Fritz Zwicky in 1933

Indian temple city hit by blasts
BBC 中文网 | 国际新闻 | 印度〓城连串炸弹爆炸15人死亡:
If you have any information you would like to share with the BBC you can do so using the form below:
BBC 中文网 | 中国报道 | 日本皇位继承权争议:
対suicide bombing はtargeted killings
Mofaz told Israel's Army Radio that Israel's policy of targeted killings has proven to be effective, and will continue.
"We will continue the targeted killings at this pace," Mofaz added. "No one will be immune."
Israel's defense minister : Incoming Palestinian Prime Minister Not Immune From Israeli Targeted Killings
The "peace" movement: how not to oppose war on Iran
distinction between the "antiwar" movement and the "peace" movement
a Muslim might obtain a nuclear bomb, smuggle it into the United States, and commit "the greatest act of mass murder in human history."
Greater than dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
Greater than the firebombing of Tokyo, Dresden, and countless other cities? Greater than the Holocaust, or greater than the effective murder of a million Iraqis during a decade of U.S.-enforced sanctions
煽りABC EXCLUSIVE: Iraq Weapons -- Made in Iran?
"I think the evidence is strong that the Iranian government is making these IEDs, and the Iranian government is sending them across the border and they are killing U.S. troops once they get there,"
Google Page Creatorはひどく不安定 (笑)
Looks like you caught us with our servers down. We're right in the middle of a bit of routine maintenance, but we'll be back up real soon now. Don't worry, pages that are already published are still accessible. Thank you for your patience.
The Shahab 4
The Shahab 4 is apparently based on the shorter (2,200 kilometers) range Shahab 3. Both seem to use technology from an old Soviet era missile, the SS-5. This is 1950s stuff, using a liquid fuel rocket which gave the missile a range of 4,000 kilometers. The SS-5 served as a truck-mobile, and silo based system until the mid-1980s. The Russians deny that they sold the technology to Iran, but any of the many Russian missile engineers and managers with access to the stuff could have made the sale.
こっちはまだShahab-3 missiles
Shahab-3 missiles, which experts believe have a maximum range of around 2,000 km
(1,240 miles)
Iran said to step up plans for Shahab missiles

The first path to this doomsday nightmare came to public attention in June 1981, when Israeli warplanes destroyed a nuclear reactor 18 miles south of Baghdad.
This Osirak reactor was being built by the French for Saddam Hussein, who had already used nerve gas on his own people and on Iranians. Hussein had already described himself as the reincarnation of the ancient Babylonian king and mass murderer Nebuchadnezzer II who destroyed Jerusalem around 586 BCE.
フランス関連(右傾) Islamist Nukes: The French Connection
The French population today is approximately 13 percent Muslim. The French military – attracting recruits disproportionately from the lower socioeconomic classes as many other democratic nations do – is by one estimate 15 percent Muslim, nearly one of every six people in the French armed forces.
But by the cosmology that fills Islamist minds, any land ruled by Muslims remains Muslim forever. This ideology divides our planet into two realms – Dar al Islam, “the House of Surrender” to the will of Allah, and Dar al Harb, “the House of War” destined to be conquered by Islam.
神はその星をなんと呼ぶんだ(笑) Christian Science Monitor
HD69830 (I know; don't get me started about how lame our star-naming protocols are.)
Planets in all the wrong places

Dark matterとQuasar
Dark matter brought to new light by Cambridge scientists
the speed of the particles to be 9 km/s and the temperature to be somewhere around 10,000° C ― much hotter than the sun’s surface!
although dark matter cannot be detected directly, its presence can be deduced from the otherwise unexplainable gravitational effects of stars and galaxies in space.
This hypothetical explanation was first conjured up by Swiss astrophysicist Fritz Zwicky in 1933, and has been debated ever since.
The presence of this material can only be inferred from inconsistencies with gravitational effects of galaxy orbits.
How Things Work: Dark Energy

Andromeda, Milky Way Shared Similar Beginnings
Similar childhoods
The researchers used the Keck-II telescope in Hawaii to measure the "radial velocity" of individual stars in Andromeda’s halo.
The researchers think that both the Milky Way and Andromeda began forming within a half billion years of the Big Bang; over the course of three or four billion years, they began to gain mass and bulk up by gravitationally attracting matter to themselves with their huge stores of dark matter.
不明なdark matterを貯め込む過程は、もちろん不明

Cepheids and their 'cocoons'
Cepheids play a crucial role in cosmology, being one of the first "steps" on the cosmic distance ladder.
Cepheids are commonly used as distance indicators, thanks to the existence of a basic relation between their intrinsic brightness and their pulsation period.

The current understanding of a pulsar.
The central neutron star is highly magnetised and emits a radio beam along its magnetic axis, which is inclined to the rotation axis.
Part-time Pulsar Yields New Insight Into Inner Workings Of Cosmic Clocks

How foamy is spacetime?
a quasar first observed in 1998 by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST)
“This line of reasoning strongly hints at the existence of dark matter and dark energy, independent of the evidence from recent cosmological observations.”
“I think there is a close relation between quantum foam and dark matter and dark energy,” said Ng.
“More work on holographic-foam-inspired cosmology is now in progress. Stay tuned.”

