space and land telescopes, supercomputers and Einstein's theories, astronomers use clues to seek out hidden planets
The Columbus Dispatch : Color shifts, bent light and wobbly stars

ESA - COROT - COROT surprises a year after launch
COROT was launched by a Soyuz rocket from the Baikonour cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on 27 December 2006.
"Research into solar-type oscillations is one of the mission’s key objectives. Such oscillations have already been found in two stars that are very similar to our sun - first in HD49933 and then in HD181420. The variations are very weak in amplitude and given their short coherence time (the duration for which a particular wave persists on the stellar surface), they are very hard to detect and measure.
COROT’s discovers its second exoplanet"

ESA - COROT - Water, water everywhere - on an extrasolar planet
"11 July 2007
Scientists report the first conclusive discovery of the presence of water vapour in the atmosphere of a planet beyond our Solar System.
The discovery was made by analysing the transit of the gas giant HD 189733b across its star in the infrared.
Giovanna Tinetti, ESA fellow at the Institute d’Astrophysique de Paris, and colleagues from around the world, used data from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope. They targeted planet HD 189733b, 63 light-years away, in the constellation Vulpecula."

NASA - NASA's Spitzer Finds Water Vapor on Hot, Alien Planet
"NASA's Spitzer Finds Water Vapor on Hot, Alien Planet

A scorching-hot gas planet beyond our solar system is steaming up with water vapor, according to new observations from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope.
The planet, called HD 189733b, swelters as it zips closely around its star every two days or so. Astronomers had predicted that planets of this class, termed "hot Jupiters," would contain water vapor in their atmospheres. Yet finding solid evidence for this has been slippery. These latest data are the most convincing yet that hot Jupiters are "wet." "

Nearest star's wobbles could reveal Earth's twin - 29 February - New Scientist Space
"Another Earth may be orbiting the star next door, and we could detect its presence within a few years, a new study argues. A telescope trained permanently on Alpha Centauri should be able to pick up the slight stellar wobbles induced by a small, rocky, Earth-like planet.
Alpha Centauri lies just over 4 light years away and is the closest star system to the Sun. It appears to be a triple system, with two Sun-like stars orbiting each other relatively closely (about 23 times the Earth-Sun distance). The two stars have high concentrations of heavy elements, which is characteristic of stars that are born surrounded by dusty, planet-forming discs."

New Moon Map Is Best Ever --SPACE.com
"Scientists have created a new map of the south lunar pole with Earth-based telescopes that is 50 times more detailed than the last version, created with data from the Clementine spacecraft in 1994."

NASA to Smash Moon With Double Sledgehammer - FOXNews.com
"Scientists are priming two spacecraft to slam into the moon's South Pole to see if the lunar double whammy reveals hidden water ice.
Now the much larger Lunar Crater and Observation Sensing Satellite LCROSS mission, set for a February 2009 moon crash, will take aim and discover whether some of that hydrogen is locked away in the form of frozen water.
LCROSS will piggyback on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter LROmission for an Oct. 28 launch atop an Atlas 5 rocket equipped with a Centaur upper stage."

$79 million LCROSS mission

"Moonbase Cost: $105bn (Half of NASA's anticipated $14bn 2019 Exploration Missions budget every year for a decade)"
10 Sci-Fi Techs We Could Build If They Weren't So Damn Expensive | Gadget Lab from Wired.com
"月面基地 費用:1050億ドル"
「SF的技術」をコスト計算する:宇宙・航空編| WIRED VISION

Galileo (spacecraft)
Galileo Legacy Site: Solar System Exploration

マイクロソフト新社長に樋口泰行氏が就任 -| マイコミジャーナル

中国の音楽業界、Baiduを著作権侵害で提訴 - ITmedia
Music Copyright Society of Chinaとデジタル音楽配信団体R2Gの発表資料によると、Baiduの検索エンジンは中国の音楽業界が比較的未熟なことを利用して広告収入を上げるため、ユーザーが音楽ファイルを無料で検索して再生できるようにしている。"

DS用液晶でカルテルの疑い 公取委、シャープと日立子会社に立ち入り検査 - ITmedia

消滅会社はアスキー メディアワークスと4月に合併 - ITmedia

"1. VW社『Touraeg』
2. Bugatti社『Veyron』
3. 独Mercedes Benz社『GL320 CDI
4. 米Chrysler社『Jeep Grand Cherokee』
5. Mercedes Benz社『R320 CDI
6. Lamborghini社『Murcielago』
7. Mercedes Benz社『ML320 CDI
8. Mercedes Benz社『G55 AMG
9. 米General Motors(GM)社『HUMMER H2』
10. GM社『GMC Yukon 2500』
11. 英Bentley社『Azure』
12. Bentley社『Arnage』" | WIRED VISION

ネット犯罪、児童買春・ポルノ摘発は減少、出会い系は大幅増--警察庁まとめ:- CNET Japan

「出会い系」業者に届け出の義務、法改正案を閣議決定- Yahoo!ニュース

はてなマップ」「はてなリング」終了 - ITmedia
" 「はてなマップ」を3月いっぱいで、「はてなリング」を4月いっぱいで終了すると発表した。正式サービスの終了は同社初。"

"Possibility isn't limited by technology. And it's certainly not limited by human imagination. What makes something impossible is the lack of cold, hard, cash."
10 Sci-Fi Techs We Could Build If They Weren't So Damn Expensive

1998 年,ベイリー(J.Bailey)らは,宇宙空間に円偏光が存在することを見いだした。また,アミノ酸(もしくはアミノ酸前駆体)に円偏光を照射すると,一方の光学異性体が他方よりも早く分解あるいは生成することも報告されている。
星間で生成したアミノ酸(前駆体)に中性子星からの円偏光が当たり,L 体のアミノ酸(前駆体)の過剰が生じる。これが原始太陽系星雲中で彗星や微惑星に取り込まれ,それらにより原始地球に運び込まれる。

"228 Exoplanets are known around nearby stars"
Links to Related Sites
"Searches for Extrasolar Planets:"

2009 Launches

stars with planets:237
Earthlike planets: 0
JPL: PlanetQuest: Exoplanet Exploration

Kepler Mission
http://kepler.nasa.gov/2009 Launches: Feb. 16
Launch Vehicle: United Launch Alliance Delta IILaunch Site: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station - Launch Complex 17 -Pad 17-B
Description: The Kepler Mission, a NASA Discovery mission, is specifically designed to survey our region of the Milky Way galaxy to detect and characterize hundreds of Earth-size and smaller planets in or near the habitable zone.

Total exoplanets 276
Stars with planets 237
Hot Jupiters 59
Pulsar planets 4
Earthlike planets 0
"Color shifts, bent light and wobbly stars
With the aid of powerful space and land telescopes, supercomputers and Einstein's theories, astronomers use clues to seek out hidden planets
The Columbus Dispatch : Color shifts, bent light and wobbly stars

ESA - COROT - COROT surprises a year after launch
COROT was launched by a Soyuz rocket from the Baikonour cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on 27 December 2006.
"Research into solar-type oscillations is one of the mission’s key objectives. Such oscillations have already been found in two stars that are very similar to our sun - first in HD49933 and then in HD181420. The variations are very weak in amplitude and given their short coherence time (the duration for which a particular wave persists on the stellar surface), they are very hard to detect and measure.
COROT’s discovers its second exoplanet"

ESA - COROT - Water, water everywhere - on an extrasolar planet
"11 July 2007
Scientists report the first conclusive discovery of the presence of water vapour in the atmosphere of a planet beyond our Solar System.
The discovery was made by analysing the transit of the gas giant HD 189733b across its star in the infrared.
Giovanna Tinetti, ESA fellow at the Institute d’Astrophysique de Paris, and colleagues from around the world, used data from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope. They targeted planet HD 189733b, 63 light-years away, in the constellation Vulpecula."