Swiftが見つけて HubbleとChandraが観測に加わる
Scientists will attempt observations with the Hubble Space Telescope and Chandra X-ray Observatory.
when scientists first detected it with NASA's Swift satellite on February 18, the explosion was about 25 times closer and lasted 100 times longer than a typical gamma-ray burst.
"This is totally new, totally unexpected"
The explosion originated in a star-forming galaxy about 440 million light-years away toward the constellation Aries (The Ram). A light-year is about 6 trillion miles, the distance light travels in a year.
New kind of space blast seen not far from Earth
そのあたりのDark matterはもちろん 見当たらない
About Swift:
Gamma-Ray Bursts were only discovered in 1969, and their distance has only been known for eight years. Swift, a mission with substantial UK and Italian participation, is designed to solve the mystery of the origin of gamma-ray bursts. Scientists believe the bursts are related to the formation of black holes throughout the universe - the birth cries of black holes.
To track these mysterious bursts, Swift carries a suite of three instruments. The Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) instrument, built by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, detects and locates 2-3 gamma-ray bursts weekly, relaying a rough position to the ground within 20 seconds. The satellite automatically and swiftly re-points itself to bring the burst area into the narrower fields of view of the on-board X-ray Telescope (XRT) and the UltraViolet/Optical Telescope (UVOT). These telescopes study the afterglow of the burst produced by the cooling material that remain from the original explosion.
Scientists Detect New Kind of Cosmic Explosion , February 25, 2006
a close relation between quantum foam and dark matter and dark energy
スパコンで挑む質量生成の謎 2006.3.2
・06.02.28 プレス発表
建設が進むLHCとアトラス 〜実験開始まで約500日〜
最極微の世界に挑戦するLHC計画(2) 〜ヒッグス粒子を探す〜
素粒子理論の大予言 〜ヒッグス場と粒子〜
J-PARCのハドロン研究 〜パイ中間子の雲や中性子星のなぞ〜
素粒子の周期律表? 〜ハドロン分光学〜
クォーク4個の新粒子? 〜Belleグループが発見した中間子〜
「魅力」あふれる素粒子? 〜チャームクォークの物理〜

micro Quasarは UFOsの通り道なんだそうだ 、やれやれ、
UFO flight pattern reveals technologies in Bending time and space with micro-Quasar India Daily Technology Team   Mar. 3, 2006
There are three micro-Quasars detected as of today.
Quasars are thought to be black holes billions of times more massive than the sun that lie at the heart of active galactic nuclei. They are extremely energetic X-ray emitters that shoot out tremendous fountains of plasma at velocities approaching the speed of light. These jets stretch for thousands of light-years.
Those studying extraterrestrial UFO flight patterns closely, conclude, micro Quasar are the gateway to other Universes and an active path used by Extraterrestrial UFOs.


Spirituality and the Occult section you'll find questions relating to the tarot, mysticism, psychic phenomena, ESP, PSI esoteric cosmology and more

Indian temple city hit by blasts
BBC 中文网 | 国际新闻 | 印度〓城连串炸弹爆炸15人死亡:
If you have any information you would like to share with the BBC you can do so using the form below:
BBC 中文网 | 中国报道 | 日本皇位继承权争议:
対suicide bombing はtargeted killings
Mofaz told Israel's Army Radio that Israel's policy of targeted killings has proven to be effective, and will continue.
"We will continue the targeted killings at this pace," Mofaz added. "No one will be immune."
Israel's defense minister : Incoming Palestinian Prime Minister Not Immune From Israeli Targeted Killings
The "peace" movement: how not to oppose war on Iran
distinction between the "antiwar" movement and the "peace" movement
a Muslim might obtain a nuclear bomb, smuggle it into the United States, and commit "the greatest act of mass murder in human history."
Greater than dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
Greater than the firebombing of Tokyo, Dresden, and countless other cities? Greater than the Holocaust, or greater than the effective murder of a million Iraqis during a decade of U.S.-enforced sanctions
煽りABC EXCLUSIVE: Iraq Weapons -- Made in Iran?
"I think the evidence is strong that the Iranian government is making these IEDs, and the Iranian government is sending them across the border and they are killing U.S. troops once they get there,"
Google Page Creatorはひどく不安定 (笑)
Looks like you caught us with our servers down. We're right in the middle of a bit of routine maintenance, but we'll be back up real soon now. Don't worry, pages that are already published are still accessible. Thank you for your patience.
The Shahab 4
The Shahab 4 is apparently based on the shorter (2,200 kilometers) range Shahab 3. Both seem to use technology from an old Soviet era missile, the SS-5. This is 1950s stuff, using a liquid fuel rocket which gave the missile a range of 4,000 kilometers. The SS-5 served as a truck-mobile, and silo based system until the mid-1980s. The Russians deny that they sold the technology to Iran, but any of the many Russian missile engineers and managers with access to the stuff could have made the sale.
こっちはまだShahab-3 missiles
Shahab-3 missiles, which experts believe have a maximum range of around 2,000 km
(1,240 miles)
Iran said to step up plans for Shahab missiles

The first path to this doomsday nightmare came to public attention in June 1981, when Israeli warplanes destroyed a nuclear reactor 18 miles south of Baghdad.
This Osirak reactor was being built by the French for Saddam Hussein, who had already used nerve gas on his own people and on Iranians. Hussein had already described himself as the reincarnation of the ancient Babylonian king and mass murderer Nebuchadnezzer II who destroyed Jerusalem around 586 BCE.
フランス関連(右傾) Islamist Nukes: The French Connection
The French population today is approximately 13 percent Muslim. The French military – attracting recruits disproportionately from the lower socioeconomic classes as many other democratic nations do – is by one estimate 15 percent Muslim, nearly one of every six people in the French armed forces.
But by the cosmology that fills Islamist minds, any land ruled by Muslims remains Muslim forever. This ideology divides our planet into two realms – Dar al Islam, “the House of Surrender” to the will of Allah, and Dar al Harb, “the House of War” destined to be conquered by Islam.
神はその星をなんと呼ぶんだ(笑) Christian Science Monitor
HD69830 (I know; don't get me started about how lame our star-naming protocols are.)
Planets in all the wrong places

Dark matterとQuasar
Dark matter brought to new light by Cambridge scientists
the speed of the particles to be 9 km/s and the temperature to be somewhere around 10,000° C ― much hotter than the sun’s surface!
although dark matter cannot be detected directly, its presence can be deduced from the otherwise unexplainable gravitational effects of stars and galaxies in space.
This hypothetical explanation was first conjured up by Swiss astrophysicist Fritz Zwicky in 1933, and has been debated ever since.
The presence of this material can only be inferred from inconsistencies with gravitational effects of galaxy orbits.
How Things Work: Dark Energy

Andromeda, Milky Way Shared Similar Beginnings
Similar childhoods
The researchers used the Keck-II telescope in Hawaii to measure the "radial velocity" of individual stars in Andromeda’s halo.
The researchers think that both the Milky Way and Andromeda began forming within a half billion years of the Big Bang; over the course of three or four billion years, they began to gain mass and bulk up by gravitationally attracting matter to themselves with their huge stores of dark matter.
不明なdark matterを貯め込む過程は、もちろん不明

Cepheids and their 'cocoons'
Cepheids play a crucial role in cosmology, being one of the first "steps" on the cosmic distance ladder.
Cepheids are commonly used as distance indicators, thanks to the existence of a basic relation between their intrinsic brightness and their pulsation period.

The current understanding of a pulsar.
The central neutron star is highly magnetised and emits a radio beam along its magnetic axis, which is inclined to the rotation axis.
Part-time Pulsar Yields New Insight Into Inner Workings Of Cosmic Clocks

How foamy is spacetime?
a quasar first observed in 1998 by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST)
“This line of reasoning strongly hints at the existence of dark matter and dark energy, independent of the evidence from recent cosmological observations.”
“I think there is a close relation between quantum foam and dark matter and dark energy,” said Ng.
“More work on holographic-foam-inspired cosmology is now in progress. Stay tuned.”

Swiftが見つけて HubbleとChandraが観測に加わる
Scientists will attempt observations with the Hubble Space Telescope and Chandra X-ray Observatory.
when scientists first detected it with NASA's Swift satellite on February 18, the explosion was about 25 times closer and lasted 100 times longer than a typical gamma-ray burst.
"This is totally new, totally unexpected"
The explosion originated in a star-forming galaxy about 440 million light-years away toward the constellation Aries (The Ram). A light-year is about 6 trillion miles, the distance light travels in a year.
New kind of space blast seen not far from Earth
そのあたりのDark matterはもちろん 見当たらない
About Swift:
Gamma-Ray Bursts were only discovered in 1969, and their distance has only been known for eight years. Swift, a mission with substantial UK and Italian participation, is designed to solve the mystery of the origin of gamma-ray bursts. Scientists believe the bursts are related to the formation of black holes throughout the universe - the birth cries of black holes.
To track these mysterious bursts, Swift carries a suite of three instruments. The Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) instrument, built by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, detects and locates 2-3 gamma-ray bursts weekly, relaying a rough position to the ground within 20 seconds. The satellite automatically and swiftly re-points itself to bring the burst area into the narrower fields of view of the on-board X-ray Telescope (XRT) and the UltraViolet/Optical Telescope (UVOT). These telescopes study the afterglow of the burst produced by the cooling material that remain from the original explosion.
Scientists Detect New Kind of Cosmic Explosion , February 25, 2006
a close relation between quantum foam and dark matter and dark energy
スパコンで挑む質量生成の謎 2006.3.2
・06.02.28 プレス発表
建設が進むLHCとアトラス 〜実験開始まで約500日〜
最極微の世界に挑戦するLHC計画(2) 〜ヒッグス粒子を探す〜
素粒子理論の大予言 〜ヒッグス場と粒子〜
J-PARCのハドロン研究 〜パイ中間子の雲や中性子星のなぞ〜
素粒子の周期律表? 〜ハドロン分光学〜
クォーク4個の新粒子? 〜Belleグループが発見した中間子〜
「魅力」あふれる素粒子? 〜チャームクォークの物理〜

micro Quasarは UFOsの通り道なんだそうだ 、やれやれ、
UFO flight pattern reveals technologies in Bending time and space with micro-Quasar India Daily Technology Team   Mar. 3, 2006
There are three micro-Quasars detected as of today.
Quasars are thought to be black holes billions of times more massive than the sun that lie at the heart of active galactic nuclei. They are extremely energetic X-ray emitters that shoot out tremendous fountains of plasma at velocities approaching the speed of light. These jets stretch for thousands of light-years.
Those studying extraterrestrial UFO flight patterns closely, conclude, micro Quasar are the gateway to other Universes and an active path used by Extraterrestrial UFOs.