NASA - NASA's Spitzer Finds Water Vapor on Hot, Alien Planet
"NASA's Spitzer Finds Water Vapor on Hot, Alien Planet

A scorching-hot gas planet beyond our solar system is steaming up with water vapor, according to new observations from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope.
The planet, called HD 189733b, swelters as it zips closely around its star every two days or so. Astronomers had predicted that planets of this class, termed "hot Jupiters," would contain water vapor in their atmospheres. Yet finding solid evidence for this has been slippery. These latest data are the most convincing yet that hot Jupiters are "wet." "

Nearest star's wobbles could reveal Earth's twin - 29 February - New Scientist Space
"Another Earth may be orbiting the star next door, and we could detect its presence within a few years, a new study argues. A telescope trained permanently on Alpha Centauri should be able to pick up the slight stellar wobbles induced by a small, rocky, Earth-like planet.
Alpha Centauri lies just over 4 light years away and is the closest star system to the Sun. It appears to be a triple system, with two Sun-like stars orbiting each other relatively closely (about 23 times the Earth-Sun distance). The two stars have high concentrations of heavy elements, which is characteristic of stars that are born surrounded by dusty, planet-forming discs."

New Moon Map Is Best Ever --SPACE.com
"Scientists have created a new map of the south lunar pole with Earth-based telescopes that is 50 times more detailed than the last version, created with data from the Clementine spacecraft in 1994."

NASA to Smash Moon With Double Sledgehammer - FOXNews.com
"Scientists are priming two spacecraft to slam into the moon's South Pole to see if the lunar double whammy reveals hidden water ice.
Now the much larger Lunar Crater and Observation Sensing Satellite LCROSS mission, set for a February 2009 moon crash, will take aim and discover whether some of that hydrogen is locked away in the form of frozen water.
LCROSS will piggyback on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter LROmission for an Oct. 28 launch atop an Atlas 5 rocket equipped with a Centaur upper stage."

$79 million LCROSS mission

"Moonbase Cost: $105bn (Half of NASA's anticipated $14bn 2019 Exploration Missions budget every year for a decade)"
10 Sci-Fi Techs We Could Build If They Weren't So Damn Expensive | Gadget Lab from Wired.com
"月面基地 費用:1050億ドル"
「SF的技術」をコスト計算する:宇宙・航空編| WIRED VISION

Galileo (spacecraft)
Galileo Legacy Site: Solar System Exploration

マイクロソフト新社長に樋口泰行氏が就任 -| マイコミジャーナル

中国の音楽業界、Baiduを著作権侵害で提訴 - ITmedia
Music Copyright Society of Chinaとデジタル音楽配信団体R2Gの発表資料によると、Baiduの検索エンジンは中国の音楽業界が比較的未熟なことを利用して広告収入を上げるため、ユーザーが音楽ファイルを無料で検索して再生できるようにしている。"

DS用液晶でカルテルの疑い 公取委、シャープと日立子会社に立ち入り検査 - ITmedia

消滅会社はアスキー メディアワークスと4月に合併 - ITmedia

"1. VW社『Touraeg』
2. Bugatti社『Veyron』
3. 独Mercedes Benz社『GL320 CDI
4. 米Chrysler社『Jeep Grand Cherokee』
5. Mercedes Benz社『R320 CDI
6. Lamborghini社『Murcielago』
7. Mercedes Benz社『ML320 CDI
8. Mercedes Benz社『G55 AMG
9. 米General Motors(GM)社『HUMMER H2』
10. GM社『GMC Yukon 2500』
11. 英Bentley社『Azure』
12. Bentley社『Arnage』" | WIRED VISION

ネット犯罪、児童買春・ポルノ摘発は減少、出会い系は大幅増--警察庁まとめ:- CNET Japan

「出会い系」業者に届け出の義務、法改正案を閣議決定- Yahoo!ニュース

はてなマップ」「はてなリング」終了 - ITmedia
" 「はてなマップ」を3月いっぱいで、「はてなリング」を4月いっぱいで終了すると発表した。正式サービスの終了は同社初。"

"Possibility isn't limited by technology. And it's certainly not limited by human imagination. What makes something impossible is the lack of cold, hard, cash."
10 Sci-Fi Techs We Could Build If They Weren't So Damn Expensive

1998 年,ベイリー(J.Bailey)らは,宇宙空間に円偏光が存在することを見いだした。また,アミノ酸(もしくはアミノ酸前駆体)に円偏光を照射すると,一方の光学異性体が他方よりも早く分解あるいは生成することも報告されている。
星間で生成したアミノ酸(前駆体)に中性子星からの円偏光が当たり,L 体のアミノ酸(前駆体)の過剰が生じる。これが原始太陽系星雲中で彗星や微惑星に取り込まれ,それらにより原始地球に運び込まれる。

"228 Exoplanets are known around nearby stars"
Links to Related Sites
"Searches for Extrasolar Planets:"

2009 Launches

stars with planets:237
Earthlike planets: 0
JPL: PlanetQuest: Exoplanet Exploration

Kepler Mission
http://kepler.nasa.gov/2009 Launches: Feb. 16
Launch Vehicle: United Launch Alliance Delta IILaunch Site: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station - Launch Complex 17 -Pad 17-B
Description: The Kepler Mission, a NASA Discovery mission, is specifically designed to survey our region of the Milky Way galaxy to detect and characterize hundreds of Earth-size and smaller planets in or near the habitable zone.

Total exoplanets 276
Stars with planets 237
Hot Jupiters 59
Pulsar planets 4
Earthlike planets 0
"Color shifts, bent light and wobbly stars
With the aid of powerful space and land telescopes, supercomputers and Einstein's theories, astronomers use clues to seek out hidden planets
The Columbus Dispatch : Color shifts, bent light and wobbly stars

ESA - COROT - COROT surprises a year after launch
COROT was launched by a Soyuz rocket from the Baikonour cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on 27 December 2006.
"Research into solar-type oscillations is one of the mission’s key objectives. Such oscillations have already been found in two stars that are very similar to our sun - first in HD49933 and then in HD181420. The variations are very weak in amplitude and given their short coherence time (the duration for which a particular wave persists on the stellar surface), they are very hard to detect and measure.
COROT’s discovers its second exoplanet"

ESA - COROT - Water, water everywhere - on an extrasolar planet
"11 July 2007
Scientists report the first conclusive discovery of the presence of water vapour in the atmosphere of a planet beyond our Solar System.
The discovery was made by analysing the transit of the gas giant HD 189733b across its star in the infrared.
Giovanna Tinetti, ESA fellow at the Institute d’Astrophysique de Paris, and colleagues from around the world, used data from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope. They targeted planet HD 189733b, 63 light-years away, in the constellation Vulpecula."

NASA - NASA's Spitzer Finds Water Vapor on Hot, Alien Planet
"NASA's Spitzer Finds Water Vapor on Hot, Alien Planet

A scorching-hot gas planet beyond our solar system is steaming up with water vapor, according to new observations from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope.
The planet, called HD 189733b, swelters as it zips closely around its star every two days or so. Astronomers had predicted that planets of this class, termed "hot Jupiters," would contain water vapor in their atmospheres. Yet finding solid evidence for this has been slippery. These latest data are the most convincing yet that hot Jupiters are "wet." "

Nearest star's wobbles could reveal Earth's twin - 29 February - New Scientist Space
"Another Earth may be orbiting the star next door, and we could detect its presence within a few years, a new study argues. A telescope trained permanently on Alpha Centauri should be able to pick up the slight stellar wobbles induced by a small, rocky, Earth-like planet.
Alpha Centauri lies just over 4 light years away and is the closest star system to the Sun. It appears to be a triple system, with two Sun-like stars orbiting each other relatively closely (about 23 times the Earth-Sun distance). The two stars have high concentrations of heavy elements, which is characteristic of stars that are born surrounded by dusty, planet-forming discs."

New Moon Map Is Best Ever --SPACE.com
"Scientists have created a new map of the south lunar pole with Earth-based telescopes that is 50 times more detailed than the last version, created with data from the Clementine spacecraft in 1994."

NASA to Smash Moon With Double Sledgehammer - FOXNews.com
"Scientists are priming two spacecraft to slam into the moon's South Pole to see if the lunar double whammy reveals hidden water ice.
Now the much larger Lunar Crater and Observation Sensing Satellite LCROSS mission, set for a February 2009 moon crash, will take aim and discover whether some of that hydrogen is locked away in the form of frozen water.
LCROSS will piggyback on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter LROmission for an Oct. 28 launch atop an Atlas 5 rocket equipped with a Centaur upper stage."

$79 million LCROSS mission

"Moonbase Cost: $105bn (Half of NASA's anticipated $14bn 2019 Exploration Missions budget every year for a decade)"
10 Sci-Fi Techs We Could Build If They Weren't So Damn Expensive | Gadget Lab from Wired.com
"月面基地 費用:1050億ドル"
「SF的技術」をコスト計算する:宇宙・航空編| WIRED VISIO