Spirituality and the Occult section you'll find questions relating to the tarot, mysticism, psychic phenomena, ESP, PSI esoteric cosmology and more

Indian temple city hit by blasts
BBC 中文网 | 国际新闻 | 印度〓城连串炸弹爆炸15人死亡:
If you have any information you would like to share with the BBC you can do so using the form below:
BBC 中文网 | 中国报道 | 日本皇位继承权争议:
対suicide bombing はtargeted killings
Mofaz told Israel's Army Radio that Israel's policy of targeted killings has proven to be effective, and will continue.
"We will continue the targeted killings at this pace," Mofaz added. "No one will be immune."
Israel's defense minister : Incoming Palestinian Prime Minister Not Immune From Israeli Targeted Killings
The "peace" movement: how not to oppose war on Iran
distinction between the "antiwar" movement and the "peace" movement
a Muslim might obtain a nuclear bomb, smuggle it into the United States, and commit "the greatest act of mass murder in human history."
Greater than dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
Greater than the firebombing of Tokyo, Dresden, and countless other cities? Greater than the Holocaust, or greater than the effective murder of a million Iraqis during a decade of U.S.-enforced sanctions
煽りABC EXCLUSIVE: Iraq Weapons -- Made in Iran?
"I think the evidence is strong that the Iranian government is making these IEDs, and the Iranian government is sending them across the border and they are killing U.S. troops once they get there,"
Google Page Creatorはひどく不安定 (笑)
Looks like you caught us with our servers down. We're right in the middle of a bit of routine maintenance, but we'll be back up real soon now. Don't worry, pages that are already published are still accessible. Thank you for your patience.
The Shahab 4
The Shahab 4 is apparently based on the shorter (2,200 kilometers) range Shahab 3. Both seem to use technology from an old Soviet era missile, the SS-5. This is 1950s stuff, using a liquid fuel rocket which gave the missile a range of 4,000 kilometers. The SS-5 served as a truck-mobile, and silo based system until the mid-1980s. The Russians deny that they sold the technology to Iran, but any of the many Russian missile engineers and managers with access to the stuff could have made the sale.
こっちはまだShahab-3 missiles
Shahab-3 missiles, which experts believe have a maximum range of around 2,000 km
(1,240 miles)
Iran said to step up plans for Shahab missiles

The first path to this doomsday nightmare came to public attention in June 1981, when Israeli warplanes destroyed a nuclear reactor 18 miles south of Baghdad.
This Osirak reactor was being built by the French for Saddam Hussein, who had already used nerve gas on his own people and on Iranians. Hussein had already described himself as the reincarnation of the ancient Babylonian king and mass murderer Nebuchadnezzer II who destroyed Jerusalem around 586 BCE.
フランス関連(右傾) Islamist Nukes: The French Connection
The French population today is approximately 13 percent Muslim. The French military – attracting recruits disproportionately from the lower socioeconomic classes as many other democratic nations do – is by one estimate 15 percent Muslim, nearly one of every six people in the French armed forces.
But by the cosmology that fills Islamist minds, any land ruled by Muslims remains Muslim forever. This ideology divides our planet into two realms – Dar al Islam, “the House of Surrender” to the will of Allah, and Dar al Harb, “the House of War” destined to be conquered by Islam.
神はその星をなんと呼ぶんだ(笑) Christian Science Monitor
HD69830 (I know; don't get me started about how lame our star-naming protocols are.)
Planets in all the wrong places

Dark matterとQuasar
Dark matter brought to new light by Cambridge scientists
the speed of the particles to be 9 km/s and the temperature to be somewhere around 10,000° C ― much hotter than the sun’s surface!
although dark matter cannot be detected directly, its presence can be deduced from the otherwise unexplainable gravitational effects of stars and galaxies in space.
This hypothetical explanation was first conjured up by Swiss astrophysicist Fritz Zwicky in 1933, and has been debated ever since.
The presence of this material can only be inferred from inconsistencies with gravitational effects of galaxy orbits.
How Things Work: Dark Energy

Andromeda, Milky Way Shared Similar Beginnings
Similar childhoods
The researchers used the Keck-II telescope in Hawaii to measure the "radial velocity" of individual stars in Andromeda’s halo.
The researchers think that both the Milky Way and Andromeda began forming within a half billion years of the Big Bang; over the course of three or four billion years, they began to gain mass and bulk up by gravitationally attracting matter to themselves with their huge stores of dark matter.
不明なdark matterを貯め込む過程は、もちろん不明

Cepheids and their 'cocoons'
Cepheids play a crucial role in cosmology, being one of the first "steps" on the cosmic distance ladder.
Cepheids are commonly used as distance indicators, thanks to the existence of a basic relation between their intrinsic brightness and their pulsation period.

The current understanding of a pulsar.
The central neutron star is highly magnetised and emits a radio beam along its magnetic axis, which is inclined to the rotation axis.
Part-time Pulsar Yields New Insight Into Inner Workings Of Cosmic Clocks

How foamy is spacetime?
a quasar first observed in 1998 by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST)
“This line of reasoning strongly hints at the existence of dark matter and dark energy, independent of the evidence from recent cosmological observations.”
“I think there is a close relation between quantum foam and dark matter and dark energy,” said Ng.
“More work on holographic-foam-inspired cosmology is now in progress. Stay tuned.”

Swiftが見つけて HubbleとChandraが観測に加わる
Scientists will attempt observations with the Hubble Space Telescope and Chandra X-ray Observatory.
when scientists first detected it with NASA's Swift satellite on February 18, the explosion was about 25 times closer and lasted 100 times longer than a typical gamma-ray burst.
"This is totally new, totally unexpected"
The explosion originated in a star-forming galaxy about 440 million light-years away toward the constellation Aries (The Ram). A light-year is about 6 trillion miles, the distance light travels in a year.
New kind of space blast seen not far from Earth
そのあたりのDark matterはもちろん 見当たらない
About Swift:
Gamma-Ray Bursts were only discovered in 1969, and their distance has only been known for eight years. Swift, a mission with substantial UK and Italian participation, is designed to solve the mystery of the origin of gamma-ray bursts. Scientists believe the bursts are related to the formation of black holes throughout the universe - the birth cries of black holes.
To track these mysterious bursts, Swift carries a suite of three instruments. The Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) instrument, built by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, detects and locates 2-3 gamma-ray bursts weekly, relaying a rough position to the ground within 20 seconds. The satellite automatically and swiftly re-points itself to bring the burst area into the narrower fields of view of the on-board X-ray Telescope (XRT) and the UltraViolet/Optical Telescope (UVOT). These telescopes study the afterglow of the burst produced by the cooling material that remain from the original explosion.
Scientists Detect New Kind of Cosmic Explosion , February 25, 2006
a close relation between quantum foam and dark matter and dark energy
スパコンで挑む質量生成の謎 2006.3.2
・06.02.28 プレス発表
建設が進むLHCとアトラス 〜実験開始まで約500日〜
最極微の世界に挑戦するLHC計画(2) 〜ヒッグス粒子を探す〜
素粒子理論の大予言 〜ヒッグス場と粒子〜
J-PARCのハドロン研究 〜パイ中間子の雲や中性子星のなぞ〜
素粒子の周期律表? 〜ハドロン分光学〜
クォーク4個の新粒子? 〜Belleグループが発見した中間子〜
「魅力」あふれる素粒子? 〜チャームクォークの物理〜

micro Quasarは UFOsの通り道なんだそうだ 、やれやれ、
UFO flight pattern reveals technologies in Bending time and space with micro-Quasar India Daily Technology Team   Mar. 3, 2006
There are three micro-Quasars detected as of today.
Quasars are thought to be black holes billions of times more massive than the sun that lie at the heart of active galactic nuclei. They are extremely energetic X-ray emitters that shoot out tremendous fountains of plasma at velocities approaching the speed of light. These jets stretch for thousands of light-years.
Those studying extraterrestrial UFO flight patterns closely, conclude, micro Quasar are the gateway to other Universes and an active path used by Extraterrestrial UFOs.


Spirituality and the Occult section you'll find questions relating to the tarot, mysticism, psychic phenomena, ESP, PSI esoteric cosmology and more

Indian temple city hit by blasts
BBC 中文网 | 国际新闻 | 印度〓城连串炸弹爆炸15人死亡:
If you have any information you would like to share with the BBC you can do so using the form below:
BBC 中文网 | 中国报道 | 日本皇位继承权争议:
対suicide bombing はtargeted killings
Mofaz told Israel's Army Radio that Israel's policy of targeted killings has proven to be effective, and will continue.
"We will continue the targeted killings at this pace," Mofaz added. "No one will be immune."
Israel's defense minister : Incoming Palestinian Prime Minister Not Immune From Israeli Targeted Killings
The "peace" movement: how not to oppose war on Iran
distinction between the "antiwar" movement and the "peace" movement
a Muslim might obtain a nuclear bomb, smuggle it into the United States, and commit "the greatest act of mass murder in human history."
Greater than dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
Greater than the firebombing of Tokyo, Dresden, and countless other cities? Greater than the Holocaust, or greater than the effective murder of a million Iraqis during a decade of U.S.-enforced sanctions
煽りABC EXCLUSIVE: Iraq Weapons -- Made in Iran?
"I think the evidence is strong that the Iranian government is making these IEDs, and the Iranian government is sending them across the border and they are killing U.S. troops once they get there,"
Google Page Creatorはひどく不安定 (笑)
Looks like you caught us with our servers down. We're right in the middle of a bit of routine maintenance, but we'll be back up real soon now. Don't worry, pages that are already published are still accessible. Thank you for your patience.
The Shahab 4
The Shahab 4 is apparently based on the shorter (2,200 kilometers) range Shahab 3. Both seem to use technology from an old Soviet era missile, the SS-5. This is 1950s stuff, using a liquid fuel rocket which gave the missile a range of 4,000 kilometers. The SS-5 served as a truck-mobile, and silo based system until the mid-1980s. The Russians deny that they sold the technology to Iran, but any of the many Russian missile engineers and managers with access to the stuff could have made the sale.
こっちはまだShahab-3 missiles
Shahab-3 missiles, which experts believe have a maximum range of around 2,000 km
(1,240 miles)
Iran said to step up plans for Shahab missiles

The first path to this doomsday nightmare came to public attention in June 1981, when Israeli warplanes destroyed a nuclear reactor 18 miles south of Baghdad.
This Osirak reactor was being built by the French for Saddam Hussein, who had already used nerve gas on his own people and on Iranians. Hussein had already described himself as the reincarnation of the ancient Babylonian king and mass murderer Nebuchadnezzer II who destroyed Jerusalem around 586 BCE.
フランス関連(右傾) Islamist Nukes: The French Connection
The French population today is approximately 13 percent Muslim. The French military – attracting recruits disproportionately from the lower socioeconomic classes as many other democratic nations do – is by one estimate 15 percent Muslim, nearly one of every six people in the French armed forces.
But by the cosmology that fills Islamist minds, any land ruled by Muslims remains Muslim forever. This ideology divides our planet into two realms – Dar al Islam, “the House of Surrender” to the will of Allah, and Dar al Harb, “the House of War” destined to be conquered by Islam.
神はその星をなんと呼ぶんだ(笑) Christian Science Monitor
HD69830 (I know; don't get me started about how lame our star-naming protocols are.)
Planets in all the wrong places

Dark matterとQuasar
Dark matter brought to new light by Cambridge scientists
the speed of the particles to be 9 km/s and the temperature to be somewhere around 10,000° C ― much hotter than the sun’s surface!
although dark matter cannot be detected directly, its presence can be deduced from the otherwise unexplainable gravitational effects of stars and galaxies in space.
This hypothetical explanation was first conjured up by Swiss astrophysicist Fritz Zwicky in 1933, and has been debated ever since.
The presence of this material can only be inferred from inconsistencies with gravitational effects of galaxy orbits.
How Things Work: Dark Energy

Andromeda, Milky Way Shared Similar Beginnings
Similar childhoods
The researchers used the Keck-II telescope in Hawaii to measure the "radial velocity" of individual stars in Andromeda’s halo.
The researchers think that both the Milky Way and Andromeda began forming within a half billion years of the Big Bang; over the course of three or four billion years, they began to gain mass and bulk up by gravitationally attracting matter to themselves with their huge stores of dark matter.
不明なdark matterを貯め込む過程は、もちろん不明

Cepheids and their 'cocoons'
Cepheids play a crucial role in cosmology, being one of the first "steps" on the cosmic distance ladder.
Cepheids are commonly used as distance indicators, thanks to the existence of a basic relation between their intrinsic brightness and their pulsation period.

The current understanding of a pulsar.
The central neutron star is highly magnetised and emits a radio beam along its magnetic axis, which is inclined to the rotation axis.
Part-time Pulsar Yields New Insight Into Inner Workings Of Cosmic Clocks

How foamy is spacetime?
a quasar first observed in 1998 by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST)
“This line of reasoning strongly hints at the existence of dark matter and dark energy, independent of the evidence from recent cosmological observations.”
“I think there is a close relation between quantum foam and dark matter and dark energy,” said Ng.
“More work on holographic-foam-inspired cosmology is now in progress. Stay tuned.”

Swiftが見つけて HubbleとChandraが観測に加わる
Scientists will attempt observations with the Hubble Space Telescope and Chandra X-ray Observatory.
when scientists first detected it with NASA's Swift satellite on February 18, the explosion was about 25 times closer and lasted 100 times longer than a typical gamma-ray burst.
"This is totally new, totally unexpected"
The explosion originated in a star-forming galaxy about 440 million light-years away toward the constellation Aries (The Ram). A light-year is about 6 trillion miles, the distance light travels in a year.
New kind of space blast seen not far from Earth
そのあたりのDark matterはもちろん 見当たらない
About Swift:
Gamma-Ray Bursts were only discovered in 1969, and their distance has only been known for eight years. Swift, a mission with substantial UK and Italian participation, is designed to solve the mystery of the origin of gamma-ray bursts. Scientists believe the bursts are related to the formation of black holes throughout the universe - the birth cries of black holes.
To track these mysterious bursts, Swift carries a suite of three instruments. The Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) instrument, built by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, detects and locates 2-3 gamma-ray bursts weekly, relaying a rough position to the ground within 20 seconds. The satellite automatically and swiftly re-points itself to bring the burst area into the narrower fields of view of the on-board X-ray Telescope (XRT) and the UltraViolet/Optical Telescope (UVOT). These telescopes study the afterglow of the burst produced by the cooling material that remain from the original explosion.
Scientists Detect New Kind of Cosmic Explosion , February 25, 2006
a close relation between quantum foam and dark matter and dark energy
スパコンで挑む質量生成の謎 2006.3.2
・06.02.28 プレス発表
建設が進むLHCとアトラス 〜実験開始まで約500日〜
最極微の世界に挑戦するLHC計画(2) 〜ヒッグス粒子を探す〜
素粒子理論の大予言 〜ヒッグス場と粒子〜
J-PARCのハドロン研究 〜パイ中間子の雲や中性子星のなぞ〜
素粒子の周期律表? 〜ハドロン分光学〜
クォーク4個の新粒子? 〜Belleグループが発見した中間子〜
「魅力」あふれる素粒子? 〜チャームクォークの物理〜

micro Quasarは UFOsの通り道なんだそうだ 、やれやれ、
UFO flight pattern reveals technologies in Bending time and space with micro-Quasar India Daily Technology Team   Mar. 3, 2006
There are three micro-Quasars detected as of today.
Quasars are thought to be black holes billions of times more massive than the sun that lie at the heart of active galactic nuclei. They are extremely energetic X-ray emitters that shoot out tremendous fountains of plasma at velocities approaching the speed of light. These jets stretch for thousands of light-years.
Those studying extraterrestrial UFO flight patterns closely, conclude, micro Quasar are the gateway to other Universes and an active path used by Extraterrestrial UFOs.


Spirituality and the Occult section you'll find questions relating to the tarot, mysticism, psychic phenomena, ESP, PSI esoteric cosmology and more

Indian temple city hit by blasts
BBC 中文网 | 国际新闻 | 印度〓城连串炸弹爆炸15人死亡:
If you have any information you would like to share with the BBC you can do so using the form below:
BBC 中文网 | 中国报道 | 日本皇位继承权争议:
対suicide bombing はtargeted killings
Mofaz told Israel's Army Radio that Israel's policy of targeted killings has proven to be effective, and will continue.
"We will continue the targeted killings at this pace," Mofaz added. "No one will be immune."
Israel's defense minister : Incoming Palestinian Prime Minister Not Immune From Israeli Targeted Killings
The "peace" movement: how not to oppose war on Iran
distinction between the "antiwar" movement and the "peace" movement
a Muslim might obtain a nuclear bomb, smuggle it into the United States, and commit "the greatest act of mass murder in human history."
Greater than dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
Greater than the firebombing of Tokyo, Dresden, and countless other cities? Greater than the Holocaust, or greater than the effective murder of a million Iraqis during a decade of U.S.-enforced sanctions
煽りABC EXCLUSIVE: Iraq Weapons -- Made in Iran?
"I think the evidence is strong that the Iranian government is making these IEDs, and the Iranian government is sending them across the border and they are killing U.S. troops once they get there,"
Google Page Creatorはひどく不安定 (笑)
Looks like you caught us with our servers down. We're right in the middle of a bit of routine maintenance, but we'll be back up real soon now. Don't worry, pages that are already published are still accessible. Thank you for your patience.
The Shahab 4
The Shahab 4 is apparently based on the shorter (2,200 kilometers) range Shahab 3. Both seem to use technology from an old Soviet era missile, the SS-5. This is 1950s stuff, using a liquid fuel rocket which gave the missile a range of 4,000 kilometers. The SS-5 served as a truck-mobile, and silo based system until the mid-1980s. The Russians deny that they sold the technology to Iran, but any of the many Russian missile engineers and managers with access to the stuff could have made the sale.
こっちはまだShahab-3 missiles
Shahab-3 missiles, which experts believe have a maximum range of around 2,000 km
(1,240 miles)
Iran said to step up plans for Shahab missiles

The first path to this doomsday nightmare came to public attention in June 1981, when Israeli warplanes destroyed a nuclear reactor 18 miles south of Baghdad.
This Osirak reactor was being built by the French for Saddam Hussein, who had already used nerve gas on his own people and on Iranians. Hussein had already described himself as the reincarnation of the ancient Babylonian king and mass murderer Nebuchadnezzer II who destroyed Jerusalem around 586 BCE.
フランス関連(右傾) Islamist Nukes: The French Connection
The French population today is approximately 13 percent Muslim. The French military – attracting recruits disproportionately from the lower socioeconomic classes as many other democratic nations do – is by one estimate 15 percent Muslim, nearly one of every six people in the French armed forces.
But by the cosmology that fills Islamist minds, any land ruled by Muslims remains Muslim forever. This ideology divides our planet into two realms – Dar al Islam, “the House of Surrender” to the will of Allah, and Dar al Harb, “the House of War” destined to be conquered by Islam.
神はその星をなんと呼ぶんだ(笑) Christian Science Monitor
HD69830 (I know; don't get me started about how lame our star-naming protocols are.)
Planets in all the wrong places

Dark matterとQuasar
Dark matter brought to new light by Cambridge scientists
the speed of the particles to be 9 km/s and the temperature to be somewhere around 10,000° C ― much hotter than the sun’s surface!
although dark matter cannot be detected directly, its presence can be deduced from the otherwise unexplainable gravitational effects of stars and galaxies in space.
This hypothetical explanation was first conjured up by Swiss astrophysicist Fritz Zwicky in 1933, and has been debated ever since.
The presence of this material can only be inferred from inconsistencies with gravitational effects of galaxy orbits.
How Things Work: Dark Energy

Andromeda, Milky Way Shared Similar Beginnings
Similar childhoods
The researchers used the Keck-II telescope in Hawaii to measure the "radial velocity" of individual stars in Andromeda’s halo.
The researchers think that both the Milky Way and Andromeda began forming within a half billion years of the Big Bang; over the course of three or four billion years, they began to gain mass and bulk up by gravitationally attracting matter to themselves with their huge stores of dark matter.
不明なdark matterを貯め込む過程は、もちろん不明

Cepheids and their 'cocoons'
Cepheids play a crucial role in cosmology, being one of the first "steps" on the cosmic distance ladder.
Cepheids are commonly used as distance indicators, thanks to the existence of a basic relation between their intrinsic brightness and their pulsation period.

The current understanding of a pulsar.
The central neutron star is highly magnetised and emits a radio beam along its magnetic axis, which is inclined to the rotation axis.
Part-time Pulsar Yields New Insight Into Inner Workings Of Cosmic Clocks

How foamy is spacetime?
a quasar first observed in 1998 by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST)
“This line of reasoning strongly hints at the existence of dark matter and dark energy, independent of the evidence from recent cosmological observations.”
“I think there is a close relation between quantum foam and dark matter and dark energy,” said Ng.
“More work on holographic-foam-inspired cosmology is now in progress. Stay tuned.”

Swiftが見つけて HubbleとChandraが観測に加わる
Scientists will attempt observations with the Hubble Space Telescope and Chandra X-ray Observatory.
when scientists first detected it with NASA's Swift satellite on February 18, the explosion was about 25 times closer and lasted 100 times longer than a typical gamma-ray burst.
"This is totally new, totally unexpected"
The explosion originated in a star-forming galaxy about 440 million light-years away toward the constellation Aries (The Ram). A light-year is about 6 trillion miles, the distance light travels in a year.
New kind of space blast seen not far from Earth
そのあたりのDark matterはもちろん 見当たらない
About Swift:
Gamma-Ray Bursts were only discovered in 1969, and their distance has only been known for eight years. Swift, a mission with substantial UK and Italian participation, is designed to solve the mystery of the origin of gamma-ray bursts. Scientists believe the bursts are related to the formation of black holes throughout the universe - the birth cries of black holes.
To track these mysterious bursts, Swift carries a suite of three instruments. The Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) instrument, built by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, detects and locates 2-3 gamma-ray bursts weekly, relaying a rough position to the ground within 20 seconds. The satellite automatically and swiftly re-points itself to bring the burst area into the narrower fields of view of the on-board X-ray Telescope (XRT) and the UltraViolet/Optical Telescope (UVOT). These telescopes study the afterglow of the burst produced by the cooling material that remain from the original explosion.
Scientists Detect New Kind of Cosmic Explosion , February 25, 2006
a close relation between quantum foam and dark matter and dark energy
スパコンで挑む質量生成の謎 2006.3.2
・06.02.28 プレス発表
建設が進むLHCとアトラス 〜実験開始まで約500日〜
最極微の世界に挑戦するLHC計画(2) 〜ヒッグス粒子を探す〜
素粒子理論の大予言 〜ヒッグス場と粒子〜
J-PARCのハドロン研究 〜パイ中間子の雲や中性子星のなぞ〜
素粒子の周期律表? 〜ハドロン分光学〜
クォーク4個の新粒子? 〜Belleグループが発見した中間子〜
「魅力」あふれる素粒子? 〜チャームクォークの物理〜

micro Quasarは UFOsの通り道なんだそうだ 、やれやれ、
UFO flight pattern reveals technologies in Bending time and space with micro-Quasar India Daily Technology Team   Mar. 3, 2006
There are three micro-Quasars detected as of today.
Quasars are thought to be black holes billions of times more massive than the sun that lie at the heart of active galactic nuclei. They are extremely energetic X-ray emitters that shoot out tremendous fountains of plasma at velocities approaching the speed of light. These jets stretch for thousands of light-years.
Those studying extraterrestrial UFO flight patterns closely, conclude, micro Quasar are the gateway to other Universes and an active path used by Extraterrestrial UFOs.


Spirituality and the Occult section you'll find questions relating to the tarot, mysticism, psychic phenomena, ESP, PSI esoteric cosmology and more

Indian temple city hit by blasts
BBC 中文网 | 国际新闻 | 印度〓城连串炸弹爆炸15人死亡:
If you have any information you would like to share with the BBC you can do so using the form below:
BBC 中文网 | 中国报道 | 日本皇位继承权争议:
対suicide bombing はtargeted killings
Mofaz told Israel's Army Radio that Israel's policy of targeted killings has proven to be effective, and will continue.
"We will continue the targeted killings at this pace," Mofaz added. "No one will be immune."
Israel's defense minister : Incoming Palestinian Prime Minister Not Immune From Israeli Targeted Killings
The "peace" movement: how not to oppose war on Iran
distinction between the "antiwar" movement and the "peace" movement
a Muslim might obtain a nuclear bomb, smuggle it into the United States, and commit "the greatest act of mass murder in human history."
Greater than dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
Greater than the firebombing of Tokyo, Dresden, and countless other cities? Greater than the Holocaust, or greater than the effective murder of a million Iraqis during a decade of U.S.-enforced sanctions
煽りABC EXCLUSIVE: Iraq Weapons -- Made in Iran?
"I think the evidence is strong that the Iranian government is making these IEDs, and the Iranian government is sending them across the border and they are killing U.S. troops once they get there,"
Google Page Creatorはひどく不安定 (笑)
Looks like you caught us with our servers down. We're right in the middle of a bit of routine maintenance, but we'll be back up real soon now. Don't worry, pages that are already published are still accessible. Thank you for your patience.
The Shahab 4
The Shahab 4 is apparently based on the shorter (2,200 kilometers) range Shahab 3. Both seem to use technology from an old Soviet era missile, the SS-5. This is 1950s stuff, using a liquid fuel rocket which gave the missile a range of 4,000 kilometers. The SS-5 served as a truck-mobile, and silo based system until the mid-1980s. The Russians deny that they sold the technology to Iran, but any of the many Russian missile engineers and managers with access to the stuff could have made the sale.
こっちはまだShahab-3 missiles
Shahab-3 missiles, which experts believe have a maximum range of around 2,000 km
(1,240 miles)
Iran said to step up plans for Shahab missiles

The first path to this doomsday nightmare came to public attention in June 1981, when Israeli warplanes destroyed a nuclear reactor 18 miles south of Baghdad.
This Osirak reactor was being built by the French for Saddam Hussein, who had already used nerve gas on his own people and on Iranians. Hussein had already described himself as the reincarnation of the ancient Babylonian king and mass murderer Nebuchadnezzer II who destr